Solves an unconstrainted multi-variable mixed integer non linear programming optimization problem
xopt = intfminunc(f,x0) xopt = intfminunc(f,x0,intcon) xopt = intfminunc(f,x0,intcon,options) [xopt,fopt] = intfminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag]= intfminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag,gradient,hessian]= intfminunc(.....)
A function, representing the objective function of the problem.
A vector of doubles, containing the starting values of variables of size (1 X n) or (n X 1) where 'n' is the number of Variables.
A vector of integers, representing the variables that are constrained to be integers.
A list, containing the option for user to specify. See below for details.
A vector of doubles, containing the computed solution of the optimization problem.
A double, containing the the function value at x.
An integer, containing the flag which denotes the reason for termination of algorithm. See below for details.
A vector of doubles, containing the objective's gradient of the solution.
A matrix of doubles, containing the Lagrangian's hessian of the solution.
Search the minimum of a multi-variable mixed integer non linear programming unconstrained optimization problem specified by : Find the minimum of f(x) such that
intfminunc calls Bonmin, which is an optimization library written in C++, to solve the bound optimization problem.
options= list("IntegerTolerance", [---], "MaxNodes",[---], "MaxIter", [---], "AllowableGap",[---] "CpuTime", [---],"gradobj", "off", "hessian", "off" );
options = list('integertolerance',1d-06,'maxnodes',2147483647,'cputime',1d10,'allowablegap',0,'maxiter',2147483647,'gradobj',"off",'hessian',"off")
The exitflag allows to know the status of the optimization which is given back by Ipopt.
For more details on exitflag, see the Bonmin documentation which can be found on
A few examples displaying the various functionalities of intfminunc have been provided below. You will find a series of problems and the appropriate code snippets to solve them.
We begin with the minimization of a simple non-linear function.
Find x in R^2 such that it minimizes:
We now look at the Rosenbrock function, a non-convex performance test problem for optimization routines. We use this example to illustrate how we can enhance the functionality of intfminunc by setting input options. We can pre-define the gradient of the objective function and/or the hessian of the lagrange function and thereby improve the speed of computation. This is elaborated on in example 2. We also set solver parameters using the options.
///Example 2: //Objective function to be minimised function y=f(x) y= 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2; endfunction //Starting point x0=[-1,2]; intcon = [2] //Options options=list("MaxIter", [1500], "CpuTime", [500]); //Calling [xopt,fopt,exitflag,gradient,hessian]=intfminunc(f,x0,intcon,options) // Press ENTER to continue | ![]() | ![]() |
Unbounded Problems: Find x in R^2 such that it minimizes:
//The below problem is an unbounded problem: //Find x in R^2 such that the below function is minimum //f = - x1^2 - x2^2 //Objective function to be minimised function [y, g, h]=f(x) y = -x(1)^2 - x(2)^2; g = [-2*x(1),-2*x(2)]; h = [-2,0;0,-2]; endfunction //Starting point x0=[2,1]; intcon = [1] options = list("gradobj","ON","hessian","on"); [xopt,fopt,exitflag,gradient,hessian]=intfminunc(f,x0,intcon,options) | ![]() | ![]() |