/** * $Id: mxCompactTreeLayout.js,v 1.57 2012-05-24 13:09:34 david Exp $ * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd */ /** * Class: mxCompactTreeLayout * * Extends to implement a compact tree (Moen) algorithm. This * layout is suitable for graphs that have no cycles (trees). Vertices that are * not connected to the tree will be ignored by this layout. * * Example: * * (code) * var layout = new mxCompactTreeLayout(graph); * layout.execute(graph.getDefaultParent()); * (end) * * Constructor: mxCompactTreeLayout * * Constructs a new compact tree layout for the specified graph * and orientation. */ function mxCompactTreeLayout(graph, horizontal, invert) { mxGraphLayout.call(this, graph); this.horizontal = (horizontal != null) ? horizontal : true; this.invert = (invert != null) ? invert : false; }; /** * Extends mxGraphLayout. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout(); mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.constructor = mxCompactTreeLayout; /** * Variable: horizontal * * Specifies the orientation of the layout. Default is true. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.horizontal = null; /** * Variable: invert * * Specifies if edge directions should be inverted. Default is false. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.invert = null; /** * Variable: resizeParent * * If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the * children. Default is true. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.resizeParent = true; /** * Variable: groupPadding * * Padding added to resized parents */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPadding = 10; /** * Variable: parentsChanged * * A set of the parents that need updating based on children * process as part of the layout */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.parentsChanged = null; /** * Variable: moveTree * * Specifies if the tree should be moved to the top, left corner * if it is inside a top-level layer. Default is false. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.moveTree = false; /** * Variable: levelDistance * * Holds the levelDistance. Default is 10. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.levelDistance = 10; /** * Variable: nodeDistance * * Holds the nodeDistance. Default is 20. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.nodeDistance = 20; /** * Variable: resetEdges * * Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed. * Default is true. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.resetEdges = true; /** * Variable: prefHozEdgeSep * * The preferred horizontal distance between edges exiting a vertex */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.prefHozEdgeSep = 5; /** * Variable: prefVertEdgeOff * * The preferred vertical offset between edges exiting a vertex */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.prefVertEdgeOff = 4; /** * Variable: minEdgeJetty * * The minimum distance for an edge jetty from a vertex */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.minEdgeJetty = 8; /** * Variable: channelBuffer * * The size of the vertical buffer in the center of inter-rank channels * where edge control points should not be placed */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.channelBuffer = 4; /** * Variable: edgeRouting * * Whether or not to apply the internal tree edge routing */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.edgeRouting = true; /** * Function: isVertexIgnored * * Returns a boolean indicating if the given should be ignored as a * vertex. This returns true if the cell has no connections. * * Parameters: * * vertex - whose ignored state should be returned. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex) { return mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored.apply(this, arguments) || this.graph.getConnections(vertex).length == 0; }; /** * Function: isHorizontal * * Returns . */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function() { return this.horizontal; }; /** * Function: execute * * Implements . * * If the parent has any connected edges, then it is used as the root of * the tree. Else, will be used to find a suitable * root node within the set of children of the given parent. * * Parameters: * * parent - whose children should be laid out. * root - Optional that will be used as the root of the tree. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.execute = function(parent, root) { this.parent = parent; var model = this.graph.getModel(); if (root == null) { // Takes the parent as the root if it has outgoing edges if (this.graph.getEdges(parent, model.getParent(parent), this.invert, !this.invert, false).length > 0) { root = parent; } // Tries to find a suitable root in the parent's // children else { var roots = this.graph.findTreeRoots(parent, true, this.invert); if (roots.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { if (!this.isVertexIgnored(roots[i]) && this.graph.getEdges(roots[i], null, this.invert, !this.invert, false).length > 0) { root = roots[i]; break; } } } } } if (root != null) { if (this.resizeParent) { this.parentsChanged = new Object(); } else { this.parentsChanged = null; } model.beginUpdate(); try { var node = this.dfs(root, parent); if (node != null) { this.layout(node); var x0 = this.graph.gridSize; var y0 = x0; if (!this.moveTree) { var g = this.getVertexBounds(root); if (g != null) { x0 = g.x; y0 = g.y; } } var bounds = null; if (this.isHorizontal()) { bounds = this.horizontalLayout(node, x0, y0); } else { bounds = this.verticalLayout(node, null, x0, y0); } if (bounds != null) { var dx = 0; var dy = 0; if (bounds.x < 0) { dx = Math.abs(x0 - bounds.x); } if (bounds.y < 0) { dy = Math.abs(y0 - bounds.y); } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { this.moveNode(node, dx, dy); } if (this.resizeParent) { this.adjustParents(); } if (this.edgeRouting) { // Iterate through all edges setting their positions this.localEdgeProcessing(node); } } } } finally { model.endUpdate(); } } }; /** * Function: moveNode * * Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.moveNode = function(node, dx, dy) { node.x += dx; node.y += dy; this.apply(node); var child = node.child; while (child != null) { this.moveNode(child, dx, dy); child = child.next; } }; /** * Function: dfs * * Does a depth first search starting at the specified cell. * Makes sure the specified parent is never left by the * algorithm. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.dfs = function(cell, parent, visited) { visited = (visited != null) ? visited : []; var id = mxCellPath.create(cell); var node = null; if (cell != null && visited[id] == null && !this.isVertexIgnored(cell)) { visited[id] = cell; node = this.createNode(cell); var model = this.graph.getModel(); var prev = null; var out = this.graph.getEdges(cell, parent, this.invert, !this.invert, false, true); var view = this.graph.getView(); for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { var edge = out[i]; if (!this.isEdgeIgnored(edge)) { // Resets the points on the traversed edge if (this.resetEdges) { this.setEdgePoints(edge, null); } if (this.edgeRouting) { this.setEdgeStyleEnabled(edge, false); this.setEdgePoints(edge, null); } // Checks if terminal in same swimlane var state = view.getState(edge); var target = (state != null) ? state.getVisibleTerminal(this.invert) : view.getVisibleTerminal(edge, this.invert); var tmp = this.dfs(target, parent, visited); if (tmp != null && model.getGeometry(target) != null) { if (prev == null) { node.child = tmp; } else { prev.next = tmp; } prev = tmp; } } } } return node; }; /** * Function: layout * * Starts the actual compact tree layout algorithm * at the given node. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layout = function(node) { if (node != null) { var child = node.child; while (child != null) { this.layout(child); child = child.next; } if (node.child != null) { this.attachParent(node, this.join(node)); } else { this.layoutLeaf(node); } } }; /** * Function: horizontalLayout */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.horizontalLayout = function(node, x0, y0, bounds) { node.x += x0 + node.offsetX; node.y += y0 + node.offsetY; bounds = this.apply(node, bounds); var child = node.child; if (child != null) { bounds = this.horizontalLayout(child, node.x, node.y, bounds); var siblingOffset = node.y + child.offsetY; var s = child.next; while (s != null) { bounds = this.horizontalLayout(s, node.x + child.offsetX, siblingOffset, bounds); siblingOffset += s.offsetY; s = s.next; } } return bounds; }; /** * Function: verticalLayout */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function(node, parent, x0, y0, bounds) { node.x += x0 + node.offsetY; node.y += y0 + node.offsetX; bounds = this.apply(node, bounds); var child = node.child; if (child != null) { bounds = this.verticalLayout(child, node, node.x, node.y, bounds); var siblingOffset = node.x + child.offsetY; var s = child.next; while (s != null) { bounds = this.verticalLayout(s, node, siblingOffset, node.y + child.offsetX, bounds); siblingOffset += s.offsetY; s = s.next; } } return bounds; }; /** * Function: attachParent */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.attachParent = function(node, height) { var x = this.nodeDistance + this.levelDistance; var y2 = (height - node.width) / 2 - this.nodeDistance; var y1 = y2 + node.width + 2 * this.nodeDistance - height; node.child.offsetX = x + node.height; node.child.offsetY = y1; node.contour.upperHead = this.createLine(node.height, 0, this.createLine(x, y1, node.contour.upperHead)); node.contour.lowerHead = this.createLine(node.height, 0, this.createLine(x, y2, node.contour.lowerHead)); }; /** * Function: layoutLeaf */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layoutLeaf = function(node) { var dist = 2 * this.nodeDistance; node.contour.upperTail = this.createLine( node.height + dist, 0); node.contour.upperHead = node.contour.upperTail; node.contour.lowerTail = this.createLine( 0, -node.width - dist); node.contour.lowerHead = this.createLine( node.height + dist, 0, node.contour.lowerTail); }; /** * Function: join */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.join = function(node) { var dist = 2 * this.nodeDistance; var child = node.child; node.contour = child.contour; var h = child.width + dist; var sum = h; child = child.next; while (child != null) { var d = this.merge(node.contour, child.contour); child.offsetY = d + h; child.offsetX = 0; h = child.width + dist; sum += d + h; child = child.next; } return sum; }; /** * Function: merge */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.merge = function(p1, p2) { var x = 0; var y = 0; var total = 0; var upper = p1.lowerHead; var lower = p2.upperHead; while (lower != null && upper != null) { var d = this.offset(x, y, lower.dx, lower.dy, upper.dx, upper.dy); y += d; total += d; if (x + lower.dx <= upper.dx) { x += lower.dx; y += lower.dy; lower = lower.next; } else { x -= upper.dx; y -= upper.dy; upper = upper.next; } } if (lower != null) { var b = this.bridge(p1.upperTail, 0, 0, lower, x, y); p1.upperTail = (b.next != null) ? p2.upperTail : b; p1.lowerTail = p2.lowerTail; } else { var b = this.bridge(p2.lowerTail, x, y, upper, 0, 0); if (b.next == null) { p1.lowerTail = b; } } p1.lowerHead = p2.lowerHead; return total; }; /** * Function: offset */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.offset = function(p1, p2, a1, a2, b1, b2) { var d = 0; if (b1 <= p1 || p1 + a1 <= 0) { return 0; } var t = b1 * a2 - a1 * b2; if (t > 0) { if (p1 < 0) { var s = p1 * a2; d = s / a1 - p2; } else if (p1 > 0) { var s = p1 * b2; d = s / b1 - p2; } else { d = -p2; } } else if (b1 < p1 + a1) { var s = (b1 - p1) * a2; d = b2 - (p2 + s / a1); } else if (b1 > p1 + a1) { var s = (a1 + p1) * b2; d = s / b1 - (p2 + a2); } else { d = b2 - (p2 + a2); } if (d > 0) { return d; } else { return 0; } }; /** * Function: bridge */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.bridge = function(line1, x1, y1, line2, x2, y2) { var dx = x2 + line2.dx - x1; var dy = 0; var s = 0; if (line2.dx == 0) { dy = line2.dy; } else { s = dx * line2.dy; dy = s / line2.dx; } var r = this.createLine(dx, dy, line2.next); line1.next = this.createLine(0, y2 + line2.dy - dy - y1, r); return r; }; /** * Function: createNode */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.createNode = function(cell) { var node = new Object(); node.cell = cell; node.x = 0; node.y = 0; node.width = 0; node.height = 0; var geo = this.getVertexBounds(cell); if (geo != null) { if (this.isHorizontal()) { node.width = geo.height; node.height = geo.width; } else { node.width = geo.width; node.height = geo.height; } } node.offsetX = 0; node.offsetY = 0; node.contour = new Object(); return node; }; /** * Function: apply */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.apply = function(node, bounds) { var model = this.graph.getModel(); var cell = node.cell; var g = model.getGeometry(cell); if (cell != null && g != null) { if (this.isVertexMovable(cell)) { g = this.setVertexLocation(cell, node.x, node.y); if (this.resizeParent) { var parent = model.getParent(cell); var id = mxCellPath.create(parent); // Implements set semantic if (this.parentsChanged[id] == null) { this.parentsChanged[id] = parent; } } } if (bounds == null) { bounds = new mxRectangle(g.x, g.y, g.width, g.height); } else { bounds = new mxRectangle(Math.min(bounds.x, g.x), Math.min(bounds.y, g.y), Math.max(bounds.x + bounds.width, g.x + g.width), Math.max(bounds.y + bounds.height, g.y + g.height)); } } return bounds; }; /** * Function: createLine */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.createLine = function(dx, dy, next) { var line = new Object(); line.dx = dx; line.dy = dy; line.next = next; return line; }; /** * Function: adjustParents * * Adjust parent cells whose child geometries have changed. The default * implementation adjusts the group to just fit around the children with * a padding. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.adjustParents = function() { var tmp = []; for (var id in this.parentsChanged) { tmp.push(this.parentsChanged[id]); } this.arrangeGroups(mxUtils.sortCells(tmp, true), this.groupPadding); }; /** * Function: localEdgeProcessing * * Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount. */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function(node) { this.processNodeOutgoing(node); var child = node.child; while (child != null) { this.localEdgeProcessing(child); child = child.next; } }; /** * Function: localEdgeProcessing * * Separates the x position of edges as they connect to vertices */ mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.processNodeOutgoing = function(node) { var child = node.child; var parentCell = node.cell; var childCount = 0; var sortedCells = []; while (child != null) { childCount++; var sortingCriterion = child.x; if (this.horizontal) { sortingCriterion = child.y; } sortedCells.push(new WeightedCellSorter(child, sortingCriterion)); child = child.next; } sortedCells.sort(WeightedCellSorter.prototype.compare); var availableWidth = node.width; var requiredWidth = (childCount + 1) * this.prefHozEdgeSep; // Add a buffer on the edges of the vertex if the edge count allows if (availableWidth > requiredWidth + (2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep)) { availableWidth -= 2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep; } var edgeSpacing = availableWidth / childCount; var currentXOffset = edgeSpacing / 2.0; if (availableWidth > requiredWidth + (2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep)) { currentXOffset += this.prefHozEdgeSep; } var currentYOffset = this.minEdgeJetty - this.prefVertEdgeOff; var maxYOffset = 0; var parentBounds = this.getVertexBounds(parentCell); child = node.child; for (var j = 0; j < sortedCells.length; j++) { var childCell = sortedCells[j].cell.cell; var childBounds = this.getVertexBounds(childCell); var edges = this.graph.getEdgesBetween(parentCell, childCell, false); var newPoints = []; var x = 0; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { if (this.horizontal) { // Use opposite co-ords, calculation was done for // x = parentBounds.x + parentBounds.width; y = parentBounds.y + currentXOffset; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); x = parentBounds.x + parentBounds.width + currentYOffset; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); y = childBounds.y + childBounds.height / 2.0; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); this.setEdgePoints(edges[i], newPoints); } else { x = parentBounds.x + currentXOffset; y = parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); y = parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height + currentYOffset; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); x = childBounds.x + childBounds.width / 2.0; newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y)); this.setEdgePoints(edges[i], newPoints); } } if (j < childCount / 2) { currentYOffset += this.prefVertEdgeOff; } else if (j > childCount / 2) { currentYOffset -= this.prefVertEdgeOff; } // Ignore the case if equals, this means the second of 2 // jettys with the same y (even number of edges) // pos[k * 2] = currentX; currentXOffset += edgeSpacing; // pos[k * 2 + 1] = currentYOffset; maxYOffset = Math.max(maxYOffset, currentYOffset); } }; /** * Class: WeightedCellSorter * * A utility class used to track cells whilst sorting occurs on the weighted * sum of their connected edges. Does not violate (x.compareTo(y)==0) == * (x.equals(y)) * * Constructor: WeightedCellSorter * * Constructs a new weighted cell sorted for the given cell and weight. */ function WeightedCellSorter(cell, weightedValue) { this.cell = cell; this.weightedValue = weightedValue; }; /** * Variable: weightedValue * * The weighted value of the cell stored. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.weightedValue = 0; /** * Variable: nudge * * Whether or not to flip equal weight values. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.nudge = false; /** * Variable: visited * * Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.visited = false; /** * Variable: rankIndex * * The index this cell is in the model rank. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.rankIndex = null; /** * Variable: cell * * The cell whose median value is being calculated. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.cell = null; /** * Function: compare * * Compares two WeightedCellSorters. */ WeightedCellSorter.prototype.compare = function(a, b) { if (a != null && b != null) { if (b.weightedValue > a.weightedValue) { return 1; } else if (b.weightedValue < a.weightedValue) { return -1; } else { if (b.nudge) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } else { return 0; } };