// (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007 // All Rights Reserved. // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License. // // Authors : // Pierre Bonami, International Business Machines Corporation // // Date : 10/16/2007 #ifndef BonminOuterApprox_H #define BonminOuterApprox_H #include <cmath> namespace Bonmin{ class OsiTMINLPInterface; class BabSetupBase; } class OsiSolverInterface; namespace Bonmin { /** A class to build outer approximations.*/ class OuterApprox{ public: /** Default constructor.*/ OuterApprox(): tiny_(-0.), veryTiny_(-0.) {} /** Copy constructor.*/ OuterApprox(const OuterApprox & other): tiny_(other.tiny_), veryTiny_(other.veryTiny_){ } /** Assignment operator.*/ OuterApprox & operator=(const OuterApprox& rhs){ if(this != & rhs){ tiny_ = rhs.tiny_; veryTiny_ = rhs.veryTiny_;} return (*this); } /** Destructor.*/ ~OuterApprox(){} /** Initialize using options.*/ void initialize(Bonmin::BabSetupBase &b); /** Build the Outer approximation in minlp and put it in si.*/ void extractLinearRelaxation(Bonmin::OsiTMINLPInterface &minlp, OsiSolverInterface *si, const double * x, bool getObj); /** Operator() calls extractLinearRelaxation*/ void operator()(Bonmin::OsiTMINLPInterface &minlp, OsiSolverInterface *si, const double * x, bool getObj){ extractLinearRelaxation(minlp, si, x, getObj);} private: /** Facilitator to clean up coefficient.*/ inline bool cleanNnz(double &value, double colLower, double colUpper, double rowLower, double rowUpper, double colsol, double & lb, double &ub, double tiny, double veryTiny); /** If constraint coefficient is below this, we try to remove it.*/ double tiny_; /** If constraint coefficient is below this, we neglect it.*/ double veryTiny_; /** Count the number of linear outer approximations taken.*/ static int nTimesCalled; }; //A procedure to try to remove small coefficients in OA cuts (or make it non small inline bool OuterApprox::cleanNnz(double &value, double colLower, double colUpper, double rowLower, double rowUpper, double colsol, double & lb, double &ub, double tiny, double veryTiny) { if(fabs(value)>= tiny) return 1; if(fabs(value)<veryTiny) return 0;//Take the risk? //try and remove double infty = 1e20; bool colUpBounded = colUpper < 10000; bool colLoBounded = colLower > -10000; bool rowNotLoBounded = rowLower <= - infty; bool rowNotUpBounded = rowUpper >= infty; bool pos = value > 0; if(colLoBounded && pos && rowNotUpBounded) { lb += value * (colsol - colLower); return 0; } else if(colLoBounded && !pos && rowNotLoBounded) { ub += value * (colsol - colLower); return 0; } else if(colUpBounded && !pos && rowNotUpBounded) { lb += value * (colsol - colUpper); return 0; } else if(colUpBounded && pos && rowNotLoBounded) { ub += value * (colsol - colUpper); return 0; } //can not remove coefficient increase it to smallest non zero if(pos) value = tiny; else value = - tiny; return 1; } } #endif