Document Information ==================== Name of the Document: FOSSEE Dynamic Website Date:23/05/2017 Author: Priyanka Bhagwat Designation: Software Engineer Introduction ============ This document focuses on the development of the new FOSSEE Website. Website ======= Assumptions =========== It is assumed that the readers of this document are familiar with the Drupal 7, PHP, MySQL and software engineering. Module Requirements =================== To achieve this feature the following modules are required Views Panels Entity Token Radix Layout Quicktabs Radix Layout Owl Carousel Entity\_reference Rules Date Link Linkicon Ctools Fieldaccess Auto\_entitylabel Disable Field Field collection Field Conditional State SMTP Authentication Support **Website Theme** ----------------- **Choose an Existing Starterkit** --------------------------------- - *CDN Starterkit* - *Less Starterkit* - *Sass Starterkit* Here we are using the CDN Starterkit. **Create a New Sub-theme** -------------------------- 1. Copy over one of the starterkits you have chosen from the ./bootstrap/starterkits folder into sites/all/themes or a respective sites/\*/themes folder. 2. Rename the folder to a unique machine readable name. This will be your sub-theme's "name". For this example and future examples we'll use subtheme. 3. Rename ./subtheme/cdn.starterkit or, if using the LESS Starterkit, ./subtheme/less.starterkit to match the folder name and append .info (e.g. ./subtheme/ 4. Open ./subtheme/ and change the name, description and any other properties to suite your needs. WARNING: Ensure that the .starterkit suffix is not present on your sub-theme's .info filename. This suffix is simply a stop gap measure to ensure that the bundled starter kit sub-theme cannot be enabled or used directly. This helps people unfamiliar with Drupal avoid modifying the starter kit sub-theme directly and instead forces them to create a new sub-theme to modify. **Enable Your New Sub-theme** ----------------------------- In your Drupal site, navigate to admin/appearance and click the Enable and set default link next to your newly created sub-theme. **Content Types** ----------------- **Structure->Content types** Designation |image0| Faculty members |image1| FOSSEE Projects |image2| FOSSEE Projects contacts |image3| Generic links |image4| Team Members |image5| Resources |image6| Article |image7| Activities |image8| **Views** --------- **Structure ->Views** **Faculty members** **Query** SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_faculty\_name\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_faculty\_link\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('faculty\_members')) )) ORDER BY node\_created ASC |image9| **Output** |image10| **FOSSEE Projects** **Query** field\_data\_field\_project\_link\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_project\_name\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_project\_logo\_image\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_body\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {field\_data\_field\_project\_status} field\_data\_field\_project\_status ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_project\_status.entity\_id AND (field\_data\_field\_project\_status.entity\_type = 'node' AND field\_data\_field\_project\_status.deleted = '0') WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('projects')) AND (field\_data\_field\_project\_status.field\_project\_status\_value = '0') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC |image11| **Rewrite results** |image12| **Output** |image13| **Contact ID** **Query** SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_project\_contact\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_contact\_email\_id\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('fossee\_projects\_contact\_id')) )) ORDER BY node\_created ASC |image14| **Output** |image15| **Generic Content** **BLOCK - Footer-data Files** **Query** SELECT node.title AS node\_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_generic\_image\_link\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_generic\_image\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {field\_data\_field\_tags} field\_data\_field\_tags ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_id AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_type = 'node' AND field\_data\_field\_tags.deleted = '0') WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('generic\_images')) AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.field\_tags\_tid = '5') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 |image16| **BLOCK- Sponsor Section** **Query** SELECT node.title AS node\_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_generic\_image\_link\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_generic\_image\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {field\_data\_field\_tags} field\_data\_field\_tags ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_id AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_type = 'node' AND field\_data\_field\_tags.deleted = '0') WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('generic\_images')) AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.field\_tags\_tid = '6') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 |image17| **Output** |image18| **Resources** **Query** SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_project\_resources\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_project\_resocurces\_link\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('resources')) )) ORDER BY node\_created ASC |image19| **Output** |image20| **Top Slider** **Query** SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.title AS node\_title, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_image\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {taxonomy\_index} taxonomy\_index ON node.nid = taxonomy\_index.nid WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('article')) AND (taxonomy\_index.tid = '4') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 |image21| **Rewrite results** |image22| **Output** |image23| **Site Content** **Query** **BLOCK -News** SELECT node.title AS node\_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_link\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {field\_data\_field\_tags} field\_data\_field\_tags ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_id AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_type = 'node' AND field\_data\_field\_tags.deleted = '0') WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('article')) AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.field\_tags\_tid = '2') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 |image24| **BLOCK- Events** SELECT node.title As node_\title, node.nid AS nid, node.created As node_\created FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {field\_data\_field\_tags} field\_data\_field\_tags ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_id AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.entity\_type = 'node' AND field\_data\_field\_tags.deleted = '0') | WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('article')) AND (field\_data\_field\_tags.field\_tags\_tid = '3') )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 |image25| **BLOCK- News Page** SELECT node.title AS node\_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created FROM {node} node WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('article')) )) ORDER BY node\_created DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0 **Output** |image26| Team Members Query SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node\_created, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_team\_members\_name\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_member\_designation\_node\_entity\_type, 'node' AS field\_data\_field\_projects\_node\_entity\_type FROM {node}node LEFT JOIN {field\_data\_field\_employment\_type\_} field\_data\_field\_employment\_type\_\_value\_0 ON node.nid = field\_data\_field\_employment\_type\_\_value\_0.entity\_id AND field\_data\_field\_employment\_type\_\_value\_0.field\_employment\_type\_\_value = '0' WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND (node.type IN ('team\_members')) AND( (field\_data\_field\_employment\_type\_\_value\_0.field\_employment\_type\_\_value = '0') ))) ORDER BY node\_created ASC |image27| **Output** |image28| .. |image0| image:: media/designation.png :width: 6.92188in :height: 1.45833in .. |image1| image:: media/faculty-members.png :width: 6.88021in :height: 2.00000in .. |image2| image:: media/fossee-projects.png :width: 6.79167in :height: 3.36979in .. |image3| image:: media/fossee-contact.png :width: 6.70313in :height: 2.03125in .. |image4| image:: media/generic-links.png :width: 6.73958in :height: 2.23438in .. |image5| image:: media/team-members.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 2.51563in .. |image6| image:: media/resources.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 1.65104in .. |image7| image:: media/article.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 1.65278in .. |image8| image:: media/activities.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 1.76563in .. |image9| image:: media/view-block-faculty-members.png :width: 6.73438in :height: 3.64583in .. |image10| image:: media/output-faculty.png :width: 6.81250in :height: 3.34896in .. |image11| image:: media/view-block-fossee-projects.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 3.58854in .. |image12| image:: media/block-view-fossee-projects-rewrite.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 4.48611in .. |image13| image:: media/projects.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 5.93056in .. |image14| image:: media/view-block-contact-id.png :width: 6.73438in :height: 3.15625in .. |image15| image:: media/output-contact-id.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 3.13021in .. |image16| image:: media/view-block-generic-footer.png :width: 6.81250in :height: 3.40104in .. |image17| image:: media/view-block-generic-sponsor.png :width: 6.74479in :height: 3.41667in .. |image18| image:: media/generic-output.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 2.01389in .. |image19| image:: media/view-block-resources.png :width: 6.80729in :height: 3.60417in .. |image20| image:: media/output-resources.png :width: 6.73958in :height: 3.53646in .. |image21| image:: media/view-block-topslider.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 2.93056in .. |image22| image:: media/view-block-topslider-rewrite.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 4.09722in .. |image23| image:: media/output-topslider.png :width: 6.76563in :height: 2.38542in .. |image24| image:: media/view-block-new.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 2.90278in .. |image25| image:: media/view-block-events.png :width: 6.80208in :height: 3.25521in .. |image26| image:: media/output-sitecontent.png :width: 6.81771in :height: 3.18750in .. |image27| image:: media/view-block-team.png :width: 6.93229in :height: 3.43750in .. |image28| image:: media/output-team.png :width: 6.83854in :height: 4.01042in