# Xcos-Converter The aim of this project is to provide a software which converts a Scilab 5.5.2 file to Scilab 6.0.2 file. The code is written in python and the package used is Element tree. ## Getting Started There are two main files used in the project, parser.py & conf.py. Inorder to run the project run the parser.py. The other files present are the input xcos files for the project ### Requirement The technologies required for this project are : * Ubuntu 16 & up * Python 3.6 Python element tree doesnt need to be installed as it is already present in the python package, it only needs to be imported. ## Running the Project As mentioned before the two main files for this project are parser.py and conf.py . Before you run the program make sure the desired input file is given to the code. ``` tree = ET.parse('CMSCOPE.xcos') ``` In place of 'CMSCOPE.xcos' you can give your desired file. The name of the output file produced by the code can also be changed. ``` tree.write('new.xcos', encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) ``` In place of 'new.xcos' enter your desired name. Now run parser.py in the terminal as follows : ``` python parser.py ``` Note : Make sure the inputs given to parser are in the same folder. You can check the output by opening the file 'new.xcos' or the name given by you. ## Note All the latest code have been pused to the Python branch , please refer that.