\documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[landscape]{geometry} \usepackage[pdftex]{color} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \newcommand{\ex}{\color{blue}} \pagestyle{empty} \advance\topmargin-.9in \advance\textheight2in \advance\textwidth3.0in \advance\oddsidemargin-1.45in \advance\evensidemargin-1.45in \parindent0pt \parskip2pt \newcommand{\hr}{\centerline{\rule{3.5in}{1pt}}} \newcommand{\skipin}{\hspace*{12pt}} \usepackage{color} \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries, commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen}, showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries} \begin{document} \begin{multicols*}{3} \begin{center} \textbf{Python}\\ \textbf{Quick Reference}\\ FOSSEE -- Dec 1, 2010\\ \end{center} \vspace{-2ex} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Basic Data types} Declaring an Integer:\\ {\ex \lstinline| b=9999999999999999999 |} Declaring a float:\\ {\ex \lstinline| p=3.141592 |} Declaring a Complex number:\\ {\ex \lstinline| c = 3.2+4.6j |} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Arithmetic Operators} \begin{tabular}{lll} Addition: {\ex \lstinline|+|} & Subtraction: {\ex \lstinline|-|} & Multiplication: {\ex \lstinline|*|} \\ Division: {\ex \lstinline|/|} & Modulo: {\ex \lstinline|%|} & Exponentiation: {\ex \lstinline|**|} \end{tabular} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Strings} (immutable) Declaring a string:\\ {\ex \lstinline|k='Single quote' |}\\ {\ex \lstinline|l="Double quote contain's single quote" |}\\ {\ex \lstinline|m='''"Contain's both"''' |}\\ {\ex \lstinline|s[5]|} -- Elements can be accessed with their index %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Manipulating Strings} String indexing starts from 0, like lists.\\ \lstinline|s = `Hello World'| \begin{tabular}{lll} \lstinline|s[0:5]| -- \texttt{Hello} & \lstinline|s[6:]| -- \texttt{World} & \lstinline|s[6::2]| -- \texttt{Wrd} \end{tabular} \lstinline|s.replace('e', 'a')| new string; `e' replaced by `a' %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Input-Output} Output:\\ {\ex \lstinline| print x|} -- print variable \texttt{x} (with new line)\\ {\ex \lstinline| print x, |} -- print with out new line\\ {\ex \lstinline| print "a is %d b is %f" %(a, b)|} -- formatting Input:\\ {\ex \lstinline| x = raw_input()|} -- take input from user\\ {\ex \lstinline| x = raw_input("Age: ")|} -- take input with prompt %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Control Flow} Writing an if/elif/else block: \vspace{-8pt} \begin{lstlisting} if condition1: # do A, B, C elif condition2: # do D, E else: # do Y, Z \end{lstlisting} \vspace{-8pt} The ternary operator:\\ {\ex \lstinline|C if X else Y|} -- Do C if X is True else do Y. For loop:\\ {\ex \lstinline|for i in range(1,11,2):|}\\ {\ex \lstinline| s = s + i|} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Lists} {\ex \lstinline|empty=[]|} -- empty list\\ {\ex \lstinline|nonempty = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1.234]|} -- filled list\\ {\ex \lstinline|nonempty[0]|} -- accessing elements\\ {\ex \lstinline|nonempty[-1]|} -- accessing elements: negative indexing\\ {\ex \lstinline|len(nonempty)|} -- obtain length of list\\ {\ex \lstinline|nonempty.append('python')|} -- append element to list\\ {\ex \lstinline|del(nonempty[1])|} -- delete elements\\ {\ex \lstinline|nonempty.remove(100)|} -- remove elements\\ {\ex \lstinline|A[start:stop:step]|} -- slicing a list \lstinline|stop| excluded {\ex \lstinline|sorted(A)|} -- returns a new sorted list\\ {\ex \lstinline|A.sort()|} -- in-place sort\\ {\ex \lstinline|A[::-1]|} -- returns new reversed list\\ {\ex \lstinline|A.reverse()|} -- in-place reverse\\ {\ex \lstinline|x in A|} -- check for container-ship %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Tuples} {\ex \lstinline|t = (1, "hello", 2.5)|} -- creating a tuple\\ {\ex \lstinline|t[index] Ex: t[2]|} -- accessing elements\\ {\ex \lstinline|t[start:stop:step]|} -- accessing slices\\ {\ex \lstinline|a, b = b, a|} -- swapping: tuple packing, unpacking %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Dictionaries} (key value pairs) {\ex \lstinline|d = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}|} -- creating \\ {\ex \lstinline|print d['k1']|} -- accessing values using keys\\ {\ex \lstinline|d['k3'] = 'v3'|} -- adding a key-value pair\\ {\ex \lstinline|del d['k1']|} -- deleting a key-value pair %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Sets} {\ex \lstinline|p10 = set([2, 3, 5, 7]) |} -- creating a set Operators:\\ {\ex \lstinline+s1 | s2 +} -- Union Other operations available:\\ {\ex \lstinline|&|} -- Intersection, {\ex \lstinline|-|} -- Difference, {\ex \lstinline|^|} -- Symmetric Difference, {\ex \lstinline|<|} -- Subset %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Functions} Defining a function: \vspace{-8pt} \begin{lstlisting} def name([arguments]): code [return values] \end{lstlisting} \vspace{-8pt} Arguments of functions can have default arguments. Arguments with default arguments are at end of definition Functions can be called with keyword arguments. All keyword arguments should be at the end of the argument list. %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Modules} Import all definitions to current name-space:\\ {\ex \lstinline| from scipy import *|} Import few definitions to current name-space:\\ {\ex \lstinline| from scipy import linspace, pi, sin|} Import a module as a new name-space:\\ {\ex \lstinline| import scipy|} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Writing python scripts} See where python searches for modules:\\ {\ex \lstinline|sys.path|} Include our own path in PYTHONPATH:\\ {\ex \lstinline|sys.path.append(our_path)|} Run certian code only if executed and not if imported:\\ {\ex \lstinline|if __name__=="__main__": #do something|} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Skeleton of a Test} {\ex \lstinline| if __name__ == '__main__':|}\\ {\ex \lstinline| result = gcd(48, 64) |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| if result != 16: |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| print ``Test Failed'' |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| print ``Test Passed'' |} %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Testing} Get results from function or unit of code being tested. \\ Compare it to original output. \\ Test passed if they match else failed. %********************************************* \hr\textbf{Try-Catch} (Skeleton) {\ex \lstinline| try: |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| num = int(a) |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| except: |}\\ {\ex \lstinline| print ``Wrong input...'' |} \hr\textbf{Code Style} Four Space Indentation\\ 79 character limit on a line\\ Funtions should be seperated by blank line\\ Use Docstrings\\ White space around operators \end{multicols*} \end{document}