/* * Linear Solver Toolbox for Scilab using CLP library * Authors : Guru Pradeep Reddy Bhanu Priya Sayal * Optimizing (minimizing) the linear objective function having any number of variables and linear constraints(equality/inequality). * */ #ifndef __LinCLP_HPP__ #define __LinCLP_HPP__ #include"OsiSolverInterface.hpp" #include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp" #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp" #include "CoinPackedVector.hpp" class LinCLP { private: int numVars_; //Number of variables int numCons_; //Number of inequality constraints double* objMatrix_[]; //Objective function vector double* conMatrix_[]; //Inequality constraint matrix double* conlb_[]; //Inequality constraint vector double* conub_[]; //Equality constraint vector double* lb_[]; //Lower bounds for all variables double* ub_[]; //Upper bounds for all variables double options_[]; //options for setting maximum iterations and writing mps and lp files double* xValue_ = NULL; //Optimal value of variables double objValue_ =0 ; //Optimal values of objective double status_ = 0; //Return Status double iterations_ = 0; //Number of iteration double* reducedCost_ = NULL; //Reduced cost double* dual_ = NULL; // Dual of the solution public: /* * Constructor */ LinCLP(int numVars_ , int numCons_ ,double objMatrix_[] , double conMatrix_[] , double conlb_[] , double conub_[] ,double lb_[] , double ub_[], double options_[]); virtual ~LinCLP(); //Destructor to free memory const double* getX(); //Returns a pointer to matrix of size //1*numVars with final values for the objective variables double getObjVal(); //Returns the output of the final value of the objective int returnStatus(); //Returns the status of the problem double iterCount(); //Returns the iteration count const double* getReducedCost(); //Returns a pointer to matrix of size //1*numVars with values for lower dual vector double* getDual(); //Returns a pointer to matrix of size //1*numCons with values for dual vector }; #endif __LinCLP_HPP__