Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
- Adds title, source and location
- Send mail fail silently set to True
- Models and Forms updated
- Updates .gitignore
- Updates footer, sets it to fixed position
- Adds Workshop Stats
- Instructor can Download or View Workshop stats from the givin date range
- Instructor can view number of workshops per month in chart
- Writes test for Workshop Stats
- Fetchs Accepted workshop data from requestedWorkshop and shows in scheduled workshop template
- changes content in send_mails
- updates scheduled_workshops with table for requestedworkshop data
Adds Workshop Reminder Mail
- Python Script to create env and send mail for scheduled workshops
- Bash script to be triggered by cron job for py-script activation
Adds Social Media Links
- Adds social media links on index.html (fb,youtube,g+)
- Adds side bar images on testimonials page
- changes css for the above files
Updates TestCases
- Fixes test cases for StaticPages in test_view
- Instructor views sorted list of scheduled workshops
- Activation template contain change
- text formatting in my_workshops template
Adds Scheduled Workshop Template
- Instructors can View All Scheduled Workshops from Proposed Table
- Changes username to fullname while sending mails of workshop
- Update of instructions-for-participants pdf in ISCP
Updates Admin Interface
- Headers in Tables
- Download data in csv format from Table
Handles Multiple Requests for ProposeWorkshopDate
Adds class meta for Models
Changes 3day Workshop PDFs
Fixes Regex Issue
Major Update
- Propose Workshop Template
- recurrance fuction call in
- pdf_view function changed to file_view
- exclude added in ProposeWorkshopDateForm
- required templated changed for file_view
- zipfile feature included in file_view
- Date limit set t0 2018 from 2040
- Help Text Added in Create Workshop Page
- Past Workshop redirected to fossee-stats
- Propose workshop date days set to 3
- FileField Added to workshoptype model
- Creates folder for each file upload
- Send email uses the newly created folder to send attachments
- structure name changed to flowchart
Changes made are as follows
- Mobile Friendly
- Added view pdf and schedule files as pdf
- Forget Password feature
- Testimonials Page added
- Templates changed
- Propose workshop Page Calender Changes
- User now can view only future workshops
- Css changes for index,register and Propose Workshop Page
- Coordinator Position while registering by default
Change Nav-Brand CSS color
Fixes old dates view
- Previous dates which are not booked won't be shown to coordinator and instructor
- Email sending to coordinator with attachments fixed
- Contact Us email changed in Homepage
Fixes Email Attachment using django-email
- Changes issue email id
- imports all modules at top in
- Sender Email added in local_settings
- Template fix for Proposed_workshop
- created in workshop_app
- activation status logic changed, view_profile added
- varible naming changed
- testing recurrances
- adds makemigrations and migrate commands in travis.yml
- removes pyparsing from requirements.txt