path: root/testing/SendLog/js/script.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/SendLog/js/script.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/testing/SendLog/js/script.js b/testing/SendLog/js/script.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d283b7..0000000
--- a/testing/SendLog/js/script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Hrishi Hiraskar
-// 3 October 2016
-var chart_id_list = [];
-var points_list = [];
-var INTERVAL = 50;
-var eventSource;
-var create_new_chart = function(id){
- // Function to create a new chart
- $('#charts').append("<div id='chart-"+id.toString()+"'></div>");
- $('#chart-'+id.toString()).highcharts({
- chart: {
- type: 'spline',
- animation: false
- },
- title : {
- text: 'Figure '+id.toString()
- },
- xAxis : {
- title: {
- text: 'x'
- },
- min: 0,
- max: 30,
- tickInterval: 2
- },
- yAxis : {
- title: {
- text: 'y'
- },
- plotLines: [{
- width: 1,
- color: '#808080'
- }]
- },
- plotOptions : {
- marker: {
- enabled: false,
- }
- },
- legend : {
- enabled: false
- },
- exporting : {
- enabled: false
- },
- series : [{
- name: "Series "+id.toString(),
- data: []
- }]
- });
- chart_id_list.push(id);
- points_list.push(new Queue());
-function init(){
- eventSource = new EventSource('/SendLog');
- // Start listening to server
- eventSource.addEventListener("log", function(event){
- var data =' ');
- var id = parseInt(data[2]),
- x = parseFloat(data[8]),
- y = parseFloat(data[9]),
- z = parseFloat(data[10]);
- if(chart_id_list.indexOf(id)<0)
- create_new_chart(id);
- var index = chart_id_list.indexOf(id);
- points_list[index].enqueue([x,y]);
- }, false);
- // Stop listening
- eventSource.addEventListener("DONE", function(event){
- eventSource.close(); // Close connection
- }, false);
- setInterval(function(){
- for(var i=0;i<chart_id_list.length;i++){
- // For each chart
- // Get id and points queue
- var id = chart_id_list[i],
- points = points_list[i];
- // Get chart container
- var chart = $('#chart-'+id.toString()).highcharts();
- // Get chart data
- var series = chart.series[0];
- // Add points
- for(var j=0;j<500 && !points.isEmpty();j++){
- var point = points.dequeue();
- var x = point[0],
- y = point[1];
- // If there are more points
- // Remove old points
- if(>=300)
- series.removePoint(0, false);
- series.addPoint([x,y], false);
- }
- // Shift chart axis to display new values
- if(x>30) chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(Math.floor(x-30),Math.floor(x));
- // Draw the chart
- chart.redraw();
- }