path: root/src
diff options
authorsumit2020-06-11 10:55:49 +0530
committersumit2020-06-11 10:55:49 +0530
commit0b964f46aed8e72d1e617990356fc218b25a461e (patch)
tree563efd38976711139ec36a327e420ed86cab672f /src
parentda75f284f80b25df88dc2362df97c31e9c09b2aa (diff)
add class for svg item and line grip item
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/python/shapes/ b/src/main/python/shapes/
index f5a36f8..4f27b00 100644
--- a/src/main/python/shapes/
+++ b/src/main/python/shapes/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QEvent, QFile, QIODevice, QMimeData, QPointF, QRect,
QRectF, QSizeF, Qt)
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QCursor, QDrag, QFont, QImage,
- QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QTransform, QTextCursor)
+ QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QTransform, QTextCursor, QPainterPathStroker)
from PyQt5.QtSvg import QGraphicsSvgItem, QSvgRenderer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QGraphicsColorizeEffect, QGraphicsEllipseItem,
QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPathItem,
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ItemLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
def focusOutEvent(self, event):
super(ItemLabel, self).focusOutEvent(event)
def __getstate__(self):
return {
"text": self.toPlainText(),
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class ItemLabel(QGraphicsTextItem):
class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
Extends QGraphicsPathItem to create the structure of the Grabbable points for resizing shapes and connecting lines.
@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ class GripItem(QGraphicsPathItem):
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
Automatically deselects grip item on mouse release
@@ -196,11 +196,12 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
"""Extends grip items for connecting lines , with hover events and mouse events
circle = QPainterPath()
- circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-10, -10, 20, 20))
+ circle.addEllipse(QRectF(-5, -5, 10, 10))
def __init__(self, annotation_item, index, grip, parent=None):
- self.path =
- super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=self.path, parent=parent)
+ path =
+ super(LineGripItem, self).__init__(annotation_item, path=path, parent=parent)
self.m_index = index
self.m_location = grip[2]
self.line = None
@@ -210,15 +211,35 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
self.previousHoveredItem = None
self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
self.setPen(QPen(QColor("black"), -1))
- self.percentPos = [grip[0],grip[1]]
+ self.grip = grip
+ def shape(self):
+ qp = QPainterPathStroker()
+ qp.setWidth(8)
+ path = qp.createStroke(self.path())
+ return path
+ def paint(self, painter,option, widget):
+ painter.setPen(self.pen())
+ painter.drawPath(self.shape())
+ painter.setBrush(self.brush())
+ if len(self.grip) ==4:
+ pen =self.pen()
+ pen.setWidth(-1)
+ painter.setPen(pen)
+ painter.drawPath(self.path())
+ painter.restore()
+ else:
+ painter.drawPath(self.path())
def itemChange(self, change, value):
Moves position of grip item on resize
if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSceneHasChanged and not self.scene():
- if self.line and self.line.scene():
- self.line.scene().removeItem(self.line)
+ if self.line and self.line.scene():
+ self.line.scene().removeItem(self.line)
return super(LineGripItem, self).itemChange(change, value)
def point(self, index):
@@ -238,14 +259,23 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
def updatePosition(self):
width = self.parentItem().boundingRect().width()
height = self.parentItem().boundingRect().height()
- # pos = self.point(self.m_index)
- x = (self.percentPos[0]*width)/100
- y = (self.percentPos[1]*height)/100
- x -=width/2
- y -= height/2
+ if len(self.grip) == 4:
+ rect_width = rect_height = 4
+ if self.grip[2] in ["left","right"]:
+ rect_height = (self.grip[3]*height)/100
+ else:
+ rect_width = (self.grip[3]*width)/100
+ path = QPainterPath()
+ path.addRect(QRectF(-rect_width / 2, -rect_height / 2, rect_width, rect_height))
+ self.setPath(path)
+ x = (self.grip[0] * width) / 100
+ y = (self.grip[1] * height) / 100
+ x -= width / 2
+ y -= height / 2
y = -y
- self.setPos(QPointF(x,y))
+ self.setPos(QPointF(x, y))
if self.line:
@@ -278,7 +308,7 @@ class LineGripItem(GripItem):
- if isinstance(item,NodeItem):
+ if isinstance(item, NodeItem):
self.previousHoveredItem = item
@@ -333,6 +363,7 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
Extends PyQt5's QGraphicsSvgItem to create the basic structure of shapes with given unit operation type
# set a common renderer for all svg
# renderer = QSvgRenderer(fileImporter(f'svg/ellipse.svg'))
@@ -373,7 +404,7 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
if not self.m_renderer:
QGraphicsSvgItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
- self.m_renderer.render(painter,, self.boundingRect())
+ self.m_renderer.render(painter,, self.boundingRect())
self.m_renderer.render(painter, self.boundingRect())
if self.isSelected():
@@ -400,20 +431,6 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
"""adds grip items
if self.scene():
- # add grip items for connecting lines
- # for i, (location) in enumerate(
- # (
- # "top",
- # "left",
- # "bottom",
- # "right"
- # )
- # ):
- # print(self.grips)
- for i in range(len(self.grips)):
- grip = self.grips[i]
- item = LineGripItem(self, i, grip, parent=self)
- self.lineGripItems.append(item)
# add grip for resize it
for i, (direction) in enumerate(
@@ -425,6 +442,11 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
item = SizeGripItem(self, i, direction, parent=self)
+ # add grip items for connecting lines
+ for i in range(len(self.grips)):
+ grip = self.grips[i]
+ item = LineGripItem(self, i, grip, parent=self)
+ self.lineGripItems.append(item)
def updateLineGripItem(self, index_no_updates=None):
@@ -518,56 +540,151 @@ class NodeItem(QGraphicsSvgItem):
"lineGripItems": [(hex(id(i)), i.m_index) for i in self.lineGripItems],
"label": self.label
def __setstate__(self, dict):
self.width = dict['width']
self.height = dict['height']
self.rect = QRectF(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2, self.width, self.height)
class InflowLine(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(InflowLine, self).__init__("svg/piping/Inflow Line")
self.grips = [
- [100, 50 ,"right"]
+ [100, 50, "right"]
class OutflowLine(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(OutflowLine, self).__init__("svg/Piping/Outflow Line")
self.grips = [
- [0, 50 ,"left"]
+ [0, 50, "left"]
class DuplexPump(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(DuplexPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Duplex Pump")
self.grips = [
- [100,68.8031698,"right"],
- [0,88.1365808,"left"]
+ [100, 68.8031698, "right"],
+ [0, 88.1365808, "left"]
class PlungerPump(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(PlungerPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Plunger Pump")
self.grips = [
- [87.0328592,100,"top"],
- [87.0328592,0,"bottom"]
+ [87.0328592, 100, "top"],
+ [87.0328592, 0, "bottom"]
class ProportioningPump(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(ProportioningPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Proportioning Pump")
self.grips = [
- [100,83.0966226,"right"],
- [0,83.0966226,"left"]
+ [100, 83.0966226, "right"],
+ [0, 83.0966226, "left"]
class ReciprocatingPump(NodeItem):
def __init__(self):
super(ReciprocatingPump, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Reciprocating Pump")
self.grips = [
- [100,78.3969475,"right"],
- [0,78.3969475,"left"]
- ] \ No newline at end of file
+ [100, 78.3969475, "right"],
+ [0, 78.3969475, "left"]
+ ]
+class BlowingEgg(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BlowingEgg, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Blowing Egg")
+ self.grips = [
+ [15.2887853, 56.4147177, "top"],
+ [84.7112147, 56.4147177, "top"]
+ ]
+class EjectorVaporService(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(EjectorVaporService, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Ejector(Vapor Service)")
+ self.grips = [
+ [36.13693385176994, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 50, "left"],
+ [100, 50, "right"]
+ ]
+class HandPumpWithDrum(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(HandPumpWithDrum, self).__init__("svg/Pumps/Hand Pump with Drum")
+ self.grips = [
+ [92.8093483, 70.60413752309337, "right"],
+ [7.913824600849647, 70.60413752309337, "left"],
+ [4.136894788615162, 86.9886362, "left"]
+ ]
+class CentrifugalCompressor(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(CentrifugalCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Centrifugal Compressor")
+ self.grips = [
+ [41.316753407496, 89.824108247573, "top"],
+ [62.0517030576456, 79.183192150093, "top"],
+ [41.316753407496, 6.447877022097, "bottom"],
+ [62.0517030576456, 16.14847772052, "bottom"]
+ ]
+class EjectorCompressor(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(EjectorCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Ejector Compressor")
+ self.grips = [
+ [13.1018813062, 100, "top"],
+ [0, 50, "left"],
+ [100, 50, "right"]
+ ]
+# class Fan(NodeItem):
+# def __init__(self):
+# super(Fan, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Fan")
+# self.grips = [
+# [41.4323581, 100, "top"],
+# [61.1489583, 100, "top"]
+# ]
+class PositiveDisplacementCompressor(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(PositiveDisplacementCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Positive Displacement Compressor")
+ self.grips = [
+ [50, 100, "top"],
+ [21.15509548928236, 30, "left"],
+ [79.57853462426666, 30, "right"]
+ ]
+class ReciprocatingCompressor(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ReciprocatingCompressor, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Reciprocating Compressor")
+ self.grips = [
+ [22.85680252121469, 83, "left"],
+ [46.81088180183039, 83, "right"]
+ ]
+class Turbine(NodeItem):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Turbine, self).__init__("svg/Compressors/Turbine")
+ self.grips = [
+ [18.06209745144267, 79.11931909160472, "top"],
+ [31.70124309729519, 85.23160045698314, "top"],
+ [18.06209745144267, 16.41537491819628, "bottom"],
+ [31.70124309729519, 11.72724129646674, "bottom"]
+ ]