path: root/macros/ssbdemod.sci
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diff --git a/macros/ssbdemod.sci b/macros/ssbdemod.sci
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index 0000000..7271cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/ssbdemod.sci
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+function z = ssbdemod(y, Fc, Fs, varargin)
+// This function performs Single Side Band Amplitude Demodulation
+// Calling Sequence
+// Z = SSBDEMOD(Y,Fc,Fs)
+// Description
+// Z = SSBDEMOD(Y,Fc,Fs)
+// demodulates the single sideband amplitude modulated signal Y
+// with the carrier frequency Fc (Hz).
+// Sample frequency Fs (Hz). zero initial phase (ini_phase).
+// The modulated signal can be an upper or lower sideband signal.
+// A lowpass butterworth filter is used in the demodulation.
+// adds an extra argument the initial phase (rad) of the modulated signal.
+// adds extra arguments about the filter specifications
+// i.e., the numerator and denominator of the lowpass filter.
+// Fs must satisfy Fs >2*(Fc + BW), where BW is the bandwidth of the
+// modulating signal.
+// Examples
+// Fs =200;
+// t = [0:2*Fs+1]'/Fs;
+// ini_phase = 5;
+// Fc = 20;
+// fm1= 2;
+// fm2= 3
+// x =sin(2*fm1*%pi*t)+sin(2*fm2*%pi*t);
+// y = ssbmod(x,Fc,Fs,ini_phase);
+// o = ssbdemod(y,Fc,Fs,ini_phase);
+// z = fft(y);
+// zz =abs(z(1:length(z)/2+1 ));
+// axis = (0:Fs/length(zz):Fs -(Fs/length(zz)))/2;
+// figure
+// subplot(3,1,1); plot(x);
+// title(' Message signal');
+// subplot(3,1,2); plot(y);
+// title('Amplitude modulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,3); plot(axis,zz);
+// title('Spectrum of amplitude modulated signal');
+// z1 =fft(o);
+// zz1 =abs(z1(1:length(z1)/2+1 ));
+// axis = (0:Fs/length(zz1):Fs -(Fs/length(zz1)))/2;
+// figure
+// subplot(3,1,1); plot(y);
+// title(' Modulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,2); plot(o);
+// title('Demodulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,3); plot(axis,zz1);
+// title('Spectrum of Demodulated signal');
+// See also
+// ssbmod
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if(inpa > 6)
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Too Many Input Arguments");
+//funcprot(0) //to protect the function
+//Check y,Fc, Fs.
+if(~isreal(y)| ~or(type(y)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod: Y must be real");
+if(~isreal(Fc) | ~isscalar(Fc) | Fc<=0 | ~or(type(Fc)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fc must be Real, scalar, positive");
+if(~isreal(Fs) | ~isscalar(Fs) | Fs<=0 | ~or(type(Fs)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fs must be Real, scalar, positive");
+// Check if Fs is greater than 2*Fc
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fs<2Fc:Nyquist criteria");
+// Check initial phase
+if(inpa<4 )
+ ini_phase = 0;
+ ini_phase = varargin(1);
+if(~isreal(ini_phase) | ~isscalar(ini_phase)| ~or(type(ini_phase)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Initial phase shoould be Real");
+// Filter specifications
+ H = iir(5,'lp','butt',[Fc/Fs,0],[0,0]);
+ num = coeff(H(2));
+ den = coeff(H(3));
+ num = num(length(num):-1:1);
+ den = den(length(den):-1:1);
+// Check that the numerator and denominator are valid, and come in a pair
+elseif( (inpa == 5) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:NumDenPair: Filter error :Two arguments required");
+// Check to make sure that both num and den have values
+elseif( bitxor( isempty(varargin(1)), isempty(varargin(2))))
+ error(message('comm:ssbdemod:Filter specifications'));
+elseif( isempty(varargin(1)) & isempty(varargin(2)) )
+ H = iir(7,'lp','butt',[Fc/Fs*2*%pi,0],[0,0]);
+ num = coeff(H(2));
+ den = coeff(H(3));
+ num = num(length(num):-1:1);
+ den = den(length(den):-1:1);
+ num = varargin(1);
+ den = varargin(2);
+// check if Y is one dimensional
+wid = size(y,1);
+if(wid ==1)
+ y = y(:);
+// Demodulation
+t = (0 : 1/Fs :(size(y,1)-1)/Fs)';
+t = t(:, ones(1, size(y, 2)));
+z = y .* cos(2*%pi * Fc * t + ini_phase);
+for i = 1 : size(z, 2)
+ z(:, i) = filter(num, den, z(:, i)) ;
+ z=z(length(z):-1:1)
+ z(:, i) = filter(num, den, z(:, i)) ;
+ z=z*-2;
+// restore the output signal to the original orientation
+if(wid == 1)
+ z = z';
+// End of function