# XCOS Wires Connection #### @jiteshjha @pooja ### function connectionHandlerIsStartEvent() - Starts connections on the background in wire-mode. - function connectionHandlerMouseUp() depends on this function. ### function connectionHandlerMouseUp() - Avoids any connections for gestures within tolerance except when in wire-mode or when over a port. - Responsible for the removal of self connections over an mxCell (edges or vertices) in wire-mode. ### function updateFixedTerminalPoint() - Updates connection points before the routing is called. - Enables connection from any point on an edge. - Without this function, default edge characteristics ( mid-point-specific connections only) come in play. ### function createEdgeState() - Overrides methods to preview and create new edges. - Enables horizontal and vertical edges in preview state. - Without this function, any connection from an edge will have it's source point and target point chosen based on the assumed center of a straight edge having source edge's source point and target point. ### function createMarker() - Adds in-place highlighting for complete cell area (no hotspot). - Uses complete area of cell for new connections. - Adds in-place highlighting when reconnecting existing edges. ### function WireConnector() - Creates a custom horizontal and vertical edge style. - Without this function, the source and terminal of a connection from an source edge is assumed as if the source edge were an perpendicular connection.