/* * ECOS - Embedded Conic Solver. * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 A. Domahidi [domahidi@embotech.com], * Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich & embotech GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* The KKT module. * Handles all computation related to KKT matrix: * - updating the matrix * - its factorization * - solving for search directions * - etc. */ #ifndef __KKT_H__ #define __KKT_H__ #include "glblopts.h" #include "spla.h" #include "cone.h" typedef struct kkt{ spmat* PKPt; /* Permuted KKT matrix, upper part only */ spmat* L; /* LDL factor L */ pfloat* D; /* diagonal matrix D */ pfloat* work1; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* work2; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* work3; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* work4; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* work5; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* work6; /* workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat* RHS1; /* Right hand side 1 */ pfloat* RHS2; /* Right hand side 2 */ pfloat* dx1; /* search direction of size n */ pfloat* dx2; /* search direction of size n */ pfloat* dy1; /* search direction of size p */ pfloat* dy2; /* search direction of size p */ pfloat* dz1; /* search direction of size m */ pfloat* dz2; /* search direction of size m */ idxint* P; /* permutation */ idxint* Pinv; /* reverse permutation */ idxint* PK; /* permutation of row indices of KKT matrix */ idxint* Parent; /* Elimination tree of factorization */ idxint* Sign; /* Permuted sign vector for regularization */ idxint* Pattern; /* idxint workspace needed for factorization */ idxint* Flag; /* idxint workspace needed for factorization */ idxint* Lnz; /* idxint workspace needed for factorization */ pfloat delta; /* size of regularization */ } kkt; /* Return codes */ #define KKT_PROBLEM (0) #define KKT_OK (1) /* METHODS */ /** * Factorization of KKT matrix. Just a convenient wrapper for the LDL call. * The second argument delta determindes the threshold of dynamic regularization, * while the last argument is the regularization parameter if it becomes active. * * If detailed profiling is turned on, the function returns the accumulated times * for sparsity pattern computation in t1 and for numerical solve in t2. */ #if PROFILING > 1 idxint kkt_factor(kkt* KKT, pfloat eps, pfloat delta, pfloat *t1, pfloat *t2); #else idxint kkt_factor(kkt* KKT, pfloat eps, pfloat delta); #endif /** * Solves the permuted KKT system and returns the unpermuted search directions. * * On entry, the factorization of the permuted KKT matrix, PKPt, * is assumed to be up to date (call kkt_factor beforehand to achieve this). * The right hand side, Pb, is assumed to be already permuted. * * On exit, the resulting search directions are written into dx, dy and dz, * where these variables are permuted back to the original ordering. * * KKT->nitref iterative refinement steps are applied to solve the linear system. * * Returns the number of iterative refinement steps really taken. */ idxint kkt_solve(kkt* KKT, spmat* A, spmat* G, pfloat* Pb, pfloat* dx, pfloat* dy, pfloat* dz, idxint n, idxint p, idxint m, cone* C, idxint isinit, idxint nitref); /** * Updates the permuted KKT matrix by copying in the new scalings. */ void kkt_update(spmat* PKP, idxint* P, cone *C); /** * Initializes the (3,3) block of the KKT matrix to produce the matrix * * [0 A' G'] * K = [A 0 0 ] * [G 0 -I ] * * It is assumed that the A,G have been already copied in appropriately, * and that enough memory has been allocated (this is done in preproc.c module). * * Note that the function works on the permuted KKT matrix. */ void kkt_init(spmat* PKP, idxint* P, cone *C); #endif