path: root/macros/alignsignals.sci
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diff --git a/macros/alignsignals.sci b/macros/alignsignals.sci
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index 0000000..2013e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/alignsignals.sci
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+function varargout = alignsignals(x,y,varargin)
+//This function aligns the two input signals.
+//Calling Sequence
+//[Xa Ya D] = ALIGNSIGNALS(...)
+//[Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y) aligns the two vectors X and Y by estimating
+//the delay D between the two. If Y is delayed with respect to X, D is
+// positive , and X is delayed by D samples. If Y is advanced with respect
+// to X, D is negative, and Y is delayed by -D samples.
+// [Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y,MAXLAG) considers MAXLAG be the maximum correlation
+// window size which is used to calculate the estimated delay D between X and Y.
+// MAXLAG is an integer-valued scalar. By default, MAXLAG is equal to MAX(LX,LY)-1.
+// If MAXLAG is empty ([]),then default value is considered. If MAXLAG
+// is negative, it is replaced by its absolute value.
+// [Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y,MAXLAG,1) keeps the lengths of Xa
+// and Ya the same as those of X and Y, respectively.
+// Here, 1 implies truncation of the intermediate vectors.
+// Input argument 4 is 0 implies truncation_off (no truncation).
+// D is positive implies D zeros are pre-pended to X, and the last D samples of X are truncated.
+// D is negative implies -D zeros are pre-pended to Y, and the last -D samples
+// of Y are truncated. That means, when D>=Length(X), all samples of X are lost.
+// Similarly, when -D>=Length(Y), all samples of Y are lost.
+// Avoid assigning a specific value to MAXLAG when using the truncate=1 option, set MAXLAG to [].
+// [Xa Ya D] = ALIGNSIGNALS(...) returns the estimated delay D.
+// Examples
+// X = [0 0 0 1 2 3 ];
+// Y = [1 2 3 ];
+// [Xa,Ya] = alignsignals(X,Y,[],1)
+// See also
+// finddelay
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inp_a<=1 | inp_a>4 then
+ error('comm:alignsignals: Invalid number of input arguments')
+if out_a>3 then
+ error('comm:alignsignals: Invalid number of output arguments')
+//Check input arguments
+if (~or(type(x)==[1 5 8]) | ~isvector(x) )
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 1 should be a vector of numbers');
+[row_x,col_x] = size(x);
+len_x = length(x);
+if (~or(type(y)==[1 5 8]) | ~isvector(y) )
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 2 should be a vector of numbers');
+[row_y,col_y] = size(y);
+len_y = length(y);
+//Check for MaxLag
+if inp_a==3 then
+ maxlag = varargin(1)
+ maxlag = max(len_x,len_y)-1; //Default value
+if ~isempty(maxlag) then
+ if ( ~or(type(maxlag)==[1 5 8]) | ~isreal(maxlag) | length(maxlag)~=1 | ceil(maxlag)~=maxlag),
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 3 should be a scalar integer');
+ elseif (( isnan(maxlag)) | isinf(maxlag)),
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 3 can not be Inf or NAN');
+ end
+ maxlag = maxlag_default;
+maxlag = double(abs(maxlag));
+//Check for truncate
+if inp_a==4
+ if (varargin(2))
+ trunc_on=1;
+ end
+// Estimate delay between X and Y.
+if inp_a==2
+ d = finddelay(x,y);
+ d = finddelay(x,y,maxlag);
+if d == 0 // X and Y are already aligned.
+ varargout(1) = x;
+ varargout(2) = y;
+elseif d > 0 // Y is estimated to be delayed with respect to X.
+ if row_x>1 // X is entered as a column vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(d,1) ; x];
+ else
+ if d>=row_x
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:firstInputTruncated');
+ varargout(1) = zeros(row_x,1);
+ else
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(d,1) ; x(1:len_x-d)];
+ end
+ end
+ else // X is entered as a row vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(1,d) x];
+ else
+ if d>=col_x
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:firstInputTruncated');
+ varargout(1) = zeros(1,col_x);
+ else
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(1,d) x(1:len_x-d)];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ varargout(2) = y;
+else // X is estimated to be delayed with respect to Y.
+ varargout(1) = x;
+ if row_y>1 // Y is entered as a column vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(-d,1) ; y];
+ else
+ if (-d)>=row_y
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:secondInputTruncated');
+ varargout(2) = zeros(row_y,1);
+ else
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(-d,1) ; y(1:len_y-(-d))];
+ end
+ end
+ else // Y is entered as a row vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(2)= [zeros(1,-d) y];
+ else
+ if (-d)>=col_y
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:secondInputTruncated');
+ varargout(2) = zeros(1,col_y);
+ else
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(1,-d) y(1:len_y-(-d))];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+varargout(3) = d;