path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a845a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+import datetime
+import pickle
+import os,sys
+from OMChem.Flowsheet import Flowsheet
+from ComponentSelector import *
+from Graphics import NodeItem, Graphics, dock_widget_lst
+from DockWidgets.DockWidget import DockWidget
+class Container():
+ def __init__(self,msgbrowser, graphicsView):
+ self.unit_operations = []
+ self.thermo_package = None
+ self.compounds = None
+ self.flowsheet = None
+ self.conn = defaultdict(list)
+ self.op=defaultdict(list)
+ self.ip=defaultdict(list)
+ self.msg = msgbrowser
+ self.graphicsView = graphicsView
+ self.msg.setText("")
+ self.opl=[]
+ self.result=[]
+ = Graphics(self.unit_operations, self.graphicsView)
+ self.scene =
+ def current_time(self):
+ now =
+ time = str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" +str(now.second)
+ return time
+ def add_unit_operation(self, obj):
+ box = None
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.scene =
+ box =, self)
+ if box is not None:
+ self.scene.addItem(box)
+ box.setPos(2500-30, 2500-30)
+ if(obj in self.unit_operations):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.unit_operations.append(obj)
+ data = self.unit_operations[:]
+ data.append(compound_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">["+str(self.current_time())+"]<b> "" </b>is instantiated .""</span>")
+ '''
+ Deletes the selected item from the canvas and also the objects created for that type.
+ '''
+ def delete(self,l):
+ for item in l:
+ self.scene.removeItem(item)
+ for i in dock_widget_lst:
+ if ==
+ i.hide()
+ del i
+ break
+ if hasattr(item,'input'):
+ for x in item.input:
+ if x.new_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.new_line)
+ del x.new_line
+ if x.other_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.other_line)
+ del x.other_line
+ if hasattr(item,'output'):
+ for x in item.output:
+ if x.new_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.new_line)
+ del x.new_line
+ if x.other_line:
+ self.scene.removeItem(x.other_line)
+ del x.other_line
+ if hasattr(item,'obj'):
+ self.unit_operations.remove(item.obj)
+ for k in list(self.conn):
+ if item.obj==k:
+ del self.conn[k]
+ elif item.obj in self.conn[k]:
+ self.conn[k].remove(item.obj)
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">["+str(self.current_time())+"]<b> "" </b>is deleted .""</span>")
+ del item.obj
+ del item
+ clean_file('Redo')
+ data = self.unit_operations[:]
+ data.append(compound_selected)
+ push('Undo', data)
+ def fetch_object(self,name):
+ for i in self.unit_operations:
+ if(
+ return i
+ def add_compounds(self,comp):
+ self.compounds = comp
+ def update_compounds(self):
+ def add_thermo_package(self,thermo):
+ self.thermo_package = thermo
+ def msg_browser(self):
+ std = self.flowsheet.stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ if(std):
+ stdout = str(std)
+ stdout = stdout.replace("\n","<br/>")
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">"+stdout+"</span>")
+ stde = self.flowsheet.stderr.decode("utf-8")
+ if(stde):
+ stdout = str(stde)
+ stdout = stdout.replace("\n","<br/>")
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">"+stdout+"</span>")
+ def simulate(self,mode):
+ self.disableInterfaceforSimulation(True)
+ for i in
+ if (isinstance(i, NodeItem)):
+ try:
+ i.dock_widget.clear_results()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ #print("SIMULATE")
+ #print(mode)
+ self.compounds = compound_selected
+ self.flowsheet = Flowsheet()
+ self.flowsheet.add_compound_list([c[:c.index('(')] for c in self.compounds])
+ #print("######## connection master#########\n",self.conn)
+ for i in self.unit_operations :
+ self.flowsheet.add_unit_operations(i)
+ if mode=='SM':
+ self.msg.append("<span>["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulating in <b>Sequential</b> mode ... </span>")
+ self.flowsheet.simulate_SM(self.ip,self.op)
+ self.msg_browser()
+ self.result=self.flowsheet.result_data
+ elif mode=='EQN':
+ self.msg.append("<span>["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulating in <b>equation</b> mode ... </span>")
+ self.flowsheet.simulate_EQN(self.msg)
+ self.result=self.flowsheet.result_data
+ if(len(self.result)== 4):
+ #self.msg_browser()
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulation <b>Successful.</b></span>")
+ else:
+ self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">["+str(self.current_time())+"] Simulation <b>Failed.</b></span>")
+ #print("under Eqn mode simulation")
+ if(len(self.result)== 4):
+ DockWidget.show_result(NodeItem.get_dock_widget())
+ for i in
+ if (isinstance(i, NodeItem) and i.type == 'MaterialStream'):
+ i.update_tooltip_selectedVar()
+ no_input_lines = len(i.input[0].in_lines)
+ no_output_lines = len(i.output[0].out_lines)
+ if(no_input_lines>0): #Checks if material stream is input or output stream if it is output stream it continues
+ i.obj.disableInputDataTab(i.dock_widget)
+ self.disableInterfaceforSimulation(False)
+ def enableToolbar(self,status):
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionNew.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionZoomIn.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionZoomOut.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionResetZoom.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionEquationOriented.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionTerminate.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().actionSelectCompounds.setProperty('enabled',status)
+ def disableInterfaceforSimulation(self,status):
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().menubar.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.enableToolbar(not status)
+ self.graphicsView.parent().parent().dockWidget.setProperty('enabled',not status)
+ self.graphicsView.setInteractive(not status)
+ if status:
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor))
+ else:
+ QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor()
+ QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor))
+def flat_list(lst):
+ flat_lst=[]
+ for sublist in lst:
+ for item in sublist:
+ flat_lst.append(item)
+ return flat_lst
+def push(file_name, data):
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "ab") as obj:
+ pickle.dump(data, obj)
+def clean_file(file_name):
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "wb") as clean:
+ pass
+def pop(file_name):
+ last_command = None
+ if os.stat(f"{file_name}.dat").st_size != 0:
+ commands = []
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "rb") as objs:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ command = pickle.load(objs)
+ commands.append(command)
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ last_command = commands[-1]
+ commands.remove(commands[-1])
+ if len(commands) != 0:
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "wb") as updated_data:
+ for i in range(len(commands)):
+ pickle.dump(commands[i], updated_data)
+ else:
+ clean_file(file_name)
+ return last_command
+def get_last_list(file_name):
+ commands = []
+ if os.stat(f"{file_name}.dat").st_size != 0:
+ with open(f"{file_name}.dat", "rb") as objs:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ command = pickle.load(objs)
+ commands.append(command)
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ if len(commands) is not 0:
+ return commands[-1]
+ else:
+ return None