path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b86f8..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-from PyQt5.QtCore import *
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
-from PyQt5.QtGui import *
-from PyQt5.uic import loadUiType
-import pandas as pd
-from functools import partial
-from component_selector import *
-from collections import defaultdict
-from container import *
-ui_dialog,_ = loadUiType('resDock.ui')
-class resdockWidget(QDockWidget,ui_dialog):
- def __init__(self,containerobj,parent=None):
- QDockWidget.__init__(self,parent)
- self.setupUi(self)
- self.setWindowTitle("Results")
- self.nameType = None
- self.Container = containerobj
- self.results()
- self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.resultTree)
- def abriveation(self,key):
- d ={"P":"Pressure","T":"Temperature",
- "xliq":"Liquid Phase Mol Fraction","xmliq":"Liquid Pase Mass Fraction",
- "xvap":"Vapour Phase Mol Fracrion","xmvap":"Vapour Phase Mass Fracrion",
- "F_p[1]":"Molar Flow","Fm_p[1]":"Mass Flow","MW_p[1]":"Mixer Phase Molecular Weight",
- "MW_p[2]":"Liquid Phase Molecular Weight","MW_p[3]":"Vapour Phase Molecular Weight",
- "Cp_p[1]":"Mixer Phase molar Heat Capacity","Cp_p[2]":"Liquid Phase molar Heat Capacity",
- "Cp_p[3]":"Vapour Phase molar Heat Capacity","H_p[1]":"Mixer Phase Molar Enthalpy",
- "H_p[2]":"Liquid Phase Molar Enthalpy","H_p[3]":"Vapour Phase Molar Enthalpy",
- "S_p[1]":"Mixer Phase Molar Entropy","S_p[2]":"Liquid Phase Molar Entropy",
- "S_p[3]":"Vapour Phase Molar Entropy","F_p[2]":"Liquid Phase Molar Flow Rate",
- "F_p[3]":"Vapour Phase Molar Flow Rate","Fm_p[2]":"Liquid Phase Mass Flow Rate",
- "F_p[3]":"Liquid Phase Mass Flow Rate",
- }
- for i in range(len(compound_selected)):
- d["compMolFrac[1,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Mixer mole fraction"
- d["compMolFrac[2,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Liquid mole fraction"
- d["compMolFrac[3,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Vapour mole fraction"
- d["compMasFrac[1,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Mixer mass fraction"
- d["compMasFrac[2,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Liquid mass fraction"
- d["compMasFrac[3,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Vapour mass fraction"
- d["compMasFlo[1,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Mixer mass flo"
- d["compMasFlo[2,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Liquid mass flo"
- d["compMasFlo[3,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Vapour mass flo"
- d["compMolFlo[1,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Mixer mole flo"
- d["compMolFlo[2,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Liquid mole flo"
- d["compMolFlo[3,"+str(i+1)+"]"] = str(compound_selected[i]) +" Vapour mole flo"
- if key in d.keys():
- return d[key]
- else:
- return key
- def resultsCategory(self,name):
- try:
- print("Under result category")
- result=self.Container.result
- obj = self.Container.fetchObject(name)
- self.tableWidget.setRowCount(0)
- for key, value in obj.Prop.items():
- propertyname = name + '.' + key
- print(key,value)
- if propertyname in result[0]:
- ind = result[0].index(propertyname)
- resultval = str(result[-1][ind])
- #stm.Prop[key] = resultval
- print("######Resultsfetch####",key,resultval)
- rowPosition = self.tableWidget.rowCount()
- self.tableWidget.insertRow(rowPosition)
- self.tableWidget.setItem(rowPosition , 0, QTableWidgetItem(str(self.abriveation(key))))
- self.tableWidget.setItem(rowPosition , 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(resultval)))
- self.tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents()
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- def resultTree(self):
- self.resultsCategory(self.comboBox.currentText())
- def results(self): # Should be named as selecting object whose result is to be displayed
- self.nameType={}
- for i in self.Container.unitOp:
- #nameslist.append(
- self.nameType[] = i.type
- self.comboBox.addItem(str( \ No newline at end of file