path: root/main.ui
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-03Made GUI compatible with the new Simulator, abbreviations updated to new conv...SaurabhAgarwala
2020-01-02Terminate action bug eliminatedSaurabhAgarwala
2020-01-01Added Binary Phase EnvelopeAyush Agrawal
2019-12-24Shortcut keys added, typo correctedSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23Terminate function UI created and flowsheet made attribute of classSaurabhAgarwala
2019-12-23Feature implementation - saving and partial loadinglucaszhao19
2019-12-16Added normailizing feature, and enhanced readabilitySaurabhAgarwala
2019-10-30Initial Commitpravindalve