Solves a multi-variable unconstrainted optimization problem
xopt = fminunc(f,x0) xopt = fminunc(f,x0,options) [xopt,fopt] = fminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag]= fminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output]= fminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,gradient]=fminunc(.....) [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,gradient,hessian]=fminunc(.....)
A function, representing the objective function of the problem.
A vector of doubles, containing the starting values of variables of size (1 X n) or (n X 1) where 'n' is the number of Variables.
A list, containing the options for user to specify. See below for details.
A vector of doubles, containing the computed solution of the optimization problem.
A double, containing the the function value at x.
An integer, containing the flag which denotes the reason for termination of algorithm. See below for details.
A structure, containing the information about the optimization. See below for details.
A vector of doubles, containing the objective's gradient of the solution.
A matrix of doubles, containing the lagrangian's hessian of the solution.
Search the minimum of an unconstrained optimization problem specified by :
Find the minimum of f(x) such that
Fminunc calls Ipopt which is an optimization library written in C++, to solve the unconstrained optimization problem.
options= list("MaxIter", [---], "CpuTime", [---], "GradObj", ---, "Hessian", ---, "GradCon", ---);
options = list("MaxIter", [3000], "CpuTime", [600]);
The exitflag allows the user to know the status of the optimization which is returned by Ipopt. The values it can take and what they indicate is described below:
For more details on exitflag, see the Ipopt documentation which can be found on
The output data structure contains detailed information about the optimization process. It is of type "struct" and contains the following fields.
A few examples displaying the various functionalities of fminunc have been provided below. You will find a series of problems and the appropriate code snippets to solve them.
We begin with the minimization of a simple non-linear function.
Find x in R^2 such that it minimizes:
We now look at the Rosenbrock function, a non-convex performance test problem for optimization routines. We use this example to illustrate how we can enhance the functionality of fminunc by setting input options. We can pre-define the gradient of the objective function and/or the hessian of the lagrange function and thereby improve the speed of computation. This is elaborated on in example 2. We also set solver parameters using the options.
//Example 2: The Rosenbrock function. //Objective function to be minimised function y=f(x) y= 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2; endfunction //Starting point x0=[-1,2]; //Gradient of objective function function y=fGrad(x) y= [-400*x(1)*x(2) + 400*x(1)^3 + 2*x(1)-2, 200*(x(2)-x(1)^2)]; endfunction //Hessian of Objective Function function y=fHess(x) y= [1200*x(1)^2- 400*x(2) + 2, -400*x(1);-400*x(1), 200 ]; endfunction //Options options=list("MaxIter", [1500], "CpuTime", [500], "GradObj", fGrad, "Hessian", fHess); //Calling Ipopt [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,gradient,hessian]=fminunc(f,x0,options) // Press ENTER to continue | ![]() | ![]() |
Unbounded Problems: Find x in R^2 such that it minimizes:
//Example 3: Unbounded objective function. //Objective function to be minimised function y=f(x) y= -x(1)^2 - x(2)^2; endfunction //Starting point x0=[2,1]; //Gradient of objective function function y=fGrad(x) y= [-2*x(1),-2*x(2)]; endfunction //Hessian of Objective Function function y=fHess(x) y= [-2,0;0,-2]; endfunction //Options options=list("MaxIter", [1500], "CpuTime", [500], "GradObj", fGrad, "Hessian", fHess); //Calling Ipopt [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,gradient,hessian]=fminunc(f,x0,options) | ![]() | ![]() |