 * $Id: mxDefaultPopupMenuCodec.js,v 1.6 2010-01-02 09:45:15 gaudenz Exp $
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
	 * Class: mxDefaultPopupMenuCodec
	 * Custom codec for configuring <mxDefaultPopupMenu>s. This class is created
	 * and registered dynamically at load time and used implicitely via
	 * <mxCodec> and the <mxCodecRegistry>. This codec only reads configuration
	 * data for existing popup menus, it does not encode or create menus. Note
	 * that this codec only passes the configuration node to the popup menu,
	 * which uses the config to dynamically create menus. See
	 * <mxDefaultPopupMenu.createMenu>.
	var codec = new mxObjectCodec(new mxDefaultPopupMenu());

	 * Function: encode
	 * Returns null.
	codec.encode = function(enc, obj)
		return null;
	 * Function: decode
	 * Uses the given node as the config for <mxDefaultPopupMenu>.
	codec.decode = function(dec, node, into)
		var inc = node.getElementsByTagName('include')[0];
		if (inc != null)
			this.processInclude(dec, inc, into);
		else if (into != null)
			into.config = node;
		return into;
	// Returns the codec into the registry
	return codec;
