path: root/Simulator/Simulator/Files/ThermodynamicPackages/
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diff --git a/Simulator/Simulator/Files/ThermodynamicPackages/ b/Simulator/Simulator/Files/ThermodynamicPackages/
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index 0000000..932c692
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+++ b/Simulator/Simulator/Files/ThermodynamicPackages/
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+within Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages;
+ model UNIQUAC
+ //Libraries
+ import Simulator.Files.*;
+ //Parameter Section
+ //Binary Interaction Parameters
+ //Function :BIP_UNIQUAC is used to obtain the interaction parameters
+ parameter Real a[Nc, Nc] = ThermodynamicFunctions.BIPUNIQUAC(Nc,;
+ //Uniquac Parameters R and Q called from Chemsep Database
+ parameter Real R[Nc] = C.UniquacR;
+ parameter Real Q[Nc] = C.UniquacQ;
+ parameter Integer Z = 10 "Compresseblity-Factor";
+ //Variable Section
+ Real tow[Nc, Nc] "Energy interaction parameter";
+ //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at the input conditions
+ Real r(each start = 2, min = 0, max = 1), q(each start = 2);
+ Real theta_c[Nc];
+ Real S_c[Nc](each start = 1);
+ Real Sum_c[Nc];
+ //Activity Coefficients
+ Real gmacom_c[Nc](each start = 1.2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at input conditions";
+ Real gmares_c[Nc](each start = 1.2) "Residual part of activity coefficient at input conditions";
+ Real gmanew_c[Nc](each start = 1.2);
+ Real gma_c[Nc](each start = 1.2) "Activity coefficient with Poynting correction";
+ //Fugacity coefficient
+ Real phil[Nc](each start = 0.5) "Fugacity coefficient at the input conditions";
+ //Dew Point Calculation Variables
+ Real xliqdew_c[Nc](each start = 0.5, each min = 0, each max = 1);
+ //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at dew point
+ Real rdew(start = 2), qdew(start = 2);
+ Real thetadew_c[Nc](each start = 2);
+ Real Sdew_c[Nc](each start = 1);
+ Real sum_dew[Nc](each start = 2);
+ //Activity Coefficients
+ Real gmacdew_c[Nc](each start = 5) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at dew point";
+ Real gmardew_c[Nc](each start = 2.5) "Residual part of activity coefficient at dew point";
+ Real gmaolddew_c[Nc](each start = 2.2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent(without correction)";
+ Real gmadew_c[Nc](each start = 2.2) "Activity coefficent at dew point";
+ //Fugacity coefficient
+ Real phivapdew_c[Nc] "Vapour Fugacity coefficient at dew point";
+ Real phildew_c[Nc](each start = 0.5);
+ Real PCFdew_c[Nc] "Poynting Correction Factor";
+ //Bubble Point Calculation Variables
+ //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at bubble point
+ Real rbubl(start = 2), qbubl(start = 2);
+ Real thetabubl_c[Nc];
+ Real Sbubl_c[Nc];
+ Real Sumbubl_c[Nc];
+ //Activity Coefficients
+ Real gmacbubl_c[Nc](each start = 2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at bubble point";
+ Real gmarbubl_c[Nc](each start = 1) "Residual part of activity coefficent at bubble point";
+ Real gmaoldbubl_c[Nc](each start = 1) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent(without correction)";
+ Real gmabubl_c[Nc](each start = 1) "Activity coefficent at bubble point";
+ //Fugacity coefficient
+ Real philiqbubl_c[Nc];
+ Real phibubl[Nc](each start = 0.5) "Liquid Phase Fugacity coefficient";
+ Real PCFbubl_c[Nc] "Poynting Correction Factor";
+ //Phase Envelope
+ Real Pvap_c[Nc](each unit = "Pa") "Saturated Vapour Pressure at the input temperature";
+ Real PCF_c[Nc] "Poynting correction factor";
+ Real K_c[Nc](each start = 0.7) "Distribution Coefficient";
+ //Residual Energy Parameters
+ Real Cpres_p[3], Hres_p[3], Sres_p[3];
+ //Transport Properties at the input conditions
+ Real Density[Nc](each unit = "kmol/m^3");
+ Real A[Nc], B[Nc], D[Nc], E[Nc], Ff[Nc];
+ Real Cc[Nc];
+ Real A_bubl[Nc], B_bubl[Nc], C_bubl[Nc], D_bubl[Nc], E_bubl[Nc], F_bubl[Nc];
+ Real A_dew[Nc], B_dew[Nc], C_dew[Nc], D_dew[Nc], E_dew[Nc], F_dew[Nc];
+ //===========================================================================================================
+ //Equation Section
+ equation
+//Fugacity coefficients set to 1 since the model type is Activity Coefficient
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ philiqbubl_c[i] = 1;
+ phivapdew_c[i] = 1;
+ end for;
+//Calculation of Intermediate parameters to evaluate combinatorial and residual part of the activity coefficient
+//Note : compMolFrac is the referenced from "Material Stream" model
+ r = sum(x_pc[2, :] .* R[:]);
+ q = sum(x_pc[2, :] .* Q[:]);
+//Calculation of Energy interaction parameter at the input tempetraure
+//Function :Tow_UNIQUAC is used to instantiated
+ tow = Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicFunctions.TowUNIQUAC(Nc, a, T);
+//Calculation of Combinatorial and Residual Activity coefficient
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if q > 0 then
+ theta_c[i] = x_pc[2, i] * Q[i] * (1 / q);
+ elseif q < 0 then
+ theta_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ theta_c[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if theta_c[i] == 0 then
+ S_c[i] = 1;
+ else
+ S_c[i] = sum(theta_c[:] .* tow[i, :]);
+ end if;
+ if S_c[i] == 1 then
+ Sum_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ Sum_c[i] = sum(theta_c[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ S_c[:]);
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if S_c[i] == 1 then
+ Cc[i] = 0;
+ elseif S_c[i] > 0 then
+ Cc[i] = log(S_c[i]);
+ else
+ Cc[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ gmares_c[i] = exp(Q[i] * (1 - Cc[i] - Sum_c[i]));
+ end for;
+// //===================================================================
+// equation
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if r > 0 then
+ D[i] = R[i] / r;
+ elseif r <= 0 then
+ D[i] = 0;
+ else
+ D[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ if q > 0 then
+ E[i] = Q[i] / q;
+ elseif q <= 0 then
+ E[i] = 0;
+ else
+ E[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ if E[i] == 0 or D[i] == 0 then
+ Ff[i] = 0;
+ else
+ Ff[i] = D[i] / E[i];
+ end if;
+ if D[i] > 0 then
+ A[i] = log(D[i]);
+ elseif D[i] == 1 then
+ A[i] = 0;
+ else
+ A[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ if Ff[i] > 1 then
+ B[i] = log(Ff[i]);
+ elseif Ff[i] == 1 then
+ B[i] = 0;
+ else
+ B[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ log(gmacom_c[i]) = 1 - D[i] + A[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - Ff[i] + B[i]));
+ gma_c[i] = gmacom_c[i] * gmares_c[i];
+ end for;
+//Excess Energy parameters are set to 0 since the calculation mode is Ideal
+ Cpres_p[:] = zeros(3);
+ Hres_p[:] = zeros(3);
+ Sres_p[:] = zeros(3);
+//Calculation of Saturated vapour pressure and Density at the given input condition
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ Pvap_c[i] = Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicFunctions.Psat(C[i].VP, T);
+ Density[i] = Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicFunctions.Dens(C[i].LiqDen, C[i].Tc, T, P) * 1E-3;
+ end for;
+//Calculation of Poynting correction Factor at input conditions,Bubble Point and Dew Point
+//Function :Poynting_CF is called from the Simulator Package
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ PCF_c[i] = ThermodynamicFunctions.PoyntingCF(Nc,C[i].Pc,C[i].Tc,C[i].Racketparam,C[i].AF,C[i].MW, T, P, gma_c[i], Pvap_c[i], Density[i]);
+ PCFbubl_c[i] = ThermodynamicFunctions.PoyntingCF(Nc,C[i].Pc,C[i].Tc,C[i].Racketparam,C[i].AF,C[i].MW, T, Pbubl, gma_c[i], Pvap_c[i], Density[i]);
+ PCFdew_c[i] = ThermodynamicFunctions.PoyntingCF(Nc,C[i].Pc,C[i].Tc,C[i].Racketparam,C[i].AF, C[i].MW, T, Pdew, gma_c[i], Pvap_c[i], Density[i]);
+ end for;
+//Calculation of Fugacity coefficient with Poynting correction
+ phil[:] = gma_c[:] .* Pvap_c[:] ./ P .* PCF_c[:];
+ phil[:] = gmanew_c[:] .* Pvap_c[:] ./ P;
+//Calculation of Distribution coefficient
+ K_c[:] = gmanew_c[:] .* Pvap_c[:] ./ P;
+//Binary Phase Envelope
+//The same calculation routine is followed at the DewPoint
+//Dew Point
+ rdew = sum(xliqdew_c[:] .* R[:]);
+ qdew = sum(xliqdew_c[:] .* Q[:]);
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if qdew == 0 or x_pc[1, i] == 0 then
+ xliqdew_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ xliqdew_c[i] = x_pc[1, i] * Pdew / (gmadew_c[i] * Pvap_c[i]);
+ end if;
+ if qdew == 0 or xliqdew_c[i] == 0 then
+ thetadew_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ thetadew_c[i] = xliqdew_c[i] * Q[i] * (1 / qdew);
+ end if;
+ if thetadew_c[i] == 0 then
+ Sdew_c[i] = 1;
+ else
+ Sdew_c[i] = sum(thetadew_c[:] .* tow[i, :]);
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if Sdew_c[i] == 1 then
+ sum_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ sum_dew[i] = sum(thetadew_c[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ Sdew_c[:]);
+ end if;
+ if Sdew_c[i] == 1 then
+ C_dew[i] = 0;
+ elseif Sdew_c[i] > 0 then
+ C_dew[i] = log(Sdew_c[i]);
+ else
+ C_dew[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ gmardew_c[i] = exp(Q[i] * (1 - C_dew[i] - sum_dew[i]));
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if rdew == 0 then
+ D_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ D_dew[i] = R[i] / rdew;
+ end if;
+ if qdew == 0 then
+ E_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ E_dew[i] = Q[i] / qdew;
+ end if;
+ if E_dew[i] == 0 then
+ F_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ F_dew[i] = D_dew[i] / E_dew[i];
+ end if;
+ if D_dew[i] > 0 then
+ A_dew[i] = log(D_dew[i]);
+ elseif D_dew[i] == 1 then
+ A_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ A_dew[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ if F_dew[i] > 0 then
+ B_dew[i] = log(F_dew[i]);
+ elseif F_dew[i] == 1 then
+ B_dew[i] = 0;
+ else
+ B_dew[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ log( gmacdew_c[i]) = 1 - D_dew[i] + A_dew[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - F_dew[i] + B_dew[i]));
+ gmaolddew_c[i] = gmacdew_c[i] * gmardew_c[i];
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if Pdew == 0 then
+ phildew_c[i] = 1;
+ gmadew_c[i] = 1;
+ else
+ phildew_c[i] = gmaolddew_c[i] .* Pvap_c[i] ./ Pdew .* PCFdew_c[i];
+ phildew_c[i] = gmadew_c[i] .* Pvap_c[i] ./ Pdew;
+ end if;
+ end for;
+//The same calculation routine is followed at the Bubble Point
+//Bubble Point
+ rbubl = sum(x_pc[1, :] .* R[:]);
+ qbubl = sum(x_pc[1, :] .* Q[:]);
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if x_pc[1, i] == 0 then
+ thetabubl_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ thetabubl_c[i] = x_pc[1, i] * Q[i] * (1 / qbubl);
+ end if;
+ if thetabubl_c[i] == 0 then
+ Sbubl_c[i] = 1;
+ else
+ Sbubl_c[i] = sum(thetabubl_c[:] .* tow[i, :]);
+ end if;
+ if Sbubl_c[i] == 1 then
+ Sumbubl_c[i] = 0;
+ else
+ Sumbubl_c[i] = sum(thetabubl_c[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ Sbubl_c[:]);
+ end if;
+ if Sbubl_c[i] == 1 then
+ C_bubl[i] = 0;
+ elseif Sbubl_c[i] > 0 then
+ C_bubl[i] = log(Sbubl_c[i]);
+ else
+ C_bubl[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ log( gmarbubl_c[i]) = Q[i] * (1 - C_bubl[i] - Sumbubl_c[i]);
+ if rbubl == 0 then
+ D_bubl[i] = 0;
+ else
+ D_bubl[i] = R[i] / rbubl;
+ end if;
+ if qbubl == 0 then
+ E_bubl[i] = 0;
+ else
+ E_bubl[i] = Q[i] / qbubl;
+ end if;
+ if E_bubl[i] == 0 then
+ F_bubl[i] = 0;
+ else
+ F_bubl[i] = D_bubl[i] / E_bubl[i];
+ end if;
+ if D_bubl[i] > 0 then
+ A_bubl[i] = log(D_bubl[i]);
+ elseif D_bubl[i] == 1 then
+ A_bubl[i] = 0;
+ else
+ A_bubl[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ if F_bubl[i] > 0 then
+ B_bubl[i] = log(F_bubl[i]);
+ elseif F_bubl[i] == 1 then
+ B_bubl[i] = 0;
+ else
+ B_bubl[i] = 0;
+ end if;
+ log(gmacbubl_c[i]) = 1 - D_bubl[i] + A_bubl[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - F_bubl[i] + B_bubl[i]));
+ gmaoldbubl_c[i] = gmacbubl_c[i] * gmarbubl_c[i];
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:Nc loop
+ if Pbubl == 0 then
+ phibubl[i] = 1;
+ gmabubl_c[i] = 1;
+ else
+ phibubl[i] = gmaoldbubl_c[i] .* Pvap_c[i] ./ Pbubl .* PCFbubl_c[i];
+ phibubl[i] = gmabubl_c[i] .* Pvap_c[i] ./ Pbubl;
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ annotation(
+ Documentation(info = "<html>
+ <p>
+ UNIQUAC-Universal Quasi Coefficient Model
+ </p>
+ <b>Description</b>:<br>
+ </p>
+ UNIQUAC(Univeral Quasi Coefficient) model is an activity coefficient based thermodynamic model used to predict phase equilibria in Chemical Engineering.
+ The activity coefficent comprises of two major contibutions named as combinatorial and residual contribution
+ Combinatorial contribution focusses on the deviation from ideality as a result of molecular shape while the residual contribution quantifies the enthalpic correction caused by the change in interactive forces between different molecules.<br>
+ </p>
+ <b>Equations and References</b>:<br>
+ </p>
+ </p>
+ </tr>
+ </html>"),
+ experiment(StopTime = 1.0, Interval = 0.001));
+ end UNIQUAC;
+ //=======================================================================================================