if (!recurrence) var recurrence = {}; recurrence.widget = {}; recurrence.widget.Grid = function(cols, rows) { this.init(cols, rows); }; recurrence.widget.Grid.prototype = { init: function(cols, rows) { this.disabled = false; this.cells = []; this.cols = cols; this.rows = rows; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var tbody = recurrence.widget.e('tbody'); for (var y=0; y < this.rows; y++) { var tr = recurrence.widget.e('tr'); tbody.appendChild(tr); for (var x=0; x < this.cols; x++) { var td = recurrence.widget.e('td'); tr.appendChild(td); this.cells.push(td); } } var table = recurrence.widget.e( 'table', { 'class': 'grid', 'cellpadding': 0, 'cellspacing': 0, 'border': 0}, [tbody]); this.elements = {'root': table, 'table': table, 'tbody': tbody}; }, cell: function(col, row) { return this.elements.tbody.childNodes[row].childNodes[col]; }, enable: function () { recurrence.widget.remove_class('disabled'); this.disabled = false; }, disable: function () { recurrence.widget.add_class('disabled'); this.disabled = true; } }; recurrence.widget.Calendar = function(date, options) { this.init(date, options); }; recurrence.widget.Calendar.prototype = { init: function(date, options) { this.date = date || recurrence.widget.date_today(); this.month = this.date.getMonth(); this.year = this.date.getFullYear(); this.options = options || {}; if (this.options.onchange) this.onchange = this.options.onchange; if (this.options.onclose) this.onclose = this.options.onclose; this.init_dom(); this.show_month(this.year, this.month); }, init_dom: function() { var calendar = this; // navigation var remove = recurrence.widget.e('a', { 'class': 'remove', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'title': recurrence.display.labels.remove, 'onclick': function() { calendar.close(); } }, '×'); var year_prev = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', { 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'prev-year', 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_prev_year();}}, '<<'); var year_next = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', { 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'next-year', 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_next_year();}}, '>>'); var month_prev = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', { 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'prev-month', 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_prev_month();}}, '<'); var month_next = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', { 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'next-month', 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_next_month();}}, '>'); var month_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.months[this.month]); var header_elements = [ year_prev, month_prev, month_label, month_next, year_next]; var header_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(header_elements.length, 1); recurrence.array.foreach(header_elements, function(item, i) { header_grid.cells[i].appendChild(item); recurrence.widget.add_class( header_grid.cells[i], item.className); }); recurrence.widget.add_class(header_grid.elements.root, 'navigation'); // core var calendar_year = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'year'}, this.year); var calendar_navigation = header_grid.elements.root; // var calendar_week = week_grid.elements.root; var calendar_body = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'body'}); var calendar_footer = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'footer'}); var td = recurrence.widget.e( 'td', {}, [remove, calendar_year, calendar_navigation, calendar_body, calendar_footer]); var tr = recurrence.widget.e('tr', {}, [td]); var tbody = recurrence.widget.e('tbody', {}, [tr]); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'table', {'class': 'recurrence-calendar'}, [tbody]); root.style.display = 'none'; this.elements = { 'root': root, 'year': calendar_year, 'year_prev': year_prev, 'year_next': year_next, 'month_prev': month_prev, 'month_next': month_next, 'month_label': month_label, 'calendar_body': calendar_body }; }, get_month_grid: function(year, month) { var calendar = this; var dt = new Date(year, month, 1); var start = dt.getDay(); var days = recurrence.date.days_in_month(dt); var rows = Math.ceil((days + start) / 7) + 1; var grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, rows); var number = 1; recurrence.array.foreach( grid.cells, function(cell, i) { var cell = grid.cells[i]; if (i < 7) { var weekday_number = i - 1; if (weekday_number < 0) weekday_number = 6; else if (weekday_number > 6) weekday_number = 0; cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.weekdays_oneletter[ weekday_number]; recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'header'); } else if (i - 7 < start || number > days) { recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'empty'); } else { recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'day'); if (this.date.getDate() == number && this.date.getFullYear() == dt.getFullYear() && this.date.getMonth() == dt.getMonth()) recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active'); cell.innerHTML = number; number = number + 1; cell.onclick = function () { calendar.set_date( calendar.year, calendar.month, parseInt(this.innerHTML, 10)); }; } }, this); return grid; }, show_month: function(year, month) { if (this.elements.calendar_body.childNodes.length) this.elements.calendar_body.removeChild( this.elements.calendar_body.childNodes[0]); this.elements.month_grid = this.get_month_grid(year, month); this.elements.calendar_body.appendChild( this.elements.month_grid.elements.root); this.elements.month_label.firstChild.nodeValue = ( recurrence.display.months[this.month]); this.elements.year.firstChild.nodeValue = this.year; }, show_prev_year: function() { this.year = this.year - 1; this.show_month(this.year, this.month); }, show_next_year: function() { this.year = this.year + 1; this.show_month(this.year, this.month); }, show_prev_month: function() { this.month = this.month - 1; if (this.month < 0) { this.month = 11; this.year = this.year - 1; } this.show_month(this.year, this.month); }, show_next_month: function() { this.month = this.month + 1; if (this.month > 11) { this.month = 0; this.year = this.year + 1; } this.show_month(this.year, this.month); }, set_date: function(year, month, day) { if (year != this.date.getFullYear() || month != this.date.getMonth() || day != this.date.getDate()) { this.date.setFullYear(year); this.date.setMonth(month); this.date.setDate(day); recurrence.array.foreach( this.elements.month_grid.cells, function(cell) { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'day')) { var number = parseInt(cell.innerHTML, 10); if (number == day) { recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active'); } else { recurrence.widget.remove_class(cell, 'active'); } } }); if (this.onchange) this.onchange(this.date); } }, set_position: function(x, y) { this.elements.root.style.left = x + 'px'; this.elements.root.style.top = y + 'px'; }, show: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = ''; }, hide: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = 'none'; }, close: function() { if (this.elements.root.parentNode) { this.elements.root.parentNode.removeChild(this.elements.root); if (this.onclose) this.onclose(); } } }; recurrence.widget.DateSelector = function(date, options) { this.init(date, options); }; recurrence.widget.DateSelector.prototype = { init: function(date, options) { this.disabled = false; this.date = date; this.calendar = null; this.options = options || {}; if (this.options.onchange) this.onchange = this.options.onchange; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var dateselector = this; if (this.date) var date_value = recurrence.date.format(this.date, '%Y-%m-%d'); else var date_value = ''; var date_field = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'date-field', 'size': 10, 'value': date_value, 'onchange': function() {dateselector.set_date(this.value);}}); var calendar_button = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', { 'class': 'calendar-button', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'title': recurrence.display.labels.calendar, 'onclick': function() { if (!dateselector.disabled) dateselector.show_calendar(); } }, '    '); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'date-selector'}, [date_field, calendar_button]); this.elements = { 'root': root, 'date_field': date_field, 'calendar_button': calendar_button }; }, show_calendar: function() { var dateselector = this; var calendar_blur = function(event) { var element = event.target; var is_in_dom = recurrence.widget.element_in_dom( element, dateselector.calendar.elements.root); if (!is_in_dom && element != dateselector.elements.calendar_button) { // clicked outside of calendar dateselector.calendar.close(); if (window.detachEvent) window.detachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur); else window.removeEventListener('click', calendar_blur, false); } }; if (!this.calendar) { this.calendar = new recurrence.widget.Calendar( new Date((this.date || recurrence.widget.date_today()).valueOf()), { 'onchange': function() { dateselector.set_date( recurrence.date.format(this.date, '%Y-%m-%d')); dateselector.calendar.close(); }, 'onclose': function() { if (window.detachEvent) window.detachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur); else window.removeEventListener( 'click', calendar_blur, false); dateselector.hide_calendar(); } }); document.body.appendChild(this.calendar.elements.root); this.calendar.show(); this.set_calendar_position(); if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur); else window.addEventListener('click', calendar_blur, false); } }, set_date: function(datestring) { var tokens = datestring.split('-'); var year = parseInt(tokens[0], 10); var month = parseInt(tokens[1], 10) - 1; var day = parseInt(tokens[2], 10); var dt = new Date(year, month, day); if (String(dt) == 'Invalid Date' || String(dt) == 'NaN') { if (this.date && !this.options.allow_null) { this.elements.date_field.value = recurrence.date.format( this.date, '%Y-%m-%d'); } else { if (this.elements.date_field.value != '') { if (this.onchange) this.onchange(null); } this.elements.date_field.value = ''; } } else { if (!this.date || (year != this.date.getFullYear() || month != this.date.getMonth() || day != this.date.getDate())) { if (!this.date) this.date = recurrence.widget.date_today(); this.date.setFullYear(year); this.date.setMonth(month); this.date.setDate(day); this.elements.date_field.value = datestring; if (this.onchange) this.onchange(this.date); } } }, set_calendar_position: function() { var loc = recurrence.widget.cumulative_offset( this.elements.calendar_button); var calendar_x = loc[0]; var calendar_y = loc[1]; var calendar_right = ( loc[0] + this.calendar.elements.root.clientWidth); var calendar_bottom = ( loc[1] + this.calendar.elements.root.clientHeight); if (calendar_right > document.scrollWidth) calendar_x = calendar_x - ( calendar_right - document.scrollWidth); if (calendar_bottom > document.scrollHeight) calendar_y = calendar_y - ( calendar_bottom - document.scrollHeight); this.calendar.set_position(calendar_x, calendar_y); }, hide_calendar: function() { this.calendar = null; }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false; this.elements.date_field.disabled = false; }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true; this.elements.date_field.disabled = true; if (this.calendar) this.calendar.close(); } }; recurrence.widget.Widget = function(textarea, options) { this.init(textarea, options); }; recurrence.widget.Widget.prototype = { init: function(textarea, options) { if (textarea.toLowerCase) textarea = document.getElementById(textarea); this.selected_panel = null; this.panels = []; this.data = recurrence.deserialize(textarea.value); this.textarea = textarea; this.options = options; this.default_freq = options.default_freq || recurrence.WEEKLY; this.init_dom(); this.init_panels(); }, init_dom: function() { var widget = this; var panels = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'panels'}); var control = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'control'}); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': this.textarea.className}, [panels, control]); var add_rule = new recurrence.widget.AddButton( recurrence.display.labels.add_rule, { 'onclick': function () {widget.add_rule();} }); recurrence.widget.add_class(add_rule.elements.root, 'add-rule'); control.appendChild(add_rule.elements.root); var add_date = new recurrence.widget.AddButton( recurrence.display.labels.add_date, { 'onclick': function () {widget.add_date();} }); recurrence.widget.add_class(add_date.elements.root, 'add-date'); control.appendChild(add_date.elements.root); this.elements = { 'root': root, 'panels': panels, 'control': control }; // attach immediately this.textarea.style.display = 'none'; this.textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( this.elements.root, this.textarea); }, init_panels: function() { recurrence.array.foreach( this.data.rrules, function(item) { this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, item); }, this); recurrence.array.foreach( this.data.exrules, function(item) { this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION, item); }, this); recurrence.array.foreach( this.data.rdates, function(item) { this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, item); }, this); recurrence.array.foreach( this.data.exdates, function(item) { this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION, item); }, this); }, add_rule_panel: function(mode, rule) { var panel = new recurrence.widget.Panel(this); var form = new recurrence.widget.RuleForm(panel, mode, rule); panel.onexpand = function() { if (panel.widget.selected_panel) if (panel.widget.selected_panel != this) panel.widget.selected_panel.collapse(); panel.widget.selected_panel = this; }; panel.onremove = function() { form.remove(); }; this.elements.panels.appendChild(panel.elements.root); this.panels.push(panel); this.update(); return panel; }, add_date_panel: function(mode, date) { var panel = new recurrence.widget.Panel(this); var form = new recurrence.widget.DateForm(panel, mode, date); panel.onexpand = function() { if (panel.widget.selected_panel) if (panel.widget.selected_panel != this) panel.widget.selected_panel.collapse(); panel.widget.selected_panel = this; }; panel.onremove = function() { form.remove(); }; this.elements.panels.appendChild(panel.elements.root); this.panels.push(panel); this.update(); return panel; }, add_rule: function(rule) { var rule = rule || new recurrence.Rule(this.default_freq); this.data.rrules.push(rule); this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, rule).expand(); }, add_date: function(date) { var date = date || recurrence.widget.date_today(); this.data.rdates.push(date); this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, date).expand(); }, update: function() { this.textarea.value = this.data.serialize(); } }; recurrence.widget.AddButton = function(label, options) { this.init(label, options); }; recurrence.widget.AddButton.prototype = { init: function(label, options) { this.label = label; this.options = options || {}; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var addbutton = this; var plus = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'plus'}, '+'); var label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, this.label); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'a', {'class': 'add-button', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)'}, [plus, label]); root.onclick = function() { addbutton.options.onclick(); }; this.elements = {'root': root, 'plus': plus, 'label': label}; } }; recurrence.widget.Panel = function(widget, options) { this.init(widget, options); }; recurrence.widget.Panel.prototype = { init: function(widget, options) { this.collapsed = false; this.widget = widget; this.options = options || {}; if (this.options.onremove) this.onremove = this.options.onremove; if (this.options.onexpand) this.onexpand = this.options.onexpand; if (this.options.oncollapse) this.oncollapse = this.options.oncollapse; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var panel = this; var remove = recurrence.widget.e('a', { 'class': 'remove', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'title': recurrence.display.labels.remove, 'onclick': function() { panel.remove(); } }, '×'); var label = recurrence.widget.e('a', { 'class': 'recurrence-label', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'onclick': function() { if (panel.collapsed) panel.expand(); else panel.collapse(); } }, ' '); var header = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'header'}, [remove, label]); var body = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'body'}); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'panel'}, [header, body]); this.elements = { 'root': root, 'remove': remove, 'label': label, 'header': header, 'body': body }; this.collapse(); }, set_label: function(label) { this.elements.label.innerHTML = label; }, set_body: function(element) { if (this.elements.body.childNodes.length) this.elements.body.removeChild(this.elements.body.childNodes[0]); this.elements.body.appendChild(element); }, expand: function() { this.collapsed = false; this.elements.body.style.display = ''; if (this.onexpand) this.onexpand(this); }, collapse: function() { this.collapsed = true; this.elements.body.style.display = 'none'; if (this.oncollapse) this.oncollapse(this); }, remove: function() { var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.elements.root); if (this.onremove) this.onremove(parent); } }; recurrence.widget.RuleForm = function(panel, mode, rule, options) { this.init(panel, mode, rule, options); }; recurrence.widget.RuleForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, mode, rule, options) { this.selected_freq = rule.freq; this.panel = panel; this.mode = mode; this.rule = rule; this.options = options || {}; var rule_options = { interval: rule.interval, until: rule.until, count: rule.count }; this.freq_rules = [ new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.YEARLY, rule_options), new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.MONTHLY, rule_options), new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.WEEKLY, rule_options), new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.DAILY, rule_options) ]; this.freq_rules[this.rule.freq].update(this.rule); this.init_dom(); this.set_freq(this.selected_freq); }, init_dom: function() { var form = this; // mode var mode_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', {'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'mode'}); var mode_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.exclude_occurrences); var mode_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'mode'}, [mode_checkbox, mode_label]); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION) // delay for ie6 compatibility setTimeout(function() { mode_checkbox.checked = true; recurrence.widget.add_class(form.panel, 'exclusion'); }, 10); // freq var freq_choices = recurrence.display.frequencies.slice(0, 4); var freq_options = recurrence.array.foreach( freq_choices, function(item, i) { var option = recurrence.widget.e( 'option', {'value': i}, recurrence.string.capitalize(item)); return option; }); var freq_select = recurrence.widget.e( 'select', {'name': 'freq'}, freq_options); var freq_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.frequency + ':'); var freq_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'freq'}, [freq_label, freq_select]); // interval var interval_field = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'name': 'interval', 'size': 1, 'value': this.rule.interval}); var interval_label1 = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.every); var interval_label2 = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'label'}, recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural[this.rule.freq]); var interval_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'interval'}, [interval_label1, interval_field, interval_label2]); // until if (this.rule.until) until_value = recurrence.date.format(this.rule.until, '%Y-%m-%d'); else until_value = ''; var until_radio = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', {'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio', 'name': 'until_count', 'value': 'until'}); var until_date_selector = new recurrence.widget.DateSelector( this.rule.until, { 'onchange': function(date) {form.set_until(date);}, 'allow_null': true }); var until_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.date + ':'); var until_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'li', {'class': 'until'}, [until_radio, until_label, until_date_selector.elements.root]); // count if (this.rule.count) count_value = this.rule.count; else count_value = 1; var count_radio = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio', 'name': 'until_count', 'value': 'count'}); var count_field = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', {'name': 'count', 'size': 1, 'value': count_value}); if (this.rule.count && this.rule.count < 2) var token = recurrence.string.capitalize( recurrence.display.labels.count); else var token = recurrence.string.capitalize( recurrence.display.labels.count_plural); var count_label1 = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, token.split('%(number)s')[0]); var count_label2 = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, token.split('%(number)s')[1]); var count_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'li', {'class': 'count'}, [count_radio, count_label1, count_field, count_label2]); // limit container var until_count_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'ul', {'class': 'until-count'}, [until_container, count_container]); var limit_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'limit'}); var limit_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.repeat_until + ':'); var limit_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'limit'}, [limit_checkbox, limit_label, until_count_container]); if (this.rule.until || this.rule.count) { // compatibility with ie, we delay setTimeout(function() {limit_checkbox.checked = true;}, 10); } else { until_radio.disabled = true; count_radio.disabled = true; until_date_selector.disable(); recurrence.widget.add_class(until_count_container, 'disabled'); } // core var freq_form_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'form'}); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'form', {}, [ mode_container, freq_container, interval_container, freq_form_container, limit_container]); // events mode_checkbox.onclick = function() { if (this.checked) form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION); else form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION); }; freq_select.onchange = function() { form.set_freq(parseInt(this.value), 10); }; interval_field.onchange = function() { form.set_interval(parseInt(this.value), 10); }; limit_checkbox.onclick = function () { if (this.checked) { recurrence.widget.remove_class( until_count_container, 'disabled'); until_radio.disabled = false; count_radio.disabled = false; if (until_radio.checked) { until_date_selector.enable(); form.set_until(until_date_selector.date); } if (count_radio.checked) { count_field.disabled = false; form.set_count(parseInt(count_field.value)); } } else { recurrence.widget.add_class( until_count_container, 'disabled'); until_radio.disabled = true; count_radio.disabled = true; until_date_selector.disable(); count_field.disabled = true; recurrence.array.foreach( form.freq_rules, function(rule) { rule.until = null; rule.count = null; }); form.update(); } } // for compatibility with ie, use timeout setTimeout(function () { if (form.rule.count) { count_radio.checked = true; until_date_selector.disable(); } else { until_radio.checked = true; count_field.disabled = true; } }, 1); until_radio.onclick = function () { this.checked = true; until_date_selector.enable(); count_radio.checked = false; count_field.disabled = true; form.set_until(until_date_selector.date); }; count_radio.onclick = function () { this.checked = true; count_field.disabled = false; until_radio.checked = false; until_date_selector.disable(); form.set_count(parseInt(count_field.value), 10); }; count_field.onchange = function () { form.set_count(parseInt(this.value), 10); }; // freq forms var forms = [ recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm, recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm, recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm, recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm ]; var freq_forms = recurrence.array.foreach( forms, function(form, i) { var rule = this.freq_rules[i]; var f = new form(this, rule); freq_form_container.appendChild(f.elements.root); return f; }, this); this.freq_forms = freq_forms; // install dom this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text()); this.panel.set_body(root); this.elements = { 'root': root, 'mode_checkbox': mode_checkbox, 'freq_select': freq_select, 'interval_field': interval_field, 'freq_form_container': freq_form_container, 'until_radio': until_radio, 'count_field': count_field, 'count_radio': count_radio, 'limit_checkbox': limit_checkbox }; }, get_display_text: function() { var text = this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq].get_display_text(); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION) text = recurrence.display.mode.exclusion + ' ' + text; return recurrence.string.capitalize(text); }, set_until: function(until) { recurrence.array.foreach( this.freq_rules, function(rule) { rule.count = null; rule.until = until; }); this.update(); }, set_count: function(count) { if (count < 2) var token = recurrence.string.capitalize( recurrence.display.labels.count); else var token = recurrence.string.capitalize( recurrence.display.labels.count_plural); var label1 = this.elements.count_field.previousSibling; var label2 = this.elements.count_field.nextSibling; label1.firstChild.nodeValue = token.split('%(number)s')[0]; label2.firstChild.nodeValue = token.split('%(number)s')[1]; recurrence.array.foreach( this.freq_rules, function(rule) { rule.until = null; rule.count = count; }); this.update(); }, set_interval: function(interval) { interval = parseInt(interval, 10); if (String(interval) == 'NaN') { // invalid value, reset to previous value this.elements.interval_field.value = ( this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq].interval); return; } var label = this.elements.interval_field.nextSibling; if (interval < 2) label.firstChild.nodeValue = ( recurrence.display.timeintervals[this.selected_freq]); else label.firstChild.nodeValue = ( recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural[this.selected_freq]); recurrence.array.foreach( this.freq_rules, function(rule) { rule.interval = interval; }); this.elements.interval_field.value = interval; this.update(); }, set_freq: function(freq) { this.freq_forms[this.selected_freq].hide(); this.freq_forms[freq].show(); this.elements.freq_select.value = freq; this.selected_freq = freq; // need to update interval to display different label this.set_interval(parseInt(this.elements.interval_field.value), 10); this.update(); }, set_mode: function(mode) { if (this.mode != mode) { if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) { recurrence.array.remove( this.panel.widget.data.rrules, this.rule); this.panel.widget.data.exrules.push(this.rule); recurrence.widget.remove_class( this.panel.elements.root, 'inclusion'); recurrence.widget.add_class( this.panel.elements.root, 'exclusion'); } else { recurrence.array.remove( this.panel.widget.data.exrules, this.rule); this.panel.widget.data.rrules.push(this.rule); recurrence.widget.remove_class( this.panel.elements.root, 'exclusion'); recurrence.widget.add_class( this.panel.elements.root, 'inclusion'); } this.mode = mode; } this.update(); }, update: function() { this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text()); this.rule.update(this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq]); this.panel.widget.update(); }, remove: function() { var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.elements.root); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) recurrence.array.remove(this.panel.widget.data.rrules, this.rule); else recurrence.array.remove(this.panel.widget.data.exrules, this.rule); this.panel.widget.update(); } }; recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm = function(panel, rule) { this.init(panel, rule); }; recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, rule) { this.panel = panel; this.rule = rule; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var form = this; var grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(4, 3); var number = 0; for (var y=0; y < 3; y++) { for (var x=0; x < 4; x++) { var cell = grid.cell(x, y); if (this.rule.bymonth.indexOf(number + 1) > -1) recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active'); cell.value = number + 1; cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.months_short[number]; cell.onclick = function () { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active')) recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active'); else recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active'); form.set_bymonth(); }; number += 1; } } // by weekday checkbox var byday_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'byday'}); var byday_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.string.capitalize( recurrence.display.labels.on_the) + ':'); var byday_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'byday'}, [byday_checkbox, byday_label]); // weekday-position var position_options = recurrence.array.foreach( [1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3], function(value) { var option = recurrence.widget.e( 'option', {'value': value}, recurrence.string.strip(recurrence.display.weekdays_position[ String(value)].split('%(weekday)s')[0])); return option; }); var position_select = recurrence.widget.e( 'select', {'name': 'position'}, position_options); var weekday_options = recurrence.array.foreach( recurrence.display.weekdays, function(weekday, i) { var option = recurrence.widget.e( 'option', {'value': i}, weekday); return option; }); var weekday_select = recurrence.widget.e( 'select', {'name': 'weekday'}, weekday_options); var weekday_position_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'section'}, [position_select, weekday_select]); // core var year = recurrence.widget.e('div'); year.appendChild(grid.elements.root); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'yearly'}, [year, byday_container, weekday_position_container]); root.style.display = 'none'; if (this.rule.byday.length) { if (form.rule.bysetpos.length) { position_select.value = String(form.rule.bysetpos[0]); } else { position_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].index); } weekday_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].number); byday_checkbox.checked = true; } else { position_select.disabled = true; weekday_select.disabled = true; } // events byday_checkbox.onclick = function () { if (this.checked) { position_select.disabled = false; weekday_select.disabled = false; form.set_byday(); } else { position_select.disabled = true; weekday_select.disabled = true; form.rule.byday = []; form.panel.update(); } }; position_select.onchange = function () { form.set_byday(); }; weekday_select.onchange = function () { form.set_byday(); }; this.elements = { 'root': root, 'grid': grid, 'byday_checkbox': byday_checkbox, 'position_select': position_select, 'weekday_select': weekday_select }; }, get_weekday: function() { var number = parseInt(this.elements.weekday_select.value, 10); var index = parseInt(this.elements.position_select.value, 10); return new recurrence.Weekday(number, index); }, set_bymonth: function() { var bymonth = []; recurrence.array.foreach( this.elements.grid.cells, function(cell) { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active')) bymonth.push(cell.value); }) this.rule.bymonth = bymonth; this.panel.update(); }, set_byday: function() { this.rule.byday = [this.get_weekday()]; this.panel.update(); }, show: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = ''; }, hide: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = 'none'; } }; recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm = function(panel, rule) { this.init(panel, rule); }; recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, rule) { this.panel = panel; this.rule = rule; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var form = this; // monthday var monthday_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, Math.ceil(31 / 7)); var number = 0; for (var y=0; y < Math.ceil(31 / 7); y++) { for (var x=0; x < 7; x++) { number += 1; var cell = monthday_grid.cell(x, y); if (number > 31) { recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'empty'); continue; } else { cell.innerHTML = number; if (this.rule.bymonthday.indexOf(number) > -1) recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active'); cell.onclick = function () { if (monthday_grid.disabled) return; var day = parseInt(this.innerHTML, 10) || null; if (day) { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active')) recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active'); else recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active'); form.set_bymonthday(); } } } } } var monthday_grid_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'section'}); monthday_grid_container.appendChild(monthday_grid.elements.root); var monthday_radio = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio', 'name': 'monthly', 'value': 'monthday'}); var monthday_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.each + ':'); var monthday_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'li', {'class': 'monthday'}, [monthday_radio, monthday_label, monthday_grid_container]); // weekday-position var position_options = recurrence.array.foreach( [1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3], function(value) { var option = recurrence.widget.e( 'option', {'value': value}, recurrence.string.strip( recurrence.display.weekdays_position[ String(value)].split('%(weekday)s')[0])); return option; }); var position_select = recurrence.widget.e( 'select', {'name': 'position'}, position_options); var weekday_options = recurrence.array.foreach( recurrence.display.weekdays, function(weekday, i) { var option = recurrence.widget.e( 'option', {'value': i}, weekday); return option; }); var weekday_select = recurrence.widget.e( 'select', {'name': 'weekday'}, weekday_options); var weekday_position_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'section'}, [position_select, weekday_select]); var weekday_radio = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio', 'name': 'monthly', 'value': 'weekday'}); var weekday_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.on_the + ':'); var weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'li', {'class': 'weekday'}, [weekday_radio, weekday_label, weekday_position_container]); // core var monthday_weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'ul', {'class': 'monthly'}, [monthday_container, weekday_container]); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'monthly'}, [monthday_weekday_container]); root.style.display = 'none'; // events // for compatibility with ie, use timeout setTimeout(function () { if (form.rule.byday.length) { weekday_radio.checked = true; if (form.rule.bysetpos.length) { position_select.value = String(form.rule.bysetpos[0]); } else { position_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].index); } weekday_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].number); monthday_grid.disable(); } else { monthday_radio.checked = true; position_select.disabled = true; weekday_select.disabled = true; } }, 1); monthday_radio.onclick = function () { this.checked = true; weekday_radio.checked = false; position_select.disabled = true; weekday_select.disabled = true; monthday_grid.enable(); form.set_bymonthday(); }; weekday_radio.onclick = function () { this.checked = true; monthday_radio.checked = false; position_select.disabled = false; weekday_select.disabled = false; monthday_grid.disable(); form.set_byday(); }; position_select.onchange = function () { form.set_byday(); }; weekday_select.onchange = function () { form.set_byday(); }; this.elements = { 'root': root, 'monthday_grid': monthday_grid, 'monthday_radio': monthday_radio, 'weekday_radio': weekday_radio, 'position_select': position_select, 'weekday_select': weekday_select }; }, get_weekday: function() { var number = parseInt(this.elements.weekday_select.value, 10); var index = parseInt(this.elements.position_select.value, 10); return new recurrence.Weekday(number, index); }, set_byday: function() { this.rule.bymonthday = []; this.rule.bysetpos = []; this.rule.byday = [this.get_weekday()]; this.panel.update(); }, set_bymonthday: function() { this.rule.bysetpos = []; this.rule.byday = []; var monthdays = []; recurrence.array.foreach( this.elements.monthday_grid.cells, function(cell) { var day = parseInt(cell.innerHTML, 10) || null; if (day && recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active')) monthdays.push(day); }); this.rule.bymonthday = monthdays; this.panel.update(); }, show: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = ''; }, hide: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = 'none'; } }; recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm = function(panel, rule) { this.init(panel, rule); }; recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, rule) { this.panel = panel; this.rule = rule; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var form = this; var weekday_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, 1); var days = []; var days = recurrence.array.foreach( this.rule.byday, function(day) { return recurrence.to_weekday(day).number; }); for (var x=0; x < 7; x++) { var cell = weekday_grid.cell(x, 0); if (days.indexOf(x) > -1) recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active'); cell.value = x; cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.weekdays_short[x]; cell.onclick = function () { if (weekday_grid.disabled) return; if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active')) recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active'); else recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active'); form.set_byday(); }; } var weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'section'}); weekday_container.appendChild(weekday_grid.elements.root); var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'weekly'}, [weekday_container]); root.style.display = 'none'; this.elements = { 'root': root, 'weekday_grid': weekday_grid }; }, set_byday: function() { var byday = []; recurrence.array.foreach( this.elements.weekday_grid.cells, function(cell) { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active')) byday.push(new recurrence.Weekday(cell.value)); }); this.rule.byday = byday; this.panel.update(); }, show: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = ''; }, hide: function() { this.elements.root.style.display = 'none'; } }; recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm = function(panel, rule) { this.init(panel, rule); }; recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, rule) { this.panel = panel; this.rule = rule; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var root = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'daily'}); root.style.display = 'none'; this.elements = {'root': root}; }, show: function() { // this.elements.root.style.display = ''; }, hide: function() { // this.elements.root.style.display = 'none'; } }; recurrence.widget.DateForm = function(panel, mode, date) { this.init(panel, mode, date); }; recurrence.widget.DateForm.prototype = { init: function(panel, mode, date) { this.collapsed = true; this.panel = panel; this.mode = mode; this.date = date; this.init_dom(); }, init_dom: function() { var form = this; // mode var mode_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e( 'input', { 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'mode', 'onclick': function() { if (this.checked) form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION); else form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION); } }); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION) mode_checkbox.checked = true; var mode_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.exclude_date); var mode_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'mode'}, [mode_checkbox, mode_label]); // date var date_label = recurrence.widget.e( 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, recurrence.display.labels.date + ':'); var date_selector = new recurrence.widget.DateSelector( this.date, {'onchange': function() {form.update();}}); var date_container = recurrence.widget.e( 'div', {'class': 'date'}, [date_label, date_selector.elements.root]); // core var root = recurrence.widget.e( 'form', {'class': 'date'}, [mode_container, date_container]); // init dom this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text()); this.panel.set_body(root); this.elements = {'root': root}; }, get_display_text: function() { var text = recurrence.date.format(this.date, pgettext('date', '%l, %F %j, %Y')); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION) text = recurrence.display.mode.exclusion + ' ' + text; return recurrence.string.capitalize(text); }, set_mode: function(mode) { if (this.mode != mode) { if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) { recurrence.array.remove( this.panel.widget.data.rdates, this.date); this.panel.widget.data.exdates.push(this.date); recurrence.widget.remove_class( this.elements.root, 'inclusion'); recurrence.widget.add_class( this.elements.root, 'exclusion'); this.update(); } else { recurrence.array.remove( this.panel.widget.data.exdates, this.date); this.panel.widget.data.rdates.push(this.date); recurrence.widget.remove_class( this.elements.root, 'exclusion'); recurrence.widget.add_class( this.elements.root, 'inclusion'); this.update(); } this.mode = mode; } this.update(); }, update: function() { this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text()); this.panel.widget.update(); }, remove: function() { var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.elements.root); if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) recurrence.array.remove(this.panel.widget.data.rdates, this.date); else recurrence.array.remove(this.panel.widget.data.exdates, this.date); this.panel.widget.update(); } }; recurrence.widget.e = function(tag_name, attrs, inner) { var element = document.createElement(tag_name); if (attrs) recurrence.widget.set_attrs(element, attrs); if (inner) { if (!inner.toLowerCase && inner.length) recurrence.array.foreach( inner, function(e) {element.appendChild(e);}); else element.innerHTML = inner; } return element; }; recurrence.widget.set_attrs = function(element, attrs) { for (var attname in attrs) if (attname.match(/^on/g)) element[attname] = attrs[attname]; else if (attname == 'class') element.className = attrs[attname]; else element.setAttribute(attname, attrs[attname]); }; recurrence.widget.add_class = function(element, class_name) { var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g); if (names.indexOf(class_name) == -1) { names.push(class_name); element.className = names.join(' '); } }; recurrence.widget.remove_class = function(element, class_name) { var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g); if (names.indexOf(class_name) > -1) { recurrence.array.remove(names, class_name); element.className = names.join(' '); } }; recurrence.widget.has_class = function(element, class_name) { var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g); if (names.indexOf(class_name) > -1) return true; else return false; }; recurrence.widget.element_in_dom = function(element, dom) { if (element == dom) { return true; } else { for (var i=0; i < dom.childNodes.length; i++) if (recurrence.widget.element_in_dom(element, dom.childNodes[i])) return true; } return false; }; recurrence.widget.cumulative_offset = function(element) { var y = 0, x = 0; do { y += element.offsetTop || 0; x += element.offsetLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while (element); return [x, y]; }; recurrence.widget.textareas_to_widgets = function(token) { var elements = []; if (!token) token = 'recurrence-widget'; if (token.toLowerCase) { var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); recurrence.array.foreach( textareas, function(textarea) { if (recurrence.widget.has_class(textarea, token)) elements.push(textarea); }); } recurrence.array.foreach( elements, function(e) { new recurrence.widget.Widget(e, window[e.id] || {}); }); }; recurrence.widget.date_today = function() { var date = new Date(); date.setHours(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); return date; }; recurrence.widget.INCLUSION = true; recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION = false; // display if (!recurrence.display) recurrence.display = {}; recurrence.display.mode = { 'inclusion': gettext('including'), 'exclusion': gettext('excluding') }; recurrence.display.labels = { 'frequency': gettext('Frequency'), 'on_the': gettext('On the'), 'each': gettext('Each'), 'every': gettext('Every'), 'until': gettext('Until'), 'count': gettext('Occurs %(number)s time'), 'count_plural': gettext('Occurs %(number)s times'), 'date': gettext('Date'), 'time': gettext('Time'), 'repeat_until': gettext('Repeat until'), 'exclude_occurrences': gettext('Exclude these occurences'), 'exclude_date': gettext('Exclude this date'), 'add_rule': gettext('Add recurrence'), 'add_date': gettext('Add date'), 'remove': gettext('Remove'), 'calendar': gettext('Calendar') };