$user->uid, ':question_id'=> $question_id)); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $form["wrapper"] = array( "#type" => "fieldset", "#title" => t("Eligibility Test"), "#prefix" => "
", "#suffix" => "
", ); $form["wrapper"]["ncf"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Naming convention followed? (Checklist point 1, 2 and 4)"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->ncf ); $form["wrapper"]["eit"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Error in textbook mentioned as comment?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), t("Not required and answer matches with the textbook"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->eit ); $form["wrapper"]["sua"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Symbols used are appropiate?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->sua ); $form["wrapper"]["sfu"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Scilab functions used?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->sfu ); $form["wrapper"]["aci"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Appropriate comments included as mentioned in checklist point 7?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->aci ); $form["wrapper"]["auu"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Appropriate units used as given in the textbook?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->auu ); $form["wrapper"]["teo"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Typographical errors in output and/or comments?"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->teo ); $form["wrapper"]["mit"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("The code can be approved if the same example is solved using Matlab in the textbook."), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->mit ); $form["wrapper"]["agl"] = array( "#type" => "radios", "#title" => t("Axes of graph need not be labeled"), "#options" => array( t("Yes"), t("No"), ), "#required" => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->agl ); $form["wrapper"]["question_id"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $question_id ); $form["wrapper"]["submit"] = array( "#type" => "submit", "#value" => "Submit and Continue." ); return $form; } function tbc_external_review_eligibility_test_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { global $user; $v = $form_state["values"]; /* checking the timer and status of current user */ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_timings WHERE uid = {:uid} "; $result = db_query($query,array(':uid'=> $user->uid)); $num_rows = $result->rowCount(); //either 1 or 0 if($num_rows){ /* now checking whether the test is still open */ $row =$result->fetchObject(); $start_date = new DateTime($row->start_date); $current_date = new DateTime(); $since_start = $start_date->diff($current_date); $minutes_remaining = 24 - $since_start->i; $seconds_remaining = 60 - $since_start->s; if($minutes_remaining >= 0) { } else { drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/end"); } } $query = " SELECT id FROM external_review_eligibility_answers WHERE uid = {:uid} AND question_id = {:question_id} "; $result = db_query($query,array(':uid'=> $user->uid,':question_id'=> $v['question_id'] )); $num_rows = $result->rowCount(); if($num_rows) { /* $query = " UPDATE external_review_eligibility_answers SET ncf = {$v['ncf']}, eit = {$v['eit']}, sua = {$v['sua']}, sfu = {$v['sfu']}, aci = {$v['aci']}, auu = {$v['auu']}, teo = {$v['teo']}, mit = {$v['mit']}, agl = {$v['agl']} WHERE uid = {$user->uid} AND question_id = {$v['question_id']} "; $result = db_query($query);*/ $query = db_update('external_review_eligibility_answers'); $query->fields(array( 'ncf' => $v['ncf'], 'eit' => $v['eit'], 'sua' => $v['sua'], 'sfu' => $v['sfu'], 'aci' => $v['aci'], 'auu' => $v['auu'], 'teo' => $v['teo'], 'mit' => $v['mit'], 'agl' => $v['agl'], )); $query->condition('uid', $user->uid); $query->condition('question_id', $v['question_id']); $result = $query->execute(); //var_dump('ok'); // die; } else { /*$query = " INSERT INTO external_review_eligibility_answers ( uid, question_id, ncf, eit, sua, sfu, aci, auu, teo, mit, agl ) VALUES ( {$user->uid}, {$v['question_id']}, {$v['ncf']}, {$v['eit']}, {$v['sua']}, {$v['sfu']}, {$v['aci']}, {$v['auu']}, {$v['teo']}, {$v['mit']}, {$v['agl']} ) "; $result = db_query($query); }*/ $query = " INSERT INTO external_review_eligibility_answers ( uid, question_id, ncf, eit, sua, sfu, aci, auu, teo, mit, agl ) VALUES ( {:uid}, {:question_id}, {:ncf}, {:eit}, {:sua}, {:sfu}, {:aci}, {:auu}, {:teo}, {:mit}, {:agl} ) "; $args = array( ':uid' => $user->uid , ':question_id' => $v['question_id'], ':ncf' => $v['ncf'], ':eit' => $v['eit'], ':sua' => $v['sua'], ':sfu' => $v['sfu'], ':aci' => $v['aci'], ':auu' => $v['auu'], ':teo' => $v['teo'], ':mit' => $v['mit'], ':agl' => $v['agl'], ); $result = db_query($query, $args); } $question_id = $v["question_id"]; if($question_id == 5) { // end the test drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/end"); } else { drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/question/".($question_id+1)); } } function tbc_external_review_eligibility_test_all($action="", $question_id=0){ global $user; $page_content = ""; $minutes_remaining = 25; $seconds_remaining = 0; /* checking if a valid question */ if ($question_id > 5 || $question_id < 0) { drupal_set_message("Wrong question number.", "error"); drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/question/1"); } if($action == "question" && $question_id) { /* checking the timer and status of current user */ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_timings WHERE uid = {:uid} "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user->uid )); $num_rows = $result->rowCount(); //either 1 or 0 if($num_rows){ /* now checking whether the test is still open */ $row = $result->fetchObject(); $start_date = new DateTime($row->start_date); $current_date = new DateTime(); $since_start = $start_date->diff($current_date); $minutes_remaining = 24 - $since_start->i; $seconds_remaining = 60 - $since_start->s; if($minutes_remaining >= 0) { } else { drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/end"); } } else { /* inserting a new entry into timings table */ $current_date = new DateTime(); $current_date = $current_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $query = " INSERT INTO external_review_eligibility_timings (uid, status, start_date) VALUES ({:uid}, 1, {:current_date}) "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user->uid, ':current_date' => $current_date )); } /* getting the questions */ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_questions WHERE id = {:question_id} "; $result = db_query($query, array(':question_id'=>$question_id)); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $page_content .= "
"; $page_content .= "m: "; $page_content .= "s"; $page_content .= "
"; $page_content .= "

"; if ($question_id != 1) { $page_content .= l("", "tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/question/" . ($question_id+1)); } $page_content .= "

"; $page_content .= "
Example file name: {$row->example_name}

"; $page_content .= "
"; $tbc_external_review_eligibility_test_form = drupal_get_form("tbc_external_review_eligibility_test_form", $question_id); $page_content .= drupal_render($tbc_external_review_eligibility_test_form); /* hidden fields with minutes_remaining and seconds_remaining */ $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= ""; } else if($action == "end") { $query = " UPDATE external_review_eligibility_timings SET status = 2 WHERE uid = {:uid} "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user->uid)); drupal_set_message("Eligibility Test completed successfully. We will get back to you soon.", "status"); } else { /* checking if the user has filled the profile form */ $query = " SELECT uid FROM external_review_profile WHERE uid = :uid "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user->uid)); $num_rows = $result->rowCount(); if(!$num_rows) { drupal_set_message("Please fill the profile form before you can attend the test.", "error"); drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/profile"); } /* showing the test details before starting the test */ $page_content .= "

You are about to give a test based on which you will be selected as a reviewer for the Scilab Textbook Companions.

"; $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= "" . l("Click here", "tbc_external_review/eligibility_test/question/1") . ""; $page_content .= " to start the test."; // $page_content .= "The test has been suspended for today due to technical reasons.
"; // $page_content .= "Please visit this page tomorrow."; } return $page_content; } function tbc_external_review_manage_tests_all($action="", $user_id=0){ /* end the tests that did not close properly i.e set status=2 before loading this page in the future\ if the time has expired. */ $page_content = ""; if($action == "view" && $user_id) { /* fetching the correct answers*/ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_timings WHERE uid = :uid "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user_id)); if($result->rowCount()) { /* fetching correct answers */ $query = " SELECT id, ncf, eit, sua, sfu, aci, auu, teo, mit, agl FROM external_review_eligibility_questions "; $result = db_query($query); $correct_answers = array(); while($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $correct_answers[$row->id] = $row; } /* fetching user answers */ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_answers WHERE uid = :uid "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user_id)); $user_answers = array(); while($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $user_answers[$row->question_id] = $row; } /* comparing the results */ $scores = array(); foreach($user_answers as $user_answer) { $scores [$user_answer->question_id] = 0; ($user_answer->ncf == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->ncf)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->eit == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->eit)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->sua == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->sua)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->sfu == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->sfu)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->aci == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->aci)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->auu == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->auu)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->teo == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->teo)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->mit == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->mit)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; ($user_answer->agl == $correct_answers[$user_answer->question_id]->agl)?$scores[$user_answer->question_id]++:Null; } $page_content .= "

User Score

"; $total_score = 0; foreach($scores as $key => $value) { $page_content .= "Question {$key} score = {$value} out of 9
"; $total_score += $value; } $page_content .= "

Total Score = {$total_score} out of 45"; /* fetching user data for display */ $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_profile erd LEFT JOIN users usr ON usr.uid = erd.uid WHERE erd.uid = :uid "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid' => $user_id)); $row = $result->fetchAssoc(); $fields = array( "first_name", "last_name", "designation", "university", "phone", "email", "alt_email", "address", "description" ); $page_content .= "

User Profile

"; $page_content .= ""; foreach($fields as $field) { $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= ""; } $page_content .= "
"; } }elseif($action == "reset" && $user_id){ $query = db_delete('external_review_eligibility_timings'); $query->condition('uid', $user_id); $result = $query->execute(); $query = " UPDATE external_review_eligibility_answers SET reset = 1 WHERE uid = {:uid} "; $result = db_query($query, array(':uid'=> $user_id)); drupal_set_message("Test Reset"); drupal_goto("tbc_external_review/manage_tests"); } else { $query = " SELECT * FROM external_review_eligibility_timings tim LEFT JOIN users usr ON usr.uid = tim.uid WHERE tim.status = 2 "; $result = db_query($query); $headers = array( "User", "Date Attended", "Action" ); $rows = array(); while($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $item = array( $row->name, $row->start_date, l("View", "tbc_external_review/manage_tests/view/{$row->uid}") ." | ". l("Reset", "tbc_external_review/manage_tests/reset/{$row->uid}") ); array_push($rows, $item); } //$page_content .= theme("table", $headers, $rows); $page_content .= theme('table', array('header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows )); } return $page_content; }