path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
commit4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (patch)
treed9d06639fb7fa61aef59be0363655e4747105ec7 /build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp
parentd19794fb80a271a4c885ed90f97cfc12baa012f2 (diff)
Structure updated and intqpipopt files added
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 69b6737..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcNode.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CbcNode.hpp 1957 2013-08-27 15:19:55Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CbcNode_H
-#define CbcNode_H
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp"
-#include "CoinSearchTree.hpp"
-#include "CbcBranchBase.hpp"
-#include "CbcNodeInfo.hpp"
-#include "CbcFullNodeInfo.hpp"
-#include "CbcPartialNodeInfo.hpp"
-class OsiSolverInterface;
-class OsiSolverBranch;
-class OsiCuts;
-class OsiRowCut;
-class OsiRowCutDebugger;
-class CoinWarmStartBasis;
-class CbcCountRowCut;
-class CbcModel;
-class CbcNode;
-class CbcSubProblem;
-class CbcGeneralBranchingObject;
-/** Information required while the node is live
- When a subproblem is initially created, it is represented by an CbcNode
- object and an attached CbcNodeInfo object.
- The CbcNode contains information (depth, branching instructions), that's
- needed while the subproblem remains `live', <i>i.e.</i>, while the
- subproblem is not fathomed and there are branch arms still be be
- evaluated. The CbcNode is deleted when the last branch arm has been
- evaluated.
- The CbcNodeInfo object contains the information needed to maintain the
- search tree and recreate the subproblem for the node. It remains in
- existence until there are no nodes remaining in the subtree rooted at this
- node.
-class CbcNode : public CoinTreeNode {
- /// Default Constructor
- CbcNode ();
- /// Construct and increment parent reference count
- CbcNode (CbcModel * model, CbcNode * lastNode);
- /// Copy constructor
- CbcNode (const CbcNode &);
- /// Assignment operator
- CbcNode & operator= (const CbcNode& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- ~CbcNode ();
- /** Create a description of the subproblem at this node
- The CbcNodeInfo structure holds the information (basis & variable bounds)
- required to recreate the subproblem for this node. It also links the node
- to its parent (via the parent's CbcNodeInfo object).
- If lastNode == NULL, a CbcFullNodeInfo object will be created. All
- parameters except \p model are unused.
- If lastNode != NULL, a CbcPartialNodeInfo object will be created. Basis and
- bounds information will be stored in the form of differences between the
- parent subproblem and this subproblem.
- (More precisely, \p lastws, \p lastUpper, \p lastLower,
- \p numberOldActiveCuts, and \p numberNewCuts are used.)
- */
- void
- createInfo(CbcModel * model,
- CbcNode * lastNode,
- const CoinWarmStartBasis *lastws,
- const double * lastLower, const double * lastUpper,
- int numberOldActiveCuts, int numberNewCuts);
- /** Create a branching object for the node
- The routine scans the object list of the model and selects a set of
- unsatisfied objects as candidates for branching. The candidates are
- evaluated, and an appropriate branch object is installed.
- The numberPassesLeft is decremented to stop fixing one variable each time
- and going on and on (e.g. for stock cutting, air crew scheduling)
- If evaluation determines that an object is monotone or infeasible,
- the routine returns immediately. In the case of a monotone object,
- the branch object has already been called to modify the model.
- Return value:
- <ul>
- <li> 0: A branching object has been installed
- <li> -1: A monotone object was discovered
- <li> -2: An infeasible object was discovered
- </ul>
- */
- int chooseBranch (CbcModel * model,
- CbcNode * lastNode,
- int numberPassesLeft);
- /** Create a branching object for the node - when dynamic pseudo costs
- The routine scans the object list of the model and selects a set of
- unsatisfied objects as candidates for branching. The candidates are
- evaluated, and an appropriate branch object is installed.
- This version gives preference in evaluation to variables which
- have not been evaluated many times. It also uses numberStrong
- to say give up if last few tries have not changed incumbent.
- See Achterberg, Koch and Martin.
- The numberPassesLeft is decremented to stop fixing one variable each time
- and going on and on (e.g. for stock cutting, air crew scheduling)
- If evaluation determines that an object is monotone or infeasible,
- the routine returns immediately. In the case of a monotone object,
- the branch object has already been called to modify the model.
- Return value:
- <ul>
- <li> 0: A branching object has been installed
- <li> -1: A monotone object was discovered
- <li> -2: An infeasible object was discovered
- <li> >0: Number of quich branching objects (and branches will be non NULL)
- </ul>
- */
- int chooseDynamicBranch (CbcModel * model,
- CbcNode * lastNode,
- OsiSolverBranch * & branches,
- int numberPassesLeft);
- /** Create a branching object for the node
- The routine scans the object list of the model and selects a set of
- unsatisfied objects as candidates for branching. The candidates are
- evaluated, and an appropriate branch object is installed.
- The numberPassesLeft is decremented to stop fixing one variable each time
- and going on and on (e.g. for stock cutting, air crew scheduling)
- If evaluation determines that an object is monotone or infeasible,
- the routine returns immediately. In the case of a monotone object,
- the branch object has already been called to modify the model.
- Return value:
- <ul>
- <li> 0: A branching object has been installed
- <li> -1: A monotone object was discovered
- <li> -2: An infeasible object was discovered
- </ul>
- Branch state:
- <ul>
- <li> -1: start
- <li> -1: A monotone object was discovered
- <li> -2: An infeasible object was discovered
- </ul>
- */
- int chooseOsiBranch (CbcModel * model,
- CbcNode * lastNode,
- OsiBranchingInformation * usefulInfo,
- int branchState);
- /** Create a branching object for the node
- The routine scans the object list of the model and selects a set of
- unsatisfied objects as candidates for branching. It then solves a
- series of problems and a CbcGeneral branch object is installed.
- If evaluation determines that an object is infeasible,
- the routine returns immediately.
- Return value:
- <ul>
- <li> 0: A branching object has been installed
- <li> -2: An infeasible object was discovered
- </ul>
- */
- int chooseClpBranch (CbcModel * model,
- CbcNode * lastNode);
- int analyze(CbcModel * model, double * results);
- /// Decrement active cut counts
- void decrementCuts(int change = 1);
- /// Decrement all active cut counts in chain starting at parent
- void decrementParentCuts(CbcModel * model, int change = 1);
- /// Nulls out node info
- void nullNodeInfo();
- /** Initialize reference counts in attached CbcNodeInfo
- This is a convenience routine, which will initialize the reference counts
- in the attached CbcNodeInfo object based on the attached
- OsiBranchingObject.
- \sa CbcNodeInfo::initializeInfo(int).
- */
- void initializeInfo();
- /// Does next branch and updates state
- int branch(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
- /** Double checks in case node can change its mind!
- Returns objective value
- Can change objective etc */
- double checkIsCutoff(double cutoff);
- // Information to make basis and bounds
- inline CbcNodeInfo * nodeInfo() const {
- return nodeInfo_;
- }
- // Objective value
- inline double objectiveValue() const {
- return objectiveValue_;
- }
- inline void setObjectiveValue(double value) {
- objectiveValue_ = value;
- }
- /// Number of arms defined for the attached OsiBranchingObject.
- inline int numberBranches() const {
- if (branch_)
- return (branch_->numberBranches()) ;
- else
- return (-1) ;
- }
- /* Active arm of the attached OsiBranchingObject.
- In the simplest instance, coded -1 for the down arm of the branch, +1 for
- the up arm. But see OsiBranchingObject::way()
- Use nodeInfo--.numberBranchesLeft_ to see how active
- */
- int way() const;
- /// Depth in branch-and-cut search tree
- inline int depth() const {
- return depth_;
- }
- /// Set depth in branch-and-cut search tree
- inline void setDepth(int value) {
- depth_ = value;
- }
- /// Get the number of objects unsatisfied at this node.
- inline int numberUnsatisfied() const {
- return numberUnsatisfied_;
- }
- /// Set the number of objects unsatisfied at this node.
- inline void setNumberUnsatisfied(int value) {
- numberUnsatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// Get sum of "infeasibilities" reported by each object
- inline double sumInfeasibilities() const {
- return sumInfeasibilities_;
- }
- /// Set sum of "infeasibilities" reported by each object
- inline void setSumInfeasibilities(double value) {
- sumInfeasibilities_ = value;
- }
- // Guessed objective value (for solution)
- inline double guessedObjectiveValue() const {
- return guessedObjectiveValue_;
- }
- inline void setGuessedObjectiveValue(double value) {
- guessedObjectiveValue_ = value;
- }
- /// Branching object for this node
- inline const OsiBranchingObject * branchingObject() const {
- return branch_;
- }
- /// Modifiable branching object for this node
- inline OsiBranchingObject * modifiableBranchingObject() const {
- return branch_;
- }
- /// Set branching object for this node (takes ownership)
- inline void setBranchingObject(OsiBranchingObject * branchingObject) {
- branch_ = branchingObject;
- }
- /// The node number
- inline int nodeNumber() const {
- return nodeNumber_;
- }
- inline void setNodeNumber(int node) {
- nodeNumber_ = node;
- }
- /// Returns true if on tree
- inline bool onTree() const {
- return (state_&1) != 0;
- }
- /// Sets true if on tree
- inline void setOnTree(bool yesNo) {
- if (yesNo) state_ |= 1;
- else state_ &= ~1;
- }
- /// Returns true if active
- inline bool active() const {
- return (state_&2) != 0;
- }
- /// Sets true if active
- inline void setActive(bool yesNo) {
- if (yesNo) state_ |= 2;
- else state_ &= ~2;
- }
- /// Get state (really for debug)
- inline int getState() const
- { return state_;}
- /// Set state (really for debug)
- inline void setState(int value)
- { state_ = value;}
- /// Print
- void print() const;
- /// Debug
- inline void checkInfo() const {
- assert (nodeInfo_->numberBranchesLeft() ==
- branch_->numberBranchesLeft());
- }
- // Data
- /// Information to make basis and bounds
- CbcNodeInfo * nodeInfo_;
- /// Objective value
- double objectiveValue_;
- /// Guessed satisfied Objective value
- double guessedObjectiveValue_;
- /// Sum of "infeasibilities" reported by each object
- double sumInfeasibilities_;
- /// Branching object for this node
- OsiBranchingObject * branch_;
- /// Depth of the node in the search tree
- int depth_;
- /// The number of objects unsatisfied at this node.
- int numberUnsatisfied_;
- /// The node number
- int nodeNumber_;
- /** State
- 1 - on tree
- 2 - active
- */
- int state_;