path: root/src/main/python/utils
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/python/utils')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/utils/ b/src/main/python/utils/
index 80eb5e7..a4b3916 100644
--- a/src/main/python/utils/
+++ b/src/main/python/utils/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, QPointF
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, pyqtSignal
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QApplication
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QKeySequence, QTransform, QCursor
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsItem, QUndoStack, QAction, QUndoView
@@ -73,16 +76,18 @@ class CustomView(QGraphicsView):
temp = self.zoom
self._zoom = value
self.scale(self.zoom / temp, self.zoom / temp)
class CustomScene(QGraphicsScene):
Extends QGraphicsScene with undo-redo functionality
labelAdded = pyqtSignal(shapes.QGraphicsItem)
+ itemMoved = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem, QtCore.QPointF)
def __init__(self, *args, parent=None):
super(CustomScene, self).__init__(*args, parent=parent)
+ self.movingItems = [] # List to store selected items for moving
+ self.oldPositions = {} # Dictionary to store old positions of moved items
self.undoStack = QUndoStack(self) #Used to store undo-redo moves
self.createActions() #creates necessary actions that need to be called for undo-redo
@@ -91,12 +96,12 @@ class CustomScene(QGraphicsScene):
self.deleteAction = QAction("Delete Item", self)
self.undoAction = self.undoStack.createUndoAction(self, "Undo")
self.redoAction = self.undoStack.createRedoAction(self, "Redo")
def createUndoView(self, parent):
# creates an undo stack view for current QGraphicsScene
undoView = QUndoView(self.undoStack, parent)
@@ -115,17 +120,101 @@ class CustomScene(QGraphicsScene):
self.undoStack.push(deleteCommand(j, self))
self.undoStack.push(deleteCommand(itemToDelete, self))
def itemMoved(self, movedItem, lastPos):
#item move event, checks if item is moved
self.undoStack.push(moveCommand(movedItem, lastPos))
def addItemPlus(self, item):
# extended add item method, so that a corresponding undo action is also pushed
self.undoStack.push(addCommand(item, self))
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ bdsp = event.buttonDownScenePos(Qt.LeftButton) # Get click position
+ point = QPointF(bdsp.x(), bdsp.y()) # Create a QPointF from click position
+ itemList = self.items(point) # Get items at the specified point
+ if itemList:
+ item = itemList[0] # Select the first item in the list
+ if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
+ modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers()
+ if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier:
+ # Ctrl key is pressed, add item to the moving items list
+ if item not in self.movingItems:
+ self.movingItems.append(item)
+ self.oldPositions[item] = item.pos()
+ else:
+ # Ctrl key is not pressed, clear the moving items list and selection
+ self.movingItems.clear()
+ self.clearSelection()
+ item.setSelected(True)
+ return super(CustomScene, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
+ for item in self.movingItems:
+ if self.oldPositions[item] != item.pos():
+ # Item position has changed, invoke the callback function
+ self.itemMoved(item, self.oldPositions[item])
+ self.movingItems.clear() # Clear the moving items list
+ self.oldPositions.clear() # Clear the old positions dictionary
+ return super(CustomScene, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+ if self.movingItems:
+ # Move all selected items together
+ for item in self.movingItems:
+ newPos = item.pos() + mouseEvent.scenePos() - mouseEvent.lastScenePos()
+ item.setPos(newPos)
+ item = self.itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(), QTransform())
+ if isinstance(item, shapes.SizeGripItem):
+ item.parentItem().showLineGripItem()
+ return super(CustomScene, self).mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent)
+ # The above is the mouse events for moving multiple images at once.
+ """def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ bdsp = event.buttonDownScenePos(Qt.LeftButton) # get click pos
+ point = QPointF(bdsp.x(), bdsp.y()) # create a QPointF from click pos
+ itemList = self.items(point) # get items at said point
+ if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
+ if itemList:
+ self.movingItems = itemList
+ self.initialPositions = {}
+ for item in self.movingItems:
+ self.initialPositions[item] = item.pos()
+ else:
+ self.movingItems = []
+ self.clearSelection()
+ return super(CustomScene, self).mousePressEvent(event)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
+ if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton and self.movingItems:
+ modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers()
+ if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier:
+ for item in self.movingItems:
+ item.setPos(item.pos() + event.scenePos() - event.lastScenePos())
+ else:
+ super(CustomScene, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.movingItems:
+ for item in self.movingItems:
+ if item.pos() != self.initialPositions[item]:
+ self.itemMoved(item, self.initialPositions[item])
+ self.movingItems = []
+ self.initialPositions = {}
+ return super(CustomScene, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)"""
+ # The above mouse events are for moving items on top of each other.
+ """def mousePressEvent(self, event):
# overloaded mouse press event to check if an item was moved
bdsp = event.buttonDownScenePos(Qt.LeftButton) #get click pos
point = QPointF(bdsp.x(), bdsp.y()) #create a Qpoint from click pos
@@ -150,7 +239,9 @@ class CustomScene(QGraphicsScene):
if isinstance(item,shapes.SizeGripItem):
- super(CustomScene,self).mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent)
+ super(CustomScene,self).mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent)"""
+ # The above is the original mouse events
def reInsertLines(self):
currentIndex = self.undoStack.index()