path: root/latex/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'latex/')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/latex/ b/latex/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da6554a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+if [ -a /$CURDIR/TEX ]
+rm TEX
+if [ -a /$CURDIR/TEX_dep ]
+rm TEX_dep
+if [ -a /$CURDIR/TEX_new ]
+rm TEX_new
+IFS=# read col1 col2 col3 col4 < $Contrib_details;
+IFS=# read colB1 colB2 colB3 colB4 colB5 colB6 < $Bk_details;
+echo \\title\{Scilab Manual \for "\\\\"$colB1"\\\\"by $colB2 $colB3""\\\\$colB4""\\\\$colB5"\\footnote{Funded by a grant from the National Mission on Education through ICT, This Scilab Manual and Scilab codes written in it can be downloaded from the \"Migrated Labs\" section at the website}}" >>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\author\{ Solutions provided by \\\\$col1 $col2\\\\$col3\\\\$col4\\\\ }>>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\date{\\today}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\begin{document}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\maketitle >>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo >>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\chapter*{Book Description}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\begin{description}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [Title:] ${colB1}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [Author:] ${colB2}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [Publisher:] ${colB4}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [Edition:] ${colB5}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [Year:] ${colB6}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item [ISBN:] ${colB3}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\end{description}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo >> $CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\newpage >> $CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\vspace*{3cm}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo Scilab numbering policy used in this document and the relation to the above book.>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\begin{description}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item[Exa] Example \(Solved example\)>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item[Eqn] Equation \(Particular equation of the above book\)>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\item[AP] Appendix to Example\(Scilab Code that is an Appednix to a particular Example of the above book\)>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo \\end{description}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+#echo "For example, Exa~3.51 means solved example 3.51 of this book. Sec~2.3 means a scilab code whose theory is explained in Section 2.3 of the book.">>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\tableofcontents >>$CURDIR/TEX
+echo \\listofcode >>$CURDIR/TEX
+ if grep -c ".jpg\|.JPEG\|.png\|.jpeg\|.JPG" $Data_all
+ then
+ echo \\listoffigures >>$CURDIR/TEX
+ fi
+echo>> $CURDIR/TEX
+#sort -t '#' -k 3,3 -k 1,1 -g $Data_all > database_sort
+sort -t '.' -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n $Data_all > database_sort
+while IFS=# read col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9; do
+chap_diff=$(($col1 - $j))
+if [ $chap_diff -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo \\chapter{$col2}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >>$CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $chap_diff -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo >>$CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\setcounter{chapter}{$(($col1-1))}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\chapter{$col2}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >>$CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $col7 != D ]
+echo \\vspace*{10mm}>>$CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $col7 = S ]
+ echo \\curlable{Solution~$col3} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\begin{code} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\tcaption{$col4}{$col4} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\lstinputlisting{../$col6} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\end{code} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >>$CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $col7 = D ]
+#echo check Appendix \\ref{AP:$col9} for dependency \$$col5\$ >> $CURDIR/TEX
+echo check Appendix \\ref{AP:$col9} for dependency: {\\begin{alltt} \\hspace{2mm} $col5 \\end{alltt}} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+echo >> $CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $col7 = X ]
+echo This code can be downloaded from the website >> $CURDIR/TEX
+if [ $col7 = R ]
+echo $col6 > $CURDIR/Figure_files
+ if grep -c ".jpg\|.JPEG\|.png\|.jpeg\|.JPG" $CURDIR/Figure_files
+ then
+ echo \\curlable{Fig~$col3} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\begin{figure} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../$col6} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\caption{$col4} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\end{figure} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ fi
+done < database_sort
+rm -f Figure_files
+if [ -s $Dep_dat ]
+echo \\chapter*{Appendix} >>$CURDIR/TEX
+while IFS=# read col1 col2 col3 col4; do
+echo \\curlable{AP~$i} >> $CURDIR/TEX;
+echo $col2 > $CURDIR/image_files
+ if grep -c ".jpg\|.JPEG\|.png\|.jpeg\|.JPG" $CURDIR/image_files
+ then
+ echo \\begin{figure} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../$col2} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\tcaption {$col3}{$col3} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\end{figure} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ else
+ echo \\begin{code} >> $CURDIR/TEX;
+ echo \\label{AP:$col4} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\lstinputlisting{../$col2} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\tcaption {$col3}{$col3} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo \\end{code} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ echo >> $CURDIR/TEX
+ fi
+#if [ $col2 = *.jpg] then echo \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../$col2} >> $CURDIR/TEX else
+#echo \\lstinputlisting{../$col2} >> $CURDIR/TEX
+let "i+=1"
+done < $Dep_dat
+rm -f image_files
+cat Initial_body TEX > TEX_final.tex
+echo \\end{document} >> $CURDIR/TEX_final.tex