path: root/src
diff options
authorsumit2020-06-10 19:35:17 +0530
committersumit2020-06-10 19:35:17 +0530
commit88f97bd68990f72045a8e0cf532aab83848065dc (patch)
tree533f590652ae111a76e3544ca1d3c94f01a814b1 /src
parente14943a27262aeb44751f47bbc5d0e5d5fbd9a2a (diff)
parentbf0d0acaf8b488ae5a55536343401fc2a0b5f9de (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
index 28e63db..2223c1d 100644
--- a/src/main/python/shapes/
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import math
-from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QPainterPath, QBrush, QPainterPathStroker, QPainter, QCursor
+from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QPainterPath, QBrush, QPainterPathStroker, QPainter, QCursor, QPolygonF
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPathItem, QGraphicsTextItem, QMenu, QGraphicsLineItem
-from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, QRectF
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, QRectF, QLineF
class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
"""paints the path of grabber only if it is selected
- if self.isSelected() and not self.m_annotation_item.isSelected() :
+ if self.isSelected() and not self.m_annotation_item.isSelected():
# show parent line of grabber
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
"""Overrides shape method and set shape to segment on which grabber is located"""
index = self.m_index
startPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index])
- endPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index+1])
+ endPoint = QPointF(self.parentItem().points[index + 1])
startPoint = self.mapFromParent(startPoint)
endPoint = self.mapFromParent(endPoint)
path = QPainterPath(startPoint)
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ class Grabber(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.pen = QPen(Qt.white, -1, Qt.SolidLine)
self.brush = QBrush(Qt.transparent)
class LineLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
def __init__(self, pos, parent=None):
super(LineLabel, self).__init__()
@@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
Extends QGraphicsPathItem to draw zig-zag line consisting of multiple points
def __init__(self, startPoint, endPoint, **args):
QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, **args)
self.startPoint = startPoint
@@ -323,11 +325,12 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
# store reference if line connect another line
- self.refLine = None # reference line
- self.refIndex = None # start index of segment to which it connects
+ self.refLine = None # reference line
+ self.refIndex = None # start index of segment to which it connects
self.commonPathsCenters = []
self.midLines = []
self.label = []
+ self.arrowFlag = True
def boundingRect(self):
rect = self.shape().boundingRect()
@@ -356,7 +359,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
if item.refLine:
i = len(item.points) - 2
x1, y1 = item.points[i].x(), item.points[i].y()
- x2, y2 = item.points[i+1].x(), item.points[i+1].y()
+ x2, y2 = item.points[i + 1].x(), item.points[i + 1].y()
x, y = center.x(), center.y()
if x == x1 == x2 and not min(y1, y2) + 8 <= y < max(y1, y2) - 8:
@@ -372,6 +375,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
color = if self.isSelected() else
painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
path = QPainterPath(self.startPoint)
+ arrowHead = QPolygonF()
# iterating over all points of line
for i in range(len(self.points) - 1):
x1, y1 = self.points[i].x(), self.points[i].y()
@@ -401,6 +405,31 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
path.arcTo(QRectF(x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16), 0, -180)
path.lineTo(point - QPointF(8, 0))
path.lineTo(self.points[i + 1])
+ if i == len(self.points) - 2 and self.arrowFlag:
+ arrow_size = 20.0
+ line = QLineF(self.points[i], self.points[i + 1])
+ if line.length() < 20:
+ continue
+ angle = math.acos(line.dx() / line.length())
+ if line.dy() >= 0:
+ angle = (math.pi * 2) - angle
+ arrow_p1 = line.p2() - QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size)
+ arrow_p2 = line.p2() - QPointF(math.sin(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 2.5) * arrow_size)
+ arrowHead = QPolygonF()
+ arrowHead.append(line.p2())
+ arrowHead.append(arrow_p1)
+ arrowHead.append(arrow_p2)
+ path.addPolygon(arrowHead)
+ painter.setBrush(
+ painter.drawPolygon(arrowHead)
+ painter.restore()
@@ -458,9 +487,9 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
start = self.startPoint
end = self.endPoint
sitem = self.startGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.startGripItem.m_annotation_item.boundingRect())
- eitem= self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.endGripItem.m_annotation_item.boundingRect())
+ eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(self.endGripItem.m_annotation_item.boundingRect())
if self.refLine:
- eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(QRectF(0,0,0,0))
+ eitem = self.endGripItem.mapRectToScene(QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0))
if self.startGripItem.m_location in ["right"]:
if self.endGripItem.m_location in ["top"]:
@@ -468,7 +497,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
if start.y() + offset < end.y():
self.points = [start, QPointF(end.x(), start.y()), end]
- if start.x()+offset < eitem.left()-offset:
+ if start.x() + offset < eitem.left() - offset:
self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(), pe.y()), pe, end]
x = max(eitem.right() + offset, ns.x())
@@ -573,7 +602,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
elif self.endGripItem.m_location in ["bottom"]:
if start.x() + offset < eitem.left():
if end.y() < - offset:
- self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),,
+ self.points = [start, ns, QPointF(ns.x(),,
QPointF(pe.x(),, end]
y = max(sitem.bottom(), pe.y())
@@ -759,7 +788,7 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.points[len(self.points) - 2] = QPointF(point.x(), self.endPoint.y())
self.points[len(self.points) - 2] = QPointF(self.endPoint.x(), point.y())
if self.refLine:
self.endPoint = self.points[len(self.points) - 1]
@@ -835,7 +864,6 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
self.endGripItem.line = None
if self.refLine:
if self in self.refLine.midLines: self.refLine.midLines.remove(self)
return super(Line, self).itemChange(change, value)
@@ -876,18 +904,18 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
if line.points[i].y() < min(point1.y(), point2.y()):
line.points[i].setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y()))
- line.points[i-1].setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y()))
+ line.points[i - 1].setY(min(point1.y(), point2.y()))
elif line.points[i].y() > max(point1.y(), point2.y()):
line.points[i].setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y()))
- line.points[i-1].setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y()))
+ line.points[i - 1].setY(max(point1.y(), point2.y()))
elif point1.y() == point2.y():
if line.points[i].x() < min(point1.x(), point2.x()):
line.points[i].setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x()))
- line.points[i-1].setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x()))
+ line.points[i - 1].setX(min(point1.x(), point2.x()))
elif line.points[i].x() > max(point1.x(), point2.x()):
line.points[i].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x()))
- line.points[i-1].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x()))
+ line.points[i - 1].setX(max(point1.x(), point2.x()))
def removeFromCanvas(self):
@@ -925,9 +953,21 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
contextMenu = QMenu()
addLableAction = contextMenu.addAction("add Label")
+ if self.arrowFlag is True:
+ str = "Hide Arrow"
+ else:
+ str = "Add Arrow"
+ changeArrowFlag = contextMenu.addAction(str)
action = contextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos())
if action == addLableAction:
self.label.append(LineLabel(event.scenePos(), self))
+ if action == changeArrowFlag:
+ if str == "Hide Arrow":
+ self.arrowFlag =False
+ else:
+ self.arrowFlag =True
+ self.update()
def setPenStyle(self, style):
"""change current pen style for line"""
self.penStyle = style
@@ -945,5 +985,9 @@ class Line(QGraphicsPathItem):
"label": [i for i in self.label],
"id": hex(id(self))
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+>>>>>>> bf0d0acaf8b488ae5a55536343401fc2a0b5f9de
def __setstate__(self, dict):
self.points = [QPointF(x, y) for x, y in dict["points"]]