path: root/Simulator/Simulator/UnitOperations/
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1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Simulator/Simulator/UnitOperations/ b/Simulator/Simulator/UnitOperations/
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index 0000000..78a18a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulator/Simulator/UnitOperations/
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+within Simulator.UnitOperations;
+model ConversionReactor "Model of a conversion reactor to calculate the outlet stream mole fraction of components"
+ //Header Files and Parameters
+ extends Simulator.Files.Icons.ConversionReactor;
+ parameter Simulator.Files.ChemsepDatabase.GeneralProperties C[Nc];
+ parameter Integer Nc "Number of components";
+ parameter String CalcMode = "Isothermal" "Required mode of operation: Isothermal, Define_Out_Temperature, Adiabatic";
+ parameter Real Tdef(unit = "K") = 300 "Defined outlet temperature, applicable if Define_Out_Temperature mode is chosen";
+ parameter Real Pdel(unit = "Pa") = 0 "Pressure drop";
+ parameter Real X_r[Nr] = fill(0.4, Nr) "Conversion of base component";
+ //=============================================================================
+ //Model Variables
+ Real Fin(unit = "mol/s", min = 0, start = Fg) "Inlet stream molar flow rate";
+ Real Hin(unit = "kJ/kmol",start=Htotg) "Inlet stream molar enthalpy";
+ Real Pin(unit = "Pa", min = 0, start = Pg) "Inlet stream pressure";
+ Real Tin(unit = "K", min = 0, start = Tg) "Inlet stream temperature";
+ Real xin_c[Nc](each unit = "K", each min = 0, each max = 1, start=xg) "Inlet stream component mole fraction";
+ Real Fout(unit = "mol/s", min = 0, start = Fg) "Outlet stream molar flow rate";
+ Real Hout(unit = "kJ/kmol",start=Htotg) "Outlet stream molar enthalpy";
+ Real xout_c[Nc](each unit = "=", each min = 0, each max = 1, start=xg) "Outlet stream component mole fraction";
+ Real Pout(unit = "Pa", min = 0, start =Pg) "Outlet stream pressure";
+ Real Tout(unit = "K", min = 0, start = Tg) "Outlet stream temperature";
+ Real Fout_cr[Nc, Nr](each unit = "mol/s") "Molar flor rate of components after each reaction";
+ //=============================================================================
+ //Instanstiation of Connectors
+ Simulator.Files.Interfaces.matConn In(Nc = Nc) annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+ Simulator.Files.Interfaces.matConn Out(Nc = Nc) annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+ Simulator.Files.Interfaces.enConn energy annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -130}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+ extends GuessModels.InitialGuess;
+//Connector Equations
+ In.P = Pin;
+ In.T = Tin;
+ In.F = Fin;
+ In.H = Hin;
+ In.x_pc[1, :] = xin_c[:];
+ Out.P = Pout;
+ Out.T = Tout;
+ Out.F = Fout;
+ Out.H = Hout;
+ Out.x_pc[1, :] = xout_c[:];
+//Mole Balance
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ Fout_cr[i, 1] = Fin * xin_c[i] - Coef_cr[i, 1] / Coef_cr[BC_r[1], 1] * Fin * xin_c[BC_r[1]] * X_r[1];
+ end for;
+ if Nr > 1 then
+ for j in 2:Nr loop
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ Fout_cr[i, j] = Fout_cr[i, j - 1] - Coef_cr[i, j] / Coef_cr[BC_r[j], j] * Fin * xin_c[BC_r[j]] * X_r[j];
+ end for;
+ end for;
+ end if;
+ Fout = sum(Fout_cr[:, Nr]);
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ xout_c[i] = Fout_cr[i, Nr] / Fout;
+ end for;
+//Outlet Pressure
+ Pin - Pdel = Pout;
+//Energy Balance
+ if CalcMode == "Isothermal" then
+ Tin = Tout;
+ energy.Q = Hout * Fout - Hin * Fin + sum(Hr_r .* Fin .* xin_c[BC_r] .* X_r);
+ elseif CalcMode == "Adiabatic" then
+ Hout * Fout + sum(Hr_r .* Fin .* xin_c[BC_r] .* X_r) = Hin * Fin;
+ energy.Q = 0;
+ elseif CalcMode == "Define_Outlet_Temperature" then
+ Tout = Tdef;
+ energy.Q = Hout * Fout - Hin * Fin + sum(Hr_r .* Fin .* xin_c[BC_r] .* X_r);
+ end if;
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -200}, {100, 200}}, initialScale = 0.1)),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -200}, {100, 200}}, initialScale = 0.1)),
+ __OpenModelica_commandLineOptions = "",
+ Documentation(info = "<html><head></head><body><div>Conversion Reactor is used to calculate the mole fraction of components at outlet stream when the conversion of base component for the reaction is defined.</div><div><br></div>To simulate a convension reactor, following calculation parameters must be provided:<div><ol><li>Calculation Mode</li><li>Outlet Temperature (If calculation mode is Define_Out_Temperature\"</li><li>Number of Reactions</li><li>Base Component</li><li>Stoichiometric Coefficient of Components in Reaction</li><li>Conversion of Base Component</li><li>Pressure Drop</li></ol><div><br></div></div><div><span style=\"font-size: 12px;\">For example on simulating a conversion reactor, go to&nbsp;</span><i style=\"font-size: 12px;\"><b>Examples</b></i><span style=\"font-size: 12px;\">&nbsp;&gt;&gt;<i style=\"font-weight: bold;\">&nbsp;CR&nbsp;</i>&gt;&gt; <b><i>test</i></b></span></div><div><br></div></body></html>"));
+ end ConversionReactor;