path: root/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/ b/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e488d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Claudiu Popa <>
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson <>
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bryce Guinta <>
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ceridwen <>
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Calen Pennington <>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Nick Drozd <>
+# Licensed under the LGPL:
+# For details:
+Data object model, as per
+This module describes, at least partially, a data object model for some
+of astroid's nodes. The model contains special attributes that nodes such
+as functions, classes, modules etc have, such as __doc__, __class__,
+__module__ etc, being used when doing attribute lookups over nodes.
+For instance, inferring `obj.__class__` will first trigger an inference
+of the `obj` variable. If it was successfully inferred, then an attribute
+`__class__ will be looked for in the inferred object. This is the part
+where the data model occurs. The model is attached to those nodes
+and the lookup mechanism will try to see if attributes such as
+`__class__` are defined by the model or not. If they are defined,
+the model will be requested to return the corresponding value of that
+attribute. Thus the model can be viewed as a special part of the lookup
+import itertools
+import pprint
+import os
+import types
+from functools import lru_cache
+import astroid
+from astroid import context as contextmod
+from astroid import exceptions
+from astroid import node_classes
+IMPL_PREFIX = "attr_"
+def _dunder_dict(instance, attributes):
+ obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=instance)
+ # Convert the keys to node strings
+ keys = [
+ node_classes.Const(value=value, parent=obj) for value in list(attributes.keys())
+ ]
+ # The original attribute has a list of elements for each key,
+ # but that is not useful for retrieving the special attribute's value.
+ # In this case, we're picking the last value from each list.
+ values = [elem[-1] for elem in attributes.values()]
+ obj.postinit(list(zip(keys, values)))
+ return obj
+class ObjectModel:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._instance = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ result = []
+ cname = type(self).__name__
+ string = "%(cname)s(%(fields)s)"
+ alignment = len(cname) + 1
+ for field in sorted(self.attributes()):
+ width = 80 - len(field) - alignment
+ lines = pprint.pformat(field, indent=2, width=width).splitlines(True)
+ inner = [lines[0]]
+ for line in lines[1:]:
+ inner.append(" " * alignment + line)
+ result.append(field)
+ return string % {
+ "cname": cname,
+ "fields": (",\n" + " " * alignment).join(result),
+ }
+ def __call__(self, instance):
+ self._instance = instance
+ return self
+ def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
+ # ObjectModel needs to be a descriptor so that just doing
+ # `special_attributes = SomeObjectModel` should be enough in the body of a node.
+ # But at the same time, node.special_attributes should return an object
+ # which can be used for manipulating the special attributes. That's the reason
+ # we pass the instance through which it got accessed to ObjectModel.__call__,
+ # returning itself afterwards, so we can still have access to the
+ # underlying data model and to the instance for which it got accessed.
+ return self(instance)
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ return name in self.attributes()
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+ def attributes(self):
+ """Get the attributes which are exported by this object model."""
+ return [
+ obj[len(IMPL_PREFIX) :] for obj in dir(self) if obj.startswith(IMPL_PREFIX)
+ ]
+ def lookup(self, name):
+ """Look up the given *name* in the current model
+ It should return an AST or an interpreter object,
+ but if the name is not found, then an AttributeInferenceError will be raised.
+ """
+ if name in self.attributes():
+ return getattr(self, IMPL_PREFIX + name)
+ raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance, attribute=name)
+class ModuleModel(ObjectModel):
+ def _builtins(self):
+ builtins_ast_module = astroid.MANAGER.builtins_module
+ return builtins_ast_module.special_attributes.lookup("__dict__")
+ @property
+ def attr_builtins(self):
+ return self._builtins()
+ @property
+ def attr___path__(self):
+ if not self._instance.package:
+ raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
+ target=self._instance, attribute="__path__"
+ )
+ path_objs = [
+ node_classes.Const(
+ value=path
+ if not path.endswith("")
+ else os.path.dirname(path),
+ parent=self._instance,
+ )
+ for path in self._instance.path
+ ]
+ container = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
+ container.postinit(path_objs)
+ return container
+ @property
+ def attr___name__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(, parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___doc__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.doc, parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___file__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.file, parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___dict__(self):
+ return _dunder_dict(self._instance, self._instance.globals)
+ @property
+ def attr___package__(self):
+ if not self._instance.package:
+ value = ""
+ else:
+ value =
+ return node_classes.Const(value=value, parent=self._instance)
+ # These are related to the Python 3 implementation of the
+ # import system,
+ #
+ @property
+ def attr___spec__(self):
+ # No handling for now.
+ return node_classes.Unknown()
+ @property
+ def attr___loader__(self):
+ # No handling for now.
+ return node_classes.Unknown()
+ @property
+ def attr___cached__(self):
+ # No handling for now.
+ return node_classes.Unknown()
+class FunctionModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___name__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(, parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___doc__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.doc, parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___qualname__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.qname(), parent=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___defaults__(self):
+ func = self._instance
+ if not func.args.defaults:
+ return node_classes.Const(value=None, parent=func)
+ defaults_obj = node_classes.Tuple(parent=func)
+ defaults_obj.postinit(func.args.defaults)
+ return defaults_obj
+ @property
+ def attr___annotations__(self):
+ obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
+ if not self._instance.returns:
+ returns = None
+ else:
+ returns = self._instance.returns
+ args = self._instance.args
+ pair_annotations = itertools.chain(
+ zip(args.args or [], args.annotations),
+ zip(args.kwonlyargs, args.kwonlyargs_annotations),
+ zip(args.posonlyargs or [], args.posonlyargs_annotations),
+ )
+ annotations = {
+ annotation for (arg, annotation) in pair_annotations if annotation
+ }
+ if args.varargannotation:
+ annotations[args.vararg] = args.varargannotation
+ if args.kwargannotation:
+ annotations[args.kwarg] = args.kwargannotation
+ if returns:
+ annotations["return"] = returns
+ items = [
+ (node_classes.Const(key, parent=obj), value)
+ for (key, value) in annotations.items()
+ ]
+ obj.postinit(items)
+ return obj
+ @property
+ def attr___dict__(self):
+ return node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
+ attr___globals__ = attr___dict__
+ @property
+ def attr___kwdefaults__(self):
+ def _default_args(args, parent):
+ for arg in args.kwonlyargs:
+ try:
+ default = args.default_value(
+ except exceptions.NoDefault:
+ continue
+ name = node_classes.Const(, parent=parent)
+ yield name, default
+ args = self._instance.args
+ obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
+ defaults = dict(_default_args(args, obj))
+ obj.postinit(list(defaults.items()))
+ return obj
+ @property
+ def attr___module__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
+ @property
+ def attr___get__(self):
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import bases
+ func = self._instance
+ class DescriptorBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
+ """Bound method which knows how to understand calling descriptor binding."""
+ def implicit_parameters(self):
+ # Different than BoundMethod since the signature
+ # is different.
+ return 0
+ def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
+ if len(caller.args) > 2 or len(caller.args) < 1:
+ raise exceptions.InferenceError(
+ "Invalid arguments for descriptor binding",
+ target=self,
+ context=context,
+ )
+ context = contextmod.copy_context(context)
+ cls = next(caller.args[0].infer(context=context))
+ if cls is astroid.Uninferable:
+ raise exceptions.InferenceError(
+ "Invalid class inferred", target=self, context=context
+ )
+ # For some reason func is a Node that the below
+ # code is not expecting
+ if isinstance(func, bases.BoundMethod):
+ yield func
+ return
+ # Rebuild the original value, but with the parent set as the
+ # class where it will be bound.
+ new_func = func.__class__(
+ doc=func.doc,
+ lineno=func.lineno,
+ col_offset=func.col_offset,
+ parent=cls,
+ )
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ new_func.postinit(func.args, func.body, func.decorators, func.returns)
+ # Build a proper bound method that points to our newly built function.
+ proxy = bases.UnboundMethod(new_func)
+ yield bases.BoundMethod(proxy=proxy, bound=cls)
+ @property
+ def args(self):
+ """Overwrite the underlying args to match those of the underlying func
+ Usually the underlying *func* is a function/method, as in:
+ def test(self):
+ pass
+ This has only the *self* parameter but when we access test.__get__
+ we get a new object which has two parameters, *self* and *type*.
+ """
+ nonlocal func
+ positional_or_keyword_params = func.args.args.copy()
+ positional_or_keyword_params.append(astroid.AssignName(name="type"))
+ positional_only_params = func.args.posonlyargs.copy()
+ arguments = astroid.Arguments(parent=func.args.parent)
+ arguments.postinit(
+ args=positional_or_keyword_params,
+ posonlyargs=positional_only_params,
+ defaults=[],
+ kwonlyargs=[],
+ kw_defaults=[],
+ annotations=[],
+ )
+ return arguments
+ return DescriptorBoundMethod(proxy=self._instance, bound=self._instance)
+ # These are here just for completion.
+ @property
+ def attr___ne__(self):
+ return node_classes.Unknown()
+ attr___subclasshook__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___str__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___sizeof__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___setattr___ = attr___ne__
+ attr___repr__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___reduce__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___reduce_ex__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___new__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___lt__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___eq__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___gt__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___format__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___delattr___ = attr___ne__
+ attr___getattribute__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___hash__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___init__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___dir__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___call__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___class__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___closure__ = attr___ne__
+ attr___code__ = attr___ne__
+class ClassModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___module__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
+ @property
+ def attr___name__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(
+ @property
+ def attr___qualname__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.qname())
+ @property
+ def attr___doc__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.doc)
+ @property
+ def attr___mro__(self):
+ if not self._instance.newstyle:
+ raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
+ target=self._instance, attribute="__mro__"
+ )
+ mro = self._instance.mro()
+ obj = node_classes.Tuple(parent=self._instance)
+ obj.postinit(mro)
+ return obj
+ @property
+ def attr_mro(self):
+ if not self._instance.newstyle:
+ raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
+ target=self._instance, attribute="mro"
+ )
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import bases
+ other_self = self
+ # Cls.mro is a method and we need to return one in order to have a proper inference.
+ # The method we're returning is capable of inferring the underlying MRO though.
+ class MroBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
+ def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
+ yield other_self.attr___mro__
+ implicit_metaclass = self._instance.implicit_metaclass()
+ mro_method = implicit_metaclass.locals["mro"][0]
+ return MroBoundMethod(proxy=mro_method, bound=implicit_metaclass)
+ @property
+ def attr___bases__(self):
+ obj = node_classes.Tuple()
+ context = contextmod.InferenceContext()
+ elts = list(self._instance._inferred_bases(context))
+ obj.postinit(elts=elts)
+ return obj
+ @property
+ def attr___class__(self):
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import helpers
+ return helpers.object_type(self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___subclasses__(self):
+ """Get the subclasses of the underlying class
+ This looks only in the current module for retrieving the subclasses,
+ thus it might miss a couple of them.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import bases
+ from astroid import scoped_nodes
+ if not self._instance.newstyle:
+ raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
+ target=self._instance, attribute="__subclasses__"
+ )
+ qname = self._instance.qname()
+ root = self._instance.root()
+ classes = [
+ cls
+ for cls in root.nodes_of_class(scoped_nodes.ClassDef)
+ if cls != self._instance and cls.is_subtype_of(qname)
+ ]
+ obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
+ obj.postinit(classes)
+ class SubclassesBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
+ def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
+ yield obj
+ implicit_metaclass = self._instance.implicit_metaclass()
+ subclasses_method = implicit_metaclass.locals["__subclasses__"][0]
+ return SubclassesBoundMethod(proxy=subclasses_method, bound=implicit_metaclass)
+ @property
+ def attr___dict__(self):
+ return node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
+class SuperModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___thisclass__(self):
+ return self._instance.mro_pointer
+ @property
+ def attr___self_class__(self):
+ return self._instance._self_class
+ @property
+ def attr___self__(self):
+ return self._instance.type
+ @property
+ def attr___class__(self):
+ return self._instance._proxied
+class UnboundMethodModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___class__(self):
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import helpers
+ return helpers.object_type(self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr___func__(self):
+ return self._instance._proxied
+ @property
+ def attr___self__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(value=None, parent=self._instance)
+ attr_im_func = attr___func__
+ attr_im_class = attr___class__
+ attr_im_self = attr___self__
+class BoundMethodModel(FunctionModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___func__(self):
+ return self._instance._proxied._proxied
+ @property
+ def attr___self__(self):
+ return self._instance.bound
+class GeneratorModel(FunctionModel):
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Append the values from the GeneratorType unto this object.
+ ret = super(GeneratorModel, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
+ generator = astroid.MANAGER.builtins_module["generator"]
+ for name, values in generator.locals.items():
+ method = values[0]
+ patched = lambda cls, meth=method: meth
+ setattr(type(ret), IMPL_PREFIX + name, property(patched))
+ return ret
+ @property
+ def attr___name__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(
+, parent=self._instance
+ )
+ @property
+ def attr___doc__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(
+ value=self._instance.parent.doc, parent=self._instance
+ )
+class AsyncGeneratorModel(GeneratorModel):
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Append the values from the AGeneratorType unto this object.
+ ret = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
+ astroid_builtins = astroid.MANAGER.builtins_module
+ generator = astroid_builtins.get("async_generator")
+ if generator is None:
+ # Make it backward compatible.
+ generator = astroid_builtins.get("generator")
+ for name, values in generator.locals.items():
+ method = values[0]
+ patched = lambda cls, meth=method: meth
+ setattr(type(ret), IMPL_PREFIX + name, property(patched))
+ return ret
+class InstanceModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___class__(self):
+ return self._instance._proxied
+ @property
+ def attr___module__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
+ @property
+ def attr___doc__(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(self._instance.doc)
+ @property
+ def attr___dict__(self):
+ return _dunder_dict(self._instance, self._instance.instance_attrs)
+# Exception instances
+class ExceptionInstanceModel(InstanceModel):
+ @property
+ def attr_args(self):
+ message = node_classes.Const("")
+ args = node_classes.Tuple(parent=self._instance)
+ args.postinit((message,))
+ return args
+ @property
+ def attr___traceback__(self):
+ builtins_ast_module = astroid.MANAGER.builtins_module
+ traceback_type = builtins_ast_module[types.TracebackType.__name__]
+ return traceback_type.instantiate_class()
+class SyntaxErrorInstanceModel(ExceptionInstanceModel):
+ @property
+ def attr_text(self):
+ return node_classes.Const("")
+class OSErrorInstanceModel(ExceptionInstanceModel):
+ @property
+ def attr_filename(self):
+ return node_classes.Const("")
+ @property
+ def attr_errno(self):
+ return node_classes.Const(0)
+ @property
+ def attr_strerror(self):
+ return node_classes.Const("")
+ attr_filename2 = attr_filename
+class ImportErrorInstanceModel(ExceptionInstanceModel):
+ @property
+ def attr_name(self):
+ return node_classes.Const("")
+ @property
+ def attr_path(self):
+ return node_classes.Const("")
+ "builtins.SyntaxError": SyntaxErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ImportError": ImportErrorInstanceModel,
+ # These are all similar to OSError in terms of attributes
+ "builtins.OSError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.BlockingIOError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.BrokenPipeError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ChildProcessError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ConnectionAbortedError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ConnectionError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ConnectionRefusedError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ConnectionResetError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.FileExistsError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.FileNotFoundError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.InterruptedError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.IsADirectoryError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.NotADirectoryError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.PermissionError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.ProcessLookupError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+ "builtins.TimeoutError": OSErrorInstanceModel,
+class DictModel(ObjectModel):
+ @property
+ def attr___class__(self):
+ return self._instance._proxied
+ def _generic_dict_attribute(self, obj, name):
+ """Generate a bound method that can infer the given *obj*."""
+ class DictMethodBoundMethod(astroid.BoundMethod):
+ def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
+ yield obj
+ meth = next(self._instance._proxied.igetattr(name))
+ return DictMethodBoundMethod(proxy=meth, bound=self._instance)
+ @property
+ def attr_items(self):
+ elems = []
+ obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
+ for key, value in self._instance.items:
+ elem = node_classes.Tuple(parent=obj)
+ elem.postinit((key, value))
+ elems.append(elem)
+ obj.postinit(elts=elems)
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import objects
+ obj = objects.DictItems(obj)
+ return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, "items")
+ @property
+ def attr_keys(self):
+ keys = [key for (key, _) in self._instance.items]
+ obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
+ obj.postinit(elts=keys)
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import objects
+ obj = objects.DictKeys(obj)
+ return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, "keys")
+ @property
+ def attr_values(self):
+ values = [value for (_, value) in self._instance.items]
+ obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
+ obj.postinit(values)
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
+ from astroid import objects
+ obj = objects.DictValues(obj)
+ return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, "values")