Document Information ==================== Name of the Document: Scilab Process Documentation Date: 17/05/2017 Author: Priyanka Bhagwat Designation: Software Engineer Introduction ============ This document explains the process flow of the activities in Scilab websites which includes Textbook Companion, Lab migration, Scilab Cloud etc. TBC Overview ============ |image0| |image1| |image2| |image3| |image4| |image5| USE Case for TBC 1. User View |image6| 2. Reviewer View |image7| 3. Admin View |image8| 4. Scilab on Cloud ================== |image9| 5. Apache Solr Search- (TBC Code Search) ======================================== |image10| **Version 1.0** Website in: **Drupal 6** **Problems occurred:** 1. Security Issues. 2. Download Books/codes feature not working. 3. TBC solr search crashed. 4. Manage code approval -> Bulk manage not working 5. Cloud comments cannot reply -> showing database updation failed 6. Few other changes/problems as per given by Lavitha/Bhavani <`*link* `__> 7. Scilinks data not fetching 8. Reviewer interface crashed. 9. Code Dependency **Version 2.0** Website Migrated to **Drupal 7** : 7/9/2015 **Issues Fixed:** 1. Security Issues - Regular security updates are taken, Added Captcha, RECaptcha 2. Download Books/codes feature fixed - Used Drupal Ajax API ; mim maintenance fixes as per requirement 3. TBC solr search fixed - Used latest supported Solr search engine. 4. TBC and Lab migration Interface fixed- Tested by Shamika, Bhavani, Lavitha. 5. Few other changes/problems as per given by Lavitha/Bhavani <`*link* `__>: Fixed 6. Scilinks data not fetching (As per discussion with Kannan Sir, Sanmugam in meeting, it cannot be fixed for Drupal 7) 7. Code Dependency ( In Progress) 8. Regular maintenance as per issues/errors/requirement. **New Features Added:** 1. Book Completion- Earlier the interface was not saving actual completion of Book. This feature was added. 2. TBC Edit Caption - Permitted User can edit caption, Email notification to concerned person for every edit is been sent. 3. TBC Edit Code - Permitted User can edit actual codes submitted by user. 4. Proposal Form Updation - Changed Proposal form as per discussion in reference to Statistics i.e State, City, Pincode etc 5. Certificate Generation and Internship forms - Implemented dynamic Certificate Generation and Internship forms. 6. Other implementations as per this doc <`*link* `__> .. |image0| image:: media/Step1_TBCAccount creation.png :width: 5.69792in :height: 4.41667in .. |image1| image:: media/Step2_TBCBook Proposal.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 9.69444in .. |image2| image:: media/Step3_CodeUpload.png :width: 4.05208in :height: 2.83333in .. |image3| image:: media/Step4_Sytaxreview.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 6.02778in .. |image4| image:: media/Step5_ManualReview.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 7.70833in .. |image5| image:: media/Step6_Honorarium.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 4.44444in .. |image6| image:: media/TBCUser.jpg :width: 6.26772in :height: 6.76389in .. |image7| image:: media/TBCER.jpg :width: 6.26772in :height: 7.22222in .. |image8| image:: media/TBCAdmin.jpg :width: 6.26772in :height: 7.34722in .. |image9| image:: media/cloud.png :width: 5.95313in :height: 3.86458in .. |image10| image:: media/apache_solr.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 2.93056in