 * $Id: mxEditor.js,v 1.231 2012-12-03 18:02:25 gaudenz Exp $
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
 * Class: mxEditor
 * Extends <mxEventSource> to implement a application wrapper for a graph that
 * adds <actions>, I/O using <mxCodec>, auto-layout using <mxLayoutManager>,
 * command history using <undoManager>, and standard dialogs and widgets, eg.
 * properties, help, outline, toolbar, and popupmenu. It also adds <templates>
 * to be used as cells in toolbars, auto-validation using the <validation>
 * flag, attribute cycling using <cycleAttributeValues>, higher-level events
 * such as <root>, and backend integration using <urlPost>, <urlImage>,
 * <urlInit>, <urlNotify> and <urlPoll>. 
 * Actions:
 * Actions are functions stored in the <actions> array under their names. The
 * functions take the <mxEditor> as the first, and an optional <mxCell> as the
 * second argument and are invoked using <execute>. Any additional arguments
 * passed to execute are passed on to the action as-is.
 * A list of built-in actions is available in the <addActions> description.
 * Read/write Diagrams:
 * To read a diagram from an XML string, for example from a textfield within the 
 * page, the following code is used:
 * (code)
 * var doc = mxUtils.parseXML(xmlString);
 * var node = doc.documentElement;
 * editor.readGraphModel(node);
 * (end)
 * For reading a diagram from a remote location, use the <open> method.
 * To save diagrams in XML on a server, you can set the <urlPost> variable. 
 * This variable will be used in <getUrlPost> to construct a URL for the post 
 * request that is issued in the <save> method. The post request contains the 
 * XML representation of the diagram as returned by <writeGraphModel> in the 
 * xml parameter.
 * On the server side, the post request is processed using standard
 * technologies such as Java Servlets, CGI, .NET or ASP.
 * Here are some examples of processing a post request in various languages.
 * - Java: URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("xml"), "UTF-8").replace("\n", "&#xa;")
 * Note that the linefeeds should only be replaced if the XML is
 * processed in Java, for example when creating an image, but not
 * if the XML is passed back to the client-side.
 * - .NET: HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.Params["xml"])
 * - PHP: urldecode($_POST["xml"])
 * Creating images:
 * A backend (Java, PHP or C#) is required for creating images. The
 * distribution contains an example for each backend (ImageHandler.java,
 * ImageHandler.cs and graph.php). More information about using a backend
 * to create images can be found in the readme.html files. Note that the
 * preview is implemented using VML/SVG in the browser and does not require
 * a backend. The backend is only required to creates images (bitmaps).
 * Special characters:
 * Note There are five characters that should always appear in XML content as
 * escapes, so that they do not interact with the syntax of the markup. These
 * are part of the language for all documents based on XML and for HTML.
 * - &lt; (<)
 * - &gt; (>)
 * - &amp; (&)
 * - &quot; (")
 * - &apos; (')
 * Although it is part of the XML language, &apos; is not defined in HTML.
 * For this reason the XHTML specification recommends instead the use of
 * &#39; if text may be passed to a HTML user agent.
 * If you are having problems with special characters on the server-side then
 * you may want to try the <escapePostData> flag.
 * For converting decimal escape sequences inside strings, a user has provided
 * us with the following function:
 * (code)
 * function html2js(text)
 * {
 *   var entitySearch = /&#[0-9]+;/;
 *   var entity;
 *   while (entity = entitySearch.exec(text))
 *   {
 *     var charCode = entity[0].substring(2, entity[0].length -1);
 *     text = text.substring(0, entity.index)
 *            + String.fromCharCode(charCode)
 *            + text.substring(entity.index + entity[0].length);
 *   }
 *   return text;
 * }
 * (end)
 * Otherwise try using hex escape sequences and the built-in unescape function
 * for converting such strings.
 * Local Files:
 * For saving and opening local files, no standardized method exists that
 * works across all browsers. The recommended way of dealing with local files
 * is to create a backend that streams the XML data back to the browser (echo)
 * as an attachment so that a Save-dialog is displayed on the client-side and
 * the file can be saved to the local disk.
 * For example, in PHP the code that does this looks as follows.
 * (code)
 * $xml = stripslashes($_POST["xml"]);
 * header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"diagram.xml\"");
 * echo($xml);
 * (end)
 * To open a local file, the file should be uploaded via a form in the browser
 * and then opened from the server in the editor.
 * Cell Properties:
 * The properties displayed in the properties dialog are the attributes and 
 * values of the cell's user object, which is an XML node. The XML node is 
 * defined in the templates section of the config file.
 * The templates are stored in <mxEditor.templates> and contain cells which
 * are cloned at insertion time to create new vertices by use of drag and
 * drop from the toolbar. Each entry in the toolbar for adding a new vertex
 * must refer to an existing template.
 * In the following example, the task node is a business object and only the 
 * mxCell node and its mxGeometry child contain graph information:
 * (code)
 * <Task label="Task" description="">
 *   <mxCell vertex="true">
 *     <mxGeometry as="geometry" width="72" height="32"/>
 *   </mxCell>
 * </Task> 
 * (end)
 * The idea is that the XML representation is inverse from the in-memory 
 * representation: The outer XML node is the user object and the inner node is 
 * the cell. This means the user object of the cell is the Task node with no 
 * children for the above example:
 * (code)
 * <Task label="Task" description=""/>
 * (end)
 * The Task node can have any tag name, attributes and child nodes. The 
 * <mxCodec> will use the XML hierarchy as the user object, while removing the 
 * "known annotations", such as the mxCell node. At save-time the cell data 
 * will be "merged" back into the user object. The user object is only modified 
 * via the properties dialog during the lifecycle of the cell.
 * In the default implementation of <createProperties>, the user object's
 * attributes are put into a form for editing. Attributes are changed using
 * the <mxCellAttributeChange> action in the model. The dialog can be replaced 
 * by overriding the <createProperties> hook or by replacing the showProperties
 * action in <actions>. Alternatively, the entry in the config file's popupmenu
 * section can be modified to invoke a different action.
 * If you want to displey the properties dialog on a doubleclick, you can set
 * <mxEditor.dblClickAction> to showProperties as follows:
 * (code)
 * editor.dblClickAction = 'showProperties';
 * (end)
 * Popupmenu and Toolbar:
 * The toolbar and popupmenu are typically configured using the respective
 * sections in the config file, that is, the popupmenu is defined as follows:
 * (code)
 * <mxEditor>
 *   <mxDefaultPopupMenu as="popupHandler">
 * 		<add as="cut" action="cut" icon="images/cut.gif"/>
 *      ...
 * (end)
 * New entries can be added to the toolbar by inserting an add-node into the
 * above configuration. Existing entries may be removed and changed by
 * modifying or removing the respective entries in the configuration.
 * The configuration is read by the <mxDefaultPopupMenuCodec>, the format of the
 * configuration is explained in <mxDefaultPopupMenu.decode>.
 * The toolbar is defined in the mxDefaultToolbar section. Items can be added
 * and removed in this section.
 * (code)
 * <mxEditor>
 *   <mxDefaultToolbar>
 *     <add as="save" action="save" icon="images/save.gif"/>
 *     <add as="Swimlane" template="swimlane" icon="images/swimlane.gif"/>
 *     ...
 * (end)
 * The format of the configuration is described in
 * <mxDefaultToolbarCodec.decode>.
 * Ids:
 * For the IDs, there is an implicit behaviour in <mxCodec>: It moves the Id
 * from the cell to the user object at encoding time and vice versa at decoding
 * time. For example, if the Task node from above has an id attribute, then
 * the <mxCell.id> of the corresponding cell will have this value. If there
 * is no Id collision in the model, then the cell may be retrieved using this
 * Id with the <mxGraphModel.getCell> function. If there is a collision, a new
 * Id will be created for the cell using <mxGraphModel.createId>. At encoding
 * time, this new Id will replace the value previously stored under the id
 * attribute in the Task node.
 * See <mxEditorCodec>, <mxDefaultToolbarCodec> and <mxDefaultPopupMenuCodec>
 * for information about configuring the editor and user interface.
 * Programmatically inserting cells:
 * For inserting a new cell, say, by clicking a button in the document,
 * the following code can be used. This requires an reference to the editor.
 * (code)
 * var userObject = new Object();
 * var parent = editor.graph.getDefaultParent();
 * var model = editor.graph.model;
 * model.beginUpdate();
 * try
 * {
 *   editor.graph.insertVertex(parent, null, userObject, 20, 20, 80, 30);
 * }
 * finally
 * {
 *   model.endUpdate();
 * }
 * (end)
 * If a template cell from the config file should be inserted, then a clone
 * of the template can be created as follows. The clone is then inserted using
 * the add function instead of addVertex.
 * (code)
 * var template = editor.templates['task'];
 * var clone = editor.graph.model.cloneCell(template);
 * (end)
 * Resources:
 * resources/editor - Language resources for mxEditor
 * Callback: onInit
 * Called from within the constructor. In the callback,
 * "this" refers to the editor instance.
 * Cookie: mxgraph=seen
 * Set when the editor is started. Never expires. Use
 * <resetFirstTime> to reset this cookie. This cookie
 * only exists if <onInit> is implemented.
 * Event: mxEvent.OPEN
 * Fires after a file was opened in <open>. The <code>filename</code> property
 * contains the filename that was used. The same value is also available in
 * <filename>.
 * Event: mxEvent.SAVE
 * Fires after the current file was saved in <save>. The <code>url</code>
 * property contains the URL that was used for saving.
 * Event: mxEvent.POST
 * Fires if a successful response was received in <postDiagram>. The
 * <code>request</code> property contains the <mxXmlRequest>, the
 * <code>url</code> and <code>data</code> properties contain the URL and the
 * data that were used in the post request. 
 * Event: mxEvent.ROOT
 * Fires when the current root has changed, or when the title of the current
 * root has changed. This event has no properties.
 * Event: mxEvent.SESSION
 * Fires when anything in the session has changed. The <code>session</code>
 * property contains the respective <mxSession>.
 * Event: mxEvent.BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX
 * Fires before a vertex is added in <addVertex>. The <code>vertex</code>
 * property contains the new vertex and the <code>parent</code> property
 * contains its parent.
 * Event: mxEvent.ADD_VERTEX
 * Fires between begin- and endUpdate in <addVertex>. The <code>vertex</code>
 * property contains the vertex that is being inserted.
 * Event: mxEvent.AFTER_ADD_VERTEX
 * Fires after a vertex was inserted and selected in <addVertex>. The
 * <code>vertex</code> property contains the new vertex.
 * Example:
 * For starting an in-place edit after a new vertex has been added to the
 * graph, the following code can be used.
 * (code)
 * editor.addListener(mxEvent.AFTER_ADD_VERTEX, function(sender, evt)
 * {
 *   var vertex = evt.getProperty('vertex');
 *   if (editor.graph.isCellEditable(vertex))
 *   {
 *   	editor.graph.startEditingAtCell(vertex);
 *   }
 * });
 * (end)
 * Event: mxEvent.ESCAPE
 * Fires when the escape key is pressed. The <code>event</code> property
 * contains the key event.
 * Constructor: mxEditor
 * Constructs a new editor. This function invokes the <onInit> callback
 * upon completion.
 * Example:
 * (code)
 * var config = mxUtils.load('config/diagrameditor.xml').getDocumentElement();
 * var editor = new mxEditor(config);
 * (end)
 * Parameters:
 * config - Optional XML node that contains the configuration.
function mxEditor(config)
	this.actions = [];

	// Executes the following only if a document has been instanciated.
	// That is, don't execute when the editorcodec is setup.
	if (document.body != null)
		// Defines instance fields
		this.cycleAttributeValues = [];
		this.popupHandler = new mxDefaultPopupMenu();
		this.undoManager = new mxUndoManager();

		// Creates the graph and toolbar without the containers
		this.graph = this.createGraph();
		this.toolbar = this.createToolbar();

		// Creates the global keyhandler (requires graph instance)
		this.keyHandler = new mxDefaultKeyHandler(this);

		// Configures the editor using the URI
		// which was passed to the ctor
		// Assigns the swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute on the graph
		this.graph.swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute = this.cycleAttributeName;
		// Initializes the session if the urlInit
		// member field of this editor is set.
		if (!mxClient.IS_LOCAL && this.urlInit != null)
			this.session = this.createSession();

		// Checks ifthe <onInit> hook has been set		
		if (this.onInit != null)
			// Invokes the <onInit> hook
		// Automatic deallocation of memory
		if (mxClient.IS_IE)
			mxEvent.addListener(window, 'unload', mxUtils.bind(this, function()

 * Installs the required language resources at class
 * loading time.
if (mxLoadResources)

 * Extends mxEventSource.
mxEditor.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxEditor.prototype.constructor = mxEditor;

 * Group: Controls and Handlers
 * Variable: askZoomResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the zoom dialog. If the resource for this
 * key does not exist then the value is used as the error message. Default
 * is 'askZoom'.
mxEditor.prototype.askZoomResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'askZoom' : '';
 * Variable: lastSavedResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the last saved info. If the resource for
 * this key does not exist then the value is used as the error message.
 * Default is 'lastSaved'.
mxEditor.prototype.lastSavedResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'lastSaved' : '';
 * Variable: currentFileResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the current file info. If the resource for
 * this key does not exist then the value is used as the error message.
 * Default is 'lastSaved'.
mxEditor.prototype.currentFileResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'currentFile' : '';
 * Variable: propertiesResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the properties window title. If the
 * resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the
 * error message. Default is 'properties'.
mxEditor.prototype.propertiesResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'properties' : '';
 * Variable: tasksResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the tasks window title. If the
 * resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the
 * error message. Default is 'tasks'.
mxEditor.prototype.tasksResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'tasks' : '';
 * Variable: helpResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the help window title. If the
 * resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the
 * error message. Default is 'help'.
mxEditor.prototype.helpResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'help' : '';
 * Variable: outlineResource
 * Specifies the resource key for the outline window title. If the
 * resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the
 * error message. Default is 'outline'.
mxEditor.prototype.outlineResource = (mxClient.language != 'none') ? 'outline' : '';
 * Variable: outline
 * Reference to the <mxWindow> that contains the outline. The <mxOutline>
 * is stored in outline.outline.
mxEditor.prototype.outline = null;

 * Variable: graph
 * Holds a <mxGraph> for displaying the diagram. The graph
 * is created in <setGraphContainer>.
mxEditor.prototype.graph = null;

 * Variable: graphRenderHint
 * Holds the render hint used for creating the
 * graph in <setGraphContainer>. See <mxGraph>.
 * Default is null.
mxEditor.prototype.graphRenderHint = null;

 * Variable: toolbar
 * Holds a <mxDefaultToolbar> for displaying the toolbar. The
 * toolbar is created in <setToolbarContainer>.
mxEditor.prototype.toolbar = null;

 * Variable: session
 * Holds a <mxSession> instance associated with this editor.
mxEditor.prototype.session = null;

 * Variable: status
 * DOM container that holds the statusbar. Default is null.
 * Use <setStatusContainer> to set this value.
mxEditor.prototype.status = null;

 * Variable: popupHandler
 * Holds a <mxDefaultPopupMenu> for displaying
 * popupmenus.
mxEditor.prototype.popupHandler = null;

 * Variable: undoManager
 * Holds an <mxUndoManager> for the command history.
mxEditor.prototype.undoManager = null;

 * Variable: keyHandler
 * Holds a <mxDefaultKeyHandler> for handling keyboard events.
 * The handler is created in <setGraphContainer>.
mxEditor.prototype.keyHandler = null;

 * Group: Actions and Options

 * Variable: actions
 * Maps from actionnames to actions, which are functions taking
 * the editor and the cell as arguments. Use <addAction>
 * to add or replace an action and <execute> to execute an action
 * by name, passing the cell to be operated upon as the second
 * argument.
mxEditor.prototype.actions = null;

 * Variable: dblClickAction
 * Specifies the name of the action to be executed
 * when a cell is double clicked. Default is edit.
 * To handle a singleclick, use the following code.
 * (code)
 * editor.graph.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function(sender, evt)
 * {
 *   var e = evt.getProperty('event');
 *   var cell = evt.getProperty('cell');
 *   if (cell != null && !e.isConsumed())
 *   {
 *     // Do something useful with cell...
 *     e.consume();
 *   }
 * });
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.dblClickAction = 'edit';

 * Variable: swimlaneRequired
 * Specifies if new cells must be inserted
 * into an existing swimlane. Otherwise, cells
 * that are not swimlanes can be inserted as
 * top-level cells. Default is false.
mxEditor.prototype.swimlaneRequired = false;

 * Variable: disableContextMenu
 * Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
 * Default is true.
mxEditor.prototype.disableContextMenu = true;

 * Group: Templates

 * Variable: insertFunction
 * Specifies the function to be used for inserting new
 * cells into the graph. This is assigned from the
 * <mxDefaultToolbar> if a vertex-tool is clicked.
mxEditor.prototype.insertFunction = null;

 * Variable: forcedInserting
 * Specifies if a new cell should be inserted on a single
 * click even using <insertFunction> if there is a cell 
 * under the mousepointer, otherwise the cell under the 
 * mousepointer is selected. Default is false.
mxEditor.prototype.forcedInserting = false;

 * Variable: templates
 * Maps from names to protoype cells to be used
 * in the toolbar for inserting new cells into
 * the diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.templates = null;

 * Variable: defaultEdge
 * Prototype edge cell that is used for creating
 * new edges.
mxEditor.prototype.defaultEdge = null;

 * Variable: defaultEdgeStyle
 * Specifies the edge style to be returned in <getEdgeStyle>.
 * Default is null.
mxEditor.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle = null;

 * Variable: defaultGroup
 * Prototype group cell that is used for creating
 * new groups.
mxEditor.prototype.defaultGroup = null;

 * Variable: graphRenderHint
 * Default size for the border of new groups. If null,
 * then then <mxGraph.gridSize> is used. Default is
 * null.
mxEditor.prototype.groupBorderSize = null;

 * Group: Backend Integration

 * Variable: filename
 * Contains the URL of the last opened file as a string.
 * Default is null.
mxEditor.prototype.filename = null;

 * Variable: lineFeed
 * Character to be used for encoding linefeeds in <save>. Default is '&#xa;'.
mxEditor.prototype.linefeed = '&#xa;';

 * Variable: postParameterName
 * Specifies if the name of the post parameter that contains the diagram
 * data in a post request to the server. Default is xml.
mxEditor.prototype.postParameterName = 'xml';

 * Variable: escapePostData
 * Specifies if the data in the post request for saving a diagram
 * should be converted using encodeURIComponent. Default is true.
mxEditor.prototype.escapePostData = true;

 * Variable: urlPost
 * Specifies the URL to be used for posting the diagram
 * to a backend in <save>.
mxEditor.prototype.urlPost = null;

 * Variable: urlImage
 * Specifies the URL to be used for creating a bitmap of
 * the graph in the image action.
mxEditor.prototype.urlImage = null;

 * Variable: urlInit
 * Specifies the URL to be used for initializing the session.
mxEditor.prototype.urlInit = null;

 * Variable: urlNotify
 * Specifies the URL to be used for notifying the backend
 * in the session.
mxEditor.prototype.urlNotify = null;

 * Variable: urlPoll
 * Specifies the URL to be used for polling in the session.
mxEditor.prototype.urlPoll = null;

 * Group: Autolayout

 * Variable: horizontalFlow
 * Specifies the direction of the flow
 * in the diagram. This is used in the
 * layout algorithms. Default is false,
 * ie. vertical flow.
mxEditor.prototype.horizontalFlow = false;

 * Variable: layoutDiagram
 * Specifies if the top-level elements in the
 * diagram should be layed out using a vertical
 * or horizontal stack depending on the setting
 * of <horizontalFlow>. The spacing between the
 * swimlanes is specified by <swimlaneSpacing>.
 * Default is false.
 * If the top-level elements are swimlanes, then
 * the intra-swimlane layout is activated by
 * the <layoutSwimlanes> switch.
mxEditor.prototype.layoutDiagram = false;

 * Variable: swimlaneSpacing
 * Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if
 * automatic layout is turned on in
 * <layoutDiagram>. Default is 0.
mxEditor.prototype.swimlaneSpacing = 0;

 * Variable: maintainSwimlanes
 * Specifies if the swimlanes should be kept at the same
 * width or height depending on the setting of
 * <horizontalFlow>.  Default is false.
 * For horizontal flows, all swimlanes
 * have the same height and for vertical flows, all swimlanes
 * have the same width. Furthermore, the swimlanes are
 * automatically "stacked" if <layoutDiagram> is true.
mxEditor.prototype.maintainSwimlanes = false;

 * Variable: layoutSwimlanes
 * Specifies if the children of swimlanes should
 * be layed out, either vertically or horizontally
 * depending on <horizontalFlow>.
 * Default is false.
mxEditor.prototype.layoutSwimlanes = false;

 * Group: Attribute Cycling
 * Variable: cycleAttributeValues
 * Specifies the attribute values to be cycled when
 * inserting new swimlanes. Default is an empty
 * array.
mxEditor.prototype.cycleAttributeValues = null;

 * Variable: cycleAttributeIndex
 * Index of the last consumed attribute index. If a new
 * swimlane is inserted, then the <cycleAttributeValues>
 * at this index will be used as the value for
 * <cycleAttributeName>. Default is 0.
mxEditor.prototype.cycleAttributeIndex = 0;

 * Variable: cycleAttributeName
 * Name of the attribute to be assigned a <cycleAttributeValues>
 * when inserting new swimlanes. Default is fillColor.
mxEditor.prototype.cycleAttributeName = 'fillColor';

 * Group: Windows

 * Variable: tasks
 * Holds the <mxWindow> created in <showTasks>.
mxEditor.prototype.tasks = null;

 * Variable: tasksWindowImage
 * Icon for the tasks window.
mxEditor.prototype.tasksWindowImage = null;

 * Variable: tasksTop
 * Specifies the top coordinate of the tasks window in pixels.
 * Default is 20.
mxEditor.prototype.tasksTop = 20;

 * Variable: help
 * Holds the <mxWindow> created in <showHelp>.
mxEditor.prototype.help = null;

 * Variable: helpWindowImage
 * Icon for the help window.
mxEditor.prototype.helpWindowImage = null;

 * Variable: urlHelp
 * Specifies the URL to be used for the contents of the
 * Online Help window. This is usually specified in the
 * resources file under urlHelp for language-specific
 * online help support.
mxEditor.prototype.urlHelp = null;

 * Variable: helpWidth
 * Specifies the width of the help window in pixels.
 * Default is 300.
mxEditor.prototype.helpWidth = 300;
 * Variable: helpWidth
 * Specifies the width of the help window in pixels.
 * Default is 260.
mxEditor.prototype.helpHeight = 260;

 * Variable: propertiesWidth
 * Specifies the width of the properties window in pixels.
 * Default is 240.
mxEditor.prototype.propertiesWidth = 240;
 * Variable: propertiesHeight
 * Specifies the height of the properties window in pixels.
 * If no height is specified then the window will be automatically
 * sized to fit its contents. Default is null.
mxEditor.prototype.propertiesHeight = null;
 * Variable: movePropertiesDialog
 * Specifies if the properties dialog should be automatically
 * moved near the cell it is displayed for, otherwise the
 * dialog is not moved. This value is only taken into 
 * account if the dialog is already visible. Default is false.
mxEditor.prototype.movePropertiesDialog = false;

 * Variable: validating
 * Specifies if <mxGraph.validateGraph> should automatically be invoked after
 * each change. Default is false.
mxEditor.prototype.validating = false;

 * Variable: modified
 * True if the graph has been modified since it was last saved.
mxEditor.prototype.modified = false;

 * Function: isModified
 * Returns <modified>.
mxEditor.prototype.isModified = function ()
	return this.modified;

 * Function: setModified
 * Sets <modified> to the specified boolean value.
mxEditor.prototype.setModified = function (value)
	this.modified = value;

 * Function: addActions
 * Adds the built-in actions to the editor instance.
 * save - Saves the graph using <urlPost>.
 * print - Shows the graph in a new print preview window.
 * show - Shows the graph in a new window.
 * exportImage - Shows the graph as a bitmap image using <getUrlImage>.
 * refresh - Refreshes the graph's display.
 * cut - Copies the current selection into the clipboard
 * and removes it from the graph.
 * copy - Copies the current selection into the clipboard.
 * paste - Pastes the clipboard into the graph.
 * delete - Removes the current selection from the graph.
 * group - Puts the current selection into a new group.
 * ungroup - Removes the selected groups and selects the children.
 * undo - Undoes the last change on the graph model.
 * redo - Redoes the last change on the graph model.
 * zoom - Sets the zoom via a dialog.
 * zoomIn - Zooms into the graph.
 * zoomOut - Zooms out of the graph
 * actualSize - Resets the scale and translation on the graph.
 * fit - Changes the scale so that the graph fits into the window.
 * showProperties - Shows the properties dialog.
 * selectAll - Selects all cells.
 * selectNone - Clears the selection.
 * selectVertices - Selects all vertices.
 * selectEdges = Selects all edges.
 * edit - Starts editing the current selection cell.
 * enterGroup - Drills down into the current selection cell.
 * exitGroup - Moves up in the drilling hierachy
 * home - Moves to the topmost parent in the drilling hierarchy
 * selectPrevious - Selects the previous cell.
 * selectNext - Selects the next cell.
 * selectParent - Selects the parent of the selection cell.
 * selectChild - Selects the first child of the selection cell.
 * collapse - Collapses the currently selected cells.
 * expand - Expands the currently selected cells.
 * bold - Toggle bold text style.
 * italic - Toggle italic text style.
 * underline - Toggle underline text style.
 * shadow - Toggle shadow text style.
 * alignCellsLeft - Aligns the selection cells at the left.
 * alignCellsCenter - Aligns the selection cells in the center.
 * alignCellsRight - Aligns the selection cells at the right.
 * alignCellsTop - Aligns the selection cells at the top.
 * alignCellsMiddle - Aligns the selection cells in the middle.
 * alignCellsBottom - Aligns the selection cells at the bottom.
 * alignFontLeft - Sets the horizontal text alignment to left.
 * alignFontCenter - Sets the horizontal text alignment to center.
 * alignFontRight - Sets the horizontal text alignment to right.
 * alignFontTop - Sets the vertical text alignment to top.
 * alignFontMiddle - Sets the vertical text alignment to middle.
 * alignFontBottom - Sets the vertical text alignment to bottom.
 * toggleTasks - Shows or hides the tasks window.
 * toggleHelp - Shows or hides the help window.
 * toggleOutline - Shows or hides the outline window.
 * toggleConsole - Shows or hides the console window.
mxEditor.prototype.addActions = function ()
	this.addAction('save', function(editor)
	this.addAction('print', function(editor)
		var preview = new mxPrintPreview(editor.graph, 1);
	this.addAction('show', function(editor)
		mxUtils.show(editor.graph, null, 10, 10);

	this.addAction('exportImage', function(editor)
		var url = editor.getUrlImage();
		if (url == null || mxClient.IS_LOCAL)
			var node = mxUtils.getViewXml(editor.graph, 1);
			var xml = mxUtils.getXml(node, '\n');

			mxUtils.submit(url, editor.postParameterName + '=' +
				encodeURIComponent(xml), document, '_blank');
	this.addAction('refresh', function(editor)
	this.addAction('cut', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('copy', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('paste', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('delete', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('group', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('ungroup', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('removeFromParent', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('undo', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('redo', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('zoomIn', function(editor)
	this.addAction('zoomOut', function(editor)
	this.addAction('actualSize', function(editor)
	this.addAction('fit', function(editor)
	this.addAction('showProperties', function(editor, cell)
	this.addAction('selectAll', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectNone', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectVertices', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectEdges', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('edit', function(editor, cell)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled() &&
	this.addAction('toBack', function(editor, cell)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('toFront', function(editor, cell)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('enterGroup', function(editor, cell)
	this.addAction('exitGroup', function(editor)
	this.addAction('home', function(editor)
	this.addAction('selectPrevious', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectNext', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectParent', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('selectChild', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('collapse', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('collapseAll', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
			var cells = editor.graph.getChildVertices();
			editor.graph.foldCells(true, false, cells);
	this.addAction('expand', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('expandAll', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
			var cells = editor.graph.getChildVertices();
			editor.graph.foldCells(false, false, cells);
	this.addAction('bold', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('italic', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('underline', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('shadow', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsLeft', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsCenter', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsRight', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsTop', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsMiddle', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignCellsBottom', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignFontLeft', function(editor)
	this.addAction('alignFontCenter', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignFontRight', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignFontTop', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignFontMiddle', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('alignFontBottom', function(editor)
		if (editor.graph.isEnabled())
	this.addAction('zoom', function(editor)
		var current = editor.graph.getView().scale*100;
		var scale = parseFloat(mxUtils.prompt(
			mxResources.get(editor.askZoomResource) ||

		if (!isNaN(scale))
	this.addAction('toggleTasks', function(editor)
		if (editor.tasks != null)
	this.addAction('toggleHelp', function(editor)
		if (editor.help != null)
	this.addAction('toggleOutline', function(editor)
		if (editor.outline == null)
	this.addAction('toggleConsole', function(editor)

 * Function: createSession
 * Creates and returns and <mxSession> using <urlInit>, <urlPoll> and <urlNotify>.
mxEditor.prototype.createSession = function ()
	// Routes any change events from the session
	// through the editor and dispatches them as
	// a session event.
	var sessionChanged = mxUtils.bind(this, function(session)
		this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SESSION, 'session', session));
	return this.connect(this.urlInit, this.urlPoll,
		this.urlNotify, sessionChanged);

 * Function: configure
 * Configures the editor using the specified node. To load the
 * configuration from a given URL the following code can be used to obtain
 * the XML node.
 * (code)
 * var node = mxUtils.load(url).getDocumentElement();
 * (end)
 * Parameters:
 * node - XML node that contains the configuration.
mxEditor.prototype.configure = function (node)
	if (node != null)
		// Creates a decoder for the XML data
		// and uses it to configure the editor
		var dec = new mxCodec(node.ownerDocument);
		dec.decode(node, this);
		// Resets the counters, modified state and
		// command history

 * Function: resetFirstTime
 * Resets the cookie that is used to remember if the editor has already
 * been used.
mxEditor.prototype.resetFirstTime = function ()
	document.cookie =
		'mxgraph=seen; expires=Fri, 27 Jul 2001 02:47:11 UTC; path=/';

 * Function: resetHistory
 * Resets the command history, modified state and counters.
mxEditor.prototype.resetHistory = function ()
	this.lastSnapshot = new Date().getTime();
	this.ignoredChanges = 0;

 * Function: addAction
 * Binds the specified actionname to the specified function.
 * Parameters:
 * actionname - String that specifies the name of the action
 * to be added.
 * funct - Function that implements the new action. The first
 * argument of the function is the editor it is used
 * with, the second argument is the cell it operates
 * upon.
 * Example:
 * (code)
 * editor.addAction('test', function(editor, cell)
 * {
 * 		mxUtils.alert("test "+cell);
 * });
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.addAction = function (actionname, funct)
	this.actions[actionname] = funct;

 * Function: execute
 * Executes the function with the given name in <actions> passing the
 * editor instance and given cell as the first and second argument. All
 * additional arguments are passed to the action as well. This method
 * contains a try-catch block and displays an error message if an action
 * causes an exception. The exception is re-thrown after the error
 * message was displayed.
 * Example:
 * (code)
 * editor.execute("showProperties", cell);
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.execute = function (actionname, cell, evt)
	var action = this.actions[actionname];
	if (action != null)
			// Creates the array of arguments by replacing the actionname
			// with the editor instance in the args of this function
			var args = arguments;
			args[0] = this;
			// Invokes the function on the editor using the args
			action.apply(this, args);
		catch (e)
			mxUtils.error('Cannot execute ' + actionname +
				': ' + e.message, 280, true);
			throw e;
		mxUtils.error('Cannot find action '+actionname, 280, true);

 * Function: addTemplate
 * Adds the specified template under the given name in <templates>.
mxEditor.prototype.addTemplate = function (name, template)
	this.templates[name] = template;

 * Function: getTemplate
 * Returns the template for the given name.
mxEditor.prototype.getTemplate = function (name)
	return this.templates[name];

 * Function: createGraph
 * Creates the <graph> for the editor. The graph is created with no
 * container and is initialized from <setGraphContainer>.
mxEditor.prototype.createGraph = function ()
	var graph = new mxGraph(null, null, this.graphRenderHint);
	// Enables rubberband, tooltips, panning

	// Overrides the dblclick method on the graph to
	// invoke the dblClickAction for a cell and reset
	// the selection tool in the toolbar
	// Installs the command history

	// Installs the handlers for the root event
	// Installs the handler for validation

	// Installs the handler for calling the
	// insert function and consume the
	// event if an insert function is defined

	// Redirects the function for creating the
	// popupmenu items
	graph.panningHandler.factoryMethod =
		mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu, cell, evt)
			return this.createPopupMenu(menu, cell, evt);

	// Redirects the function for creating
	// new connections in the diagram
	graph.connectionHandler.factoryMethod =
		mxUtils.bind(this, function(source, target)
			return this.createEdge(source, target);
	// Maintains swimlanes and installs autolayout
	return graph;

 * Function: createSwimlaneManager
 * Sets the graph's container using <mxGraph.init>.
mxEditor.prototype.createSwimlaneManager = function (graph)
	var swimlaneMgr = new mxSwimlaneManager(graph, false);

	swimlaneMgr.isHorizontal = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
		return this.horizontalFlow;
	swimlaneMgr.isEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
		return this.maintainSwimlanes;
	return swimlaneMgr;

 * Function: createLayoutManager
 * Creates a layout manager for the swimlane and diagram layouts, that
 * is, the locally defined inter- and intraswimlane layouts.
mxEditor.prototype.createLayoutManager = function (graph)
	var layoutMgr = new mxLayoutManager(graph);
	var self = this; // closure
	layoutMgr.getLayout = function(cell)
		var layout = null;
		var model = self.graph.getModel();
		if (model.getParent(cell) != null)
			// Executes the swimlane layout if a child of
			// a swimlane has been changed. The layout is
			// lazy created in createSwimlaneLayout.
			if (self.layoutSwimlanes &&
				if (self.swimlaneLayout == null)
					self.swimlaneLayout = self.createSwimlaneLayout();
				layout = self.swimlaneLayout;
			// Executes the diagram layout if the modified
			// cell is a top-level cell. The layout is
			// lazy created in createDiagramLayout.
			else if (self.layoutDiagram &&
				(graph.isValidRoot(cell) ||
				model.getParent(model.getParent(cell)) == null))
				if (self.diagramLayout == null)
					self.diagramLayout = self.createDiagramLayout();
				layout = self.diagramLayout;
		return layout;
	return layoutMgr;

 * Function: setGraphContainer
 * Sets the graph's container using <mxGraph.init>.
mxEditor.prototype.setGraphContainer = function (container)
	if (this.graph.container == null)
		// Creates the graph instance inside the given container and render hint
		//this.graph = new mxGraph(container, null, this.graphRenderHint);

		// Install rubberband selection as the last
		// action handler in the chain
		this.rubberband = new mxRubberband(this.graph);

		// Disables the context menu
		if (this.disableContextMenu)

		// Workaround for stylesheet directives in IE
		if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
			new mxDivResizer(container);

 * Function: installDblClickHandler
 * Overrides <mxGraph.dblClick> to invoke <dblClickAction>
 * on a cell and reset the selection tool in the toolbar.
mxEditor.prototype.installDblClickHandler = function (graph)
	// Installs a listener for double click events
		mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
			var cell = evt.getProperty('cell');
			if (cell != null &&
				graph.isEnabled() &&
				this.dblClickAction != null)
				this.execute(this.dblClickAction, cell);
 * Function: installUndoHandler
 * Adds the <undoManager> to the graph model and the view.
mxEditor.prototype.installUndoHandler = function (graph)
	var listener = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
		var edit = evt.getProperty('edit');
	graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);
	graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);

	// Keeps the selection state in sync
	var undoHandler = function(sender, evt)
		var changes = evt.getProperty('edit').changes;
	this.undoManager.addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, undoHandler);
	this.undoManager.addListener(mxEvent.REDO, undoHandler);
 * Function: installDrillHandler
 * Installs listeners for dispatching the <root> event.
mxEditor.prototype.installDrillHandler = function (graph)
	var listener = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender)
		this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ROOT));
	graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, listener);
	graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UP, listener);

 * Function: installChangeHandler
 * Installs the listeners required to automatically validate
 * the graph. On each change of the root, this implementation
 * fires a <root> event.
mxEditor.prototype.installChangeHandler = function (graph)
	var listener = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
		// Updates the modified state

		// Automatically validates the graph
		// after each change
		if (this.validating == true)

		// Checks if the root has been changed
		var changes = evt.getProperty('edit').changes;
		for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++)
			var change = changes[i];
			if (change instanceof mxRootChange ||
				(change instanceof mxValueChange &&
				change.cell == this.graph.model.root) ||
				(change instanceof mxCellAttributeChange &&
				change.cell == this.graph.model.root))
				this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ROOT));
	graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, listener);

 * Function: installInsertHandler
 * Installs the handler for invoking <insertFunction> if
 * one is defined.
mxEditor.prototype.installInsertHandler = function (graph)
	var self = this; // closure
	var insertHandler =
		mouseDown: function(sender, me)
			if (self.insertFunction != null &&
				!me.isPopupTrigger() &&
				(self.forcedInserting ||
				me.getState() == null))
				self.insertFunction(me.getEvent(), me.getCell());

				// Consumes the rest of the events
				// for this gesture (down, move, up)
				this.isActive = true;
		mouseMove: function(sender, me)
			if (this.isActive)
		mouseUp: function(sender, me)
			if (this.isActive)
				this.isActive = false;

 * Function: createDiagramLayout
 * Creates the layout instance used to layout the
 * swimlanes in the diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.createDiagramLayout = function ()
	var gs = this.graph.gridSize;
	var layout = new mxStackLayout(this.graph, !this.horizontalFlow,
		 this.swimlaneSpacing, 2*gs, 2*gs);
	// Overrides isIgnored to only take into account swimlanes
	layout.isVertexIgnored = function(cell)
		return !layout.graph.isSwimlane(cell);
	return layout;

 * Function: createSwimlaneLayout
 * Creates the layout instance used to layout the
 * children of each swimlane.
mxEditor.prototype.createSwimlaneLayout = function ()
	return new mxCompactTreeLayout(this.graph, this.horizontalFlow);

 * Function: createToolbar
 * Creates the <toolbar> with no container.
mxEditor.prototype.createToolbar = function ()
	return new mxDefaultToolbar(null, this);

 * Function: setToolbarContainer
 * Initializes the toolbar for the given container.
mxEditor.prototype.setToolbarContainer = function (container)
	// Workaround for stylesheet directives in IE
	if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
		new mxDivResizer(container);

 * Function: setStatusContainer
 * Creates the <status> using the specified container.
 * This implementation adds listeners in the editor to 
 * display the last saved time and the current filename 
 * in the status bar.
 * Parameters:
 * container - DOM node that will contain the statusbar.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatusContainer = function (container)
	if (this.status == null)
		this.status = container;
		// Prints the last saved time in the status bar
		// when files are saved
		this.addListener(mxEvent.SAVE, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
			var tstamp = new Date().toLocaleString();
			this.setStatus((mxResources.get(this.lastSavedResource) ||
				this.lastSavedResource)+': '+tstamp);
		// Updates the statusbar to display the filename
		// when new files are opened
		this.addListener(mxEvent.OPEN, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
			this.setStatus((mxResources.get(this.currentFileResource) ||
				this.currentFileResource)+': '+this.filename);
		// Workaround for stylesheet directives in IE
		if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
			new mxDivResizer(container);

 * Function: setStatus
 * Display the specified message in the status bar.
 * Parameters:
 * message - String the specified the message to
 * be displayed.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatus = function (message)
	if (this.status != null && message != null)
		this.status.innerHTML = message;

 * Function: setTitleContainer
 * Creates a listener to update the inner HTML of the
 * specified DOM node with the value of <getTitle>.
 * Parameters:
 * container - DOM node that will contain the title.
mxEditor.prototype.setTitleContainer = function (container)
	this.addListener(mxEvent.ROOT, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender)
		container.innerHTML = this.getTitle();

	// Workaround for stylesheet directives in IE
	if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
		new mxDivResizer(container);

 * Function: treeLayout
 * Executes a vertical or horizontal compact tree layout
 * using the specified cell as an argument. The cell may
 * either be a group or the root of a tree.
 * Parameters:
 * cell - <mxCell> to use in the compact tree layout.
 * horizontal - Optional boolean to specify the tree's
 * orientation. Default is true.
mxEditor.prototype.treeLayout = function (cell, horizontal)
	if (cell != null)
		var layout = new mxCompactTreeLayout(this.graph, horizontal);

 * Function: getTitle
 * Returns the string value for the current root of the
 * diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.getTitle = function ()
	var title = '';
	var graph = this.graph;
	var cell = graph.getCurrentRoot();
	while (cell != null &&
				graph.getModel().getParent(cell)) != null)
		// Append each label of a valid root
		if (graph.isValidRoot(cell))
			title = ' > ' +
			graph.convertValueToString(cell) + title;
		cell = graph.getModel().getParent(cell);
	var prefix = this.getRootTitle();
	return prefix + title;

 * Function: getRootTitle
 * Returns the string value of the root cell in
 * <mxGraph.model>.
mxEditor.prototype.getRootTitle = function ()
	var root = this.graph.getModel().getRoot();
	return this.graph.convertValueToString(root);

 * Function: undo
 * Undo the last change in <graph>.
mxEditor.prototype.undo = function ()

 * Function: redo
 * Redo the last change in <graph>.
mxEditor.prototype.redo = function ()

 * Function: groupCells
 * Invokes <createGroup> to create a new group cell and the invokes
 * <mxGraph.groupCells>, using the grid size of the graph as the spacing
 * in the group's content area.
mxEditor.prototype.groupCells = function ()
	var border = (this.groupBorderSize != null) ?
		this.groupBorderSize :
	return this.graph.groupCells(this.createGroup(), border);

 * Function: createGroup
 * Creates and returns a clone of <defaultGroup> to be used
 * as a new group cell in <group>.
mxEditor.prototype.createGroup = function ()
	var model = this.graph.getModel();
	return model.cloneCell(this.defaultGroup);

 * Function: open
 * Opens the specified file synchronously and parses it using
 * <readGraphModel>. It updates <filename> and fires an <open>-event after
 * the file has been opened. Exceptions should be handled as follows:
 * (code)
 * try
 * {
 *   editor.open(filename);
 * }
 * catch (e)
 * {
 *   mxUtils.error('Cannot open ' + filename +
 *     ': ' + e.message, 280, true);
 * }
 * (end)
 * Parameters:
 * filename - URL of the file to be opened.
mxEditor.prototype.open = function (filename)
	if (filename != null)
		var xml = mxUtils.load(filename).getXml();
		this.filename = filename;
		this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.OPEN, 'filename', filename));

 * Function: readGraphModel
 * Reads the specified XML node into the existing graph model and resets
 * the command history and modified state.
mxEditor.prototype.readGraphModel = function (node)
	var dec = new mxCodec(node.ownerDocument);
	dec.decode(node, this.graph.getModel());

 * Function: save
 * Posts the string returned by <writeGraphModel> to the given URL or the
 * URL returned by <getUrlPost>. The actual posting is carried out by
 * <postDiagram>. If the URL is null then the resulting XML will be
 * displayed using <mxUtils.popup>. Exceptions should be handled as
 * follows:
 * (code)
 * try
 * {
 *   editor.save();
 * }
 * catch (e)
 * {
 *   mxUtils.error('Cannot save : ' + e.message, 280, true);
 * }
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.save = function (url, linefeed)
	// Gets the URL to post the data to
	url = url || this.getUrlPost();

	// Posts the data if the URL is not empty
	if (url != null && url.length > 0)
		var data = this.writeGraphModel(linefeed);
		this.postDiagram(url, data);
		// Resets the modified flag
	// Dispatches a save event
	this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SAVE, 'url', url));

 * Function: postDiagram
 * Hook for subclassers to override the posting of a diagram
 * represented by the given node to the given URL. This fires
 * an asynchronous <post> event if the diagram has been posted.
 * Example:
 * To replace the diagram with the diagram in the response, use the
 * following code.
 * (code)
 * editor.addListener(mxEvent.POST, function(sender, evt)
 * {
 *   // Process response (replace diagram)
 *   var req = evt.getProperty('request');
 *   var root = req.getDocumentElement();
 *   editor.graph.readGraphModel(root)
 * });
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.postDiagram = function (url, data)
	if (this.escapePostData)
		data = encodeURIComponent(data);

	mxUtils.post(url, this.postParameterName+'='+data,
		mxUtils.bind(this, function(req)
			this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.POST,
				'request', req, 'url', url, 'data', data));

 * Function: writeGraphModel
 * Hook to create the string representation of the diagram. The default
 * implementation uses an <mxCodec> to encode the graph model as
 * follows:
 * (code)
 * var enc = new mxCodec();
 * var node = enc.encode(this.graph.getModel());
 * return mxUtils.getXml(node, this.linefeed);
 * (end)
 * Parameters:
 * linefeed - Optional character to be used as the linefeed. Default is
 * <linefeed>.
mxEditor.prototype.writeGraphModel = function (linefeed)
	linefeed = (linefeed != null) ? linefeed : this.linefeed;
	var enc = new mxCodec();
	var node = enc.encode(this.graph.getModel());

	return mxUtils.getXml(node, linefeed);

 * Function: getUrlPost
 * Returns the URL to post the diagram to. This is used
 * in <save>. The default implementation returns <urlPost>,
 * adding <code>?draft=true</code>.
mxEditor.prototype.getUrlPost = function ()
	return this.urlPost;

 * Function: getUrlImage
 * Returns the URL to create the image with. This is typically
 * the URL of a backend which accepts an XML representation
 * of a graph view to create an image. The function is used
 * in the image action to create an image. This implementation
 * returns <urlImage>.
mxEditor.prototype.getUrlImage = function ()
	return this.urlImage;

 * Function: connect
 * Creates and returns a session for the specified parameters, installing
 * the onChange function as a change listener for the session.
mxEditor.prototype.connect = function (urlInit, urlPoll, urlNotify, onChange)
	var session = null;
	if (!mxClient.IS_LOCAL)
		session = new mxSession(this.graph.getModel(),
			urlInit, urlPoll, urlNotify);

		// Resets the undo history if the session was initialized which is the
		// case if the message carries a namespace to be used for new IDs.
			mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
				var node = evt.getProperty('node');
				if (node.getAttribute('namespace') != null)
		// Installs the listener for all events
		// that signal a change of the session
		session.addListener(mxEvent.DISCONNECT, onChange);
		session.addListener(mxEvent.CONNECT, onChange);
		session.addListener(mxEvent.NOTIFY, onChange);
		session.addListener(mxEvent.GET, onChange);
	return session;

 * Function: swapStyles
 * Swaps the styles for the given names in the graph's
 * stylesheet and refreshes the graph.
mxEditor.prototype.swapStyles = function (first, second)
	var style = this.graph.getStylesheet().styles[second];
		second, this.graph.getStylesheet().styles[first]);
	this.graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle(first, style);

 * Function: showProperties
 * Creates and shows the properties dialog for the given
 * cell. The content area of the dialog is created using
 * <createProperties>.
mxEditor.prototype.showProperties = function (cell)
	cell = cell || this.graph.getSelectionCell();
	// Uses the root node for the properties dialog
	// if not cell was passed in and no cell is
	// selected
	if (cell == null)
		cell = this.graph.getCurrentRoot();
		if (cell == null)
			cell = this.graph.getModel().getRoot();
	if (cell != null)
		// Makes sure there is no in-place editor in the
		// graph and computes the location of the dialog

		var offset = mxUtils.getOffset(this.graph.container);
		var x = offset.x+10;
		var y = offset.y;
		// Avoids moving the dialog if it is alredy open
		if (this.properties != null && !this.movePropertiesDialog)
			x = this.properties.getX();
			y = this.properties.getY();
		// Places the dialog near the cell for which it
		// displays the properties
			var bounds = this.graph.getCellBounds(cell);
			if (bounds != null)
				x += bounds.x+Math.min(200, bounds.width);
				y += bounds.y;				
		// Hides the existing properties dialog and creates a new one with the
		// contents created in the hook method
		var node = this.createProperties(cell);
		if (node != null)
			// Displays the contents in a window and stores a reference to the
			// window for later hiding of the window
			this.properties = new mxWindow(mxResources.get(this.propertiesResource) ||
				this.propertiesResource, node, x, y, this.propertiesWidth, this.propertiesHeight, false);

 * Function: isPropertiesVisible
 * Returns true if the properties dialog is currently visible.
mxEditor.prototype.isPropertiesVisible = function ()
	return this.properties != null;

 * Function: createProperties
 * Creates and returns the DOM node that represents the contents
 * of the properties dialog for the given cell. This implementation
 * works for user objects that are XML nodes and display all the
 * node attributes in a form.
mxEditor.prototype.createProperties = function (cell)
	var model = this.graph.getModel();
	var value = model.getValue(cell);
	if (mxUtils.isNode(value))
		// Creates a form for the user object inside
		// the cell
		var form = new mxForm('properties');
		// Adds a readonly field for the cell id
		var id = form.addText('ID', cell.getId());
		id.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');

		var geo = null;
		var yField = null;
		var xField = null;
		var widthField = null;
		var heightField = null;

		// Adds fields for the location and size
		if (model.isVertex(cell))
			geo = model.getGeometry(cell);
			if (geo != null)
				yField = form.addText('top', geo.y);
				xField = form.addText('left', geo.x);
				widthField = form.addText('width', geo.width);
				heightField = form.addText('height', geo.height);
		// Adds a field for the cell style			
		var tmp = model.getStyle(cell);
		var style = form.addText('Style', tmp || '');
		// Creates textareas for each attribute of the
		// user object within the cell
		var attrs = value.attributes;
		var texts = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++)
			// Creates a textarea with more lines for
			// the cell label
			var val = attrs[i].nodeValue;
			texts[i] = form.addTextarea(attrs[i].nodeName, val,
				(attrs[i].nodeName == 'label') ? 4 : 2);
		// Adds an OK and Cancel button to the dialog
		// contents and implements the respective
		// actions below
		// Defines the function to be executed when the
		// OK button is pressed in the dialog
		var okFunction = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
			// Hides the dialog
			// Supports undo for the changes on the underlying
			// XML structure / XML node attribute changes.
				if (geo != null)
					geo = geo.clone();
					geo.x = parseFloat(xField.value);
					geo.y = parseFloat(yField.value);
					geo.width = parseFloat(widthField.value);
					geo.height = parseFloat(heightField.value);
					model.setGeometry(cell, geo);
				// Applies the style
				if (style.value.length > 0)
					model.setStyle(cell, style.value);
					model.setStyle(cell, null);
				// Creates an undoable change for each
				// attribute and executes it using the
				// model, which will also make the change
				// part of the current transaction
				for (var i=0; i<attrs.length; i++)
					var edit = new mxCellAttributeChange(
						cell, attrs[i].nodeName,
				// Checks if the graph wants cells to 
				// be automatically sized and updates
				// the size as an undoable step if
				// the feature is enabled
				if (this.graph.isAutoSizeCell(cell))
		// Defines the function to be executed when the
		// Cancel button is pressed in the dialog
		var cancelFunction = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
			// Hides the dialog
		form.addButtons(okFunction, cancelFunction);
		return form.table;

	return null;

 * Function: hideProperties
 * Hides the properties dialog.
mxEditor.prototype.hideProperties = function ()
	if (this.properties != null)
		this.properties = null;

 * Function: showTasks
 * Shows the tasks window. The tasks window is created using <createTasks>. The
 * default width of the window is 200 pixels, the y-coordinate of the location
 * can be specifies in <tasksTop> and the x-coordinate is right aligned with a
 * 20 pixel offset from the right border. To change the location of the tasks
 * window, the following code can be used:
 * (code)
 * var oldShowTasks = mxEditor.prototype.showTasks;
 * mxEditor.prototype.showTasks = function()
 * {
 *   oldShowTasks.apply(this, arguments); // "supercall"
 *   if (this.tasks != null)
 *   {
 *     this.tasks.setLocation(10, 10);
 *   }
 * };
 * (end)
mxEditor.prototype.showTasks = function ()
	if (this.tasks == null)
		var div = document.createElement('div');
		div.style.padding = '4px';
		div.style.paddingLeft = '20px';
		var w = document.body.clientWidth;
		var wnd = new mxWindow(
			mxResources.get(this.tasksResource) ||
			div, w - 220, this.tasksTop, 200);
		wnd.destroyOnClose = false;
		// Installs a function to update the contents
		// of the tasks window on every change of the
		// model, selection or root.
		var funct = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender)
			div.innerHTML = '';
		this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, funct);
		this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, funct);
		this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ROOT, funct);
		// Assigns the icon to the tasks window
		if (this.tasksWindowImage != null)
		this.tasks = wnd;
 * Function: refreshTasks
 * Updates the contents of the tasks window using <createTasks>.
mxEditor.prototype.refreshTasks = function (div)
	if (this.tasks != null)
		var div = this.tasks.content;
		div.innerHTML = '';
 * Function: createTasks
 * Updates the contents of the given DOM node to
 * display the tasks associated with the current
 * editor state. This is invoked whenever there
 * is a possible change of state in the editor.
 * Default implementation is empty.
mxEditor.prototype.createTasks = function (div)
	// override
 * Function: showHelp
 * Shows the help window. If the help window does not exist
 * then it is created using an iframe pointing to the resource
 * for the <code>urlHelp</code> key or <urlHelp> if the resource
 * is undefined.
mxEditor.prototype.showHelp = function (tasks)
	if (this.help == null)
		var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
		frame.setAttribute('src', mxResources.get('urlHelp') || this.urlHelp);
		frame.setAttribute('height', '100%');
		frame.setAttribute('width', '100%');
		frame.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0');
		frame.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
		var w = document.body.clientWidth;
		var h = (document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);
		var wnd = new mxWindow(mxResources.get(this.helpResource) || this.helpResource,
			frame, (w-this.helpWidth)/2, (h-this.helpHeight)/3, this.helpWidth, this.helpHeight);
		wnd.destroyOnClose = false;

		// Assigns the icon to the help window
		if (this.helpWindowImage != null)
		// Workaround for ignored iframe height 100% in FF
		if (mxClient.IS_NS)
			var handler = function(sender)
				var h = wnd.div.offsetHeight;
				frame.setAttribute('height', (h-26)+'px');
			wnd.addListener(mxEvent.RESIZE_END, handler);
			wnd.addListener(mxEvent.MAXIMIZE, handler);
			wnd.addListener(mxEvent.NORMALIZE, handler);
			wnd.addListener(mxEvent.SHOW, handler);
		this.help = wnd;

 * Function: showOutline
 * Shows the outline window. If the window does not exist, then it is
 * created using an <mxOutline>.
mxEditor.prototype.showOutline = function ()
	var create = this.outline == null;
	if (create)
		var div = document.createElement('div');
		div.style.overflow = 'hidden';
		div.style.width = '100%';
		div.style.height = '100%';
		div.style.background = 'white';
		div.style.cursor = 'move';
		var wnd = new mxWindow(
			mxResources.get(this.outlineResource) ||
			div, 600, 480, 200, 200, false);
		// Creates the outline in the specified div
		// and links it to the existing graph
		var outline = new mxOutline(this.graph, div);			
		wnd.destroyOnClose = false;
		wnd.addListener(mxEvent.RESIZE_END, function()
		this.outline = wnd;
		this.outline.outline = outline;
	// Finally shows the outline
 * Function: setMode
 * Puts the graph into the specified mode. The following modenames are
 * supported:
 * select - Selects using the left mouse button, new connections
 * are disabled.
 * connect - Selects using the left mouse button or creates new
 * connections if mouse over cell hotspot. See <mxConnectionHandler>.
 * pan - Pans using the left mouse button, new connections are disabled.
mxEditor.prototype.setMode = function(modename)
	if (modename == 'select')
		this.graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = false;
	else if (modename == 'connect')
		this.graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = false;
	else if (modename == 'pan')
		this.graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = true;

 * Function: createPopupMenu
 * Uses <popupHandler> to create the menu in the graph's
 * panning handler. The redirection is setup in
 * <setToolbarContainer>.
mxEditor.prototype.createPopupMenu = function (menu, cell, evt)
	this.popupHandler.createMenu(this, menu, cell, evt);

 * Function: createEdge
 * Uses <defaultEdge> as the prototype for creating new edges
 * in the connection handler of the graph. The style of the
 * edge will be overridden with the value returned by
 * <getEdgeStyle>.
mxEditor.prototype.createEdge = function (source, target)
	// Clones the defaultedge prototype
	var e = null;
	if (this.defaultEdge != null)
		var model = this.graph.getModel();
		e = model.cloneCell(this.defaultEdge);
		e = new mxCell('');
		var geo = new mxGeometry();
		geo.relative = true;
	// Overrides the edge style
	var style = this.getEdgeStyle();
	if (style != null)
	return e;

 * Function: getEdgeStyle
 * Returns a string identifying the style of new edges.
 * The function is used in <createEdge> when new edges
 * are created in the graph.
mxEditor.prototype.getEdgeStyle = function ()
	return this.defaultEdgeStyle;

 * Function: consumeCycleAttribute
 * Returns the next attribute in <cycleAttributeValues>
 * or null, if not attribute should be used in the
 * specified cell.
mxEditor.prototype.consumeCycleAttribute = function (cell)
	return (this.cycleAttributeValues != null &&
		this.cycleAttributeValues.length > 0 &&
		this.graph.isSwimlane(cell)) ?
		this.cycleAttributeValues[this.cycleAttributeIndex++ %
			this.cycleAttributeValues.length] : null;

 * Function: cycleAttribute
 * Uses the returned value from <consumeCycleAttribute>
 * as the value for the <cycleAttributeName> key in
 * the given cell's style.
mxEditor.prototype.cycleAttribute = function (cell)
	if (this.cycleAttributeName != null)
		var value = this.consumeCycleAttribute(cell);
		if (value != null)

 * Function: addVertex
 * Adds the given vertex as a child of parent at the specified
 * x and y coordinate and fires an <addVertex> event.
mxEditor.prototype.addVertex = function (parent, vertex, x, y)
	var model = this.graph.getModel();
	while (parent != null && !this.graph.isValidDropTarget(parent))
		parent = model.getParent(parent);
	parent = (parent != null) ? parent : this.graph.getSwimlaneAt(x, y);
	var scale = this.graph.getView().scale;
	var geo = model.getGeometry(vertex);
	var pgeo = model.getGeometry(parent);
	if (this.graph.isSwimlane(vertex) &&
		parent = null;
	else if (parent == null && this.swimlaneRequired)
		return null;
	else if (parent != null && pgeo != null)
		// Keeps vertex inside parent
		var state = this.graph.getView().getState(parent);
		if (state != null)
			x -= state.origin.x * scale;
			y -= state.origin.y * scale;
			if (this.graph.isConstrainedMoving)
				var width = geo.width;
				var height = geo.height;				
				var tmp = state.x+state.width;
				if (x+width > tmp)
					x -= x+width - tmp;
				tmp = state.y+state.height;
				if (y+height > tmp)
					y -= y+height - tmp;
		else if (pgeo != null)
			x -= pgeo.x*scale;
			y -= pgeo.y*scale;
	geo = geo.clone();
	geo.x = this.graph.snap(x / scale -
		this.graph.getView().translate.x -
	geo.y = this.graph.snap(y / scale -
		this.graph.getView().translate.y -
	if (parent == null)
		parent = this.graph.getDefaultParent();

	this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX,
			'vertex', vertex, 'parent', parent));

		vertex = this.graph.addCell(vertex, parent);
		if (vertex != null)
			this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ADD_VERTEX, 'vertex', vertex));
	if (vertex != null)
		this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.AFTER_ADD_VERTEX, 'vertex', vertex));
	return vertex;

 * Function: destroy
 * Removes the editor and all its associated resources. This does not
 * normally need to be called, it is called automatically when the window
 * unloads.
mxEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
	if (!this.destroyed)
		this.destroyed = true;

		if (this.tasks != null)
		if (this.outline != null)
		if (this.properties != null)
		if (this.keyHandler != null)
		if (this.rubberband != null)
		if (this.toolbar != null)
		if (this.graph != null)
		this.status = null;
		this.templates = null;