params['tbc_review_comment_email_attachment']['preference_id']); $result = db_query($query, $args); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $review_no = suffix($row->review); $message['attachments'] = $params['tbc_review_comment_email_attachment']['attachments']; $user_data = user_load($params['tbc_review_comment_email_attachment']['user_id']); $message['headers'] = $params['tbc_review_comment_email_attachment']['headers']; $message['subject'] = t('[!site_name][Textbook companion] Scilab Textbook Companion -'. $review_no . 'Review', array( '!site_name' => variable_get('site_name', '') ), array( 'language' => $language->language )); $message['body'] = array( 'body' => t(' Dear '. $row->name, 'Please find the attached file containing the list of errors found in your uploaded book:' 'Book: ' . $row->book . 'Author: '. $row->author . 'Review Number:' . $review_no . 'Kindly rectify the errors and re-upload the codes on the website. Reply to this mail once the corrections are done. Note: The attachment is a comma separated file, which can be viewed using any office software. Best Wishes, Scilab TBC Team, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay', array( '!site_name' => variable_get('site_name', ''), ), array( 'language' => $language->language )) ); break; } //$key }