path: root/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
diff options
authorpravindalve2023-05-30 04:20:14 +0530
committerGitHub2023-05-30 04:20:14 +0530
commitcbdd7ca21f1f673a3a739065098f7cc6c9c4b881 (patch)
tree595e888c38f00a314e751096b6bf636a544a5efe /venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
parent7740d1ca0c2e6bf34900460b0c58fa4d528577fb (diff)
parent280c6aa89a15331fb76b7014957953dc72af6093 (diff)
Merge pull request #63 from brenda-br/Fix-35HEADmaster
Restructure Project and Deployment
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/ b/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
deleted file mode 100644
index ac71093..0000000
--- a/venv/Lib/site-packages/astroid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2011, 2013-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <>
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Phil Schaf <>
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Claudiu Popa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Google, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alexander Presnyakov <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Ɓukasz Rogalski <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony Sottile <>
-# Licensed under the LGPL:
-# For details:
-"""The AstroidBuilder makes astroid from living object and / or from _ast
-The builder is not thread safe and can't be used to parse different sources
-at the same time.
-import os
-import textwrap
-from tokenize import detect_encoding
-from astroid._ast import _parse
-from astroid import bases
-from astroid import exceptions
-from astroid import manager
-from astroid import modutils
-from astroid import raw_building
-from astroid import rebuilder
-from astroid import nodes
-from astroid import util
-# The name of the transient function that is used to
-# wrap expressions to be extracted when calling
-# extract_node.
-# The comment used to select a statement to be extracted
-# when calling extract_node.
-MANAGER = manager.AstroidManager()
-def open_source_file(filename):
- with open(filename, "rb") as byte_stream:
- encoding = detect_encoding(byte_stream.readline)[0]
- stream = open(filename, "r", newline=None, encoding=encoding)
- data =
- return stream, encoding, data
-def _can_assign_attr(node, attrname):
- try:
- slots = node.slots()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- else:
- if slots and attrname not in {slot.value for slot in slots}:
- return False
- return True
-class AstroidBuilder(raw_building.InspectBuilder):
- """Class for building an astroid tree from source code or from a live module.
- The param *manager* specifies the manager class which should be used.
- If no manager is given, then the default one will be used. The
- param *apply_transforms* determines if the transforms should be
- applied after the tree was built from source or from a live object,
- by default being True.
- """
- # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
- def __init__(self, manager=None, apply_transforms=True):
- super(AstroidBuilder, self).__init__()
- self._manager = manager or MANAGER
- self._apply_transforms = apply_transforms
- def module_build(self, module, modname=None):
- """Build an astroid from a living module instance."""
- node = None
- path = getattr(module, "__file__", None)
- if path is not None:
- path_, ext = os.path.splitext(modutils._path_from_filename(path))
- if ext in (".py", ".pyc", ".pyo") and os.path.exists(path_ + ".py"):
- node = self.file_build(path_ + ".py", modname)
- if node is None:
- # this is a built-in module
- # get a partial representation by introspection
- node = self.inspect_build(module, modname=modname, path=path)
- if self._apply_transforms:
- # We have to handle transformation by ourselves since the
- # rebuilder isn't called for builtin nodes
- node = self._manager.visit_transforms(node)
- return node
- def file_build(self, path, modname=None):
- """Build astroid from a source code file (i.e. from an ast)
- *path* is expected to be a python source file
- """
- try:
- stream, encoding, data = open_source_file(path)
- except IOError as exc:
- raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
- "Unable to load file {path}:\n{error}",
- modname=modname,
- path=path,
- error=exc,
- ) from exc
- except (SyntaxError, LookupError) as exc:
- raise exceptions.AstroidSyntaxError(
- "Python 3 encoding specification error or unknown encoding:\n"
- "{error}",
- modname=modname,
- path=path,
- error=exc,
- ) from exc
- except UnicodeError as exc: # wrong encoding
- # detect_encoding returns utf-8 if no encoding specified
- raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
- "Wrong or no encoding specified for {filename}.", filename=path
- ) from exc
- with stream:
- # get module name if necessary
- if modname is None:
- try:
- modname = ".".join(modutils.modpath_from_file(path))
- except ImportError:
- modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
- # build astroid representation
- module = self._data_build(data, modname, path)
- return self._post_build(module, encoding)
- def string_build(self, data, modname="", path=None):
- """Build astroid from source code string."""
- module = self._data_build(data, modname, path)
- module.file_bytes = data.encode("utf-8")
- return self._post_build(module, "utf-8")
- def _post_build(self, module, encoding):
- """Handles encoding and delayed nodes after a module has been built"""
- module.file_encoding = encoding
- self._manager.cache_module(module)
- # post tree building steps after we stored the module in the cache:
- for from_node in module._import_from_nodes:
- if from_node.modname == "__future__":
- for symbol, _ in from_node.names:
- module.future_imports.add(symbol)
- self.add_from_names_to_locals(from_node)
- # handle delayed assattr nodes
- for delayed in module._delayed_assattr:
- self.delayed_assattr(delayed)
- # Visit the transforms
- if self._apply_transforms:
- module = self._manager.visit_transforms(module)
- return module
- def _data_build(self, data, modname, path):
- """Build tree node from data and add some informations"""
- try:
- node = _parse(data + "\n")
- except (TypeError, ValueError, SyntaxError) as exc:
- raise exceptions.AstroidSyntaxError(
- "Parsing Python code failed:\n{error}",
- source=data,
- modname=modname,
- path=path,
- error=exc,
- ) from exc
- if path is not None:
- node_file = os.path.abspath(path)
- else:
- node_file = "<?>"
- if modname.endswith(".__init__"):
- modname = modname[:-9]
- package = True
- else:
- package = (
- path is not None
- and os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] == "__init__"
- )
- builder = rebuilder.TreeRebuilder(self._manager)
- module = builder.visit_module(node, modname, node_file, package)
- module._import_from_nodes = builder._import_from_nodes
- module._delayed_assattr = builder._delayed_assattr
- return module
- def add_from_names_to_locals(self, node):
- """Store imported names to the locals
- Resort the locals if coming from a delayed node
- """
- _key_func = lambda node: node.fromlineno
- def sort_locals(my_list):
- my_list.sort(key=_key_func)
- for (name, asname) in node.names:
- if name == "*":
- try:
- imported = node.do_import_module()
- except exceptions.AstroidBuildingError:
- continue
- for name in imported.public_names():
- node.parent.set_local(name, node)
- sort_locals(node.parent.scope().locals[name])
- else:
- node.parent.set_local(asname or name, node)
- sort_locals(node.parent.scope().locals[asname or name])
- def delayed_assattr(self, node):
- """Visit a AssAttr node
- This adds name to locals and handle members definition.
- """
- try:
- frame = node.frame()
- for inferred in node.expr.infer():
- if inferred is util.Uninferable:
- continue
- try:
- if inferred.__class__ is bases.Instance:
- inferred = inferred._proxied
- iattrs = inferred.instance_attrs
- if not _can_assign_attr(inferred, node.attrname):
- continue
- elif isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance):
- # Const, Tuple, ... we may be wrong, may be not, but
- # anyway we don't want to pollute builtin's namespace
- continue
- elif inferred.is_function:
- iattrs = inferred.instance_attrs
- else:
- iattrs = inferred.locals
- except AttributeError:
- # XXX log error
- continue
- values = iattrs.setdefault(node.attrname, [])
- if node in values:
- continue
- # get assign in __init__ first XXX useful ?
- if (
- == "__init__"
- and values
- and values[0].frame().name != "__init__"
- ):
- values.insert(0, node)
- else:
- values.append(node)
- except exceptions.InferenceError:
- pass
-def build_namespace_package_module(name, path):
- return nodes.Module(name, doc="", path=path, package=True)
-def parse(code, module_name="", path=None, apply_transforms=True):
- """Parses a source string in order to obtain an astroid AST from it
- :param str code: The code for the module.
- :param str module_name: The name for the module, if any
- :param str path: The path for the module
- :param bool apply_transforms:
- Apply the transforms for the give code. Use it if you
- don't want the default transforms to be applied.
- """
- code = textwrap.dedent(code)
- builder = AstroidBuilder(manager=MANAGER, apply_transforms=apply_transforms)
- return builder.string_build(code, modname=module_name, path=path)
-def _extract_expressions(node):
- """Find expressions in a call to _TRANSIENT_FUNCTION and extract them.
- The function walks the AST recursively to search for expressions that
- are wrapped into a call to _TRANSIENT_FUNCTION. If it finds such an
- expression, it completely removes the function call node from the tree,
- replacing it by the wrapped expression inside the parent.
- :param node: An astroid node.
- :type node: astroid.bases.NodeNG
- :yields: The sequence of wrapped expressions on the modified tree
- expression can be found.
- """
- if (
- isinstance(node, nodes.Call)
- and isinstance(node.func, nodes.Name)
- ):
- real_expr = node.args[0]
- real_expr.parent = node.parent
- # Search for node in all _astng_fields (the fields checked when
- # get_children is called) of its parent. Some of those fields may
- # be lists or tuples, in which case the elements need to be checked.
- # When we find it, replace it by real_expr, so that the AST looks
- # like no call to _TRANSIENT_FUNCTION ever took place.
- for name in node.parent._astroid_fields:
- child = getattr(node.parent, name)
- if isinstance(child, (list, tuple)):
- for idx, compound_child in enumerate(child):
- if compound_child is node:
- child[idx] = real_expr
- elif child is node:
- setattr(node.parent, name, real_expr)
- yield real_expr
- else:
- for child in node.get_children():
- yield from _extract_expressions(child)
-def _find_statement_by_line(node, line):
- """Extracts the statement on a specific line from an AST.
- If the line number of node matches line, it will be returned;
- otherwise its children are iterated and the function is called
- recursively.
- :param node: An astroid node.
- :type node: astroid.bases.NodeNG
- :param line: The line number of the statement to extract.
- :type line: int
- :returns: The statement on the line, or None if no statement for the line
- can be found.
- :rtype: astroid.bases.NodeNG or None
- """
- if isinstance(node, (nodes.ClassDef, nodes.FunctionDef)):
- # This is an inaccuracy in the AST: the nodes that can be
- # decorated do not carry explicit information on which line
- # the actual definition (class/def), but .fromline seems to
- # be close enough.
- node_line = node.fromlineno
- else:
- node_line = node.lineno
- if node_line == line:
- return node
- for child in node.get_children():
- result = _find_statement_by_line(child, line)
- if result:
- return result
- return None
-def extract_node(code, module_name=""):
- """Parses some Python code as a module and extracts a designated AST node.
- Statements:
- To extract one or more statement nodes, append #@ to the end of the line
- Examples:
- >>> def x():
- >>> def y():
- >>> return 1 #@
- The return statement will be extracted.
- >>> class X(object):
- >>> def meth(self): #@
- >>> pass
- The function object 'meth' will be extracted.
- Expressions:
- To extract arbitrary expressions, surround them with the fake
- function call __(...). After parsing, the surrounded expression
- will be returned and the whole AST (accessible via the returned
- node's parent attribute) will look like the function call was
- never there in the first place.
- Examples:
- >>> a = __(1)
- The const node will be extracted.
- >>> def x(d=__( pass
- The node containing the default argument will be extracted.
- >>> def foo(a, b):
- >>> return 0 < __(len(a)) < b
- The node containing the function call 'len' will be extracted.
- If no statements or expressions are selected, the last toplevel
- statement will be returned.
- If the selected statement is a discard statement, (i.e. an expression
- turned into a statement), the wrapped expression is returned instead.
- For convenience, singleton lists are unpacked.
- :param str code: A piece of Python code that is parsed as
- a module. Will be passed through textwrap.dedent first.
- :param str module_name: The name of the module.
- :returns: The designated node from the parse tree, or a list of nodes.
- :rtype: astroid.bases.NodeNG, or a list of nodes.
- """
- def _extract(node):
- if isinstance(node, nodes.Expr):
- return node.value
- return node
- requested_lines = []
- for idx, line in enumerate(code.splitlines()):
- if line.strip().endswith(_STATEMENT_SELECTOR):
- requested_lines.append(idx + 1)
- tree = parse(code, module_name=module_name)
- if not tree.body:
- raise ValueError("Empty tree, cannot extract from it")
- extracted = []
- if requested_lines:
- extracted = [_find_statement_by_line(tree, line) for line in requested_lines]
- # Modifies the tree.
- extracted.extend(_extract_expressions(tree))
- if not extracted:
- extracted.append(tree.body[-1])
- extracted = [_extract(node) for node in extracted]
- if len(extracted) == 1:
- return extracted[0]
- return extracted