Document Information ==================== Name of the Document: Developer Documentation for Case Study Feature Date: 11/05/2017 Author: Priyanka Bhagwat Designation: Software Engineer Introduction ============ The Case Studies Project aims to promote open source software, such as OpenFOAM by developing complex case studies using OpenFOAM available to CFD researchers and users for reference and usage. The participants of this project can share complex computation problems for this purpose. Assumptions =========== It is assumed that the readers of this document are familiar with the Drupal 7, PHP, MySQL and software engineering. It is also assumed that the required resources will be available to achieve the objectives of the plan. Module Requirements =================== To achieve this feature the following modules are required Views Panels Entity Token Entity\_reference Rules, Date, Link, Linkicon, Ctools, Fieldaccess Auto\_entitylabel Disable Field Field collection Field Conditional State SMTP Authentication Support **Structure-> Field collection-> Field collection field\_personal\_details** |image0| **Create-> Content Types -> Case Study Proposal** **Purpose-** To propose the case study project using the proposal form. **Modules used (other than core)** - - Field Conditional State-When the user selects the checkbox, the respective fields are visible. - Field Collection- field\_personal\_details field collection is used - Date |image1| **Create-> Content Types -> Case Study Code Submission** **Purpose-** To submit the case study codes once the proposal is accepted. **Modules used (other than core)** - - Date |image2| **Views** 1. **Manage Proposal.** **Purpose-** This is the admin interface for the reviewer to accept/reject the case study proposal. **URL-** `** `__ **Roles-** Administrator, Case Study Reviewer Description - The display is in the table format - The view is filtered by the criteria - Case study proposal and whether the content is published |image3| .. |image0| image:: media/image8.png :width: 6.26772in :height: 2.51389in .. |image1| image:: media/image5.png :width: 6.71875in :height: 5.14063in .. |image2| image:: media/image3.png :width: 6.27083in :height: 2.38021in .. |image3| image:: media/image7.png :width: 6.84375in :height: 4.31771in