From 938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Georgey
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 11:40:43 +0530
Subject: Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos

 .../include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp      | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp

(limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp')

diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d45035e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// $Id: CbcBranchDefaultDecision.hpp 1899 2013-04-09 18:12:08Z stefan $
+// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+// Edwin 11/10/2009-- carved out of CbcBranchActual
+#ifndef CbcBranchDefaultDecision_H
+#define CbcBranchDefaultDecision_H
+#include "CbcBranchBase.hpp"
+/** Branching decision default class
+  This class implements a simple default algorithm
+  (betterBranch()) for choosing a branching variable.
+class CbcBranchDefaultDecision : public CbcBranchDecision {
+    // Default Constructor
+    CbcBranchDefaultDecision ();
+    // Copy constructor
+    CbcBranchDefaultDecision ( const CbcBranchDefaultDecision &);
+    virtual ~CbcBranchDefaultDecision();
+    /// Clone
+    virtual CbcBranchDecision * clone() const;
+    /// Initialize, <i>e.g.</i> before the start of branch selection at a node
+    virtual void initialize(CbcModel * model);
+    /** \brief Compare two branching objects. Return nonzero if \p thisOne is
+           better than \p bestSoFar.
+      The routine compares branches using the values supplied in \p numInfUp and
+      \p numInfDn until a solution is found by search, after which it uses the
+      values supplied in \p changeUp and \p changeDn. The best branching object
+      seen so far and the associated parameter values are remembered in the
+      \c CbcBranchDefaultDecision object. The nonzero return value is +1 if the
+      up branch is preferred, -1 if the down branch is preferred.
+      As the names imply, the assumption is that the values supplied for
+      \p numInfUp and \p numInfDn will be the number of infeasibilities reported
+      by the branching object, and \p changeUp and \p changeDn will be the
+      estimated change in objective. Other measures can be used if desired.
+      Because an \c CbcBranchDefaultDecision object remembers the current best
+      branching candidate (#bestObject_) as well as the values used in the
+      comparison, the parameter \p bestSoFar is redundant, hence unused.
+    */
+    virtual int betterBranch(CbcBranchingObject * thisOne,
+                             CbcBranchingObject * bestSoFar,
+                             double changeUp, int numInfUp,
+                             double changeDn, int numInfDn);
+    /** Sets or gets best criterion so far */
+    virtual void setBestCriterion(double value);
+    virtual double getBestCriterion() const;
+    /** \brief Compare N branching objects. Return index of best
+        and sets way of branching in chosen object.
+      This routine is used only after strong branching.
+    */
+    virtual int
+    bestBranch (CbcBranchingObject ** objects, int numberObjects, int numberUnsatisfied,
+                double * changeUp, int * numberInfeasibilitiesUp,
+                double * changeDown, int * numberInfeasibilitiesDown,
+                double objectiveValue) ;
+    /// Illegal Assignment operator
+    CbcBranchDefaultDecision & operator=(const CbcBranchDefaultDecision& rhs);
+    /// data
+    /// "best" so far
+    double bestCriterion_;
+    /// Change up for best
+    double bestChangeUp_;
+    /// Number of infeasibilities for up
+    int bestNumberUp_;
+    /// Change down for best
+    double bestChangeDown_;
+    /// Pointer to best branching object
+    CbcBranchingObject * bestObject_;
+    /// Number of infeasibilities for down
+    int bestNumberDown_;