path: root/src/main/python/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/python/utils')
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Bin_Phase_env.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 7968 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/ComponentSelector.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 5514 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Container.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 7735 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Graphics.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 23723 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Streams.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 12744 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/UnitOperations.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 26682 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pycbin0 -> 202 bytes
15 files changed, 2583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6f938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import csv
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from PyQt5.QtGui import *
+import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui
+import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
+import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
+from PyQt5.uic import loadUiType
+import pyqtgraph as pg
+import pyqtgraph.exporters
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+ui_dialog,_ = loadUiType(parentPath+'/ui/utils/Binary_Phase_Env.ui')
+pg.CONFIG_OPTIONS['crashWarning'] = False
+class BinPhaseEnv(QWidget,ui_dialog):
+ def __init__(self,comp):
+ QWidget.__init__(self)
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ self.comp = comp
+ self.compunds = self.comp.get_compounds()
+ for i in self.compunds:
+ self.comboBox.addItem(str(i))
+ for i in range(len(self.compunds)):
+ if i!=0:
+ self.comboBox_2.addItem(str(self.compunds[i]))
+ self.comboBox_2.addItem(str(self.compunds[0]))
+ self.lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(parentPath+'/python/utils/thermopackage.txt')]
+ for j in self.lines:
+ self.comboBox_3.addItem(str(j))
+ self.radioButton.setChecked(False)
+ self.radioButton_2.setChecked(False)
+ self.button_handler()
+ self.counter = 1
+ def button_handler(self):
+ self.radioButton.clicked.connect(lambda:self.T_xy())
+ self.radioButton_2.clicked.connect(lambda:self.P_xy())
+ self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(lambda:self.plot())
+ def T_xy(self):
+ self.radioButton.setChecked(True)
+ self.radioButton_2.setChecked(False)
+ for i in reversed(range(self.formLayout.count())):
+ self.formLayout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None)
+ self.first = QLineEdit()
+ self.type = "P"
+ self.other = "T"
+ self.otherunit = "(K)"
+ self.formLayout.addRow(QLabel("P(Pa)"),self.first)
+ self.points = QLineEdit()
+ self.points.setText("40")
+ self.formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Number of data points"),self.points)
+ def P_xy(self):
+ self.radioButton_2.setChecked(True)
+ self.radioButton.setChecked(False)
+ for i in reversed(range(self.formLayout.count())):
+ self.formLayout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None)
+ self.first = QLineEdit()
+ self.type = "T"
+ self.other = "P"
+ self.otherunit = "(Pa)"
+ self.points = QLineEdit()
+ self.points.setText("40")
+ self.formLayout.addRow(QLabel("T(K)"),self.first)
+ self.formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Number of data points"),self.points)
+ def get_omc_path(self):
+ try:
+ self.omhome = os.environ.get('OPENMODELICAHOME')
+ if self.omhome is None:
+ self.omhome = os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(spawn.find_executable("omc")))[0])[0]
+ elif os.path.exists('/opt/local/bin/omc'):
+ self.omhome = '/opt/local'
+ elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/omc'):
+ self.omhome = '/usr'
+ return os.path.join(self.omhome, 'bin', 'omc')
+ except BaseException:
+ #print("The OpenModelica compiler is missing in the System path please install it" )
+ raise
+ def plot(self):
+ try:
+ val = int(self.first.text(),10)
+ except:
+ val = 0
+ try:
+ data_points = int(self.points.text(),10)
+ except:
+ data_points = 0
+ self.curr_path = os.getcwd()
+ self.sim_dir_path = os.path.join(self.curr_path,'./../Simulator')
+ self.Graphmo_path = os.path.join(self.sim_dir_path,'')
+ self.plot_mos_path = os.path.join(self.sim_dir_path,'PlotGraph.mos')
+ = []
+ self.comp1 = self.comboBox.currentText()
+ self.comp2 = self.comboBox_2.currentText()
+ self.comp_1 = self.comboBox.currentText().split('(')[0]
+ self.comp_2 = self.comboBox_2.currentText().split('(')[0]
+ self.thermoPack = self.comboBox_3.currentText()
+"model Graph\n")
+"import data = Simulator.Files.ChemsepDatabase;\n")
+"parameter data."+self.comp_1+" comp1;\n")
+"parameter data."+self.comp_2+" comp2;\n")
+"extends BinaryEnvelopes."+self.thermoPack+"(Nc = 2, data_points = "+str(data_points)+ ", comp = { comp1, comp2 }, "+self.type+" = fill( "+str(val)+", "+str(data_points)+"));\n")
+"end Graph;")
+ with open(self.Graphmo_path, 'w') as txtfile:
+ for d in
+ txtfile.write(str(d))
+ with open(self.plot_mos_path, 'w') as mosFile:
+ mosFile.write("loadModel(Modelica);\n")
+ mosFile.write("loadFile(\"Simulator/\");\n")
+ mosFile.write("loadFile(\"\");\n")
+ mosFile.write("loadFile(\"\");\n")
+ mosFile.write("simulate(Graph, outputFormat=\"csv\", stopTime=1.0, numberOfIntervals=1);\n")
+ self.resdata = []
+ self.omc_path = self.get_omc_path()
+ simpath = self.plot_mos_path
+ os.chdir(self.sim_dir_path)
+ process = Popen([self.omc_path, '-s',simpath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ self.stdout, self.stderr = process.communicate()
+ os.chdir(self.curr_path)
+ csvpath = os.path.join(self.sim_dir_path,'Graph_res.csv')
+ self.datay = []
+ self.datax1 = []
+ self.datax2 = []
+ self.rows = []
+ with open (csvpath,'r') as resultFile:
+ self.resdata = []
+ csvreader = csv.reader(resultFile,delimiter=',')
+ for row in csvreader:
+ self.resdata.append(row)
+ self.rows.append(row)
+ if self.type=='T':
+ for k in range(len(self.rows[0])):
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='P':
+ self.datay.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ length = len(self.rows[0][k])
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='x' and self.rows[0][k][length-2]=='1':
+ self.datax1.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='y' and self.rows[0][k][length-2]=='1':
+ self.datax2.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ else:
+ for k in range(len(self.rows[0])):
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='T':
+ self.datay.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ length = len(self.rows[0][k])
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='x' and self.rows[0][k][length-2]=='1':
+ self.datax1.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ if self.rows[0][k][0]=='y' and self.rows[0][k][length-2]=='1':
+ self.datax2.append(float(self.rows[1][k]))
+ plt = pg.PlotWidget()
+ plt.showGrid(x=True,y=True)
+ plt.addLegend()
+ plt.setXRange(0,1)
+ c1 = plt.plot(self.datax1, self.datay,pen=pg.mkPen('b',width = 1), name='dew points')
+ c2 = plt.plot(self.datax2, self.datay,pen=pg.mkPen('r',width = 1), name='bubble points')
+ view_box = plt.plotItem.vb
+ self.tool_tip = ""
+ def press_event(evt):
+ a = 10
+ pos = evt
+ mousepoint = view_box.mapSceneToView(pos)
+ roi = pg.ROI(pos)
+ find_color = plt.mapToGlobal(pos.toPoint())
+ screen = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen()
+ image = screen.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()).toImage()
+ colour = QtGui.QColor(image.pixel(find_color.x(),find_color.y()))
+ if or
+ self.lineEdit_x.setText(str(round(mousepoint.x(),3)))
+ self.lineEdit_y.setText(str(round(mousepoint.y(),3)))
+ self.tool_tip = str(round(mousepoint.x(),3)) + ", " + str(round(mousepoint.y(),3))
+ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor))
+ else:
+ self.lineEdit_x.setText("")
+ self.lineEdit_y.setText("")
+ self.tool_tip = ""
+ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor))
+ def entered(items):
+ for i in items:
+ if i.__class__.__name__ =="LegendItem":
+ self.lineEdit_x.setText("")
+ self.lineEdit_y.setText("")
+ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor))
+ else:
+ i.setToolTip(self.tool_tip)
+ plt.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(press_event)
+ plt.scene().sigMouseHover.connect(entered)
+ plt.setLabel('left',self.other+self.otherunit,units = '')
+ plt.setLabel('bottom',self.comp1+'(mol. frac.)',units = '')
+ self.new_tab = plt
+ self.new_tab.setObjectName("Plot "+str(self.counter))
+ self.tabWidget.addTab(self.new_tab,"Plot "+str(self.counter))
+ self.counter+=1
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a2696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from PyQt5.QtGui import *
+from PyQt5.uic import loadUiType
+import os, sys
+import pandas as pd
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+from Simulator.Databases.Databases import ChemsepDatabase
+ui_dialog,_ = loadUiType(parentPath+'/ui/utils/ComponentSelector.ui')
+#df = pd.read_csv("compoundsDatabase.csv")
+compound_selected = [] #list storing components that are selected inintialised as empty
+class ComponentSelector(QDialog,ui_dialog):
+ def __init__(self,parent=None):
+ QDialog.__init__(self,parent)
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ self.dict1=dict()#empty dictionary which will store the obj and its compound
+ self.instance=[ChemsepDatabase()] #list of all the instances
+ self.lines=[]
+ for i in self.instance:
+ x=i.get_comp_name_list()
+ self.dict1[i]=x
+ self.lines+=x
+ #print(self.lines)
+ self.model = QStringListModel()
+ self.model.setStringList(self.lines)
+ self.completer = QCompleter()
+ self.completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive)
+ self.completer.setModel(self.model)
+ # QCompleter completes the text written in lineedit
+ self.lineEdit.setCompleter(self.completer)
+ self.compoundSelectButton.clicked.connect(self.compound_selection)
+ self.compoundSelectButton.setAutoDefault(False)
+ self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.accept)
+ self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.cancel)
+ self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.remove_items)
+ def final_list(self,*list_name):
+ self.list_final=[]
+ #add multiple lists
+ for i in list_name:
+ self.list_final+=i
+ return (self.list_final)
+ def is_compound_selected(self):
+ if not compound_selected:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ #attrib:
+ #CAS fro CAS Number
+ #CompoundID for Name
+ #Smiles for Molecular Formula
+ #MolecularWeight for Molecular Weight
+#the below function will match the entered compound and get the database obj
+ #of the corresponding database
+ def get_object(self,component):
+ for ele in self.dict1:
+ values=self.dict1[ele]
+ for ind in values:
+ if ind ==component:
+ return(ele)
+#the below finction removes the before added extra string from the cmpounds
+ def get_original_name(self,component,removing_attrib):
+ self.temp_comp= component.replace(removing_attrib,'')
+ return(self.temp_comp)
+ def compound_selection(self, *args):
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ self.comp = args[1] #helpful when loading saved data
+ else:
+ self.comp = self.lineEdit.text() #gets entered text
+ if self.comp in self.lines: #matches with the db
+ if self.comp not in compound_selected:
+ compound_selected.append(self.comp) # appending compound in the list
+ self.obj=self.get_object(self.comp) #obj will store the key of the dictionary
+ #and thus store the instance of the class to which the component belongs
+ self.removing_attrib='(' + + ')' #getting the attribute that is to be removed
+ self.comp=self.get_original_name(self.comp,self.removing_attrib)
+ #getting only air, water etc from air chemsep etc
+ self.prop_list=self.obj.get_comp_prop(self.comp) #getting prop of the comp
+ #obj is the required class object
+ # self.creating_mo_file()
+ self.final_mo()
+ self.lineEdit.clear()
+ #print(compound_selected)
+ self.CAS=self.obj.get_value(self.comp,'CAS')
+ self.molecular_formula=self.obj.get_value(self.comp, 'StructureFormula')
+ self.molecular_weight=self.obj.get_value(self.comp, 'MolecularWeight')
+ dict={'CAS':self.CAS,'Name','Molecular Formula':self.molecular_formula,'Molecular Weight':self.molecular_weight}
+ #converted everything to a dictionary which will be passes to addtable
+ #function as a parameter.
+ #print(dict)
+ self.add_to_table(dict)
+ else:
+ self.show_error()
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_compounds(compounds):
+ # compound_selected = compounds
+ for i in compounds:
+ compound_selected.append(i)
+ def add_to_table(self,a):
+ try:
+ row_position = self.tableWidget.rowCount()
+ self.tableWidget.insertRow(row_position)
+ self.tableWidget.setItem(row_position , 0, QTableWidgetItem(str(a['CAS'])))
+ self.tableWidget.setItem(row_position , 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(a['Name'])))
+ self.tableWidget.setItem(row_position , 2, QTableWidgetItem(str(a['Molecular Formula'])))
+ self.tableWidget.setItem(row_position , 3, QTableWidgetItem(str(a['Molecular Weight'])))
+ except Exception as e:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ #print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ def add_compounds_to_list(self,comp): # which list?
+ self.item = QListWidgetItem()
+ self.item.setText(comp)
+ self.listWidget.addItem(self.item)
+ def remove_items(self):
+ try:
+ item = self.tableWidget.item(self.tableWidget.currentRow(),1).text() + '(chemsep)'
+ self.tableWidget.removeRow(self.tableWidget.currentRow())
+ compound_selected.remove(item)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ def show_error(self):
+ QMessageBox.about(self, 'Important', "Selected Compound is not Available")
+ def cancel(self):
+ compound_selected.clear()
+ self.tableWidget.setRowCount(0)
+ self.reject()
+ def get_compounds(self):
+ return compound_selected
+ def final_mo(self):
+ self.f_mo=open(parentPath+'/Simulator/','w+')
+ self.f_mo.write('package database\n')
+ for line in self.prop_list:
+ self.f_mo.write(line)
+ self.f_mo.write('\n')
+ self.f_mo.write('\nend database;')
+ self.f_mo.close()
+ def accept(self):
+ #self.parent().container.update_compounds()
+ return super().accept()
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..486169f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+import datetime
+import pickle
+import os,sys
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+from python.OMChem.Flowsheet import Flowsheet
+from python.utils.ComponentSelector import *
+from python.utils.Graphics import NodeItem, Graphics, dock_widget_lst
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidget import DockWidget
+class Container():
+ def __init__(self,msgbrowser, graphicsView):
+ self.unit_operations = []
+ self.thermo_package = None
+ self.compounds = None
+ self.flowsheet = None
+ self.conn = defaultdict(list)
+ self.op=defaultdict(list)
+ self.ip=defaultdict(list)
+ self.msg = msgbrowser
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.msg.setText("")
+ self.opl=[]
+ self.result=[]
+ = Graphics(self.unit_operations, self.graphicsView)
+ self.scene =
+ def current_time(self):
+ now =
+ time = str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" +str(now.second)
+ return time
+ def add_unit_operation(self, obj):
+ box = None
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.scene =
+ box =, self)
+ if box is not None:
+ self.scene.addItem(box)
+ box.setPos(2500-30, 2500-30)
+ if(obj in self.unit_operations):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.unit_operations.append(obj)
+ data = self.unit_operations[:]
+ data.append(compound_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">["+str(self.current_time())+"]<b> "" </b>is instantiated .""</span>")
+ '''
+ Deletes the selected item from the canvas and also the objects created for that type.
+ '''
+ def delete(self,l):
+ for item in l:
+ self.scene.removeItem(item)
+ for i in dock_widget_lst:
+ if ==
+ i.hide()
+ del i
+ break
+ if hasattr(item,'input'):
+ for x in item.input:
+ if x.new_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.new_line)
+ del x.new_line
+ if x.other_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.other_line)
+ del x.other_line
+ if hasattr(item,'output'):
+ for x in item.output:
+ if x.new_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.new_line)
+ del x.new_line
+ if x.other_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.other_line)
+ del x.other_line
+ if hasattr(item,'obj'):
+ self.unit_operations.remove(item.obj)
+ for k in list(self.conn):
+ if item.obj==k:
+ del self.conn[k]
+ elif item.obj in self.conn[k]:
+ self.conn[k].remove(item.obj)
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">["+str(self.current_time())+"]<b> "" </b>is deleted .""</span>")
+ del item.obj
+ del item
+ clean_file('Redo')
+ data = self.unit_operations[:]
+ data.append(compound_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ def fetch_object(self,name):
+ for i in self.unit_operations:
+ if(
+ return i
+ def add_compounds(self,comp):
+ self.compounds = comp
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ def add_thermo_package(self,thermo):
+ self.thermo_package = thermo
+ def msg_browser(self):
+ std = self.flowsheet.stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ if(std):
+ stdout = str(std)
+ stdout = stdout.replace("\n","<br/>")
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">"+stdout+"</span>")
+ stde = self.flowsheet.stderr.decode("utf-8")
+ if(stde):
+ stdout = str(stde)
+ stdout = stdout.replace("\n","<br/>")
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">"+stdout+"</span>")
+ def simulate(self,mode):
+ self.disableInterfaceforSimulation(True)
+ for i in
+ if (isinstance(i, NodeItem)):
+ try:
+ i.dock_widget.clear_results()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ #print("SIMULATE")
+ #print(mode)
+ self.compounds = compound_selected
+ self.flowsheet = Flowsheet()
+ self.flowsheet.add_compound_list([c[:c.index('(')] for c in self.compounds])
+ #print("######## connection master#########\n",self.conn)
+ for i in self.unit_operations :
+ self.flowsheet.add_unit_operations(i)
+ if mode=='SM':
+ self.msg.append("<span>["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulating in <b>Sequential</b> mode ... </span>")
+ self.flowsheet.simulate_SM(self.ip,self.op)
+ self.msg_browser()
+ self.result=self.flowsheet.result_data
+ elif mode=='EQN':
+ self.msg.append("<span>["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulating in <b>equation</b> mode ... </span>")
+ self.flowsheet.simulate_EQN(self.msg)
+ self.result=self.flowsheet.result_data
+ if(len(self.result)== 4):
+ #self.msg_browser()
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulation <b>Successful.</b></span>")
+ else:
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulation <b>Failed.</b></span>")
+ #print("under Eqn mode simulation")
+ if(len(self.result)== 4):
+ DockWidget.show_result(NodeItem.get_dock_widget())
+ for i in
+ if (isinstance(i, NodeItem) and i.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ i.update_tooltip_selectedVar()
+ no_input_lines = len(i.input[0].in_lines)
+ no_output_lines = len(i.output[0].out_lines)
+ if(no_input_lines>0): #Checks if material stream is input or output stream if it is output stream it continues
+ i.obj.disableInputDataTab(i.dock_widget)
+ self.disableInterfaceforSimulation(False)
+ def enableToolbar(self,status):
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionNew.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionZoomIn.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionZoomOut.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionResetZoom.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionEquationOriented.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionTerminate.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionSelectCompounds.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ def disableInterfaceforSimulation(self,status):
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().menubar.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.enableToolbar(not status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().dockWidget.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(not status)
+ if status:
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor))
+ else:
+ QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor()
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor))
+def flat_list(lst):
+ flat_lst=[]
+ for sublist in lst:
+ for item in sublist:
+ flat_lst.append(item)
+ return flat_lst
+def push(file_name, data):
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "ab") as obj:
+ pickle.dump(data, obj)
+def clean_file(file_name):
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "wb") as clean:
+ pass
+def pop(file_name):
+ last_command = None
+ if os.stat(f"{file_name}.dat").st_size != 0:
+ commands = []
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "rb") as objs:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ command = pickle.load(objs)
+ commands.append(command)
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ last_command = commands[-1]
+ commands.remove(commands[-1])
+ if len(commands) != 0:
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "wb") as updated_data:
+ for i in range(len(commands)):
+ pickle.dump(commands[i], updated_data)
+ else:
+ clean_file(file_name)
+ return last_command
+def get_last_list(file_name):
+ commands = []
+ if os.stat(f"{file_name}.dat").st_size != 0:
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "rb") as objs:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ command = pickle.load(objs)
+ commands.append(command)
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ if len(commands) is not 0:
+ return commands[-1]
+ else:
+ return None
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3eab7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from PyQt5.QtGui import *
+import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui
+import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
+import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEdit
+import os, sys
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidget import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetMaterialStream import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetDistillationColumn import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetShortcutColumn import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetMixer import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetSplitter import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetFlash import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetCompoundSeparator import *
+from python.DockWidgets.DockWidgetCompressorExpander import *
+from python.utils.Container import *
+from python.utils.Streams import *
+from python.utils.UnitOperations import *
+from python.utils.ComponentSelector import *
+class Graphics(QDialog, QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, unit_operations, graphicsView):
+ QDialog.__init__(self)
+ QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.__init__(self)
+ self.scene = QGraphicsScene()
+ self.scene.setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene.BspTreeIndex)
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.pos = None
+ self.unit_operations = unit_operations
+ self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBarVal = self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBar().value()
+ def get_scene(self):
+ return self.scene
+ def create_node_item(self,unit_operation, container):
+ tempItem = NodeItem(unit_operation, container, self.graphicsView)
+ if tempItem.ok:
+ return tempItem
+ else:
+ return None
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if isinstance(i, NodeItem):
+ i.update_compounds()
+ def load_canvas(self, obj, container):
+ stm = ['MaterialStream','EngStm']
+ for i in obj:
+ if i in self.unit_operations:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.unit_operations.append(i)
+ type(i).counter += 1
+ #print(self.unit_operations)
+ new_box = self.create_node_item(i, container)
+ new_box.setPos(i.pos.toPoint().x(), i.pos.toPoint().y())
+ self.scene.addItem(new_box)
+ for i in obj:
+ if i.type == "MaterialStream":
+ pass
+ #print(eval(i.type))
+ elif i.type not in stm:
+ ip = i.input_stms
+ op = i.output_stms
+ for k, v in ip.items():
+ pointA = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ pointB = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ rect = pointA.output[0].boundingRect()
+ pointAA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointAA = pointA.output[0].mapToScene(pointAA)
+ socketB = next((s for s in pointB.input if k ==
+ rectB = socketB.boundingRect()
+ pointBB = QtCore.QPointF(rectB.x() + rectB.width()/(2), rectB.y() + rectB.height()/(2))
+ pointBB = socketB.mapToScene(pointBB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointAA, pointBB, 'in')
+ self.new_line.source = pointA.output[0]
+ = socketB
+ pointA.output[0].out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ socketB.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ pointA.output[0].other_line = self.new_line
+ socketB.other_line = self.new_line
+ self.scene.addItem(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.updatePath()
+ for k, v in op.items():
+ pointA = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ pointB = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ socketA = next(s for s in pointA.output if k ==
+ rect = socketA.boundingRect()
+ pointAA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointAA = socketA.mapToScene(pointAA)
+ rectB = pointB.input[0].boundingRect()
+ pointBB = QtCore.QPointF(rectB.x() + rectB.width()/(2), rectB.y() + rectB.height()/(2))
+ pointBB = pointB.input[0].mapToScene(pointBB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointAA, pointBB, 'out')
+ self.new_line.source = socketA
+ = pointB.input[0]
+ socketA.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ pointB.input[0].in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ socketA.other_line = self.new_line
+ pointB.input[0].other_line = self.new_line
+ self.scene.addItem(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.updatePath()
+class NodeLine(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem):
+ def __init__(self, pointA, pointB , socket):
+ super(NodeLine, self).__init__()
+ self._pointA = pointA
+ self._pointB = pointB
+ self.socket = socket
+ self._source = None
+ self._target = None
+ self.setZValue(-1)
+ self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,120))
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.pen.setWidth(2)
+ self.pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220))
+ self.setPen(self.pen)
+ def updatePath(self):
+ if (self._pointB.x() - self._pointA.x()) < 30:
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ midptx = (self.pointA.x() + 13)
+ ctrl1_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ pt1 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y())
+ path.moveTo(pt1)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_1, ctrl2_1, pt1)
+ if abs(self.pointB.x()-midptx) > 150:
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y()+100)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ pt3 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, pt3)
+ path.moveTo(pt3)
+ ctrl1_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ ctrl2_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ pt4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_4, ctrl2_4, pt4)
+ path.moveTo(pt4)
+ ctrl1_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ pt5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x(), self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_5, ctrl2_5, pt5)
+ path.moveTo(pt5)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ return
+ else:
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ pt3 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, pt3)
+ path.moveTo(pt3)
+ ctrl1_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ ctrl2_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ pt4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_4, ctrl2_4, pt4)
+ path.moveTo(pt4)
+ ctrl1_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ pt5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x(), self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_5, ctrl2_5, pt5)
+ path.moveTo(pt5)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ return
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.moveTo(self.pointA)
+ midptx = 0.5*(self.pointA.x() + self.pointB.x())
+ ctrl1_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ pt1 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_1, ctrl2_1, pt1)
+ path.moveTo(pt1)
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, self.pointB)
+ path.moveTo(self.pointB)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawPath(self.path())
+ @property
+ def pointA(self):
+ return self._pointA
+ @pointA.setter
+ def pointA(self, point):
+ self._pointA = point
+ self.updatePath()
+ @property
+ def pointB(self):
+ return self._pointB
+ @pointB.setter
+ def pointB(self, point):
+ self._pointB = point
+ self.updatePath()
+ @property
+ def source(self):
+ return self._source
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, widget):
+ self._source = widget
+ @property
+ def target(self):
+ return self._target
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, widget):
+ self._target = widget
+ def __delete__(self,instance):
+ del self._source
+ del self._target
+ del self._pointA
+ del self._pointB
+class NodeSocket(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, rect, parent, socketType, id):
+ super(NodeSocket, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.rect = rect
+ self.type = socketType
+ self.parent=parent
+ = id
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.new_line=None
+ self.other_line=None
+ # Brush
+ self.brush = QtGui.QBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ # Pen
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ # Lines
+ self.out_lines = []
+ self.in_lines = []
+ def shape(self):
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.addEllipse(self.boundingRect())
+ return path
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ return QtCore.QRectF(self.rect)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawEllipse(self.rect.x(),self.rect.y(),self.rect.height(),self.rect.width())
+ painter.setBrush(self.brush)
+ painter.drawEllipse(self.rect.x()+2,self.rect.y()+2,(self.rect.height()/3)*2,(self.rect.width()/3)*2)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ if self.type == 'op'and len(self.out_lines) == 0:
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ pointA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(pointA)
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointA, pointB ,'op')
+ self.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.new_line)
+ elif self.type == 'in' and len(self.in_lines) == 0:
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ pointB = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(pointB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointA, pointB, 'in')
+ self.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.new_line)
+ else:
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
+ if self.type == 'op':
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(event.scenePos().toPoint(),QtGui.QTransform())
+ if(isinstance(item,NodeSocket)):
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt.PointingHandCursor))
+ else:
+ QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor()
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor))
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line.pointB = pointB
+ if self.other_line:
+ self.other_line.pointB=pointB
+ elif self.type == 'in':
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line.pointA = pointA
+ if self.other_line:
+ self.other_line.pointA=pointA
+ else:
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(event.scenePos().toPoint(),QtGui.QTransform())
+ stm = ['MaterialStream','EngStm']
+ item.other_line=self.new_line
+ if self.type == 'op' and item.type == 'in' and len(item.in_lines) == 0:
+ self.new_line.source = self
+ = item
+ item.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.pointB = item.get_center()
+ #print(type(self.new_line.source))
+ if self.new_line.source.parent.obj.type not in stm:
+ self.new_line.source.parent.obj.add_connection(0,,
+ if not in stm:
+,, self.new_line.source.parent.obj) # Input stream if flag is 1
+ sc = self.new_line.source.parent
+ tg =
+ if(sc.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ sc_no_input_lines = len(sc.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(sc_no_input_lines > 0):
+ sc.obj.disableInputDataTab(sc.dock_widget)
+ if(tg.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ tg_no_input_lines = len(tg.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(tg_no_input_lines > 0):
+ tg.obj.disableInputDataTab(tg.dock_widget)
+ elif self.type =='in' and item.type == 'op' and len(item.out_lines) == 0:
+ self.new_line.source = item
+ = self
+ item.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.pointA = item.get_center()
+ #print(type(self.new_line.source))
+ if self.new_line.source.parent.obj.type not in stm:
+ self.new_line.source.parent.obj.add_connection(0,,
+ if not in stm:
+,, self.new_line.source.parent.obj)
+ sc = self.new_line.source.parent
+ tg =
+ if(sc.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ sc_no_input_lines = len(sc.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(sc_no_input_lines > 0):
+ sc.obj.disableInputDataTab(sc.dock_widget)
+ if(tg.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ tg_no_input_lines = len(tg.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(tg_no_input_lines > 0):
+ tg.obj.disableInputDataTab(tg.dock_widget)
+ else:
+ self.scene().removeItem(self.new_line)
+ if(self.new_line in self.in_lines):
+ self.in_lines.remove(self.new_line)
+ if(self.new_line in self.out_lines):
+ self.out_lines.remove(self.new_line)
+ del self.new_line
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ try:
+ data = get_last_list('Undo')
+ comp_selected = data[-1]
+ data.remove(comp_selected)
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ if data[i].name ==
+ data[i] = self.new_line.source.parent.obj
+ elif data[i].name ==
+ data[i] =
+ data.append(comp_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ def get_center(self):
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ center = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ center = self.mapToScene(center)
+ return center
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.PointingHandCursor)
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ def show(self):
+ # set pen to show
+ self.pen = QPen(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220), 1, Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.brush = QBrush(QtGui.QColor(140,199,198,255))
+ def hide(self):
+ # set pen to transparent
+ self.pen = QPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent)
+# all created node items will be put inside this list
+# it is used for recreating the node lines by returning the node item object based on unit operation object's name
+lst = []
+dock_widget_lst = []
+stack = []
+class NodeItem(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_instances(namee):
+ for i in lst:
+ if == namee:
+ return i
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_dock_widget():
+ return dock_widget_lst
+ def __init__(self,unit_operation, container, graphicsView):
+ l = ['Splitter','Mixer', 'DistillationColumn', 'Flash', 'CompoundSeparator', 'ShortcutColumn']
+ stm = ['MaterialStream', 'EnergyStream']
+ super(NodeItem, self).__init__()
+ self.obj = unit_operation
+ self.container = container
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ =
+ self.type = self.obj.type
+ self.ok = True
+ if (self.obj.modes_list):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip(self.obj.mode)
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ dlg = QMessageBox()
+ dlg.setWindowTitle("Error")
+ dlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical)
+ dlg.setText('Enter valid input value!')
+ if self.obj.type == 'Mixer' and not self.obj.saved:
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'Mixer', 'Enter number of input(2-4):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ while self.ok and (int(text)< 2 or int(text) > 4):
+ dlg.exec_()
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'Mixer', 'Enter number of input(2-4):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ if self.ok:
+ self.nin = int(text)
+ self.obj.no_of_inputs = self.nin
+ self.obj.variables['NI']['value'] = self.nin
+ elif self.obj.type == 'DistillationColumn'and not self.obj.saved:
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'DistillationColumn', 'Enter number of input(1-8):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ while self.ok and (int(text)< 1 or int(text) > 8):
+ dlg.exec_()
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'DistillationColumn', 'Enter number of input(1-8):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ if self.ok:
+ self.nin = int(text)
+ self.obj.no_of_inputs = self.nin
+ self.obj.variables['Ni']['value'] = self.nin
+ self.nin = self.obj.no_of_inputs
+ self.nop = self.obj.no_of_outputs
+ self.dock_widget = None
+ lst.append(self)
+ if self.obj.type in l:
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidget"+self.obj.type)(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ elif self.obj.type in stm:
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidget"+self.obj.type)(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ elif self.obj.type == "AdiabaticCompressor" or self.obj.type == "AdiabaticExpander":
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidgetCompressorExpander")(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ else:
+ self.dock_widget = DockWidget(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ dock_widget_lst.append(self.dock_widget)
+ self.main_window= findMainWindow(self)
+ self.dock_widget.setFixedWidth(360)
+ self.dock_widget.setFixedHeight(640)
+ self.dock_widget.DockWidgetFeature(QDockWidget.AllDockWidgetFeatures)
+ self.main_window.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget)
+ # updating input values
+ if self.dock_widget.obj.type != 'MaterialStream':
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.dock_widget.obj.param_setter(self.dock_widget.obj.param_getter(self.dock_widget.obj.mode))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ # self.dock_widget.param()
+ self.dock_widget.hide()
+ self.pic=QtGui.QPixmap(parentPath+"/resources/base/Icons/"+self.type+".png")
+ self.rect = QtCore.QRect(0,0,self.pic.width(),self.pic.height())
+ self.text = QGraphicsTextItem(self)
+ f = QFont()
+ f.setPointSize(8)
+ self.text.setFont(f)
+ self.text.setDefaultTextColor(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220))
+ self.text.setParentItem(self)
+ self.text.setPos(self.rect.width()-(self.rect.width()*0.9), self.rect.height())
+ self.text.setPlainText(
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem.ItemIsMovable)
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem.ItemIsSelectable)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges)
+ # Brush
+ self.brush = QtGui.QBrush()
+ self.brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern)
+ self.brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(80,0,90,255))
+ # Pen
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.pen.setWidth(1)
+ self.pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(20,20,20,255))
+ self.sel_pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.sel_pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.sel_pen.setWidth(1)
+ self.sel_pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(220,220,220,255))
+ # initializing the node sockets
+ self.input , self.output = self.initialize_sockets(self.type)
+ def shape(self):
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.addRect(self.boundingRect())
+ return path
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ return QtCore.QRectF(self.rect)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ if self.isSelected():
+ painter.setPen(self.sel_pen)
+ painter.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(self.rect))
+ else:
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawPixmap(self.rect,self.pic)
+ def initialize_sockets(self,type):
+ if(self.type=="Flash" or self.type=="CompoundSeparator"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(1,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-13,(self.rect.height()*x*1/(self.nop+1))-4,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="AdiabaticCompressor" or self.type=="AdiabaticExpander" or self.type =="Mixer" or self.type =="Splitter" or self.type =="Valve" ):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5, (self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nop+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="Cooler" or self.type=="Heater"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-0.5, (self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-12.0,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nop+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="CentrifugalPump"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-11, 4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,-5.5,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="DistillationColumn" or self.type=="ShortcutColumn"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-4),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-9.5,(self.rect.height()*1.44*x/(self.nop+1))-59,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="MaterialStream"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ items = self.graphicsView.items()
+ for i in items:
+ if(type(i) == NodeItem):
+ for op in i.output:
+ for line in op.out_lines:
+ line.pointA = line.source.get_center()
+ line.pointB =
+ for ip in i.input:
+ for line in ip.in_lines:
+ line.pointA = line.source.get_center()
+ line.pointB =
+ self.pos = event.scenePos()
+ self.obj.set_pos(self.pos)
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBarVal = self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBar().value()
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(False)
+ if len(stack):
+ stack[-1].hide()
+ stack.append(self.dock_widget)
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(True)
+ def update_tooltip(self):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip(self.obj.mode)
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ def update_tooltip_selectedVar(self):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip_selectedVar()
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ try:
+ self.obj.update_compounds()
+ self.dock_widget.update_compounds()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem,self).hoverEnterEvent(event)
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if(isinstance(i,NodeItem)):
+ for ip in i.input:
+ for op in i.output:
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem,self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if(isinstance(i,NodeItem)):
+ for ip in i.input:
+ ip.hide()
+ for op in i.output:
+ op.hide()
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ newPos = value
+ if change == self.ItemPositionChange and self.scene():
+ rect = self.container.graphicsView.sceneRect()
+ width = self.boundingRect().width()
+ height = self.boundingRect().height()
+ eWH1 = QPointF(newPos.x()+width,newPos.y()+height)
+ eWH2 = QPointF(newPos.x()-width,newPos.y()-height)
+ if not rect.__contains__(eWH1) or not rect.__contains__(eWH2) :
+ newPos.setX(min(rect.right()-width-40, max(newPos.x(), rect.left())))
+ newPos.setY(min(rect.bottom()-height-35, max(newPos.y(),
+ self.obj.set_pos(newPos)
+ return super(NodeItem,self).itemChange(change, newPos)
+def findMainWindow(self):
+ '''
+ Global function to find the (open) QMainWindow in application
+ '''
+ app = QApplication.instance()
+ for widget in app.topLevelWidgets():
+ if isinstance(widget, QMainWindow):
+ return widget
+ return None
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05ec014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+import json
+import sys,os
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from python.utils.ComponentSelector import compound_selected
+class MaterialStream():
+ counter = 1
+ def __init__(self, compound_names = []):
+ = 'MaterialStream' + str(MaterialStream.counter)
+ self.type = 'MaterialStream'
+ self.compound_names = compound_names
+ self.count = MaterialStream.counter
+ self.thermo_package ="RaoultsLaw"
+ self.mode1 = "P"
+ self.mode2 = "T"
+ self.mode1_val = ""
+ self.mode2_val = ""
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.x = 2500-30
+ self.y = 2500-30
+ self.pos = QPointF(self.x, self.y)
+ MaterialStream.counter+=1
+ self.start_dict = {}
+ self.eqn_dict = {}
+ self.modes_list = ["PT", "PH", "PVF", "TVF", "PS"]
+ self.saved = False
+ self.mode = self.modes_list[0]
+ self.variables = {
+ 'P' : {'name':'Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'T' : {'name':'Temperature', 'value':300, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'xvap' : {'name':'Vapour Mole Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
+ 'H_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
+ 'S_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
+ 'F_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Flow', 'value':100, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Fm_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'},
+ 'H_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
+ 'S_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
+ 'F_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'H_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
+ 'S_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
+ 'F_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'x_pc' : {'name':'Mole Fraction', 'value':[], 'unit':''},
+ 'xm_pc' : {'name':'Mass Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
+ 'F_pc' : {'name':'Mole Flow', 'value':100, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Fm_pc' : {'name':'Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'},
+ }
+ self.init_variables()
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compound_names = compound_selected
+ def init_variables(self):
+ Nc = len(self.compound_names)
+ for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
+ self.variables['x_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mole Fraction', 'value':round(1/Nc,4), 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['xm_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mass Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['F_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mole Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
+ self.variables['x_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mole Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['xm_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mass Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['F_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mole Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mass Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
+ self.variables['x_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mole Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['xm_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mass Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ self.variables['F_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mole Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mass Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
+ for i in self.compound_names:
+ self.variables[i] = {'value':''}
+ def param_getter_tooltip(self,mode):
+ dict = {}
+ temp = []
+ for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
+ try:
+ temp.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,' + str(i+1) + ']']['value'])
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = temp
+ if(mode=="PT"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'T'
+ mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
+ mode2_n = self.variables['T']['name']
+ dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
+ mode2_n:str(self.variables['T']['value'])+' '+self.variables['T']['unit']}
+ elif(mode=="PH"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'H_p[1]'
+ mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
+ mode2_n = self.variables['H_p[1]']['name']
+ dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
+ mode2_n:str(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['H_p[1]']['unit']}
+ elif(mode=="PVF"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'xvap'
+ mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
+ mode2_n = self.variables['xvap']['name']
+ dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
+ mode2_n:str(self.variables['xvap']['value'])+' '+self.variables['xvap']['unit']}
+ elif(mode=="TVF"):
+ self.mode1 = 'T'
+ self.mode2 = 'xvap'
+ mode1_n = self.variables['T']['name']
+ mode2_n = self.variables['xvap']['name']
+ dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['T']['value'])+' '+self.variables['T']['unit'],
+ mode2_n:str(self.variables['xvap']['value'])+' '+self.variables['xvap']['unit']}
+ elif(mode=="PS"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'S_p[1]'
+ mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
+ mode2_n = self.variables['S_p[1]']['name']
+ dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
+ mode2_n:str(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['S_p[1]']['unit']}
+ dict['Mole Flow'] = str(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['F_p[1]']['unit']
+ dict[self.variables['x_pc']['name']] = str(self.variables['x_pc']['value'])+' '+self.variables['x_pc']['unit']
+ dict['Thermo Package'] = self.thermo_package
+ return dict
+ def param_getter_tooltip_selectedVar(self):
+ dict = {}
+ pressure_name = self.variables['P']['name']
+ pressure_val = self.variables['P']['value']
+ pressure_unit = self.variables['P']['unit']
+ temp_name = self.variables['T']['name']
+ temp_val = self.variables['T']['value']
+ temp_unit = self.variables['T']['unit']
+ mixMolEntal_name = self.variables['H_p[1]']['name']
+ mixMolEntal_val = round(float(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ mixMolEntal_unit = self.variables['H_p[1]']['unit']
+ mixMolEntro_name = self.variables['S_p[1]']['name']
+ mixMolEntro_val = round(float(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ mixMolEntro_unit = self.variables['S_p[1]']['unit']
+ vapMolFrac_name = self.variables['xvap']['name']
+ vapMolFrac_val = self.variables['xvap']['value']
+ vapMolFrac_unit = self.variables['xvap']['unit']
+ mixMolFlo_name = self.variables['F_p[1]']['name']
+ mixMolFlo_val = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
+ mixMolFlo_unit = self.variables['F_p[1]']['unit']
+ mixMassFlo_name = self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['name']
+ mixMassFlo_val = round(float(self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ mixMassFlo_unit = self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['unit']
+ dict = {pressure_name:str(pressure_val)+' '+pressure_unit,
+ temp_name:str(temp_val)+' '+temp_unit,
+ vapMolFrac_name:str(vapMolFrac_val)+' '+vapMolFrac_unit,
+ mixMolEntal_name:str(mixMolEntal_val)+' '+mixMolEntal_unit,
+ mixMolEntro_name:str(mixMolEntro_val)+' '+mixMolEntro_unit,
+ mixMolFlo_name:str(mixMolFlo_val)+' '+mixMolFlo_unit,
+ mixMassFlo_name:str(mixMassFlo_val)+' '+mixMassFlo_unit}
+ return dict
+ def param_getter(self,mode):
+ dict = {}
+ temp = []
+ for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
+ try:
+ temp.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,' + str(i+1) + ']']['value'])
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = temp
+ pressure_val = self.variables['P']['value']
+ temp_val = self.variables['T']['value']
+ mixMolFlo_val = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
+ mixMolEntal_val = self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']
+ vapMolFrac_val = self.variables['xvap']['value']
+ mixMolEntro_val = self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']
+ if pressure_val != None:
+ pressure_val = round(float(self.variables['P']['value']),4)
+ if temp_val != None:
+ temp_val = round(float(self.variables['T']['value']),4)
+ if mixMolFlo_val != None:
+ mixMolFlo_val = round(float(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ if mixMolEntal_val != None:
+ mixMolEntal_val = round(float(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ if vapMolFrac_val != None:
+ vapMolFrac_val = round(float(self.variables['xvap']['value']),4)
+ if mixMolEntro_val != None:
+ mixMolEntro_val = round(float(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']),4)
+ if(mode=="PT"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'T'
+ dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:temp_val,
+ "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val,"x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
+ "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
+ #print('dictionary is :' + str(dict))
+ elif(mode=="PH"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'H_p[1]'
+ dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:mixMolEntal_val,
+ "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
+ "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
+ elif(mode=="PVF"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'xvap'
+ dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:vapMolFrac_val,
+ "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
+ "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
+ elif(mode=="TVF"):
+ self.mode1 = 'T'
+ self.mode2 = 'xvap'
+ dict = {self.mode1:temp_val, self.mode2:vapMolFrac_val,
+ "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
+ "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
+ elif(mode=="PS"):
+ self.mode1 = 'P'
+ self.mode2 = 'S_p[1]'
+ dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2: mixMolEntro_val,
+ "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
+ "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
+ return dict
+ def param_setter(self,dict):
+ self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = dict['x_pc'].split(",")
+ #print('xpc is :' + str(self.variables['x_pc']['value']))
+ self.thermo_package = dict['Thermo Package']
+ self.variables['F_p[1]']['value'] = dict['MolFlow']
+ self.variables[self.mode1]['value'] = dict[self.mode1]
+ self.variables[self.mode2]['value'] = dict[self.mode2]
+ for i in range(len(self.compound_names)):
+ if self.variables['x_pc']['value'][i]:
+ self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = self.variables['x_pc']['value'][i]
+ else:
+ self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['xm_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = self.variables['xm_pc']['value']
+ self.variables['F_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ for i in range(0,len(self.compound_names)):
+ self.variables['x_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['xm_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['F_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['x_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['xm_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['F_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ self.variables['Fm_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
+ def set_pos(self,pos):
+ self.pos = pos
+ def get_min_eqn_values(self):
+ x_pclist = []
+ for i in range(0,len(self.compound_names)):
+ x_pclist.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'])
+ x_pc = json.dumps(x_pclist)
+ x_pc = x_pc.replace('[','{')
+ x_pc = x_pc.replace(']','}')
+ x_pc = x_pc.replace('"','')
+ if self.variables[self.mode1]['value']:
+ self.eqn_dict[self.mode1] = self.variables[self.mode1]['value']
+ if self.variables[self.mode2]['value']:
+ self.eqn_dict[self.mode2] = self.variables[self.mode2]['value']
+ if self.variables['x_pc']['value']:
+ self.eqn_dict['x_pc[1,:]'] = x_pc
+ if self.variables['F_pc']['value']:
+ self.eqn_dict['F_p[1]'] = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
+ def get_start_values(self):
+ try:
+ if self.variables[self.mode1]['value']:
+ self.start_dict[self.mode1] = self.variables[self.mode1]['value']
+ if self.variables[self.mode2]['value']:
+ self.start_dict[self.mode2] = self.variables[self.mode2]['value']
+ if self.variables['x_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
+ x_pcarr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ cmf = []
+ for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
+ cmf.append(str(self.variables['x_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
+ x_pcarr.append(cmf)
+ x_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
+ x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace('[','{')
+ x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace(']','}')
+ x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['x_pc'] = x_pcstr
+ if self.variables['xm_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
+ xm_pcarr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ cmf = []
+ for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
+ cmf.append(str(self.variables['xm_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
+ xm_pcarr.append(cmf)
+ xm_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
+ xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace('[','{')
+ xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace(']','}')
+ xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['xm_pc'] = xm_pcstr
+ if self.variables['Fm_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
+ Fm_pcarr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ cmf = []
+ for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
+ cmf.append(str(self.variables['Fm_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
+ Fm_pcarr.append(cmf)
+ Fm_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
+ Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace('[','{')
+ Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace(']','}')
+ Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['Fm_pc'] = Fm_pcstr
+ if self.variables['F_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
+ F_pcarr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ cmf = []
+ for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
+ cmf.append(str(self.variables['F_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
+ F_pcarr.append(cmf)
+ F_pcstr = json.dumps(F_pcarr)
+ F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace('[','{')
+ F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace(']','}')
+ F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['F_pc'] = F_pcstr
+ if self.variables['MW_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ MW_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ MW_pArr.append(self.variables['MW_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ MW_pStr = json.dumps(MW_pArr)
+ MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['MW_p'] = MW_pStr
+ if self.variables['F_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ F_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ F_pArr.append(self.variables['F_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ F_pStr = json.dumps(F_pArr)
+ F_pStr = F_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ F_pStr = F_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ F_pStr = F_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['F_p'] = F_pStr
+ if self.variables['Cp_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ Cp_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ Cp_pArr.append(self.variables['Cp_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ Cp_pStr = json.dumps(Cp_pArr)
+ Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['Cp_p'] = Cp_pStr
+ if self.variables['H_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ H_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ H_pArr.append(self.variables['H_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ H_pStr = json.dumps(H_pArr)
+ H_pStr = H_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ H_pStr = H_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ H_pStr = H_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['H_p'] = H_pStr
+ if self.variables['S_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ S_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ S_pArr.append(self.variables['S_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ S_pStr = json.dumps(S_pArr)
+ S_pStr = S_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ S_pStr = S_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ S_pStr = S_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['S_p'] = S_pStr
+ if self.variables['Fm_p[2]']['value'] != None:
+ Fm_pArr = []
+ for i in range(1,4):
+ Fm_pArr.append(self.variables['Fm_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
+ Fm_pStr = json.dumps(Fm_pArr)
+ Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace('[','{')
+ Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace(']','}')
+ Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace('"','')
+ self.start_dict['Fm_p'] = Fm_pStr
+ except Exception as e:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ # print(exc_type,exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ # print(e)
+ # print('error')
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Initialize(self,addedcomp):
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("model ms"+str(self.count)+"\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("extends Simulator.Streams.MaterialStream;\n" )
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages."+self.thermo_package+";\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("end ms"+str(self.count)+";\n")
+ comp_count = len(addedcomp)
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + "ms"+str(self.count) +" " + +"(Nc = " + str(comp_count)
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ",C = {"
+ C = str(addedcomp).strip('[').strip(']')
+ C = C.replace("'","")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + C + "},"
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init[:-1]
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ');\n'
+ return self.OM_data_init
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self,addedcomp,method):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.comp_count = len(addedcomp)
+ if method == 'Eqn':
+ self.eqn_dict = {}
+ self.get_min_eqn_values()
+ if method == 'SM':
+ self.eqn_dict = {}
+ self.get_min_eqn_values()
+ for key,value in self.eqn_dict.items():
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + + '.'+ key + ' = ' + str(value) + ';\n'
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+ def disableInputDataTab(self,dockwidget):
+ #setting the value of input data tab in dock widget and disabling them
+ dockwidget.comboBox.setDisabled(True)
+ dockwidget.input_dict['P'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['P']['value']),4)))
+ dockwidget.input_dict['P'].setDisabled(True)
+ dockwidget.input_dict['T'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['T']['value']),4)))
+ dockwidget.input_dict['T'].setDisabled(True)
+ dockwidget.input_dict['MolFlow'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']),4)))
+ dockwidget.input_dict['MolFlow'].setDisabled(True)
+ dockwidget.cbTP.setCurrentText(str(self.thermo_package))
+ dockwidget.cbTP.setDisabled(True)
+ dockwidget.pushButton_2.setDisabled(True)
+ for index,k in enumerate(dockwidget.x_pclist):
+ k.setText(str(round(float(self.variables['x_pc[1,'+ str(index+1)+']']['value']),4)))
+ k.setDisabled(True)
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b16c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+import os,sys
+import json
+current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parent = os.path.dirname(current)
+parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
+from python.OMChem.Flowsheet import Flowsheet
+from python.OMChem.EngStm import EngStm
+from python.utils.ComponentSelector import *
+from python.utils.Container import *
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+class UnitOperation():
+ counter = 1
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ self.input_stms = {}
+ self.output_stms = {}
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ = ''
+ self.mode = None
+ self.mode_val = None
+ self.type = ''
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.x = 2500-30
+ self.y = 2500-30
+ self.pos = QPointF(self.x, self.y)
+ self.count = UnitOperation.counter
+ self.variables = {}
+ self.modes_list = []
+ self.parameters = []
+ self.extra = []
+ self.for_naming = []
+ self.multidict = []
+ self.thermo_pack_req = False
+ self.thermo_package = 'RaoultsLaw'
+ self.saved = False
+ def param_getter(self,mode=None):
+ params = {}
+ if mode == None and self.modes_list:
+ self.mode = self.modes_list[0]
+ else:
+ self.mode = mode
+ params[self.mode] = None
+ for i in self.parameters:
+ params[i] = self.variables[i]['value']
+ return params
+ def param_getter_tooltip(self,mode=None):
+ params = {}
+ if mode == None and self.modes_list:
+ self.mode = self.modes_list[0]
+ else:
+ self.mode = mode
+ params[self.mode] = None
+ for i in self.parameters:
+ params[self.variables[i]['name']] = str(self.variables[i]['value'])+' '+self.variables[i]['unit']
+ return params
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter ", params)
+ try:
+ self.mode = list(params.keys())[0]
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ for k,v in params.items():
+ if k == 'Thermo Package':
+ self.thermo_package = v
+ elif k != self.mode:
+ self.k = v
+ self.variables[k]['value'] = v
+ else:
+ self.variables[k]['value'] = v
+ self.mode_val = params[self.mode]
+ def add_connection(self,flag,sourceId, UnitOpr):
+ if flag==1: # Input stream if flag is 1
+ self.input_stms[sourceId] = UnitOpr
+ else :
+ self.output_stms[sourceId] = UnitOpr
+ def set_pos(self,pos):
+ self.pos = pos
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Initialize(self):
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ if(self.thermo_pack_req):
+ if len(self.extra)>1:
+ for i in range(len(self.extra)):
+ latest = ''
+ for j in range(self.extra[i]):
+ if self.extra[i][j]!='.':
+ latest += self.extra[i][j]
+ self.for_naming[i] = latest
+ if(self.thermo_pack_req):
+ if len(self.extra)==1:
+ for i in self.extra:
+ self.OM_data_init += ('model '+i+str(self.counter)+'\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('extends Simulator.UnitOperations.'+i+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages.'+self.thermo_package+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('end '+i+str(self.counter)+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += i+str(self.counter) + ' ' + + '(Nc = ' + str(len(self.compounds))
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(self.extra)):
+ if i!=(len(self.extra)-1):
+ self.OM_data_init += ('model '+self.for_naming[i]+str(self.counter)+'\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('extends Simulator.UnitOperations.'+self.extra[i]+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages.'+self.thermo_package+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('end '+self.for_naming[i]+str(self.counter)+';\n')
+ else:
+ self.OM_data_init += ('model '+self.for_naming[i]+str(self.counter)+'\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('extends Simulator.UnitOperations.'+self.extra[i]+';\n')
+ for j in range(len(self.extra)-1):
+ self.OM_data_init += (self.for_naming[j] + str(self.counter) +' ' + self.for_naming[j] + '#' + self.multidict[j] + ';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += ('end '+self.for_naming[i]+str(self.counter)+';\n')
+ self.OM_data_init += self.for_naming[i] + str(self.counter) + ' ' + self.for_naming + '(Nc = ' + str(len(self.compounds))
+ C = str(self.compounds).strip('[').strip(']')
+ C = C.replace("'", "")
+ self.OM_data_init += ',C = {' + C + '}'
+ for k in self.parameters:
+ if(k == 'HKey_x_pc' or k == 'LKey_x_pc'):
+ continue
+ self.OM_data_init += ', '
+ self.OM_data_init += k + ' = ' + (json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']) if json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']).replace('"', '').replace('_', '').isalpha()
+ else json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}').replace('"', ''))
+ self.OM_data_init += ');\n'
+ else:
+ self.OM_data_init += 'Simulator.UnitOperations.' + self.type + ' ' + + '(Nc = ' + str(len(self.compounds))
+ C = str(self.compounds).strip('[').strip(']')
+ C = C.replace("'", "")
+ self.OM_data_init += ',C = {' + C + '}'
+ for k in self.parameters:
+ self.OM_data_init += ', '
+ self.OM_data_init += k + ' = ' + (json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']) if json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']).replace('"', '').replace('_', '').isalpha()
+ else json.dumps(self.variables[k]['value']).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}').replace('"', ''))
+ self.OM_data_init += ');\n'
+ return self.OM_data_init
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ if len(self.input_stms)>1 or self.type == 'Mixer':
+ strcount = 1
+ for strm in self.input_stms.values():
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.Out,' + + '.In[' + str(strcount) + ']);\n')
+ strcount += 1
+ else:
+ #print(self.input_stms)
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + self.input_stms[1].name + '.Out);\n')
+ if len(self.output_stms)>1:
+ strcount = 1
+ for strm in self.output_stms.values():
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + + '.Out[' + str(strcount) + ']);\n')
+ strcount += 1
+ else:
+ #print("self.output_stms ", self.output_stms)
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.Out,' + self.output_stms[1].name + '.In);\n')
+ if self.mode:
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ( + '.' + self.mode + '=' + str(self.mode_val) + ';\n')
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+class ShortcutColumn(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, CompNames = [], name='ShortcutColumn'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(ShortcutColumn.counter)
+ self.type = 'ShortcutColumn'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 2
+ self.EngStm1 = EngStm(name='EngStm1'
+ self.EngStm2 = EngStm(name='EngStm2'
+ self.count = ShortcutColumn.counter
+ self.extra = ['ShortcutColumn']
+ self.for_naming = ['ShortcutColumn']
+ self.thermo_pack_req = True
+ self.parameters = ['HKey', 'LKey', 'HKey_x_pc', 'LKey_x_pc', 'Ctype', 'Pcond', 'Preb', 'RR']
+ self.result_parameters = ['RRmin', 'Ntmin', 'Nt', 'Intray', 'Fliqstrip', 'Fliqrec', 'Fvapstrip', 'Fvaprec', 'Qc', 'Qr']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'HKey' : {'name':'Heavy Key', 'value': 0, 'unit':''},
+ 'LKey' : {'name':'Light Key', 'value': 0, 'unit':''},
+ 'HKey_x_pc' : {'name':'Heavy Key Mole Fraction', 'value':0.01, 'unit':''},
+ 'LKey_x_pc' : {'name':'Light Key Mole Fraction', 'value':0.01, 'unit':''},
+ 'Ctype' : {'name':'Condenser Type', 'value':'Total', 'unit':''},
+ 'thermo_package' : {'name':'Thermo Package', 'value':'Raoults_Law', 'unit':''},
+ 'Pcond' : {'name':'Condenser Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Preb' : {'name':'Reboiler Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'RR' : {'name':'Reflux Ratio', 'value':1.5, 'unit':''},
+ 'RRmin' : {'name':'Minimum Reflux Ratio', 'value': None , 'unit':''},
+ 'Ntmin' : {'name':'Minimum Number of Stages', 'value': None, 'unit':''},
+ 'Nt' : {'name':'Actual Number of Stages', 'value': None, 'unit':''},
+ 'Intray' : {'name':'Optimal Feed Stage', 'value': None, 'unit':''},
+ 'Fliqstrip' : {'name':'Stripping Liquid', 'value': None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Fliqrec' : {'name':'Rectification Liquid', 'value': None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Fvapstrip' : {'name':'Stripping Vapor', 'value': None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Fvaprec' : {'name':'Recification Vapour', 'value': None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
+ 'Qc' : {'name':'Conderser Duty', 'value': None, 'unit':'W'},
+ 'Qr' : {'name':'Reboiler Duty', 'value': None, 'unit':'W'},
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter ", params)
+ self.variables['HKey']['value'] = self.compounds.index(params[0]) + 1
+ self.variables['LKey']['value'] = self.compounds.index(params[1]) + 1
+ self.variables['HKey_x_pc']['value'] = params[2]
+ self.variables['LKey_x_pc']['value'] = params[3]
+ self.variables['Ctype']['value'] = params[4]
+ self.variables['Pcond']['value'] = params[5]
+ self.variables['Preb']['value'] = params[6]
+ self.variables['RR']['value'] = params[7]
+ self.variables['thermo_package']['value'] = params[8]
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + self.input_stms[1].name + '.Out);\n')
+ strcount = 1
+ for strm in self.output_stms.values():
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + + '.Out' + str(strcount) + ');\n')
+ strcount += 1
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ( + '.x_pc[2, ' + + '.HKey] = ' + str(self.variables['HKey_x_pc']['value']) + ';\n')
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ( + '.x_pc[3, ' + + '.LKey] = ' + str(self.variables['LKey_x_pc']['value']) + ';\n')
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+class DistillationColumn(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='DistillationColumn'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(DistillationColumn.counter)
+ self.type = 'DistillationColumn'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 2
+ self.EngStm1 = EngStm(name='EngStm1'
+ self.EngStm2 = EngStm(name='EngStm2'
+ self.count = DistillationColumn.counter
+ self.thermo_pack_req = True
+ self.modes_list = []
+ self.parameters = ['Nt', 'Ni', 'Ctype', 'Pcond', 'condmode', 'C_comp', 'C_Spec', 'Preb', 'rebmode', 'rebcomp', 'R_Spec']
+ self.result_parameters = ['Cduty.Q', 'Rduty.Q']
+ self.Cspec_list = ['Reflux Ratio','Product Molar Flow (mol/s)', 'Temperature (K)', 'Compound Molar Fraction', 'Compound Molar Flow (mol/s)']
+ self.Rspec_list = ['Product Molar Flow (mol/s)', 'Temperature (K)', 'Compound Molar Fraction', 'Compound Molar Flow (mol/s)']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Ni' : {'name':'Number of Input', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'RR' : {'name':'Reflux Ratio', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
+ 'T' : {'name':'Temperature', 'value':300, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Nout' : {'name':'No of Sidedraws', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
+ 'Nt' : {'name':'No of Stages', 'value':12, 'unit':''},
+ 'InT_s' : {'name':'Feed Stage', 'value':[], 'unit':''},
+ 'thermo_package' : {'name':'Thermo Package', 'value':'Raoults_Law', 'unit':''},
+ 'Ctype' : {'name':'Condenser Type', 'value':'Total', 'unit':''},
+ 'Pcond' : {'name':'Condenser Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Preb' : {'name':'Reboiler Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'C_Spec': {'name':'Condenser Specification', 'type':self.Cspec_list[0], 'value':'', 'comp':compound_selected[0], 'unit':''},
+ 'R_Spec': {'name':'Reboiler Specification', 'type':self.Rspec_list[0], 'value':'', 'comp':compound_selected[0], 'unit':''},
+ 'Cduty.Q': {'name':'Condenser Duty', 'value': '', 'unit':'W'},
+ 'Rduty.Q': {'name':'Reboiler Duty', 'value': '', 'unit': 'W'},
+ 'Stages.T': {'name':'Stagewise Temperature', 'value':[], 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Stages.x_pc': {'name': 'Stagewise Component Mole Fraction', 'value':[],'unit':''}
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter ", params)
+ temp = 0
+ self.variables['Nt']['value'] = params[0]
+ for i in range(self.variables['Ni']['value']):
+ self.variables['InT_s']['value'].append(params[i+1])
+ temp = i + 1
+ self.variables['Ctype']['value'] = params[temp+1]
+ self.variables['Pcond']['value'] = params[temp+2]
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] = params[temp+3]
+ if 'Compound' in self.variables['C_Spec']['type']:
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['comp'] = params[temp+4]
+ # C_Spec variable value won't be updated to class here. It will be updated in result
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['value'] = params[temp+5]
+ for var in self.variables:
+ if self.variables[var]['name'] == self.variables['C_Spec']['type']:
+ self.variables[var]['value'] = params[temp+5]
+ self.variables['Preb']['value'] = params[temp+6]
+ # R_Spec variable value won't be updated to class here. It will be updated in result
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['type'] = params[temp+7]
+ if 'Compound' in self.variables['R_Spec']['type']:
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['comp'] = params[temp+8]
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['value'] = params[temp+9]
+ self.variables['thermo_package']['value'] = params[temp+10]
+ #print(self.variables)
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Initialize(self):
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'model Condenser\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.UnitOperations.DistillationColumn.Cond;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages.' + self.thermo_package + ';\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'end Condenser;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'model Tray\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.UnitOperations.DistillationColumn.DistTray;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages.' + self.thermo_package + ';\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'end Tray;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'model Reboiler\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.UnitOperations.DistillationColumn.Reb;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages.' + self.thermo_package + ';\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + 'end Reboiler;\n'
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("model distCol" + str(self.count) + "\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("extends Simulator.UnitOperations.DistillationColumn.DistCol;\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (
+ "Condenser condenser(Nc = Nc, C = C, Ctype =Ctype, Bin = Bin_t[1], T(start = 300));\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (
+ "Reboiler reboiler(Nc = Nc, C = C, Bin = Bin_t[Nt]);\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (
+ "Tray tray[Nt - 2](each Nc = Nc, each C = C, Bin = Bin_t[2:Nt - 1]);\n")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("end distCol" + str(self.count) + ";\n")
+ comp_count = len(self.compounds)
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (
+ "distCol" + str(self.count) + " " + + "(Nc = " + str(comp_count))
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (", C= C")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + "," + (
+ "Nt=" + str(self.variables['Nt']['value']) + "," + "Ni="
+ + str(self.variables['Ni']['value']) + ",InT_s=" + "{" +
+ str(self.variables['InT_s']['value']).strip('[').strip(']') + "}" + ',Ctype ="' +
+ self.variables['Ctype']['value'] + '");\n')
+ return self.OM_data_init
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (
+ 'connect(' + + '.Dist' + ", " + self.output_stms[1].name + '.In);\n')
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (
+ 'connect(' + + '.Bot' + ", " + self.output_stms[2].name + '.In);\n')
+ for i in range(len(self.input_stms)):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (
+ 'connect(' + self.input_stms[i +1].name + '.Out' + ", " + + '.In_s[' + str(
+ i + 1) + ']);\n')
+ # ['Product Molar Flow (mol/s)', 'Temperature (K)', 'Compound Molar Fraction',
+ # 'Compound Molar Flow (mol/s)']
+ if self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] == "Reflux Ratio":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (
+ + '.' + 'RR' + '=' + str(self.variables['RR']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] == "Product Molar Flow (mol/s)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[1].name + '.' + 'F_p[1] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] == "Temperature (K)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[1].name + '.' + 'T = ' + str(
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] == "Compound Molar Fraction":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[1].name + '.x_pc[1,:' +
+ str(self.compounds.index(self.variables['C_Spec']['comp']) + 1) + '] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['C_Spec']['type'] == "Compound Molar Flow (mol/s)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[1].name + '.F_pc[1,:' +
+ str(self.compounds.index(self.variables['C_Spec']['comp']) + 1) + '] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['C_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ else:
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (
+ + '.Condenser.' + self.mode + '=' + str(self.modeVal) + ';\n')
+ if self.variables['R_Spec']['type'] == "Product Molar Flow (mol/s)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[2].name + '.' + 'F_p[1] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['R_Spec']['type'] == "Temperature (K)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[2].name + '.' + 'T = ' + str(
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['R_Spec']['type'] == "Compound Molar Fraction":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[2].name + '.x_pc[1,:' +
+ str(self.compounds.index(self.variables['R_Spec']['comp']) + 1) + '] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ elif self.variables['R_Spec']['type'] == "Compound Molar Flow (mol/s)":
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + (self.output_stms[2].name + '.F_pc[1,:' +
+ str(self.compounds.index(self.variables['R_Spec']['comp']) + 1) + '] = ' + str(
+ self.variables['R_Spec']['value']) + ';\n')
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + + '.reboiler.P=' + str(
+ self.variables['Preb']['value']) + ';\n'
+ self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + + '.condenser.P=' + str(
+ self.variables['Pcond']['value']) + ';\n'
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+class ConvertionReactor(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='',Nr=None,b=None,X=None,Z=None,a=[],operation=None,Tdef=None):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name
+ self.type = 'ConvertionReactor'
+ self.Nr = str(Nr)
+ self.b = str(b)
+ self.X = str(X)
+ self.Z = str(Z)
+ self.a = json.dumps(a).replace('[','{').replace(']','}')
+ self.operation = str(operation)
+ self.Tdef = str(Tdef)
+class CompoundSeparator(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, name='CompoundSeparator'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(CompoundSeparator.counter)
+ self.type = 'CompoundSeparator'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 2
+ self.SepFact_modes = ['Molar_Flow (mol/s)', 'Mass_Flow (g/s)', 'Inlet_Molar_Flow_Percent', 'Outlet_Molar_Flow_Percent']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'SepStrm' : {'name':'Separation Stream', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'SepVal_c' : {'name':'Separation Value', 'value':['']*len(self.compounds), 'unit':''},
+ 'SepFact_c' : {'name':'Separaction Factor', 'value':['']*len(self.compounds), 'unit':''},
+ }
+ def init_variables(self):
+ self.variables = {
+ 'SepStrm' : {'name':'Separation Stream', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'SepVal_c' : {'name':'Separation Value', 'value':['']*len(self.compounds), 'unit':''},
+ 'SepFact_c' : {'name':'Separaction Factor', 'value':['']*len(self.compounds), 'unit':''},
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter CompSep ", params)
+ if (params[0]):
+ self.variables['SepStrm']['value'] = 1
+ else:
+ self.variables['SepStrm']['value'] = 2
+ for index, i in enumerate(range(2, len(params))):
+ if (i %2 != 0):
+ self.variables['SepVal_c']['value'][index//2] = float(params[i])
+ else:
+ self.variables['SepFact_c']['value'][index//2] = params[i]
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Initialize(self):
+ SepStrm = str(self.variables['SepStrm']['value'])
+ SepFact = []
+ for i in range(len(self.compounds)):
+ SepFact.append(self.variables['SepFact_c']['value'][i].split(' ')[0])
+ SepFact = json.dumps(SepFact).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')
+ self.OM_data_init = ''
+ comp_count = len(self.compounds)
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (
+ "Simulator.UnitOperations.CompoundSeparator " + + "(Nc = " + str(comp_count))
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + (", C = {")
+ comp = str(self.compounds).strip('[').strip(']')
+ comp = comp.replace("'", "")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + comp + ("},")
+ self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("SepFact_c = " + SepFact + ",SepStrm = " + SepStrm + ");\n")
+ return self.OM_data_init
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self):
+ SepVal = json.dumps(self.variables['SepVal_c']['value']).replace('[','{').replace(']','}')
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + self.input_stms[1].name + '.Out);\n')
+ strcount = 1
+ for strm in self.output_stms.values():
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + + '.Out' + str(strcount) + ');\n')
+ strcount += 1
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ( + '.SepVal_c ' + '=' + SepVal + ';\n')
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+class Flash(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='Flash'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(Flash.counter)
+ self.type = 'Flash'
+ self.extra = ['Flash']
+ self.for_naming = ['Flash']
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 2
+ self.count = Flash.counter
+ self.thermo_pack_req = True
+ self.parameters = ['BTdef', 'Tdef', 'BPdef', 'Pdef']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'thermo_package' : {'name':'Thermo Package', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
+ 'BTdef' : {'name':'Separation Temperature Boolean', 'value':False, 'unit':''},
+ 'BPdef' : {'name':'Separation Pressure Boolean', 'value':False, 'unit':''},
+ 'Tdef' : {'name':'Separation Temperature', 'value':298.15, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Pdef' : {'name':'Separation Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'}
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter ", params)
+ self.variables['thermo_package']['value'] = params[0]
+ self.variables['BTdef']['value'] = params[1]
+ self.variables['Tdef']['value'] = params[2]
+ self.variables['BPdef']['value'] = params[3]
+ self.variables['Pdef']['value'] = params[4]
+ def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self):
+ self.OM_data_eqn = ''
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + self.input_stms[1].name + '.Out);\n')
+ strcount = 1
+ for strm in self.output_stms.values():
+ self.OM_data_eqn += ('connect(' + + '.In,' + + '.Out' + str(strcount) + ');\n')
+ strcount += 1
+ return self.OM_data_eqn
+class CentrifugalPump(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='CentrifugalPump'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(CentrifugalPump.counter)
+ self.type = 'CentrifugalPump'
+ self.modes_list = ['Pdel', 'Pout', 'Q'] #"enFlo"
+ self.parameters = ['Eff']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Eff' : {'name':'Efficiency', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Increase', 'value':None, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Pout' : {'name':'Outlet Pressure', 'value':None, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Q' : {'name':'Power Required', 'value':None, 'unit':'W'},
+ }
+class Valve(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='Valve'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(Valve.counter)
+ self.type = 'Valve'
+ self.modes_list = ['Pdel', 'Pout']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Drop', 'value':None, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Pout' : {'name':'Outlet Pressure', 'value':None, 'unit':'Pa'}
+ }
+class Splitter(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='Splitter'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(Splitter.counter)
+ self.type = 'Splitter'
+ self.no_of_outputs = 2
+ self.CalcType_modes = ['Split_Ratio', 'Molar_Flow', 'Mass_Flow']
+ self.parameters = ['No', 'CalcType', 'SpecVal_s']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'No' : {'name':'No. of Output', 'value':2, 'unit':''},
+ 'CalcType' : {'name':'Calculation Type', 'value':self.CalcType_modes[0], 'unit':''},
+ 'SpecVal_s' : {'name':'Specification Value', 'value':[0.5,0.5], 'unit':''}
+ }
+ specval = self.variables['SpecVal_s']['value']
+ self.specval = json.dumps(specval).replace('[','{').replace(']','}')
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self,params):
+ #print("param_setter ", params)
+ self.variables['No']['value'] = int(params[0])
+ self.variables['CalcType']['value'] = params[1]
+ self.variables['SpecVal_s']['value'] = [float(params[2]), float(params[3])]
+ if self.variables['CalcType']['value'] == 'Molar_Flow':
+ self.variables['SpecVal_s']['unit'] = 'mol/s'
+ elif self.variables['CalcType']['value'] == 'Mass_Flow':
+ self.variables['SpecVal_s']['unit'] = 'g/s'
+ else:
+ self.variables['SpecVal_s']['unit'] = ''
+class Mixer(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self,name='Mixer'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(Mixer.counter)
+ self.type = 'Mixer'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 2
+ self.Pout_modes = ['Inlet_Minimum', 'Inlet_Average', 'Inlet_Maximum']
+ self.parameters = ['NI', 'outPress']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'NI' : {'name':'Number of Input', 'value':6, 'unit':''},
+ 'outPress' : {'name':'Outlet Pressure', 'value':'Inlet_Average', 'unit':''},
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+ def param_setter(self, params):
+ self.variables['NI']['value'] = int(params[0])
+ self.variables['outPress']['value'] = params[1]
+class Heater(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, name='Heater'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(type(self).counter)
+ self.type = 'Heater'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.modes_list = ['Q','Tout','xvapout','Tdel']
+ self.parameters = ['Pdel', 'Eff']
+ self.extra = None
+ self.for_naming = None
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Drop', 'value':0, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Eff' : {'name':'Efficiency', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'Tout' : {'name':'Outlet Temperature', 'value':298.15, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Tdel' : {'name':'Temperature Increase', 'value':0, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Q' : {'name':'Heat Added', 'value':0, 'unit':'W'},
+ 'xvapout': {'name':'Outlet Vapour', 'value':None, 'unit':''}
+ }
+class Cooler(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, name='Cooler'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(type(self).counter)
+ self.type = 'Cooler'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.modes_list = ['Q','Tout','Tdel','xvap']
+ self.extra = None
+ self.for_naming = None
+ self.parameters = ['Pdel', 'Eff']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Drop', 'value':0, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Eff' : {'name':'Efficiency', 'value':1, 'unit':''},
+ 'Tout' : {'name':'Outlet Temperature', 'value':298.15, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Tdel' : {'name':'Temperature Increase', 'value':0, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Q' : {'name':'Heat Added', 'value':0, 'unit':'W'},
+ 'xvap' : {'name':'Vapour Phase Mole Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'},
+ }
+class AdiabaticCompressor(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, name='AdiabaticCompressor'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(type(self).counter)
+ self.type = 'AdiabaticCompressor'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.modes_list = ["Pdel","Pout","Q"]
+ self.extra = ['AdiabaticCompressor']
+ self.for_naming = ['AdiabaticCompressor']
+ self.thermo_pack_req = True
+ self.thermo_package ="RaoultsLaw"
+ self.parameters = ['Eff']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Increase', 'value':0, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Tdel' : {'name':'Temperature Increase', 'value':0, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Pout' : {'name':'Outlet Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Tout' : {'name':'Outlet Temperature', 'value':298.15, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Q' : {'name':'Heat Added', 'value':0, 'unit':'W'},
+ 'Eff' : {'name':'Efficiency', 'value':1, 'unit':''}
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected]
+class AdiabaticExpander(UnitOperation):
+ def __init__(self, name='AdiabaticExpander'):
+ UnitOperation.__init__(self)
+ = name + str(type(self).counter)
+ self.type = 'AdiabaticExpander'
+ self.no_of_inputs = 1
+ self.no_of_outputs = 1
+ self.modes_list = ["Pdel","Pout","Q"]
+ self.extra = ['AdiabaticExpander']
+ self.for_naming = ['AdiabaticExpander']
+ self.thermo_pack_req = True
+ self.thermo_package ="RaoultsLaw"
+ self.parameters = ['Eff']
+ type(self).counter += 1
+ self.variables = {
+ 'Pdel' : {'name':'Pressure Drop', 'value':0, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Tdel' : {'name':'Temperature Increase', 'value':0, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Pout' : {'name':'Outlet Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
+ 'Tout' : {'name':'Outlet Temperature', 'value':298.15, 'unit':'K'},
+ 'Q' : {'name':'Heat Added', 'value':0, 'unit':'W'},
+ 'Eff' : {'name':'Efficiency', 'value':1, 'unit':''}
+ }
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.compounds = [c[:c.index('(')] for c in compound_selected] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Bin_Phase_env.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Bin_Phase_env.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c4753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Bin_Phase_env.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/ComponentSelector.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/ComponentSelector.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6bceec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/ComponentSelector.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Container.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Container.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98797d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Container.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Graphics.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Graphics.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7426c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Graphics.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Streams.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Streams.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18287f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/Streams.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/UnitOperations.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/UnitOperations.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4d056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/UnitOperations.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a687f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/thermopackage.txt b/src/main/python/utils/thermopackage.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9155f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/thermopackage.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+GraysonStreed \ No newline at end of file