***Process to upgrade from drupal 6 to drupal 7*** Document Information ==================== Name of the Document: Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 Upgradation process Date: 5/04/2015 Author: Priyanka Bhagwat and Prashant Sinalakar **step 1:** **take a backup of your drupal site and database** **step 2:** **Login as superuser/first user and disable all custom modules and custom theme of drupal 6 site.** **step 3:** 1) **Install drush into your system** sudo apt-get install drush 2) **Download latest version of drupal** drush dl drupal-7 3) **Connect your existing drupal 6 database with new drupal 7** (make changes in setting.php of drupal 7 to connect with old database) 4) **Go to project directory then run** drush updb 5) **Login in to drupal 7 as first user** 6) **move all old site data to new drupal 7 expect theme** 7) **remove modulename\_bck modules** 8) **update all modules using** drush dl -y acl references author\_pane ckeditor votingapi views ctools references xmlsitemap webform advanced\_forum captcha cck ckeditor comment\_notify email\_verify extlink feedback fivestar formblock google\_analytics jquery\_ui jquery\_update link linkchecker masquerade mimemail nice\_menus notify recaptcha spambot views drush dl -y views date easy\_social captcha cck email\_verify sharethis socila\_share wysiwyg google\_analytics jquery\_ui link masquerade recaptcha 9) enable all necessary modules drush en module\_name drush updb if any error in webform take out webform form modules then, **drush updb** **drush command to update all modules without updating the core.** drush upc --no-core **step 4:** 1) drush dl drupal-7 2) make settings.php 3) connect with old db then, go to project dir run # references, link 4) drush updb 5) login to first user and mv all old sites data to new d7 except theme,remove modulename\_bck modules, them update all modules using drush dl -y acl references author\_pane ckeditor votingapi views ctools references xmlsitemap webform advanced\_forum captcha cck ckeditor comment\_notify email\_verify extlink feedback fivestar formblock google\_analytics jquery\_ui jquery\_update link linkchecker masquerade mimemail nice\_menus notify recaptcha spambot views ## acl references views ctools references webform cck link views 6) enable all necessary modules 7) drush updb 8) if any error in webform take out webform form modules then, drush updb node\_access => references **step 5:** Scilink Query - Only for Scilab Website content type => Documentation Page select \* from content\_field\_link where nid in (SELECT nid FROM \`content\_type\_link\` where \`field\_parent\_page\_nid\`=118) **Important** 1) **changed query structure..** 2) **theme\_table must be replaced to ‘Section title.. ===============theme(“”, “”, array =()) ** ***Error and solution :*** **If you get error like following: ** **“Undefined index: distribution\_name in drupal\_install\_profile\_distribution\_name() (line 207 of /var/www/html/drupal-7.37/includes/install.inc “** **Then run following query in database** `***UPDATE*** `__ `***system*** `__ **`*SET* `__ status=1 WHERE name='standard';** **This will resolve profile error** **While going for changing query of theme** theme('table', array('header' => $pending\_header, 'rows' => $pending\_rows )); solve error of mail sending: email.inc change following line change **$language-language** replace with **array('language' => $language->language)** **$message['body'] = t('…...’);** replace with **$message['body'] = array('body' => t('…….));** **Error:** *Notice*: Undefined index: distribution\_name in *drupal\_install\_profile\_distribution\_name()* (line *207* of */var/www/html/cfd\_fossee\_in\_7/includes/install.inc*). FIX this: UPDATE \`drupal\`.\`system\` SET \`status\` = '1' WHERE \`system\`.\`filename\` = 'profiles/standard/standard.profile';