path: root/src/main/python/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/python/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/ b/src/main/python/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
deleted file mode 100644
index 888ca36..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, 2018 Claudiu Popa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Florian Bruhin <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta <>
-# Licensed under the LGPL:
-# For details:
-Inference objects are a way to represent composite AST nodes,
-which are used only as inference results, so they can't be found in the
-original AST tree. For instance, inferring the following frozenset use,
-leads to an inferred FrozenSet:
- Call(func=Name('frozenset'), args=Tuple(...))
-import builtins
-from astroid import bases
-from astroid import decorators
-from astroid import exceptions
-from astroid import MANAGER
-from astroid import node_classes
-from astroid import scoped_nodes
-from astroid import util
-BUILTINS = builtins.__name__
-objectmodel = util.lazy_import("interpreter.objectmodel")
-class FrozenSet(node_classes._BaseContainer):
- """class representing a FrozenSet composite node"""
- def pytype(self):
- return "%s.frozenset" % BUILTINS
- def _infer(self, context=None):
- yield self
- @decorators.cachedproperty
- def _proxied(self): # pylint: disable=method-hidden
- ast_builtins = MANAGER.builtins_module
- return ast_builtins.getattr("frozenset")[0]
-class Super(node_classes.NodeNG):
- """Proxy class over a super call.
- This class offers almost the same behaviour as Python's super,
- which is MRO lookups for retrieving attributes from the parents.
- The *mro_pointer* is the place in the MRO from where we should
- start looking, not counting it. *mro_type* is the object which
- provides the MRO, it can be both a type or an instance.
- *self_class* is the class where the super call is, while
- *scope* is the function where the super call is.
- """
- # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
- special_attributes = util.lazy_descriptor(lambda: objectmodel.SuperModel())
- # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
- def __init__(self, mro_pointer, mro_type, self_class, scope):
- self.type = mro_type
- self.mro_pointer = mro_pointer
- self._class_based = False
- self._self_class = self_class
- self._scope = scope
- def _infer(self, context=None):
- yield self
- def super_mro(self):
- """Get the MRO which will be used to lookup attributes in this super."""
- if not isinstance(self.mro_pointer, scoped_nodes.ClassDef):
- raise exceptions.SuperError(
- "The first argument to super must be a subtype of "
- "type, not {mro_pointer}.",
- super_=self,
- )
- if isinstance(self.type, scoped_nodes.ClassDef):
- # `super(type, type)`, most likely in a class method.
- self._class_based = True
- mro_type = self.type
- else:
- mro_type = getattr(self.type, "_proxied", None)
- if not isinstance(mro_type, (bases.Instance, scoped_nodes.ClassDef)):
- raise exceptions.SuperError(
- "The second argument to super must be an "
- "instance or subtype of type, not {type}.",
- super_=self,
- )
- if not mro_type.newstyle:
- raise exceptions.SuperError(
- "Unable to call super on old-style classes.", super_=self
- )
- mro = mro_type.mro()
- if self.mro_pointer not in mro:
- raise exceptions.SuperError(
- "The second argument to super must be an "
- "instance or subtype of type, not {type}.",
- super_=self,
- )
- index = mro.index(self.mro_pointer)
- return mro[index + 1 :]
- @decorators.cachedproperty
- def _proxied(self):
- ast_builtins = MANAGER.builtins_module
- return ast_builtins.getattr("super")[0]
- def pytype(self):
- return "%s.super" % BUILTINS
- def display_type(self):
- return "Super of"
- @property
- def name(self):
- """Get the name of the MRO pointer."""
- return
- def qname(self):
- return "super"
- def igetattr(self, name, context=None):
- """Retrieve the inferred values of the given attribute name."""
- if name in self.special_attributes:
- yield self.special_attributes.lookup(name)
- return
- try:
- mro = self.super_mro()
- # Don't let invalid MROs or invalid super calls
- # leak out as is from this function.
- except exceptions.SuperError as exc:
- raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
- (
- "Lookup for {name} on {target!r} because super call {super!r} "
- "is invalid."
- ),
- target=self,
- attribute=name,
- context=context,
- super_=exc.super_,
- ) from exc
- except exceptions.MroError as exc:
- raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
- (
- "Lookup for {name} on {target!r} failed because {cls!r} has an "
- "invalid MRO."
- ),
- target=self,
- attribute=name,
- context=context,
- mros=exc.mros,
- cls=exc.cls,
- ) from exc
- found = False
- for cls in mro:
- if name not in cls.locals:
- continue
- found = True
- for inferred in bases._infer_stmts([cls[name]], context, frame=self):
- if not isinstance(inferred, scoped_nodes.FunctionDef):
- yield inferred
- continue
- # We can obtain different descriptors from a super depending
- # on what we are accessing and where the super call is.
- if inferred.type == "classmethod":
- yield bases.BoundMethod(inferred, cls)
- elif self._scope.type == "classmethod" and inferred.type == "method":
- yield inferred
- elif self._class_based or inferred.type == "staticmethod":
- yield inferred
- elif bases._is_property(inferred):
- # TODO: support other descriptors as well.
- try:
- yield from inferred.infer_call_result(self, context)
- except exceptions.InferenceError:
- yield util.Uninferable
- else:
- yield bases.BoundMethod(inferred, cls)
- if not found:
- raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
- target=self, attribute=name, context=context
- )
- def getattr(self, name, context=None):
- return list(self.igetattr(name, context=context))
-class ExceptionInstance(bases.Instance):
- """Class for instances of exceptions
- It has special treatment for some of the exceptions's attributes,
- which are transformed at runtime into certain concrete objects, such as
- the case of .args.
- """
- @decorators.cachedproperty
- def special_attributes(self):
- qname = self.qname()
- instance = objectmodel.BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS.get(
- qname, objectmodel.ExceptionInstanceModel
- )
- return instance()(self)
-class DictInstance(bases.Instance):
- """Special kind of instances for dictionaries
- This instance knows the underlying object model of the dictionaries, which means
- that methods such as .values or .items can be properly inferred.
- """
- # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
- special_attributes = util.lazy_descriptor(lambda: objectmodel.DictModel())
-# Custom objects tailored for dictionaries, which are used to
-# disambiguate between the types of Python 2 dict's method returns
-# and Python 3 (where they return set like objects).
-class DictItems(bases.Proxy):
- __str__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__str__
- __repr__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__repr__
-class DictKeys(bases.Proxy):
- __str__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__str__
- __repr__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__repr__
-class DictValues(bases.Proxy):
- __str__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__str__
- __repr__ = node_classes.NodeNG.__repr__
-class PartialFunction(scoped_nodes.FunctionDef):
- """A class representing partial function obtained via functools.partial"""
- def __init__(
- self, call, name=None, doc=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None
- ):
- super().__init__(name, doc, lineno, col_offset, parent)
- self.filled_positionals = len(call.positional_arguments[1:])
- self.filled_args = call.positional_arguments[1:]
- self.filled_keywords = call.keyword_arguments
- def infer_call_result(self, caller=None, context=None):
- if context:
- current_passed_keywords = {
- keyword for (keyword, _) in context.callcontext.keywords
- }
- for keyword, value in self.filled_keywords.items():
- if keyword not in current_passed_keywords:
- context.callcontext.keywords.append((keyword, value))
- call_context_args = context.callcontext.args or []
- context.callcontext.args = self.filled_args + call_context_args
- return super().infer_call_result(caller=caller, context=context)
- def qname(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
-# TODO: Hack to solve the circular import problem between node_classes and objects
-# This is not needed in 2.0, which has a cleaner design overall
-node_classes.Dict.__bases__ = (node_classes.NodeNG, DictInstance)