path: root/venv/Lib/site-packages/isort/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/Lib/site-packages/isort/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1060 deletions
diff --git a/venv/Lib/site-packages/isort/ b/venv/Lib/site-packages/isort/
deleted file mode 100644
index 245e53f..0000000
--- a/venv/Lib/site-packages/isort/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1060 +0,0 @@
-Exposes a simple library to sort through imports within Python code
- SortImports(file_name)
- sorted = SortImports(file_contents=file_contents).output
-Copyright (C) 2013 Timothy Edmund Crosley
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
-documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
-to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
-substantial portions of the Software.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
-import codecs
-import copy
-import io
-import itertools
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
-from datetime import datetime
-from difflib import unified_diff
-from . import settings
-from .finders import FindersManager
-from .natural import nsorted
-from .pie_slice import input
-class SortImports(object):
- incorrectly_sorted = False
- skipped = False
- def __init__(self, file_path=None, file_contents=None, file_=None, write_to_stdout=False, check=False,
- show_diff=False, settings_path=None, ask_to_apply=False, run_path='', check_skip=True,
- extension=None, **setting_overrides):
- if not settings_path and file_path:
- settings_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path))
- settings_path = settings_path or os.getcwd()
- self.config = settings.from_path(settings_path).copy()
- for key, value in setting_overrides.items():
- access_key = key.replace('not_', '').lower()
- # The sections config needs to retain order and can't be converted to a set.
- if access_key != 'sections' and type(self.config.get(access_key)) in (list, tuple):
- if key.startswith('not_'):
- self.config[access_key] = list(set(self.config[access_key]).difference(value))
- else:
- self.config[access_key] = list(set(self.config[access_key]).union(value))
- else:
- self.config[key] = value
- if self.config['force_alphabetical_sort']:
- self.config.update({'force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections': True,
- 'no_sections': True,
- 'lines_between_types': 1,
- 'from_first': True})
- indent = str(self.config['indent'])
- if indent.isdigit():
- indent = " " * int(indent)
- else:
- indent = indent.strip("'").strip('"')
- if indent.lower() == "tab":
- indent = "\t"
- self.config['indent'] = indent
- self.config['comment_prefix'] = self.config['comment_prefix'].strip("'").strip('"')
- self.place_imports = {}
- self.import_placements = {}
- self.remove_imports = [self._format_simplified(removal) for removal in self.config['remove_imports']]
- self.add_imports = [self._format_natural(addition) for addition in self.config['add_imports']]
- self._section_comments = ["# " + value for key, value in self.config.items() if
- key.startswith('import_heading') and value]
- self.file_encoding = 'utf-8'
- file_name = file_path
- self.file_path = file_path or ""
- if file_path:
- file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
- if check_skip:
- if run_path and file_path.startswith(run_path):
- file_name = file_path.replace(run_path, '', 1)
- else:
- file_name = file_path
- run_path = ''
- if settings.should_skip(file_name, self.config, run_path):
- self.skipped = True
- if self.config['verbose']:
- print("WARNING: {0} was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting"
- " or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting".format(file_path))
- file_contents = None
- if not self.skipped and not file_contents:
- with, 'rb') as f:
- file_encoding = coding_check(f)
- with, encoding=file_encoding, newline='') as file_to_import_sort:
- try:
- file_contents =
- self.file_path = file_path
- self.file_encoding = file_encoding
- encoding_success = True
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- encoding_success = False
- if not encoding_success:
- with, newline='') as file_to_import_sort:
- try:
- file_contents =
- self.file_path = file_path
- self.file_encoding = file_to_import_sort.encoding
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- encoding_success = False
- file_contents = None
- self.skipped = True
- if self.config['verbose']:
- print("WARNING: {} was skipped as it couldn't be opened with the given "
- "{} encoding or {} fallback encoding".format(file_path,
- self.file_encoding,
- file_to_import_sort.encoding))
- elif file_:
- try:
- self.file_encoding = coding_check(file_)
- except (io.UnsupportedOperation, IOError):
- pass
- reader = codecs.getreader(self.file_encoding)
- file_contents = reader(file_).read()
- # try to decode file_contents
- if file_contents:
- try:
- basestring
- # python 2
- need_decode = (str, bytes)
- except NameError:
- # python 3
- need_decode = bytes
- if isinstance(file_contents, need_decode):
- file_contents = file_contents.decode(coding_check(file_contents.splitlines()))
- if file_contents is None or ("isort:" + "skip_file") in file_contents:
- self.skipped = True
- self.output = None
- if write_to_stdout and file_contents:
- sys.stdout.write(file_contents)
- return
- if self.config['line_ending']:
- self.line_separator = self.config['line_ending']
- else:
- if '\r\n' in file_contents:
- self.line_separator = '\r\n'
- elif '\r' in file_contents:
- self.line_separator = '\r'
- else:
- self.line_separator = '\n'
- self.in_lines = file_contents.split(self.line_separator)
- self.original_length = len(self.in_lines)
- if (self.original_length > 1 or self.in_lines[:1] not in ([], [""])) or self.config['force_adds']:
- for add_import in self.add_imports:
- self.in_lines.append(add_import)
- self.number_of_lines = len(self.in_lines)
- if not extension:
- self.extension = file_name.split('.')[-1] if file_name else "py"
- else:
- self.extension = extension
- self.out_lines = []
- self.comments = {'from': {}, 'straight': {}, 'nested': {}, 'above': {'straight': {}, 'from': {}}}
- self.imports = OrderedDict()
- self.as_map = {}
- section_names = self.config['sections']
- self.sections = namedtuple('Sections', section_names)(*[name for name in section_names])
- for section in itertools.chain(self.sections, self.config['forced_separate']):
- self.imports[section] = {'straight': OrderedDict(), 'from': OrderedDict()}
- self.finder = FindersManager(config=self.config, sections=self.sections)
- self.index = 0
- self.import_index = -1
- self._first_comment_index_start = -1
- self._first_comment_index_end = -1
- self._parse()
- if self.import_index != -1:
- self._add_formatted_imports()
- self.length_change = len(self.out_lines) - self.original_length
- while self.out_lines and self.out_lines[-1].strip() == "":
- self.out_lines.pop(-1)
- self.out_lines.append("")
- self.output = self.line_separator.join(self.out_lines)
- if self.config['atomic']:
- try:
- compile(self._strip_top_comments(self.out_lines, self.line_separator), self.file_path, 'exec', 0, 1)
- except SyntaxError:
- self.output = file_contents
- self.incorrectly_sorted = True
- try:
- compile(self._strip_top_comments(self.in_lines, self.line_separator), self.file_path, 'exec', 0, 1)
- print("ERROR: {0} isort would have introduced syntax errors, please report to the project!".
- format(self.file_path))
- except SyntaxError:
- print("ERROR: {0} File contains syntax errors.".format(self.file_path))
- return
- if check:
- check_output = self.output
- check_against = file_contents
- if self.config['ignore_whitespace']:
- check_output = check_output.replace(self.line_separator, "").replace(" ", "").replace("\x0c", "")
- check_against = check_against.replace(self.line_separator, "").replace(" ", "").replace("\x0c", "")
- if check_output.strip() == check_against.strip():
- if self.config['verbose']:
- print("SUCCESS: {0} Everything Looks Good!".format(self.file_path))
- return
- print("ERROR: {0} Imports are incorrectly sorted.".format(self.file_path))
- self.incorrectly_sorted = True
- if show_diff or self.config['show_diff']:
- self._show_diff(file_contents)
- elif write_to_stdout:
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- self.output = self.output.encode(self.file_encoding)
- sys.stdout.write(self.output)
- elif file_name and not check:
- if self.output == file_contents:
- return
- if ask_to_apply:
- self._show_diff(file_contents)
- answer = None
- while answer not in ('yes', 'y', 'no', 'n', 'quit', 'q'):
- answer = input("Apply suggested changes to '{0}' [y/n/q]? ".format(self.file_path)).lower()
- if answer in ('no', 'n'):
- return
- if answer in ('quit', 'q'):
- sys.exit(1)
- with, encoding=self.file_encoding, mode='w', newline='') as output_file:
- if not self.config['quiet']:
- print("Fixing {0}".format(self.file_path))
- output_file.write(self.output)
- @property
- def correctly_sorted(self):
- return not self.incorrectly_sorted
- def _show_diff(self, file_contents):
- for line in unified_diff(
- file_contents.splitlines(1),
- self.output.splitlines(1),
- fromfile=self.file_path + ':before',
- tofile=self.file_path + ':after',
- fromfiledate=str(datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.file_path))
- if self.file_path else,
- tofiledate=str(
- ):
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- @staticmethod
- def _strip_top_comments(lines, line_separator):
- """Strips # comments that exist at the top of the given lines"""
- lines = copy.copy(lines)
- while lines and lines[0].startswith("#"):
- lines = lines[1:]
- return line_separator.join(lines)
- def place_module(self, module_name):
- """Tries to determine if a module is a python std import, third party import, or project code:
- if it can't determine - it assumes it is project code
- """
- return self.finder.find(module_name)
- def _get_line(self):
- """Returns the current line from the file while incrementing the index."""
- line = self.in_lines[self.index]
- self.index += 1
- return line
- @staticmethod
- def _import_type(line):
- """If the current line is an import line it will return its type (from or straight)"""
- if "isort:skip" in line:
- return
- elif line.startswith('import '):
- return "straight"
- elif line.startswith('from '):
- return "from"
- def _at_end(self):
- """returns True if we are at the end of the file."""
- return self.index == self.number_of_lines
- @staticmethod
- def _module_key(module_name, config, sub_imports=False, ignore_case=False, section_name=None):
- match = re.match(r'^(\.+)\s*(.*)', module_name)
- if match:
- sep = ' ' if config['reverse_relative'] else '_'
- module_name = sep.join(match.groups())
- prefix = ""
- if ignore_case:
- module_name = str(module_name).lower()
- else:
- module_name = str(module_name)
- if sub_imports and config['order_by_type']:
- if module_name.isupper() and len(module_name) > 1:
- prefix = "A"
- elif module_name[0:1].isupper():
- prefix = "B"
- else:
- prefix = "C"
- if not config['case_sensitive']:
- module_name = module_name.lower()
- if section_name is None or 'length_sort_' + str(section_name).lower() not in config:
- length_sort = config['length_sort']
- else:
- length_sort = config['length_sort_' + str(section_name).lower()]
- return "{0}{1}{2}".format(module_name in config['force_to_top'] and "A" or "B", prefix,
- length_sort and (str(len(module_name)) + ":" + module_name) or module_name)
- def _add_comments(self, comments, original_string=""):
- """
- Returns a string with comments added if ignore_comments is not set.
- """
- if not self.config['ignore_comments']:
- return comments and "{0}{1} {2}".format(self._strip_comments(original_string)[0],
- self.config['comment_prefix'],
- "; ".join(comments)) or original_string
- return comments and self._strip_comments(original_string)[0]
- def _wrap(self, line):
- """
- Returns an import wrapped to the specified line-length, if possible.
- """
- wrap_mode = self.config['multi_line_output']
- if len(line) > self.config['line_length'] and wrap_mode != settings.WrapModes.NOQA:
- line_without_comment = line
- comment = None
- if '#' in line:
- line_without_comment, comment = line.split('#', 1)
- for splitter in ("import ", ".", "as "):
- exp = r"\b" + re.escape(splitter) + r"\b"
- if, line_without_comment) and not line_without_comment.strip().startswith(splitter):
- line_parts = re.split(exp, line_without_comment)
- if comment:
- line_parts[-1] = '{0}#{1}'.format(line_parts[-1], comment)
- next_line = []
- while (len(line) + 2) > (self.config['wrap_length'] or self.config['line_length']) and line_parts:
- next_line.append(line_parts.pop())
- line = splitter.join(line_parts)
- if not line:
- line = next_line.pop()
- cont_line = self._wrap(self.config['indent'] + splitter.join(next_line).lstrip())
- if self.config['use_parentheses']:
- if splitter == "as ":
- output = "{0}{1}{2}".format(line, splitter, cont_line.lstrip())
- else:
- output = "{0}{1}({2}{3}{4}{5})".format(
- line, splitter, self.line_separator, cont_line,
- "," if self.config['include_trailing_comma'] else "",
- self.line_separator if wrap_mode in (settings.WrapModes.VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT,
- settings.WrapModes.VERTICAL_GRID_GROUPED)
- else "")
- lines = output.split(self.line_separator)
- if self.config['comment_prefix'] in lines[-1] and lines[-1].endswith(')'):
- line, comment = lines[-1].split(self.config['comment_prefix'], 1)
- lines[-1] = line + ')' + self.config['comment_prefix'] + comment[:-1]
- return self.line_separator.join(lines)
- return "{0}{1}\\{2}{3}".format(line, splitter, self.line_separator, cont_line)
- elif len(line) > self.config['line_length'] and wrap_mode == settings.WrapModes.NOQA:
- if "# NOQA" not in line:
- return "{0}{1} NOQA".format(line, self.config['comment_prefix'])
- return line
- def _add_straight_imports(self, straight_modules, section, section_output):
- for module in straight_modules:
- if module in self.remove_imports:
- continue
- if module in self.as_map:
- import_definition = ''
- if self.config['keep_direct_and_as_imports']:
- import_definition = "import {0}\n".format(module)
- import_definition += "import {0} as {1}".format(module, self.as_map[module])
- else:
- import_definition = "import {0}".format(module)
- comments_above = self.comments['above']['straight'].pop(module, None)
- if comments_above:
- section_output.extend(comments_above)
- section_output.append(self._add_comments(self.comments['straight'].get(module), import_definition))
- def _add_from_imports(self, from_modules, section, section_output, ignore_case):
- for module in from_modules:
- if module in self.remove_imports:
- continue
- import_start = "from {0} import ".format(module)
- from_imports = list(self.imports[section]['from'][module])
- if not self.config['no_inline_sort'] or self.config['force_single_line']:
- from_imports = nsorted(from_imports, key=lambda key: self._module_key(key, self.config, True, ignore_case, section_name=section))
- if self.remove_imports:
- from_imports = [line for line in from_imports if not "{0}.{1}".format(module, line) in
- self.remove_imports]
- sub_modules = ['{0}.{1}'.format(module, from_import) for from_import in from_imports]
- as_imports = {
- from_import: "{0} as {1}".format(from_import, self.as_map[sub_module])
- for from_import, sub_module in zip(from_imports, sub_modules)
- if sub_module in self.as_map
- }
- if self.config['combine_as_imports'] and not ("*" in from_imports and self.config['combine_star']):
- for from_import in copy.copy(from_imports):
- if from_import in as_imports:
- from_imports[from_imports.index(from_import)] = as_imports.pop(from_import)
- while from_imports:
- comments = self.comments['from'].pop(module, ())
- if "*" in from_imports and self.config['combine_star']:
- import_statement = self._wrap(self._add_comments(comments, "{0}*".format(import_start)))
- from_imports = None
- elif self.config['force_single_line']:
- import_statements = []
- while from_imports:
- from_import = from_imports.pop(0)
- if from_import in as_imports:
- from_comments = self.comments['straight'].get('{}.{}'.format(module, from_import))
- import_statements.append(self._add_comments(from_comments,
- self._wrap(import_start + as_imports[from_import])))
- continue
- single_import_line = self._add_comments(comments, import_start + from_import)
- comment = self.comments['nested'].get(module, {}).pop(from_import, None)
- if comment:
- single_import_line += "{0} {1}".format(comments and ";" or self.config['comment_prefix'],
- comment)
- import_statements.append(self._wrap(single_import_line))
- comments = None
- import_statement = self.line_separator.join(import_statements)
- else:
- while from_imports and from_imports[0] in as_imports:
- from_import = from_imports.pop(0)
- from_comments = self.comments['straight'].get('{}.{}'.format(module, from_import))
- above_comments = self.comments['above']['from'].pop(module, None)
- if above_comments:
- section_output.extend(above_comments)
- section_output.append(self._add_comments(from_comments,
- self._wrap(import_start + as_imports[from_import])))
- star_import = False
- if "*" in from_imports:
- section_output.append(self._add_comments(comments, "{0}*".format(import_start)))
- from_imports.remove('*')
- star_import = True
- comments = None
- for from_import in copy.copy(from_imports):
- if from_import in as_imports:
- continue
- comment = self.comments['nested'].get(module, {}).pop(from_import, None)
- if comment:
- single_import_line = self._add_comments(comments, import_start + from_import)
- single_import_line += "{0} {1}".format(comments and ";" or self.config['comment_prefix'],
- comment)
- above_comments = self.comments['above']['from'].pop(module, None)
- if above_comments:
- section_output.extend(above_comments)
- section_output.append(self._wrap(single_import_line))
- from_imports.remove(from_import)
- comments = None
- from_import_section = []
- while from_imports and from_imports[0] not in as_imports:
- from_import_section.append(from_imports.pop(0))
- if star_import:
- import_statement = import_start + (", ").join(from_import_section)
- else:
- import_statement = self._add_comments(comments, import_start + (", ").join(from_import_section))
- if not from_import_section:
- import_statement = ""
- do_multiline_reformat = False
- force_grid_wrap = self.config['force_grid_wrap']
- if force_grid_wrap and len(from_import_section) >= force_grid_wrap:
- do_multiline_reformat = True
- if len(import_statement) > self.config['line_length'] and len(from_import_section) > 1:
- do_multiline_reformat = True
- # If line too long AND have imports AND we are NOT using GRID or VERTICAL wrap modes
- if (len(import_statement) > self.config['line_length'] and len(from_import_section) > 0 and
- self.config['multi_line_output'] not in (1, 0)):
- do_multiline_reformat = True
- if do_multiline_reformat:
- import_statement = self._multi_line_reformat(import_start, from_import_section, comments)
- if self.config['multi_line_output'] == 0:
- self.config['multi_line_output'] = 4
- try:
- other_import_statement = self._multi_line_reformat(import_start, from_import_section, comments)
- if (max(len(x)
- for x in import_statement.split('\n')) > self.config['line_length']):
- import_statement = other_import_statement
- finally:
- self.config['multi_line_output'] = 0
- if not do_multiline_reformat and len(import_statement) > self.config['line_length']:
- import_statement = self._wrap(import_statement)
- if import_statement:
- above_comments = self.comments['above']['from'].pop(module, None)
- if above_comments:
- section_output.extend(above_comments)
- section_output.append(import_statement)
- def _multi_line_reformat(self, import_start, from_imports, comments):
- output_mode = settings.WrapModes._fields[self.config['multi_line_output']].lower()
- formatter = getattr(self, "_output_" + output_mode, self._output_grid)
- dynamic_indent = " " * (len(import_start) + 1)
- indent = self.config['indent']
- line_length = self.config['wrap_length'] or self.config['line_length']
- import_statement = formatter(import_start, copy.copy(from_imports),
- dynamic_indent, indent, line_length, comments)
- if self.config['balanced_wrapping']:
- lines = import_statement.split(self.line_separator)
- line_count = len(lines)
- if len(lines) > 1:
- minimum_length = min(len(line) for line in lines[:-1])
- else:
- minimum_length = 0
- new_import_statement = import_statement
- while (len(lines[-1]) < minimum_length and
- len(lines) == line_count and line_length > 10):
- import_statement = new_import_statement
- line_length -= 1
- new_import_statement = formatter(import_start, copy.copy(from_imports),
- dynamic_indent, indent, line_length, comments)
- lines = new_import_statement.split(self.line_separator)
- if import_statement.count(self.line_separator) == 0:
- return self._wrap(import_statement)
- return import_statement
- def _add_formatted_imports(self):
- """Adds the imports back to the file.
- (at the index of the first import) sorted alphabetically and split between groups
- """
- sort_ignore_case = self.config['force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections']
- sections = itertools.chain(self.sections, self.config['forced_separate'])
- if self.config['no_sections']:
- self.imports['no_sections'] = {'straight': [], 'from': {}}
- for section in sections:
- self.imports['no_sections']['straight'].extend(self.imports[section].get('straight', []))
- self.imports['no_sections']['from'].update(self.imports[section].get('from', {}))
- sections = ('no_sections', )
- output = []
- pending_lines_before = False
- for section in sections:
- straight_modules = self.imports[section]['straight']
- straight_modules = nsorted(straight_modules, key=lambda key: self._module_key(key, self.config, section_name=section))
- from_modules = self.imports[section]['from']
- from_modules = nsorted(from_modules, key=lambda key: self._module_key(key, self.config, section_name=section))
- section_output = []
- if self.config['from_first']:
- self._add_from_imports(from_modules, section, section_output, sort_ignore_case)
- if self.config['lines_between_types'] and from_modules and straight_modules:
- section_output.extend([''] * self.config['lines_between_types'])
- self._add_straight_imports(straight_modules, section, section_output)
- else:
- self._add_straight_imports(straight_modules, section, section_output)
- if self.config['lines_between_types'] and from_modules and straight_modules:
- section_output.extend([''] * self.config['lines_between_types'])
- self._add_from_imports(from_modules, section, section_output, sort_ignore_case)
- if self.config['force_sort_within_sections']:
- def by_module(line):
- section = 'B'
- if line.startswith('#'):
- return 'AA'
- line = re.sub('^from ', '', line)
- line = re.sub('^import ', '', line)
- if line.split(' ')[0] in self.config['force_to_top']:
- section = 'A'
- if not self.config['order_by_type']:
- line = line.lower()
- return '{0}{1}'.format(section, line)
- section_output = nsorted(section_output, key=by_module)
- section_name = section
- no_lines_before = section_name in self.config['no_lines_before']
- if section_output:
- if section_name in self.place_imports:
- self.place_imports[section_name] = section_output
- continue
- section_title = self.config.get('import_heading_' + str(section_name).lower(), '')
- if section_title:
- section_comment = "# {0}".format(section_title)
- if section_comment not in self.out_lines[0:1] and section_comment not in self.in_lines[0:1]:
- section_output.insert(0, section_comment)
- if pending_lines_before or not no_lines_before:
- output += ([''] * self.config['lines_between_sections'])
- output += section_output
- pending_lines_before = False
- else:
- pending_lines_before = pending_lines_before or not no_lines_before
- while output and output[-1].strip() == '':
- output.pop()
- while output and output[0].strip() == '':
- output.pop(0)
- output_at = 0
- if self.import_index < self.original_length:
- output_at = self.import_index
- elif self._first_comment_index_end != -1 and self._first_comment_index_start <= 2:
- output_at = self._first_comment_index_end
- self.out_lines[output_at:0] = output
- imports_tail = output_at + len(output)
- while [character.strip() for character in self.out_lines[imports_tail: imports_tail + 1]] == [""]:
- self.out_lines.pop(imports_tail)
- if len(self.out_lines) > imports_tail:
- next_construct = ""
- self._in_quote = False
- tail = self.out_lines[imports_tail:]
- for index, line in enumerate(tail):
- in_quote = self._in_quote
- if not self._skip_line(line) and line.strip():
- if line.strip().startswith("#") and len(tail) > (index + 1) and tail[index + 1].strip():
- continue
- next_construct = line
- break
- elif not in_quote:
- parts = line.split()
- if len(parts) >= 3 and parts[1] == '=' and "'" not in parts[0] and '"' not in parts[0]:
- next_construct = line
- break
- if self.config['lines_after_imports'] != -1:
- self.out_lines[imports_tail:0] = ["" for line in range(self.config['lines_after_imports'])]
- elif self.extension != "pyi" and (next_construct.startswith("def ") or
- next_construct.startswith("class ") or
- next_construct.startswith("@") or
- next_construct.startswith("async def")):
- self.out_lines[imports_tail:0] = ["", ""]
- else:
- self.out_lines[imports_tail:0] = [""]
- if self.place_imports:
- new_out_lines = []
- for index, line in enumerate(self.out_lines):
- new_out_lines.append(line)
- if line in self.import_placements:
- new_out_lines.extend(self.place_imports[self.import_placements[line]])
- if len(self.out_lines) <= index or self.out_lines[index + 1].strip() != "":
- new_out_lines.append("")
- self.out_lines = new_out_lines
- def _output_grid(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- statement += "(" + imports.pop(0)
- while imports:
- next_import = imports.pop(0)
- next_statement = self._add_comments(comments, statement + ", " + next_import)
- if len(next_statement.split(self.line_separator)[-1]) + 1 > line_length:
- lines = ['{0}{1}'.format(white_space, next_import.split(" ")[0])]
- for part in next_import.split(" ")[1:]:
- new_line = '{0} {1}'.format(lines[-1], part)
- if len(new_line) + 1 > line_length:
- lines.append('{0}{1}'.format(white_space, part))
- else:
- lines[-1] = new_line
- next_import = self.line_separator.join(lines)
- statement = (self._add_comments(comments, "{0},".format(statement)) +
- "{0}{1}".format(self.line_separator, next_import))
- comments = None
- else:
- statement += ", " + next_import
- return statement + ("," if self.config['include_trailing_comma'] else "") + ")"
- def _output_vertical(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- first_import = self._add_comments(comments, imports.pop(0) + ",") + self.line_separator + white_space
- return "{0}({1}{2}{3})".format(
- statement,
- first_import,
- ("," + self.line_separator + white_space).join(imports),
- "," if self.config['include_trailing_comma'] else "",
- )
- def _output_hanging_indent(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- statement += imports.pop(0)
- while imports:
- next_import = imports.pop(0)
- next_statement = self._add_comments(comments, statement + ", " + next_import)
- if len(next_statement.split(self.line_separator)[-1]) + 3 > line_length:
- next_statement = (self._add_comments(comments, "{0}, \\".format(statement)) +
- "{0}{1}{2}".format(self.line_separator, indent, next_import))
- comments = None
- statement = next_statement
- return statement
- def _output_vertical_hanging_indent(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- return "{0}({1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{2})".format(
- statement,
- self._add_comments(comments),
- self.line_separator,
- indent,
- ("," + self.line_separator + indent).join(imports),
- "," if self.config['include_trailing_comma'] else "",
- )
- def _output_vertical_grid_common(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments,
- need_trailing_char):
- statement += self._add_comments(comments, "(") + self.line_separator + indent + imports.pop(0)
- while imports:
- next_import = imports.pop(0)
- next_statement = "{0}, {1}".format(statement, next_import)
- current_line_length = len(next_statement.split(self.line_separator)[-1])
- if imports or need_trailing_char:
- # If we have more imports we need to account for a comma after this import
- # We might also need to account for a closing ) we're going to add.
- current_line_length += 1
- if current_line_length > line_length:
- next_statement = "{0},{1}{2}{3}".format(statement, self.line_separator, indent, next_import)
- statement = next_statement
- if self.config['include_trailing_comma']:
- statement += ','
- return statement
- def _output_vertical_grid(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- return self._output_vertical_grid_common(statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments,
- True) + ")"
- def _output_vertical_grid_grouped(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- return self._output_vertical_grid_common(statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments,
- True) + self.line_separator + ")"
- def _output_vertical_grid_grouped_no_comma(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- return self._output_vertical_grid_common(statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments,
- False) + self.line_separator + ")"
- def _output_noqa(self, statement, imports, white_space, indent, line_length, comments):
- retval = '{0}{1}'.format(statement, ', '.join(imports))
- comment_str = ' '.join(comments)
- if comments:
- if len(retval) + len(self.config['comment_prefix']) + 1 + len(comment_str) <= line_length:
- return '{0}{1} {2}'.format(retval, self.config['comment_prefix'], comment_str)
- else:
- if len(retval) <= line_length:
- return retval
- if comments:
- if "NOQA" in comments:
- return '{0}{1} {2}'.format(retval, self.config['comment_prefix'], comment_str)
- else:
- return '{0}{1} NOQA {2}'.format(retval, self.config['comment_prefix'], comment_str)
- else:
- return '{0}{1} NOQA'.format(retval, self.config['comment_prefix'])
- @staticmethod
- def _strip_comments(line, comments=None):
- """Removes comments from import line."""
- if comments is None:
- comments = []
- new_comments = False
- comment_start = line.find("#")
- if comment_start != -1:
- comments.append(line[comment_start + 1:].strip())
- new_comments = True
- line = line[:comment_start]
- return line, comments, new_comments
- @staticmethod
- def _format_simplified(import_line):
- import_line = import_line.strip()
- if import_line.startswith("from "):
- import_line = import_line.replace("from ", "")
- import_line = import_line.replace(" import ", ".")
- elif import_line.startswith("import "):
- import_line = import_line.replace("import ", "")
- return import_line
- @staticmethod
- def _format_natural(import_line):
- import_line = import_line.strip()
- if not import_line.startswith("from ") and not import_line.startswith("import "):
- if "." not in import_line:
- return "import {0}".format(import_line)
- parts = import_line.split(".")
- end = parts.pop(-1)
- return "from {0} import {1}".format(".".join(parts), end)
- return import_line
- def _skip_line(self, line):
- skip_line = self._in_quote
- if self.index == 1 and line.startswith("#"):
- self._in_top_comment = True
- return True
- elif self._in_top_comment:
- if not line.startswith("#") or line in self._section_comments:
- self._in_top_comment = False
- self._first_comment_index_end = self.index - 1
- if '"' in line or "'" in line:
- index = 0
- if self._first_comment_index_start == -1 and (line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("'")):
- self._first_comment_index_start = self.index
- while index < len(line):
- if line[index] == "\\":
- index += 1
- elif self._in_quote:
- if line[index:index + len(self._in_quote)] == self._in_quote:
- self._in_quote = False
- if self._first_comment_index_end < self._first_comment_index_start:
- self._first_comment_index_end = self.index
- elif line[index] in ("'", '"'):
- long_quote = line[index:index + 3]
- if long_quote in ('"""', "'''"):
- self._in_quote = long_quote
- index += 2
- else:
- self._in_quote = line[index]
- elif line[index] == "#":
- break
- index += 1
- return skip_line or self._in_quote or self._in_top_comment
- def _strip_syntax(self, import_string):
- import_string = import_string.replace("_import", "[[i]]")
- for remove_syntax in ['\\', '(', ')', ',']:
- import_string = import_string.replace(remove_syntax, " ")
- import_list = import_string.split()
- for key in ('from', 'import'):
- if key in import_list:
- import_list.remove(key)
- import_string = ' '.join(import_list)
- import_string = import_string.replace("[[i]]", "_import")
- return import_string.replace("{ ", "{|").replace(" }", "|}")
- def _parse(self):
- """Parses a python file taking out and categorizing imports."""
- self._in_quote = False
- self._in_top_comment = False
- while not self._at_end():
- raw_line = line = self._get_line()
- line = line.replace("from.import ", "from . import ")
- line = line.replace("\t", " ").replace('import*', 'import *')
- line = line.replace(" .import ", " . import ")
- statement_index = self.index
- skip_line = self._skip_line(line)
- if line in self._section_comments and not skip_line:
- if self.import_index == -1:
- self.import_index = self.index - 1
- continue
- if "isort:imports-" in line and line.startswith("#"):
- section = line.split("isort:imports-")[-1].split()[0].upper()
- self.place_imports[section] = []
- self.import_placements[line] = section
- if ";" in line:
- for part in (part.strip() for part in line.split(";")):
- if part and not part.startswith("from ") and not part.startswith("import "):
- skip_line = True
- import_type = self._import_type(line)
- if not import_type or skip_line:
- self.out_lines.append(raw_line)
- continue
- for line in (line.strip() for line in line.split(";")):
- import_type = self._import_type(line)
- if not import_type:
- self.out_lines.append(line)
- continue
- if self.import_index == -1:
- self.import_index = self.index - 1
- nested_comments = {}
- import_string, comments, new_comments = self._strip_comments(line)
- stripped_line = [part for part in self._strip_syntax(import_string).strip().split(" ") if part]
- if import_type == "from" and len(stripped_line) == 2 and stripped_line[1] != "*" and new_comments:
- nested_comments[stripped_line[-1]] = comments[0]
- if "(" in line.split("#")[0] and not self._at_end():
- while not line.strip().endswith(")") and not self._at_end():
- line, comments, new_comments = self._strip_comments(self._get_line(), comments)
- stripped_line = self._strip_syntax(line).strip()
- if import_type == "from" and stripped_line and " " not in stripped_line and new_comments:
- nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
- import_string += self.line_separator + line
- else:
- while line.strip().endswith("\\"):
- line, comments, new_comments = self._strip_comments(self._get_line(), comments)
- # Still need to check for parentheses after an escaped line
- if "(" in line.split("#")[0] and ")" not in line.split("#")[0] and not self._at_end():
- stripped_line = self._strip_syntax(line).strip()
- if import_type == "from" and stripped_line and " " not in stripped_line and new_comments:
- nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
- import_string += self.line_separator + line
- while not line.strip().endswith(")") and not self._at_end():
- line, comments, new_comments = self._strip_comments(self._get_line(), comments)
- stripped_line = self._strip_syntax(line).strip()
- if import_type == "from" and stripped_line and " " not in stripped_line and new_comments:
- nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
- import_string += self.line_separator + line
- stripped_line = self._strip_syntax(line).strip()
- if import_type == "from" and stripped_line and " " not in stripped_line and new_comments:
- nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
- if import_string.strip().endswith(" import") or line.strip().startswith("import "):
- import_string += self.line_separator + line
- else:
- import_string = import_string.rstrip().rstrip("\\") + " " + line.lstrip()
- if import_type == "from":
- import_string = import_string.replace("import(", "import (")
- parts = import_string.split(" import ")
- from_import = parts[0].split(" ")
- import_string = " import ".join([from_import[0] + " " + "".join(from_import[1:])] + parts[1:])
- imports = [item.replace("{|", "{ ").replace("|}", " }") for item in
- self._strip_syntax(import_string).split()]
- if "as" in imports and (imports.index('as') + 1) < len(imports):
- while "as" in imports:
- index = imports.index('as')
- if import_type == "from":
- module = imports[0] + "." + imports[index - 1]
- self.as_map[module] = imports[index + 1]
- else:
- module = imports[index - 1]
- self.as_map[module] = imports[index + 1]
- if not self.config['combine_as_imports']:
- self.comments['straight'][module] = comments
- comments = []
- del imports[index:index + 2]
- if import_type == "from":
- import_from = imports.pop(0)
- placed_module = self.place_module(import_from)
- if self.config['verbose']:
- print("from-type place_module for %s returned %s" % (import_from, placed_module))
- if placed_module == '':
- print(
- "WARNING: could not place module {0} of line {1} --"
- " Do you need to define a default section?".format(import_from, line)
- )
- root = self.imports[placed_module][import_type]
- for import_name in imports:
- associated_comment = nested_comments.get(import_name)
- if associated_comment:
- self.comments['nested'].setdefault(import_from, {})[import_name] = associated_comment
- comments.pop(comments.index(associated_comment))
- if comments:
- self.comments['from'].setdefault(import_from, []).extend(comments)
- if len(self.out_lines) > max(self.import_index, self._first_comment_index_end + 1, 1) - 1:
- last = self.out_lines and self.out_lines[-1].rstrip() or ""
- while (last.startswith("#") and not last.endswith('"""') and not last.endswith("'''") and
- 'isort:imports-' not in last):
- self.comments['above']['from'].setdefault(import_from, []).insert(0, self.out_lines.pop(-1))
- if len(self.out_lines) > max(self.import_index - 1, self._first_comment_index_end + 1, 1) - 1:
- last = self.out_lines[-1].rstrip()
- else:
- last = ""
- if statement_index - 1 == self.import_index:
- self.import_index -= len(self.comments['above']['from'].get(import_from, []))
- if import_from not in root:
- root[import_from] = OrderedDict()
- root[import_from].update((module, None) for module in imports)
- else:
- for module in imports:
- if comments:
- self.comments['straight'][module] = comments
- comments = None
- if len(self.out_lines) > max(self.import_index, self._first_comment_index_end + 1, 1) - 1:
- last = self.out_lines and self.out_lines[-1].rstrip() or ""
- while (last.startswith("#") and not last.endswith('"""') and not last.endswith("'''") and
- 'isort:imports-' not in last):
- self.comments['above']['straight'].setdefault(module, []).insert(0,
- self.out_lines.pop(-1))
- if len(self.out_lines) > 0 and len(self.out_lines) != self._first_comment_index_end:
- last = self.out_lines[-1].rstrip()
- else:
- last = ""
- if self.index - 1 == self.import_index:
- self.import_index -= len(self.comments['above']['straight'].get(module, []))
- placed_module = self.place_module(module)
- if self.config['verbose']:
- print("else-type place_module for %s returned %s" % (module, placed_module))
- if placed_module == '':
- print(
- "WARNING: could not place module {0} of line {1} --"
- " Do you need to define a default section?".format(import_from, line)
- )
- self.imports[placed_module][import_type][module] = None
-def coding_check(lines, default='utf-8'):
- # see
- pattern = re.compile(br'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)')
- for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
- groups = re.findall(pattern, line)
- if groups:
- return groups[0].decode('ascii')
- if line_number > 2:
- break
- return default