path: root/src/main/python/utils/
diff options
authorbrenda-br2023-03-02 15:49:11 +0530
committerbrenda-br2023-03-02 15:49:11 +0530
commit7af3526e105cc330422f8742ec5edec1c4a0a98f (patch)
treec00e283eaa3f67c64f66c828f518bb74abe55752 /src/main/python/utils/
parent78624489cbff516cc4d15b0df738c6c2fe4f8a8d (diff)
Restructuring Finalized for App Bundling
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/python/utils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 470 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ec014..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import sys,os
-current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-parent = os.path.dirname(current)
-parentPath = os.path.dirname(parent)
-from PyQt5.QtCore import *
-from python.utils.ComponentSelector import compound_selected
-class MaterialStream():
- counter = 1
- def __init__(self, compound_names = []):
- = 'MaterialStream' + str(MaterialStream.counter)
- self.type = 'MaterialStream'
- self.compound_names = compound_names
- self.count = MaterialStream.counter
- self.thermo_package ="RaoultsLaw"
- self.mode1 = "P"
- self.mode2 = "T"
- self.mode1_val = ""
- self.mode2_val = ""
- self.OM_data_init = ''
- self.OM_data_eqn = ''
- self.no_of_inputs = 1
- self.no_of_outputs = 1
- self.x = 2500-30
- self.y = 2500-30
- self.pos = QPointF(self.x, self.y)
- MaterialStream.counter+=1
- self.start_dict = {}
- self.eqn_dict = {}
- self.modes_list = ["PT", "PH", "PVF", "TVF", "PS"]
- self.saved = False
- self.mode = self.modes_list[0]
- self.variables = {
- 'P' : {'name':'Pressure', 'value':101325, 'unit':'Pa'},
- 'T' : {'name':'Temperature', 'value':300, 'unit':'K'},
- 'xvap' : {'name':'Vapour Mole Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
- 'H_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
- 'S_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
- 'F_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Molar Flow', 'value':100, 'unit':'mol/s'},
- 'Fm_p[1]' : {'name':'Mixture Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'},
- 'H_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
- 'S_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
- 'F_p[2]' : {'name':'Liquid Molar Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
- 'H_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Enthalpy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol'},
- 'S_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Entropy', 'value':None, 'unit':'J/mol.K'},
- 'F_p[3]' : {'name':'Vapour Molar Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'},
- 'x_pc' : {'name':'Mole Fraction', 'value':[], 'unit':''},
- 'xm_pc' : {'name':'Mass Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''},
- 'F_pc' : {'name':'Mole Flow', 'value':100, 'unit':'mol/s'},
- 'Fm_pc' : {'name':'Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'},
- }
- self.init_variables()
- def update_compounds(self):
- self.compound_names = compound_selected
- def init_variables(self):
- Nc = len(self.compound_names)
- for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
- self.variables['x_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mole Fraction', 'value':round(1/Nc,4), 'unit':''}
- self.variables['xm_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mass Fraction', 'value':None, 'unit':''}
- self.variables['F_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mole Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
- self.variables['Fm_pc[1,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':val + ' Mixture Mass Flow', 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
- self.variables['x_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mole Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
- self.variables['xm_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mass Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
- self.variables['F_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mole Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
- self.variables['Fm_pc[2,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Liquid Mass Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
- self.variables['x_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mole Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
- self.variables['xm_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mass Fraction'], 'value':None, 'unit':''}
- self.variables['F_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mole Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'mol/s'}
- self.variables['Fm_pc[3,'+ str(i+1)+']'] = {'name':[val + ' Vapour Mass Flow'], 'value':None, 'unit':'g/s'}
- for i in self.compound_names:
- self.variables[i] = {'value':''}
- def param_getter_tooltip(self,mode):
- dict = {}
- temp = []
- for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
- try:
- temp.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,' + str(i+1) + ']']['value'])
- except:
- pass
- self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = temp
- if(mode=="PT"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'T'
- mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
- mode2_n = self.variables['T']['name']
- dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
- mode2_n:str(self.variables['T']['value'])+' '+self.variables['T']['unit']}
- elif(mode=="PH"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'H_p[1]'
- mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
- mode2_n = self.variables['H_p[1]']['name']
- dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
- mode2_n:str(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['H_p[1]']['unit']}
- elif(mode=="PVF"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'xvap'
- mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
- mode2_n = self.variables['xvap']['name']
- dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
- mode2_n:str(self.variables['xvap']['value'])+' '+self.variables['xvap']['unit']}
- elif(mode=="TVF"):
- self.mode1 = 'T'
- self.mode2 = 'xvap'
- mode1_n = self.variables['T']['name']
- mode2_n = self.variables['xvap']['name']
- dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['T']['value'])+' '+self.variables['T']['unit'],
- mode2_n:str(self.variables['xvap']['value'])+' '+self.variables['xvap']['unit']}
- elif(mode=="PS"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'S_p[1]'
- mode1_n = self.variables['P']['name']
- mode2_n = self.variables['S_p[1]']['name']
- dict = {mode1_n:str(self.variables['P']['value'])+' '+self.variables['P']['unit'],
- mode2_n:str(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['S_p[1]']['unit']}
- dict['Mole Flow'] = str(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value'])+' '+self.variables['F_p[1]']['unit']
- dict[self.variables['x_pc']['name']] = str(self.variables['x_pc']['value'])+' '+self.variables['x_pc']['unit']
- dict['Thermo Package'] = self.thermo_package
- return dict
- def param_getter_tooltip_selectedVar(self):
- dict = {}
- pressure_name = self.variables['P']['name']
- pressure_val = self.variables['P']['value']
- pressure_unit = self.variables['P']['unit']
- temp_name = self.variables['T']['name']
- temp_val = self.variables['T']['value']
- temp_unit = self.variables['T']['unit']
- mixMolEntal_name = self.variables['H_p[1]']['name']
- mixMolEntal_val = round(float(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']),4)
- mixMolEntal_unit = self.variables['H_p[1]']['unit']
- mixMolEntro_name = self.variables['S_p[1]']['name']
- mixMolEntro_val = round(float(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']),4)
- mixMolEntro_unit = self.variables['S_p[1]']['unit']
- vapMolFrac_name = self.variables['xvap']['name']
- vapMolFrac_val = self.variables['xvap']['value']
- vapMolFrac_unit = self.variables['xvap']['unit']
- mixMolFlo_name = self.variables['F_p[1]']['name']
- mixMolFlo_val = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
- mixMolFlo_unit = self.variables['F_p[1]']['unit']
- mixMassFlo_name = self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['name']
- mixMassFlo_val = round(float(self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['value']),4)
- mixMassFlo_unit = self.variables['Fm_p[1]']['unit']
- dict = {pressure_name:str(pressure_val)+' '+pressure_unit,
- temp_name:str(temp_val)+' '+temp_unit,
- vapMolFrac_name:str(vapMolFrac_val)+' '+vapMolFrac_unit,
- mixMolEntal_name:str(mixMolEntal_val)+' '+mixMolEntal_unit,
- mixMolEntro_name:str(mixMolEntro_val)+' '+mixMolEntro_unit,
- mixMolFlo_name:str(mixMolFlo_val)+' '+mixMolFlo_unit,
- mixMassFlo_name:str(mixMassFlo_val)+' '+mixMassFlo_unit}
- return dict
- def param_getter(self,mode):
- dict = {}
- temp = []
- for i, val in enumerate(self.compound_names):
- try:
- temp.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,' + str(i+1) + ']']['value'])
- except:
- pass
- self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = temp
- pressure_val = self.variables['P']['value']
- temp_val = self.variables['T']['value']
- mixMolFlo_val = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
- mixMolEntal_val = self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']
- vapMolFrac_val = self.variables['xvap']['value']
- mixMolEntro_val = self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']
- if pressure_val != None:
- pressure_val = round(float(self.variables['P']['value']),4)
- if temp_val != None:
- temp_val = round(float(self.variables['T']['value']),4)
- if mixMolFlo_val != None:
- mixMolFlo_val = round(float(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']),4)
- if mixMolEntal_val != None:
- mixMolEntal_val = round(float(self.variables['H_p[1]']['value']),4)
- if vapMolFrac_val != None:
- vapMolFrac_val = round(float(self.variables['xvap']['value']),4)
- if mixMolEntro_val != None:
- mixMolEntro_val = round(float(self.variables['S_p[1]']['value']),4)
- if(mode=="PT"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'T'
- dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:temp_val,
- "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val,"x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
- "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
- #print('dictionary is :' + str(dict))
- elif(mode=="PH"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'H_p[1]'
- dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:mixMolEntal_val,
- "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
- "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
- elif(mode=="PVF"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'xvap'
- dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2:vapMolFrac_val,
- "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
- "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
- elif(mode=="TVF"):
- self.mode1 = 'T'
- self.mode2 = 'xvap'
- dict = {self.mode1:temp_val, self.mode2:vapMolFrac_val,
- "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
- "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
- elif(mode=="PS"):
- self.mode1 = 'P'
- self.mode2 = 'S_p[1]'
- dict = {self.mode1:pressure_val, self.mode2: mixMolEntro_val,
- "MolFlow":mixMolFlo_val, "x_pc":self.variables['x_pc']['value'],
- "Thermo Package": self.thermo_package}
- return dict
- def param_setter(self,dict):
- self.variables['x_pc']['value'] = dict['x_pc'].split(",")
- #print('xpc is :' + str(self.variables['x_pc']['value']))
- self.thermo_package = dict['Thermo Package']
- self.variables['F_p[1]']['value'] = dict['MolFlow']
- self.variables[self.mode1]['value'] = dict[self.mode1]
- self.variables[self.mode2]['value'] = dict[self.mode2]
- for i in range(len(self.compound_names)):
- if self.variables['x_pc']['value'][i]:
- self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = self.variables['x_pc']['value'][i]
- else:
- self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['xm_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = self.variables['xm_pc']['value']
- self.variables['F_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['Fm_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- for i in range(0,len(self.compound_names)):
- self.variables['x_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['xm_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['F_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['Fm_pc[2,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['x_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['xm_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['F_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- self.variables['Fm_pc[3,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'] = None
- def set_pos(self,pos):
- self.pos = pos
- def get_min_eqn_values(self):
- x_pclist = []
- for i in range(0,len(self.compound_names)):
- x_pclist.append(self.variables['x_pc[1,'+str(i+1)+']']['value'])
- x_pc = json.dumps(x_pclist)
- x_pc = x_pc.replace('[','{')
- x_pc = x_pc.replace(']','}')
- x_pc = x_pc.replace('"','')
- if self.variables[self.mode1]['value']:
- self.eqn_dict[self.mode1] = self.variables[self.mode1]['value']
- if self.variables[self.mode2]['value']:
- self.eqn_dict[self.mode2] = self.variables[self.mode2]['value']
- if self.variables['x_pc']['value']:
- self.eqn_dict['x_pc[1,:]'] = x_pc
- if self.variables['F_pc']['value']:
- self.eqn_dict['F_p[1]'] = self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']
- def get_start_values(self):
- try:
- if self.variables[self.mode1]['value']:
- self.start_dict[self.mode1] = self.variables[self.mode1]['value']
- if self.variables[self.mode2]['value']:
- self.start_dict[self.mode2] = self.variables[self.mode2]['value']
- if self.variables['x_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
- x_pcarr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- cmf = []
- for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
- cmf.append(str(self.variables['x_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
- x_pcarr.append(cmf)
- x_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
- x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace('[','{')
- x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace(']','}')
- x_pcstr = x_pcstr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['x_pc'] = x_pcstr
- if self.variables['xm_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
- xm_pcarr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- cmf = []
- for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
- cmf.append(str(self.variables['xm_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
- xm_pcarr.append(cmf)
- xm_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
- xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace('[','{')
- xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace(']','}')
- xm_pcstr = xm_pcstr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['xm_pc'] = xm_pcstr
- if self.variables['Fm_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
- Fm_pcarr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- cmf = []
- for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
- cmf.append(str(self.variables['Fm_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
- Fm_pcarr.append(cmf)
- Fm_pcstr = json.dumps(x_pcarr)
- Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace('[','{')
- Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace(']','}')
- Fm_pcstr = Fm_pcstr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['Fm_pc'] = Fm_pcstr
- if self.variables['F_pc[2,1]']['value'] != None:
- F_pcarr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- cmf = []
- for j in range(1,len(self.compound_names)+1):
- cmf.append(str(self.variables['F_pc['+str(i)+','+str(j)+']']['value']))
- F_pcarr.append(cmf)
- F_pcstr = json.dumps(F_pcarr)
- F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace('[','{')
- F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace(']','}')
- F_pcstr = F_pcstr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['F_pc'] = F_pcstr
- if self.variables['MW_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- MW_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- MW_pArr.append(self.variables['MW_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- MW_pStr = json.dumps(MW_pArr)
- MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace('[','{')
- MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace(']','}')
- MW_pStr = MW_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['MW_p'] = MW_pStr
- if self.variables['F_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- F_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- F_pArr.append(self.variables['F_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- F_pStr = json.dumps(F_pArr)
- F_pStr = F_pStr.replace('[','{')
- F_pStr = F_pStr.replace(']','}')
- F_pStr = F_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['F_p'] = F_pStr
- if self.variables['Cp_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- Cp_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- Cp_pArr.append(self.variables['Cp_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- Cp_pStr = json.dumps(Cp_pArr)
- Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace('[','{')
- Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace(']','}')
- Cp_pStr = Cp_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['Cp_p'] = Cp_pStr
- if self.variables['H_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- H_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- H_pArr.append(self.variables['H_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- H_pStr = json.dumps(H_pArr)
- H_pStr = H_pStr.replace('[','{')
- H_pStr = H_pStr.replace(']','}')
- H_pStr = H_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['H_p'] = H_pStr
- if self.variables['S_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- S_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- S_pArr.append(self.variables['S_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- S_pStr = json.dumps(S_pArr)
- S_pStr = S_pStr.replace('[','{')
- S_pStr = S_pStr.replace(']','}')
- S_pStr = S_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['S_p'] = S_pStr
- if self.variables['Fm_p[2]']['value'] != None:
- Fm_pArr = []
- for i in range(1,4):
- Fm_pArr.append(self.variables['Fm_p['+str(i)+']']['value'])
- Fm_pStr = json.dumps(Fm_pArr)
- Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace('[','{')
- Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace(']','}')
- Fm_pStr = Fm_pStr.replace('"','')
- self.start_dict['Fm_p'] = Fm_pStr
- except Exception as e:
- exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
- # print(exc_type,exc_tb.tb_lineno)
- # print(e)
- # print('error')
- def OM_Flowsheet_Initialize(self,addedcomp):
- self.OM_data_init = ''
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("model ms"+str(self.count)+"\n")
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("extends Simulator.Streams.MaterialStream;\n" )
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("extends Simulator.Files.ThermodynamicPackages."+self.thermo_package+";\n")
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ("end ms"+str(self.count)+";\n")
- comp_count = len(addedcomp)
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + "ms"+str(self.count) +" " + +"(Nc = " + str(comp_count)
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ",C = {"
- C = str(addedcomp).strip('[').strip(']')
- C = C.replace("'","")
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + C + "},"
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init[:-1]
- self.OM_data_init = self.OM_data_init + ');\n'
- return self.OM_data_init
- def OM_Flowsheet_Equation(self,addedcomp,method):
- self.OM_data_eqn = ''
- self.comp_count = len(addedcomp)
- if method == 'Eqn':
- self.eqn_dict = {}
- self.get_min_eqn_values()
- if method == 'SM':
- self.eqn_dict = {}
- self.get_min_eqn_values()
- for key,value in self.eqn_dict.items():
- self.OM_data_eqn = self.OM_data_eqn + + '.'+ key + ' = ' + str(value) + ';\n'
- return self.OM_data_eqn
- def disableInputDataTab(self,dockwidget):
- #setting the value of input data tab in dock widget and disabling them
- dockwidget.comboBox.setDisabled(True)
- dockwidget.input_dict['P'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['P']['value']),4)))
- dockwidget.input_dict['P'].setDisabled(True)
- dockwidget.input_dict['T'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['T']['value']),4)))
- dockwidget.input_dict['T'].setDisabled(True)
- dockwidget.input_dict['MolFlow'].setText(str(round(float(self.variables['F_p[1]']['value']),4)))
- dockwidget.input_dict['MolFlow'].setDisabled(True)
- dockwidget.cbTP.setCurrentText(str(self.thermo_package))
- dockwidget.cbTP.setDisabled(True)
- dockwidget.pushButton_2.setDisabled(True)
- for index,k in enumerate(dockwidget.x_pclist):
- k.setText(str(round(float(self.variables['x_pc[1,'+ str(index+1)+']']['value']),4)))
- k.setDisabled(True)