path: root/src
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authorSumit-Sahu2020-05-18 20:36:18 +0530
committerGitHub2020-05-18 20:36:18 +0530
commit2917912f54c26ccfca010f6fc09f75425fa3a2df (patch)
tree3351847f5fcba2753f68970bebfd5bc181c69750 /src
parent8899ab4db5ffa29e810135d9cae3521ad84d5d29 (diff)
Rename to src/main/python/shapes/
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482088f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+import random
+from PyQt5 import QtCore
+from PyQt5.QtSvg import QGraphicsSvgItem, QSvgRenderer
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEdit, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsPathItem, \
+ QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent, QGraphicsColorizeEffect
+from PyQt5.QtGui import QPen, QColor, QFont, QCursor, QPainterPath, QPainter, QDrag, QBrush, QImage
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, QPointF, QSizeF, QEvent, QMimeData, QFile, QIODevice, QRect
+from PyQt5.QtXml import QDomDocument
+from import QtGui, QtWidgets
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import re
+from line import Line
+from svghandler import SvgHandler
+class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
+ """
+ Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsPathItem to create the general structure of the Grabbable points for resizing shapes.
+ Takes two parameters, reference item (On which the grip items are to appear) and the grip index
+ """
+ def __init__(self, annotation_item, path, parent=None):
+ """
+ Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsPathItem to create the general structure of the Grabbable points for resizing shapes.
+ """
+ QGraphicsPathItem.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.m_annotation_item = annotation_item
+ # self.m_index = index
+ self.setPath(path)
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor))
+ # self.setVisible(False)
+ # def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ # """
+ # defines shape highlighting on Mouse Over
+ # """
+ # self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ # self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ # super(GripItem, self).hoverEnterEvent(event)
+ #
+ # def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ # """
+ # defines shape highlighting on Mouse Leave
+ # """
+ # self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ # self.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ # super(GripItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
+ """
+ Automatically deselects grip item on mouse release
+ """
+ self.setSelected(False)
+ super(GripItem, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ # def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ # """
+ # Calls movepoint from reference item, with the index of this grip item
+ # """
+ # if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.isEnabled():
+ # self.m_annotation_item.movePoint(self.m_index, value)
+ # return super(GripItem, self).itemChange(change, value)
+class SizeGripItem(GripItem):
+ """
+ Extends grip items for vertical and horizontal directions, with hover events and directional changes
+ """
+ def __init__(self, annotation_item, index, direction=Qt.Horizontal, parent=None):
+ self.width = self.height = 0
+ if direction is Qt.Horizontal:
+ self.height = annotation_item.boundingRect().height()
+ else:
+ self.width = annotation_item.boundingRect().width()
+ path = QPainterPath()
+ path.addRect(QRectF(0, 0, self.width, self.height))
+ super(SizeGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=path, parent=parent)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1))
+ self.setZValue(2)
+ self._direction = direction
+ self.m_index = index
+ @property
+ def direction(self):
+ """
+ property that returns the current intended resize direction of the grip item object
+ """
+ return self._direction
+ def update_path(self):
+ if self._direction is Qt.Horizontal:
+ self.height = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().height()
+ else:
+ self.width = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().width()
+ path = QPainterPath()
+ path.addRect(QRectF(0, 0, self.width, self.height))
+ self.setPath(path)
+ def update_position(self):
+ """updates grip items
+ """
+ self.update_path()
+ pos = self.m_annotation_item.mapToScene(self.point(self.m_index))
+ x = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().x()
+ y = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().y()
+ pos.setX(pos.x() + x)
+ pos.setY(pos.y() + y)
+ self.setEnabled(False)
+ self.setPos(pos)
+ self.setEnabled(True)
+ def point(self, index):
+ """
+ yields a list of positions of grip items in a node item
+ """
+ x = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().width()
+ y = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().height()
+ if 0 <= index < 4:
+ return [
+ QPointF(0, 0),
+ QPointF(0, 0),
+ QPointF(0, y),
+ QPointF(x, 0)
+ ][index]
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ """
+ Changes cursor to horizontal resize or vertical resize depending on the direction of the grip item on mouse enter
+ """
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ # self.setVisible(True)
+ if self._direction == Qt.Horizontal:
+ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor))
+ else:
+ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor))
+ super(SizeGripItem, self).hoverEnterEvent(event)
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ """
+ reverts cursor to default on mouse leave
+ """
+ # self.setVisible(False)
+ self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ self.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor))
+ super(SizeGripItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ """
+ Moves position of grip item on resize or reference circle's position change
+ """
+ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.isEnabled():
+ p = QPointF(self.pos())
+ if self.direction == Qt.Horizontal:
+ p.setX(value.x())
+ elif self.direction == Qt.Vertical:
+ p.setY(value.y())
+ self.m_annotation_item.resize(self.m_index, p)
+ return p
+ return super(SizeGripItem, self).itemChange(change, value)
+ def removeFromCanvas(self):
+ if self.scene():
+ self.scene().removeItem(self)
+class LineGripItem(GripItem):
+ circle = QPainterPath()
+ circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-10, -10, 20, 20))
+ def __init__(self, annotation_item, index, parent=None):
+ """
+ Extends grip items for connecting lines , with hover events and mouse events
+ """
+ self.path =
+ super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item,path=self.path, parent=parent)
+ self.m_index = index
+ self.connectedLines = []
+ self.tempLine = None
+ self.previousHoveredItem = None
+ self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
+ # self.setZValue(2)
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1))
+ # self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ # self.setVisible(False)
+ def point(self, index):
+ """
+ yields a list of positions of grip items in a node item
+ """
+ radiusOfGripItem = self.boundingRect().width() / 2
+ x = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().width()
+ y = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().height()
+ if 0 <= index < 4:
+ return [
+ QPointF(x / 2, 0),
+ QPointF(0, y / 2),
+ QPointF(x / 2, y),
+ QPointF(x, y / 2)
+ ][index]
+ def update_position(self):
+ # print('updating grip item ', self.m_index)
+ pos = self.point(self.m_index)
+ x = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().x()
+ y = self.m_annotation_item.boundingRect().y()
+ pos.setX(pos.x() + x)
+ pos.setY(pos.y() + y)
+ self.setEnabled(False)
+ self.setPos(pos)
+ self.setEnabled(True)
+ for line in self.connectedLines:
+ line.updateLine()
+ def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+ if mouseEvent.button() != Qt.LeftButton:
+ return
+ radiusOfGripItem = self.boundingRect().width() / 2
+ startPoint = endPoint = self.parentItem().mapToScene(self.pos())
+ self.tempLine = Line(startPoint, endPoint)
+ self.scene().addItem(self.tempLine)
+ super().mousePressEvent(mouseEvent)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+ if self.tempLine:
+ endPoint = mouseEvent.scenePos()
+ self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint)
+ super().mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent)
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(),
+ self.m_annotation_item.transform())
+ # print(self.m_annotation_item.transform())
+ if self.previousHoveredItem and item != self.previousHoveredItem and \
+ item not in self.previousHoveredItem.lineGripItems:
+ self.previousHoveredItem.hideGripItem()
+ if type(item) == NodeItem:
+ self.previousHoveredItem = item
+ item.showGripItem()
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+ if self.tempLine:
+ item = self.scene().itemAt(mouseEvent.scenePos().x(), mouseEvent.scenePos().y(),
+ self.transform())
+ if type(item) == LineGripItem:
+ endPoint = item.parentItem().mapToScene(item.pos())
+ self.tempLine.updateLine(endPoint=endPoint)
+ self.connectedLines.append(self.tempLine)
+ item.connectedLines.append(self.tempLine)
+ self.tempLine.setStartGripItem(self)
+ self.tempLine.setEndGripItem(item)
+ else:
+ self.scene().removeItem(self.tempLine)
+ super().mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent)
+ self.tempLine = None
+ self.previousHoveredItem = None
+ def removeConnectedLines(self):
+ for line in self.connectedLines:
+ line.removeFromCanvas()
+ def show(self):
+ self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ self.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ def hide(self):
+ if (self.parentItem().isSelected() or self.isSelected()) is False:
+ self.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ self.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
+ def __init__(self, unitOpType, parent=None):
+ QGraphicsSvgItem.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.m_renderer = QSvgRenderer()
+ self.type = unitOpType
+ self.file = QFile("svg/" + "Boiler" + ".svg")
+ if not
+ print("Cannot open the file")
+ exit(-1)
+ self.svghandler = SvgHandler(self.file)
+ self.updateRenderer()
+ self.rect = QRectF(0,0,300,400)
+ # self.rect=QRectF(0,0,self.m_renderer.defaultSize().width(),self.m_renderer.defaultSize().height())
+ # self.rect = self.m_renderer.viewBoxF()
+ # self.changeColour("red")
+ # self.changeStrokeWidth(4)
+ self.setZValue(2)
+ self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
+ self.setAcceptDrops(True)
+ self.setFlags(QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsMovable |
+ QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemIsSelectable |
+ QGraphicsSvgItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges)
+ self.lineGripItems = []
+ self.sizeGripItems = []
+ self.ds= 0.70875001
+ self.cs = 0.70875001
+ self.dw=self.m_renderer.defaultSize().width()
+ self.dh=self.m_renderer.defaultSize().height()
+ self.vdw = self.m_renderer.viewBoxF().width()
+ self.vdh=self.m_renderer.viewBoxF().height()
+ def changeStrokeWidth(self,value):
+ self.svghandler.setStrokeWidth(value)
+ self.updateRenderer()
+ def changeColour(self,value):
+ self.svghandler.setColor(value)
+ self.updateRenderer()
+ """graphics effect can also used to change colour of an svg image
+ """
+ # self._effect = QGraphicsColorizeEffect()
+ # self._effect.setColor(
+ # self._effect.setStrength(1)
+ # self.setGraphicsEffect(self._effect)
+ def updateRenderer(self):
+ byteArray = self.svghandler.doc.toByteArray()
+ self.m_renderer.load(byteArray)
+ self.setSharedRenderer(self.m_renderer)
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ return self.rect
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
+ if not self.m_renderer:
+ QGraphicsSvgItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
+ self.m_renderer.render(painter, self.boundingRect())
+ def update_rect(self):
+ """Update rect of node item
+ """
+ self.prepareGeometryChange()
+ self.update(self.rect)
+ def resize(self, i, p):
+ """Move grip item with changing rect of node item
+ """
+ x = self.boundingRect().x()
+ y = self.boundingRect().y()
+ width = self.boundingRect().width()
+ height = self.boundingRect().height()
+ p_new = self.sizeGripItems[i].pos()
+ self.prepareGeometryChange()
+ if i == 0 or i == 1:
+ self.rect = QRectF(x + p.x() - p_new.x(), y + p.y() - p_new.y(), width - p.x() + p_new.x(),
+ height - p.y() + p_new.y())
+ if i == 2 or i == 3:
+ self.rect = QRectF(x, y, width + p.x() - p_new.x(), height + p.y() - p_new.y())
+ self.cs = self.ds*(self.boundingRect().width()/self.vdw)
+ # self.cs =self.s
+ print(self.boundingRect())
+ print(self.cs)
+ offset = (self.cs-self.ds)
+ offset = offset*(self.vdw/self.boundingRect().width())
+ # self.m_renderer.setViewBox(QRectF(offset/2.0,0,self.vdw-offset,self.vdh))
+ # self.update_rect()
+ self.updateSizeGripItem([i])
+ self.updateLineGripItem()
+ def addGripItem(self):
+ """adds grip items
+ """
+ if self.scene() and not self.lineGripItems:
+ for i, (direction) in enumerate(
+ (
+ Qt.Vertical,
+ Qt.Horizontal,
+ Qt.Vertical,
+ Qt.Horizontal,
+ )
+ ):
+ item = LineGripItem(self, i)
+ item.setParentItem(self)
+ self.scene().addItem(item)
+ self.lineGripItems.append(item)
+ item = SizeGripItem(self, i, direction)
+ self.scene().addItem(item)
+ self.sizeGripItems.append(item)
+ def updateLineGripItem(self, index_no_updates=None):
+ # index_no_updates = index_no_updates or []
+ for item in self.lineGripItems:
+ item.update_position()
+ def updateSizeGripItem(self, index_no_updates=None):
+ """updates grip items
+ """
+ index_no_updates = index_no_updates or []
+ for i, item in zip(range(len(self.sizeGripItems)), self.sizeGripItems):
+ if i not in index_no_updates:
+ item.update_position()
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ """Overloads and extends QGraphicsSvgItem to also update gripitem
+ """
+ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged:
+ self.updateLineGripItem()
+ self.updateSizeGripItem()
+ return
+ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged:
+ self.addGripItem()
+ self.updateLineGripItem()
+ self.updateSizeGripItem()
+ return
+ return super(NodeItem, self).itemChange(change, value)
+ def addOnCanvas(self, scene):
+ """This function is used to add Node Item on canvas
+ :return:
+ """
+ scene.addItem(self)
+ def removeFromCanvas(self):
+ """This function is used to remove item from canvas
+ :return:
+ """
+ for item in self.lineGripItems:
+ item.removeConnectedLines()
+ for item in self.sizeGripItems:
+ item.removeFromCanvas()
+ self.scene().removeItem(self)
+ def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
+ """defines shape highlighting on Mouse Over
+ """
+ self.showGripItem()
+ super(NodeItem, self).hoverEnterEvent(event)
+ def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
+ """defines shape highlighting on Mouse Leave
+ """
+ # if self.isSelected() is False:
+ self.hideGripItem()
+ super(NodeItem, self).hoverLeaveEvent(event)
+ def showGripItem(self):
+ for item in self.lineGripItems:
+ item.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ item.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ for item in self.sizeGripItems:
+ item.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), 2))
+ # item.setBrush(QColor("red"))
+ def hideGripItem(self):
+ for item in self.lineGripItems:
+ if item.isSelected() is False:
+ item.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ item.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
+ for item in self.sizeGripItems:
+ item.setPen(QPen(Qt.transparent))
+ item.setBrush(Qt.transparent)