path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c9b55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+import pickle
+import threading
+import os
+import ctypes
+import sys
+import datetime
+from functools import partial
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from PyQt5.QtGui import *
+import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui
+import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
+import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
+from OMChem.Flowsheet import Flowsheet
+from ComponentSelector import *
+from Bin_Phase_env import *
+from UnitOperations import *
+from Streams import *
+from Container import *
+from Graphics import *
+ui,_ = loadUiType('main.ui')
+ MainApp class is responsible for all the main App Ui operations
+class MainApp(QMainWindow,ui):
+ '''
+ Initializing the application
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ QMainWindow.__init__(self)
+ # Loading and setting up style sheet
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ # Initializing attributes
+ self.zoom_count = 0
+ self.thrd = None
+ # Creating instances of classes for the main app
+ self.container = Container(self.textBrowser, self.graphicsView)
+ self.comp = ComponentSelector(self)
+ self.comp.accepted.connect(self.update_compounds)
+ # Setting up interactive canvas
+ self.scene =
+ self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene)
+ self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True)
+ self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent=self.delete_call
+ self.setDockNestingEnabled(True)
+ self.setCorner(Qt.BottomRightCorner, Qt.RightDockWidgetArea)
+ self.setCorner(Qt.BottomLeftCorner, Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea)
+ self.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea,self.dockWidget_2)
+ # Calling initialisation
+ self.menu_bar()
+ self.button_handler()
+ '''
+ MenuBar function handels all the all the operations of
+ menu bar like new,zoom,comounds selector, simulation options.
+ '''
+ def menu_bar(self):
+ self.actionSelectCompounds.triggered.connect(self.select_compounds)
+ self.actionSelectCompounds.setShortcut('Ctrl+C')
+ self.actionZoomIn.triggered.connect(self.zoom_in)
+ self.actionZoomIn.setShortcut('Ctrl++')
+ self.actionNew.triggered.connect(
+ self.actionNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+N')
+ self.actionZoomOut.triggered.connect(self.zoom_out)
+ self.actionZoomOut.setShortcut('Ctrl+-')
+ self.actionResetZoom.triggered.connect(self.zoom_reset)
+ self.actionResetZoom.setShortcut('Ctrl+R')
+ self.actionHelp.triggered.connect(
+ self.actionHelp.setShortcut('Ctrl+H')
+ self.actionSequentialMode.triggered.connect(partial(self.simulate,'SM'))
+ self.actionSequentialMode.setShortcut('Ctrl+M')
+ self.actionEquationOriented.triggered.connect(partial(self.simulate,'EQN'))
+ self.actionEquationOriented.setShortcut('Ctrl+E')
+ self.actionUndo.triggered.connect(self.undo)
+ self.actionUndo.setShortcut('Ctrl+Z')
+ self.actionRedo.triggered.connect(self.redo)
+ self.actionRedo.setShortcut('Ctrl+Y')
+ self.actionSave.triggered.connect(
+ self.actionSave.setShortcut('Ctrl+S')
+ self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(
+ self.actionOpen.setShortcut('Ctrl+O')
+ self.actionTerminate.triggered.connect(self.terminate)
+ self.actionTerminate.setShortcut('Ctrl+T')
+ self.actionBinaryPhaseEnvelope.triggered.connect(self.bin_phase_env)
+ self.actionViewMessageBrowser.triggered.connect(self.toggle_message_browser_view)
+ self.actionViewComponentSelector.triggered.connect(self.toggle_component_selector_view)
+ '''
+ Handles all the buttons of different components.
+ '''
+ def button_handler(self):
+ self.pushButton.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'MaterialStream'))
+ self.pushButton_7.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Mixer'))
+ self.pushButton_14.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'CentrifugalPump'))
+ self.pushButton_26.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'DistillationColumn'))
+ self.pushButton_18.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'ShortcutColumn'))
+ self.pushButton_11.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Heater'))
+ self.pushButton_10.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Splitter'))
+ self.pushButton_9.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Flash'))
+ self.pushButton_25.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Valve'))
+ self.pushButton_12.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'Cooler'))
+ self.pushButton_13.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'CompoundSeparator'))
+ self.pushButton_15.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'AdiabaticCompressor'))
+ self.pushButton_16.clicked.connect(partial(self.component,'AdiabaticExpander'))
+ '''
+ Displays help box
+ '''
+ def help(self):
+ msgBox = QMessageBox()
+ msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question)
+ msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText);
+ msgBox.setText("For any Help or Suggestion you can contact us at\n or at <a href=''>Visit!</a>")
+ msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok)
+ msgBox.exec_()
+ '''
+ Creates Binary Phase envelope
+ '''
+ def bin_phase_env(self):
+ if len(self.comp.get_compounds())<2:
+ QMessageBox.about(self, 'Important', "Please select at least 2 Compounds first")
+ else:
+ self.bin_phase = BinPhaseEnv(self.comp)
+ '''
+ Shows Compounds Selector Dialog
+ '''
+ def select_compounds(self):
+ '''
+ Updates compounds after compound selected modified during simulation creation
+ '''
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ self.container.update_compounds()
+ '''
+ Returns current time in a required particular format
+ '''
+ def current_time(self):
+ now =
+ time = str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" +str(now.second)
+ return time
+ '''
+ Simulate function is responsible for the simulation
+ of the designed flowsheet in a particular mode
+ selected by the user.
+ '''
+ def simulate(self,mode):
+ self.thrd = threading.Thread(target=self.container.simulate, args=(mode,))
+ self.thrd.start()
+ '''
+ Terminate the current running simulation
+ '''
+ def terminate(self):
+ os.chdir(self.container.flowsheet.root_dir)
+ if self.thrd:
+ thread_id = self.thrd.ident
+ # print('____________________Going to terminate simulation thread with Thread ID:',thread_id,'____________________')
+ # print('____________________Going to terminate the new process created for omc____________________')
+ self.container.flowsheet.process.terminate()
+ print('____________________New process created for omc is terminated.____________________')
+ res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(thread_id, ctypes.py_object(SystemExit))
+ self.textBrowser.append("<span style=\"color:red\">["+str(self.current_time())+"]<b>Simulation Terminated.</b></span>")
+ self.container.disableInterfaceforSimulation(False)
+ # print('____________________Simulation thread terminated____________________')
+ if res > 1:
+ ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(thread_id, 0)
+ # print('Exception raise (Thread termination) failure')
+ '''
+ Resets the zoom level to default scaling
+ '''
+ def zoom_reset(self):
+ if(self.zoom_count>0):
+ for i in range(self.zoom_count):
+ self.zoomout()
+ elif(self.zoom_count<0):
+ for i in range(abs(self.zoom_count)):
+ self.zoomin()
+ '''
+ ZoomOut the canvas
+ '''
+ def zoom_out(self):
+ self.graphicsView.scale(1.0/1.15,1.0/1.15)
+ self.zoom_count -=1
+ '''
+ ZoomIn the canvas
+ '''
+ def zoom_in(self):
+ self.graphicsView.scale(1.15,1.15)
+ self.zoom_count +=1
+ '''
+ Instantiate a NodeItem object for selected type of
+ component and added that on canvas/flowsheeting area.
+ '''
+ def component(self,unit_operation_type):
+ if(self.comp.is_compound_selected()):
+ self.type = unit_operation_type
+ if(self.type=="MaterialStream"):
+ self.obj = MaterialStream(compound_names = compound_selected)
+ else:
+ self.obj = eval(self.type)()
+ self.container.add_unit_operation(self.obj)
+ else:
+ QMessageBox.about(self, 'Important', "Please Select Compounds first")
+ '''
+ New is used to delete all the existing work.
+ '''
+ def new(self):
+ self.setWindowTitle('Untitled - Chemical Simulator GUI')
+ self.undo_redo_helper()
+ self.comp = ComponentSelector(self)
+ self.textBrowser.append("<span>[" + str(self.current_time()) + "] <b>New</b> flowsheet is created ... </span>")
+ dock_widget_lst.clear()
+ '''
+ Handels all the operations which will happen when delete button is pressed.
+ '''
+ def delete_call(self,event):
+ try:
+ if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete:
+ l=self.scene.selectedItems()
+ self.container.delete(l)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ '''
+ It helps by clearing screen and loading the objects by undo redo methods
+ '''
+ def undo_redo_helper(self):
+ for i in self.container.unit_operations:
+ type(i).counter = 1
+ self.container = None
+ for i in dock_widget_lst:
+ i.hide()
+ del i
+ lst.clear()
+ self.container = Container(self.textBrowser, self.graphicsView)
+ compound_selected.clear()
+ self.scene =
+ self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene)
+ self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True)
+ self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent=self.delete_call
+ '''
+ Function for undo
+ '''
+ def undo(self):
+ redo_data = pop('Undo')
+ if redo_data is not None:
+ push('Redo', redo_data)
+ undo_data = get_last_list('Undo')
+ messages = self.textBrowser.toPlainText()
+ try:
+ self.undo_redo_helper()
+, self.container)
+ self.textBrowser.setText(messages)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ self.textBrowser.append(messages)
+ else:
+ messages = self.textBrowser.toPlainText()
+ self.textBrowser.setText(messages)
+ self.textBrowser.append("<span>[" + str(self.current_time()) + "] <b>No more undo can be done!</b>... </span>")
+ '''
+ Function for redo
+ '''
+ def redo(self):
+ redo_data = pop('Redo')
+ if redo_data is not None:
+ push('Undo', redo_data)
+ messages = self.textBrowser.toPlainText()
+ self.undo_redo_helper()
+, self.container)
+ self.textBrowser.setText(messages)
+ else:
+ messages = self.textBrowser.toPlainText()
+ self.textBrowser.setText(messages)
+ self.textBrowser.append("<span>[" + str(self.current_time()) + "] <b>No more redo can be done!</b>... </span>")
+ '''
+ Function for saving the current canvas items and compound_selected
+ '''
+ def save(self):
+ data = []
+ for i in self.container.unit_operations:
+ data.append(i)
+ i.saved = True
+ data.append(compound_selected)
+ data.append(self.container.result)
+ file_format = 'sim'
+ initial_path = QDir.currentPath() + ' untitled.' + file_format
+ file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save As",
+ initial_path, "%s Files (*.%s);; All Files (*)" %
+ (file_format.upper(), file_format))
+ try:
+ with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ fileName = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+ self.setWindowTitle(fileName+' - Chemical Simulator GUI')
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ '''
+ Function for loading previous saved canvas and simulation
+ '''
+ def open(self):
+ try:
+ file_format = 'sim'
+ initial_path = QDir.currentPath() + 'untitled.' + file_format
+ file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open As",
+ initial_path, "%s Files (*.%s);; All Files (*)" %
+ (file_format.upper(), file_format))
+ if file_name:
+ fileName = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+ self.setWindowTitle(fileName+' - Chemical Simulator GUI')
+ self.undo_redo_helper()
+ with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
+ obj = pickle.load(f)
+ temp_result = obj[-1]
+ obj.pop()
+ compound_selected = obj[-1]
+ obj.pop()
+ self.comp.set_compounds(compound_selected)
+ for i in compound_selected:
+ self.comp.compound_selection(self.comp, i)
+ self.comp.hide()
+, self.container)
+ self.container.result = temp_result
+ DockWidget.show_result(dock_widget_lst)
+ for i in dock_widget_lst:
+ #Submitting values
+ i.param()
+ #Disbaling input data tab for output stream
+ for i in
+ if (isinstance(i, NodeItem) and i.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ i.update_tooltip_selectedVar()
+ no_input_lines = len(i.input[0].in_lines)
+ no_output_lines = len(i.output[0].out_lines)
+ if(no_input_lines>0): #Checks if material stream is input or output stream if it is output stream it continues
+ i.obj.disableInputDataTab(i.dock_widget)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ '''
+ Function for toggling the display of Component Selector
+ '''
+ def toggle_component_selector_view(self):
+ if(self.actionViewComponentSelector.isChecked()):
+ else:
+ self.dockWidget.hide()
+ '''
+ Function for toggling the display of Message Browser
+ '''
+ def toggle_message_browser_view(self):
+ if(self.actionViewMessageBrowser.isChecked()):
+ else:
+ self.dockWidget_2.hide()
+def main():
+ clean_file('Undo')
+ clean_file('Redo')
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ window = MainApp()
+ window.showMaximized()
+ app.exec()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()