path: root/src/main/python/shapes
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/python/shapes')
2 files changed, 339 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
index 66be069..1438fbc 100644
--- a/src/main/python/shapes/
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -14,15 +14,18 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
def __init__(self, annotation_line, index, direction):
super(Grabber, self).__init__()
- self.m_index = index
+ # store line to which it connects
self.m_annotation_item = annotation_line
- self._direction = direction
+ # index of first point of segment of above line
+ self.m_index = index
+ self.direction = direction
# set graphical settings for this item
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
+ # initially make invisible
self.pen = QPen(Qt.white, -1, Qt.SolidLine)
self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent)
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
""" move position of grabber after resize"""
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.isEnabled():
p = QPointF(self.pos())
- if self._direction == Qt.Horizontal:
+ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal:
if self.parentItem().refLine and self.m_index == len(self.parentItem().points) - 2:
points = self.parentItem().refLine.points
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
p.setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x()))
elif p.x() > max(point1.x(), point2.x()):
p.setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x()))
- elif self._direction == Qt.Vertical:
+ elif self.direction == Qt.Vertical:
if self.parentItem().refLine and self.m_index == len(self.parentItem().points) - 2:
points = self.parentItem().refLine.points
@@ -70,18 +73,16 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
- # To paint path of shape
- # color = if self.isSelected() else
- # painter.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.SolidLine))
- # painter.drawPath(self.shape())
def shape(self):
"""Overrides shape method and set shape to segment on which grabber is located"""
index = self.m_index
+ # take start and end point of segment
startPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index])
endPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index + 1])
+ # map in grabber's co-ordinate
startPoint = self.mapFromParent(startPoint)
endPoint = self.mapFromParent(endPoint)
+ # create path as line
path = QPainterPath(startPoint)
# generate outlines for path
@@ -92,15 +93,12 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
def boundingRect(self):
return self.shape().boundingRect()
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- super(Grabber, self).mousePressEvent(event)
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
Changes cursor to horizontal movement or vertical movement
depending on the direction of the grabber on mouse enter
- if self._direction == Qt.Horizontal:
+ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal:
@@ -114,10 +112,12 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
super(Grabber, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
def show(self):
+ # set pen to show
self.pen = QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)
self.brush = QBrush(Qt.cyan)
def hide(self):
+ # set pen to transparent
self.pen = QPen(Qt.white, -1, Qt.SolidLine)
self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent)
@@ -127,57 +127,69 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
def __init__(self, pos, parent=None):
super(LineLabel, self).__init__()
+ # initial text
+ # stores index of first point of segment
self.index = None
+ # distance from line segment = None
+ # set graphical setting
self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable |
QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable |
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
+ # set center of text label at mouse pos
self.setPos(pos - self.boundingRect().center())
+ # add line item to test label
self.line = QGraphicsLineItem()
self.line.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
+ # reset position of line
self.values = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
- painter.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
- painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white))
- painter.drawEllipse(self.boundingRect())
- painter.restore()
+ # draw ellipse shape
+ # save painter
+ painter.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) # set pen to painter
+ painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white)) # set brush
+ painter.drawEllipse(self.boundingRect()) # draw ellipse
+ painter.restore() # restore painter as before drawing ellipse
super(LineLabel, self).paint(painter, option, widget)
def updateLabel(self):
- offset =
- points = self.parentItem().points
- firstPoint = points[self.index]
- endPoint = points[self.index + 1]
+ # finds new position on segment
+ offset = # distance from segment
+ points = self.parentItem().points # points of line
+ firstPoint = points[self.index] # first point of segment on which label is attached
+ endPoint = points[self.index + 1] # second point
center = self.mapToParent(self.boundingRect().center())
newPos = center
+ # if segment is vertical
if firstPoint.x() == endPoint.x():
newPos.setX(firstPoint.x() +
if min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()) > newPos.y():
newPos.setY(min(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()))
elif newPos.y() > max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()):
newPos.setY(max(firstPoint.y(), endPoint.y()))
+ # segment is horizontal
elif firstPoint.y() == endPoint.y():
newPos.setY(firstPoint.y() +
if min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()) > newPos.x():
newPos.setX(min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()))
elif newPos.x() > max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()):
newPos.setX(max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()))
+ # transfer center positon to top left
newPos -= QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2)
def resetPos(self):
+ """ finds the segment of line on which mouse is clicked for adding label
+ and resets it's position on that segment
+ """
points = self.parentItem().points
min_A = QPointF()
min_B = QPointF()
@@ -213,9 +225,10 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem): = -30 + self.boundingRect().height() / 2
def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ # if position of label changes
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.scene():
- newPos = QPointF(value)
- newPos += QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2)
+ newPos = QPointF(value) # new position
+ newPos += QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2) # pos of center
points = self.parentItem().points
firstPoint = points[self.index]
endPoint = points[self.index + 1]
@@ -229,7 +242,8 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
newPos.setX(min(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()))
elif newPos.x() > max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()):
newPos.setX(max(firstPoint.x(), endPoint.x()))
- newPos -= QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2, self.boundingRect().height() / 2)
+ newPos -= QPointF(self.boundingRect().width() / 2,
+ self.boundingRect().height() / 2) # change center pos to top-left
return newPos
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged and self.scene():
@@ -238,6 +252,7 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
return super(LineLabel, self).itemChange(change, value)
def updateGap(self):
+ # updates distance of line from it's connection segment
points = self.parentItem().points
firstPoint = points[self.index]
endPoint = points[self.index + 1]
@@ -250,6 +265,7 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem): = center.y() - firstPoint.y()
def updateLine(self):
+ # updates line item of label
points = self.parentItem().points
firstPoint = points[self.index]
endPoint = points[self.index + 1]
@@ -261,6 +277,7 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
self.line.setLine(center.x(), center.y(), center.x(), point.y())
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ # set text editable
super(LineLabel, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event)
@@ -270,6 +287,8 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) # set text non interactive
def __getstate__(self):
return {
"text": self.toPlainText(),
@@ -277,7 +296,7 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
"pos": (self.pos().x(), self.pos().y())
def __setstate__(self, dict):
self.index = dict['index']
@@ -285,11 +304,13 @@ class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
def findIndex(line, pos):
+ # finds index of first point of segment of line which is nearer to given position
points = line.points
min_A = QPointF()
min_B = QPointF()
min_dis = math.inf
index = -1
+ # iterating over points of line
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
A = points[i]
B = points[i + 1]
@@ -298,7 +319,7 @@ def findIndex(line, pos):
BAy = B.y() - A.y()
CAx = C.x() - A.x()
CAy = C.y() - A.y()
- length = math.sqrt(BAx * BAx + BAy * BAy)
+ length = math.sqrt(BAx * BAx + BAy * BAy) # length of segment
if BAx == 0:
if not min(A.y(), B.y()) <= C.y() <= max(A.y(), B.y()):
@@ -322,10 +343,12 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
def __init__(self, startPoint, endPoint, **args):
QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, **args)
+ # store startpoint and endpoint of line
self.startPoint = startPoint
self.endPoint = endPoint
# stores all points of line
self.points = []
+ # stores grips of line
self.startGripItem = None
self.endGripItem = None
self.m_grabbers = []
@@ -339,32 +362,38 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.commonPathsCenters = []
self.midLines = []
self.label = []
- self.arrowFlag = True
+ # if line point on rectangle grip
+ self.startGap = None # distance from center of start grip
+ self.endGap = None # distance from center of end grip
def boundingRect(self):
+ # adjust bounding rect such that it contains intersection curve and arrow
rect = self.shape().boundingRect()
- rect.adjust(-10,-10,10,10)
+ rect.adjust(-10, -10, 10, 10)
return rect
def advance(self, phase):
+ """ called by scene when item moves or updates on scene
+ """
if not phase:
- # items colliding with line
- # items = self.collidingItems(Qt.IntersectsItemShape)
+ # fine collision with line in ascending order
items = self.scene().items(self.shape(), Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.AscendingOrder)
- self.commonPathsCenters = []
+ self.commonPathsCenters = [] # remove all previous interaction
# if item is line and stacked above
for item in items:
if type(item) in [type(self)]:
if item == self:
- shape = item.shape()
- shape = self.mapFromItem(item, item.shape())
- commonPath = self.shape().intersected(shape)
- polygons = commonPath.toSubpathPolygons()
+ shape = item.shape() # shape of item
+ shape = self.mapFromItem(item, item.shape()) # map shape to self
+ commonPath = self.shape().intersected(shape) # find common path btw lines
+ polygons = commonPath.toSubpathPolygons() # chane common path to polygon
for polygon in polygons:
- center = polygon.boundingRect().center()
+ center = polygon.boundingRect().center() # center of polygon
+ # if collision is btw perpendicular line
if polygon.size() == 5:
+ # ignore collision if other line has end point on this line
if item.refLine:
i = len(item.points) - 2
x1, y1 = item.points[i].x(), item.points[i].y()
@@ -383,8 +412,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
color = if self.isSelected() else
painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
- path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint)
- arrowHead = QPolygonF()
+ path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint) # start path
# iterating over all points of line
for i in range(len(self.points) - 1):
x1, y1 = self.points[i].x(), self.points[i].y()
@@ -414,7 +442,8 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), 0, -180)
path.lineTo(point - QPointF(8, 0))
path.lineTo(self.points[i + 1])
- if i == len(self.points) - 2 and self.arrowFlag:
+ # draw arrow in last segment
+ if i == len(self.points) - 2:
arrow_size = 20.0
line = QLineF(self.points[i], self.points[i + 1])
if line.length() < 20:
@@ -434,13 +463,12 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
- # path.addPolygon(arrowHead)
- painter.drawPath(path)
+ painter.drawPath(path) # draw final path
def createPath(self):
@@ -454,6 +482,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.points = [self.startPoint, QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, y0), QPointF((x0 + x1) / 2, y1), self.endPoint]
# final path of line
if self.refLine:
+ # line has end point on other line
from .shapes import LineGripItem
direction = "left"
points = self.refLine.points
@@ -469,7 +498,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
direction = "top"
direction = "bottom"
- self.endGripItem = LineGripItem(self, -1, direction, self)
+ self.endGripItem = LineGripItem(-1, [0, 0, direction], self)
if self.startGripItem and self.endGripItem:
@@ -495,8 +524,8 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
pe = QPointF(self.endPoint.x() + offset, self.endPoint.y())
start = self.startPoint
end = self.endPoint
- sitem = self.startGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.startGripItem.m_annotation_item.boundingRect())
- eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.endGripItem.m_annotation_item.boundingRect())
+ sitem = self.startGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.startGripItem.parentItem().boundingRect())
+ eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.endGripItem.parentItem().boundingRect())
if self.refLine:
eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0))
@@ -756,6 +785,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
if self.refLine:
+ # remove added grip
self.endGripItem = None
@@ -772,9 +802,12 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
+ # update grabber of line
+ # update labels connected to line
for label in self.label:
+ # update line have end point on this line
def updatePoints(self):
@@ -853,6 +886,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
def itemChange(self, change, value):
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged:
+ # on selection stack above to show curve on it
if value == 1:
items = self.collidingItems(Qt.IntersectsItemShape)
@@ -864,46 +898,63 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and not self.scene():
+ # if line is removed from scene
for line in self.midLines:
+ # remove lines connected to it
if line.scene():
- if self.startGripItem and self.startGripItem.line and not self.startGripItem.tempLine:
- self.startGripItem.line = None
- if self.endGripItem and self.endGripItem.line:
- self.endGripItem.line = None
+ if self.startGripItem and self.startGripItem.lines and not self.startGripItem.tempLine:
+ # remove line reference from grips
+ if self in self.startGripItem.lines: self.startGripItem.lines.remove(self)
+ if self.endGripItem and self.endGripItem.lines:
+ if self in self.endGripItem.lines: self.endGripItem.lines.remove(self)
if self.refLine:
if self in self.refLine.midLines: self.refLine.midLines.remove(self)
return super(Line, self).itemChange(change, value)
- def updateLine(self, startPoint=None, endPoint=None):
+ def updateLine(self, endPoint=None):
"""This function is used to update connecting line when it add on
canvas and when it's grip item moves
- self.prepareGeometryChange()
- if startPoint:
- self.startPoint = startPoint
if endPoint:
self.endPoint = endPoint
- if self.startGripItem and self.endGripItem:
+ # update start point
+ if self.startGripItem:
item = self.startGripItem
- self.startPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ startPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos()) # center of grip
+ # end grip is rectangle
+ if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]:
+ startPoint.setX(startPoint.x() - self.startGap * item.boundingRect().width())
+ elif item.size:
+ startPoint.setY(
+ startPoint.y() - self.startGap * item.boundingRect().height())
+ self.startPoint = startPoint
+ # end point on line
+ if self.endGripItem:
item = self.endGripItem
- self.endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos()) # center of grip
+ # end grip is rectangle
+ if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]:
+ endPoint.setX(
+ endPoint.x() - self.endGap * item.boundingRect().width())
+ elif item.size:
+ endPoint.setY(
+ endPoint.y() - self.endGap * item.boundingRect().height())
+ self.endPoint = endPoint
- if self.startGripItem and self.refLine:
- item = self.startGripItem
- self.startPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ # end point on other line
+ elif self.refLine:
def updateMidLines(self):
+ """ Updates all lines connecting to it
+ """
for line in self.midLines:
points = line.refLine.points
point1 = points[line.refIndex]
@@ -927,13 +978,6 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
line.points[i - 1].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x()))
- def removeFromCanvas(self):
- """This function is used to remove connecting line from canvas
- :return:
- """
- if self.scene():
- self.scene().removeItem(self)
def showGripItem(self):
"""shows grip items which contains line
@@ -960,29 +1004,14 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
"""Pop up menu
+ # create a menu and add action
contextMenu = QMenu()
- addLableAction = contextMenu.addAction("add Label")
- if self.arrowFlag is True:
- str = "Hide Arrow"
- else:
- str = "Add Arrow"
- changeArrowFlag = contextMenu.addAction(str)
+ addLableAction = contextMenu.addAction("Add Text Label") # add action for text label
action = contextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos())
+ # check for label action and add text label as child
if action == addLableAction:
- newLabel = LineLabel(event.scenePos(), self)
- self.label.append(newLabel)
- self.scene().labelAdded.emit(newLabel)
- if action == changeArrowFlag:
- if str == "Hide Arrow":
- self.arrowFlag =False
- else:
- self.arrowFlag =True
- self.update()
- def setPenStyle(self, style):
- """change current pen style for line"""
- self.penStyle = style
+ print(event.scenePos(), event.pos())
+ self.label.append(LineLabel(event.scenePos(), self)) # text label as child
def __getstate__(self):
return {
@@ -997,5 +1026,6 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
"label": [i for i in self.label],
"id": hex(id(self))
def __setstate__(self, dict):
self.points = [QPointF(x, y) for x, y in dict["points"]]
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
index 6d06cba..117ffb8 100644
--- a/src/main/python/shapes/
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -14,24 +14,31 @@ from import fileImporter
class ItemLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
- def __init__(self, pos, parent=None):
+ """Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsPathItem to create text label for svg item
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ # graphics setting for text label
self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable |
QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable |
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
+ # set initial no text interaction
+ # set initial position just below parent
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ # make text editable
- self.setFocus()
+ self.setFocus() # set focus to text
super(ItemLabel, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event)
def focusOutEvent(self, event):
super(ItemLabel, self).focusOutEvent(event)
- self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction)
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.NoTextInteraction) # make text not editable and thus movable
def __getstate__(self):
return {
@@ -69,26 +76,21 @@ class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
super(GripItem, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
-class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
+class SizeGripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
Extends grip items for vertical and horizontal directions, with hover events and directional changes
- def __init__(self, annotation_item, index, direction=Qt.Horizontal, parent=None):
- self.width = self.height = 0
- if direction is Qt.Horizontal:
- self.height = annotation_item.boundingRect().height()
- else:
- self.width = annotation_item.boundingRect().width()
- path = QPainterPath()
- path.addRect(QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height))
- super(SizeGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=path, parent=parent)
+ def __init__(self, index, direction=Qt.Horizontal, parent=None):
+ super(SizeGripItem, self).__init__(parent=parent)
+ # set graphical setting
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
- self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1))
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 0))
+ # property direction
self._direction = direction
self.m_index = index
@@ -99,21 +101,16 @@ class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
return self._direction
- def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
- if self.isSelected() and not self.parentItem().isSelected():
- self.parentItem().setSelected(True)
- self.parentItem().setFlag(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable, False)
- super().paint(painter, option, widget)
def updatePath(self):
"""updates path of size grip item
- if self._direction is Qt.Horizontal:
- self.height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height()
+ width = height = 0
+ if self.direction is Qt.Horizontal:
+ height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height()
- self.width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width()
+ width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width()
path = QPainterPath()
- path.addRect(QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height))
+ path.addRect(QRectF(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height))
def updatePosition(self):
@@ -143,9 +140,7 @@ class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
Changes cursor to horizontal resize or vertical resize depending on the direction of the grip item on mouse enter
- # self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
- # self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
- if self._direction == Qt.Horizontal:
+ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal:
@@ -155,8 +150,6 @@ class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
reverts cursor to default on mouse leave
- # self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
- # self.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
super(SizeGripItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
@@ -187,45 +180,71 @@ class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
# Make parent item move able
self.parentItem().setFlag(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
- # If needed to reset transform of parent set it's position accordingly
+ # If needed, to reset transform of parent set it's position accordingly
# self.parentItem().setPos(self.parentItem().x() + self.parentItem().transform().dx(), self.parentItem().y() + self.parentItem().transform().dy())
# self.parentItem().resetTransform()
+ def show(self):
+ # make self visible
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ def hide(self):
+ # hide self by setting pen to transparent
+ if not self.parentItem().isSelected():
+ self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ self.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
-class LineGripItem(GripItem):
+class LineGripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
"""Extends grip items for connecting lines , with hover events and mouse events
circle = QPainterPath()
circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-5, -5, 10, 10))
- def __init__(self, annotation_item, index, grip, parent=None):
- path =
- super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=path, parent=parent)
+ def __init__(self, index, grip, parent=None):
+ super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(parent=parent)
+ self.setPath(
+ # set it's index on item
self.m_index = index
- self.m_location = grip[2]
- self.line = None
+ # store position of self
+ self.position = QPointF(grip[0], grip[1])
+ # set location
+ self._m_location = grip[2]
+ # set size in case of rectangle grip
+ self.size = grip[3] if len(grip) == 4 else None
# stores current line which is in process
self.tempLine = None
+ # stores lines conected to it
+ self.lines = []
# keep previous hovered item when line drawing in process
self.previousHoveredItem = None
+ # set graphical settings
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1))
- self.grip = grip
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor))
+ @property
+ def m_location(self):
+ return self._m_location
def shape(self):
+ # return interactive path
qp = QPainterPathStroker()
+ # create outline of path
path = qp.createStroke(self.path())
return path
- def paint(self, painter,option, widget):
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ # draw path with outline of interactive area(shape)
- painter.drawPath(self.shape())
+ painter.drawPath(self.shape()) # draw outline
- if len(self.grip) ==4:
+ # if rectangle grip
+ if self.size:
- pen =self.pen()
+ pen = self.pen()
@@ -238,47 +257,38 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
Moves position of grip item on resize
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and not self.scene():
- if self.line and self.line.scene():
- self.line.scene().removeItem(self.line)
+ # on removing from scene remove all lines connected to it
+ for line in self.lines:
+ if line.scene():
+ line.scene().removeItem(line)
return super(LineGripItem, self).itemChange(change, value)
- def point(self, index):
- """
- yields a list of positions of grip items in a node item
- """
- width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width()
- height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height()
- if 0 <= index < 4:
- return [
- QPointF(0, -height / 2),
- QPointF(-width / 2, 0),
- QPointF(0, height / 2),
- QPointF(width / 2, 0)
- ][index]
def updatePosition(self):
- width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width()
- height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height()
- if len(self.grip) == 4:
+ width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width() # width of parent
+ height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height() # height of parent
+ # if grip item is rectangle change it's path
+ if self.size:
rect_width = rect_height = 4
- if self.grip[2] in ["left","right"]:
- rect_height = (self.grip[3]*height)/100
+ if self.m_location in ["left", "right"]:
+ rect_height = (self.size * height) / 100
- rect_width = (self.grip[3]*width)/100
- path = QPainterPath()
- path.addRect(QRectF(-rect_width / 2, -rect_height / 2, rect_width, rect_height))
- self.setPath(path)
- x = (self.grip[0] * width) / 100
- y = (self.grip[1] * height) / 100
+ rect_width = (self.size * width) / 100
+ path = QPainterPath() # create path
+ path.addRect(QRectF(-rect_width / 2, -rect_height / 2, rect_width, rect_height)) # add rect to path
+ self.setPath(path) # set path to grip
+ # position according to svg co-ordinate
+ x = (self.position.x() * width) / 100
+ y = (self.position.y() * height) / 100
+ # change position into items coordinate
x -= width / 2
y -= height / 2
y = -y
- self.setPos(QPointF(x, y))
+ self.setPos(QPointF(x, y)) # set pos of grip
- if self.line:
- self.line.updateLine()
+ # update all lines connected to it
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line.updateLine()
def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
"""Handle all mouse press for this item
@@ -286,10 +296,25 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
if mouseEvent.button() != Qt.LeftButton:
# initialize a line and add on scene
- if not self.line:
- startPoint = endPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos())
- self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint)
- self.scene().addItem(self.tempLine)
+ # restrict circle grip to one line
+ if self.size is None and len(self.lines) > 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ startPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos()) # first point of line
+ mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos()) # position of mouse
+ gap = 0 # distance from center of grip
+ if self.size and self.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]:
+ gap = (startPoint.x() - mpos.x()) / self.boundingRect().width()
+ startPoint.setX(mpos.x())
+ elif self.size:
+ gap = (startPoint.y() - mpos.y()) / self.boundingRect().height()
+ startPoint.setY(mpos.y())
+ endPoint = startPoint
+ self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint) # create a line object
+ self.tempLine.startGap = gap # set gap to line
+ self.scene().addItem(self.tempLine) # add line on scene
def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
@@ -297,17 +322,17 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
# if line get started then update it's end point
if self.tempLine:
- endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos()
+ endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos() # mouse position
+ # find item below cursor
item = self.scene().itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(),
+ # hide grip of previous hovered item
if self.previousHoveredItem and item != self.previousHoveredItem and \
item not in self.previousHoveredItem.lineGripItems:
+ # show grip of current hoverde item
if isinstance(item, NodeItem):
self.previousHoveredItem = item
@@ -317,30 +342,51 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
# set final position of line
if self.tempLine:
+ tag = 0
items = self.scene().items(QPointF(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y()))
for item in items:
+ # end point on grip
if type(item) == LineGripItem and item != self:
- if item.line:
+ endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ gap = 0
+ # restrict line to one grip
+ if item.size is None and len(item.lines) > 0:
+ # in case of rectangle grip
+ if item.size and item.m_location in ["top", "bottom"]:
+ mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos())
+ gap = (endPoint.x() - mpos.x()) / item.boundingRect().width()
+ endPoint.setX(mpos.x())
+ elif item.size:
+ mpos = self.mapToScene(mouseEvent.pos())
+ gap = (endPoint.y() - mpos.y()) / item.boundingRect().height()
+ endPoint.setY(mpos.y())
+ self.tempLine.endGap = gap
- endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ # update line with end point so it sets final path
- self.line = self.tempLine
- item.line = self.tempLine
+ self.lines.append(self.tempLine)
+ item.lines.append(self.tempLine)
+ tag = 1
+ # end point on line
elif type(item) == Line and item != self.tempLine:
endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos()
self.tempLine.refLine = item
self.tempLine.refIndex = findIndex(item, endPoint)
+ # update line with end point so it sets final path
- item.midLines.append(self.tempLine)
- self.line = self.tempLine
+ item.midLines.append(self.tempLine) # stores temp line as mid line to other line
+ self.lines.append(self.tempLine)
+ tag = 1
- self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine)
- if self.line:
- self.scene().addItemPlus(self.line)
+ self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine) # remove temp line from scene
+ # if line end point is on grip or line
+ if tag:
+ self.scene().addItemPlus(self.tempLine) # add line on scene
self.tempLine = None
self.previousHoveredItem = None
@@ -349,12 +395,12 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
""" shows line grip item
self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
- self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ self.setBrush(QColor("cyan"))
def hide(self):
""" hides line grip item
- if (self.parentItem().isSelected() or self.isSelected()) is False:
+ if not self.parentItem().isSelected():
@@ -364,26 +410,21 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsSvgItem to create the basic structure of shapes with given unit operation type
- # set a common renderer for all svg
- # renderer = QSvgRenderer(fileImporter(f'svg/ellipse.svg'))
def __init__(self, unitOperationType=None, parent=None):
QGraphicsSvgItem.__init__(self, parent)
self.m_type = str(unitOperationType)
- = None
self.m_renderer = QSvgRenderer(fileImporter(f'{unitOperationType}.svg'))
# set initial size of item
self.width = self.m_renderer.defaultSize().width()
self.height = self.m_renderer.defaultSize().height()
- self.rect = QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height)
# set graphical settings for this item
self.setFlags(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable |
QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsSelectable |
- # grip items connected to this item
+ # items connected to this item
self.lineGripItems = []
self.sizeGripItems = []
self.label = None
@@ -392,7 +433,7 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
"""Overrides QGraphicsSvgItem's boundingRect() virtual public function and
returns a valid bounding
- return self.rect
+ return QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height)
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
@@ -401,14 +442,11 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
:param option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem instance
:param widget: QWidget instance
+ # check if render is set
if not self.m_renderer:
QGraphicsSvgItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
- elif
- self.m_renderer.render(painter,, self.boundingRect())
- self.m_renderer.render(painter, self.boundingRect())
- if self.isSelected():
- self.showGripItem()
+ self.m_renderer.render(painter, self.boundingRect()) # render svg using painter
def resize(self, index, movement):
"""Move grip item with changing rect of node item
@@ -420,8 +458,6 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
self.width += movement.x()
self.height += movement.y()
- self.rect = QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height)
transform = QTransform()
transform.translate(movement.x() / 2, movement.y() / 2)
self.setTransform(transform, True)
@@ -431,7 +467,7 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
"""adds grip items
if self.scene():
- # add grip for resize it
+ # add grip for resizing
for i, (direction) in enumerate(
@@ -440,19 +476,18 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
- item = SizeGripItem(self, i, direction, parent=self)
+ item = SizeGripItem(i, direction, parent=self)
# add grip items for connecting lines
for i in range(len(self.grips)):
grip = self.grips[i]
- item = LineGripItem(self, i, grip, parent=self)
+ item = LineGripItem(i, grip, parent=self)
- def updateLineGripItem(self, index_no_updates=None):
+ def updateLineGripItem(self):
updates line grip items
- # index_no_updates = index_no_updates or []
for item in self.lineGripItems:
@@ -468,20 +503,27 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
def itemChange(self, change, value):
"""Overloads and extends QGraphicsSvgItem to also update grip items
+ # check if item selected is changed
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged:
+ # show grips if selected
if value is True:
+ # check if transform changed
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemTransformHasChanged:
+ # check if position is changed
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged:
+ # update grips
+ # check if item is add on scene
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and self.scene():
+ # add grips and update them
@@ -504,32 +546,29 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
"""shows grip items of svg item
for item in self.lineGripItems:
- item.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
- item.setBrush(QColor("red"))
for item in self.sizeGripItems:
- item.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
def hideGripItem(self):
"""hide grip items of svg item
for item in self.lineGripItems:
- if item.isSelected() is False:
- item.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
- item.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ item.hide()
for item in self.sizeGripItems:
- item.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
- item.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ item.hide()
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
"""Pop up menu
+ # create a menu and add action
contextMenu = QMenu()
- addLabelAction = contextMenu.addAction("add Label")
- # addLabelAction.triggered.connect(self.addLabel)
+ addLableAction = contextMenu.addAction("add Label") # add action for text label
action = contextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos())
- if action == addLabelAction:
- self.label = ItemLabel(event.scenePos(), self)
+ # check for label action and add text label as child
+ if action == addLableAction:
+ self.label = ItemLabel(self) # text label as child
def __getstate__(self):
return {
@@ -545,7 +584,6 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
self.width = dict['width']
self.height = dict['height']
- self.rect = QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height)
@@ -685,7 +723,7 @@ class Turbine(NodeItem):
super(Turbine, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Turbine")
self.grips = [
[18.06209745144267, 79.11931909160472, "top"],
- [45.2091373550176, 91.385325275219, "top"],
+ [45.2091373550176, 91.385325275219, "top"],
[18.06209745144267, 16.41537491819628, "bottom"],
[45.2091373550176, 4.5725942986116, "bottom"]
@@ -693,13 +731,14 @@ class Turbine(NodeItem):
class OilGasOrPulverizedFuelFurnace(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
- super(OilGasOrPulverizedFuelFurnace, self).__init__("svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Oil Gas or Pulverized Fuel Furnace")
+ super(OilGasOrPulverizedFuelFurnace, self).__init__(
+ "svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Oil Gas or Pulverized Fuel Furnace")
self.grips = [
- [58.27673386073162,100,"top"],
- [0,19.692723451106,"left"] ,
- [17.2777337415748,33.3944873323144,"left",66.7889746646288],
- [100,33.3944873323144,"right",66.7889746646288],
- [57.9723659874,0,"bottom",81.389264491796]
+ [58.27673386073162, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 19.692723451106, "left"],
+ [17.2777337415748, 33.3944873323144, "left", 66.7889746646288],
+ [100, 33.3944873323144, "right", 66.7889746646288],
+ [57.9723659874, 0, "bottom", 81.389264491796]
@@ -707,62 +746,32 @@ class SolidFuelFurnace(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(SolidFuelFurnace, self).__init__("svg/Furnaces and Boilers/Solid Fuel Furnace")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top"],
- [0,33.39352642259468,"left",66.78705284518936],
- [100,33.39352642259468,"right",66.78705284518936],
- [50,0,"bottom",100]
+ [50, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 33.39352642259468, "left", 66.78705284518936],
+ [100, 33.39352642259468, "right", 66.78705284518936],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 100]
-# class Exchanger(NodeItem):
-# def __init__(self):
-# super(Exchanger, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/905Exchanger")
-# self.grips = [
-# [92.8093483, 70.60413752309337, "right"],
-# [7.913824600849647, 70.60413752309337, "left"],
-# [4.136894788615162, 86.9886362, "left"]
-# ]
-# class KettleReboiler(NodeItem):
-# def __init__(self):
-# super(KettleReboiler, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/907Kettle Reboiler")
-# self.grips = [
-# [41.316753407496, 89.824108247573, "top"],
-# [62.0517030576456, 79.183192150093, "top"],
-# [41.316753407496, 6.447877022097, "bottom"],
-# [62.0517030576456, 16.14847772052, "bottom"]
-# ]
class Exchanger(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(Exchanger, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Exchanger")
self.grips = [
- [100,31.74474612706027,"right"],
- [100,62.70549343934227,"right"],
- [33.68240920045628,100,"top"],
- [33.68240920045628,0,"bottom"]
+ [100, 31.74474612706027, "right"],
+ [100, 62.70549343934227, "right"],
+ [33.68240920045628, 100, "top"],
+ [33.68240920045628, 0, "bottom"]
-# class Fan(NodeItem):
-# def __init__(self):
-# super(Fan, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Fan")
-# self.grips = [
-# [41.4323581, 100, "top"],
-# [61.1489583, 100, "top"]
-# ]
class HeatExchanger(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(HeatExchanger, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Heat Exchanger")
self.grips = [
- [0,47.14356681569796,"left"],
- [100,47.14356681569796,"right"],
- [50.92839727035332,100,"top"],
- [50.92839727035332,0,"bottom"]
+ [0, 47.14356681569796, "left"],
+ [100, 47.14356681569796, "right"],
+ [50.92839727035332, 100, "top"],
+ [50.92839727035332, 0, "bottom"]
@@ -770,8 +779,8 @@ class ImmersionCoil(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(ImmersionCoil, self).__init__("svg/Heating or Cooling Arrangements/Immersion Coil")
self.grips = [
- [44.56276981957,100,"top"],
- [88.232463407718,100,"top"]
+ [44.56276981957, 100, "top"],
+ [88.232463407718, 100, "top"]
@@ -779,36 +788,39 @@ class HorizontalVessel(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(HorizontalVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Horizontal Vessel")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top",87.08554680344],
- [0,50,"left"],
- [100,50,"right"],
- [50,0,"bottom",87.08554680344]
+ [50, 100, "top", 87.08554680344],
+ [0, 50, "left"],
+ [100, 50, "right"],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 87.08554680344]
class PackedVessel(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(PackedVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Packed Vessel")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top"],
- [0,50,"left",86.703566201060],
- [100,50,"right",86.703566201060],
- [50,0,"bottom"]
+ [50, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 50, "left", 86.703566201060],
+ [100, 50, "right", 86.703566201060],
+ [50, 0, "bottom"]
class TraysOrPlates(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(TraysOrPlates, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Trays or plates")
self.grips = [
class VerticalVessel(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(VerticalVessel, self).__init__("svg/Process Vessels/Vertical Vessel")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top"],
- [0,50,"left",86.703566201060],
- [100,50,"right",86.703566201060],
- [50,0,"bottom"]
+ [50, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 50, "left", 86.703566201060],
+ [100, 50, "right", 86.703566201060],
+ [50, 0, "bottom"]
@@ -816,20 +828,21 @@ class Separators(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(Separators, self).__init__("svg/Separators/Separators for Liquids, Decanter")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top",100],
- [0,50,"left",100],
- [100,50,"right",100],
- [50,0,"bottom",100]
+ [50, 100, "top", 100],
+ [0, 50, "left", 100],
+ [100, 50, "right", 100],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 100]
class FixedRoofTank(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(FixedRoofTank, self).__init__("svg/Storage Vessels Tanks/Fixed Roof Tank")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top"],
- [0,50,"left",100],
- [100,50,"right",100],
- [50,0,"bottom",100]
+ [50, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 50, "left", 100],
+ [100, 50, "right", 100],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 100]
@@ -837,19 +850,18 @@ class FloatingRoofTank(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(FloatingRoofTank, self).__init__("svg/Storage Vessels Tanks/Floating Roof Tank")
self.grips = [
- [0,50,"left",100],
- [100,50,"right",100],
- [50,0,"bottom",100]
+ [0, 50, "left", 100],
+ [100, 50, "right", 100],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 100]
class SeparatorsForLiquidsDecanter(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(SeparatorsForLiquidsDecanter, self).__init__("svg/Separators/Separators for Liquids, Decanter")
self.grips = [
- [50,100,"top",100],
- [0,50,"left",100],
- [100,50,"right",100],
- [50,0,"bottom",100]
+ [50, 100, "top", 100],
+ [0, 50, "left", 100],
+ [100, 50, "right", 100],
+ [50, 0, "bottom", 100]