path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a4189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+from PyQt5.QtCore import *
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from PyQt5.QtGui import *
+import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui
+import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
+import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEdit
+import os, sys
+from DockWidgets.DockWidget import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetMaterialStream import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetDistillationColumn import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetShortcutColumn import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetMixer import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetSplitter import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetFlash import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetCompoundSeparator import *
+from DockWidgets.DockWidgetCompressorExpander import *
+from Container import *
+from Streams import *
+from UnitOperations import *
+from ComponentSelector import *
+class Graphics(QDialog, QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, unit_operations, graphicsView):
+ QDialog.__init__(self)
+ QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.__init__(self)
+ self.scene = QGraphicsScene()
+ self.scene.setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene.BspTreeIndex)
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.pos = None
+ self.unit_operations = unit_operations
+ self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBarVal = self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBar().value()
+ def get_scene(self):
+ return self.scene
+ def create_node_item(self,unit_operation, container):
+ tempItem = NodeItem(unit_operation, container, self.graphicsView)
+ if tempItem.ok:
+ return tempItem
+ else:
+ return None
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if isinstance(i, NodeItem):
+ i.update_compounds()
+ def load_canvas(self, obj, container):
+ stm = ['MaterialStream','EngStm']
+ for i in obj:
+ if i in self.unit_operations:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.unit_operations.append(i)
+ type(i).counter += 1
+ #print(self.unit_operations)
+ new_box = self.create_node_item(i, container)
+ new_box.setPos(i.pos.toPoint().x(), i.pos.toPoint().y())
+ self.scene.addItem(new_box)
+ for i in obj:
+ if i.type == "MaterialStream":
+ pass
+ #print(eval(i.type))
+ elif i.type not in stm:
+ ip = i.input_stms
+ op = i.output_stms
+ for k, v in ip.items():
+ pointA = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ pointB = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ rect = pointA.output[0].boundingRect()
+ pointAA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointAA = pointA.output[0].mapToScene(pointAA)
+ socketB = next((s for s in pointB.input if k ==
+ rectB = socketB.boundingRect()
+ pointBB = QtCore.QPointF(rectB.x() + rectB.width()/(2), rectB.y() + rectB.height()/(2))
+ pointBB = socketB.mapToScene(pointBB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointAA, pointBB, 'in')
+ self.new_line.source = pointA.output[0]
+ = socketB
+ pointA.output[0].out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ socketB.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ pointA.output[0].other_line = self.new_line
+ socketB.other_line = self.new_line
+ self.scene.addItem(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.updatePath()
+ for k, v in op.items():
+ pointA = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ pointB = NodeItem.get_instances(
+ socketA = next(s for s in pointA.output if k ==
+ rect = socketA.boundingRect()
+ pointAA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointAA = socketA.mapToScene(pointAA)
+ rectB = pointB.input[0].boundingRect()
+ pointBB = QtCore.QPointF(rectB.x() + rectB.width()/(2), rectB.y() + rectB.height()/(2))
+ pointBB = pointB.input[0].mapToScene(pointBB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointAA, pointBB, 'out')
+ self.new_line.source = socketA
+ = pointB.input[0]
+ socketA.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ pointB.input[0].in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ socketA.other_line = self.new_line
+ pointB.input[0].other_line = self.new_line
+ self.scene.addItem(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.updatePath()
+class NodeLine(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem):
+ def __init__(self, pointA, pointB , socket):
+ super(NodeLine, self).__init__()
+ self._pointA = pointA
+ self._pointB = pointB
+ self.socket = socket
+ self._source = None
+ self._target = None
+ self.setZValue(-1)
+ self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,120))
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.pen.setWidth(2)
+ self.pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220))
+ self.setPen(self.pen)
+ def updatePath(self):
+ if (self._pointB.x() - self._pointA.x()) < 30:
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ midptx = (self.pointA.x() + 13)
+ ctrl1_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ pt1 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y())
+ path.moveTo(pt1)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_1, ctrl2_1, pt1)
+ if abs(self.pointB.x()-midptx) > 150:
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y()+100)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ pt3 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, pt3)
+ path.moveTo(pt3)
+ ctrl1_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ ctrl2_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointA.y()+100)
+ pt4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_4, ctrl2_4, pt4)
+ path.moveTo(pt4)
+ ctrl1_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ pt5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x(), self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_5, ctrl2_5, pt5)
+ path.moveTo(pt5)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ return
+ else:
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ pt3 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, pt3)
+ path.moveTo(pt3)
+ ctrl1_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ ctrl2_4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, max(self.pointB.y(), self.pointA.y())-(abs(self.pointA.y()-self.pointB.y())/2))
+ pt4 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_4, ctrl2_4, pt4)
+ path.moveTo(pt4)
+ ctrl1_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x()-13, self.pointB.y())
+ pt5 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointB.x(), self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_5, ctrl2_5, pt5)
+ path.moveTo(pt5)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ return
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.moveTo(self.pointA)
+ midptx = 0.5*(self.pointA.x() + self.pointB.x())
+ ctrl1_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_1 = QtCore.QPointF(self.pointA.x(), self.pointA.y())
+ pt1 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointA.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_1, ctrl2_1, pt1)
+ path.moveTo(pt1)
+ ctrl1_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ ctrl2_2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointA.y())
+ pt2 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx , self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_2, ctrl2_2, pt2)
+ path.moveTo(pt2)
+ ctrl1_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointB.y())
+ ctrl2_3 = QtCore.QPointF(midptx, self.pointB.y())
+ path.cubicTo(ctrl1_3, ctrl2_3, self.pointB)
+ path.moveTo(self.pointB)
+ self.setPath(path)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawPath(self.path())
+ @property
+ def pointA(self):
+ return self._pointA
+ @pointA.setter
+ def pointA(self, point):
+ self._pointA = point
+ self.updatePath()
+ @property
+ def pointB(self):
+ return self._pointB
+ @pointB.setter
+ def pointB(self, point):
+ self._pointB = point
+ self.updatePath()
+ @property
+ def source(self):
+ return self._source
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, widget):
+ self._source = widget
+ @property
+ def target(self):
+ return self._target
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, widget):
+ self._target = widget
+ def __delete__(self,instance):
+ del self._source
+ del self._target
+ del self._pointA
+ del self._pointB
+class NodeSocket(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ def __init__(self, rect, parent, socketType, id):
+ super(NodeSocket, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.rect = rect
+ self.type = socketType
+ self.parent=parent
+ = id
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.new_line=None
+ self.other_line=None
+ # Brush
+ self.brush = QtGui.QBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ # Pen
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ # Lines
+ self.out_lines = []
+ self.in_lines = []
+ def shape(self):
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.addEllipse(self.boundingRect())
+ return path
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ return QtCore.QRectF(self.rect)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawEllipse(self.rect.x(),self.rect.y(),self.rect.height(),self.rect.width())
+ painter.setBrush(self.brush)
+ painter.drawEllipse(self.rect.x()+2,self.rect.y()+2,(self.rect.height()/3)*2,(self.rect.width()/3)*2)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ if self.type == 'op'and len(self.out_lines) == 0:
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ pointA = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(pointA)
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointA, pointB ,'op')
+ self.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.new_line)
+ elif self.type == 'in' and len(self.in_lines) == 0:
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ pointB = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(pointB)
+ self.new_line = NodeLine(pointA, pointB, 'in')
+ self.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.new_line)
+ else:
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
+ if self.type == 'op':
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(event.scenePos().toPoint(),QtGui.QTransform())
+ if(isinstance(item,NodeSocket)):
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt.PointingHandCursor))
+ else:
+ QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor()
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor))
+ pointB = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line.pointB = pointB
+ if self.other_line:
+ self.other_line.pointB=pointB
+ elif self.type == 'in':
+ pointA = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
+ self.new_line.pointA = pointA
+ if self.other_line:
+ self.other_line.pointA=pointA
+ else:
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(event.scenePos().toPoint(),QtGui.QTransform())
+ stm = ['MaterialStream','EngStm']
+ item.other_line=self.new_line
+ if self.type == 'op' and item.type == 'in' and len(item.in_lines) == 0:
+ self.new_line.source = self
+ = item
+ item.in_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.pointB = item.get_center()
+ #print(type(self.new_line.source))
+ if self.new_line.source.parent.obj.type not in stm:
+ self.new_line.source.parent.obj.add_connection(0,,
+ if not in stm:
+,, self.new_line.source.parent.obj) # Input stream if flag is 1
+ sc = self.new_line.source.parent
+ tg =
+ if(sc.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ sc_no_input_lines = len(sc.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(sc_no_input_lines > 0):
+ sc.obj.disableInputDataTab(sc.dock_widget)
+ if(tg.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ tg_no_input_lines = len(tg.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(tg_no_input_lines > 0):
+ tg.obj.disableInputDataTab(tg.dock_widget)
+ elif self.type =='in' and item.type == 'op' and len(item.out_lines) == 0:
+ self.new_line.source = item
+ = self
+ item.out_lines.append(self.new_line)
+ self.new_line.pointA = item.get_center()
+ #print(type(self.new_line.source))
+ if self.new_line.source.parent.obj.type not in stm:
+ self.new_line.source.parent.obj.add_connection(0,,
+ if not in stm:
+,, self.new_line.source.parent.obj)
+ sc = self.new_line.source.parent
+ tg =
+ if(sc.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ sc_no_input_lines = len(sc.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(sc_no_input_lines > 0):
+ sc.obj.disableInputDataTab(sc.dock_widget)
+ if(tg.obj.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ tg_no_input_lines = len(tg.input[0].in_lines)
+ if(tg_no_input_lines > 0):
+ tg.obj.disableInputDataTab(tg.dock_widget)
+ else:
+ self.scene().removeItem(self.new_line)
+ if(self.new_line in self.in_lines):
+ self.in_lines.remove(self.new_line)
+ if(self.new_line in self.out_lines):
+ self.out_lines.remove(self.new_line)
+ del self.new_line
+ super(NodeSocket, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ try:
+ data = get_last_list('Undo')
+ comp_selected = data[-1]
+ data.remove(comp_selected)
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ if data[i].name ==
+ data[i] = self.new_line.source.parent.obj
+ elif data[i].name ==
+ data[i] =
+ data.append(comp_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ def get_center(self):
+ rect = self.boundingRect()
+ center = QtCore.QPointF(rect.x() + rect.width()/(2), rect.y() + rect.height()/(2))
+ center = self.mapToScene(center)
+ return center
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.PointingHandCursor)
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ cursor = QCursor( Qt.ArrowCursor )
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ def show(self):
+ # set pen to show
+ self.pen = QPen(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220), 1, Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.brush = QBrush(QtGui.QColor(140,199,198,255))
+ def hide(self):
+ # set pen to transparent
+ self.pen = QPen(Qt.NoPen)
+ self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent)
+# all created node items will be put inside this list
+# it is used for recreating the node lines by returning the node item object based on unit operation object's name
+lst = []
+dock_widget_lst = []
+stack = []
+class NodeItem(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_instances(namee):
+ for i in lst:
+ if == namee:
+ return i
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_dock_widget():
+ return dock_widget_lst
+ def __init__(self,unit_operation, container, graphicsView):
+ l = ['Splitter','Mixer', 'DistillationColumn', 'Flash', 'CompoundSeparator', 'ShortcutColumn']
+ stm = ['MaterialStream', 'EnergyStream']
+ super(NodeItem, self).__init__()
+ self.obj = unit_operation
+ self.container = container
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ =
+ self.type = self.obj.type
+ self.ok = True
+ if (self.obj.modes_list):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip(self.obj.mode)
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ dlg = QMessageBox()
+ dlg.setWindowTitle("Error")
+ dlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical)
+ dlg.setText('Enter valid input value!')
+ if self.obj.type == 'Mixer' and not self.obj.saved:
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'Mixer', 'Enter number of input(2-4):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ while self.ok and (int(text)< 2 or int(text) > 4):
+ dlg.exec_()
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'Mixer', 'Enter number of input(2-4):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ if self.ok:
+ self.nin = int(text)
+ self.obj.no_of_inputs = self.nin
+ self.obj.variables['NI']['value'] = self.nin
+ elif self.obj.type == 'DistillationColumn'and not self.obj.saved:
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'DistillationColumn', 'Enter number of input(1-8):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ while self.ok and (int(text)< 1 or int(text) > 8):
+ dlg.exec_()
+ text, self.ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.container.graphicsView, 'DistillationColumn', 'Enter number of input(1-8):',
+ echo=QLineEdit.Normal, text=str(self.obj.no_of_inputs))
+ if self.ok:
+ self.nin = int(text)
+ self.obj.no_of_inputs = self.nin
+ self.obj.variables['Ni']['value'] = self.nin
+ self.nin = self.obj.no_of_inputs
+ self.nop = self.obj.no_of_outputs
+ self.dock_widget = None
+ lst.append(self)
+ if self.obj.type in l:
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidget"+self.obj.type)(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ elif self.obj.type in stm:
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidget"+self.obj.type)(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ elif self.obj.type == "AdiabaticCompressor" or self.obj.type == "AdiabaticExpander":
+ self.dock_widget = eval("DockWidgetCompressorExpander")(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ else:
+ self.dock_widget = DockWidget(,self.obj.type,self.obj,self.container)
+ dock_widget_lst.append(self.dock_widget)
+ self.main_window= findMainWindow(self)
+ self.dock_widget.setFixedWidth(360)
+ self.dock_widget.setFixedHeight(640)
+ self.dock_widget.DockWidgetFeature(QDockWidget.AllDockWidgetFeatures)
+ self.main_window.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget)
+ # updating input values
+ if self.dock_widget.obj.type != 'MaterialStream':
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.dock_widget.obj.param_setter(self.dock_widget.obj.param_getter(self.dock_widget.obj.mode))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ # self.dock_widget.param()
+ self.dock_widget.hide()
+ self.pic=QtGui.QPixmap("Icons/"+self.type+".png")
+ self.rect = QtCore.QRect(0,0,self.pic.width(),self.pic.height())
+ self.text = QGraphicsTextItem(self)
+ f = QFont()
+ f.setPointSize(8)
+ self.text.setFont(f)
+ self.text.setDefaultTextColor(QtGui.QColor(0,70,70,220))
+ self.text.setParentItem(self)
+ self.text.setPos(self.rect.width()-(self.rect.width()*0.9), self.rect.height())
+ self.text.setPlainText(
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem.ItemIsMovable)
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem.ItemIsSelectable)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges)
+ # Brush
+ self.brush = QtGui.QBrush()
+ self.brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern)
+ self.brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(80,0,90,255))
+ # Pen
+ self.pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.pen.setWidth(1)
+ self.pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(20,20,20,255))
+ self.sel_pen = QtGui.QPen()
+ self.sel_pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.sel_pen.setWidth(1)
+ self.sel_pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(220,220,220,255))
+ # initializing the node sockets
+ self.input , self.output = self.initialize_sockets(self.type)
+ def shape(self):
+ path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
+ path.addRect(self.boundingRect())
+ return path
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ return QtCore.QRectF(self.rect)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ if self.isSelected():
+ painter.setPen(self.sel_pen)
+ painter.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(self.rect))
+ else:
+ painter.setPen(self.pen)
+ painter.drawPixmap(self.rect,self.pic)
+ def initialize_sockets(self,type):
+ if(self.type=="Flash" or self.type=="CompoundSeparator"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(1,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-13,(self.rect.height()*x*1/(self.nop+1))-4,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="AdiabaticCompressor" or self.type=="AdiabaticExpander" or self.type =="Mixer" or self.type =="Splitter" or self.type =="Valve" ):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5, (self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nop+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="Cooler" or self.type=="Heater"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-0.5, (self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-12.0,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nop+1))-6,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="CentrifugalPump"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1))-11, 4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,-5.5,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="DistillationColumn" or self.type=="ShortcutColumn"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-4),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-9.5,(self.rect.height()*1.44*x/(self.nop+1))-59,4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ elif(self.type=="MaterialStream"):
+ input = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'in', x) for x in range(1,self.nin+1) ]
+ output = [NodeSocket(QtCore.QRect(self.rect.width()-6.5,(self.rect.height()*x/(self.nin+1)-6),4*3,4*3), self, 'op', x) for x in range(1,self.nop+1)]
+ return input,output
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ items = self.graphicsView.items()
+ for i in items:
+ if(type(i) == NodeItem):
+ for op in i.output:
+ for line in op.out_lines:
+ line.pointA = line.source.get_center()
+ line.pointB =
+ for ip in i.input:
+ for line in ip.in_lines:
+ line.pointA = line.source.get_center()
+ line.pointB =
+ self.pos = event.scenePos()
+ self.obj.set_pos(self.pos)
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBarVal = self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBar().value()
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(False)
+ if len(stack):
+ stack[-1].hide()
+ stack.append(self.dock_widget)
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(True)
+ def update_tooltip(self):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip(self.obj.mode)
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ def update_tooltip_selectedVar(self):
+ default_tooltip = f"{}\n\n"
+ default_tooltip_dict = self.obj.param_getter_tooltip_selectedVar()
+ for i, j in default_tooltip_dict.items():
+ if j is not None:
+ default_tooltip = default_tooltip + f" {i} : {j}\n"
+ self.setToolTip(default_tooltip)
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ try:
+ self.obj.update_compounds()
+ self.dock_widget.update_compounds()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem,self).hoverEnterEvent(event)
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if(isinstance(i,NodeItem)):
+ for ip in i.input:
+ for op in i.output:
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ super(NodeItem,self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
+ for i in self.graphicsView.items():
+ if(isinstance(i,NodeItem)):
+ for ip in i.input:
+ ip.hide()
+ for op in i.output:
+ op.hide()
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ newPos = value
+ if change == self.ItemPositionChange and self.scene():
+ rect = self.container.graphicsView.sceneRect()
+ width = self.boundingRect().width()
+ height = self.boundingRect().height()
+ eWH1 = QPointF(newPos.x()+width,newPos.y()+height)
+ eWH2 = QPointF(newPos.x()-width,newPos.y()-height)
+ if not rect.__contains__(eWH1) or not rect.__contains__(eWH2) :
+ newPos.setX(min(rect.right()-width-40, max(newPos.x(), rect.left())))
+ newPos.setY(min(rect.bottom()-height-35, max(newPos.y(),
+ self.obj.set_pos(newPos)
+ return super(NodeItem,self).itemChange(change, newPos)
+def findMainWindow(self):
+ '''
+ Global function to find the (open) QMainWindow in application
+ '''
+ app = QApplication.instance()
+ for widget in app.topLevelWidgets():
+ if isinstance(widget, QMainWindow):
+ return widget
+ return None