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-rw-r--r--macros/symphony_mat.binbin45392 -> 45744 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xsci_gateway/cpp/libFAMOS.sobin0 -> 122770 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 163772 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 583015 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 330832 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 330879 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 1659578 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ -> 1644186 bytes
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-rwxr-xr-xthirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ -> 2442161 bytes
131 files changed, 17302 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/demos/qpipopt.dem.sce b/demos/qpipopt.dem.sce
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f20a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/qpipopt.dem.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Demo of qpipopt.sci
+//Find x in R^6 such that:
+halt() // Press return to continue
+conMatrix= [1,-1,1,0,3,1;
+conLB=[1 2 3 -%inf -%inf]';
+conUB = [1 2 3 -1 2.5]';
+lb=[-1000 -10000 0 -1000 -1000 -1000];
+ub=[10000 100 1.5 100 100 1000];
+//and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+p=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; Q=eye(6,6);
+nbVar = 6;
+nbCon = 5;
+halt() // Press return to continue
+//min. -8*x1 -16*x2 + x1^2 + 4* x2^2
+// such that
+// x1 + x2 <= 5,
+// x1 <= 3,
+// x1 >= 0,
+// x2 >= 0
+conMatrix= [1 1];
+conUB = [5];
+//and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+nbVar = 2;
+nbCon = 1;
+[xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,lb,ub,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+halt() // Press return to continue
+//========= E N D === O F === D E M O =========//
diff --git a/demos/symphony_mat_knapsack.sce b/demos/symphony_mat_knapsack.sce
index 8fa57f9..47c85e2 100644
--- a/demos/symphony_mat_knapsack.sce
+++ b/demos/symphony_mat_knapsack.sce
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ objCoef = -1*[ 504 803 667 1103 834 585 811 856 690 832 846 813 868 793 ..
959 668 507 855 986 831 821 825 868 852 832 828 799 686 ..
510 671 575 740 510 675 996 636 826 1022 1140 654 909 799 ..
1162 653 814 625 599 476 767 954 906 904 649 873 565 853 1008 632]
//Constraint Matrix
conMatrix = [ //Constraint 1
42 41 523 215 819 551 69 193 582 375 367 478 162 898 ..
diff --git a/etc/Symphony.start b/etc/Symphony.start
index a7c3ebe..61eedbc 100644
--- a/etc/Symphony.start
+++ b/etc/Symphony.start
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// are also available at
-mprintf("Start Symphony\n");
+mprintf("Start FAMOS\n");
if ( isdef("sym_open") ) then
warning("Library is already loaded");
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ else
link(lib_path + "/");
link(lib_path + "/");
link(lib_path + "/");
+ link(lib_path + "/");
+ link(lib_path + "/");
+ link(lib_path + "/");
+ link(lib_path + "/");
exec(pathconvert(root_tlbx + filesep() + "sci_gateway" + filesep() + "loader_gateway.sce",%f));
diff --git a/help/en_US/master_help.xml b/help/en_US/master_help.xml
index 9085a07..85ff9e0 100644
--- a/help/en_US/master_help.xml
+++ b/help/en_US/master_help.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
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<!DOCTYPE book [
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@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
<part xml:id='section_19f4f1e5726c01d683e8b82be0a7e910'>
<title>Symphony Toolbox</title>
<chapter xml:id='section_508f0b211d17ea6769714cc144e6b731'>
diff --git a/help/en_US/qpipopt.xml b/help/en_US/qpipopt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d93f758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/en_US/qpipopt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ *
+ * This help file was generated from qpipopt.sci using help_from_sci().
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="qpipopt" xml:lang="en"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns:ns3=""
+ xmlns:mml=""
+ xmlns:scilab=""
+ xmlns:db="">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>qpipopt</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Solves a linear quadratic problem.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>
+ xopt = qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+ [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lamda] = qpipopt( ... )
+ </synopsis>
+ <title>Parameters</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>nbVar :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>nbCon :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of constraints</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>Q :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a n x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of quadratic in the quadratic problem.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>p :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of linear in the quadratic problem</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>LB :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains lower bounds of the variables.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>UB :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>conMatrix :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a m x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables and m is number of constraints, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>conLB :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains lower bounds of the constraints.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>conUB :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains upper bounds of the constraints.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>xopt :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>fopt :</term>
+ <listitem><para> a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>exitflag :</term>
+ <listitem><para> Integer identifying the reason the algorithm terminated.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>output :</term>
+ <listitem><para> Structure containing information about the optimization.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>lambda :</term>
+ <listitem><para> Structure containing the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x (separated by constraint type).</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+Search the minimum of a constrained linear quadratic optimization problem specified by :
+find the minimum of f(x) such that
+ </para>
+ <para>
+&amp; 1/2*x'*Q*x + p'*x \\
+&amp; \text{subject to} &amp; conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+&amp; &amp; lb \leq x \leq ub \\
+ </para>
+ <para>
+We are calling IPOpt for solving the quadratic problem, IPOpt is a library written in C++. The code has been written by ​Andreas Wächter and ​Carl Laird.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+//Find x in R^6 such that:
+conMatrix= [1,-1,1,0,3,1;
+conLB=[1 2 3 -%inf -%inf]';
+conUB = [1 2 3 -1 2.5]';
+//with x between ci and cs:
+lb=[-1000 -10000 0 -1000 -1000 -1000];
+ub=[10000 100 1.5 100 100 1000];
+//and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+p=[1;2;3;4;5;6]; Q=eye(6,6);
+nbVar = 6;
+nbCon = 5;
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+//min. -8*x1 -16*x2 + x1^2 + 4* x2^2
+// such that
+// x1 + x2 <= 5,
+// x1 <= 3,
+// x1 >= 0,
+// x2 >= 0
+conMatrix= [1 1];
+conUB = [5];
+//with x between ci and cs:
+//and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+nbVar = 2;
+nbCon = 1;
+[xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,lb,ub,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Authors</title>
+ <simplelist type="vert">
+ <member>Keyur Joshi, Saikiran, Iswarya, Harpreet Singh</member>
+ </simplelist>
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JavaSearch 1.0
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--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/index.html
+++ b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/index.html
@@ -32,7 +32,13 @@
<ul class="list-part"><a name="symphony_toolbox_manual"></a><div class="info"></div>
<li><a href="section_19f4f1e5726c01d683e8b82be0a7e910.html" class="part">Symphony Toolbox</a>
-<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="symphony.html" class="refentry">symphony</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem.</span></li>
+<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="qpipopt.html" class="refentry">qpipopt</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a linear quadratic problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="symphony.html" class="refentry">symphony</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem.</span></li>
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/jhelpmap.jhm b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/jhelpmap.jhm
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+<mapID target="qpipopt" url="qpipopt.html"/>
<mapID target="symphony" url="symphony.html"/>
<mapID target="symphony_mat" url="symphony_mat.html"/>
<mapID target="section_508f0b211d17ea6769714cc144e6b731" url="section_508f0b211d17ea6769714cc144e6b731.html"/>
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<tocitem target="index" text="Symphony Toolbox">
<tocitem target="section_19f4f1e5726c01d683e8b82be0a7e910" text="Symphony Toolbox">
+<tocitem target="qpipopt" text="qpipopt"/>
<tocitem target="symphony" text="symphony"/>
<tocitem target="symphony_mat" text="symphony_mat"/>
<tocitem target="section_508f0b211d17ea6769714cc144e6b731" text="Symphony Native Functions">
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+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+ <title>qpipopt</title>
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+ @import url("c_code.css");
+ @import url("style.css");
+ </style>
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+ <span class="path"><a href="index.html">Symphony Toolbox</a> &gt;&gt; <a href="section_19f4f1e5726c01d683e8b82be0a7e910.html">Symphony Toolbox</a> &gt; qpipopt</span>
+ <br /><br />
+ <div class="refnamediv"><h1 class="refname">qpipopt</h1>
+ <p class="refpurpose">Solves a linear quadratic problem.</p></div>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h3 class="title">Calling Sequence</h3>
+ <div class="synopsis"><pre><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">qpipopt</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">nbVar</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">nbCon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">Q</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">p</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">LB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">UB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conMatrix</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conLB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conUB</span><span class="default">)</span>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">fopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">exitflag</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">output</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">lamda</span><span class="default">] = </span><span class="functionid">qpipopt</span><span class="default">( ... )</span></pre></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
+ <dl><dt><span class="term">nbVar :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">nbCon :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of constraints</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">Q :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a n x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of quadratic in the quadratic problem.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">p :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of linear in the quadratic problem</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">LB :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains lower bounds of the variables.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">UB :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">conMatrix :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a m x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables and m is number of constraints, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">conLB :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains lower bounds of the constraints.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">conUB :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains upper bounds of the constraints.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">xopt :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">fopt :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">exitflag :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">Integer identifying the reason the algorithm terminated.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">output :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">Structure containing information about the optimization.</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">lambda :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">Structure containing the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x (separated by constraint type).</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Description</h3>
+ <p class="para">Search the minimum of a constrained linear quadratic optimization problem specified by :
+find the minimum of f(x) such that</p>
+ <p class="para"><span><img src='./_LaTeX_qpipopt.xml_1.png' style='position:relative;top:31px;width:293px;height:70px'/></span></p>
+ <p class="para">We are calling IPOpt for solving the quadratic problem, IPOpt is a library written in C++. The code has been written by ​Andreas Wächter and ​Carl Laird.</p>
+ <p class="para"></p></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">//Find x in R^6 such that:</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conMatrix</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">4</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabnumber">2</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span>
+<span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">2</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">2</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conLB</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2</span> <span class="scilabnumber">3</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabconstants">%inf</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabconstants">%inf</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilaboperator">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conUB</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2</span> <span class="scilabnumber">3</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2.5</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilaboperator">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">//with x between ci and cs:</span>
+<span class="scilabid">lb</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1000</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">10000</span> <span class="scilabnumber">0</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1000</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1000</span> <span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">1000</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">ub</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">10000</span> <span class="scilabnumber">100</span> <span class="scilabnumber">1.5</span> <span class="scilabnumber">100</span> <span class="scilabnumber">100</span> <span class="scilabnumber">1000</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">//and minimize 0.5*x</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabcomment">*Q*x + p</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabcomment">*x with</span>
+<span class="scilabid">p</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">2</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">4</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span> <span class="scilabid">Q</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><a class="scilabcommand" href="scilab://eye">eye</a><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">nbVar</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">nbCon</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabid">xopt</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">fopt</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">exitflag</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">output</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">lambda</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabid">qpipopt</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabid">nbVar</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">nbCon</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">Q</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">p</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">lb</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">ub</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conMatrix</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conLB</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conUB</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">//min. -8*x1 -16*x2 + x1^2 + 4* x2^2</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">// such that</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">// x1 + x2 </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0060;</span><span class="scilabcomment">= 5,</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">// x1 </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0060;</span><span class="scilabcomment">= 3,</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">// x1 </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0062;</span><span class="scilabcomment">= 0,</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">// x2 </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0062;</span><span class="scilabcomment">= 0</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conMatrix</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conLB</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabconstants">%inf</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">conUB</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">//with x between ci and cs:</span>
+<span class="scilabid">lb</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">ub</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabconstants">%inf</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabcomment">//and minimize 0.5*x</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabcomment">*Q*x + p</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0039;</span><span class="scilabcomment">*x with</span>
+<span class="scilabid">p</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">8</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilaboperator">-</span><span class="scilabnumber">16</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">Q</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">4</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">nbVar</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">nbCon</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabid">xopt</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">fopt</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">exitflag</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">output</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">lambda</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabid">qpipopt</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabid">nbVar</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">nbCon</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">Q</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">p</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">lb</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">ub</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conMatrix</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conLB</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">conUB</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Authors</h3>
+ <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="member">Keyur Joshi, Saikiran, Iswarya, Harpreet Singh</li></ul></div>
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+ <h3 class="title-part">Symphony Toolbox</h3>
+<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="qpipopt.html" class="refentry">qpipopt</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a linear quadratic problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="symphony.html" class="refentry">symphony</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="symphony_mat.html" class="refentry">symphony_mat</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem in intlinprog format.</span></li>
+<li><a href="section_b483a09ee4bfb41798b9f2cf5a640a9c.html" class="chapter">Symphony Native Functions</a>
+<ul class="list-refentry"><li><a href="sym_addConstr.html" class="refentry">sym_addConstr</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Add a new constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_addVar.html" class="refentry">sym_addVar</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Add a new variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_close.html" class="refentry">sym_close</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Close the Symphony environment</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_deleteConstrs.html" class="refentry">sym_deleteConstrs</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to delete rows from the original constraint matrix.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_deleteVars.html" class="refentry">sym_deleteVars</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to delete columns from the original problem description.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrActivity.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrActivity</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the activity of the constraints in the solution</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrLower.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the lower bounds of the constraints.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrRange.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrRange</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To to get the constraint ranges.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrSense.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the row senses.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the upper bounds of the constraints.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getDblParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getDblParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of a double type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getInfinity.html" class="refentry">sym_getInfinity</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get Symphony&#0039;s infinity value</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getIntParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getIntParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of an integer type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getIterCount.html" class="refentry">sym_getIterCount</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the analyzed nodes of the branching tree after solving the problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getMatrix.html" class="refentry">sym_getMatrix</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the constraint matrix.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumConstr.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumConstr</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the constraints of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumElements.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumElements</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of non-zero entries of the constraint matrix of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumVar.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumVar</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the variables of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjCoeff.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjCoeff</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the objective vector.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjSense.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the objective sense</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjVal.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjVal</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the optimized objective value</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getPrimalBound.html" class="refentry">sym_getPrimalBound</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the primal bound of the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getRhs.html" class="refentry">sym_getRhs</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To to get the right hand side vector(column vector).</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getStatus.html" class="refentry">sym_getStatus</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get status of the problem solver.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getStrParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getStrParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of a string type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarLower.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the lower bounds of the variables.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarSoln.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarSoln</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the solution for the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the upper bounds of the variables.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isAbandoned.html" class="refentry">sym_isAbandoned</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was abandoned for some reason.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isBinary.html" class="refentry">sym_isBinary</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is constrained to be binary</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isContinuous.html" class="refentry">sym_isContinuous</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is continuous</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isEnvActive.html" class="refentry">sym_isEnvActive</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if Symphony environment is active</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isInfeasible.html" class="refentry">sym_isInfeasible</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was proven to be infeasible.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isInteger.html" class="refentry">sym_isInteger</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is constrained to be an integer</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isIterLimitReached.html" class="refentry">sym_isIterLimitReached</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the iteration limit (node limit) was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isOptimal.html" class="refentry">sym_isOptimal</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was solved to optimality.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isTargetGapAchieved.html" class="refentry">sym_isTargetGapAchieved</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the target gap was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isTimeLimitReached.html" class="refentry">sym_isTimeLimitReached</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the time limit was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadMPS.html" class="refentry">sym_loadMPS</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to load an instance from an MPS file.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadProblem.html" class="refentry">sym_loadProblem</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Load a problem into Symphony</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadProblemBasic.html" class="refentry">sym_loadProblemBasic</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Load a problem into Symphony (basic version)</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_open.html" class="refentry">sym_open</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Open the Symphony environment</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_resetParams.html" class="refentry">sym_resetParams</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine sets all the environment variables and parameters to their default values.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrLower.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the lower bound of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrType.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrType</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the type of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the upper bound of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setContinuous.html" class="refentry">sym_setContinuous</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be continuous.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setDblParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setDblParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set a double type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setIntParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setIntParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set an integer type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setInteger.html" class="refentry">sym_setInteger</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be integer.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setObjCoeff.html" class="refentry">sym_setObjCoeff</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set coefficient of a variable in the objective</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setObjSense.html" class="refentry">sym_setObjSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the objective sense</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setPrimalBound.html" class="refentry">sym_setPrimalBound</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the primal bound of the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setStrParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setStrParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set a string type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarLower.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set lower bound of a variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarSoln.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarSoln</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set a solution for the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set upper bound of a variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_solve.html" class="refentry">sym_solve</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To solve the currently loaded MILP problem from scratch.</span></li></ul></li></ul>
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<br /><br />
<h3 class="title-part">Symphony Toolbox</h3>
-<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="symphony.html" class="refentry">symphony</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem.</span></li>
+<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="qpipopt.html" class="refentry">qpipopt</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a linear quadratic problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="symphony.html" class="refentry">symphony</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Solves a mixed integer linear programming constrained optimization problem.</span></li>
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+ <span class="path"><a href="index.html">Symphony Toolbox</a> &gt;&gt; <a href="section_0317555ae11e0354d453ec57ef8c1f09.html">Symphony Toolbox</a> &gt; Symphony Native Functions</span>
+ <br /><br />
+ <h3 class="title-chapter">Symphony Native Functions</h3>
+<ul class="list-refentry"><li><a href="sym_addConstr.html" class="refentry">sym_addConstr</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Add a new constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_addVar.html" class="refentry">sym_addVar</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Add a new variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_close.html" class="refentry">sym_close</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Close the Symphony environment</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_deleteConstrs.html" class="refentry">sym_deleteConstrs</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to delete rows from the original constraint matrix.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_deleteVars.html" class="refentry">sym_deleteVars</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to delete columns from the original problem description.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrActivity.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrActivity</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the activity of the constraints in the solution</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrLower.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the lower bounds of the constraints.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrRange.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrRange</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To to get the constraint ranges.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrSense.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the row senses.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getConstrUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_getConstrUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the upper bounds of the constraints.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getDblParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getDblParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of a double type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getInfinity.html" class="refentry">sym_getInfinity</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get Symphony&#0039;s infinity value</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getIntParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getIntParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of an integer type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getIterCount.html" class="refentry">sym_getIterCount</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the analyzed nodes of the branching tree after solving the problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getMatrix.html" class="refentry">sym_getMatrix</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the constraint matrix.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumConstr.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumConstr</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the constraints of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumElements.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumElements</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of non-zero entries of the constraint matrix of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getNumVar.html" class="refentry">sym_getNumVar</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the number of the variables of the current problem.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjCoeff.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjCoeff</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the objective vector.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjSense.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the objective sense</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getObjVal.html" class="refentry">sym_getObjVal</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the optimized objective value</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getPrimalBound.html" class="refentry">sym_getPrimalBound</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the primal bound of the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getRhs.html" class="refentry">sym_getRhs</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To to get the right hand side vector(column vector).</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getStatus.html" class="refentry">sym_getStatus</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get status of the problem solver.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getStrParam.html" class="refentry">sym_getStrParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to get the value of a string type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarLower.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the lower bounds of the variables.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarSoln.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarSoln</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Get the solution for the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_getVarUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_getVarUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To get the upper bounds of the variables.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isAbandoned.html" class="refentry">sym_isAbandoned</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was abandoned for some reason.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isBinary.html" class="refentry">sym_isBinary</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is constrained to be binary</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isContinuous.html" class="refentry">sym_isContinuous</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is continuous</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isEnvActive.html" class="refentry">sym_isEnvActive</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if Symphony environment is active</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isInfeasible.html" class="refentry">sym_isInfeasible</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was proven to be infeasible.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isInteger.html" class="refentry">sym_isInteger</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Check if a variable is constrained to be an integer</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isIterLimitReached.html" class="refentry">sym_isIterLimitReached</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the iteration limit (node limit) was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isOptimal.html" class="refentry">sym_isOptimal</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To check whether the problem was solved to optimality.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isTargetGapAchieved.html" class="refentry">sym_isTargetGapAchieved</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the target gap was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_isTimeLimitReached.html" class="refentry">sym_isTimeLimitReached</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To know whether the time limit was reached.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadMPS.html" class="refentry">sym_loadMPS</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to load an instance from an MPS file.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadProblem.html" class="refentry">sym_loadProblem</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Load a problem into Symphony</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_loadProblemBasic.html" class="refentry">sym_loadProblemBasic</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Load a problem into Symphony (basic version)</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_open.html" class="refentry">sym_open</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Open the Symphony environment</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_resetParams.html" class="refentry">sym_resetParams</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine sets all the environment variables and parameters to their default values.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrLower.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the lower bound of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrType.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrType</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the type of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setConstrUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_setConstrUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the upper bound of a constraint</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setContinuous.html" class="refentry">sym_setContinuous</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be continuous.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setDblParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setDblParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set a double type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setIntParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setIntParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set an integer type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setInteger.html" class="refentry">sym_setInteger</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set the type of a variable to be integer.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setObjCoeff.html" class="refentry">sym_setObjCoeff</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set coefficient of a variable in the objective</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setObjSense.html" class="refentry">sym_setObjSense</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the objective sense</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setPrimalBound.html" class="refentry">sym_setPrimalBound</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set the primal bound of the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setStrParam.html" class="refentry">sym_setStrParam</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">This routine is used to set a string type parameter.</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarLower.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarLower</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set lower bound of a variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarSoln.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarSoln</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set a solution for the problem</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_setVarUpper.html" class="refentry">sym_setVarUpper</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Set upper bound of a variable</span></li>
+<li><a href="sym_solve.html" class="refentry">sym_solve</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">To solve the currently loaded MILP problem from scratch.</span></li></ul>
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--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/symphony.html
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+ <span class="previous"><a href="qpipopt.html">&lt;&lt; qpipopt</a></span>
<td width="40%" class="center">
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<div class="synopsis"><pre><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">nbVar</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">nbCon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">objCoef</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">isInt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">LB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">UB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conMatrix</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conLB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conUB</span><span class="default">)</span>
<span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">nbVar</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">nbCon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">objCoef</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">isInt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">LB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">UB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conMatrix</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conLB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conUB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">objSense</span><span class="default">)</span>
<span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">nbVar</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">nbCon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">objCoef</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">isInt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">LB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">UB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conMatrix</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conLB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">conUB</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">objSense</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">options</span><span class="default">)</span>
-<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">fopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">iter</span><span class="default">] = </span><span class="functionid">symphony</span><span class="default">( ... )</span></pre></div></div>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">fopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">status</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">output</span><span class="default">] = </span><span class="functionid">symphony</span><span class="default">( ... )</span></pre></div></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
<dl><dt><span class="term">nbVar :</span>
@@ -69,15 +69,16 @@
<dd><p class="para">a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem</p></dd></dt>
<dt><span class="term">fopt :</span>
<dd><p class="para">a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x</p></dd></dt>
- <dt><span class="term">iter :</span>
- <dd><p class="para">a 1x1 matrix of doubles, contains the number od iterations done by symphony</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
+ <dt><span class="term">status :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">status flag from symphony</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">output :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Description</h3>
<p class="para">Search the minimum or maximum of a constrained mixed integer linear programming optimization problem specified by :
find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that</p>
<p class="para"><span><img src='./_LaTeX_symphony.xml_1.png' style='position:relative;top:31px;width:293px;height:70px'/></span></p>
- <p class="para"></p>
- <p class="para"></p>
+ <p class="para">We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.</p>
<p class="para"></p></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that</p>
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index d87fb63..cc337f4 100644
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+++ b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/symphony_mat.html
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony_mat</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">f</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">intcon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">A</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">b</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">Aeq</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">beq</span><span class="default">)</span>
<span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony_mat</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">f</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">intcon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">A</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">b</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">Aeq</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">beq</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">lb</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">ub</span><span class="default">)</span>
<span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default"> = </span><span class="functionid">symphony_mat</span><span class="default">(</span><span class="default">f</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">intcon</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">A</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">b</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">Aeq</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">beq</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">lb</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">ub</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">options</span><span class="default">)</span>
-<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">fopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">iter</span><span class="default">] = </span><span class="functionid">symphony_mat</span><span class="default">( ... )</span></pre></div></div>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">xopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">fopt</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">status</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">output</span><span class="default">] = </span><span class="functionid">symphony_mat</span><span class="default">( ... )</span></pre></div></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
<dl><dt><span class="term">f :</span>
@@ -66,13 +66,14 @@
<dd><p class="para">a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem</p></dd></dt>
<dt><span class="term">fopt :</span>
<dd><p class="para">a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x</p></dd></dt>
- <dt><span class="term">iter :</span>
- <dd><p class="para">a 1x1 matrix of doubles, contains the number od iterations done by symphony</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
+ <dt><span class="term">output :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Description</h3>
<p class="para">Search the minimum or maximum of a constrained mixed integer linear programming optimization problem specified by :
find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that</p>
- <p class="para"><span><img src='./_LaTeX_symphony_mat.xml_1.png' style='position:relative;top:64px;width:186px;height:136px'/></span></p>
+ <p class="para"><span><img src='./_LaTeX_symphony_mat.xml_1.png' style='position:relative;top:31px;width:293px;height:70px'/></span></p>
+ <p class="para">We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.</p>
<p class="para"></p></div>
<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
diff --git a/help/en_US/symphony.xml b/help/en_US/symphony.xml
index f71920f..86ad4b7 100644
--- a/help/en_US/symphony.xml
+++ b/help/en_US/symphony.xml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,objSense)
xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,objSense,options)
- [xopt,fopt,iter] = symphony( ... )
+ [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony( ... )
@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@
<listitem><para> a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>fopt :</term>
<listitem><para> a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x</para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>iter :</term>
- <listitem><para> a 1x1 matrix of doubles, contains the number od iterations done by symphony</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>status :</term>
+ <listitem><para> status flag from symphony</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>output :</term>
+ <listitem><para> The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
@@ -77,14 +79,13 @@ find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that
&amp; f(x) \\
-&amp; \text{subject to} &amp; conLB \geq C(x) \leq conUB \\
-&amp; &amp; lb \geq x \leq ub \\
+&amp; \text{subject to} &amp; conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+&amp; &amp; lb \leq x \leq ub \\
- </para>
- <para>
+We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.
diff --git a/help/en_US/symphony_mat.xml b/help/en_US/symphony_mat.xml
index ef379a1..4f6e9c9 100644
--- a/help/en_US/symphony_mat.xml
+++ b/help/en_US/symphony_mat.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq)
xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,options)
- [xopt,fopt,iter] = symphony_mat( ... )
+ [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony_mat( ... )
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
<listitem><para> a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<varlistentry><term>fopt :</term>
<listitem><para> a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x</para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>iter :</term>
- <listitem><para> a 1x1 matrix of doubles, contains the number od iterations done by symphony</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term>output :</term>
+ <listitem><para> The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
@@ -72,16 +72,17 @@ find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that
-\mbox{min}_{x} &amp; f(x) \\
-\mbox{subject to} &amp; c(x) \leq 0 \\
-&amp; c_{eq}(x) = 0 \\
-&amp; Ax \leq b \\
-&amp; A_{eq} x = b_{eq} \\
-&amp; lb \leq x \leq ub
+&amp; f(x) \\
+&amp; \text{subject to} &amp; conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+&amp; &amp; lb \leq x \leq ub \\
+We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.
+ </para>
+ <para>
diff --git a/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar b/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
index 8429d78..51f187b 100644
--- a/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
+++ b/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/lib b/macros/lib
index c725818..ba55302 100644
--- a/macros/lib
+++ b/macros/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/names b/macros/names
index ad89db2..da92859 100644
--- a/macros/names
+++ b/macros/names
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/macros/qpipopt.bin b/macros/qpipopt.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..594d645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/qpipopt.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/qpipopt.sci b/macros/qpipopt.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1b6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/qpipopt.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2015 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+// Author: Harpreet Singh
+// Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+// Email:
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
+ // Solves a linear quadratic problem.
+ //
+ // Calling Sequence
+ // xopt = qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+ // [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lamda] = qpipopt( ... )
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // nbVar : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables
+ // nbCon : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of constraints
+ // Q : a n x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of quadratic in the quadratic problem.
+ // p : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of linear in the quadratic problem
+ // LB : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains lower bounds of the variables.
+ // UB : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables.
+ // conMatrix : a m x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables and m is number of constraints, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix
+ // conLB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains lower bounds of the constraints.
+ // conUB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains upper bounds of the constraints.
+ // xopt : a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.
+ // fopt : a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x.
+ // exitflag : Integer identifying the reason the algorithm terminated.
+ // output : Structure containing information about the optimization.
+ // lambda : Structure containing the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x (separated by constraint type).
+ //
+ // Description
+ // Search the minimum of a constrained linear quadratic optimization problem specified by :
+ // find the minimum of f(x) such that
+ //
+ // <latex>
+ // \begin{eqnarray}
+ // &\mbox{min}_{x}
+ // & 1/2*x'*Q*x + p'*x \\
+ // & \text{subject to} & conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+ // & & lb \leq x \leq ub \\
+ // \end{eqnarray}
+ // </latex>
+ //
+ // We are calling IPOpt for solving the quadratic problem, IPOpt is a library written in C++. The code has been written by ​Andreas Wächter and ​Carl Laird.
+ //
+ // Examples
+ // //Find x in R^6 such that:
+ //
+ // conMatrix= [1,-1,1,0,3,1;
+ // -1,0,-3,-4,5,6;
+ // 2,5,3,0,1,0
+ // 0,1,0,1,2,-1;
+ // -1,0,2,1,1,0];
+ // conLB=[1 2 3 -%inf -%inf]';
+ // conUB = [1 2 3 -1 2.5]';
+ // //with x between ci and cs:
+ // lb=[-1000 -10000 0 -1000 -1000 -1000];
+ // ub=[10000 100 1.5 100 100 1000];
+ // //and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+ // p=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; Q=eye(6,6);
+ // nbVar = 6;
+ // nbCon = 5;
+ // [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda]=qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,lb,ub,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+ //
+ // Examples
+ // //min. -8*x1 -16*x2 + x1^2 + 4* x2^2
+ // // such that
+ // // x1 + x2 <= 5,
+ // // x1 <= 3,
+ // // x1 >= 0,
+ // // x2 >= 0
+ // conMatrix= [1 1];
+ // conLB=[-%inf];
+ // conUB = [5];
+ // //with x between ci and cs:
+ // lb=[0,0];
+ // ub=[3,%inf];
+ // //and minimize 0.5*x'*Q*x + p'*x with
+ // p=[-8,-16];
+ // Q=[1,0;0,4];
+ // nbVar = 2;
+ // nbCon = 1;
+ // [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,lb,ub,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
+ //
+ // Authors
+ // Keyur Joshi, Saikiran, Iswarya, Harpreet Singh
+//To check the number of input and output argument
+ [lhs , rhs] = argn();
+//To check the number of argument given by user
+ if ( rhs ~= 9 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while should be 9"), "qpipopt", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ nbVar = varargin(1);
+ nbCon = varargin(2);
+ Q = varargin(3);
+ p = varargin(4);
+ LB = varargin(5);
+ UB = varargin(6);
+ conMatrix = varargin(7);
+ conLB = varargin(8);
+ conLB = conLB'; //IPOpt wants it in row matrix form
+ conUB = varargin(9);
+ conUB = conUB'; //IPOpt wants it in row matrix form
+ //Check the size of Q which should equal to the number of variable
+ if ( size(Q) ~= [nbVar nbVar]) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Size of Q is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ //Check the size of p which should equal to the number of variable
+ if ( size(p,2) ~= [nbVar]) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Size of p is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+//Check the size of constraint which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conMatrix,1) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+//Check the size of Lower Bound which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(LB,2) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+//Check the size of Upper Bound which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(UB,2) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+//Check the size of constraints of Lower Bound which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conLB,2) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound of constraints is not equal to the number of constraints"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+//Check the size of constraints of Upper Bound which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conUB,2) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound of constraints is not equal to the number of constraints"), "qp_ipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ [xopt,fopt,status,iter,Zl,Zu,lmbda] = solveqp(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,LB,UB);
+ xopt = xopt';
+ exitflag = status;
+ output = struct("Iterations" , []);
+ output.Iterations = iter;
+ lambda = struct("lower" , [], ..
+ "upper" , [], ..
+ "constraint" , []);
+ lambda.lower = Zl;
+ lambda.upper = Zu;
+ lambda.constraint = lmbda;
diff --git a/macros/symphony.bin b/macros/symphony.bin
index e82e907..ae6c958 100644
--- a/macros/symphony.bin
+++ b/macros/symphony.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/symphony.sci b/macros/symphony.sci
index 18ab5e1..f221160 100644
--- a/macros/symphony.sci
+++ b/macros/symphony.sci
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB)
// xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,objSense)
// xopt = symphony(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,objSense,options)
- // [xopt,fopt,iter] = symphony( ... )
+ // [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony( ... )
// Parameters
// nbVar : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// \begin{eqnarray}
// &\mbox{min}_{x}
// & f(x) \\
- // & \text{subject to} & conLB \geq C(x) \leq conUB \\
- // & & lb \geq x \leq ub \\
+ // & \text{subject to} & conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+ // & & lb \leq x \leq ub \\
// \end{eqnarray}
// </latex>
- //
+ // We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.
// Examples
// //A basic case :
diff --git a/macros/symphony_mat.bin b/macros/symphony_mat.bin
index bcc2d01..3b72644 100644
--- a/macros/symphony_mat.bin
+++ b/macros/symphony_mat.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/symphony_mat.sci b/macros/symphony_mat.sci
index dc11101..068e9cf 100644
--- a/macros/symphony_mat.sci
+++ b/macros/symphony_mat.sci
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,iter] = symphony_mat (varargin)
// xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq)
// xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
// xopt = symphony_mat(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,options)
- // [xopt,fopt,iter] = symphony_mat( ... )
+ // [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony_mat( ... )
// Parameters
// f : a 1xn matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains coefficients of the variables in the objective
@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,iter] = symphony_mat (varargin)
// options : a 1xq marix of string, provided to set the paramters in symphony
// xopt : a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem
// fopt : a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x
- // iter : a 1x1 matrix of doubles, contains the number od iterations done by symphony
+ // output : The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.
// Description
// Search the minimum or maximum of a constrained mixed integer linear programming optimization problem specified by :
// find the minimum or maximum of f(x) such that
// <latex>
- // \begin{eqnarray}
- // \mbox{min}_{x} & f(x) \\
- // \mbox{subject to} & c(x) \leq 0 \\
- // & c_{eq}(x) = 0 \\
- // & Ax \leq b \\
- // & A_{eq} x = b_{eq} \\
- // & lb \leq x \leq ub
+ // \begin{eqnarray}
+ // &\mbox{min}_{x}
+ // & f(x) \\
+ // & \text{subject to} & conLB \leq C(x) \leq conUB \\
+ // & & lb \leq x \leq ub \\
// \end{eqnarray}
- // </latex>
+ // </latex>
+ //
+ // We are calling SYMPHONY written in C by gateway files for the actual computation. SYMPHONY was originally written by ​Ted Ralphs, ​Menal Guzelsoy and ​Ashutosh Mahajan.
// Examples
// // Objective function
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/QuadNLP.hpp b/sci_gateway/cpp/QuadNLP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff92da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/QuadNLP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Quadratic Programming Toolbox for Scilab using IPOPT library
+ * Authors :
+ Sai Kiran
+ Keyur Joshi
+ Iswarya
+ * Optimizing (minimizing) the quadratic objective function having any number of variables and linear constraints.
+ *
+#ifndef __QuadNLP_HPP__
+#define __QuadNLP_HPP__
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+extern "C"{
+#include <sciprint.h>
+using namespace Ipopt;
+class QuadNLP : public TNLP
+ private:
+ Index numVars_; // Number of variables.
+ Index numConstr_; // Number of constraints.
+ Number *qMatrix_; //qMatrix_ is a pointer to matrix of size numVars X numVars_
+ // with coefficents of quadratic terms in objective function.
+ Number *lMatrix_; //lMatrix_ is a pointer to matrix of size 1*numVars_
+ // with coefficents of linear terms in objective function.
+ Number *conMatrix_; //conMatrix_ is a pointer to matrix of size numConstr X numVars
+ // with coefficients of terms in a each objective in each row.
+ Number *conUB_; //conUB_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numConstr_
+ // with upper bounds of all constraints.
+ Number *conLB_; //conLB_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numConstr_
+ // with lower bounds of all constraints.
+ Number *varUB_; //varUB_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar_
+ // with upper bounds of all variables.
+ Number *varLB_; //varLB_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar_
+ // with lower bounds of all variables.
+ Number *finalX_; //finalX_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar_
+ // with final value for the primal variables.
+ Number *finalZl_; //finalZl_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar_
+ // with final values for the lower bound multipliers
+ Number *finalZu_; //finalZu_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar_
+ // with final values for the upper bound multipliers
+ Number *finalLambda_; //finalLambda_ is a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numConstr_
+ // with final values for the upper bound multipliers
+ Number finalObjVal_; //finalObjVal_ is a scalar with the final value of the objective.
+ int iter_; //Number of iteration.
+ int status_; //Solver return status
+ QuadNLP(const QuadNLP&);
+ QuadNLP& operator=(const QuadNLP&);
+ public:
+ /*
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ QuadNLP(Index nV, Index nC, Number *qM, Number *lM, Number *cM, Number *cUB, Number *cLB, Number *vUB, Number *vLB):
+ numVars_(nV),numConstr_(nC),qMatrix_(qM),lMatrix_(lM),conMatrix_(cM),conUB_(cUB),conLB_(cLB),varUB_(vUB),varLB_(vLB),finalX_(0), finalZl_(0), finalZu_(0), finalObjVal_(1e20){ }
+ /* Go to :
+ For details about these below methods.
+ */
+ virtual ~QuadNLP();
+ virtual bool get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g,
+ Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style);
+ virtual bool get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u,
+ Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u);
+ virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
+ bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
+ Index m, bool init_lambda,
+ Number* lambda);
+ virtual bool eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number& obj_value);
+ virtual bool eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number* grad_f);
+ virtual bool eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g);
+ virtual bool eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow, Index *jCol,
+ Number* values);
+ virtual bool eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
+ bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess, Index* iRow,
+ Index* jCol, Number* values);
+ virtual void finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
+ Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
+ Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda, Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ const double * getX(); //Returns a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVar
+ // with final value for the primal variables.
+ const double * getZu(); //Returns a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVars
+ // with final values for the upper bound multipliers
+ const double * getZl(); //Returns a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numVars
+ // with final values for the upper bound multipliers
+ const double * getLambda(); //Returns a pointer to a matrix of size of 1*numConstr
+ // with final values for the constraint multipliers
+ double getObjVal(); //Returns the output of the final value of the objective.
+ double iterCount(); //Returns the iteration count
+ int returnStatus(); //Returns the status count
+#endif __QuadNLP_HPP__
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce b/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce
index fb32d92..b42ac8e 100644
--- a/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
-toolbox_title = "symphonytools"
+toolbox_title = "FAMOS"
[a, opt] = getversion();
Version = opt(2);
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ tools_path = path_builder + "../../thirdparty/linux/";
C_Flags=["-w -fpermissive -I"+tools_path+"include/coin -Wl,-rpath="+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+" "]
-Linker_Flag = ["-L"+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+"libSym"]
+Linker_Flag = ["-L"+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+"libSym"+" "+"-L"+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+"libipopt" ]
//Name of All the Functions
@@ -108,6 +107,9 @@ Function_Names = [
+ //QP function
+ "solveqp","sci_solveqp"
//Name of all the files to be compiled
@@ -136,6 +138,10 @@ Files = [
+ "sci_QuadNLP.cpp"
+ "QuadNLP.hpp"
+ "sci_ipopt.cpp"
tbx_build_gateway(toolbox_title,Function_Names,Files,get_absolute_file_path("builder_gateway_cpp.sce"), [], Linker_Flag, C_Flags, [], "g++");
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce~ b/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2abfacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/builder_gateway_cpp.sce~
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2015 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+// Author: Keyur Joshi, Sai Kiran, Iswarya and Harpreet Singh
+// Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+// Email:
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+toolbox_title = "FAMOS"
+[a, opt] = getversion();
+Version = opt(2);
+path_builder = get_absolute_file_path('builder_gateway_cpp.sce');
+tools_path = path_builder + "../../thirdparty/linux/";
+C_Flags=["-w -fpermissive -I"+tools_path+"include/coin -Wl,-rpath="+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+" "]
+Linker_Flag = ["-L"+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+"libSym"+" "+"-L"+tools_path+"lib/"+Version+filesep()+"libipopt" ]
+//Name of All the Functions
+Function_Names = [
+ //for opening/closing environment and checking if it is open/close
+ "sym_open","sci_sym_open";
+ "sym_close","sci_sym_close";
+ "sym_isEnvActive","sci_sym_isEnvActive";
+ //run time parameters
+ "sym_resetParams","sci_sym_set_defaults";
+ "sym_setIntParam","sci_sym_set_int_param";
+ "sym_getIntParam","sci_sym_get_int_param";
+ "sym_setDblParam","sci_sym_set_dbl_param";
+ "sym_getDblParam","sci_sym_get_dbl_param";
+ "sym_setStrParam","sci_sym_set_str_param";
+ "sym_getStrParam","sci_sym_get_str_param";
+ "sym_getInfinity","sci_sym_getInfinity";
+ //problem loaders
+ "sym_loadProblemBasic","sci_sym_loadProblemBasic";
+ "sym_loadProblem","sci_sym_loadProblem";
+ "sym_loadMPS","sci_sym_load_mps";
+ //basic data
+ "sym_getNumConstr","sci_sym_get_num_int";
+ "sym_getNumVar","sci_sym_get_num_int";
+ "sym_getNumElements","sci_sym_get_num_int";
+ //variable and objective data
+ "sym_isContinuous","sci_sym_isContinuous";
+ "sym_isBinary","sci_sym_isBinary";
+ "sym_isInteger","sci_sym_isInteger";
+ "sym_setContinuous","sci_sym_set_continuous";
+ "sym_setInteger","sci_sym_set_integer";
+ "sym_getVarLower","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_getVarUpper","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_setVarLower","sci_sym_setVarBound";
+ "sym_setVarUpper","sci_sym_setVarBound";
+ "sym_getObjCoeff","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_setObjCoeff","sci_sym_setObjCoeff";
+ "sym_getObjSense","sci_sym_getObjSense";
+ "sym_setObjSense","sci_sym_setObjSense";
+ //constraint data
+ "sym_getRhs","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_getConstrRange","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_getConstrLower","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_getConstrUpper","sci_sym_get_dbl_arr";
+ "sym_setConstrLower","sci_sym_setConstrBound";
+ "sym_setConstrUpper","sci_sym_setConstrBound";
+ "sym_setConstrType","sci_sym_setConstrType";
+ "sym_getMatrix","sci_sym_get_matrix";
+ "sym_getConstrSense","sci_sym_get_row_sense";
+ //add/remove variables and constraints
+ "sym_addConstr","sci_sym_addConstr";
+ "sym_addVar","sci_sym_addVar";
+ "sym_deleteVars","sci_sym_delete_cols";
+ "sym_deleteConstrs","sci_sym_delete_rows";
+ //primal bound
+ "sym_getPrimalBound","sci_sym_getPrimalBound";
+ "sym_setPrimalBound","sci_sym_setPrimalBound";
+ //set preliminary solution
+ "sym_setVarSoln","sci_sym_setColSoln";
+ //solve
+ "sym_solve","sci_sym_solve";
+ //post solve functions
+ "sym_getStatus","sci_sym_get_status";
+ "sym_isOptimal","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_isInfeasible","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_isAbandoned","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_isIterLimitReached","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_isTimeLimitReached","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_isTargetGapAchieved","sci_sym_get_solver_status";
+ "sym_getVarSoln","sci_sym_getVarSoln";
+ "sym_getObjVal","sci_sym_getObjVal";
+ "sym_getIterCount","sci_sym_get_iteration_count";
+ "sym_getConstrActivity","sci_sym_getRowActivity";
+ //QP function
+ "solveqp","sci_solveqp"
+ ];
+//Name of all the files to be compiled
+Files = [
+ "globals.cpp",
+ "sci_iofunc.hpp",
+ "sci_iofunc.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_openclose.cpp",
+ "sci_solver_status_query_functions.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_solve.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_loadproblem.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_isenvactive.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_load_mps.cpp",
+ "sci_vartype.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_getinfinity.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_solution.cpp",
+ "sym_data_query_functions.cpp"
+ "sci_sym_set_variables.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_setobj.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_varbounds.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_rowmod.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_set_indices.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_addrowcol.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_primalbound.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_setcolsoln.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_getrowact.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_getobjsense.cpp",
+ "sci_sym_remove.cpp",
+ "sci_QuadNLP.cpp"
+ "QuadNLP.hpp"
+ "sci_ipopt.cpp"
+ ]
+tbx_build_gateway(toolbox_title,Function_Names,Files,get_absolute_file_path("builder_gateway_cpp.sce"), [], Linker_Flag, C_Flags, [], "g++");
+clear WITHOUT_AUTO_PUTLHSVAR toolbox_title Function_Names Files Linker_Flag C_Flags;
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/cleaner.sce b/sci_gateway/cpp/cleaner.sce
index 45a256d..27b5409 100644
--- a/sci_gateway/cpp/cleaner.sce
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/cleaner.sce
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ if fileinfo('loader.sce') <> [] then
// ------------------------------------------------------
-if fileinfo('') <> [] then
- mdelete('');
+if fileinfo('') <> [] then
+ mdelete('');
// ------------------------------------------------------
-if fileinfo('libsymphonytools.c') <> [] then
- mdelete('libsymphonytools.c');
+if fileinfo('libFAMOS.c') <> [] then
+ mdelete('libFAMOS.c');
// ------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/libFAMOS.c b/sci_gateway/cpp/libFAMOS.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61990ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/libFAMOS.c
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <mex.h>
+#include <sci_gateway.h>
+#include <api_scilab.h>
+#include <MALLOC.h>
+static int direct_gateway(char *fname,void F(void)) { F();return 0;};
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_open;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_close;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_isEnvActive;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_defaults;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_int_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_int_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_dbl_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_str_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_str_param;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getInfinity;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_loadProblemBasic;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_loadProblem;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_load_mps;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_num_int;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_num_int;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_num_int;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_isContinuous;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_isBinary;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_isInteger;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_continuous;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_set_integer;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setVarBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setVarBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setObjCoeff;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getObjSense;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setObjSense;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_dbl_arr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setConstrBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setConstrBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setConstrType;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_matrix;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_row_sense;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_addConstr;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_addVar;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_delete_cols;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_delete_rows;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getPrimalBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setPrimalBound;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_setColSoln;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_solve;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_solver_status;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getVarSoln;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getObjVal;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_get_iteration_count;
+extern Gatefunc sci_sym_getRowActivity;
+extern Gatefunc sci_solveqp;
+static GenericTable Tab[]={
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_open,"sym_open"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_close,"sym_close"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_isEnvActive,"sym_isEnvActive"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_defaults,"sym_resetParams"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_int_param,"sym_setIntParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_int_param,"sym_getIntParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_dbl_param,"sym_setDblParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_param,"sym_getDblParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_str_param,"sym_setStrParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_str_param,"sym_getStrParam"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getInfinity,"sym_getInfinity"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_loadProblemBasic,"sym_loadProblemBasic"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_loadProblem,"sym_loadProblem"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_load_mps,"sym_loadMPS"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_num_int,"sym_getNumConstr"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_num_int,"sym_getNumVar"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_num_int,"sym_getNumElements"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_isContinuous,"sym_isContinuous"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_isBinary,"sym_isBinary"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_isInteger,"sym_isInteger"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_continuous,"sym_setContinuous"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_set_integer,"sym_setInteger"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getVarLower"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getVarUpper"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setVarBound,"sym_setVarLower"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setVarBound,"sym_setVarUpper"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getObjCoeff"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setObjCoeff,"sym_setObjCoeff"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getObjSense,"sym_getObjSense"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setObjSense,"sym_setObjSense"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getRhs"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getConstrRange"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getConstrLower"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_dbl_arr,"sym_getConstrUpper"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setConstrBound,"sym_setConstrLower"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setConstrBound,"sym_setConstrUpper"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setConstrType,"sym_setConstrType"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_matrix,"sym_getMatrix"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_row_sense,"sym_getConstrSense"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_addConstr,"sym_addConstr"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_addVar,"sym_addVar"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_delete_cols,"sym_deleteVars"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_delete_rows,"sym_deleteConstrs"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getPrimalBound,"sym_getPrimalBound"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setPrimalBound,"sym_setPrimalBound"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_setColSoln,"sym_setVarSoln"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_solve,"sym_solve"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_status,"sym_getStatus"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isOptimal"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isInfeasible"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isAbandoned"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isIterLimitReached"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isTimeLimitReached"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_solver_status,"sym_isTargetGapAchieved"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getVarSoln,"sym_getVarSoln"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getObjVal,"sym_getObjVal"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_get_iteration_count,"sym_getIterCount"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_sym_getRowActivity,"sym_getConstrActivity"},
+ {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway,sci_solveqp,"solveqp"},
+int C2F(libFAMOS)()
+ Rhs = Max(0, Rhs);
+ if (*(Tab[Fin-1].f) != NULL)
+ {
+ if(pvApiCtx == NULL)
+ {
+ pvApiCtx = (StrCtx*)MALLOC(sizeof(StrCtx));
+ }
+ pvApiCtx->pstName = (char*)Tab[Fin-1].name;
+ (*(Tab[Fin-1].f))(Tab[Fin-1].name,Tab[Fin-1].F);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/ b/sci_gateway/cpp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f148cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/loader.sce b/sci_gateway/cpp/loader.sce
index 561a415..fe1d630 100644
--- a/sci_gateway/cpp/loader.sce
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/loader.sce
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
// Generated by builder.sce : Please, do not edit this file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-libsymphonytools_path = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce');
+libFAMOS_path = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce');
// ulink previous function with same name
-[bOK, ilib] = c_link('libsymphonytools');
+[bOK, ilib] = c_link('libFAMOS');
if bOK then
@@ -68,10 +68,11 @@ list_functions = [ 'sym_open';
+ 'solveqp';
-addinter(libsymphonytools_path + filesep() + 'libsymphonytools' + getdynlibext(), 'libsymphonytools', list_functions);
+addinter(libFAMOS_path + filesep() + 'libFAMOS' + getdynlibext(), 'libFAMOS', list_functions);
// remove temp. variables on stack
-clear libsymphonytools_path;
+clear libFAMOS_path;
clear bOK;
clear ilib;
clear list_functions;
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_QuadNLP.cpp b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_QuadNLP.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c484b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_QuadNLP.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ * Quadratic Programming Toolbox for Scilab using IPOPT library
+ * Authors :
+ Sai Kiran
+ Keyur Joshi
+ Iswarya
+ */
+#include "QuadNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpIpoptData.hpp"
+extern "C"{
+#include <api_scilab.h>
+#include <Scierror.h>
+#include <BOOL.h>
+#include <localization.h>
+#include <sciprint.h>
+double x_static,i, *op_obj_x = NULL,*op_obj_value = NULL;
+using namespace Ipopt;
+ {
+ free(finalX_);
+ free(finalZl_);
+ free(finalZu_);}
+//get NLP info such as number of variables,constraints,no.of elements in jacobian and hessian to allocate memory
+bool QuadNLP::get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g, Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style){
+ n=numVars_; // Number of variables
+ m=numConstr_; // Number of constraints
+ nnz_jac_g = n*m; // No. of elements in Jacobian of constraints
+ nnz_h_lag = n*(n+1)/2; // No. of elements in lower traingle of Hessian of the Lagrangian.
+ index_style=C_STYLE; // Index style of matrices
+ return true;
+ }
+//get variable and constraint bound info
+bool QuadNLP::get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u, Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u){
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0;i<n;i++){
+ x_l[i]=varLB_[i];
+ x_u[i]=varUB_[i];
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<m;i++){
+ g_l[i]=conLB_[i];
+ g_u[i]=conUB_[i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+//get value of objective function at vector x
+bool QuadNLP::eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number& obj_value){
+ unsigned int i,j;
+ Number temp;
+ obj_value=0;
+ for (i=0;i<n;++i){
+ for (j=0;j<n;++j){
+ obj_value+=x[i]*x[j]*qMatrix_[n*i+j];
+ }
+ obj_value+=x[i]*lMatrix_[i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+//get value of gradient of objective function at vector x.
+bool QuadNLP::eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number* grad_f){
+ unsigned int i,j;
+ for(i=0;i<n;i++){
+ grad_f[i]=lMatrix_[i];
+ for(j=0;j<n;j++)
+ grad_f[i]+=(qMatrix_[n*i+j]+qMatrix_[n*j+i])*x[j];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+//Get the values of constraints at vector x.
+bool QuadNLP::eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g){
+ unsigned int i,j;
+ for(i=0;i<m;i++){
+ g[i]=0;
+ for(j=0;j<n;j++)
+ g[i]+=x[j]*conMatrix_[n*i+j];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+// This method sets initial values for required vectors . For now we are assuming 0 to all values.
+bool QuadNLP::get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
+ bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
+ Index m, bool init_lambda,
+ Number* lambda){
+ if (init_x == true){ //we need to set initial values for vector x
+ for (Index var=0;var<n;++var)
+ x[var]=0.0;//initialize with 0 or we can change.
+ }
+ if (init_z == true){ //we need to provide initial values for vector bound multipliers
+ for (Index var=0;var<n;++var){
+ z_L[var]=0.0; //initialize with 0 or we can change.
+ z_U[var]=0.0;//initialize with 0 or we can change.
+ }
+ }
+ if (init_lambda == true){ //we need to provide initial values for lambda values.
+ for (Index var=0;var<m;++var){
+ lambda[var]=0.0; //initialize with 0 or we can change.
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+/* Return either the sparsity structure of the Jacobian of the constraints, or the values for the Jacobian of the constraints at the point x.
+bool QuadNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow, Index *jCol,
+ Number* values){
+ //It asked for structure of jacobian.
+ if (values==NULL){ //Structure of jacobian (full structure)
+ int index=0;
+ for (int var=0;var<m;++var)//no. of constraints
+ for (int flag=0;flag<n;++flag){//no. of variables
+ iRow[index]=var;
+ jCol[index]=flag;
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ //It asked for values
+ else {
+ int index=0;
+ for (int var=0;var<m;++var)
+ for (int flag=0;flag<n;++flag)
+ values[index++]=conMatrix_[n*var+flag];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ * Return either the sparsity structure of the Hessian of the Lagrangian,
+ * or the values of the Hessian of the Lagrangian for the given values for
+ * x,lambda,obj_factor.
+bool QuadNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
+ bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess, Index* iRow,
+ Index* jCol, Number* values){
+ if (values==NULL){
+ Index idx=0;
+ for (Index row = 0; row < n; row++) {
+ for (Index col = 0; col <= row; col++) {
+ iRow[idx] = row;
+ jCol[idx] = col;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Index index=0;
+ for (Index row=0;row < n;++row){
+ for (Index col=0; col <= row; ++col){
+ values[index++]=obj_factor*(qMatrix_[n*row+col]+qMatrix_[n*col+row]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+void QuadNLP::finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
+ Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
+ Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda, Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq){
+ finalX_ = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * numVars_ * 1);
+ for (Index i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ finalX_[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ finalZl_ = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * numVars_ * 1);
+ for (Index i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ finalZl_[i] = z_L[i];
+ }
+ finalZu_ = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * numVars_ * 1);
+ for (Index i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ finalZu_[i] = z_U[i];
+ }
+ finalLambda_ = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * numConstr_ * 1);
+ for (Index i=0; i<m; i++)
+ {
+ finalLambda_[i] = lambda[i];
+ }
+ iter_ = ip_data->iter_count();
+ finalObjVal_ = obj_value;
+ status_ = status;
+ }
+ const double * QuadNLP::getX()
+ {
+ return finalX_;
+ }
+ const double * QuadNLP::getZl()
+ {
+ return finalZl_;
+ }
+ const double * QuadNLP::getZu()
+ {
+ return finalZu_;
+ }
+ const double * QuadNLP::getLambda()
+ {
+ return finalLambda_;
+ }
+ double QuadNLP::getObjVal()
+ {
+ return finalObjVal_;
+ }
+ double QuadNLP::iterCount()
+ {
+ return (double)iter_;
+ }
+ int QuadNLP::returnStatus()
+ {
+ return status_;
+ }
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_ipopt.cpp b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_ipopt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ea33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_ipopt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * Quadratic Programming Toolbox for Scilab using IPOPT library
+ * Authors :
+ Sai Kiran
+ Keyur Joshi
+ Iswarya
+ */
+#include "sci_iofunc.hpp"
+#include "IpIpoptApplication.hpp"
+#include "QuadNLP.hpp"
+extern "C"{
+#include <api_scilab.h>
+#include <Scierror.h>
+#include <BOOL.h>
+#include <localization.h>
+#include <sciprint.h>
+int j;
+double *op_x, *op_obj,*p;
+bool readSparse(int arg,int *iRows,int *iCols,int *iNbItem,int** piNbItemRow, int** piColPos, double** pdblReal){
+ SciErr sciErr;
+ int* piAddr = NULL;
+ int iType = 0;
+ int iRet = 0;
+ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, arg, &piAddr);
+ if(sciErr.iErr) {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sciprint("\ndone\n");
+ if(isSparseType(pvApiCtx, piAddr)){
+ sciprint("done\n");
+ sciErr =getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr, iRows, iCols, iNbItem, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblReal);
+ if(sciErr.iErr) {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ sciprint("\nSparse matrix required\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+int sci_solveqp(char *fname)
+ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 9, 9); // We need total 9 input arguments.
+ CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 7, 7);
+ double *QItems=NULL,*PItems=NULL,*ConItems=NULL,*conUB=NULL,*conLB=NULL,*varUB=NULL,*varLB=NULL,x,f,iter;
+ unsigned int nVars,nCons;
+ unsigned int arg = 1,temp1,temp2;
+ if ( !getIntFromScilab(arg,&nVars) && arg++ && !getIntFromScilab(arg,&nCons) && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&QItems) && temp1 == nVars && temp2 == nVars && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&PItems) && temp2 == nVars && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&ConItems) && temp1 == nCons &&((nCons !=0 && temp2 == nVars)||(temp2==0)) && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&conLB) && temp2 == nCons && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&conUB) && temp2 == nCons && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&varLB) && temp2 == nVars && arg++ &&
+ !getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(arg,&temp1,&temp2,&varUB) && temp2 == nVars){
+ using namespace Ipopt;
+ SmartPtr<QuadNLP> Prob = new QuadNLP(nVars,nCons,QItems,PItems,ConItems,conUB,conLB,varUB,varLB);
+ SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> app = IpoptApplicationFactory();
+ app->RethrowNonIpoptException(true);
+ // Change some options
+ // Note: The following choices are only examples, they might not be
+ // suitable for your optimization problem.
+ app->Options()->SetNumericValue("tol", 1e-7);
+ app->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive");
+ // Indicates whether all equality constraints are linear
+ app->Options()->SetStringValue("jac_c_constant", "yes");
+ // Indicates whether all inequality constraints are linear
+ app->Options()->SetStringValue("jac_d_constant", "yes");
+ // Indicates whether the problem is a quadratic problem
+ app->Options()->SetStringValue("hessian_constant", "yes");
+ // Initialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
+ ApplicationReturnStatus status;
+ status = app->Initialize();
+ if (status != Solve_Succeeded) {
+ sciprint("\n*** Error during initialization!\n");
+ return0toScilab();
+ return (int) status;
+ }
+ // Ask Ipopt to solve the problem
+ status = app->OptimizeTNLP(Prob);
+ double *fX = Prob->getX();
+ double ObjVal = Prob->getObjVal();
+ double *Zl = Prob->getZl();
+ double *Zu = Prob->getZu();
+ double *Lambda = Prob->getLambda();
+ double iteration = Prob->iterCount();
+ int stats = Prob->returnStatus();
+ SciErr sciErr;
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, 1, nVars, fX);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2,1,1,&ObjVal);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfInteger32(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 3,1,1,&stats);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 4,1,1,&iteration);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 5, 1, nVars, Zl);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 6, 1, nVars, Zu);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 7, 1, nCons, Lambda);
+ if (sciErr.iErr)
+ {
+ printError(&sciErr, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 2) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 3) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 3;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 4) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 4;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 5) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 5;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 6) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 6;
+ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 7) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 7;
+ // As the SmartPtrs go out of scope, the reference count
+ // will be decremented and the objects will automatically
+ // be deleted.
+ }
+ else {
+ sciprint("\nError:: check argument %d\n",arg);
+ return0toScilab();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+jacobian _constant
+j_s_d constant : yes
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/HSLLoader.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/HSLLoader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c38915c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/HSLLoader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008, 2011 GAMS Development and others
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+ $Id: HSLLoader.h 2317 2013-06-01 13:16:07Z stefan $
+ Author: Stefan Vigerske
+#ifndef HSLLOADER_H_
+#define HSLLOADER_H_
+#include "IpoptConfig.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifndef ma77_default_control
+#define ma77_control ma77_control_d
+#define ma77_info ma77_info_d
+#define ma77_default_control ma77_default_control_d
+#define ma77_open_nelt ma77_open_nelt_d
+#define ma77_open ma77_open_d
+#define ma77_input_vars ma77_input_vars_d
+#define ma77_input_reals ma77_input_reals_d
+#define ma77_analyse ma77_analyse_d
+#define ma77_factor ma77_factor_d
+#define ma77_factor_solve ma77_factor_solve_d
+#define ma77_solve ma77_solve_d
+#define ma77_resid ma77_resid_d
+#define ma77_scale ma77_scale_d
+#define ma77_enquire_posdef ma77_enquire_posdef_d
+#define ma77_enquire_indef ma77_enquire_indef_d
+#define ma77_alter ma77_alter_d
+#define ma77_restart ma77_restart_d
+#define ma77_finalise ma77_finalise_d
+struct ma77_control;
+struct ma77_info;
+typedef double ma77pkgtype_d_;
+#ifndef ma86_default_control
+#define ma86_control ma86_control_d
+#define ma86_info ma86_info_d
+#define ma86_default_control ma86_default_control_d
+#define ma86_analyse ma86_analyse_d
+#define ma86_factor ma86_factor_d
+#define ma86_factor_solve ma86_factor_solve_d
+#define ma86_solve ma86_solve_d
+#define ma86_finalise ma86_finalise_d
+struct ma86_control;
+struct ma86_info;
+typedef double ma86pkgtype_d_;
+typedef double ma86realtype_d_;
+#ifndef ma97_default_control
+#define ma97_control ma97_control_d
+#define ma97_info ma97_info_d
+#define ma97_default_control ma97_default_control_d
+#define ma97_analyse ma97_analyse_d
+#define ma97_factor ma97_factor_d
+#define ma97_factor_solve ma97_factor_solve_d
+#define ma97_solve ma97_solve_d
+#define ma97_finalise ma97_finalise_d
+#define ma97_free_akeep ma97_free_akeep_d
+struct ma97_control;
+struct ma97_info;
+typedef double ma97pkgtype_d_;
+typedef double ma97realtype_d_;
+struct mc68_control_i;
+struct mc68_info_i;
+#ifndef __IPTYPES_HPP__
+/* Type of Fortran integer translated into C */
+typedef FORTRAN_INTEGER_TYPE ipfint;
+typedef void (*ma27ad_t)(ipfint *N, ipfint *NZ, const ipfint *IRN, const ipfint* ICN,
+ ipfint *IW, ipfint* LIW, ipfint* IKEEP, ipfint *IW1,
+ ipfint* NSTEPS, ipfint* IFLAG, ipfint* ICNTL,
+ double* CNTL, ipfint *INFO, double* OPS);
+typedef void (*ma27bd_t)(ipfint *N, ipfint *NZ, const ipfint *IRN, const ipfint* ICN,
+ double* A, ipfint* LA, ipfint* IW, ipfint* LIW,
+ ipfint* IKEEP, ipfint* NSTEPS, ipfint* MAXFRT,
+ ipfint* IW1, ipfint* ICNTL, double* CNTL,
+ ipfint* INFO);
+typedef void (*ma27cd_t)(ipfint *N, double* A, ipfint* LA, ipfint* IW,
+ ipfint* LIW, double* W, ipfint* MAXFRT,
+ double* RHS, ipfint* IW1, ipfint* NSTEPS,
+ ipfint* ICNTL, double* CNTL);
+typedef void (*ma27id_t)(ipfint* ICNTL, double* CNTL);
+typedef void (*ma28ad_t)(void* nsize, void* nz, void* rw, void* licn, void* iw,
+ void* lirn, void* iw2, void* pivtol, void* iw3, void* iw4, void* rw2, void* iflag);
+typedef void (*ma57ad_t) (
+ ipfint *n, /* Order of matrix. */
+ ipfint *ne, /* Number of entries. */
+ const ipfint *irn, /* Matrix nonzero row structure */
+ const ipfint *jcn, /* Matrix nonzero column structure */
+ ipfint *lkeep, /* Workspace for the pivot order of lenght 3*n */
+ ipfint *keep, /* Workspace for the pivot order of lenght 3*n */
+ /* Automatically iflag = 0; ikeep pivot order iflag = 1 */
+ ipfint *iwork, /* Integer work space. */
+ ipfint *icntl, /* Integer Control parameter of length 30*/
+ ipfint *info, /* Statistical Information; Integer array of length 20 */
+ double *rinfo); /* Double Control parameter of length 5 */
+typedef void (*ma57bd_t) (
+ ipfint *n, /* Order of matrix. */
+ ipfint *ne, /* Number of entries. */
+ double *a, /* Numerical values. */
+ double *fact, /* Entries of factors. */
+ ipfint *lfact, /* Length of array `fact'. */
+ ipfint *ifact, /* Indexing info for factors. */
+ ipfint *lifact, /* Length of array `ifact'. */
+ ipfint *lkeep, /* Length of array `keep'. */
+ ipfint *keep, /* Integer array. */
+ ipfint *iwork, /* Workspace of length `n'. */
+ ipfint *icntl, /* Integer Control parameter of length 20. */
+ double *cntl, /* Double Control parameter of length 5. */
+ ipfint *info, /* Statistical Information; Integer array of length 40. */
+ double *rinfo); /* Statistical Information; Real array of length 20. */
+typedef void (*ma57cd_t) (
+ ipfint *job, /* Solution job. Solve for... */
+ ipfint *n, /* Order of matrix. */
+ double *fact, /* Entries of factors. */
+ ipfint *lfact, /* Length of array `fact'. */
+ ipfint *ifact, /* Indexing info for factors. */
+ ipfint *lifact, /* Length of array `ifact'. */
+ ipfint *nrhs, /* Number of right hand sides. */
+ double *rhs, /* Numerical Values. */
+ ipfint *lrhs, /* Leading dimensions of `rhs'. */
+ double *work, /* Real workspace. */
+ ipfint *lwork, /* Length of `work', >= N*NRHS. */
+ ipfint *iwork, /* Integer array of length `n'. */
+ ipfint *icntl, /* Integer Control parameter array of length 20. */
+ ipfint *info); /* Statistical Information; Integer array of length 40. */
+typedef void (*ma57ed_t) (
+ ipfint *n,
+ ipfint *ic, /* 0: copy real array. >=1: copy integer array. */
+ ipfint *keep,
+ double *fact,
+ ipfint *lfact,
+ double *newfac,
+ ipfint *lnew,
+ ipfint *ifact,
+ ipfint *lifact,
+ ipfint *newifc,
+ ipfint *linew,
+ ipfint *info);
+typedef void (*ma57id_t) (double *cntl, ipfint *icntl);
+typedef void (*ma77_default_control_t)(struct ma77_control_d *control);
+typedef void (*ma77_open_nelt_t)(const int n, const char* fname1, const char* fname2,
+ const char *fname3, const char *fname4, void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ const int nelt);
+typedef void (*ma77_open_t)(const int n, const char* fname1, const char* fname2,
+ const char *fname3, const char *fname4, void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_input_vars_t)(const int idx, const int nvar, const int list[],
+ void **keep, const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_input_reals_t)(const int idx, const int length,
+ const double reals[], void **keep, const struct ma77_control_d *control,
+ struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_analyse_t)(const int order[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_factor_t)(const int posdef, void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ const double *scale);
+typedef void (*ma77_factor_solve_t)(const int posdef, void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ const double *scale, const int nrhs, const int lx,
+ double rhs[]);
+typedef void (*ma77_solve_t)(const int job, const int nrhs, const int lx, double x[],
+ void **keep, const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ const double *scale);
+typedef void (*ma77_resid_t)(const int nrhs, const int lx, const double x[],
+ const int lresid, double resid[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ double *anorm_bnd);
+typedef void (*ma77_scale_t)(double scale[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info,
+ double *anorm);
+typedef void (*ma77_enquire_posdef_t)(double d[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_enquire_indef_t)(int piv_order[], double d[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_alter_t)(const double d[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_restart_t)(const char *restart_file, const char *fname1,
+ const char *fname2, const char *fname3, const char *fname4, void **keep,
+ const struct ma77_control_d *control, struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma77_finalise_t)(void **keep, const struct ma77_control_d *control,
+ struct ma77_info_d *info);
+typedef void (*ma86_default_control_t)(struct ma86_control *control);
+typedef void (*ma86_analyse_t)(const int n, const int ptr[], const int row[],
+ int order[], void **keep, const struct ma86_control *control,
+ struct ma86_info *info);
+typedef void (*ma86_factor_t)(const int n, const int ptr[], const int row[],
+ const ma86pkgtype_d_ val[], const int order[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma86_control *control, struct ma86_info *info,
+ const ma86pkgtype_d_ scale[]);
+typedef void (*ma86_factor_solve_t)(const int n, const int ptr[],
+ const int row[], const ma86pkgtype_d_ val[], const int order[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma86_control *control, struct ma86_info *info, const int nrhs,
+ const int ldx, ma86pkgtype_d_ x[], const ma86pkgtype_d_ scale[]);
+typedef void (*ma86_solve_t)(const int job, const int nrhs, const int ldx,
+ ma86pkgtype_d_ *x, const int order[], void **keep,
+ const struct ma86_control *control, struct ma86_info *info,
+ const ma86pkgtype_d_ scale[]);
+typedef void (*ma86_finalise_t)(void **keep,
+ const struct ma86_control *control);
+typedef void (*ma97_default_control_t)(struct ma97_control *control);
+typedef void (*ma97_analyse_t)(const int check, const int n, const int ptr[],
+ const int row[], ma97pkgtype_d_ val[], void **akeep,
+ const struct ma97_control *control, struct ma97_info *info, int order[]);
+typedef void (*ma97_factor_t)(const int matrix_type, const int ptr[],
+ const int row[], const ma97pkgtype_d_ val[], void **akeep, void **fkeep,
+ const struct ma97_control *control, struct ma97_info *info,
+ const ma97pkgtype_d_ scale[]);
+typedef void (*ma97_factor_solve_t)(const int matrix_type, const int ptr[],
+ const int row[], const ma97pkgtype_d_ val[], const int nrhs,
+ ma97pkgtype_d_ x[], const int ldx, void **akeep, void **fkeep,
+ const struct ma97_control *control, struct ma97_info *info,
+ const ma97pkgtype_d_ scale[]);
+typedef void (*ma97_solve_t)(const int job, const int nrhs, ma97pkgtype_d_ *x,
+ const int ldx, void **akeep, void **fkeep,
+ const struct ma97_control *control, struct ma97_info *info);
+typedef void (*ma97_finalise_t)(void **akeep, void **fkeep);
+typedef void (*ma97_free_akeep_t)(void **akeep);
+typedef void (*mc19ad_t)(ipfint *N, ipfint *NZ, double* A, ipfint *IRN, ipfint* ICN, float* R, float* C, float* W);
+typedef void (*mc68_default_control_t)(struct mc68_control_i *control);
+typedef void (*mc68_order_t)(int ord, int n, const int ptr[],
+ const int row[], int perm[], const struct mc68_control_i *control,
+ struct mc68_info_i *info);
+ /** Tries to load a dynamically linked library with HSL routines.
+ * Also tries to load symbols for those HSL routines that are not linked into Ipopt, i.e., HAVE_... is not defined.
+ * Return a failure if the library cannot be loaded, but not if a symbol is not found.
+ * @see LSL_isMA27available
+ * @see LSL_isMA28available
+ * @see LSL_isMA57available
+ * @see LSL_isMA77available
+ * @see LSL_isMA86available
+ * @see LSL_isMA97available
+ * @see LSL_isMC19available
+ * @param libname The name under which the HSL lib can be found, or NULL to use a default name (libhsl.SHAREDLIBEXT).
+ * @param msgbuf A buffer where we can store a failure message. Assumed to be NOT NULL!
+ * @param msglen Length of the message buffer.
+ * @return Zero on success, nonzero on failure.
+ */
+ int LSL_loadHSL(const char* libname, char* msgbuf, int msglen);
+ /** Unloads a loaded HSL library.
+ * @return Zero on success, nonzero on failure.
+ */
+ int LSL_unloadHSL();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library has been loaded.
+ * @return Zero if not loaded, nonzero if handle is loaded
+ */
+ int LSL_isHSLLoaded();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use MA27 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if MA27 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA27available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use MA28 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if MA28 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA28available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use MA57 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if MA57 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA57available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use MA77 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if HSL_MA77 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA77available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use HSL_MA86 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if HSL_MA86 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA86available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use HSL_MA97 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if HSL_MA97 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMA97available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use MA57 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if MC19 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMC19available();
+ /** Indicates whether a HSL library is loaded and all symbols necessary to use HSL_MC68 have been found.
+ * @return Zero if not available, nonzero if MC68 is available in the loaded library.
+ */
+ int LSL_isMC68available();
+ /** Returns name of the shared library that should contain HSL */
+ char* LSL_HSLLibraryName();
+ /** sets pointers to MA27 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA27(ma27ad_t ma27ad, ma27bd_t ma27bd, ma27cd_t ma27cd, ma27id_t ma27id);
+ /** sets pointers to MA28 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA28(ma28ad_t ma28ad);
+ /** sets pointers to MA57 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA57(ma57ad_t ma57ad, ma57bd_t ma57bd, ma57cd_t ma57cd, ma57ed_t ma57ed, ma57id_t ma57id);
+ /** sets pointers to MA77 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA77(ma77_default_control_t ma77_default_control,
+ ma77_open_nelt_t ma77_open_nelt,
+ ma77_open_t ma77_open,
+ ma77_input_vars_t ma77_input_vars,
+ ma77_input_reals_t ma77_input_reals,
+ ma77_analyse_t ma77_analyse,
+ ma77_factor_t ma77_factor,
+ ma77_factor_solve_t ma77_factor_solve,
+ ma77_solve_t ma77_solve,
+ ma77_resid_t ma77_resid,
+ ma77_scale_t ma77_scale,
+ ma77_enquire_posdef_t ma77_enquire_posdef,
+ ma77_enquire_indef_t ma77_enquire_indef,
+ ma77_alter_t ma77_alter,
+ ma77_restart_t ma77_restart,
+ ma77_finalise_t ma77_finalise);
+ /** sets pointers to MA86 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA86(ma86_default_control_t ma86_default_control,
+ ma86_analyse_t ma86_analyse,
+ ma86_factor_t ma86_factor,
+ ma86_factor_solve_t ma86_factor_solve,
+ ma86_solve_t ma86_solve,
+ ma86_finalise_t ma86_finalise);
+ /** sets pointers to MA97 functions */
+ void LSL_setMA97(ma97_default_control_t ma97_default_control,
+ ma97_analyse_t ma97_analyse,
+ ma97_factor_t ma97_factor,
+ ma97_factor_solve_t ma97_factor_solve,
+ ma97_solve_t ma97_solve,
+ ma97_finalise_t ma97_finalise,
+ ma97_free_akeep_t ma97_free_akeep);
+ /** sets pointer to MC19 function */
+ void LSL_setMC19(mc19ad_t mc19ad);
+ /** sets pointers to MC68 functions */
+ void LSL_setMC68(mc68_default_control_t mc68_default_control, mc68_order_t mc68_order);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*HSLLOADER_H_*/
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpAlgTypes.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpAlgTypes.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e8ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpAlgTypes.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpAlgTypes.hpp 2551 2015-02-13 02:51:47Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-07-19
+#ifndef __IPALGTYPES_HPP__
+#define __IPALGTYPES_HPP__
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /**@name Enumerations */
+ //@{
+ /** enum for the return from the optimize algorithm
+ * (obviously we need to add more) */
+ enum SolverReturn {
+ };
+ //@}
+ /** @name Some exceptions used in multiple places */
+ //@{
+ /** Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during
+ * initialization of a strategy object (or other problems). This
+ * is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during
+ * initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.
+ */
+ //@}
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpBlas.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpBlas.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517057b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpBlas.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpBlas.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPBLAS_HPP__
+#define __IPBLAS_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // If CBLAS is not available, this is our own interface to the Fortran
+ // implementation
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS function DDOT. Compute dot product of vector x
+ and vector y */
+ Number IpBlasDdot(Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, const Number *y,
+ Index incY);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS function DNRM2. Compute 2-norm of vector x*/
+ Number IpBlasDnrm2(Index size, const Number *x, Index incX);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM. Compute 1-norm of vector x*/
+ Number IpBlasDasum(Index size, const Number *x, Index incX);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS function IDAMAX. Compute index for largest
+ absolute element of vector x */
+ Index IpBlasIdamax(Index size, const Number *x, Index incX);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DCOPY. Copying vector x into vector
+ y */
+ void IpBlasDcopy(Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, Number *y,
+ Index incY);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DAXPY. Adding the alpha multiple of
+ vector x to vector y */
+ void IpBlasDaxpy(Index size, Number alpha, const Number *x, Index incX,
+ Number *y, Index incY);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSCAL. Scaling vector x by scalar
+ alpha */
+ void IpBlasDscal(Index size, Number alpha, Number *x, Index incX);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMV. Multiplying a matrix with a
+ vector. */
+ void IpBlasDgemv(bool trans, Index nRows, Index nCols, Number alpha,
+ const Number* A, Index ldA, const Number* x,
+ Index incX, Number beta, Number* y, Index incY);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYMV. Multiplying a symmetric
+ matrix with a vector. */
+ void IpBlasDsymv(Index n, Number alpha, const Number* A, Index ldA,
+ const Number* x, Index incX, Number beta, Number* y,
+ Index incY);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMM. Multiplying two matrices */
+ void IpBlasDgemm(bool transa, bool transb, Index m, Index n, Index k,
+ Number alpha, const Number* A, Index ldA, const Number* B,
+ Index ldB, Number beta, Number* C, Index ldC);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYRK. Adding a high-rank update to
+ * a matrix */
+ void IpBlasDsyrk(bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrank,
+ Number alpha, const Number* A, Index ldA,
+ Number beta, Number* C, Index ldC);
+ /** Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DTRSM. Backsolve for a lower triangular
+ * matrix. */
+ void IpBlasDtrsm(bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrhs, Number alpha,
+ const Number* A, Index ldA, Number* B, Index ldB);
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCachedResults.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCachedResults.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f5f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCachedResults.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2011 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpCachedResults.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpTaggedObject.hpp"
+#include "IpObserver.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+namespace Ipopt
+# define IP_DEBUG_CACHE
+# include "IpDebug.hpp"
+ // Forward Declarations
+ template <class T>
+ class DependentResult;
+ // AW: I'm taking this out, since this is by far the most used
+ // class. We should keep it as simple as possible.
+ // /** Cache Priority Enum */
+ // enum CachePriority
+ // {
+ // CP_Lowest,
+ // CP_Standard,
+ // CP_Trial,
+ // CP_Iterate
+ // };
+ /** Templated class for Cached Results. This class stores up to a
+ * given number of "results", entities that are stored here
+ * together with identifiers, that can be used to later retrieve the
+ * information again.
+ *
+ * Typically, T is a SmartPtr for some calculated quantity that
+ * should be stored (such as a Vector). The identifiers (or
+ * dependencies) are a (possibly varying) number of Tags from
+ * TaggedObjects, and a number of Numbers. Results are added to
+ * the cache using the AddCachedResults methods, and the can be
+ * retrieved with the GetCachedResults methods. The second set of
+ * methods checks whether a result has been cached for the given
+ * identifiers. If a corresponding result is found, a copy of it
+ * is returned and the method evaluates to true, otherwise it
+ * evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * Note that cached results can become "stale", namely when a
+ * TaggedObject that is used to identify this CachedResult is
+ * changed. When this happens, the cached result can never be
+ * asked for again, so that there is no point in storing it any
+ * longer. For this purpose, a cached result, which is stored as a
+ * DependentResult, inherits off an Observer. This Observer
+ * retrieves notification whenever a TaggedObject dependency has
+ * changed. Stale results are later removed from the cache.
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ class CachedResults
+ {
+ public:
+ /** (Only if compiled in DEBUG mode): debug verbosity level */
+ static const Index dbg_verbosity;
+ /** @name Constructors and Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, where max_cache_size is the maximal number of
+ * results that should be cached. If max_cache_size is negative,
+ * we allow an infinite amount of cache.
+ */
+ CachedResults(Int max_cache_size);
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~CachedResults();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Generic methods for adding and retrieving cached results. */
+ //@{
+ /** Generic method for adding a result to the cache, given a
+ * std::vector of TaggesObjects and a std::vector of Numbers.
+ */
+ void AddCachedResult(const T& result,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents);
+ /** Generic method for retrieving a cached results, given the
+ * dependencies as a std::vector of TaggesObjects and a
+ * std::vector of Numbers.
+ */
+ bool GetCachedResult(T& retResult,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents) const;
+ /** Method for adding a result, providing only a std::vector of
+ * TaggedObjects.
+ */
+ void AddCachedResult(const T& result,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents);
+ /** Method for retrieving a cached result, providing only a
+ * std::vector of TaggedObjects.
+ */
+ bool GetCachedResult(T& retResult,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents) const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Pointer-based methods for adding and retrieving cached
+ * results, providing dependencies explicitly.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Method for adding a result to the cache, proving one
+ * dependency as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ void AddCachedResult1Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1);
+ /** Method for retrieving a cached result, proving one dependency
+ * as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ bool GetCachedResult1Dep(T& retResult, const TaggedObject* dependent1);
+ /** Method for adding a result to the cache, proving two
+ * dependencies as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ void AddCachedResult2Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2);
+ /** Method for retrieving a cached result, proving two
+ * dependencies as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ bool GetCachedResult2Dep(T& retResult,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2);
+ /** Method for adding a result to the cache, proving three
+ * dependencies as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ void AddCachedResult3Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent3);
+ /** Method for retrieving a cached result, proving three
+ * dependencies as a TaggedObject explicitly.
+ */
+ bool GetCachedResult3Dep(T& retResult,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent3);
+ /** @name Pointer-free version of the Add and Get methods */
+ //@{
+ bool GetCachedResult1Dep(T& retResult, const TaggedObject& dependent1)
+ {
+ return GetCachedResult1Dep(retResult, &dependent1);
+ }
+ bool GetCachedResult2Dep(T& retResult,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent2)
+ {
+ return GetCachedResult2Dep(retResult, &dependent1, &dependent2);
+ }
+ bool GetCachedResult3Dep(T& retResult,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent3)
+ {
+ return GetCachedResult3Dep(retResult, &dependent1, &dependent2, &dependent3);
+ }
+ void AddCachedResult1Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent1)
+ {
+ AddCachedResult1Dep(result, &dependent1);
+ }
+ void AddCachedResult2Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent2)
+ {
+ AddCachedResult2Dep(result, &dependent1, &dependent2);
+ }
+ void AddCachedResult3Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject& dependent3)
+ {
+ AddCachedResult3Dep(result, &dependent1, &dependent2, &dependent3);
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Invalidates the result for given dependencies. Sets the stale
+ * flag for the corresponding cached result to true if it is
+ * found. Returns true, if the result was found. */
+ bool InvalidateResult(const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents);
+ /** Invalidates all cached results */
+ void Clear();
+ /** Invalidate all cached results and changes max_cache_size */
+ void Clear(Int max_cache_size);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ CachedResults();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ CachedResults(const CachedResults&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const CachedResults&);
+ //@}
+ /** maximum number of cached results */
+ Int max_cache_size_;
+ /** list of currently cached results. */
+ mutable std::list<DependentResult<T>*>* cached_results_;
+ /** internal method for removing stale DependentResults from the
+ * list. It is called at the beginning of every
+ * GetDependentResult method.
+ */
+ void CleanupInvalidatedResults() const;
+ /** Print list of currently cached results */
+ void DebugPrintCachedResults() const;
+ };
+ /** Templated class which stores one entry for the CachedResult
+ * class. It stores the result (of type T), together with its
+ * dependencies (vector of TaggedObjects and vector of Numbers).
+ * It also stores a priority.
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ class DependentResult : public Observer
+ {
+ public:
+ static const Index dbg_verbosity;
+ /** @name Constructor, Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given all information about the result. */
+ DependentResult(const T& result, const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents);
+ /** Destructor. */
+ ~DependentResult();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Accessor method. */
+ //@{
+ /** This returns true, if the DependentResult is no longer valid. */
+ bool IsStale() const;
+ /** Invalidates the cached result. */
+ void Invalidate();
+ /** Returns the cached result. */
+ const T& GetResult() const;
+ //@}
+ /** This method returns true if the dependencies provided to this
+ * function are identical to the ones stored with the
+ * DependentResult.
+ */
+ bool DependentsIdentical(const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents) const;
+ /** Print information about this DependentResults. */
+ void DebugPrint() const;
+ protected:
+ /** This method is overloading the pure virtual method from the
+ * Observer base class. This method is called when a Subject
+ * registered for this Observer sends a notification. In this
+ * particular case, if this method is called with
+ * notify_type==NT_Changed or NT_BeingDeleted, then this results
+ * is marked as stale.
+ */
+ virtual void RecieveNotification(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ DependentResult();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ DependentResult(const DependentResult&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const DependentResult&);
+ //@}
+ /** Flag indicating, if the cached result is still valid. A
+ result becomes invalid, if the RecieveNotification method is
+ called with NT_Changed */
+ bool stale_;
+ /** The value of the dependent results */
+ const T result_;
+ /** Dependencies in form of TaggedObjects */
+ std::vector<TaggedObject::Tag> dependent_tags_;
+ /** Dependencies in form a Numbers */
+ std::vector<Number> scalar_dependents_;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ const Index CachedResults<T>::dbg_verbosity = 0;
+ template <class T>
+ const Index DependentResult<T>::dbg_verbosity = 0;
+ template <class T>
+ DependentResult<T>::DependentResult(
+ const T& result,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents)
+ :
+ stale_(false),
+ result_(result),
+ dependent_tags_(dependents.size()),
+ scalar_dependents_(scalar_dependents)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::DependentResult()", dbg_verbosity);
+ for (Index i=0; i<(Index)dependents.size(); i++) {
+ if (dependents[i]) {
+ // Call the RequestAttach method of the Observer base class.
+ // This will add this dependent result in the Observer list
+ // for the Subject dependents[i]. As a consequence, the
+ // RecieveNotification method of this DependentResult will be
+ // called with notify_type=NT_Changed, whenever the
+ // TaggedResult dependents[i] is changed (i.e. its HasChanged
+ // method is called).
+ RequestAttach(NT_Changed, dependents[i]);
+ dependent_tags_[i] = dependents[i]->GetTag();
+ }
+ else {
+ dependent_tags_[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ DependentResult<T>::~DependentResult()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::~DependentResult()", dbg_verbosity);
+ //DBG_ASSERT(stale_ == true);
+ // Nothing to be done here, destructor
+ // of T should sufficiently remove
+ // any memory, etc.
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool DependentResult<T>::IsStale() const
+ {
+ return stale_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void DependentResult<T>::Invalidate()
+ {
+ stale_ = true;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void DependentResult<T>::RecieveNotification(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::RecieveNotification", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (notify_type == NT_Changed || notify_type==NT_BeingDestroyed) {
+ stale_ = true;
+ // technically, I could unregister the notifications here, but they
+ // aren't really hurting anything
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool DependentResult<T>::DependentsIdentical(const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents) const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::DependentsIdentical", dbg_verbosity);
+ DBG_ASSERT(stale_ == false);
+ DBG_ASSERT(dependents.size() == dependent_tags_.size());
+ bool retVal = true;
+ if (dependents.size() != dependent_tags_.size()
+ || scalar_dependents.size() != scalar_dependents_.size()) {
+ retVal = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (Index i=0; i<(Index)dependents.size(); i++) {
+ if ( (dependents[i] && dependents[i]->GetTag() != dependent_tags_[i])
+ || (!dependents[i] && dependent_tags_[i] != 0) ) {
+ retVal = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retVal) {
+ for (Index i=0; i<(Index)scalar_dependents.size(); i++) {
+ if (scalar_dependents[i] != scalar_dependents_[i]) {
+ retVal = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ const T& DependentResult<T>::GetResult() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::GetResult()", dbg_verbosity);
+ DBG_ASSERT(stale_ == false);
+ return result_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void DependentResult<T>::DebugPrint() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("DependentResult<T>::DebugPrint", dbg_verbosity);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ CachedResults<T>::CachedResults(Int max_cache_size)
+ :
+ max_cache_size_(max_cache_size),
+ cached_results_(NULL)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::CachedResults", dbg_verbosity);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ CachedResults<T>::~CachedResults()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::!CachedResults()", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (cached_results_) {
+ for (typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::iterator iter = cached_results_->
+ begin();
+ iter != cached_results_->end();
+ iter++) {
+ delete *iter;
+ }
+ delete cached_results_;
+ }
+ /*
+ while (!cached_results_.empty()) {
+ DependentResult<T>* result = cached_results_.back();
+ cached_results_.pop_back();
+ delete result;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult(const T& result,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult", dbg_verbosity);
+ CleanupInvalidatedResults();
+ // insert the new one here
+ DependentResult<T>* newResult = new DependentResult<T>(result, dependents, scalar_dependents);
+ if (!cached_results_) {
+ cached_results_ = new std::list<DependentResult<T>*>;
+ }
+ cached_results_->push_front(newResult);
+ // keep the list small enough
+ if (max_cache_size_ >= 0) { // if negative, allow infinite cache
+ // non-negative - limit size of list to max_cache_size
+ DBG_ASSERT((Int)cached_results_->size()<=max_cache_size_+1);
+ if ((Int)cached_results_->size() > max_cache_size_) {
+ delete cached_results_->back();
+ cached_results_->pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ DBG_EXEC(2, DebugPrintCachedResults());
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult(const T& result,
+ const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents)
+ {
+ std::vector<Number> scalar_dependents;
+ AddCachedResult(result, dependents, scalar_dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult(T& retResult, const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents) const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (!cached_results_)
+ return false;
+ CleanupInvalidatedResults();
+ bool retValue = false;
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = cached_results_->begin(); iter != cached_results_->end(); iter++) {
+ if ((*iter)->DependentsIdentical(dependents, scalar_dependents)) {
+ retResult = (*iter)->GetResult();
+ retValue = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DBG_EXEC(2, DebugPrintCachedResults());
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult(
+ T& retResult, const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents) const
+ {
+ std::vector<Number> scalar_dependents;
+ return GetCachedResult(retResult, dependents, scalar_dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult1Dep(const T& result,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent1)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult1Dep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(1);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ AddCachedResult(result, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult1Dep(T& retResult, const TaggedObject* dependent1)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult1Dep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(1);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ return GetCachedResult(retResult, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult2Dep(const T& result, const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult2dDep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(2);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ dependents[1] = dependent2;
+ AddCachedResult(result, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult2Dep(T& retResult, const TaggedObject* dependent1, const TaggedObject* dependent2)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult2Dep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(2);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ dependents[1] = dependent2;
+ return GetCachedResult(retResult, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult3Dep(const T& result, const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent3)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::AddCachedResult2dDep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(3);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ dependents[1] = dependent2;
+ dependents[2] = dependent3;
+ AddCachedResult(result, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult3Dep(T& retResult, const TaggedObject* dependent1,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent2,
+ const TaggedObject* dependent3)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::GetCachedResult2Dep", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> dependents(3);
+ dependents[0] = dependent1;
+ dependents[1] = dependent2;
+ dependents[2] = dependent3;
+ return GetCachedResult(retResult, dependents);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool CachedResults<T>::InvalidateResult(const std::vector<const TaggedObject*>& dependents,
+ const std::vector<Number>& scalar_dependents)
+ {
+ if (!cached_results_)
+ return false;
+ CleanupInvalidatedResults();
+ bool retValue = false;
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = cached_results_->begin(); iter != cached_results_->end();
+ iter++) {
+ if ((*iter)->DependentsIdentical(dependents, scalar_dependents)) {
+ (*iter)->Invalidate();
+ retValue = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::Clear()
+ {
+ if (!cached_results_)
+ return;
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = cached_results_->begin(); iter != cached_results_->end();
+ iter++) {
+ (*iter)->Invalidate();
+ }
+ CleanupInvalidatedResults();
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::Clear(Int max_cache_size)
+ {
+ Clear();
+ max_cache_size_ = max_cache_size;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::CleanupInvalidatedResults() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::CleanupInvalidatedResults", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (!cached_results_)
+ return;
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::iterator iter;
+ iter = cached_results_->begin();
+ while (iter != cached_results_->end()) {
+ if ((*iter)->IsStale()) {
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::iterator
+ iter_to_remove = iter;
+ iter++;
+ DependentResult<T>* result_to_delete = (*iter_to_remove);
+ cached_results_->erase(iter_to_remove);
+ delete result_to_delete;
+ }
+ else {
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void CachedResults<T>::DebugPrintCachedResults() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("CachedResults<T>::DebugPrintCachedResults", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (DBG_VERBOSITY()>=2 ) {
+ if (!cached_results_) {
+ DBG_PRINT((2,"Currentlt no cached results:\n"));
+ }
+ else {
+ typename std::list< DependentResult<T>* >::const_iterator iter;
+ DBG_PRINT((2,"Current set of cached results:\n"));
+ for (iter = cached_results_->begin(); iter != cached_results_->end(); iter++) {
+ DBG_PRINT((2," DependentResult:0x%x\n", (*iter)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCompoundVector.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCompoundVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c52ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCompoundVector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpCompoundVector.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpVector.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class CompoundVectorSpace;
+ /** Class of Vectors consisting of other vectors. This vector is a
+ * vector that consists of zero, one or more Vector's which are
+ * stacked on each others: \f$ x_{\rm compound} =
+ * \left(\begin{array}{c}x_0\\\dots\\x_{{\rm
+ * ncomps} - 1}\end{array}\right)\f$. The individual components can be
+ * associated to different VectorSpaces. The individual components
+ * can also be const and non-const Vectors.
+ */
+ class CompoundVector : public Vector
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given the corresponding CompoundVectorSpace.
+ * Before this constructor can be called, all components of the
+ * CompoundVectorSpace have to be set, so that the constructors
+ * for the individual components can be called. If the flag
+ * create_new is true, then the individual components of the new
+ * CompoundVector are initialized with the MakeNew methods of
+ * each VectorSpace (and are non-const). Otherwise, the
+ * individual components can later be set using the SetComp and
+ * SetCompNonConst method.
+ */
+ CompoundVector(const CompoundVectorSpace* owner_space, bool create_new);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~CompoundVector();
+ //@}
+ /** Method for setting the pointer for a component that is a const
+ * Vector
+ */
+ void SetComp(Index icomp, const Vector& vec);
+ /** Method for setting the pointer for a component that is a
+ * non-const Vector
+ */
+ void SetCompNonConst(Index icomp, Vector& vec);
+ /** Number of components of this compound vector */
+ inline Index NComps() const;
+ /** Check if a particular component is const or not */
+ bool IsCompConst(Index i) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(i > 0 && i < NComps());
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i]));
+ if (IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Check if a particular component is null or not */
+ bool IsCompNull(Index i) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NComps());
+ if (IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Return a particular component (const version) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> GetComp(Index i) const
+ {
+ return ConstComp(i);
+ }
+ /** Return a particular component (non-const version). Note that
+ * calling this method with mark the CompoundVector as changed.
+ * Therefore, only use this method if you are intending to change
+ * the Vector that you receive.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> GetCompNonConst(Index i)
+ {
+ ObjectChanged();
+ return Comp(i);
+ }
+ protected:
+ /** @name Overloaded methods from Vector base class */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
+ virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
+ virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha);
+ /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
+ virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
+ /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
+ virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const;
+ /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
+ virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const;
+ /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
+ virtual Number AsumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
+ virtual Number AmaxImpl() const;
+ /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
+ virtual void SetImpl(Number value);
+ /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise reciprocal */
+ virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
+ /** Element-wise absolute values */
+ virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl();
+ /** Element-wise square-root */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
+ /** Replaces entries with sgn of the entry */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl();
+ /** Add scalar to every component of the vector.*/
+ virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar);
+ /** Max value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MaxImpl() const;
+ /** Min value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MinImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the lements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the logs of the elements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const;
+ /** @name Implemented specialized functions */
+ //@{
+ /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
+ vector. */
+ void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. */
+ Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
+ /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
+ void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
+ Number c);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
+ * no Inf or Nan). */
+ virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl() const;
+ /** @name Output methods */
+ //@{
+ /* Print the entire vector with padding */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ CompoundVector();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ CompoundVector(const CompoundVector&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const CompoundVector&);
+ //@}
+ /** Components of the compound vector. The components
+ * are stored by SmartPtrs in a std::vector
+ */
+ std::vector< SmartPtr<Vector> > comps_;
+ std::vector< SmartPtr<const Vector> > const_comps_;
+ const CompoundVectorSpace* owner_space_;
+ bool vectors_valid_;
+ bool VectorsValid();
+ inline const Vector* ConstComp(Index i) const;
+ inline Vector* Comp(Index i);
+ };
+ /** This vectors space is the vector space for CompoundVector.
+ * Before a CompoundVector can be created, all components of this
+ * CompoundVectorSpace have to be set. When calling the constructor,
+ * the number of component has to be specified. The individual
+ * VectorSpaces can be set with the SetComp method.
+ */
+ class CompoundVectorSpace : public VectorSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, has to be given the number of components and the
+ * total dimension of all components combined. */
+ CompoundVectorSpace(Index ncomp_spaces, Index total_dim);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~CompoundVectorSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for setting the individual component VectorSpaces */
+ virtual void SetCompSpace(Index icomp /** Number of the component to be set */ ,
+ const VectorSpace& vec_space /** VectorSpace for component icomp */
+ );
+ /** Method for obtaining an individual component VectorSpace */
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> GetCompSpace(Index icomp) const;
+ /** Accessor method to obtain the number of components */
+ Index NCompSpaces() const
+ {
+ return ncomp_spaces_;
+ }
+ /** Method for creating a new vector of this specific type. */
+ virtual CompoundVector* MakeNewCompoundVector(bool create_new = true) const
+ {
+ return new CompoundVector(this, create_new);
+ }
+ /** Overloaded MakeNew method for the VectorSpace base class.
+ */
+ virtual Vector* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewCompoundVector();
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ CompoundVectorSpace();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ CompoundVectorSpace(const CompoundVectorSpace&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ CompoundVectorSpace& operator=(const CompoundVectorSpace&);
+ //@}
+ /** Number of components */
+ const Index ncomp_spaces_;
+ /** std::vector of vector spaces for the components */
+ std::vector< SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> > comp_spaces_;
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ Index CompoundVector::NComps() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->NCompSpaces();
+ }
+ inline
+ const Vector* CompoundVector::ConstComp(Index i) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(i < NComps());
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i]));
+ if (IsValid(comps_[i])) {
+ return GetRawPtr(comps_[i]);
+ }
+ else if (IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
+ return GetRawPtr(const_comps_[i]);
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(false && "shouldn't be here");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ Vector* CompoundVector::Comp(Index i)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(i < NComps());
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]));
+ return GetRawPtr(comps_[i]);
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDebug.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDebug.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8aae13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDebug.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpDebug.hpp 2005 2011-06-06 12:55:16Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPDEBUG_HPP__
+#define __IPDEBUG_HPP__
+#include "IpoptConfig.h"
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+# include <cassert>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# else
+# error "don't have header file for assert"
+# endif
+# ifdef NDEBUG
+# undef NDEBUG
+# endif
+# define DBG_ASSERT(test) assert(test)
+# define DBG_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(__condition, __except_type, __msg) \
+ ASSERT_EXCEPTION( (__condition), __except_type, __msg);
+# define DBG_DO(__cmd) __cmd
+# define DBG_ASSERT(test)
+# define DBG_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(__condition, __except_type, __msg)
+# define DBG_DO(__cmd)
+# define DBG_START_FUN(__func_name, __verbose_level)
+# define DBG_START_METH(__func_name, __verbose_level)
+# define DBG_PRINT(__printf_args)
+# define DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(__verbose_level, __vec_name, __vec)
+# define DBG_PRINT_MATRIX(__verbose_level, __mat_name, __mat)
+# define DBG_EXEC(__verbosity, __cmd)
+# define DBG_VERBOSITY() 0
+#include <string>
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward definition
+ class Journalist;
+ /** Class that lives throughout the execution of a method or
+ * function for which debug output is to be generated. The output
+ * is sent to the unique debug journalist that is set with
+ * SetJournalist at the beginning of program execution. */
+ class DebugJournalistWrapper
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ DebugJournalistWrapper(std::string func_name, Index verbose_level);
+ DebugJournalistWrapper(std::string func_name, Index verbose_level,
+ const void* const method_owner);
+ ~DebugJournalistWrapper();
+ //@}
+ /** @name accessor methods */
+ //@{
+ Index Verbosity()
+ {
+ return verbose_level_;
+ }
+ const Journalist* Jnlst()
+ {
+ return jrnl_;
+ }
+ Index IndentationLevel()
+ {
+ return indentation_level_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Printing */
+ void DebugPrintf(Index verbosity, const char* pformat, ...);
+ /* Method for initialization of the static GLOBAL journalist,
+ * through with all debug printout is to be written. This needs
+ * to be set before any debug printout can be done. */
+ static void SetJournalist(Journalist* jrnl);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** default constructor */
+ DebugJournalistWrapper();
+ /** copy contructor */
+ DebugJournalistWrapper(const DebugJournalistWrapper&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ DebugJournalistWrapper& operator=(const DebugJournalistWrapper&);
+ //@}
+ static Index indentation_level_;
+ std::string func_name_;
+ Index verbose_level_;
+ const void* method_owner_;
+ static Journalist* jrnl_;
+ };
+# define DBG_START_FUN(__func_name, __verbose_level) \
+ DebugJournalistWrapper dbg_jrnl((__func_name), (__verbose_level)); \
+# define DBG_START_METH(__func_name, __verbose_level) \
+ DebugJournalistWrapper dbg_jrnl((__func_name), (__verbose_level), this);
+# define DBG_PRINT(__args) \
+ dbg_jrnl.DebugPrintf __args;
+# define DBG_EXEC(__verbose_level, __cmd) \
+ if (dbg_jrnl.Verbosity() >= (__verbose_level)) { \
+ (__cmd); \
+ }
+# define DBG_VERBOSITY() \
+ dbg_jrnl.Verbosity()
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380a06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpDenseVector.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpVector.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class DenseVectorSpace;
+ /** @name Exceptions */
+ //@{
+ //@}
+ /** Dense Vector Implementation. This is the default Vector class
+ * in Ipopt. It stores vectors in contiguous Number arrays, unless
+ * the vector has the same value in all entires. In the latter
+ * case, we call the vector "homogeneous", and we store only the
+ * values that is repeated in all elements. If you want to obtain
+ * the values of vector, use the IsHomogeneous() method to find out
+ * what status the vector is in, and then use either Values() const
+ * or Scalar() const methods to get the values. To set the values
+ * of a homogeneous method, use the Set method. To set the values
+ * of a non-homogeneous vector, use the SetValues method, or use
+ * the non-const Values method to get an array that you can
+ * overwrite. In the latter case, storage is ensured.
+ */
+ class DenseVector : public Vector
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor
+ */
+ DenseVector(const DenseVectorSpace* owner_space);
+ /** Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~DenseVector();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Additional public methods not in Vector base class. */
+ //@{
+ /** Create a new DenseVector from same VectorSpace */
+ SmartPtr<DenseVector> MakeNewDenseVector() const;
+ /** Set elements in the vector to the Number array x. */
+ void SetValues(const Number *x);
+ /** Obtain pointer to the internal Number array with vector
+ * elements with the indention to change the vector data (USE
+ * WITH CARE!). This does not produce a copy, and lifetime is not
+ * guaranteed!.
+ */
+ inline Number* Values();
+ /** Obtain pointer to the internal Number array with vector
+ * elements without the intention to change the vector data (USE
+ * WITH CARE!). This does not produce a copy, and lifetime is not
+ * guaranteed! IMPORTANT: If this method is currently
+ * homogeneous (i.e. IsHomogeneous returns true), then you cannot
+ * call this method. Instead, you need to use the Scalar()
+ * method.
+ */
+ inline const Number* Values() const;
+ /** The same as the const version of Values, but we ensure that we
+ * always return a valid array, even if IsHomogeneous returns
+ * true. */
+ const Number* ExpandedValues() const;
+ /** This is the same as Values, but we add it here so that
+ * ExpandedValues can also be used for the non-const case. */
+ inline Number* ExpandedValues()
+ {
+ return Values();
+ }
+ /** Indicates if the vector is homogeneous (i.e., all entries have
+ * the value Scalar() */
+ bool IsHomogeneous() const
+ {
+ return homogeneous_;
+ }
+ /** Scalar value of all entries in a homogeneous vector */
+ Number Scalar() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(homogeneous_);
+ return scalar_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Modifying subranges of the vector. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data in x into the subrange of this vector starting
+ * at position Pos in this vector. Position count starts at 0.
+ */
+ void CopyToPos(Index Pos, const Vector& x);
+ /** Copy a subrange of x, starting at Pos, into the full data of
+ * this vector. Position count starts at 0.
+ */
+ void CopyFromPos(Index Pos, const Vector& x);
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /** @name Overloaded methods from Vector base class */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
+ virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
+ virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha);
+ /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
+ virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
+ /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
+ virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const;
+ /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
+ virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const;
+ /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
+ virtual Number AsumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
+ virtual Number AmaxImpl() const;
+ /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
+ virtual void SetImpl(Number value);
+ /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Set entry to max of itself and the corresponding element in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Set entry to min of itself and the corresponding element in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** reciprocates the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
+ /** take abs of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl();
+ /** take square-root of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
+ /** Changes each entry in the vector to its sgn value */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl();
+ /** Add scalar to every component of the vector.*/
+ virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar);
+ /** Max value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MaxImpl() const;
+ /** Min value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MinImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the lements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the logs of the elements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const;
+ /** @name Implemented specialized functions */
+ //@{
+ /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
+ vector. */
+ void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. */
+ Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
+ /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
+ void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
+ Number c);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Output methods */
+ //@{
+ /* Print the entire vector with padding */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const
+ {
+ PrintImplOffset(jnlst, level, category, name, indent, prefix, 1);
+ }
+ /* Print the entire vector with padding, and start counting with
+ an offset. */
+ void PrintImplOffset(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix,
+ Index offset) const;
+ //@}
+ friend class ParVector;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ DenseVector();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ DenseVector(const DenseVector&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const DenseVector&);
+ //@}
+ /** Copy of the owner_space ptr as a DenseVectorSpace instead
+ * of a VectorSpace
+ */
+ const DenseVectorSpace* owner_space_;
+ /** Dense Number array of vector values. */
+ Number* values_;
+ /** Dense Number array pointer that is used for ExpandedValues */
+ mutable Number* expanded_values_;
+ /** Method of getting the internal values array, making sure that
+ * memory has been allocated */
+ inline
+ Number* values_allocated();
+ /** Flag for Initialization. This flag is false, if the data has
+ not yet been initialized. */
+ bool initialized_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the vector is currently homogeneous
+ * (that is, all elements have the same value). This flag is used
+ * to determine whether the elements of the vector are stored in
+ * values_ or in scalar_ */
+ bool homogeneous_;
+ /** Homogeneous value of all elements if the vector is currently
+ * homogenous */
+ Number scalar_;
+ /** Auxilliary method for setting explicitly all elements in
+ * values_ to the current scalar value. */
+ void set_values_from_scalar();
+ };
+ /** typedefs for the map variables that define meta data for the
+ * DenseVectorSpace
+ */
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > StringMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Index> > IntegerMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> > NumericMetaDataMapType;
+ /** This vectors space is the vector space for DenseVector.
+ */
+ class DenseVectorSpace : public VectorSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, requires dimension of all vector for this
+ * VectorSpace
+ */
+ DenseVectorSpace(Index dim)
+ :
+ VectorSpace(dim)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~DenseVectorSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for creating a new vector of this specific type. */
+ inline
+ DenseVector* MakeNewDenseVector() const
+ {
+ return new DenseVector(this);
+ }
+ /** Instantiation of the generate MakeNew method for the
+ * VectorSpace base class.
+ */
+ virtual Vector* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewDenseVector();
+ }
+ /**@name Methods called by DenseVector for memory management.
+ * This could allow to have sophisticated memory management in the
+ * VectorSpace.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Allocate internal storage for the DenseVector */
+ inline
+ Number* AllocateInternalStorage() const;
+ /** Deallocate internal storage for the DenseVector */
+ inline
+ void FreeInternalStorage(Number* values) const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Methods for dealing with meta data on the vector
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Check if string meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasStringMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Check if Integer meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasIntegerMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Check if Numeric meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasNumericMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type std::string by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<std::string>& GetStringMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type Index by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Index>& GetIntegerMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type Number by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Number>& GetNumericMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Set meta data of type std::string by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetStringMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data);
+ /** Set meta data of type Index by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetIntegerMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data);
+ /** Set meta data of type Number by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetNumericMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data);
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& GetStringMetaData() const;
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& GetIntegerMetaData() const;
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& GetNumericMetaData() const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ // variables to store vector meta data
+ StringMetaDataMapType string_meta_data_;
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType integer_meta_data_;
+ NumericMetaDataMapType numeric_meta_data_;
+ };
+ // inline functions
+ inline Number* DenseVector::Values()
+ {
+ // Here we assume that every time someone requests this direct raw
+ // pointer, the data is going to change and the Tag for this
+ // vector has to be updated.
+ if (initialized_ && homogeneous_) {
+ // If currently the vector is a homogeneous vector, set all elements
+ // explicitly to this value
+ set_values_from_scalar();
+ }
+ ObjectChanged();
+ initialized_= true;
+ homogeneous_ = false;
+ return values_allocated();
+ }
+ inline const Number* DenseVector::Values() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_ && (Dim()==0 || values_));
+ return values_;
+ }
+ inline Number* DenseVector::values_allocated()
+ {
+ if (values_==NULL) {
+ values_ = owner_space_->AllocateInternalStorage();
+ }
+ return values_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number* DenseVectorSpace::AllocateInternalStorage() const
+ {
+ if (Dim()>0) {
+ return new Number[Dim()];
+ }
+ else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::FreeInternalStorage(Number* values) const
+ {
+ delete [] values;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<DenseVector> DenseVector::MakeNewDenseVector() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->MakeNewDenseVector();
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasStringMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ StringMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = string_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != string_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasIntegerMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = integer_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != integer_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasNumericMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ NumericMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = numeric_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != numeric_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<std::string>& DenseVectorSpace::GetStringMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasStringMetaData(tag));
+ StringMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = string_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Index>& DenseVectorSpace::GetIntegerMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasIntegerMetaData(tag));
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = integer_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Number>& DenseVectorSpace::GetNumericMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasNumericMetaData(tag));
+ NumericMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = numeric_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetStringMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data)
+ {
+ string_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetIntegerMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data)
+ {
+ integer_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetNumericMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data)
+ {
+ numeric_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetStringMetaData() const
+ {
+ return string_meta_data_;
+ }
+ inline
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetIntegerMetaData() const
+ {
+ return integer_meta_data_;
+ }
+ inline
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetNumericMetaData() const
+ {
+ return numeric_meta_data_;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpException.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpException.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64226f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpException.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpException.hpp 2023 2011-06-18 18:49:49Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPEXCEPTION_HPP__
+#define __IPEXCEPTION_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+/* This file contains a base class for all exceptions
+ * and a set of macros to help with exceptions
+ */
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** This is the base class for all exceptions. The easiest way to
+ * use this class is by means of the following macros:
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * This macro defines a new class with the name ExceptionType,
+ * inherited from the base class IpoptException. After this,
+ * exceptions of this type can be thrown using
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ExceptionType, Message);
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * where Message is a std::string with a message that gives an
+ * indication of what caused the exception. Exceptions can also be
+ * thrown using the macro
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+ ASSERT_EXCEPTION(Condition, ExceptionType, Message);
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * where Conditions is an expression. If Condition evaluates to
+ * false, then the exception of the type ExceptionType is thrown
+ * with Message.
+ *
+ * When an exception is caught, the method ReportException can be
+ * used to write the information about the exception to the
+ * Journalist, using the level J_ERROR and the category J_MAIN.
+ *
+ */
+ class IpoptException
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor */
+ IpoptException(std::string msg, std::string file_name, Index line_number, std::string type="IpoptException")
+ :
+ msg_(msg),
+ file_name_(file_name),
+ line_number_(line_number),
+ type_(type)
+ {}
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptException(const IpoptException& copy)
+ :
+ msg_(copy.msg_),
+ file_name_(copy.file_name_),
+ line_number_(copy.line_number_),
+ type_(copy.type_)
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptException()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method to report the exception to a journalist */
+ void ReportException(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level = J_ERROR) const
+ {
+ jnlst.Printf(level, J_MAIN,
+ "Exception of type: %s in file \"%s\" at line %d:\n Exception message: %s\n",
+ type_.c_str(), file_name_.c_str(), line_number_, msg_.c_str());
+ }
+ const std::string& Message() const
+ {
+ return msg_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IpoptException();
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptException&);
+ //@}
+ std::string msg_;
+ std::string file_name_;
+ Index line_number_;
+ std::string type_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
+#define THROW_EXCEPTION(__except_type, __msg) \
+ throw __except_type( (__msg), (__FILE__), (__LINE__) );
+#define ASSERT_EXCEPTION(__condition, __except_type, __msg) \
+ if (! (__condition) ) { \
+ std::string newmsg = #__condition; \
+ newmsg += " evaluated false: "; \
+ newmsg += __msg; \
+ throw __except_type( (newmsg), (__FILE__), (__LINE__) ); \
+ }
+#define DECLARE_STD_EXCEPTION(__except_type) \
+ class __except_type : public Ipopt::IpoptException \
+ { \
+ public: \
+ __except_type(std::string msg, std::string fname, Ipopt::Index line) \
+ : Ipopt::IpoptException(msg,fname,line, #__except_type) {} \
+ __except_type(const __except_type& copy) \
+ : Ipopt::IpoptException(copy) {} \
+ private: \
+ __except_type(); \
+ void operator=(const __except_type&); \
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpExpansionMatrix.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpExpansionMatrix.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb9a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpExpansionMatrix.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpExpansionMatrix.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpMatrix.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** forward declarations */
+ class ExpansionMatrixSpace;
+ /** Class for expansion/projection matrices. These matrices allow
+ * to lift a vector to a vector with larger dimension, keeping
+ * some elements of the larger vector zero. This operation is achieved
+ * by the MultVector operation. The transpose operation then
+ * filters some elements from a large vector into a smaller vector.
+ */
+ class ExpansionMatrix : public Matrix
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, taking the owner_space.
+ */
+ ExpansionMatrix(const ExpansionMatrixSpace* owner_space);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~ExpansionMatrix();
+ //@}
+ /** Return the vector of indices marking the expanded position.
+ * The result is the Index array (of length NSmallVec=NCols())
+ * that stores the mapping from the small vector to the large
+ * vector. For each element i=0,..,NSmallVec in the small
+ * vector, ExpandedPosIndices()[i] give the corresponding index
+ * in the large vector.
+ */
+ const Index* ExpandedPosIndices() const;
+ /** Return the vector of indices marking the compressed position.
+ * The result is the Index array (of length NLargeVec=NRows())
+ * that stores the mapping from the large vector to the small
+ * vector. For each element i=0,..,NLargeVec in the large
+ * vector, CompressedPosIndices()[i] gives the corresponding
+ * index in the small vector, unless CompressedPosIndices()[i] is
+ * negative.
+ */
+ const Index* CompressedPosIndices() const;
+ protected:
+ /**@name Overloaded methods from Matrix base class*/
+ //@{
+ virtual void MultVectorImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x, Number beta,
+ Vector &y) const;
+ virtual void TransMultVectorImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& x,
+ Number beta, Vector& y) const;
+ /** X = beta*X + alpha*(Matrix S^{-1} Z). Specialized implementation.
+ */
+ virtual void AddMSinvZImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& S, const Vector& Z,
+ Vector& X) const;
+ /** X = S^{-1} (r + alpha*Z*M^Td). Specialized implementation.
+ */
+ virtual void SinvBlrmZMTdBrImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& S,
+ const Vector& R, const Vector& Z,
+ const Vector& D, Vector& X) const;
+ virtual void ComputeRowAMaxImpl(Vector& rows_norms, bool init) const;
+ virtual void ComputeColAMaxImpl(Vector& cols_norms, bool init) const;
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const
+ {
+ PrintImplOffset(jnlst, level, category, name, indent, prefix, 1, 1);
+ }
+ //@}
+ void PrintImplOffset(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix,
+ Index row_offset,
+ Index col_offset) const;
+ friend class ParExpansionMatrix;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ ExpansionMatrix();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ ExpansionMatrix(const ExpansionMatrix&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const ExpansionMatrix&);
+ //@}
+ const ExpansionMatrixSpace* owner_space_;
+ };
+ /** This is the matrix space for ExpansionMatrix.
+ */
+ class ExpansionMatrixSpace : public MatrixSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given the list of elements of the large vector
+ * (of size NLargeVec) to be filtered into the small vector (of
+ * size NSmallVec). For each i=0..NSmallVec-1 the i-th element
+ * of the small vector will be put into the ExpPos[i] position of
+ * the large vector. The position counting in the vector is
+ * assumed to start at 0 (C-like array notation).
+ */
+ ExpansionMatrixSpace(Index NLargeVec,
+ Index NSmallVec,
+ const Index *ExpPos,
+ const int offset = 0);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~ExpansionMatrixSpace()
+ {
+ delete [] compressed_pos_;
+ delete [] expanded_pos_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Method for creating a new matrix of this specific type. */
+ ExpansionMatrix* MakeNewExpansionMatrix() const
+ {
+ return new ExpansionMatrix(this);
+ }
+ /** Overloaded MakeNew method for the MatrixSpace base class.
+ */
+ virtual Matrix* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewExpansionMatrix();
+ }
+ /** Accessor Method to obtain the Index array (of length
+ * NSmallVec=NCols()) that stores the mapping from the small
+ * vector to the large vector. For each element i=0,..,NSmallVec
+ * in the small vector, ExpandedPosIndices()[i] give the
+ * corresponding index in the large vector.
+ */
+ const Index* ExpandedPosIndices() const
+ {
+ return expanded_pos_;
+ }
+ /** Accessor Method to obtain the Index array (of length
+ * NLargeVec=NRows()) that stores the mapping from the large
+ * vector to the small vector. For each element i=0,..,NLargeVec
+ * in the large vector, CompressedPosIndices()[i] gives the
+ * corresponding index in the small vector, unless
+ * CompressedPosIndices()[i] is negative.
+ */
+ const Index* CompressedPosIndices() const
+ {
+ return compressed_pos_;
+ }
+ private:
+ Index *expanded_pos_;
+ Index *compressed_pos_;
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ const Index* ExpansionMatrix::ExpandedPosIndices() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->ExpandedPosIndices();
+ }
+ inline
+ const Index* ExpansionMatrix::CompressedPosIndices() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->CompressedPosIndices();
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f59292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptApplication.hpp 2398 2013-10-19 18:08:59Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef IPOPT_DLL
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type
+#include <iostream>
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpNLP.hpp"
+/* Return codes for the Optimize call for an application */
+#include "IpReturnCodes.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class IpoptAlgorithm;
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ class AlgorithmBuilder;
+ class RegisteredOptions;
+ class OptionsList;
+ class SolveStatistics;
+ /** This is the main application class for making calls to Ipopt. */
+ class IpoptApplication : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ IpoptApplication(bool create_console_out = true,
+ bool create_empty = false);
+ /** Another constructor that assumes that the code in the
+ * (default) constructor has already been executed */
+ IpoptApplication(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options,
+ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
+ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst);
+ virtual ~IpoptApplication();
+ /** Method for creating a new IpoptApplication that uses the same
+ * journalist and registered options, and a copy of the options
+ list. */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> clone();
+ /** Initialization method. This method reads options from the
+ * input stream and initializes the journalists. It returns
+ * something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a
+ * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option).
+ * You should call one of the initialization methods at some
+ * point before the first optimize call.
+ */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::istream& is);
+ /** Initialization method. This method reads options from the
+ * params file and initializes the journalists. It returns
+ * something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a
+ * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option).
+ * You should call one of the initialization methods at some
+ * point before the first optimize call.
+ * Note: You can skip the processing of a params file by
+ * setting params_file to "".
+ */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::string params_file);
+ /** Initialize method. This method reads the options file specified
+ * by the option_file_name option and initializes the journalists.
+ * You should call this method at some point before the first optimize
+ * call.
+ * It returns something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a
+ * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option).
+ */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize();
+ /**@name Solve methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from TNLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp, SmartPtr<AlgorithmBuilder>& alg_builder);
+ /** Solve a problem (that inherits from TNLP) for a repeated time.
+ * The OptimizeTNLP method must have been called before. The
+ * TNLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
+ * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
+ * and Hessian must be the same). */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
+ /** Solve a problem (that inherits from NLP) for a repeated time.
+ * The OptimizeNLP method must have been called before. The
+ * NLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
+ * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
+ * and Hessian must be the same). */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for opening an output file with given print_level.
+ * Returns false if there was a problem. */
+ virtual bool OpenOutputFile(std::string file_name, EJournalLevel print_level);
+ /**@name Accessor methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Get the Journalist for printing output */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Journalist> Jnlst()
+ {
+ return jnlst_;
+ }
+ /** Get a pointer to RegisteredOptions object to
+ * add new options */
+ virtual SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> RegOptions()
+ {
+ return reg_options_;
+ }
+ /** Get the options list for setting options */
+ virtual SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options()
+ {
+ return options_;
+ }
+ /** Get the options list for setting options (const version) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const OptionsList> Options() const
+ {
+ return ConstPtr(options_);
+ }
+ /** Get the object with the statistics about the most recent
+ * optimization run. */
+ virtual SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> Statistics();
+ /** Get the IpoptNLP Object */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> IpoptNLPObject();
+ /** Get the IpoptData Object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptData> IpoptDataObject();
+ /** Get the IpoptCQ Object */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> IpoptCQObject();
+ /** Get the Algorithm Object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> AlgorithmObject();
+ //@}
+ /** Method for printing Ipopt copyright message now instead of
+ * just before the optimization. If you want to have the copy
+ * right message printed earlier than by default, call this
+ * method at the convenient time. */
+ void PrintCopyrightMessage();
+ /** Method to set whether non-ipopt non-bad_alloc exceptions
+ * are rethrown by Ipopt.
+ * By default, non-Ipopt and non-std::bad_alloc exceptions are
+ * caught by Ipopts initialization and optimization methods
+ * and the status NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown is returned.
+ * This function allows to enable rethrowing of such exceptions.
+ */
+ void RethrowNonIpoptException(bool dorethrow)
+ {
+ rethrow_nonipoptexception_ = dorethrow;
+ }
+ /** @name Methods for IpoptTypeInfo */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ /** Method to registering all Ipopt options. */
+ static void
+ RegisterAllIpoptOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ // IpoptApplication();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptApplication(const IpoptApplication&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptApplication&);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for the actual optimize call of the Ipopt algorithm.
+ * This is used both for Optimize and ReOptimize */
+ ApplicationReturnStatus call_optimize();
+ /**@name Variables that customize the application behavior */
+ //@{
+ /** Decide whether or not the ipopt.opt file should be read */
+ bool read_params_dat_;
+ /** Decide whether non-ipopt non-bad_alloc exceptions should be rethrown */
+ bool rethrow_nonipoptexception_;
+ //@}
+ /** Journalist for reporting output */
+ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** RegisteredOptions */
+ SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options_;
+ /** OptionsList used for the application */
+ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_;
+ /** Object for storing statistics about the most recent
+ * optimization run. */
+ SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> statistics_;
+ /** Object with the algorithm sceleton.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> alg_;
+ /** IpoptNLP Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
+ * ReOptimize warm start. */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_;
+ /** IpoptData Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
+ * ReOptimize warm start.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_;
+ /** IpoptCalculatedQuantities Object for the NLP. We keep this
+ * around for a ReOptimize warm start.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq_;
+ /** Pointer to the TNLPAdapter used to convert the TNLP to an NLP.
+ * We keep this around for the ReOptimizerTNLP call. */
+ SmartPtr<NLP> nlp_adapter_;
+ /** @name Algorithmic parameters */
+ //@{
+ /** Flag indicating if we are to use the inexact linear solver option */
+ bool inexact_algorithm_;
+ /** Flag indicating if all bounds should be replaced by inequality
+ * constraints. This is necessary for the inexact algorithm. */
+ bool replace_bounds_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
+extern "C" IPOPT_EXPORT(class Ipopt::IpoptApplication *) IpoptApplicationFactory();
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b60b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.hpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2011 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.hpp 2020 2011-06-16 20:46:16Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+#include "IpCachedResults.hpp"
+#include <string>
+namespace Ipopt
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ class IpoptData;
+ class Vector;
+ class Matrix;
+ class SymMatrix;
+ class Journalist;
+ class OptionsList;
+ class RegisteredOptions;
+ /** Norm types */
+ enum ENormType {
+ NORM_1=0,
+ NORM_2,
+ };
+ /** Base class for additional calculated quantities that is special
+ * to a particular type of algorithm, such as the CG penalty
+ * function, or using iterative linear solvers. The regular
+ * IpoptCalculatedQuantities object should be given a derivation of
+ * this base class when it is created. */
+ class IpoptAdditionalCq : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalCq()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptAdditionalCq()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** This method is called to initialize the global algorithmic
+ * parameters. The parameters are taken from the OptionsList
+ * object. */
+ virtual bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix) = 0;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalCq(const IpoptAdditionalCq&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptAdditionalCq&);
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** Class for all IPOPT specific calculated quantities.
+ *
+ */
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor */
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities(const SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>& ip_nlp,
+ const SmartPtr<IpoptData>& ip_data);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptCalculatedQuantities();
+ //@}
+ /** Method for setting pointer for additional calculated
+ * quantities. This needs to be called before Initialized. */
+ void SetAddCq(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalCq> add_cq)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!HaveAddCq());
+ add_cq_ = add_cq;
+ }
+ /** Method detecting if additional object for calculated
+ * quantities has already been set */
+ bool HaveAddCq()
+ {
+ return IsValid(add_cq_);
+ }
+ /** This method must be called to initialize the global
+ * algorithmic parameters. The parameters are taken from the
+ * OptionsList object. */
+ bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** @name Slacks */
+ //@{
+ /** Slacks for x_L (at current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_x_L();
+ /** Slacks for x_U (at current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_x_U();
+ /** Slacks for s_L (at current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_s_L();
+ /** Slacks for s_U (at current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_s_U();
+ /** Slacks for x_L (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_x_L();
+ /** Slacks for x_U (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_x_U();
+ /** Slacks for s_L (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_s_L();
+ /** Slacks for s_U (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_s_U();
+ /** Indicating whether or not we "fudged" the slacks */
+ Index AdjustedTrialSlacks();
+ /** Reset the flags for "fudged" slacks */
+ void ResetAdjustedTrialSlacks();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Objective function */
+ //@{
+ /** Value of objective function (at current point) */
+ virtual Number curr_f();
+ /** Unscaled value of the objective function (at the current point) */
+ virtual Number unscaled_curr_f();
+ /** Value of objective function (at trial point) */
+ virtual Number trial_f();
+ /** Unscaled value of the objective function (at the trial point) */
+ virtual Number unscaled_trial_f();
+ /** Gradient of objective function (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_f();
+ /** Gradient of objective function (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_f();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Barrier Objective Function */
+ //@{
+ /** Barrier Objective Function Value
+ * (at current iterate with current mu)
+ */
+ virtual Number curr_barrier_obj();
+ /** Barrier Objective Function Value
+ * (at trial point with current mu)
+ */
+ virtual Number trial_barrier_obj();
+ /** Gradient of barrier objective function with respect to x
+ * (at current point with current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_barrier_obj_x();
+ /** Gradient of barrier objective function with respect to s
+ * (at current point with current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_barrier_obj_s();
+ /** Gradient of the damping term with respect to x (times
+ * kappa_d) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_kappa_times_damping_x();
+ /** Gradient of the damping term with respect to s (times
+ * kappa_d) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_kappa_times_damping_s();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Constraints */
+ //@{
+ /** c(x) (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_c();
+ /** unscaled c(x) (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_curr_c();
+ /** c(x) (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_c();
+ /** unscaled c(x) (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_trial_c();
+ /** d(x) (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_d();
+ /** unscaled d(x) (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_curr_d();
+ /** d(x) (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_d();
+ /** d(x) - s (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_d_minus_s();
+ /** d(x) - s (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_d_minus_s();
+ /** Jacobian of c (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> curr_jac_c();
+ /** Jacobian of c (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> trial_jac_c();
+ /** Jacobian of d (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> curr_jac_d();
+ /** Jacobian of d (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> trial_jac_d();
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
+ * transpose with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_cT_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of C
+ * transpose with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_cT_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
+ * transpose with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_dT_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of D
+ * transpose with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_dT_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
+ * transpose with current y_c */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_cT_times_curr_y_c();
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of C
+ * transpose with trial y_c */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_cT_times_trial_y_c();
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
+ * transpose with current y_d */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_dT_times_curr_y_d();
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of D
+ * transpose with trial y_d */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_dT_times_trial_y_d();
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
+ * with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_c_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
+ * with general vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_d_times_vec(const Vector& vec);
+ /** Constraint Violation (at current iterate). This value should
+ * be used in the line search, and not curr_primal_infeasibility().
+ * What type of norm is used depends on constr_viol_normtype */
+ virtual Number curr_constraint_violation();
+ /** Constraint Violation (at trial point). This value should
+ * be used in the line search, and not curr_primal_infeasibility().
+ * What type of norm is used depends on constr_viol_normtype */
+ virtual Number trial_constraint_violation();
+ /** Real constraint violation in a given norm (at current
+ * iterate). This considers the inequality constraints without
+ * slacks. */
+ virtual Number curr_nlp_constraint_violation(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Unscaled real constraint violation in a given norm (at current
+ * iterate). This considers the inequality constraints without
+ * slacks. */
+ virtual Number unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Unscaled real constraint violation in a given norm (at trial
+ * iterate). This considers the inequality constraints without
+ * slacks. */
+ virtual Number unscaled_trial_nlp_constraint_violation(ENormType NormType);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Hessian matrices */
+ //@{
+ /** exact Hessian at current iterate (uncached) */
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> curr_exact_hessian();
+ //@}
+ /** @name primal-dual error and its components */
+ //@{
+ /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_x();
+ /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_lag_x();
+ /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_s();
+ /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at trial point) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_lag_s();
+ /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point)
+ including linear damping term */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x();
+ /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point)
+ including linear damping term */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s();
+ /** Complementarity for x_L (for current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_x_L();
+ /** Complementarity for x_U (for current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_x_U();
+ /** Complementarity for s_L (for current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_s_L();
+ /** Complementarity for s_U (for current iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_s_U();
+ /** Complementarity for x_L (for trial iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_x_L();
+ /** Complementarity for x_U (for trial iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_x_U();
+ /** Complementarity for s_L (for trial iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_s_L();
+ /** Complementarity for s_U (for trial iterate) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_s_U();
+ /** Relaxed complementarity for x_L (for current iterate and current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_x_L();
+ /** Relaxed complementarity for x_U (for current iterate and current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_x_U();
+ /** Relaxed complementarity for s_L (for current iterate and current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_s_L();
+ /** Relaxed complementarity for s_U (for current iterate and current mu) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_s_U();
+ /** Primal infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate). */
+ virtual Number curr_primal_infeasibility(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Primal infeasibility in a given norm (at trial point) */
+ virtual Number trial_primal_infeasibility(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Dual infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate) */
+ virtual Number curr_dual_infeasibility(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Dual infeasibility in a given norm (at trial iterate) */
+ virtual Number trial_dual_infeasibility(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Unscaled dual infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate) */
+ virtual Number unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility(ENormType NormType);
+ /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
+ * in a given norm (at current iterate) */
+ virtual Number curr_complementarity(Number mu, ENormType NormType);
+ /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
+ * in a given norm (at trial iterate) */
+ virtual Number trial_complementarity(Number mu, ENormType NormType);
+ /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
+ * in a given norm (at current iterate) without NLP scaling. */
+ virtual Number unscaled_curr_complementarity(Number mu, ENormType NormType);
+ /** Centrality measure (in spirit of the -infinity-neighborhood. */
+ Number CalcCentralityMeasure(const Vector& compl_x_L,
+ const Vector& compl_x_U,
+ const Vector& compl_s_L,
+ const Vector& compl_s_U);
+ /** Centrality measure at current point */
+ virtual Number curr_centrality_measure();
+ /** Total optimality error for the original NLP at the current
+ * iterate, using scaling factors based on multipliers. Note
+ * that here the constraint violation is measured without slacks
+ * (nlp_constraint_violation) */
+ virtual Number curr_nlp_error();
+ /** Total optimality error for the original NLP at the current
+ * iterate, but using no scaling based on multipliers, and no
+ * scaling for the NLP. Note that here the constraint violation
+ * is measured without slacks (nlp_constraint_violation) */
+ virtual Number unscaled_curr_nlp_error();
+ /** Total optimality error for the barrier problem at the
+ * current iterate, using scaling factors based on multipliers. */
+ virtual Number curr_barrier_error();
+ /** Norm of the primal-dual system for a given mu (at current
+ * iterate). The norm is defined as the sum of the 1-norms of
+ * dual infeasibiliy, primal infeasibility, and complementarity,
+ * all divided by the number of elements of the vectors of which
+ * the norm is taken.
+ */
+ virtual Number curr_primal_dual_system_error(Number mu);
+ /** Norm of the primal-dual system for a given mu (at trial
+ * iterate). The norm is defined as the sum of the 1-norms of
+ * dual infeasibiliy, primal infeasibility, and complementarity,
+ * all divided by the number of elements of the vectors of which
+ * the norm is taken.
+ */
+ virtual Number trial_primal_dual_system_error(Number mu);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Computing fraction-to-the-boundary step sizes */
+ //@{
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) primal variables x and s
+ * for a given step */
+ Number primal_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau,
+ const Vector& delta_x,
+ const Vector& delta_s);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) primal variables x and s
+ * for internal (current) step */
+ Number curr_primal_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
+ * for a given step */
+ Number dual_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau,
+ const Vector& delta_z_L,
+ const Vector& delta_z_U,
+ const Vector& delta_v_L,
+ const Vector& delta_v_U);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
+ * for a given step, without caching */
+ Number uncached_dual_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau,
+ const Vector& delta_z_L,
+ const Vector& delta_z_U,
+ const Vector& delta_v_L,
+ const Vector& delta_v_U);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
+ * for internal (current) step */
+ Number curr_dual_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) slacks for a given
+ * step in the slacks. Usually, one will use the
+ * primal_frac_to_the_bound method to compute the primal fraction
+ * to the boundary step size, but if it is cheaper to provide the
+ * steps in the slacks directly (e.g. when the primal step sizes
+ * are only temporary), the this method is more efficient. This
+ * method does not cache computations. */
+ Number uncached_slack_frac_to_the_bound(Number tau,
+ const Vector& delta_x_L,
+ const Vector& delta_x_U,
+ const Vector& delta_s_L,
+ const Vector& delta_s_U);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Sigma matrices */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_sigma_x();
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_sigma_s();
+ //@}
+ /** average of current values of the complementarities */
+ Number curr_avrg_compl();
+ /** average of trial values of the complementarities */
+ Number trial_avrg_compl();
+ /** inner_product of current barrier obj. fn. gradient with
+ * current search direction */
+ Number curr_gradBarrTDelta();
+ /** Compute the norm of a specific type of a set of vectors (uncached) */
+ Number
+ CalcNormOfType(ENormType NormType,
+ std::vector<SmartPtr<const Vector> > vecs);
+ /** Compute the norm of a specific type of two vectors (uncached) */
+ Number
+ CalcNormOfType(ENormType NormType,
+ const Vector& vec1, const Vector& vec2);
+ /** Norm type used for calculating constraint violation */
+ ENormType constr_viol_normtype() const
+ {
+ return constr_viol_normtype_;
+ }
+ /** Method returning true if this is a square problem */
+ bool IsSquareProblem() const;
+ /** Method returning the IpoptNLP object. This should only be
+ * used with care! */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>& GetIpoptNLP()
+ {
+ return ip_nlp_;
+ }
+ IpoptAdditionalCq& AdditionalCq()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(add_cq_));
+ return *add_cq_;
+ }
+ /** Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ /** Called by IpoptType to register the options */
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities(const IpoptCalculatedQuantities&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptCalculatedQuantities&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Pointers for easy access to data and NLP information */
+ //@{
+ /** Ipopt NLP object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_;
+ /** Ipopt Data object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_;
+ /** Chen-Goldfarb specific calculated quantities */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalCq> add_cq_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Algorithmic Parameters that can be set throught the
+ * options list. Those parameters are initialize by calling the
+ * Initialize method.*/
+ //@{
+ /** Parameter in formula for computing overall primal-dual
+ * optimality error */
+ Number s_max_;
+ /** Weighting factor for the linear damping term added to the
+ * barrier objective funciton. */
+ Number kappa_d_;
+ /** fractional movement allowed in bounds */
+ Number slack_move_;
+ /** Norm type to be used when calculating the constraint violation */
+ ENormType constr_viol_normtype_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the TNLP with identical structure has
+ * already been solved before. */
+ bool warm_start_same_structure_;
+ /** Desired value of the barrier parameter */
+ Number mu_target_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Caches for slacks */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_x_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_x_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_s_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_s_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_x_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_x_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_s_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_s_U_cache_;
+ Index num_adjusted_slack_x_L_;
+ Index num_adjusted_slack_x_U_;
+ Index num_adjusted_slack_s_L_;
+ Index num_adjusted_slack_s_U_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Cached for objective function stuff */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_f_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_f_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_f_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_f_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Caches for barrier function stuff */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_barrier_obj_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_barrier_obj_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_barrier_obj_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_barrier_obj_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > grad_kappa_times_damping_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > grad_kappa_times_damping_s_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Caches for constraint stuff */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_c_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_c_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_d_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_d_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_d_minus_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_d_minus_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Matrix> > curr_jac_c_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Matrix> > trial_jac_c_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Matrix> > curr_jac_d_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Matrix> > trial_jac_d_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_cT_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_jac_cT_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_dT_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_jac_dT_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_c_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_d_times_vec_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_constraint_violation_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_constraint_violation_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> unscaled_trial_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** Cache for the exact Hessian */
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> > curr_exact_hessian_cache_;
+ /** @name Components of primal-dual error */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_lag_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_lag_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_x_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_x_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_s_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_s_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_x_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_x_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_s_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_s_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_x_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_x_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_s_L_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_s_U_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_primal_infeasibility_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_primal_infeasibility_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_complementarity_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_complementarity_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_centrality_measure_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_nlp_error_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_nlp_error_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_barrier_error_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_primal_dual_system_error_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_primal_dual_system_error_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Caches for fraction to the boundary step sizes */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults<Number> primal_frac_to_the_bound_cache_;
+ CachedResults<Number> dual_frac_to_the_bound_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Caches for sigma matrices */
+ //@{
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_sigma_x_cache_;
+ CachedResults< SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_sigma_s_cache_;
+ //@}
+ /** Cache for average of current complementarity */
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_avrg_compl_cache_;
+ /** Cache for average of trial complementarity */
+ CachedResults<Number> trial_avrg_compl_cache_;
+ /** Cache for grad barrier obj. fn inner product with step */
+ CachedResults<Number> curr_gradBarrTDelta_cache_;
+ /** @name Indicator vectors required for the linear damping terms
+ * to handle unbounded solution sets. */
+ //@{
+ /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in x that have
+ * only lower bounds. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_x_L_;
+ /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in x that have
+ * only upper bounds. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_x_U_;
+ /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in s that have
+ * only lower bounds. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_s_L_;
+ /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in s that have
+ * only upper bounds. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_s_U_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Temporary vectors for intermediate calcuations. We keep
+ * these around to avoid unnecessarily many new allocations of
+ * Vectors. */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_c_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_d_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_L_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_U_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_L_;
+ SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_U_;
+ /** Accessor methods for the temporary vectors */
+ Vector& Tmp_x();
+ Vector& Tmp_s();
+ Vector& Tmp_c();
+ Vector& Tmp_d();
+ Vector& Tmp_x_L();
+ Vector& Tmp_x_U();
+ Vector& Tmp_s_L();
+ Vector& Tmp_s_U();
+ //@}
+ /** flag indicating if Initialize method has been called (for
+ * debugging) */
+ bool initialize_called_;
+ /** @name Auxiliary functions */
+ //@{
+ /** Compute new vector containing the slack to a lower bound
+ * (uncached)
+ */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> CalcSlack_L(const Matrix& P,
+ const Vector& x,
+ const Vector& x_bound);
+ /** Compute new vector containing the slack to a upper bound
+ * (uncached)
+ */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> CalcSlack_U(const Matrix& P,
+ const Vector& x,
+ const Vector& x_bound);
+ /** Compute barrier term at given point
+ * (uncached)
+ */
+ Number CalcBarrierTerm(Number mu,
+ const Vector& slack_x_L,
+ const Vector& slack_x_U,
+ const Vector& slack_s_L,
+ const Vector& slack_s_U);
+ /** Compute complementarity for slack / multiplier pair */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> CalcCompl(const Vector& slack,
+ const Vector& mult);
+ /** Compute fraction to the boundary parameter for lower and upper bounds */
+ Number CalcFracToBound(const Vector& slack_L,
+ Vector& tmp_L,
+ const Matrix& P_L,
+ const Vector& slack_U,
+ Vector& tmp_U,
+ const Matrix& P_U,
+ const Vector& delta,
+ Number tau);
+ /** Compute the scaling factors for the optimality error. */
+ void ComputeOptimalityErrorScaling(const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& v_L, const Vector& v_U,
+ Number s_max,
+ Number& s_d, Number& s_c);
+ /** Check if slacks are becoming too small. If slacks are
+ * becoming too small, they are change. The return value is the
+ * number of corrected slacks. */
+ Index CalculateSafeSlack(SmartPtr<Vector>& slack,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& bound,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& curr_point,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& multiplier);
+ /** Computes the indicator vectors that can be used to filter out
+ * those entries in the slack_... variables, that correspond to
+ * variables with only lower and upper bounds. This is required
+ * for the linear damping term in the barrier objective function
+ * to handle unbounded solution sets. */
+ void ComputeDampingIndicators(SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_x_L,
+ SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_x_U,
+ SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_s_L,
+ SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_s_U);
+ /** Check if we are in the restoration phase. Returns true, if the
+ * ip_nlp is of the type RestoIpoptNLP. ToDo: We probably want to
+ * handle this more elegant and don't have an explicit dependency
+ * here. Now I added this because otherwise the caching doesn't
+ * work properly since the restoration phase objective function
+ * depends on the current barrier parameter. */
+ bool in_restoration_phase();
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6973bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptData.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPIPOPTDATA_HPP__
+#define __IPIPOPTDATA_HPP__
+#include "IpSymMatrix.hpp"
+#include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
+#include "IpIteratesVector.hpp"
+#include "IpRegOptions.hpp"
+#include "IpTimingStatistics.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* Forward declaration */
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ /** Base class for additional data that is special to a particular
+ * type of algorithm, such as the CG penalty function, or using
+ * iterative linear solvers. The regular IpoptData object should
+ * be given a derivation of this base class when it is created. */
+ class IpoptAdditionalData : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalData()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptAdditionalData()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** This method is called to initialize the global algorithmic
+ * parameters. The parameters are taken from the OptionsList
+ * object. */
+ virtual bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix) = 0;
+ /** Initialize Data Structures at the beginning. */
+ virtual bool InitializeDataStructures() = 0;
+ /** Do whatever is necessary to accept a trial point as current
+ * iterate. This is also used to finish an iteration, i.e., to
+ * release memory, and to reset any flags for a new iteration. */
+ virtual void AcceptTrialPoint() = 0;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalData(const IpoptAdditionalData&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptAdditionalData&);
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** Class to organize all the data required by the algorithm.
+ * Internally, once this Data object has been initialized, all
+ * internal curr_ vectors must always be set (so that prototyes are
+ * available). The current values can only be set from the trial
+ * values. The trial values can be set by copying from a vector or
+ * by adding some fraction of a step to the current values. This
+ * object also stores steps, which allows to easily communicate the
+ * step from the step computation object to the line search object.
+ */
+ class IpoptData : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor */
+ IpoptData(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data = NULL,
+ Number cpu_time_start = -1.);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptData();
+ //@}
+ /** Initialize Data Structures */
+ bool InitializeDataStructures(IpoptNLP& ip_nlp,
+ bool want_x,
+ bool want_y_c,
+ bool want_y_d,
+ bool want_z_L,
+ bool want_z_U);
+ /** This method must be called to initialize the global
+ * algorithmic parameters. The parameters are taken from the
+ * OptionsList object. */
+ bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** @name Get Methods for Iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Current point */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> curr() const;
+ /** Get the current point in a copied container that is non-const.
+ The entries in the container cannot be modified, but
+ the container can be modified to point to new entries.
+ */
+ // SmartPtr<IteratesVector> curr_container() const;
+ /** Get Trial point */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> trial() const;
+ /** Get Trial point in a copied container that is non-const.
+ * The entries in the container can not be modified, but
+ * the container can be modified to point to new entries.
+ */
+ //SmartPtr<IteratesVector> trial_container() const;
+ /** Set the trial point - this method copies the pointer for
+ * efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the same) so
+ * after you call set you cannot modify the data again
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_trial(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial);
+ /** Set the values of the primal trial variables (x and s) from
+ * provided Step with step length alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialPrimalVariablesFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_x,
+ const Vector& delta_s);
+ /** Set the values of the trial values for the equality constraint
+ * multipliers (y_c and y_d) from provided step with step length
+ * alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialEqMultipliersFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_y_c,
+ const Vector& delta_y_d);
+ /** Set the value of the trial values for the bound multipliers
+ * (z_L, z_U, v_L, v_U) from provided step with step length
+ * alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialBoundMultipliersFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_z_L,
+ const Vector& delta_z_U,
+ const Vector& delta_v_L,
+ const Vector& delta_v_U);
+ /** ToDo: I may need to add versions of set_trial like the
+ * following, but I am not sure
+ */
+ // void set_trial(const SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial_iterates);
+ // void set_trial(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& trial_iterates);
+ /** get the current delta */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta() const;
+ /** Set the current delta - like the trial point, this method copies
+ * the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the
+ * same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the data
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta);
+ /** Set the current delta - like the trial point, this method
+ * copies the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache
+ * tags the same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the
+ * data. This is the version that is happy with a pointer to
+ * const IteratesVector.
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& delta);
+ /** Affine Delta */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_aff() const;
+ /** Set the affine delta - like the trial point, this method copies
+ * the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the
+ * same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the data
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta_aff(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta_aff);
+ /** Hessian or Hessian approximation (do not hold on to it, it might be changed) */
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(W_));
+ return W_;
+ }
+ /** Set Hessian approximation */
+ void Set_W(SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W)
+ {
+ W_ = W;
+ }
+ /** @name ("Main") Primal-dual search direction. Those fields are
+ * used to store the search directions computed from solving the
+ * primal-dual system, and can be used in the line search. They
+ * are overwritten in every iteration, so do not hold on to the
+ * pointers (make copies instead) */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns true, if the primal-dual step have been already
+ * computed for the current iteration. This flag is reset after
+ * every call of AcceptTrialPoint(). If the search direction is
+ * computed during the computation of the barrier parameter, the
+ * method computing the barrier parameter should call
+ * SetHaveDeltas(true) to tell the IpoptAlgorithm object that it
+ * doesn't need to recompute the primal-dual step. */
+ bool HaveDeltas() const
+ {
+ return have_deltas_;
+ }
+ /** Method for setting the HaveDeltas flag. This method should be
+ * called if some method computes the primal-dual step (and
+ * stores it in the delta_ fields of IpoptData) at an early part
+ * of the iteration. If that flag is set to true, the
+ * IpoptAlgorithm object will not recompute the step. */
+ void SetHaveDeltas(bool have_deltas)
+ {
+ have_deltas_ = have_deltas;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Affine-scaling step. Those fields can be used to store
+ * the affine scaling step. For example, if the method for
+ * computing the current barrier parameter computes the affine
+ * scaling steps, then the corrector step in the line search does
+ * not have to recompute those solutions of the linear system. */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns true, if the affine-scaling step have been already
+ * computed for the current iteration. This flag is reset after
+ * every call of AcceptTrialPoint(). If the search direction is
+ * computed during the computation of the barrier parameter, the
+ * method computing the barrier parameter should call
+ * SetHaveDeltas(true) to tell the line search does not have to
+ * recompute them in case it wants to do a corrector step. */
+ bool HaveAffineDeltas() const
+ {
+ return have_affine_deltas_;
+ }
+ /** Method for setting the HaveDeltas flag. This method should be
+ * called if some method computes the primal-dual step (and
+ * stores it in the delta_ fields of IpoptData) at an early part
+ * of the iteration. If that flag is set to true, the
+ * IpoptAlgorithm object will not recompute the step. */
+ void SetHaveAffineDeltas(bool have_affine_deltas)
+ {
+ have_affine_deltas_ = have_affine_deltas;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Public Methods for updating iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the trial values to the current values */
+ inline
+ void CopyTrialToCurrent();
+ /** Set the current iterate values from the
+ * trial values. */
+ void AcceptTrialPoint();
+ //@}
+ /** @name General algorithmic data */
+ //@{
+ Index iter_count() const
+ {
+ return iter_count_;
+ }
+ void Set_iter_count(Index iter_count)
+ {
+ iter_count_ = iter_count;
+ }
+ Number curr_mu() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(mu_initialized_);
+ return curr_mu_;
+ }
+ void Set_mu(Number mu)
+ {
+ curr_mu_ = mu;
+ mu_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ bool MuInitialized() const
+ {
+ return mu_initialized_;
+ }
+ Number curr_tau() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(tau_initialized_);
+ return curr_tau_;
+ }
+ void Set_tau(Number tau)
+ {
+ curr_tau_ = tau;
+ tau_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ bool TauInitialized() const
+ {
+ return tau_initialized_;
+ }
+ void SetFreeMuMode(bool free_mu_mode)
+ {
+ free_mu_mode_ = free_mu_mode;
+ }
+ bool FreeMuMode() const
+ {
+ return free_mu_mode_;
+ }
+ /** Setting the flag that indicates if a tiny step (below machine
+ * precision) has been detected */
+ void Set_tiny_step_flag(bool flag)
+ {
+ tiny_step_flag_ = flag;
+ }
+ bool tiny_step_flag()
+ {
+ return tiny_step_flag_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Overall convergence tolerance. It is used in the convergence
+ * test, but also in some other parts of the algorithm that
+ * depend on the specified tolerance, such as the minimum value
+ * for the barrier parameter. */
+ //@{
+ /** Obtain the tolerance. */
+ Number tol() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialize_called_);
+ return tol_;
+ }
+ /** Set a new value for the tolerance. One should be very careful
+ * when using this, since changing the predefined tolerance might
+ * have unexpected consequences. This method is for example used
+ * in the restoration convergence checker to tighten the
+ * restoration phase convergence tolerance, if the restoration
+ * phase converged to a point that has not a large value for the
+ * constraint violation. */
+ void Set_tol(Number tol)
+ {
+ tol_ = tol;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Cpu time counter at the beginning of the optimization. This
+ * is useful to see how much CPU time has been spent in this
+ * optimization run. */
+ Number cpu_time_start() const
+ {
+ return cpu_time_start_;
+ }
+ /** @name Information gathered for iteration output */
+ //@{
+ Number info_regu_x() const
+ {
+ return info_regu_x_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_regu_x(Number regu_x)
+ {
+ info_regu_x_ = regu_x;
+ }
+ Number info_alpha_primal() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_primal_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_primal(Number alpha_primal)
+ {
+ info_alpha_primal_ = alpha_primal;
+ }
+ char info_alpha_primal_char() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_primal_char_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_primal_char(char info_alpha_primal_char)
+ {
+ info_alpha_primal_char_ = info_alpha_primal_char;
+ }
+ Number info_alpha_dual() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_dual_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_dual(Number alpha_dual)
+ {
+ info_alpha_dual_ = alpha_dual;
+ }
+ Index info_ls_count() const
+ {
+ return info_ls_count_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_ls_count(Index ls_count)
+ {
+ info_ls_count_ = ls_count;
+ }
+ bool info_skip_output() const
+ {
+ return info_skip_output_;
+ }
+ void Append_info_string(const std::string& add_str)
+ {
+ info_string_ += add_str;
+ }
+ const std::string& info_string() const
+ {
+ return info_string_;
+ }
+ /** Set this to true, if the next time when output is written, the
+ * summary line should not be printed. */
+ void Set_info_skip_output(bool info_skip_output)
+ {
+ info_skip_output_ = info_skip_output;
+ }
+ /** gives time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ Number info_last_output()
+ {
+ return info_last_output_;
+ }
+ /** sets time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ void Set_info_last_output(Number info_last_output)
+ {
+ info_last_output_ = info_last_output;
+ }
+ /** gives number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ int info_iters_since_header()
+ {
+ return info_iters_since_header_;
+ }
+ /** increases number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ void Inc_info_iters_since_header()
+ {
+ info_iters_since_header_++;
+ }
+ /** sets number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ void Set_info_iters_since_header(int info_iters_since_header)
+ {
+ info_iters_since_header_ = info_iters_since_header;
+ }
+ /** Reset all info fields */
+ void ResetInfo()
+ {
+ info_regu_x_ = 0;
+ info_alpha_primal_ = 0;
+ info_alpha_dual_ = 0.;
+ info_alpha_primal_char_ = ' ';
+ info_skip_output_ = false;
+ info_string_.erase();
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Return Timing Statistics Object */
+ TimingStatistics& TimingStats()
+ {
+ return timing_statistics_;
+ }
+ /** Check if additional data has been set */
+ bool HaveAddData()
+ {
+ return IsValid(add_data_);
+ }
+ /** Get access to additional data object */
+ IpoptAdditionalData& AdditionalData()
+ {
+ return *add_data_;
+ }
+ /** Set a new pointer for additional Ipopt data */
+ void SetAddData(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!HaveAddData());
+ add_data_ = add_data;
+ }
+ /** Set the perturbation of the primal-dual system */
+ void setPDPert(Number pd_pert_x, Number pd_pert_s,
+ Number pd_pert_c, Number pd_pert_d)
+ {
+ pd_pert_x_ = pd_pert_x;
+ pd_pert_s_ = pd_pert_s;
+ pd_pert_c_ = pd_pert_c;
+ pd_pert_d_ = pd_pert_d;
+ }
+ /** Get the current perturbation of the primal-dual system */
+ void getPDPert(Number& pd_pert_x, Number& pd_pert_s,
+ Number& pd_pert_c, Number& pd_pert_d)
+ {
+ pd_pert_x = pd_pert_x_;
+ pd_pert_s = pd_pert_s_;
+ pd_pert_c = pd_pert_c_;
+ pd_pert_d = pd_pert_d_;
+ }
+ /** Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /** @name Iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Main iteration variables
+ * (current iteration) */
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> curr_;
+ /** Main iteration variables
+ * (trial calculations) */
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> trial_;
+ /** Hessian (approximation) - might be changed elsewhere! */
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W_;
+ /** @name Primal-dual Step */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_;
+ /** The following flag is set to true, if some other part of the
+ * algorithm (like the method for computing the barrier
+ * parameter) has already computed the primal-dual search
+ * direction. This flag is reset when the AcceptTrialPoint
+ * method is called.
+ * ToDo: we could cue off of a null delta_;
+ */
+ bool have_deltas_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Affine-scaling step. This used to transfer the
+ * information about the affine-scaling step from the computation
+ * of the barrier parameter to the corrector (in the line
+ * search). */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_aff_;
+ /** The following flag is set to true, if some other part of the
+ * algorithm (like the method for computing the barrier
+ * parameter) has already computed the affine-scaling step. This
+ * flag is reset when the AcceptTrialPoint method is called.
+ * ToDo: we could cue off of a null delta_aff_;
+ */
+ bool have_affine_deltas_;
+ //@}
+ /** iteration count */
+ Index iter_count_;
+ /** current barrier parameter */
+ Number curr_mu_;
+ bool mu_initialized_;
+ /** current fraction to the boundary parameter */
+ Number curr_tau_;
+ bool tau_initialized_;
+ /** flag indicating if Initialize method has been called (for
+ * debugging) */
+ bool initialize_called_;
+ /** flag for debugging whether we have already curr_ values
+ * available (from which new Vectors can be generated */
+ bool have_prototypes_;
+ /** @name Global algorithm parameters. Those are options that can
+ * be modified by the user and appear at different places in the
+ * algorithm. They are set using an OptionsList object in the
+ * Initialize method. */
+ //@{
+ /** Overall convergence tolerance */
+ Number tol_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Status data **/
+ //@{
+ /** flag indicating whether the algorithm is in the free mu mode */
+ bool free_mu_mode_;
+ /** flag indicating if a tiny step has been detected */
+ bool tiny_step_flag_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Gathered information for iteration output */
+ //@{
+ /** Size of regularization for the Hessian */
+ Number info_regu_x_;
+ /** Primal step size */
+ Number info_alpha_primal_;
+ /** Info character for primal step size */
+ char info_alpha_primal_char_;
+ /** Dual step size */
+ Number info_alpha_dual_;
+ /** Number of backtracking trial steps */
+ Index info_ls_count_;
+ /** true, if next summary output line should not be printed (eg
+ * after restoration phase. */
+ bool info_skip_output_;
+ /** any string of characters for the end of the output line */
+ std::string info_string_;
+ /** time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ Number info_last_output_;
+ /** number of iteration summaries actually printed since last
+ * summary header was printed */
+ int info_iters_since_header_;
+ //@}
+ /** VectorSpace for all the iterates */
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVectorSpace> iterates_space_;
+ /** TimingStatistics object collecting all Ipopt timing
+ * statistics */
+ TimingStatistics timing_statistics_;
+ /** CPU time counter at initialization. */
+ Number cpu_time_start_;
+ /** Object for the data specific for the Chen-Goldfarb penalty
+ * method algorithm */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data_;
+ /** @name Information about the perturbation of the primal-dual
+ * system */
+ //@{
+ Number pd_pert_x_;
+ Number pd_pert_s_;
+ Number pd_pert_c_;
+ Number pd_pert_d_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptData(const IpoptData&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptData&);
+ //@}
+ /** Some debug flags to make sure vectors are not changed
+ * behind the IpoptData's back
+ */
+ //@{
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_curr_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_trial_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_aff_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_curr_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_trial_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::curr() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(curr_) || (curr_->GetTag() == debug_curr_tag_ && curr_->GetTagSum() == debug_curr_tag_sum_) );
+ return curr_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::trial() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(trial_) || (trial_->GetTag() == debug_trial_tag_ && trial_->GetTagSum() == debug_trial_tag_sum_) );
+ return trial_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::delta() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(delta_) || (delta_->GetTag() == debug_delta_tag_ && delta_->GetTagSum() == debug_delta_tag_sum_) );
+ return delta_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::delta_aff() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(delta_aff_) || (delta_aff_->GetTag() == debug_delta_aff_tag_ && delta_aff_->GetTagSum() == debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_) );
+ return delta_aff_;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::CopyTrialToCurrent()
+ {
+ curr_ = trial_;
+ if (IsValid(curr_)) {
+ debug_curr_tag_ = curr_->GetTag();
+ debug_curr_tag_sum_ = curr_->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_curr_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_curr_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_trial(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial)
+ {
+ trial_ = ConstPtr(trial);
+ // verify the correct space
+ DBG_ASSERT(trial_->OwnerSpace() == (VectorSpace*)GetRawPtr(iterates_space_));
+ if (IsValid(trial)) {
+ debug_trial_tag_ = trial->GetTag();
+ debug_trial_tag_sum_ = trial->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_trial_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_trial_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ trial = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta)
+ {
+ delta_ = ConstPtr(delta);
+ if (IsValid(delta)) {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = delta->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = delta->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ delta = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& delta)
+ {
+ delta_ = delta;
+ if (IsValid(delta)) {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = delta->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = delta->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ delta = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta_aff(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta_aff)
+ {
+ delta_aff_ = ConstPtr(delta_aff);
+ if (IsValid(delta_aff)) {
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_ = delta_aff->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_ = delta_aff->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_ = delta_aff->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ delta_aff = NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptNLP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptNLP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21951c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptNLP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptNLP.hpp 2594 2015-08-09 14:31:05Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPIPOPTNLP_HPP__
+#define __IPIPOPTNLP_HPP__
+#include "IpNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpNLPScaling.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class IteratesVector;
+ /** This is the abstract base class for classes that map
+ * the traditional NLP into
+ * something that is more useful by Ipopt.
+ * This class takes care of storing the
+ * calculated model results, handles cacheing,
+ * and (some day) takes care of addition of slacks.
+ */
+ class IpoptNLP : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ IpoptNLP(const SmartPtr<NLPScalingObject> nlp_scaling)
+ :
+ nlp_scaling_(nlp_scaling)
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptNLP()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Initialization method. Set the internal options and
+ * initialize internal data structures. */
+ virtual bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix)
+ {
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (IsValid(nlp_scaling_)) {
+ ret = nlp_scaling_->Initialize(jnlst, options, prefix);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**@name Possible Exceptions */
+ //@{
+ /** thrown if there is any error evaluating values from the nlp */
+ //@}
+ /** Initialize (create) structures for
+ * the iteration data */
+ virtual bool InitializeStructures(SmartPtr<Vector>& x,
+ bool init_x,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& y_c,
+ bool init_y_c,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& y_d,
+ bool init_y_d,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& z_L,
+ bool init_z_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& z_U,
+ bool init_z_U,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& v_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& v_U
+ ) = 0;
+ /** Method accessing the GetWarmStartIterate of the NLP */
+ virtual bool GetWarmStartIterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate)=0;
+ /** Accessor methods for model data */
+ //@{
+ /** Objective value */
+ virtual Number f(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Gradient of the objective */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_f(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Equality constraint residual */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> c(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for equality constraints */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> jac_c(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Inequality constraint residual (reformulated
+ * as equalities with slacks */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for inequality constraints */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> jac_d(const Vector& x) = 0;
+ /** Hessian of the Lagrangian */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd
+ ) = 0;
+ /** Lower bounds on x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> x_L() const = 0;
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_L_ -> x) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_L() const = 0;
+ /** Upper bounds on x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> x_U() const = 0;
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_U_ -> x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_U() const = 0;
+ /** Lower bounds on d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d_L() const = 0;
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_L_ -> d) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_L() const = 0;
+ /** Upper bounds on d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d_U() const = 0;
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_U_ -> d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_U() const = 0;
+ /** x_space */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space() const = 0;
+ /** Accessor method to obtain the MatrixSpace for the Hessian
+ * matrix (or it's approximation) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> HessianMatrixSpace() const = 0;
+ //@}
+ /** Accessor method for vector/matrix spaces pointers. */
+ virtual void GetSpaces(SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& Hess_lagrangian_space) = 0;
+ /** Method for adapting the variable bounds. This is called if
+ * slacks are becoming too small */
+ virtual void AdjustVariableBounds(const Vector& new_x_L,
+ const Vector& new_x_U,
+ const Vector& new_d_L,
+ const Vector& new_d_U)=0;
+ /** @name Counters for the number of function evaluations. */
+ //@{
+ virtual Index f_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index grad_f_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index c_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index jac_c_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index d_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index jac_d_evals() const = 0;
+ virtual Index h_evals() const = 0;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Special method for dealing with the fact that the
+ * restoration phase objective function depends on the barrier
+ * parameter */
+ //@{
+ /** Method for telling the IpoptCalculatedQuantities class whether
+ * the objective function depends on the barrier function. This
+ * is only used for the restoration phase NLP
+ * formulation. Probably only RestoIpoptNLP should overwrite
+ * this. */
+ virtual bool objective_depends_on_mu() const
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Replacement for the default objective function method which
+ * knows about the barrier parameter */
+ virtual Number f(const Vector& x, Number mu) = 0;
+ /** Replacement for the default objective gradient method which
+ * knows about the barrier parameter */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_f(const Vector& x, Number mu) = 0;
+ /** Replacement for the default Lagrangian Hessian method which
+ * knows about the barrier parameter */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd,
+ Number mu) = 0;
+ /** Provides a Hessian matrix from the correct matrix space with
+ * uninitialized values. This can be used in LeastSquareMults to
+ * obtain a "zero Hessian". */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> uninitialized_h() = 0;
+ //@}
+ /**@name solution routines */
+ //@{
+ virtual void FinalizeSolution(SolverReturn status,
+ const Vector& x, const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& c, const Vector& d,
+ const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq)=0;
+ virtual bool IntermediateCallBack(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ SmartPtr<const IpoptData> ip_data,
+ SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq)=0;
+ //@}
+ /** Returns the scaling strategy object */
+ SmartPtr<NLPScalingObject> NLP_scaling() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(nlp_scaling_));
+ return nlp_scaling_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptNLP(const IpoptNLP&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptNLP&);
+ //@}
+ SmartPtr<NLPScalingObject> nlp_scaling_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIteratesVector.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIteratesVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed7580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIteratesVector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIteratesVector.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-06-06
+#include "IpCompoundVector.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class IteratesVectorSpace;
+ /** Specialized CompoundVector class specifically for the algorithm
+ * iterates. This class inherits from CompoundVector and is a
+ * specialized class for handling the iterates of the Ipopt
+ * Algorithm, that is, x, s, y_c, y_d, z_L, z_U, v_L, and v_U. It
+ * inherits from CompoundVector so it can behave like a CV in most
+ * calculations, but it has fixed dimensions and cannot be
+ * customized
+ */
+ class IteratesVector : public CompoundVector
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ IteratesVector(const IteratesVectorSpace* owner_space, bool create_new);
+ virtual ~IteratesVector();
+ //@}
+ /** Make New methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Use this method to create a new iterates vector. The MakeNew
+ * method on the Vector class also works, but it does not give
+ * the create_new option.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVector> MakeNewIteratesVector(bool create_new = true) const;
+ /** Use this method to create a new iterates vector with a copy of
+ * all the data.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVector> MakeNewIteratesVectorCopy() const
+ {
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVector> ret = MakeNewIteratesVector(true);
+ ret->Copy(*this);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /** Use this method to create a new iterates vector
+ * container. This creates a new NonConst container, but the
+ * elements inside the iterates vector may be const. Therefore,
+ * the container can be modified to point to new entries, but the
+ * existing entries may or may not be modifiable.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVector> MakeNewContainer() const;
+ //@}
+ /** Iterates Set/Get Methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Get the x iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> x() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(0);
+ }
+ /** Get the x iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if the
+ * vector was created intenally, or the Set_x_NonConst method was
+ * used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> x_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(0);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the x entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_x();
+ /** Create a new vector in the x entry and copy the current values
+ * into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_x_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_x = GetComp(0);
+ Set_x_NonConst(*curr_x->MakeNew());
+ x_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_x);
+ return x_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the x iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_x(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(0, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the x iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_x_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(0, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the s iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> s() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(1);
+ }
+ /** Get the s iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if the
+ * vector was created intenally, or the Set_s_NonConst method was
+ * used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> s_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(1);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the s entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_s();
+ /** Create a new vector in the s entry and copy the current values
+ * into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_s_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_s = GetComp(1);
+ Set_s_NonConst(*curr_s->MakeNew());
+ s_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_s);
+ return s_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the s iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_s(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(1, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the s iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_s_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(1, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the y_c iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> y_c() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(2);
+ }
+ /** Get the y_c iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_y_c_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_c_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(2);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the y_c entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_y_c();
+ /** Create a new vector in the y_c entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_y_c_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_y_c = GetComp(2);
+ Set_y_c_NonConst(*curr_y_c->MakeNew());
+ y_c_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_y_c);
+ return y_c_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the y_c iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_y_c(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(2, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the y_c iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_y_c_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(2, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the y_d iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> y_d() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(3);
+ }
+ /** Get the y_d iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_y_d_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_d_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(3);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the y_d entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_y_d();
+ /** Create a new vector in the y_d entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_y_d_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_y_d = GetComp(3);
+ Set_y_d_NonConst(*curr_y_d->MakeNew());
+ y_d_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_y_d);
+ return y_d_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the y_d iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_y_d(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(3, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the y_d iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_y_d_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(3, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the z_L iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> z_L() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(4);
+ }
+ /** Get the z_L iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_z_L_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_L_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(4);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the z_L entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_z_L();
+ /** Create a new vector in the z_L entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_z_L_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_z_L = GetComp(4);
+ Set_z_L_NonConst(*curr_z_L->MakeNew());
+ z_L_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_z_L);
+ return z_L_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the z_L iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_z_L(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(4, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the z_L iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_z_L_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(4, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the z_U iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> z_U() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(5);
+ }
+ /** Get the z_U iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_z_U_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_U_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(5);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the z_U entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_z_U();
+ /** Create a new vector in the z_U entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_z_U_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_z_U = GetComp(5);
+ Set_z_U_NonConst(*curr_z_U->MakeNew());
+ z_U_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_z_U);
+ return z_U_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the z_U iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_z_U(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(5, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the z_U iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_z_U_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(5, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the v_L iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> v_L() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(6);
+ }
+ /** Get the v_L iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_v_L_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> v_L_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(6);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the v_L entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_v_L();
+ /** Create a new vector in the v_L entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_v_L_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_v_L = GetComp(6);
+ Set_v_L_NonConst(*curr_v_L->MakeNew());
+ v_L_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_v_L);
+ return v_L_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the v_L iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_v_L(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(6, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the v_L iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_v_L_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(6, vec);
+ }
+ /** Get the v_U iterate (const) */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> v_U() const
+ {
+ return GetIterateFromComp(7);
+ }
+ /** Get the v_U iterate (non-const) - this can only be called if
+ * the vector was created intenally, or the Set_v_U_NonConst
+ * method was used. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> v_U_NonConst()
+ {
+ return GetNonConstIterateFromComp(7);
+ }
+ /** Create a new vector in the v_U entry */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_v_U();
+ /** Create a new vector in the v_U entry and copy the current
+ * values into it. */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> create_new_v_U_copy()
+ {
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_v_U = GetComp(7);
+ Set_v_U_NonConst(*curr_v_U->MakeNew());
+ v_U_NonConst()->Copy(*curr_v_U);
+ return v_U_NonConst();
+ }
+ /** Set the v_U iterate (const). Sets the pointer, does NOT copy
+ * data. */
+ void Set_v_U(const Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetComp(7, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the v_U iterate (non-const). Sets the pointer, does NOT
+ * copy data. */
+ void Set_v_U_NonConst(Vector& vec)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(7, vec);
+ }
+ /** Set the primal variables all in one shot. Sets the pointers,
+ * does NOT copy data */
+ void Set_primal(const Vector& x, const Vector& s)
+ {
+ SetComp(0, x);
+ SetComp(1, s);
+ }
+ void Set_primal_NonConst(Vector& x, Vector& s)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(0, x);
+ SetCompNonConst(1, s);
+ }
+ /** Set the eq multipliers all in one shot. Sets the pointers,
+ * does not copy data. */
+ void Set_eq_mult(const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d)
+ {
+ SetComp(2, y_c);
+ SetComp(3, y_d);
+ }
+ void Set_eq_mult_NonConst(Vector& y_c, Vector& y_d)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(2, y_c);
+ SetCompNonConst(3, y_d);
+ }
+ /** Set the bound multipliers all in one shot. Sets the pointers,
+ * does not copy data. */
+ void Set_bound_mult(const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U, const Vector& v_L, const Vector& v_U)
+ {
+ SetComp(4, z_L);
+ SetComp(5, z_U);
+ SetComp(6, v_L);
+ SetComp(7, v_U);
+ }
+ void Set_bound_mult_NonConst(Vector& z_L, Vector& z_U, Vector& v_L, Vector& v_U)
+ {
+ SetCompNonConst(4, z_L);
+ SetCompNonConst(5, z_U);
+ SetCompNonConst(6, v_L);
+ SetCompNonConst(7, v_U);
+ }
+ /** Get a sum of the tags of the contained items. There is no
+ * guarantee that this is unique, but there is a high chance it
+ * is unique and it can be used for debug checks relatively
+ * reliably.
+ */
+ TaggedObject::Tag GetTagSum() const
+ {
+ TaggedObject::Tag tag = 0;
+ if (IsValid(x())) {
+ tag += x()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(s())) {
+ tag += s()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(y_c())) {
+ tag += y_c()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(y_d())) {
+ tag += y_d()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(z_L())) {
+ tag += z_L()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(z_U())) {
+ tag += z_U()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(v_L())) {
+ tag += v_L()->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (IsValid(v_U())) {
+ tag += v_U()->GetTag();
+ }
+ return tag;
+ }
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods (Hidden to avoid
+ * implicit creation/calling). These methods are not implemented
+ * and we do not want the compiler to implement them for us, so we
+ * declare them private and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IteratesVector();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IteratesVector(const IteratesVector&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IteratesVector&);
+ //@}
+ const IteratesVectorSpace* owner_space_;
+ /** private method to return the const element from the compound
+ * vector. This method will return NULL if none is currently
+ * set.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> GetIterateFromComp(Index i) const
+ {
+ if (IsCompNull(i)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return GetComp(i);
+ }
+ /** private method to return the non-const element from the
+ * compound vector. This method will return NULL if none is
+ * currently set.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> GetNonConstIterateFromComp(Index i)
+ {
+ if (IsCompNull(i)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return GetCompNonConst(i);
+ }
+ };
+ /** Vector Space for the IteratesVector class. This is a
+ * specialized vector space for the IteratesVector class.
+ */
+ class IteratesVectorSpace : public CompoundVectorSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor that takes the spaces for each of the iterates.
+ * Warning! None of these can be NULL !
+ */
+ IteratesVectorSpace(const VectorSpace& x_space, const VectorSpace& s_space,
+ const VectorSpace& y_c_space, const VectorSpace& y_d_space,
+ const VectorSpace& z_L_space, const VectorSpace& z_U_space,
+ const VectorSpace& v_L_space, const VectorSpace& v_U_space
+ );
+ virtual ~IteratesVectorSpace();
+ //@}
+ /** Method for creating vectors . */
+ //@{
+ /** Use this to create a new IteratesVector. You can pass-in
+ * create_new = false if you only want a container and do not
+ * want vectors allocated.
+ */
+ virtual IteratesVector* MakeNewIteratesVector(bool create_new = true) const
+ {
+ return new IteratesVector(this, create_new);
+ }
+ /** Use this method to create a new const IteratesVector. You must pass in
+ * valid pointers for all of the entries.
+ */
+ const SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> MakeNewIteratesVector(const Vector& x, const Vector& s,
+ const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& v_L, const Vector& v_U)
+ {
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVector> newvec = MakeNewIteratesVector(false);
+ newvec->Set_x(x);
+ newvec->Set_s(s);
+ newvec->Set_y_c(y_c);
+ newvec->Set_y_d(y_d);
+ newvec->Set_z_L(z_L);
+ newvec->Set_z_U(z_U);
+ newvec->Set_v_L(v_L);
+ newvec->Set_v_U(v_U);
+ return ConstPtr(newvec);
+ }
+ /** This method overloads
+ * ComooundVectorSpace::MakeNewCompoundVector to make sure that
+ * we get a vector of the correct type
+ */
+ virtual CompoundVector* MakeNewCompoundVector(bool create_new = true) const
+ {
+ return MakeNewIteratesVector(create_new);
+ }
+ /** This method creates a new vector (and allocates space in all
+ * the contained vectors. This is really only used for code that
+ * does not know what type of vector it is dealing with - for
+ * example, this method is called from Vector::MakeNew()
+ */
+ virtual Vector* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewIteratesVector();
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** This method hides the CompoundVectorSpace::SetCompSpace method
+ * since the components of the Iterates are fixed at
+ * construction.
+ */
+ virtual void SetCompSpace(Index icomp, const VectorSpace& vec_space)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(false && "This is an IteratesVectorSpace - a special compound vector for Ipopt iterates. The contained spaces should not be modified.");
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods (Hidden to avoid
+ * implicit creation/calling). These methods are not implemented
+ * and we do not want the compiler to implement them for us, so we
+ * declare them private and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ IteratesVectorSpace();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IteratesVectorSpace(const IteratesVectorSpace&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ IteratesVectorSpace& operator=(const IteratesVectorSpace&);
+ //@}
+ /** Contained Spaces */
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> s_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> y_c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> y_d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> z_L_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> z_U_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> v_L_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> v_U_space_;
+ };
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_x()
+ {
+ Set_x_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(0)->MakeNew());
+ return x_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_s()
+ {
+ Set_s_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(1)->MakeNew());
+ return s_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_y_c()
+ {
+ Set_y_c_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(2)->MakeNew());
+ return y_c_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_y_d()
+ {
+ Set_y_d_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(3)->MakeNew());
+ return y_d_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_z_L()
+ {
+ Set_z_L_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(4)->MakeNew());
+ return z_L_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_z_U()
+ {
+ Set_z_U_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(5)->MakeNew());
+ return z_U_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_v_L()
+ {
+ Set_v_L_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(6)->MakeNew());
+ return v_L_NonConst();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<Vector> IteratesVector::create_new_v_U()
+ {
+ Set_v_U_NonConst(*owner_space_->GetCompSpace(7)->MakeNew());
+ return v_U_NonConst();
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpJournalist.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpJournalist.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..266130a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpJournalist.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpJournalist.hpp 2204 2013-04-13 13:49:26Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpoptConfig.h"
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+# include <cstdarg>
+# ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H
+# include <stdarg.h>
+# else
+# include <cstdarg> // if this header is included by someone who does not define HAVE_CSTDARG or HAVE_STDARG, let's hope that cstdarg is available
+# endif
+# include <cstdio>
+# ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H
+# include <stdio.h>
+# else
+# include <cstdio> // if this header is included by someone who does not define HAVE_CSTDIO or HAVE_STDIO, let's hope that cstdio is available
+# endif
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class Journal;
+ class FileJournal;
+ /**@name Journalist Enumerations. */
+ //@{
+ /** Print Level Enum. */
+ enum EJournalLevel {
+ J_NONE=0,
+ J_ALL,
+ };
+ /** Category Selection Enum. */
+ enum EJournalCategory {
+ J_DBG=0,
+ J_NLP,
+ J_USER_APPLICATION /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER1 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER2 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER3 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER4 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER5 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER6 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER7 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER8 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER9 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER10 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER11 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER12 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER13 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER14 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER15 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER16 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ J_USER17 /** This can be used by the user's application*/ ,
+ };
+ //@}
+ /** Class responsible for all message output.
+ * This class is responsible for all messaging and output.
+ * The "printing" code or "author" should send ALL messages to the
+ * Journalist, indicating an appropriate category and print level.
+ * The journalist then decides, based on reader specified
+ * acceptance criteria, which message is actually printed in which
+ * journals.
+ * This allows the printing code to send everything, while the
+ * "reader" can decide what they really want to see.
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Authors use the
+ * Journals: You can add as many Journals as you like to the
+ * Journalist with the AddJournal or the AddFileJournal methods.
+ * Each one represents a different printing location (or file).
+ * Then, you can call the "print" methods of the Journalist to output
+ * information to each of the journals.
+ *
+ * Acceptance Criteria: Each print message should be flagged
+ * appropriately with an EJournalCategory and EJournalLevel.
+ *
+ * The AddFileJournal
+ * method returns a pointer to the newly created Journal object
+ * (if successful) so you can set Acceptance criteria for that
+ * particular location.
+ *
+ */
+ class Journalist : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructor / Desructor. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor. */
+ Journalist();
+ /** Destructor... */
+ virtual ~Journalist();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Author Methods.
+ * These methods are used by authoring code, or code that wants
+ * to report some information.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Method to print a formatted string */
+ virtual void Printf(EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category,
+ const char* format, ...) const;
+ /** Method to print a long string including indentation. The
+ * string is printed starting at the current position. If the
+ * position (counting started at the current position) exceeds
+ * max_length, a new line is inserted, and indent_spaces many
+ * spaces are printed before the string is continued. This is
+ * for example used during the printing of the option
+ * documentation. */
+ virtual void PrintStringOverLines(EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category,
+ Index indent_spaces, Index max_length,
+ const std::string& line) const;
+ /** Method to print a formatted string with indentation */
+ virtual void PrintfIndented(EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ Index indent_level,
+ const char* format, ...) const;
+ /** Method to print a formatted string
+ * using the va_list argument. */
+ virtual void VPrintf(EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const char* pformat,
+ va_list ap) const;
+ /** Method to print a formatted string with indentation,
+ * using the va_list argument. */
+ virtual void VPrintfIndented(EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ Index indent_level,
+ const char* pformat,
+ va_list ap) const;
+ /** Method that returns true if there is a Journal that would
+ * write output for the given JournalLevel and JournalCategory.
+ * This is useful if expensive computation would be required for
+ * a particular output. The author code can check with this
+ * method if the computations are indeed required.
+ */
+ virtual bool ProduceOutput(EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category) const;
+ /** Method that flushes the current buffer for all Journalists.
+ Calling this method after one optimization run helps to avoid
+ cluttering output with that produced by other parts of the
+ program (e.g. written in Fortran) */
+ virtual void FlushBuffer() const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Reader Methods.
+ * These methods are used by the reader. The reader will setup the
+ * journalist with each output file and the acceptance
+ * criteria for that file.
+ *
+ * Use these methods to setup the journals (files or other output).
+ * These are the internal objects that keep track of the print levels
+ * for each category. Then use the internal Journal objects to
+ * set specific print levels for each category (or keep defaults).
+ *
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Add a new journal. The location_name is a string identifier,
+ * which can be used to obtain the pointer to the new Journal at
+ * a later point using the GetJournal method.
+ * The default_level is
+ * used to initialize the * printing level for all categories.
+ */
+ virtual bool AddJournal(const SmartPtr<Journal> jrnl);
+ /** Add a new FileJournal. fname is the name
+ * of the * file to which this Journal corresponds. Use
+ * fname="stdout" * for stdout, and use fname="stderr" for
+ * stderr. This method * returns the Journal pointer so you can
+ * set specific acceptance criteria. It returns NULL if there
+ * was a problem creating a new Journal.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Journal> AddFileJournal(
+ const std::string& location_name, /**< journal identifier */
+ const std::string& fname, /**< file name */
+ EJournalLevel default_level = J_WARNING /**< default journal level */
+ );
+ /** Get an existing journal. You can use this method to change
+ * the acceptance criteria at runtime.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Journal> GetJournal(const std::string& location_name);
+ /** Delete all journals curently known by the journalist. */
+ virtual void DeleteAllJournals();
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ Journalist(const Journalist&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const Journalist&);
+ //@}
+ //** Private Data Members. */
+ //@{
+ std::vector< SmartPtr<Journal> > journals_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** Journal class (part of the Journalist implementation.). This
+ * class is the base class for all Journals. It controls the
+ * acceptance criteria for print statements etc. Derived classes
+ * like the FileJournal - output those messages to specific locations
+ */
+ class Journal : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor. */
+ Journal(const std::string& name, EJournalLevel default_level);
+ /** Destructor. */
+ virtual ~Journal();
+ /** Get the name of the Journal */
+ virtual std::string Name();
+ /** Set the print level for a particular category. */
+ virtual void SetPrintLevel(
+ EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level
+ );
+ /** Set the print level for all category. */
+ virtual void SetAllPrintLevels(
+ EJournalLevel level
+ );
+ /**@name Journal Output Methods. These methods are called by the
+ * Journalist who first checks if the output print level and category
+ * are acceptable.
+ * Calling the Print methods explicitly (instead of through the
+ * Journalist will output the message regardless of print level
+ * and category. You should use the Journalist to print & flush instead
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Ask if a particular print level/category is accepted by the
+ * journal.
+ */
+ virtual bool IsAccepted(
+ EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level
+ ) const;
+ /** Print to the designated output location */
+ virtual void Print(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* str)
+ {
+ PrintImpl(category, level, str);
+ }
+ /** Printf to the designated output location */
+ virtual void Printf(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* pformat, va_list ap)
+ {
+ PrintfImpl(category, level, pformat, ap);
+ }
+ /** Flush output buffer.*/
+ virtual void FlushBuffer()
+ {
+ FlushBufferImpl();
+ }
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /**@name Implementation version of Print methods. Derived classes
+ * should overload the Impl methods.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Print to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* str)=0;
+ /** Printf to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintfImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* pformat, va_list ap)=0;
+ /** Flush output buffer.*/
+ virtual void FlushBufferImpl()=0;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ Journal();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ Journal(const Journal&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const Journal&);
+ //@}
+ /** Name of the output location */
+ std::string name_;
+ /** vector of integers indicating the level for each category */
+ Index print_levels_[J_LAST_CATEGORY];
+ };
+ /** FileJournal class. This is a particular Journal implementation that
+ * writes to a file for output. It can write to (stdout, stderr, or disk)
+ * by using "stdout" and "stderr" as filenames.
+ */
+ class FileJournal : public Journal
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor. */
+ FileJournal(const std::string& name, EJournalLevel default_level);
+ /** Destructor. */
+ virtual ~FileJournal();
+ /** Open a new file for the output location.
+ * Special Names: stdout means stdout,
+ * : stderr means stderr.
+ *
+ * Return code is false only if the file with the given name
+ * could not be opened.
+ */
+ virtual bool Open(const char* fname);
+ protected:
+ /**@name Implementation version of Print methods - Overloaded from
+ * Journal base class.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Print to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* str);
+ /** Printf to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintfImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* pformat, va_list ap);
+ /** Flush output buffer.*/
+ virtual void FlushBufferImpl();
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ FileJournal();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ FileJournal(const FileJournal&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const FileJournal&);
+ //@}
+ /** FILE pointer for the output destination */
+ FILE* file_;
+ };
+ /** StreamJournal class. This is a particular Journal implementation that
+ * writes to a stream for output.
+ */
+ class StreamJournal : public Journal
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor. */
+ StreamJournal(const std::string& name, EJournalLevel default_level);
+ /** Destructor. */
+ virtual ~StreamJournal()
+ {}
+ /** Setting the output stream pointer */
+ void SetOutputStream(std::ostream* os);
+ protected:
+ /**@name Implementation version of Print methods - Overloaded from
+ * Journal base class.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Print to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* str);
+ /** Printf to the designated output location */
+ virtual void PrintfImpl(EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level,
+ const char* pformat, va_list ap);
+ /** Flush output buffer.*/
+ virtual void FlushBufferImpl();
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ StreamJournal();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ StreamJournal(const StreamJournal&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const StreamJournal&);
+ //@}
+ /** pointer to output stream for the output destination */
+ std::ostream* os_;
+ /** buffer for sprintf. Being generous in size here... */
+ char buffer_[32768];
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpLapack.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpLapack.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8883c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpLapack.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpLapack.hpp 2449 2013-12-16 00:25:42Z ghackebeil $
+// Authors: Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-12-25
+#ifndef __IPLAPACK_HPP__
+#define __IPLAPACK_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRS. Solving a linear system
+ * given a Cholesky factorization. We assume that the Cholesky
+ * factor is lower traiangular. */
+ void IpLapackDpotrs(Index ndim, Index nrhs, const Number *a, Index lda,
+ Number *b, Index ldb);
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRF. Compute Cholesky
+ * factorization (lower triangular factor). info is the return
+ * value from the LAPACK routine. */
+ void IpLapackDpotrf(Index ndim, Number *a, Index lda, Index& info);
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DSYEV. Compute the Eigenvalue
+ * decomposition for a given matrix. If compute_eigenvectors is
+ * true, a will contain the eigenvectors in its columns on
+ * return. */
+ void IpLapackDsyev(bool compute_eigenvectors, Index ndim, Number *a,
+ Index lda, Number *w, Index& info);
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DGETRF. Compute LU factorization.
+ * info is the return value from the LAPACK routine. */
+ void IpLapackDgetrf(Index ndim, Number *a, Index* pivot, Index lda,
+ Index& info);
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DGETRS. Solving a linear system
+ * given a LU factorization. */
+ void IpLapackDgetrs(Index ndim, Index nrhs, const Number *a, Index lda,
+ Index* ipiv, Number *b, Index ldb);
+ /** Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPPSV. Solves a symmetric positive
+ * definite linear system in packed storage format (upper triangular).
+ * info is the return value from the LAPACK routine. */
+ void IpLapackDppsv(Index ndim, Index nrhs, const Number *a,
+ Number *b, Index ldb, Index& info);
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpMatrix.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpMatrix.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79018da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpMatrix.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpMatrix.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPMATRIX_HPP__
+#define __IPMATRIX_HPP__
+#include "IpVector.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class MatrixSpace;
+ /** Matrix Base Class. This is the base class for all derived matrix
+ * types. All Matrices, such as Jacobian and Hessian matrices, as
+ * well as possibly the iteration matrices needed for the step
+ * computation, are of this type.
+ *
+ * Deriving from Matrix: Overload the protected XXX_Impl method.
+ */
+ class Matrix : public TaggedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructor/Destructor */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor. It has to be given a pointer to the
+ * corresponding MatrixSpace.
+ */
+ Matrix(const MatrixSpace* owner_space)
+ :
+ TaggedObject(),
+ owner_space_(owner_space),
+ valid_cache_tag_(0)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~Matrix()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Operations of the Matrix on a Vector */
+ //@{
+ /** Matrix-vector multiply. Computes y = alpha * Matrix * x +
+ * beta * y. Do not overload. Overload MultVectorImpl instead.
+ */
+ void MultVector(Number alpha, const Vector& x, Number beta,
+ Vector& y) const
+ {
+ MultVectorImpl(alpha, x, beta, y);
+ }
+ /** Matrix(transpose) vector multiply. Computes y = alpha *
+ * Matrix^T * x + beta * y. Do not overload. Overload
+ * TransMultVectorImpl instead.
+ */
+ void TransMultVector(Number alpha, const Vector& x, Number beta,
+ Vector& y) const
+ {
+ TransMultVectorImpl(alpha, x, beta, y);
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for specialized operations. A prototype
+ * implementation is provided, but for efficient implementation
+ * those should be specially implemented.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** X = X + alpha*(Matrix S^{-1} Z). Should be implemented
+ * efficiently for the ExansionMatrix
+ */
+ void AddMSinvZ(Number alpha, const Vector& S, const Vector& Z,
+ Vector& X) const;
+ /** X = S^{-1} (r + alpha*Z*M^Td). Should be implemented
+ * efficiently for the ExansionMatrix
+ */
+ void SinvBlrmZMTdBr(Number alpha, const Vector& S,
+ const Vector& R, const Vector& Z,
+ const Vector& D, Vector& X) const;
+ //@}
+ /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
+ * no Inf or Nan). */
+ bool HasValidNumbers() const;
+ /** @name Information about the size of the matrix */
+ //@{
+ /** Number of rows */
+ inline
+ Index NRows() const;
+ /** Number of columns */
+ inline
+ Index NCols() const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Norms of the individual rows and columns */
+ //@{
+ /** Compute the max-norm of the rows in the matrix. The result is
+ * stored in rows_norms. The vector is assumed to be initialized
+ * of init is false. */
+ void ComputeRowAMax(Vector& rows_norms, bool init=true) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(NRows() == rows_norms.Dim());
+ if (init) rows_norms.Set(0.);
+ ComputeRowAMaxImpl(rows_norms, init);
+ }
+ /** Compute the max-norm of the columns in the matrix. The result
+ * is stored in cols_norms The vector is assumed to be initialized
+ * of init is false. */
+ void ComputeColAMax(Vector& cols_norms, bool init=true) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(NCols() == cols_norms.Dim());
+ if (init) cols_norms.Set(0.);
+ ComputeColAMaxImpl(cols_norms, init);
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Print detailed information about the matrix. Do not overload.
+ * Overload PrintImpl instead.
+ */
+ //@{
+ virtual void Print(SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent=0,
+ const std::string& prefix="") const;
+ virtual void Print(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent=0,
+ const std::string& prefix="") const;
+ //@}
+ /** Return the owner MatrixSpace*/
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> OwnerSpace() const;
+ protected:
+ /** @name implementation methods (derived classes MUST
+ * overload these pure virtual protected methods.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Matrix-vector multiply. Computes y = alpha * Matrix * x +
+ * beta * y
+ */
+ virtual void MultVectorImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& x, Number beta, Vector& y) const =0;
+ /** Matrix(transpose) vector multiply.
+ * Computes y = alpha * Matrix^T * x + beta * y
+ */
+ virtual void TransMultVectorImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& x, Number beta, Vector& y) const =0;
+ /** X = X + alpha*(Matrix S^{-1} Z). Prototype for this
+ * specialize method is provided, but for efficient
+ * implementation it should be overloaded for the expansion matrix.
+ */
+ virtual void AddMSinvZImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& S, const Vector& Z,
+ Vector& X) const;
+ /** X = S^{-1} (r + alpha*Z*M^Td). Should be implemented
+ * efficiently for the ExpansionMatrix.
+ */
+ virtual void SinvBlrmZMTdBrImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& S,
+ const Vector& R, const Vector& Z,
+ const Vector& D, Vector& X) const;
+ /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
+ * no Inf or Nan). A default implementation always returning true
+ * is provided, but if possible it should be implemented. */
+ virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl() const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Compute the max-norm of the rows in the matrix. The result is
+ * stored in rows_norms. The vector is assumed to be
+ * initialized. */
+ virtual void ComputeRowAMaxImpl(Vector& rows_norms, bool init) const = 0;
+ /** Compute the max-norm of the columns in the matrix. The result
+ * is stored in cols_norms. The vector is assumed to be
+ * initialized. */
+ virtual void ComputeColAMaxImpl(Vector& cols_norms, bool init) const = 0;
+ /** Print detailed information about the matrix. */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const =0;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** default constructor */
+ Matrix();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ Matrix(const Matrix&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ Matrix& operator=(const Matrix&);
+ //@}
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> owner_space_;
+ /**@name CachedResults data members */
+ //@{
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag valid_cache_tag_;
+ mutable bool cached_valid_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** MatrixSpace base class, corresponding to the Matrix base class.
+ * For each Matrix implementation, a corresponding MatrixSpace has
+ * to be implemented. A MatrixSpace is able to create new Matrices
+ * of a specific type. The MatrixSpace should also store
+ * information that is common to all Matrices of that type. For
+ * example, the dimensions of a Matrix is stored in the MatrixSpace
+ * base class.
+ */
+ class MatrixSpace : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given the number rows and columns of all matrices
+ * generated by this MatrixSpace.
+ */
+ MatrixSpace(Index nRows, Index nCols)
+ :
+ nRows_(nRows),
+ nCols_(nCols)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~MatrixSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Pure virtual method for creating a new Matrix of the
+ * corresponding type.
+ */
+ virtual Matrix* MakeNew() const=0;
+ /** Accessor function for the number of rows. */
+ Index NRows() const
+ {
+ return nRows_;
+ }
+ /** Accessor function for the number of columns. */
+ Index NCols() const
+ {
+ return nCols_;
+ }
+ /** Method to test if a given matrix belongs to a particular
+ * matrix space.
+ */
+ bool IsMatrixFromSpace(const Matrix& matrix) const
+ {
+ return (matrix.OwnerSpace() == this);
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** default constructor */
+ MatrixSpace();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ MatrixSpace(const MatrixSpace&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ MatrixSpace& operator=(const MatrixSpace&);
+ //@}
+ /** Number of rows for all matrices of this type. */
+ const Index nRows_;
+ /** Number of columns for all matrices of this type. */
+ const Index nCols_;
+ };
+ /* Inline Methods */
+ inline
+ Index Matrix::NRows() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->NRows();
+ }
+ inline
+ Index Matrix::NCols() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->NCols();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> Matrix::OwnerSpace() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
+// Macro definitions for debugging matrices
+# define DBG_PRINT_MATRIX(__verbose_level, __mat_name, __mat)
+# define DBG_PRINT_MATRIX(__verbose_level, __mat_name, __mat) \
+ if (dbg_jrnl.Verbosity() >= (__verbose_level)) { \
+ if (dbg_jrnl.Jnlst()!=NULL) { \
+ (__mat).Print(dbg_jrnl.Jnlst(), \
+ __mat_name, \
+ dbg_jrnl.IndentationLevel()*2, \
+ "# "); \
+ } \
+ }
+#endif // #if COIN_IPOPT_VERBOSITY == 0
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1063c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpNLP.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPNLP_HPP__
+#define __IPNLP_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpVector.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+#include "IpMatrix.hpp"
+#include "IpSymMatrix.hpp"
+#include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
+#include "IpAlgTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpReturnCodes.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ class IteratesVector;
+ /** Brief Class Description.
+ * Detailed Class Description.
+ */
+ class NLP : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ NLP()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~NLP()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Exceptions */
+ //@{
+ //@}
+ /** @name NLP Initialization (overload in
+ * derived classes).*/
+ //@{
+ /** Overload if you want the chance to process options or parameters that
+ * may be specific to the NLP */
+ virtual bool ProcessOptions(const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Method for creating the derived vector / matrix types. The
+ * Hess_lagrangian_space pointer can be NULL if a quasi-Newton
+ * options is chosen. */
+ virtual bool GetSpaces(SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& Hess_lagrangian_space)=0;
+ /** Method for obtaining the bounds information */
+ virtual bool GetBoundsInformation(const Matrix& Px_L,
+ Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U,
+ Vector& x_U,
+ const Matrix& Pd_L,
+ Vector& d_L,
+ const Matrix& Pd_U,
+ Vector& d_U)=0;
+ /** Method for obtaining the starting point for all the
+ * iterates. ToDo it might not make sense to ask for initial
+ * values for v_L and v_U? */
+ virtual bool GetStartingPoint(
+ SmartPtr<Vector> x,
+ bool need_x,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_c,
+ bool need_y_c,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_d,
+ bool need_y_d,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_L,
+ bool need_z_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_U,
+ bool need_z_U
+ )=0;
+ /** Method for obtaining an entire iterate as a warmstart point.
+ * The incoming IteratesVector has to be filled. The default
+ * dummy implementation returns false. */
+ virtual bool GetWarmStartIterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name NLP evaluation routines (overload
+ * in derived classes. */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool Eval_f(const Vector& x, Number& f) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_grad_f(const Vector& x, Vector& g_f) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_c(const Vector& x, Vector& c) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_jac_c(const Vector& x, Matrix& jac_c) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_d(const Vector& x, Vector& d) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_jac_d(const Vector& x, Matrix& jac_d) = 0;
+ virtual bool Eval_h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd,
+ SymMatrix& h) = 0;
+ //@}
+ /** @name NLP solution routines. Have default dummy
+ * implementations that can be overloaded. */
+ //@{
+ /** This method is called at the very end of the optimization. It
+ * provides the final iterate to the user, so that it can be
+ * stored as the solution. The status flag indicates the outcome
+ * of the optimization, where SolverReturn is defined in
+ * IpAlgTypes.hpp. */
+ virtual void FinalizeSolution(SolverReturn status,
+ const Vector& x, const Vector& z_L,
+ const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& c, const Vector& d,
+ const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq)
+ {}
+ /** This method is called once per iteration, after the iteration
+ * summary output has been printed. It provides the current
+ * information to the user to do with it anything she wants. It
+ * also allows the user to ask for a premature termination of the
+ * optimization by returning false, in which case Ipopt will
+ * terminate with a corresponding return status. The basic
+ * information provided in the argument list has the quantities
+ * values printed in the iteration summary line. If more
+ * information is required, a user can obtain it from the IpData
+ * and IpCalculatedQuantities objects. However, note that the
+ * provided quantities are all for the problem that Ipopt sees,
+ * i.e., the quantities might be scaled, fixed variables might be
+ * sorted out, etc. The status indicates things like whether the
+ * algorithm is in the restoration phase... In the restoration
+ * phase, the dual variables are probably not not changing. */
+ virtual bool IntermediateCallBack(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Routines to get the scaling parameters. These do not need to
+ * be overloaded unless the options are set for User scaling
+ */
+ //@{
+ virtual void GetScalingParameters(
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ Number& obj_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& x_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& c_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& d_scaling) const
+ {
+ "You have set options for user provided scaling, but have"
+ " not implemented GetScalingParameters in the NLP interface");
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Method for obtaining the subspace in which the limited-memory
+ * Hessian approximation should be done. This is only called if
+ * the limited-memory Hessian approximation is chosen. Since the
+ * Hessian is zero in the space of all variables that appear in
+ * the problem functions only linearly, this allows the user to
+ * provide a VectorSpace for all nonlinear variables, and an
+ * ExpansionMatrix to lift from this VectorSpace to the
+ * VectorSpace of the primal variables x. If the returned values
+ * are NULL, it is assumed that the Hessian is to be approximated
+ * in the space of all x variables. The default instantiation of
+ * this method returns NULL, and a user only has to overwrite
+ * this method if the approximation is to be done only in a
+ * subspace. */
+ virtual void
+ GetQuasiNewtonApproximationSpaces(SmartPtr<VectorSpace>& approx_space,
+ SmartPtr<Matrix>& P_approx)
+ {
+ approx_space = NULL;
+ P_approx = NULL;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ NLP(const NLP&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const NLP&);
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLPScaling.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLPScaling.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5f13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpNLPScaling.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpNLPScaling.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
+#include "IpRegOptions.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class Vector;
+ class VectorSpace;
+ class Matrix;
+ class MatrixSpace;
+ class SymMatrix;
+ class SymMatrixSpace;
+ class ScaledMatrixSpace;
+ class SymScaledMatrixSpace;
+ /** This is the abstract base class for problem scaling.
+ * It is repsonsible for determining the scaling factors
+ * and mapping quantities in and out of scaled and unscaled
+ * versions
+ */
+ class NLPScalingObject : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ NLPScalingObject();
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~NLPScalingObject();
+ //@}
+ /** Method to initialize the options */
+ bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix)
+ {
+ jnlst_ = &jnlst;
+ return InitializeImpl(options, prefix);
+ }
+ /** Methods to map scaled and unscaled matrices */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns an obj-scaled version of the given scalar */
+ virtual Number apply_obj_scaling(const Number& f)=0;
+ /** Returns an obj-unscaled version of the given scalar */
+ virtual Number unapply_obj_scaling(const Number& f)=0;
+ /** Returns an x-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an x-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_x(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an x-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an x-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_x(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an c-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_c(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an c-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_c(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an c-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an c-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an d-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_d(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_d(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an d-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v)=0;
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the jacobian for c. If the
+ * overloaded method does not make a new matrix, make sure to set
+ * the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix>
+ apply_jac_c_scaling(SmartPtr<const Matrix> matrix)=0;
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the jacobian for d If the
+ * overloaded method does not create a new matrix, make sure to
+ * set the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix>
+ apply_jac_d_scaling(SmartPtr<const Matrix> matrix)=0;
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the hessian of the lagrangian If
+ * the overloaded method does not create a new matrix, make sure
+ * to set the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix>
+ apply_hessian_scaling(SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> matrix)=0;
+ //@}
+ /** Methods for scaling bounds - these wrap those above */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns an x-scaled vector in the x_L or x_U space */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> apply_vector_scaling_x_LU_NonConst(
+ const Matrix& Px_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& x_space);
+ /** Returns an x-scaled vector in the x_L or x_U space */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> apply_vector_scaling_x_LU(
+ const Matrix& Px_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& x_space);
+ /** Returns an d-scaled vector in the d_L or d_U space */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> apply_vector_scaling_d_LU_NonConst(
+ const Matrix& Pd_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& d_space);
+ /** Returns an d-scaled vector in the d_L or d_U space */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> apply_vector_scaling_d_LU(
+ const Matrix& Pd_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& d_space);
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled vector in the d_L or d_U space */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> unapply_vector_scaling_d_LU_NonConst(
+ const Matrix& Pd_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& d_space);
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled vector in the d_L or d_U space */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> unapply_vector_scaling_d_LU(
+ const Matrix& Pd_LU,
+ const SmartPtr<const Vector>& lu,
+ const VectorSpace& d_space);
+ //@}
+ /** Methods for scaling the gradient of the objective - wraps the
+ * virtual methods above
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns a grad_f scaled version (d_f * D_x^{-1}) of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_grad_obj_scaling_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns a grad_f scaled version (d_f * D_x^{-1}) of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_grad_obj_scaling(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns a grad_f unscaled version (d_f * D_x^{-1}) of the
+ * given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_grad_obj_scaling_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns a grad_f unscaled version (d_f * D_x^{-1}) of the
+ * given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_grad_obj_scaling(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for determining whether scaling for entities is
+ * done */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns true if the primal x variables are scaled. */
+ virtual bool have_x_scaling()=0;
+ /** Returns true if the equality constraints are scaled. */
+ virtual bool have_c_scaling()=0;
+ /** Returns true if the inequality constraints are scaled. */
+ virtual bool have_d_scaling()=0;
+ //@}
+ /** This method is called by the IpoptNLP's at a convenient time to
+ * compute and/or read scaling factors
+ */
+ virtual void DetermineScaling(const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& new_jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& new_jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& new_h_space,
+ const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U)=0;
+ protected:
+ /** Implementation of the initialization method that has to be
+ * overloaded by for each derived class. */
+ virtual bool InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix)=0;
+ /** Accessor method for the journalist */
+ const Journalist& Jnlst() const
+ {
+ return *jnlst_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ NLPScalingObject(const NLPScalingObject&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const NLPScalingObject&);
+ //@}
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst_;
+ };
+ /** This is a base class for many standard scaling
+ * techniques. The overloaded classes only need to
+ * provide the scaling parameters
+ */
+ class StandardScalingBase : public NLPScalingObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ StandardScalingBase();
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~StandardScalingBase();
+ //@}
+ /** Methods to map scaled and unscaled matrices */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns an obj-scaled version of the given scalar */
+ virtual Number apply_obj_scaling(const Number& f);
+ /** Returns an obj-unscaled version of the given scalar */
+ virtual Number unapply_obj_scaling(const Number& f);
+ /** Returns an x-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an x-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_x(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an x-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an x-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_x(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an c-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_c(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an c-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_c(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an c-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an c-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an d-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_d(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_d(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an d-scaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ apply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns an d-unscaled version of the given vector */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Vector>
+ unapply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& v);
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the jacobian for c. If the
+ * overloaded method does not make a new matrix, make sure to set
+ * the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix>
+ apply_jac_c_scaling(SmartPtr<const Matrix> matrix);
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the jacobian for d If the
+ * overloaded method does not create a new matrix, make sure to
+ * set the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix>
+ apply_jac_d_scaling(SmartPtr<const Matrix> matrix);
+ /** Returns a scaled version of the hessian of the lagrangian If
+ * the overloaded method does not create a new matrix, make sure
+ * to set the matrix ptr passed in to NULL.
+ */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix>
+ apply_hessian_scaling(SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> matrix);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for determining whether scaling for entities is
+ * done */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool have_x_scaling();
+ virtual bool have_c_scaling();
+ virtual bool have_d_scaling();
+ //@}
+ /** This method is called by the IpoptNLP's at a convenient time to
+ * compute and/or read scaling factors
+ */
+ virtual void DetermineScaling(const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& new_jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& new_jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& new_h_space,
+ const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U);
+ /** Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /** Overloaded initialization method */
+ virtual bool InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** This is the method that has to be overloaded by a particular
+ * scaling method that somehow computes the scaling vectors dx,
+ * dc, and dd. The pointers to those vectors can be NULL, in
+ * which case no scaling for that item will be done later. */
+ virtual void DetermineScalingParametersImpl(
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
+ const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U,
+ Number& df,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dx,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dc,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dd)=0;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ StandardScalingBase(const StandardScalingBase&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const StandardScalingBase&);
+ //@}
+ /** Scaling parameters - we only need to keep copies of
+ * the objective scaling and the x scaling - the others we can
+ * get from the scaled matrix spaces.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** objective scaling parameter */
+ Number df_;
+ /** x scaling */
+ SmartPtr<Vector> dx_;
+ //@}
+ /** Scaled Matrix Spaces */
+ //@{
+ /** Scaled jacobian of c space */
+ SmartPtr<ScaledMatrixSpace> scaled_jac_c_space_;
+ /** Scaled jacobian of d space */
+ SmartPtr<ScaledMatrixSpace> scaled_jac_d_space_;
+ /** Scaled hessian of lagrangian spacea */
+ SmartPtr<SymScaledMatrixSpace> scaled_h_space_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Algorithmic parameters */
+ //@{
+ /** Additional scaling value for the objective function */
+ Number obj_scaling_factor_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** Class implementing the scaling object that doesn't to any scaling */
+ class NoNLPScalingObject : public StandardScalingBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ NoNLPScalingObject()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~NoNLPScalingObject()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /** Overloaded from StandardScalingBase */
+ virtual void DetermineScalingParametersImpl(
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
+ const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U,
+ Number& df,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dx,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dc,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& dd);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ NoNLPScalingObject(const NoNLPScalingObject&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const NoNLPScalingObject&);
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpObserver.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpObserver.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16f599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpObserver.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpObserver.hpp 2161 2013-01-01 20:39:05Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPOBSERVER_HPP__
+#define __IPOBSERVER_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+# include "IpDebug.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Forward declarations */
+ class Subject;
+ /** Slight Variation of the Observer Design Pattern.
+ * This class implements the Observer class of the
+ * Observer Design Pattern. An Observer "Attach"es
+ * to a Subject, indicating that it would like to
+ * be notified of changes in the Subject.
+ * Any derived class wishing to recieve notifications
+ * from a Subject should inherit off of
+ * Observer and overload the protected method,
+ * RecieveNotification_(...).
+ */
+ class Observer
+ {
+ public:
+ static const Index dbg_verbosity;
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ Observer()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ inline
+ virtual ~Observer();
+ //@}
+ /** Enumeration specifying the type of notification */
+ enum NotifyType
+ {
+ NT_All,
+ NT_BeingDestroyed,
+ NT_Changed
+ };
+ protected:
+ /** Derived classes should call this method
+ * to request an "Attach" to a Subject. Do
+ * not call "Attach" explicitly on the Subject
+ * since further processing is done here
+ */
+ inline
+ void RequestAttach(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject);
+ /** Derived classes should call this method
+ * to request a "Detach" to a Subject. Do
+ * not call "Detach" explicitly on the Subject
+ * since further processing is done here
+ */
+ inline
+ void RequestDetach(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject);
+ /** Derived classes should overload this method to
+ * recieve the requested notification from
+ * attached Subjects
+ */
+ virtual void RecieveNotification(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject)=0;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ Observer(const Observer&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const Observer&);
+ //@}
+ /** A list of the subjects currently being
+ * observed. */
+ std::vector<const Subject*> subjects_;
+ /** Private Method for Recieving Notification
+ * should only be called by the friend class
+ * Subject. This method will, in turn, call
+ * the overloaded RecieveNotification method
+ * for the derived class to process.
+ */
+ inline
+ void ProcessNotification(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject);
+ friend class Subject;
+ };
+ /** Slight Variation of the Observer Design Pattern (Subject part).
+ * This class implements the Subject class of the Observer Design
+ * Pattern. An Observer "Attach"es to a Subject, indicating that it
+ * would like to be notified of changes in the Subject. Any
+ * derived class that is to be observed has to inherit off the
+ * Subject base class. If the subject needs to notify the
+ * Observer, it calls the Notify method.
+ */
+ class Subject
+ {
+ public:
+ static const Index dbg_verbosity;
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ Subject()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ inline
+ virtual ~Subject();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Methods to Add and Remove Observers.
+ * Currently, the notify_type flags are not used,
+ * and Observers are attached in general and will
+ * recieve all notifications (of the type requested
+ * and possibly of types not requested). It is
+ * up to the observer to ignore the types they
+ * are not interested in. The NotifyType in the
+ * parameter list is so a more efficient mechanism
+ * depending on type could be implemented later if
+ * necessary.*/
+ //@{
+ /** Attach the specified observer
+ * (i.e., begin recieving notifications). */
+ inline
+ void AttachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer* observer) const;
+ /** Detach the specified observer
+ * (i.e., no longer recieve notifications). */
+ inline
+ void DetachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer* observer) const;
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ inline
+ void Notify(Observer::NotifyType notify_type) const;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ Subject(const Subject&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const Subject&);
+ //@}
+ mutable std::vector<Observer*> observers_;
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ Observer::~Observer()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Observer::~Observer", dbg_verbosity);
+ if (DBG_VERBOSITY()>=1) {
+ for (Index i=0; i<(Index)subjects_.size(); i++) {
+ DBG_PRINT((1,"subjects_[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, subjects_[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ // Detach all subjects
+ for (Int i=(Int)(subjects_.size()-1); i>=0; i--) {
+ DBG_PRINT((1,"About to detach subjects_[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, subjects_[i]));
+ RequestDetach(NT_All, subjects_[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void Observer::RequestAttach(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Observer::RequestAttach", dbg_verbosity);
+ // Add the subject to the list if it does not already exist
+ std::vector<const Subject*>::iterator attached_subject;
+ attached_subject = std::find(subjects_.begin(), subjects_.end(), subject);
+ DBG_ASSERT(attached_subject == subjects_.end());
+ DBG_ASSERT(subject);
+ // add the subject to the list
+ subjects_.push_back(subject);
+ // Attach the observer to the subject
+ subject->AttachObserver(notify_type, this);
+ }
+ inline
+ void Observer::RequestDetach(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Observer::RequestDetach", dbg_verbosity);
+ DBG_PRINT((1, "Requesting detach of subject: 0x%x\n", subject));
+ DBG_ASSERT(subject);
+ if (subject) {
+ std::vector<const Subject*>::iterator attached_subject;
+ attached_subject = std::find(subjects_.begin(), subjects_.end(), subject);
+ DBG_ASSERT(attached_subject != subjects_.end());
+ if (attached_subject != subjects_.end()) {
+ DBG_PRINT((1, "Removing subject: 0x%x from the list\n", subject));
+ subjects_.erase(attached_subject);
+ }
+ // Detach the observer from the subject
+ subject->DetachObserver(notify_type, this);
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void Observer::ProcessNotification(NotifyType notify_type, const Subject* subject)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Observer::ProcessNotification", dbg_verbosity);
+ DBG_ASSERT(subject);
+ if (subject) {
+ std::vector<const Subject*>::iterator attached_subject;
+ attached_subject = std::find(subjects_.begin(), subjects_.end(), subject);
+ // We must be processing a notification for a
+ // subject that was previously attached.
+ DBG_ASSERT(attached_subject != subjects_.end());
+ this->RecieveNotification(notify_type, subject);
+ if (notify_type == NT_BeingDestroyed) {
+ // the subject is going away, remove it from our list
+ subjects_.erase(attached_subject);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ Subject::~Subject()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Subject::~Subject", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<Observer*>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = observers_.begin(); iter != observers_.end(); iter++) {
+ (*iter)->ProcessNotification(Observer::NT_BeingDestroyed, this);
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void Subject::AttachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer* observer) const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Subject::AttachObserver", dbg_verbosity);
+ // current implementation notifies all observers of everything
+ // they must filter the notifications that they are not interested
+ // in (i.e. a hub, not a router)
+ DBG_ASSERT(observer);
+ std::vector<Observer*>::iterator attached_observer;
+ attached_observer = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), observer);
+ DBG_ASSERT(attached_observer == observers_.end());
+ DBG_ASSERT(observer);
+ observers_.push_back(observer);
+ }
+ inline
+ void Subject::DetachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer* observer) const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Subject::DetachObserver", dbg_verbosity);
+ DBG_ASSERT(observer);
+ if (observer) {
+ std::vector<Observer*>::iterator attached_observer;
+ attached_observer = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), observer);
+ DBG_ASSERT(attached_observer != observers_.end());
+ if (attached_observer != observers_.end()) {
+ observers_.erase(attached_observer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void Subject::Notify(Observer::NotifyType notify_type) const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("Subject::Notify", dbg_verbosity);
+ std::vector<Observer*>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = observers_.begin(); iter != observers_.end(); iter++) {
+ (*iter)->ProcessNotification(notify_type, this);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOptionsList.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOptionsList.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382428e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOptionsList.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpOptionsList.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPOPTLIST_HPP__
+#define __IPOPTLIST_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+#include "IpRegOptions.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Exception that can be used to indicate errors with options */
+ /** This class stores a list of user set options. Each options is
+ * identified by a case-insensitive keyword (tag). Its value is
+ * stored internally as a string (always lower case), but for
+ * convenience set and get methods are provided to obtain Index and
+ * Number type values. For each keyword we also keep track of how
+ * often the value of an option has been requested by a get method.
+ */
+ class OptionsList : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ /** Class for storing the value and counter for each option in
+ * OptionsList. */
+ class OptionValue
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor (needed for the map) */
+ OptionValue()
+ :
+ initialized_(false)
+ {}
+ /** Constructor given the value */
+ OptionValue(std::string value, bool allow_clobber, bool dont_print)
+ :
+ value_(value),
+ counter_(0),
+ initialized_(true),
+ allow_clobber_(allow_clobber),
+ dont_print_(dont_print)
+ {}
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ OptionValue(const OptionValue& copy)
+ :
+ value_(copy.value_),
+ counter_(copy.counter_),
+ initialized_(copy.initialized_),
+ allow_clobber_(copy.allow_clobber_),
+ dont_print_(copy.dont_print_)
+ {}
+ /** Equals operator */
+ void operator=(const OptionValue& copy)
+ {
+ value_=copy.value_;
+ counter_=copy.counter_;
+ initialized_=copy.initialized_;
+ allow_clobber_=copy.allow_clobber_;
+ dont_print_=copy.dont_print_;
+ }
+ /** Default Destructor */
+ ~OptionValue()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for retrieving the value of an option. Calling this
+ * method will increase the counter by one. */
+ std::string GetValue() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_);
+ counter_++;
+ return value_;
+ }
+ /** Method for retrieving the value without increasing the
+ * counter */
+ std::string Value() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_);
+ return value_;
+ }
+ /** Method for accessing current value of the request counter */
+ Index Counter() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_);
+ return counter_;
+ }
+ /** True if the option can be overwritten */
+ bool AllowClobber() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_);
+ return allow_clobber_;
+ }
+ /** True if this option is not to show up in the
+ * print_user_options output */
+ bool DontPrint() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_);
+ return dont_print_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /** Value for this option */
+ std::string value_;
+ /** Counter for requests */
+ mutable Index counter_;
+ /** for debugging */
+ bool initialized_;
+ /** True if the option can be overwritten */
+ bool allow_clobber_;
+ /** True if this option is not to show up in the
+ * print_user_options output */
+ bool dont_print_;
+ };
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ OptionsList(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options, SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst)
+ : reg_options_(reg_options), jnlst_(jnlst)
+ {}
+ OptionsList()
+ {}
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ OptionsList(const OptionsList& copy)
+ {
+ // copy all the option strings and values
+ options_ = copy.options_;
+ // copy the registered options pointer
+ reg_options_ = copy.reg_options_;
+ }
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~OptionsList()
+ {}
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ virtual void operator=(const OptionsList& source)
+ {
+ options_ = source.options_;
+ reg_options_ = source.reg_options_;
+ jnlst_ = source.jnlst_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Method for clearing all previously set options */
+ virtual void clear()
+ {
+ options_.clear();
+ }
+ /** @name Get / Set Methods */
+ //@{
+ virtual void SetRegisteredOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options)
+ {
+ reg_options_ = reg_options;
+ }
+ virtual void SetJournalist(const SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst)
+ {
+ jnlst_ = jnlst;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for setting options */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool SetStringValue(const std::string& tag, const std::string& value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ virtual bool SetNumericValue(const std::string& tag, Number value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ virtual bool SetIntegerValue(const std::string& tag, Index value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for setting options only if they have not been
+ * set before*/
+ //@{
+ virtual bool SetStringValueIfUnset(const std::string& tag, const std::string& value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ virtual bool SetNumericValueIfUnset(const std::string& tag, Number value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ virtual bool SetIntegerValueIfUnset(const std::string& tag, Index value,
+ bool allow_clobber = true, bool dont_print = false);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for retrieving values from the options list. If
+ * a tag is not found, the methods return false, and value is set
+ * to the default value defined in the registered options. */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool GetStringValue(const std::string& tag, std::string& value,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ virtual bool GetEnumValue(const std::string& tag, Index& value,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ virtual bool GetBoolValue(const std::string& tag, bool& value,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ virtual bool GetNumericValue(const std::string& tag, Number& value,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ virtual bool GetIntegerValue(const std::string& tag, Index& value,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ //@}
+ /** Get a string with the list of all options (tag, value, counter) */
+ virtual void PrintList(std::string& list) const;
+ /** Get a string with the list of all options set by the user
+ * (tag, value, use/notused). Here, options with dont_print flag
+ * set to true are not printed. */
+ virtual void PrintUserOptions(std::string& list) const;
+ /** Read options from the stream is. Returns false if
+ * an error was encountered. */
+ virtual bool ReadFromStream(const Journalist& jnlst, std::istream& is);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ // OptionsList();
+ //@}
+ /** map for storing the options */
+ std::map< std::string, OptionValue > options_;
+ /** list of all the registered options to validate against */
+ SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options_;
+ /** Journalist for writing error messages, etc. */
+ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** auxilliary method for converting sting to all lower-case
+ * letters */
+ const std::string& lowercase(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** auxilliary method for finding the value for a tag in the
+ * options list. This method first looks for the concatenated
+ * string prefix+tag (if prefix is not ""), and if this is not
+ * found, it looks for tag. The return value is true iff
+ * prefix+tag or tag is found. In that case, the corresponding
+ * string value is copied into value. */
+ bool find_tag(const std::string& tag, const std::string& prefix,
+ std::string& value) const;
+ /** tells whether or not we can clobber a particular option.
+ * returns true if the option does not already exist, or if
+ * the option exists but is set to allow_clobber
+ */
+ bool will_allow_clobber(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** read the next token from stream is. Returns false, if EOF was
+ * reached before a tokens was ecountered. */
+ bool readnexttoken(std::istream& is, std::string& token);
+ /** auxilliary string set by lowercase method */
+ mutable std::string lowercase_buffer_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b10fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp 2594 2015-08-09 14:31:05Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpIpoptNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+#include "IpTimingStatistics.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** enumeration for the Hessian information type. */
+ enum HessianApproximationType {
+ EXACT=0,
+ };
+ /** enumeration for the Hessian approximation space. */
+ enum HessianApproximationSpace {
+ };
+ /** This class maps the traditional NLP into
+ * something that is more useful by Ipopt.
+ * This class takes care of storing the
+ * calculated model results, handles caching,
+ * and (some day) takes care of addition of slacks.
+ */
+ class OrigIpoptNLP : public IpoptNLP
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ OrigIpoptNLP(const SmartPtr<const Journalist>& jnlst,
+ const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp,
+ const SmartPtr<NLPScalingObject>& nlp_scaling);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~OrigIpoptNLP();
+ //@}
+ /** Initialize - overloaded from IpoptNLP */
+ virtual bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** Initialize (create) structures for
+ * the iteration data */
+ virtual bool InitializeStructures(SmartPtr<Vector>& x,
+ bool init_x,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& y_c,
+ bool init_y_c,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& y_d,
+ bool init_y_d,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& z_L,
+ bool init_z_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& z_U,
+ bool init_z_U,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& v_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& v_U
+ );
+ /** Method accessing the GetWarmStartIterate of the NLP */
+ virtual bool GetWarmStartIterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate)
+ {
+ return nlp_->GetWarmStartIterate(warm_start_iterate);
+ }
+ /** Accessor methods for model data */
+ //@{
+ /** Objective value */
+ virtual Number f(const Vector& x);
+ /** Objective value (depending in mu) - incorrect version for
+ * OrigIpoptNLP */
+ virtual Number f(const Vector& x, Number mu);
+ /** Gradient of the objective */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_f(const Vector& x);
+ /** Gradient of the objective (depending in mu) - incorrect
+ * version for OrigIpoptNLP */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_f(const Vector& x, Number mu);
+ /** Equality constraint residual */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> c(const Vector& x);
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for equality constraints */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> jac_c(const Vector& x);
+ /** Inequality constraint residual (reformulated
+ * as equalities with slacks */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d(const Vector& x);
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for inequality constraints*/
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> jac_d(const Vector& x);
+ /** Hessian of the Lagrangian */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd
+ );
+ /** Hessian of the Lagrangian (depending in mu) - incorrect
+ * version for OrigIpoptNLP */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd,
+ Number mu);
+ /** Provides a Hessian matrix from the correct matrix space with
+ * uninitialized values. This can be used in LeastSquareMults to
+ * obtain a "zero Hessian". */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> uninitialized_h();
+ /** Lower bounds on x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> x_L() const
+ {
+ return x_L_;
+ }
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_L_ -> x) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_L() const
+ {
+ return Px_L_;
+ }
+ /** Upper bounds on x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> x_U() const
+ {
+ return x_U_;
+ }
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_U_ -> x */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_U() const
+ {
+ return Px_U_;
+ }
+ /** Lower bounds on d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d_L() const
+ {
+ return d_L_;
+ }
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_L_ -> d) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_L() const
+ {
+ return Pd_L_;
+ }
+ /** Upper bounds on d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Vector> d_U() const
+ {
+ return d_U_;
+ }
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_U_ -> d */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_U() const
+ {
+ return Pd_U_;
+ }
+ virtual SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> HessianMatrixSpace() const
+ {
+ return h_space_;
+ }
+ virtual SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space() const
+ {
+ return x_space_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Accessor method for vector/matrix spaces pointers */
+ virtual void GetSpaces(SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& Hess_lagrangian_space);
+ /** Method for adapting the variable bounds. This is called if
+ * slacks are becoming too small */
+ virtual void AdjustVariableBounds(const Vector& new_x_L,
+ const Vector& new_x_U,
+ const Vector& new_d_L,
+ const Vector& new_d_U);
+ /** @name Counters for the number of function evaluations. */
+ //@{
+ virtual Index f_evals() const
+ {
+ return f_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index grad_f_evals() const
+ {
+ return grad_f_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index c_evals() const
+ {
+ return c_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index jac_c_evals() const
+ {
+ return jac_c_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index d_evals() const
+ {
+ return d_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index jac_d_evals() const
+ {
+ return jac_d_evals_;
+ }
+ virtual Index h_evals() const
+ {
+ return h_evals_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Solution Routines - overloaded from IpoptNLP*/
+ //@{
+ void FinalizeSolution(SolverReturn status,
+ const Vector& x, const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& c, const Vector& d,
+ const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ bool IntermediateCallBack(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ SmartPtr<const IpoptData> ip_data,
+ SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ /** Called by IpoptType to register the options */
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ /** Accessor method to the underlying NLP */
+ SmartPtr<NLP> nlp()
+ {
+ return nlp_;
+ }
+ /**@name Methods related to function evaluation timing. */
+ //@{
+ /** Reset the timing statistics */
+ void ResetTimes();
+ void PrintTimingStatistics(Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category) const;
+ const TimedTask& f_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return f_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& grad_f_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return grad_f_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& c_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return c_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& jac_c_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return jac_c_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& d_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return d_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& jac_d_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return jac_d_eval_time_;
+ }
+ const TimedTask& h_eval_time() const
+ {
+ return h_eval_time_;
+ }
+ Number TotalFunctionEvaluationCpuTime() const;
+ Number TotalFunctionEvaluationSysTime() const;
+ Number TotalFunctionEvaluationWallclockTime() const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /** journalist */
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** Pointer to the NLP */
+ SmartPtr<NLP> nlp_;
+ /** Necessary Vector/Matrix spaces */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> scaled_jac_c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> scaled_jac_d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> scaled_h_space_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Storage for Model Quantities */
+ //@{
+ /** Objective function */
+ CachedResults<Number> f_cache_;
+ /** Gradient of the objective function */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > grad_f_cache_;
+ /** Equality constraint residuals */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > c_cache_;
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for equality constraints
+ * (current iteration) */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > jac_c_cache_;
+ /** Inequality constraint residual (reformulated
+ * as equalities with slacks */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > d_cache_;
+ /** Jacobian Matrix for inequality constraints
+ * (current iteration) */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > jac_d_cache_;
+ /** Hessian of the lagrangian
+ * (current iteration) */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> > h_cache_;
+ /** Unscaled version of x vector */
+ CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > unscaled_x_cache_;
+ /** Lower bounds on x */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> x_L_;
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_L_ -> x) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_L_;
+ /** Upper bounds on x */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> x_U_;
+ /** Permutation matrix (x_U_ -> x */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> Px_U_;
+ /** Lower bounds on d */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> d_L_;
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_L_ -> d) */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_L_;
+ /** Upper bounds on d */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> d_U_;
+ /** Permutation matrix (d_U_ -> d */
+ SmartPtr<const Matrix> Pd_U_;
+ /** Original unmodified lower bounds on x */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_x_L_;
+ /** Original unmodified upper bounds on x */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_x_U_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ OrigIpoptNLP();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ OrigIpoptNLP(const OrigIpoptNLP&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const OrigIpoptNLP&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name auxilliary functions */
+ //@{
+ /** relax the bounds by a relative move of relax_bound_factor.
+ * Here, relax_bound_factor should be negative (or zero) for
+ * lower bounds, and positive (or zero) for upper bounds.
+ */
+ void relax_bounds(Number bound_relax_factor, Vector& bounds);
+ /** Method for getting the unscaled version of the x vector */
+ SmartPtr<const Vector> get_unscaled_x(const Vector& x);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Algorithmic parameters */
+ //@{
+ /** relaxation factor for the bounds */
+ Number bound_relax_factor_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the primal variables should be
+ * projected back into original bounds are optimization. */
+ bool honor_original_bounds_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the TNLP with identical structure has
+ * already been solved before. */
+ bool warm_start_same_structure_;
+ /** Flag indicating what Hessian information is to be used. */
+ HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation_;
+ /** Flag indicating in which space Hessian is to be approximated. */
+ HessianApproximationSpace hessian_approximation_space_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether it is desired to check if there are
+ * Nan or Inf entries in first and second derivative matrices. */
+ bool check_derivatives_for_naninf_;
+ /** Flag indicating if we need to ask for equality constraint
+ * Jacobians only once */
+ bool jac_c_constant_;
+ /** Flag indicating if we need to ask for inequality constraint
+ * Jacobians only once */
+ bool jac_d_constant_;
+ /** Flag indicating if we need to ask for Hessian only once */
+ bool hessian_constant_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Counters for the function evaluations */
+ //@{
+ Index f_evals_;
+ Index grad_f_evals_;
+ Index c_evals_;
+ Index jac_c_evals_;
+ Index d_evals_;
+ Index jac_d_evals_;
+ Index h_evals_;
+ //@}
+ /** Flag indicating if initialization method has been called */
+ bool initialized_;
+ /**@name Timing statistics for the function evaluations. */
+ //@{
+ TimedTask f_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask grad_f_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask c_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask jac_c_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask d_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask jac_d_eval_time_;
+ TimedTask h_eval_time_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReferenced.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReferenced.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996beda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReferenced.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpReferenced.hpp 2182 2013-03-30 20:02:18Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpDebug.hpp"
+#include <list>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Psydo-class, from which everything has to inherit that wants to
+ * use be registered as a Referencer for a ReferencedObject.
+ */
+ class Referencer
+ {}
+ ;
+ /** ReferencedObject class.
+ * This is part of the implementation of an intrusive smart pointer
+ * design. This class stores the reference count of all the smart
+ * pointers that currently reference it. See the documentation for
+ * the SmartPtr class for more details.
+ *
+ * A SmartPtr behaves much like a raw pointer, but manages the lifetime
+ * of an object, deleting the object automatically. This class implements
+ * a reference-counting, intrusive smart pointer design, where all
+ * objects pointed to must inherit off of ReferencedObject, which
+ * stores the reference count. Although this is intrusive (native types
+ * and externally authored classes require wrappers to be referenced
+ * by smart pointers), it is a safer design. A more detailed discussion of
+ * these issues follows after the usage information.
+ *
+ * Usage Example:
+ * Note: to use the SmartPtr, all objects to which you point MUST
+ * inherit off of ReferencedObject.
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+ *
+ * In MyClass.hpp...
+ *
+ * #include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+ * namespace Ipopt {
+ *
+ * class MyClass : public ReferencedObject // must derive from ReferencedObject
+ * {
+ * ...
+ * }
+ * } // namespace Ipopt
+ *
+ *
+ * In my_usage.cpp...
+ *
+ * #include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+ * #include "MyClass.hpp"
+ *
+ * void func(AnyObject& obj)
+ * {
+ * SmartPtr<MyClass> ptr_to_myclass = new MyClass(...);
+ * // ptr_to_myclass now points to a new MyClass,
+ * // and the reference count is 1
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * obj.SetMyClass(ptr_to_myclass);
+ * // Here, let's assume that AnyObject uses a
+ * // SmartPtr<MyClass> internally here.
+ * // Now, both ptr_to_myclass and the internal
+ * // SmartPtr in obj point to the same MyClass object
+ * // and its reference count is 2.
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * // No need to delete ptr_to_myclass, this
+ * // will be done automatically when the
+ * // reference count drops to zero.
+ *
+ * }
+ *
+ * \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Other Notes:
+ * The SmartPtr implements both dereference operators -> & *.
+ * The SmartPtr does NOT implement a conversion operator to
+ * the raw pointer. Use the GetRawPtr() method when this
+ * is necessary. Make sure that the raw pointer is NOT
+ * deleted.
+ * The SmartPtr implements the comparison operators == & !=
+ * for a variety of types. Use these instead of
+ * \verbatim
+ * if (GetRawPtr(smrt_ptr) == ptr) // Don't use this
+ * \endverbatim
+ * SmartPtr's, as currently implemented, do NOT handle circular references.
+ * For example: consider a higher level object using SmartPtrs to point to
+ * A and B, but A and B also point to each other (i.e. A has a SmartPtr
+ * to B and B has a SmartPtr to A). In this scenario, when the higher
+ * level object is finished with A and B, their reference counts will
+ * never drop to zero (since they reference each other) and they
+ * will not be deleted. This can be detected by memory leak tools like
+ * valgrind. If the circular reference is necessary, the problem can be
+ * overcome by a number of techniques:
+ *
+ * 1) A and B can have a method that "releases" each other, that is
+ * they set their internal SmartPtrs to NULL.
+ * \verbatim
+ * void AClass::ReleaseCircularReferences()
+ * {
+ * smart_ptr_to_B = NULL;
+ * }
+ * \endverbatim
+ * Then, the higher level class can call these methods before
+ * it is done using A & B.
+ *
+ * 2) Raw pointers can be used in A and B to reference each other.
+ * Here, an implicit assumption is made that the lifetime is
+ * controlled by the higher level object and that A and B will
+ * both exist in a controlled manner. Although this seems
+ * dangerous, in many situations, this type of referencing
+ * is very controlled and this is reasonably safe.
+ *
+ * 3) This SmartPtr class could be redesigned with the Weak/Strong
+ * design concept. Here, the SmartPtr is identified as being
+ * Strong (controls lifetime of the object) or Weak (merely
+ * referencing the object). The Strong SmartPtr increments
+ * (and decrements) the reference count in ReferencedObject
+ * but the Weak SmartPtr does not. In the example above,
+ * the higher level object would have Strong SmartPtrs to
+ * A and B, but A and B would have Weak SmartPtrs to each
+ * other. Then, when the higher level object was done with
+ * A and B, they would be deleted. The Weak SmartPtrs in A
+ * and B would not decrement the reference count and would,
+ * of course, not delete the object. This idea is very similar
+ * to item (2), where it is implied that the sequence of events
+ * is controlled such that A and B will not call anything using
+ * their pointers following the higher level delete (i.e. in
+ * their destructors!). This is somehow safer, however, because
+ * code can be written (however expensive) to perform run-time
+ * detection of this situation. For example, the ReferencedObject
+ * could store pointers to all Weak SmartPtrs that are referencing
+ * it and, in its destructor, tell these pointers that it is
+ * dying. They could then set themselves to NULL, or set an
+ * internal flag to detect usage past this point.
+ *
+ * For every most derived object only one ReferencedObject may exist,
+ * that is multiple inheritance requires virtual inheritance, see also
+ * the 2nd point in ticket #162.
+ *
+ * Comments on Non-Intrusive Design:
+ * In a non-intrusive design, the reference count is stored somewhere other
+ * than the object being referenced. This means, unless the reference
+ * counting pointer is the first referencer, it must get a pointer to the
+ * referenced object from another smart pointer (so it has access to the
+ * reference count location). In this non-intrusive design, if we are
+ * pointing to an object with a smart pointer (or a number of smart
+ * pointers), and we then give another smart pointer the address through
+ * a RAW pointer, we will have two independent, AND INCORRECT, reference
+ * counts. To avoid this pitfall, we use an intrusive reference counting
+ * technique where the reference count is stored in the object being
+ * referenced.
+ */
+ class ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ ReferencedObject()
+ :
+ reference_count_(0)
+ {}
+ virtual ~ReferencedObject()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(reference_count_ == 0);
+ }
+ inline
+ Index ReferenceCount() const;
+ inline
+ void AddRef(const Referencer* referencer) const;
+ inline
+ void ReleaseRef(const Referencer* referencer) const;
+ private:
+ mutable Index reference_count_;
+ mutable std::list<const Referencer*> referencers_;
+# endif
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ Index ReferencedObject::ReferenceCount() const
+ {
+ // DBG_START_METH("ReferencedObject::ReferenceCount()", 0);
+ // DBG_PRINT((1,"Returning reference_count_ = %d\n", reference_count_));
+ return reference_count_;
+ }
+ inline
+ void ReferencedObject::AddRef(const Referencer* referencer) const
+ {
+ // DBG_START_METH("ReferencedObject::AddRef(const Referencer* referencer)", 0);
+ reference_count_++;
+ // DBG_PRINT((1, "New reference_count_ = %d\n", reference_count_));
+ referencers_.push_back(referencer);
+# endif
+ }
+ inline
+ void ReferencedObject::ReleaseRef(const Referencer* referencer) const
+ {
+ // DBG_START_METH("ReferencedObject::ReleaseRef(const Referencer* referencer)",
+ // 0);
+ reference_count_--;
+ // DBG_PRINT((1, "New reference_count_ = %d\n", reference_count_));
+ bool found = false;
+ std::list<const Referencer*>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = referencers_.begin(); iter != referencers_.end(); iter++) {
+ if ((*iter) == referencer) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // cannot call release on a reference that was never added...
+ DBG_ASSERT(found);
+ if (found) {
+ referencers_.erase(iter);
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpRegOptions.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpRegOptions.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5859493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpRegOptions.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpRegOptions.hpp 2189 2013-03-31 15:06:11Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-06-18
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace Ipopt
+ enum RegisteredOptionType
+ {
+ OT_Number,
+ OT_Integer,
+ OT_String,
+ OT_Unknown
+ };
+ /** Base class for registered options. The derived types are more
+ * specific to a string option or a Number (real) option, etc.
+ */
+ class RegisteredOption : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** class to hold the valid string settings for a string option */
+ class string_entry
+ {
+ public:
+ string_entry(const std::string& value, const std::string& description)
+ : value_(value), description_(description)
+ {}
+ std::string value_;
+ std::string description_;
+ };
+ /** Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ RegisteredOption(Index counter)
+ :
+ type_(OT_Unknown),
+ has_lower_(false),
+ has_upper_(false),
+ counter_(counter)
+ {}
+ RegisteredOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& long_description,
+ const std::string& registering_category,
+ Index counter)
+ :
+ name_(name),
+ short_description_(short_description),
+ long_description_(long_description),
+ registering_category_(registering_category),
+ type_(OT_Unknown),
+ has_lower_(false),
+ has_upper_(false),
+ counter_(counter)
+ {}
+ RegisteredOption(const RegisteredOption& copy)
+ :
+ name_(copy.name_),
+ short_description_(copy.short_description_),
+ long_description_(copy.long_description_),
+ registering_category_(copy.registering_category_),
+ type_(copy.type_),
+ has_lower_(copy.has_lower_),
+ lower_(copy.lower_),
+ has_upper_(copy.has_upper_),
+ upper_(copy.upper_),
+ valid_strings_(copy.valid_strings_),
+ counter_(copy.counter_)
+ {}
+ virtual ~RegisteredOption()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Standard Get / Set Methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Get the option's name (tag in the input file) */
+ virtual const std::string& Name() const
+ {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ /** Set the option's name (tag in the input file) */
+ virtual void SetName(const std::string& name)
+ {
+ name_ = name;
+ }
+ /** Get the short description */
+ virtual const std::string& ShortDescription() const
+ {
+ return short_description_;
+ }
+ /** Get the long description */
+ virtual const std::string& LongDescription() const
+ {
+ return long_description_;
+ }
+ /** Set the short description */
+ virtual void SetShortDescription(const std::string& short_description)
+ {
+ short_description_ = short_description;
+ }
+ /** Set the long description */
+ virtual void SetLongDescription(const std::string& long_description)
+ {
+ long_description_ = long_description;
+ }
+ /** Get the registering class */
+ virtual const std::string& RegisteringCategory() const
+ {
+ return registering_category_;
+ }
+ /** Set the registering class */
+ virtual void SetRegisteringCategory(const std::string& registering_category)
+ {
+ registering_category_ = registering_category;
+ }
+ /** Get the Option's type */
+ virtual const RegisteredOptionType& Type() const
+ {
+ return type_;
+ }
+ /** Get the Option's type */
+ virtual void SetType(const RegisteredOptionType& type)
+ {
+ type_ = type;
+ }
+ /** Counter */
+ virtual Index Counter() const
+ {
+ return counter_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Get / Set methods valid for specific types - NOTE: the Type
+ * must be set before calling these methods.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** check if the option has a lower bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number & OT_Integer*/
+ virtual const bool& HasLower() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number || type_ == OT_Integer);
+ return has_lower_;
+ }
+ /** check if the lower bound is strict - can be called for
+ OT_Number */
+ virtual const bool& LowerStrict() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number && has_lower_ == true);
+ return lower_strict_;
+ }
+ /** get the Number version of the lower bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number */
+ virtual Number LowerNumber() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(has_lower_ == true && type_ == OT_Number);
+ return lower_;
+ }
+ /** set the Number version of the lower bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number */
+ virtual void SetLowerNumber(const Number& lower, const bool& strict)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number);
+ lower_ = lower;
+ lower_strict_ = strict, has_lower_ = true;
+ }
+ /** get the Integer version of the lower bound can be called for
+ * OT_Integer*/
+ virtual Index LowerInteger() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(has_lower_ == true && type_ == OT_Integer);
+ return (Index)lower_;
+ }
+ /** set the Integer version of the lower bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Integer */
+ virtual void SetLowerInteger(const Index& lower)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Integer);
+ lower_ = (Number)lower;
+ has_lower_ = true;
+ }
+ /** check if the option has an upper bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number & OT_Integer*/
+ virtual const bool& HasUpper() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number || type_ == OT_Integer);
+ return has_upper_;
+ }
+ /** check if the upper bound is strict - can be called for
+ * OT_Number */
+ virtual const bool& UpperStrict() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number && has_upper_ == true);
+ return upper_strict_;
+ }
+ /** get the Number version of the upper bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number */
+ virtual Number UpperNumber() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(has_upper_ == true && type_ == OT_Number);
+ return upper_;
+ }
+ /** set the Number version of the upper bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Number */
+ virtual void SetUpperNumber(const Number& upper, const bool& strict)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number);
+ upper_ = upper;
+ upper_strict_ = strict;
+ has_upper_ = true;
+ }
+ /** get the Integer version of the upper bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Integer*/
+ virtual Index UpperInteger() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(has_upper_ == true && type_ == OT_Integer);
+ return (Index)upper_;
+ }
+ /** set the Integer version of the upper bound - can be called for
+ * OT_Integer */
+ virtual void SetUpperInteger(const Index& upper)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Integer);
+ upper_ = (Number)upper;
+ has_upper_ = true;
+ }
+ /** method to add valid string entries - can be called for
+ * OT_String */
+ virtual void AddValidStringSetting(const std::string value,
+ const std::string description)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_String);
+ valid_strings_.push_back(string_entry(value, description));
+ }
+ /** get the default as a Number - can be called for OT_Number */
+ virtual Number DefaultNumber() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number);
+ return default_number_;
+ }
+ /** Set the default as a Number - can be called for OT_Number */
+ virtual void SetDefaultNumber(const Number& default_value)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number);
+ default_number_ = default_value;
+ }
+ /** get the default as an Integer - can be called for OT_Integer*/
+ virtual Index DefaultInteger() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Integer);
+ return (Index)default_number_;
+ }
+ /** Set the default as an Integer - can be called for
+ OT_Integer */
+ virtual void SetDefaultInteger(const Index& default_value)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Integer);
+ default_number_ = (Number)default_value;
+ }
+ /** get the default as a string - can be called for OT_String */
+ virtual std::string DefaultString() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_String);
+ return default_string_;
+ }
+ /** get the default as a string, but as the index of the string in
+ * the list - helps map from a string to an enum- can be called
+ * for OT_String */
+ virtual Index DefaultStringAsEnum() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_String);
+ return MapStringSettingToEnum(default_string_);
+ }
+ /** Set the default as a string - can be called for OT_String */
+ virtual void SetDefaultString(const std::string& default_value)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_String);
+ default_string_ = default_value;
+ }
+ /** get the valid string settings - can be called for OT_String */
+ virtual std::vector<string_entry> GetValidStrings() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_String);
+ return valid_strings_;
+ }
+ /** Check if the Number value is a valid setting - can be called
+ * for OT_Number */
+ virtual bool IsValidNumberSetting(const Number& value) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Number);
+ if (has_lower_ && ((lower_strict_ == true && value <= lower_) ||
+ (lower_strict_ == false && value < lower_))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (has_upper_ && ((upper_strict_ == true && value >= upper_) ||
+ (upper_strict_ == false && value > upper_))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Check if the Integer value is a valid setting - can be called
+ * for OT_Integer */
+ virtual bool IsValidIntegerSetting(const Index& value) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(type_ == OT_Integer);
+ if (has_lower_ && value < lower_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (has_upper_ && value > upper_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Check if the String value is a valid setting - can be called
+ * for OT_String */
+ virtual bool IsValidStringSetting(const std::string& value) const;
+ /** Map a user setting (allowing any case) to the case used when
+ * the setting was registered.
+ */
+ virtual std::string MapStringSetting(const std::string& value) const;
+ /** Map a user setting (allowing any case) to the index of the
+ * matched setting in the list of string settings. Helps map a
+ * string setting to an enumeration.
+ */
+ virtual Index MapStringSettingToEnum(const std::string& value) const;
+ //@}
+ /** output a description of the option */
+ virtual void OutputDescription(const Journalist& jnlst) const;
+ /** output a more concise version */
+ virtual void OutputShortDescription(const Journalist& jnlst) const;
+ /** output a latex version */
+ virtual void OutputLatexDescription(const Journalist& jnlst) const;
+ private:
+ std::string name_;
+ std::string short_description_;
+ std::string long_description_;
+ std::string registering_category_;
+ RegisteredOptionType type_;
+ bool has_lower_;
+ bool lower_strict_;
+ Number lower_;
+ bool has_upper_;
+ bool upper_strict_;
+ Number upper_;
+ Number default_number_;
+ void MakeValidLatexString(std::string source, std::string& dest) const;
+ std::string MakeValidLatexNumber(Number value) const;
+ /** Compare two strings and return true if they are equal (case
+ insensitive comparison) */
+ bool string_equal_insensitive(const std::string& s1,
+ const std::string& s2) const;
+ std::vector<string_entry> valid_strings_;
+ std::string default_string_;
+ /** Has the information as how many-th option this one was
+ * registered. */
+ const Index counter_;
+ };
+ /** Class for storing registered options. Used for validation and
+ * documentation.
+ */
+ class RegisteredOptions : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Standard Constructor */
+ RegisteredOptions()
+ :
+ next_counter_(0),
+ current_registering_category_("Uncategorized")
+ {}
+ /** Standard Destructor */
+ virtual ~RegisteredOptions()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Methods to interact with registered options */
+ //@{
+ /** set the registering class. All subsequent options will be
+ * added with the registered class */
+ virtual void SetRegisteringCategory(const std::string& registering_category)
+ {
+ current_registering_category_ = registering_category;
+ }
+ /** retrieve the value of the current registering category */
+ virtual std::string RegisteringCategory()
+ {
+ return current_registering_category_;
+ }
+ /** Add a Number option (with no restrictions) */
+ virtual void AddNumberOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Number default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Number option (with a lower bound) */
+ virtual void AddLowerBoundedNumberOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Number lower, bool strict,
+ Number default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Number option (with a upper bound) */
+ virtual void AddUpperBoundedNumberOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Number upper, bool strict,
+ Number default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Number option (with a both bounds) */
+ virtual void AddBoundedNumberOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Number lower, bool lower_strict,
+ Number upper, bool upper_strict,
+ Number default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Integer option (with no restrictions) */
+ virtual void AddIntegerOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Index default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Integer option (with a lower bound) */
+ virtual void AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Index lower, Index default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Integer option (with a upper bound) */
+ virtual void AddUpperBoundedIntegerOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Index upper, Index default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a Integer option (with a both bounds) */
+ virtual void AddBoundedIntegerOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ Index lower, Index upper,
+ Index default_value,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Add a String option (with no restrictions) */
+ virtual void AddStringOption(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& settings,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& descriptions,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Methods that make adding string options with only a few
+ * entries easier */
+ virtual void AddStringOption1(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption2(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption3(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption4(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption5(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption6(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& setting6,
+ const std::string& description6,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption7(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& setting6,
+ const std::string& description6,
+ const std::string& setting7,
+ const std::string& description7,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption8(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& setting6,
+ const std::string& description6,
+ const std::string& setting7,
+ const std::string& description7,
+ const std::string& setting8,
+ const std::string& description8,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption9(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& setting6,
+ const std::string& description6,
+ const std::string& setting7,
+ const std::string& description7,
+ const std::string& setting8,
+ const std::string& description8,
+ const std::string& setting9,
+ const std::string& description9,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ virtual void AddStringOption10(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& short_description,
+ const std::string& default_value,
+ const std::string& setting1,
+ const std::string& description1,
+ const std::string& setting2,
+ const std::string& description2,
+ const std::string& setting3,
+ const std::string& description3,
+ const std::string& setting4,
+ const std::string& description4,
+ const std::string& setting5,
+ const std::string& description5,
+ const std::string& setting6,
+ const std::string& description6,
+ const std::string& setting7,
+ const std::string& description7,
+ const std::string& setting8,
+ const std::string& description8,
+ const std::string& setting9,
+ const std::string& description9,
+ const std::string& setting10,
+ const std::string& description10,
+ const std::string& long_description="");
+ /** Get a registered option - this will return NULL if the option
+ * does not exist */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const RegisteredOption> GetOption(const std::string& name);
+ /** Output documentation for the options - gives a description,
+ * etc. */
+ virtual void OutputOptionDocumentation(const Journalist& jnlst, std::list<std::string>& categories);
+ /** Output documentation in Latex format to include in a latex file */
+ virtual void OutputLatexOptionDocumentation(const Journalist& jnlst, std::list<std::string>& categories);
+ //@}
+ typedef std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<RegisteredOption> > RegOptionsList;
+ /** Giving access to iteratable representation of the registered
+ * options */
+ virtual const RegOptionsList& RegisteredOptionsList () const
+ {
+ return registered_options_;
+ }
+ private:
+ Index next_counter_;
+ std::string current_registering_category_;
+ std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<RegisteredOption> > registered_options_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16d2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpReturnCodes.h 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPRETURNCODES_H__
+#define __IPRETURNCODES_H__
+/* include from a common include file */
+#include "IpReturnCodes_inc.h"
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36dd7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpReturnCodes.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Andreas Waechter IBM 2006-03-01
+/* include from a common include file */
+namespace Ipopt
+#include "IpReturnCodes_inc.h"
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6bf70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+C Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+C All Rights Reserved.
+C This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+C $Id: 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+C Author: Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-08-11
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes_inc.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes_inc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80190ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpReturnCodes_inc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpReturnCodes_inc.h 2216 2013-04-14 17:06:00Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
+/* !!!!!!!!! REMEMBER TO UPDATE and !!!!!!!! */
+/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
+/** Return codes for the Optimize call for an application */
+enum ApplicationReturnStatus
+ {
+ Solve_Succeeded=0,
+ Solved_To_Acceptable_Level=1,
+ Infeasible_Problem_Detected=2,
+ Search_Direction_Becomes_Too_Small=3,
+ Diverging_Iterates=4,
+ User_Requested_Stop=5,
+ Feasible_Point_Found=6,
+ Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded=-1,
+ Restoration_Failed=-2,
+ Error_In_Step_Computation=-3,
+ Maximum_CpuTime_Exceeded=-4,
+ Not_Enough_Degrees_Of_Freedom=-10,
+ Invalid_Problem_Definition=-11,
+ Invalid_Option=-12,
+ Invalid_Number_Detected=-13,
+ Unrecoverable_Exception=-100,
+ NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown=-101,
+ Insufficient_Memory=-102,
+ Internal_Error=-199
+ };
+/** enum to indicate the mode in which the algorithm is */
+enum AlgorithmMode
+ {
+ RegularMode=0,
+ RestorationPhaseMode=1
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSmartPtr.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSmartPtr.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec0ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSmartPtr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2011 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpSmartPtr.hpp 2182 2013-03-30 20:02:18Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPSMARTPTR_HPP__
+#define __IPSMARTPTR_HPP__
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpDebug.hpp"
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# define IPOPT_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+# else
+# define IPOPT_UNUSED
+# endif
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Template class for Smart Pointers.
+ * A SmartPtr behaves much like a raw pointer, but manages the lifetime
+ * of an object, deleting the object automatically. This class implements
+ * a reference-counting, intrusive smart pointer design, where all
+ * objects pointed to must inherit off of ReferencedObject, which
+ * stores the reference count. Although this is intrusive (native types
+ * and externally authored classes require wrappers to be referenced
+ * by smart pointers), it is a safer design. A more detailed discussion of
+ * these issues follows after the usage information.
+ *
+ * Usage Example:
+ * Note: to use the SmartPtr, all objects to which you point MUST
+ * inherit off of ReferencedObject.
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+ *
+ * In MyClass.hpp...
+ *
+ * #include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+ * namespace Ipopt {
+ *
+ * class MyClass : public ReferencedObject // must derive from ReferencedObject
+ * {
+ * ...
+ * }
+ * } // namespace Ipopt
+ *
+ *
+ * In my_usage.cpp...
+ *
+ * #include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+ * #include "MyClass.hpp"
+ *
+ * void func(AnyObject& obj)
+ * {
+ * SmartPtr<MyClass> ptr_to_myclass = new MyClass(...);
+ * // ptr_to_myclass now points to a new MyClass,
+ * // and the reference count is 1
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * obj.SetMyClass(ptr_to_myclass);
+ * // Here, let's assume that AnyObject uses a
+ * // SmartPtr<MyClass> internally here.
+ * // Now, both ptr_to_myclass and the internal
+ * // SmartPtr in obj point to the same MyClass object
+ * // and its reference count is 2.
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * // No need to delete ptr_to_myclass, this
+ * // will be done automatically when the
+ * // reference count drops to zero.
+ *
+ * }
+ *
+ * \endverbatim
+ *
+ * It is not necessary to use SmartPtr's in all cases where an
+ * object is used that has been allocated "into" a SmartPtr. It is
+ * possible to just pass objects by reference or regular pointers,
+ * even if lower down in the stack a SmartPtr is to be held on to.
+ * Everything should work fine as long as a pointer created by "new"
+ * is immediately passed into a SmartPtr, and if SmartPtr's are used
+ * to hold on to objects.
+ *
+ * Other Notes:
+ * The SmartPtr implements both dereference operators -> & *.
+ * The SmartPtr does NOT implement a conversion operator to
+ * the raw pointer. Use the GetRawPtr() method when this
+ * is necessary. Make sure that the raw pointer is NOT
+ * deleted.
+ * The SmartPtr implements the comparison operators == & !=
+ * for a variety of types. Use these instead of
+ * \verbatim
+ * if (GetRawPtr(smrt_ptr) == ptr) // Don't use this
+ * \endverbatim
+ * SmartPtr's, as currently implemented, do NOT handle circular references.
+ * For example: consider a higher level object using SmartPtrs to point to
+ * A and B, but A and B also point to each other (i.e. A has a SmartPtr
+ * to B and B has a SmartPtr to A). In this scenario, when the higher
+ * level object is finished with A and B, their reference counts will
+ * never drop to zero (since they reference each other) and they
+ * will not be deleted. This can be detected by memory leak tools like
+ * valgrind. If the circular reference is necessary, the problem can be
+ * overcome by a number of techniques:
+ *
+ * 1) A and B can have a method that "releases" each other, that is
+ * they set their internal SmartPtrs to NULL.
+ * \verbatim
+ * void AClass::ReleaseCircularReferences()
+ * {
+ * smart_ptr_to_B = NULL;
+ * }
+ * \endverbatim
+ * Then, the higher level class can call these methods before
+ * it is done using A & B.
+ *
+ * 2) Raw pointers can be used in A and B to reference each other.
+ * Here, an implicit assumption is made that the lifetime is
+ * controlled by the higher level object and that A and B will
+ * both exist in a controlled manner. Although this seems
+ * dangerous, in many situations, this type of referencing
+ * is very controlled and this is reasonably safe.
+ *
+ * 3) This SmartPtr class could be redesigned with the Weak/Strong
+ * design concept. Here, the SmartPtr is identified as being
+ * Strong (controls lifetime of the object) or Weak (merely
+ * referencing the object). The Strong SmartPtr increments
+ * (and decrements) the reference count in ReferencedObject
+ * but the Weak SmartPtr does not. In the example above,
+ * the higher level object would have Strong SmartPtrs to
+ * A and B, but A and B would have Weak SmartPtrs to each
+ * other. Then, when the higher level object was done with
+ * A and B, they would be deleted. The Weak SmartPtrs in A
+ * and B would not decrement the reference count and would,
+ * of course, not delete the object. This idea is very similar
+ * to item (2), where it is implied that the sequence of events
+ * is controlled such that A and B will not call anything using
+ * their pointers following the higher level delete (i.e. in
+ * their destructors!). This is somehow safer, however, because
+ * code can be written (however expensive) to perform run-time
+ * detection of this situation. For example, the ReferencedObject
+ * could store pointers to all Weak SmartPtrs that are referencing
+ * it and, in its destructor, tell these pointers that it is
+ * dying. They could then set themselves to NULL, or set an
+ * internal flag to detect usage past this point.
+ *
+ * Comments on Non-Intrusive Design:
+ * In a non-intrusive design, the reference count is stored somewhere other
+ * than the object being referenced. This means, unless the reference
+ * counting pointer is the first referencer, it must get a pointer to the
+ * referenced object from another smart pointer (so it has access to the
+ * reference count location). In this non-intrusive design, if we are
+ * pointing to an object with a smart pointer (or a number of smart
+ * pointers), and we then give another smart pointer the address through
+ * a RAW pointer, we will have two independent, AND INCORRECT, reference
+ * counts. To avoid this pitfall, we use an intrusive reference counting
+ * technique where the reference count is stored in the object being
+ * referenced.
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ class SmartPtr : public Referencer
+ {
+ public:
+#define ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity 0
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor, initialized to NULL */
+ SmartPtr();
+ /** Copy constructor, initialized from copy of type T */
+ SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<T>& copy);
+ /** Copy constructor, initialized from copy of type U */
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& copy);
+ /** Constructor, initialized from T* ptr */
+ SmartPtr(T* ptr);
+ /** Destructor, automatically decrements the
+ * reference count, deletes the object if
+ * necessary.*/
+ ~SmartPtr();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Overloaded operators. */
+ //@{
+ /** Overloaded arrow operator, allows the user to call
+ * methods using the contained pointer. */
+ T* operator->() const;
+ /** Overloaded dereference operator, allows the user
+ * to dereference the contained pointer. */
+ T& operator*() const;
+ /** Overloaded equals operator, allows the user to
+ * set the value of the SmartPtr from a raw pointer */
+ SmartPtr<T>& operator=(T* rhs);
+ /** Overloaded equals operator, allows the user to
+ * set the value of the SmartPtr from another
+ * SmartPtr */
+ SmartPtr<T>& operator=(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs);
+ /** Overloaded equals operator, allows the user to
+ * set the value of the SmartPtr from another
+ * SmartPtr of a different type */
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr<T>& operator=(const SmartPtr<U>& rhs);
+ /** Overloaded equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of two SmartPtrs */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs);
+ /** Overloaded equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of a SmartPtr with a raw pointer. */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs);
+ /** Overloaded equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of a raw pointer with a SmartPtr. */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator==(U1* lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& raw_rhs);
+ /** Overloaded in-equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of two SmartPtrs */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs);
+ /** Overloaded in-equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of a SmartPtr with a raw pointer. */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs);
+ /** Overloaded in-equality comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of a SmartPtr with a raw pointer. */
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ friend
+ bool operator!=(U1* lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& raw_rhs);
+ /** Overloaded less-than comparison operator, allows the
+ * user to compare the value of two SmartPtrs */
+ template <class U>
+ friend
+ bool operator<(const SmartPtr<U>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U>& rhs);
+ //@}
+ /**@name friend method declarations. */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns the raw pointer contained.
+ * Use to get the value of
+ * the raw ptr (i.e. to pass to other
+ * methods/functions, etc.)
+ * Note: This method does NOT copy,
+ * therefore, modifications using this
+ * value modify the underlying object
+ * contained by the SmartPtr,
+ * NEVER delete this returned value.
+ */
+ template <class U>
+ friend
+ U* GetRawPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ /** Returns a const pointer */
+ template <class U>
+ friend
+ SmartPtr<const U> ConstPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ /** Returns true if the SmartPtr is NOT NULL.
+ * Use this to check if the SmartPtr is not null
+ * This is preferred to if(GetRawPtr(sp) != NULL)
+ */
+ template <class U>
+ friend
+ bool IsValid(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ /** Returns true if the SmartPtr is NULL.
+ * Use this to check if the SmartPtr IsNull.
+ * This is preferred to if(GetRawPtr(sp) == NULL)
+ */
+ template <class U>
+ friend
+ bool IsNull(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Private Data/Methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Actual raw pointer to the object. */
+ T* ptr_;
+ /** Set the value of the internal raw pointer
+ * from another raw pointer, releasing the
+ * previously referenced object if necessary. */
+ SmartPtr<T>& SetFromRawPtr_(T* rhs);
+ /** Set the value of the internal raw pointer
+ * from a SmartPtr, releasing the previously referenced
+ * object if necessary. */
+ SmartPtr<T>& SetFromSmartPtr_(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs);
+ /** Release the currently referenced object. */
+ void ReleasePointer_();
+ //@}
+ };
+ /**@name SmartPtr friend function declarations.*/
+ //@{
+ template <class U>
+ U* GetRawPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr<const U> ConstPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ template <class U>
+ bool IsNull(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ template <class U>
+ bool IsValid(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(U1* lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& raw_rhs);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs);
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(U1* lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& raw_rhs);
+ //@}
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr()
+ :
+ ptr_(0)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr()", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const ReferencedObject* IPOPT_UNUSED trying_to_use_SmartPtr_with_an_object_that_does_not_inherit_from_ReferencedObject_ = ptr_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<T>& copy)
+ :
+ ptr_(0)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<T>& copy)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const ReferencedObject* IPOPT_UNUSED trying_to_use_SmartPtr_with_an_object_that_does_not_inherit_from_ReferencedObject_ = ptr_;
+ (void) SetFromSmartPtr_(copy);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& copy)
+ :
+ ptr_(0)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& copy)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const ReferencedObject* IPOPT_UNUSED trying_to_use_SmartPtr_with_an_object_that_does_not_inherit_from_ReferencedObject_ = ptr_;
+ (void) SetFromSmartPtr_(GetRawPtr(copy));
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(T* ptr)
+ :
+ ptr_(0)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(T* ptr)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const ReferencedObject* IPOPT_UNUSED trying_to_use_SmartPtr_with_an_object_that_does_not_inherit_from_ReferencedObject_ = ptr_;
+ (void) SetFromRawPtr_(ptr);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>::~SmartPtr()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>::~SmartPtr(T* ptr)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ ReleasePointer_();
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ T* SmartPtr<T>::operator->() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("T* SmartPtr<T>::operator->()", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ // cannot deref a null pointer
+ assert(ptr_);
+ return ptr_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ T& SmartPtr<T>::operator*() const
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("T& SmartPtr<T>::operator*()", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ // cannot dereference a null pointer
+ assert(ptr_);
+ return *ptr_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(T* rhs)
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(T* rhs)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ return SetFromRawPtr_(rhs);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ "SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ return SetFromSmartPtr_(rhs);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(const SmartPtr<U>& rhs)
+ {
+ "SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(const SmartPtr<U>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ return SetFromSmartPtr_(GetRawPtr(rhs));
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromRawPtr_(T* rhs)
+ {
+ "SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromRawPtr_(T* rhs)", ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ if (rhs != 0)
+ rhs->AddRef(this);
+ // Release any old pointer
+ ReleasePointer_();
+ ptr_ = rhs;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromSmartPtr_(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ "SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromSmartPtr_(const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ SetFromRawPtr_(GetRawPtr(rhs));
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void SmartPtr<T>::ReleasePointer_()
+ {
+ "void SmartPtr<T>::ReleasePointer()",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ if (ptr_) {
+ ptr_->ReleaseRef(this);
+ if (ptr_->ReferenceCount() == 0)
+ delete ptr_;
+ }
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ U* GetRawPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
+ {
+ "T* GetRawPtr(const SmartPtr<T>& smart_ptr)",
+ 0);
+ return smart_ptr.ptr_;
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ SmartPtr<const U> ConstPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
+ {
+ // compiler should implicitly cast
+ return GetRawPtr(smart_ptr);
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ bool IsValid(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
+ {
+ return !IsNull(smart_ptr);
+ }
+ template <class U>
+ bool IsNull(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
+ {
+ "bool IsNull(const SmartPtr<T>& smart_ptr)",
+ 0);
+ return (smart_ptr.ptr_ == 0);
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool ComparePointers(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)
+ {
+ "bool ComparePtrs(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ // Even if lhs and rhs point to the same object
+ // with different interfaces U1 and U2, we cannot guarantee that
+ // the value of the pointers will be equivalent. We can
+ // guarantee this if we convert to ReferencedObject* (see also #162)
+ const ReferencedObject* v_lhs = lhs;
+ const ReferencedObject* v_rhs = rhs;
+ return v_lhs == v_rhs;
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ U1* raw_lhs = GetRawPtr(lhs);
+ U2* raw_rhs = GetRawPtr(rhs);
+ return ComparePointers(raw_lhs, raw_rhs);
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator==(SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ U1* raw_lhs = GetRawPtr(lhs);
+ return ComparePointers(raw_lhs, raw_rhs);
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator==(U1* raw_lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator==(U1* raw_lhs, SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ const U2* raw_rhs = GetRawPtr(rhs);
+ return ComparePointers(raw_lhs, raw_rhs);
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ bool retValue = operator==(lhs, rhs);
+ return !retValue;
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(const SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* raw_rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator!=(SmartPtr<U1>& lhs, U2* rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ bool retValue = operator==(lhs, raw_rhs);
+ return !retValue;
+ }
+ template <class U1, class U2>
+ bool operator!=(U1* raw_lhs, const SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)
+ {
+ "bool operator!=(U1* raw_lhs, SmartPtr<U2>& rhs)",
+ ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
+ bool retValue = operator==(raw_lhs, rhs);
+ return !retValue;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ void swap(SmartPtr<T>& a, SmartPtr<T>& b)
+ {
+ SmartPtr<T> tmp(a);
+ a = b;
+ b = tmp;
+ std::swap(a.prt_, b.ptr_);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool operator<(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ return lhs.ptr_ < rhs.ptr_;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ bool operator> (const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ return rhs < lhs;
+ }
+ template <class T> bool
+ operator<=(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ return !( rhs < lhs );
+ }
+ template <class T> bool
+ operator>=(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ return !( lhs < rhs );
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
+#undef ipopt_dbg_smartptr_verbosity
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSolveStatistics.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..625ddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpSolveStatistics.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-08-15
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declaration (to avoid inclusion of too many header files)
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ /** This class collects statistics about an optimziation run, such
+ * as iteration count, final infeasibilities etc. It is meant to
+ * provide such information to a user of Ipopt during the
+ * finalize_solution call.
+ */
+ class SolveStatistics : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor. It takes in those collecting Ipopt
+ * objects that can provide the statistics information. Those
+ * statistics are retrieved at the time of the constructor
+ * call. */
+ SolveStatistics(const SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>& ip_nlp,
+ const SmartPtr<IpoptData>& ip_data,
+ const SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities>& ip_cq);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~SolveStatistics()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** @name Accessor methods for retrieving different kind of solver
+ * statistics information */
+ //@{
+ /** Iteration counts. */
+ virtual Index IterationCount() const;
+ /** Total CPU time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalCpuTime() const;
+ /** Total CPU time, including function evaluations. Included for
+ * backward compatibility. */
+ Number TotalCPUTime() const
+ {
+ return TotalCpuTime();
+ }
+ /** Total System time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalSysTime() const;
+ /** Total wall clock time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalWallclockTime() const;
+ /** Number of NLP function evaluations. */
+ virtual void NumberOfEvaluations(Index& num_obj_evals,
+ Index& num_constr_evals,
+ Index& num_obj_grad_evals,
+ Index& num_constr_jac_evals,
+ Index& num_hess_evals) const;
+ /** Unscaled solution infeasibilities */
+ virtual void Infeasibilities(Number& dual_inf,
+ Number& constr_viol,
+ Number& complementarity,
+ Number& kkt_error) const;
+ /** Scaled solution infeasibilities */
+ virtual void ScaledInfeasibilities(Number& scaled_dual_inf,
+ Number& scaled_constr_viol,
+ Number& scaled_complementarity,
+ Number& scaled_kkt_error) const;
+ /** Final value of objective function */
+ virtual Number FinalObjective() const;
+ /** Final scaled value of objective function */
+ virtual Number FinalScaledObjective() const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ SolveStatistics();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ SolveStatistics(const SolveStatistics&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const SolveStatistics&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Fields for storing the statistics data */
+ //@{
+ /** Number of iterations. */
+ Index num_iters_;
+ /* Total CPU time */
+ Number total_cpu_time_;
+ /* Total system time */
+ Number total_sys_time_;
+ /* Total wall clock time */
+ Number total_wallclock_time_;
+ /** Number of objective function evaluations. */
+ Index num_obj_evals_;
+ /** Number of constraints evaluations (max of equality and
+ * inequality) */
+ Index num_constr_evals_;
+ /** Number of objective gradient evaluations. */
+ Index num_obj_grad_evals_;
+ /** Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations. */
+ Index num_constr_jac_evals_;
+ /** Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations. */
+ Index num_hess_evals_;
+ /** Final scaled value of objective function */
+ Number scaled_obj_val_;
+ /** Final unscaled value of objective function */
+ Number obj_val_;
+ /** Final scaled dual infeasibility (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_dual_inf_;
+ /** Final unscaled dual infeasibility (max-norm) */
+ Number dual_inf_;
+ /** Final scaled constraint violation (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_constr_viol_;
+ /** Final unscaled constraint violation (max-norm) */
+ Number constr_viol_;
+ /** Final scaled complementarity error (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_compl_;
+ /** Final unscaled complementarity error (max-norm) */
+ Number compl_;
+ /** Final overall scaled KKT error (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_kkt_error_;
+ /** Final overall unscaled KKT error (max-norm) */
+ Number kkt_error_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpStdCInterface.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpStdCInterface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f11336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpStdCInterface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 International Business Machines and others.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+ $Id: IpStdCInterface.h 2082 2012-02-16 03:00:34Z andreasw $
+ Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-09-02
+ *************************************************************************/
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef IPOPT_DLL
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+ /** Type for all number. We need to make sure that this is
+ identical with what is defined in Common/IpTypes.hpp */
+ typedef double Number;
+ /** Type for all incides. We need to make sure that this is
+ identical with what is defined in Common/IpTypes.hpp */
+ typedef int Index;
+ /** Type for all integers. We need to make sure that this is
+ identical with what is defined in Common/IpTypes.hpp */
+ typedef int Int;
+ /* This includes the SolverReturn enum type */
+#include "IpReturnCodes.h"
+ /** Structure collecting all information about the problem
+ * definition and solve statistics etc. This is defined in the
+ * source file. */
+ struct IpoptProblemInfo;
+ /** Pointer to a Ipopt Problem. */
+ typedef struct IpoptProblemInfo* IpoptProblem;
+ /** define a boolean type for C */
+ typedef int Bool;
+#ifndef TRUE
+# define TRUE (1)
+#ifndef FALSE
+# define FALSE (0)
+ /** A pointer for anything that is to be passed between the called
+ * and individual callback function */
+ typedef void * UserDataPtr;
+ /** Type defining the callback function for evaluating the value of
+ * the objective function. Return value should be set to false if
+ * there was a problem doing the evaluation. */
+ typedef Bool (*Eval_F_CB)(Index n, Number* x, Bool new_x,
+ Number* obj_value, UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Type defining the callback function for evaluating the gradient of
+ * the objective function. Return value should be set to false if
+ * there was a problem doing the evaluation. */
+ typedef Bool (*Eval_Grad_F_CB)(Index n, Number* x, Bool new_x,
+ Number* grad_f, UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Type defining the callback function for evaluating the value of
+ * the constraint functions. Return value should be set to false if
+ * there was a problem doing the evaluation. */
+ typedef Bool (*Eval_G_CB)(Index n, Number* x, Bool new_x,
+ Index m, Number* g, UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Type defining the callback function for evaluating the Jacobian of
+ * the constrant functions. Return value should be set to false if
+ * there was a problem doing the evaluation. */
+ typedef Bool (*Eval_Jac_G_CB)(Index n, Number *x, Bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac,
+ Index *iRow, Index *jCol, Number *values,
+ UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Type defining the callback function for evaluating the Hessian of
+ * the Lagrangian function. Return value should be set to false if
+ * there was a problem doing the evaluation. */
+ typedef Bool (*Eval_H_CB)(Index n, Number *x, Bool new_x, Number obj_factor,
+ Index m, Number *lambda, Bool new_lambda,
+ Index nele_hess, Index *iRow, Index *jCol,
+ Number *values, UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Type defining the callback function for giving intermediate
+ * execution control to the user. If set, it is called once per
+ * iteration, providing the user with some information on the state
+ * of the optimization. This can be used to print some
+ * user-defined output. It also gives the user a way to terminate
+ * the optimization prematurely. If this method returns false,
+ * Ipopt will terminate the optimization. */
+ typedef Bool (*Intermediate_CB)(Index alg_mod, /* 0 is regular, 1 is resto */
+ Index iter_count, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials, UserDataPtr user_data);
+ /** Function for creating a new Ipopt Problem object. This function
+ * returns an object that can be passed to the IpoptSolve call. It
+ * contains the basic definition of the optimization problem, such
+ * as number of variables and constraints, bounds on variables and
+ * constraints, information about the derivatives, and the callback
+ * function for the computation of the optimization problem
+ * functions and derivatives. During this call, the options file
+ * PARAMS.DAT is read as well.
+ *
+ * If NULL is returned, there was a problem with one of the inputs
+ * or reading the options file. */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(IpoptProblem) CreateIpoptProblem(
+ Index n /** Number of optimization variables */
+ , Number* x_L /** Lower bounds on variables. This array of
+ size n is copied internally, so that the
+ caller can change the incoming data after
+ return without that IpoptProblem is
+ modified. Any value less or equal than
+ the number specified by option
+ 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to
+ be minus infinity. */
+ , Number* x_U /** Upper bounds on variables. This array of
+ size n is copied internally, so that the
+ caller can change the incoming data after
+ return without that IpoptProblem is
+ modified. Any value greater or equal
+ than the number specified by option
+ 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to
+ be plus infinity. */
+ , Index m /** Number of constraints. */
+ , Number* g_L /** Lower bounds on constraints. This array of
+ size m is copied internally, so that the
+ caller can change the incoming data after
+ return without that IpoptProblem is
+ modified. Any value less or equal than
+ the number specified by option
+ 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to
+ be minus infinity. */
+ , Number* g_U /** Upper bounds on constraints. This array of
+ size m is copied internally, so that the
+ caller can change the incoming data after
+ return without that IpoptProblem is
+ modified. Any value greater or equal
+ than the number specified by option
+ 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to
+ be plus infinity. */
+ , Index nele_jac /** Number of non-zero elements in constraint
+ Jacobian. */
+ , Index nele_hess /** Number of non-zero elements in Hessian of
+ Lagrangian. */
+ , Index index_style /** indexing style for iRow & jCol,
+ 0 for C style, 1 for Fortran style */
+ , Eval_F_CB eval_f /** Callback function for evaluating
+ objective function */
+ , Eval_G_CB eval_g /** Callback function for evaluating
+ constraint functions */
+ , Eval_Grad_F_CB eval_grad_f
+ /** Callback function for evaluating gradient
+ of objective function */
+ , Eval_Jac_G_CB eval_jac_g
+ /** Callback function for evaluating Jacobian
+ of constraint functions */
+ , Eval_H_CB eval_h /** Callback function for evaluating Hessian
+ of Lagrangian function */
+ );
+ /** Method for freeing a previously created IpoptProblem. After
+ freeing an IpoptProblem, it cannot be used anymore. */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(void) FreeIpoptProblem(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem);
+ /** Function for adding a string option. Returns FALSE the option
+ * could not be set (e.g., if keyword is unknown) */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) AddIpoptStrOption(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem, char* keyword, char* val);
+ /** Function for adding a Number option. Returns FALSE the option
+ * could not be set (e.g., if keyword is unknown) */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) AddIpoptNumOption(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem, char* keyword, Number val);
+ /** Function for adding an Int option. Returns FALSE the option
+ * could not be set (e.g., if keyword is unknown) */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) AddIpoptIntOption(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem, char* keyword, Int val);
+ /** Function for opening an output file for a given name with given
+ * printlevel. Returns false, if there was a problem opening the
+ * file. */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) OpenIpoptOutputFile(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem, char* file_name,
+ Int print_level);
+ /** Optional function for setting scaling parameter for the NLP.
+ * This corresponds to the get_scaling_parameters method in TNLP.
+ * If the pointers x_scaling or g_scaling are NULL, then no scaling
+ * for x resp. g is done. */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) SetIpoptProblemScaling(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem,
+ Number obj_scaling,
+ Number* x_scaling,
+ Number* g_scaling);
+ /** Setting a callback function for the "intermediate callback"
+ * method in the TNLP. This gives control back to the user once
+ * per iteration. If set, it provides the user with some
+ * information on the state of the optimization. This can be used
+ * to print some user-defined output. It also gives the user a way
+ * to terminate the optimization prematurely. If the callback
+ * method returns false, Ipopt will terminate the optimization.
+ * Calling this set method to set the CB pointer to NULL disables
+ * the intermediate callback functionality. */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(Bool) SetIntermediateCallback(IpoptProblem ipopt_problem,
+ Intermediate_CB intermediate_cb);
+ /** Function calling the Ipopt optimization algorithm for a problem
+ previously defined with CreateIpoptProblem. The return
+ specified outcome of the optimization procedure (e.g., success,
+ failure etc).
+ */
+ IPOPT_EXPORT(enum ApplicationReturnStatus) IpoptSolve(
+ IpoptProblem ipopt_problem
+ /** Problem that is to be optimized. Ipopt
+ will use the options previously specified with
+ AddIpoptOption (etc) for this problem. */
+ , Number* x /** Input: Starting point
+ Output: Optimal solution */
+ , Number* g /** Values of constraint at final point
+ (output only - ignored if set to NULL) */
+ , Number* obj_val /** Final value of objective function
+ (output only - ignored if set to NULL) */
+ , Number* mult_g /** Input: Initial values for the constraint
+ multipliers (only if warm start option
+ is chosen)
+ Output: Final multipliers for constraints
+ (ignored if set to NULL) */
+ , Number* mult_x_L /** Input: Initial values for the multipliers for
+ lower variable bounds (only if warm start
+ option is chosen)
+ Output: Final multipliers for lower variable
+ bounds (ignored if set to NULL) */
+ , Number* mult_x_U /** Input: Initial values for the multipliers for
+ upper variable bounds (only if warm start
+ option is chosen)
+ Output: Final multipliers for upper variable
+ bounds (ignored if set to NULL) */
+ , UserDataPtr user_data
+ /** Pointer to user data. This will be
+ passed unmodified to the callback
+ functions. */
+ );
+ /**
+ void IpoptStatisticsCounts;
+ void IpoptStatisticsInfeasibilities; */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" { */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSymMatrix.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSymMatrix.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0137b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpSymMatrix.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpSymMatrix.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPSYMMATRIX_HPP__
+#define __IPSYMMATRIX_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpMatrix.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class SymMatrixSpace;
+ /** This is the base class for all derived symmetric matrix types.
+ */
+ class SymMatrix : public Matrix
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructor/Destructor */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, taking the owner_space.
+ */
+ inline
+ SymMatrix(const SymMatrixSpace* owner_space);
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~SymMatrix()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** @name Information about the size of the matrix */
+ //@{
+ /** Dimension of the matrix (number of rows and columns) */
+ inline
+ Index Dim() const;
+ //@}
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> OwnerSymMatrixSpace() const;
+ protected:
+ /** @name Overloaded methods from Matrix. */
+ //@{
+ /** Since the matrix is
+ * symmetric, it is only necessary to implement the
+ * MultVectorImpl method in a class that inherits from this base
+ * class. If the TransMultVectorImpl is called, this base class
+ * automatically calls MultVectorImpl instead. */
+ virtual void TransMultVectorImpl(Number alpha, const Vector& x, Number beta,
+ Vector& y) const
+ {
+ // Since this matrix is symetric, this is the same operation as
+ // MultVector
+ MultVector(alpha, x, beta, y);
+ }
+ /** Since the matrix is symmetric, the row and column max norms
+ * are identical */
+ virtual void ComputeColAMaxImpl(Vector& cols_norms, bool init) const
+ {
+ ComputeRowAMaxImpl(cols_norms, init);
+ }
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /** Copy of the owner space ptr as a SymMatrixSpace instead
+ * of a MatrixSpace
+ */
+ const SymMatrixSpace* owner_space_;
+ };
+ /** SymMatrixSpace base class, corresponding to the SymMatrix base
+ * class. */
+ class SymMatrixSpace : public MatrixSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given the dimension (identical to the number of
+ * rows and columns).
+ */
+ SymMatrixSpace(Index dim)
+ :
+ MatrixSpace(dim,dim)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~SymMatrixSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Pure virtual method for creating a new matrix of this specific
+ * type. */
+ virtual SymMatrix* MakeNewSymMatrix() const=0;
+ /** Overloaded MakeNew method for the MatrixSpace base class.
+ */
+ virtual Matrix* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewSymMatrix();
+ }
+ /** Accessor method for the dimension of the matrices in this
+ * matrix space.
+ */
+ Index Dim() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(NRows() == NCols());
+ return NRows();
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** default constructor */
+ SymMatrixSpace();
+ /* Copy constructor */
+ SymMatrixSpace(const SymMatrixSpace&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ SymMatrixSpace& operator=(const SymMatrixSpace&);
+ //@}
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ SymMatrix::SymMatrix(const SymMatrixSpace* owner_space)
+ :
+ Matrix(owner_space),
+ owner_space_(owner_space)
+ {}
+ inline
+ Index SymMatrix::Dim() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->Dim();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> SymMatrix::OwnerSymMatrixSpace() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998d38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTNLP.hpp 2212 2013-04-14 14:51:52Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPTNLP_HPP__
+#define __IPTNLP_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+#include "IpAlgTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpReturnCodes.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ class IteratesVector;
+ /** Base class for all NLP's that use standard triplet matrix form
+ * and dense vectors. This is the standard base class for all
+ * NLP's that use the standard triplet matrix form (as for Harwell
+ * routines) and dense vectors. The class TNLPAdapter then converts
+ * this interface to an interface that can be used directly by
+ * ipopt.
+ *
+ * This interface presents the problem form:
+ *
+ * min f(x)
+ *
+ * s.t. gL <= g(x) <= gU
+ *
+ * xL <= x <= xU
+ *
+ * In order to specify an equality constraint, set gL_i = gU_i =
+ * rhs. The value that indicates "infinity" for the bounds
+ * (i.e. the variable or constraint has no lower bound (-infinity)
+ * or upper bound (+infinity)) is set through the option
+ * nlp_lower_bound_inf and nlp_upper_bound_inf. To indicate that a
+ * variable has no upper or lower bound, set the bound to
+ * -ipopt_inf or +ipopt_inf respectively
+ */
+ class TNLP : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Type of the constraints*/
+ enum LinearityType
+ {
+ LINEAR/** Constraint/Variable is linear.*/,
+ NON_LINEAR/**Constraint/Varaible is non-linear.*/
+ };
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ TNLP()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~TNLP()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /**@name methods to gather information about the NLP */
+ //@{
+ /** overload this method to return the number of variables
+ * and constraints, and the number of non-zeros in the jacobian and
+ * the hessian. The index_style parameter lets you specify C or Fortran
+ * style indexing for the sparse matrix iRow and jCol parameters.
+ * C_STYLE is 0-based, and FORTRAN_STYLE is 1-based.
+ */
+ enum IndexStyleEnum { C_STYLE=0, FORTRAN_STYLE=1 };
+ virtual bool get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g,
+ Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style)=0;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > StringMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Index> > IntegerMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> > NumericMetaDataMapType;
+ /** overload this method to return any meta data for
+ * the variables and the constraints */
+ virtual bool get_var_con_metadata(Index n,
+ StringMetaDataMapType& var_string_md,
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType& var_integer_md,
+ NumericMetaDataMapType& var_numeric_md,
+ Index m,
+ StringMetaDataMapType& con_string_md,
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType& con_integer_md,
+ NumericMetaDataMapType& con_numeric_md)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** overload this method to return the information about the bound
+ * on the variables and constraints. The value that indicates
+ * that a bound does not exist is specified in the parameters
+ * nlp_lower_bound_inf and nlp_upper_bound_inf. By default,
+ * nlp_lower_bound_inf is -1e19 and nlp_upper_bound_inf is
+ * 1e19. (see TNLPAdapter) */
+ virtual bool get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u,
+ Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u)=0;
+ /** overload this method to return scaling parameters. This is
+ * only called if the options are set to retrieve user scaling.
+ * There, use_x_scaling (or use_g_scaling) should get set to true
+ * only if the variables (or constraints) are to be scaled. This
+ * method should return true only if the scaling parameters could
+ * be provided.
+ */
+ virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Number& obj_scaling,
+ bool& use_x_scaling, Index n,
+ Number* x_scaling,
+ bool& use_g_scaling, Index m,
+ Number* g_scaling)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** overload this method to return the variables linearity
+ * (TNLP::LINEAR or TNLP::NON_LINEAR). The var_types
+ * array has been allocated with length at least n. (default implementation
+ * just return false and does not fill the array).*/
+ virtual bool get_variables_linearity(Index n, LinearityType* var_types)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** overload this method to return the constraint linearity.
+ * array has been allocated with length at least n. (default implementation
+ * just return false and does not fill the array).*/
+ virtual bool get_constraints_linearity(Index m, LinearityType* const_types)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** overload this method to return the starting point. The bool
+ * variables indicate whether the algorithm wants you to
+ * initialize x, z_L/z_u, and lambda, respectively. If, for some
+ * reason, the algorithm wants you to initialize these and you
+ * cannot, return false, which will cause Ipopt to stop. You
+ * will have to run Ipopt with different options then.
+ */
+ virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
+ bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
+ Index m, bool init_lambda,
+ Number* lambda)=0;
+ /** overload this method to provide an Ipopt iterate (already in
+ * the form Ipopt requires it internally) for a warm start.
+ * Since this is only for expert users, a default dummy
+ * implementation is provided and returns false. */
+ virtual bool get_warm_start_iterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** overload this method to return the value of the objective function */
+ virtual bool eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number& obj_value)=0;
+ /** overload this method to return the vector of the gradient of
+ * the objective w.r.t. x */
+ virtual bool eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number* grad_f)=0;
+ /** overload this method to return the vector of constraint values */
+ virtual bool eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Number* g)=0;
+ /** overload this method to return the jacobian of the
+ * constraints. The vectors iRow and jCol only need to be set
+ * once. The first call is used to set the structure only (iRow
+ * and jCol will be non-NULL, and values will be NULL) For
+ * subsequent calls, iRow and jCol will be NULL. */
+ virtual bool eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow,
+ Index *jCol, Number* values)=0;
+ /** overload this method to return the hessian of the
+ * lagrangian. The vectors iRow and jCol only need to be set once
+ * (during the first call). The first call is used to set the
+ * structure only (iRow and jCol will be non-NULL, and values
+ * will be NULL) For subsequent calls, iRow and jCol will be
+ * NULL. This matrix is symmetric - specify the lower diagonal
+ * only. A default implementation is provided, in case the user
+ * wants to se quasi-Newton approximations to estimate the second
+ * derivatives and doesn't not neet to implement this method. */
+ virtual bool eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
+ bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess,
+ Index* iRow, Index* jCol, Number* values)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Solution Methods */
+ //@{
+ /** This method is called when the algorithm is complete so the TNLP can store/write the solution */
+ virtual void finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
+ Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
+ Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq)=0;
+ /** This method is called just before finalize_solution. With
+ * this method, the algorithm returns any metadata collected
+ * during its run, including the metadata provided by the user
+ * with the above get_var_con_metadata. Each metadata can be of
+ * type string, integer, and numeric. It can be associated to
+ * either the variables or the constraints. The metadata that
+ * was associated with the primal variable vector is stored in
+ * var_..._md. The metadata associated with the constraint
+ * multipliers is stored in con_..._md. The metadata associated
+ * with the bound multipliers is stored in var_..._md, with the
+ * suffixes "_z_L", and "_z_U", denoting lower and upper
+ * bounds. */
+ virtual void finalize_metadata(Index n,
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& var_string_md,
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& var_integer_md,
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& var_numeric_md,
+ Index m,
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& con_string_md,
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& con_integer_md,
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& con_numeric_md)
+ {}
+ /** Intermediate Callback method for the user. Providing dummy
+ * default implementation. For details see IntermediateCallBack
+ * in IpNLP.hpp. */
+ virtual bool intermediate_callback(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for quasi-Newton approximation. If the second
+ * derivatives are approximated by Ipopt, it is better to do this
+ * only in the space of nonlinear variables. The following
+ * methods are call by Ipopt if the quasi-Newton approximation is
+ * selected. If -1 is returned as number of nonlinear variables,
+ * Ipopt assumes that all variables are nonlinear. Otherwise, it
+ * calls get_list_of_nonlinear_variables with an array into which
+ * the indices of the nonlinear variables should be written - the
+ * array has the lengths num_nonlin_vars, which is identical with
+ * the return value of get_number_of_nonlinear_variables(). It
+ * is assumed that the indices are counted starting with 1 in the
+ * FORTRAN_STYLE, and 0 for the C_STYLE. */
+ //@{
+ virtual Index get_number_of_nonlinear_variables()
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ virtual bool get_list_of_nonlinear_variables(Index num_nonlin_vars,
+ Index* pos_nonlin_vars)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ //TNLP();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TNLP(const TNLP&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TNLP&);
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPAdapter.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPAdapter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eea8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPAdapter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTNLPAdapter.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp"
+#include <list>
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declarations
+ class ExpansionMatrix;
+ class ExpansionMatrixSpace;
+ class IteratesVector;
+ class TDependencyDetector;
+ /** This class Adapts the TNLP interface so it looks like an NLP interface.
+ * This is an Adapter class (Design Patterns) that converts a TNLP to an
+ * NLP. This allows users to write to the "more convenient" TNLP interface.
+ */
+ class TNLPAdapter : public NLP
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ TNLPAdapter(const SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp,
+ const SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst = NULL);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~TNLPAdapter();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Exceptions */
+ //@{
+ //@}
+ /** @name TNLPAdapter Initialization. */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool ProcessOptions(const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** Method for creating the derived vector / matrix types
+ * (Do not delete these, the ). */
+ virtual bool GetSpaces(SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_l_space,
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_u_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_c_space,
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_d_space,
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& Hess_lagrangian_space);
+ /** Method for obtaining the bounds information */
+ virtual bool GetBoundsInformation(const Matrix& Px_L,
+ Vector& x_L,
+ const Matrix& Px_U,
+ Vector& x_U,
+ const Matrix& Pd_L,
+ Vector& d_L,
+ const Matrix& Pd_U,
+ Vector& d_U);
+ /** Method for obtaining the starting point
+ * for all the iterates. */
+ virtual bool GetStartingPoint(
+ SmartPtr<Vector> x,
+ bool need_x,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_c,
+ bool need_y_c,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> y_d,
+ bool need_y_d,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_L,
+ bool need_z_L,
+ SmartPtr<Vector> z_U,
+ bool need_z_U
+ );
+ /** Method for obtaining an entire iterate as a warmstart point.
+ * The incoming IteratesVector has to be filled. */
+ virtual bool GetWarmStartIterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate);
+ //@}
+ /** @name TNLPAdapter evaluation routines. */
+ //@{
+ virtual bool Eval_f(const Vector& x, Number& f);
+ virtual bool Eval_grad_f(const Vector& x, Vector& g_f);
+ virtual bool Eval_c(const Vector& x, Vector& c);
+ virtual bool Eval_jac_c(const Vector& x, Matrix& jac_c);
+ virtual bool Eval_d(const Vector& x, Vector& d);
+ virtual bool Eval_jac_d(const Vector& x, Matrix& jac_d);
+ virtual bool Eval_h(const Vector& x,
+ Number obj_factor,
+ const Vector& yc,
+ const Vector& yd,
+ SymMatrix& h);
+ virtual void GetScalingParameters(
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
+ Number& obj_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& x_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& c_scaling,
+ SmartPtr<Vector>& d_scaling) const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Solution Reporting Methods */
+ //@{
+ virtual void FinalizeSolution(SolverReturn status,
+ const Vector& x,
+ const Vector& z_L, const Vector& z_U,
+ const Vector& c, const Vector& d,
+ const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ virtual bool IntermediateCallBack(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ //@}
+ /** Method returning information on quasi-Newton approximation. */
+ virtual void
+ GetQuasiNewtonApproximationSpaces(SmartPtr<VectorSpace>& approx_space,
+ SmartPtr<Matrix>& P_approx);
+ /** Enum for treatment of fixed variables option */
+ enum FixedVariableTreatmentEnum
+ {
+ };
+ /** Enum for specifying which derivative test is to be performed. */
+ enum DerivativeTestEnum
+ {
+ NO_TEST=0,
+ };
+ /** Enum for specifying technique for computing Jacobian */
+ enum JacobianApproxEnum
+ {
+ };
+ /** Method for performing the derivative test */
+ bool CheckDerivatives(DerivativeTestEnum deriv_test,
+ Index deriv_test_start_index);
+ /** @name Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ /** Accessor method for the underlying TNLP. */
+ SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp() const
+ {
+ return tnlp_;
+ }
+ /** @name Methods for translating data for IpoptNLP into the TNLP
+ * data. These methods are used to obtain the current (or
+ * final) data for the TNLP formulation from the IpoptNLP
+ * structure. */
+ //@{
+ /** Sort the primal variables, and add the fixed values in x */
+ void ResortX(const Vector& x, Number* x_orig);
+ void ResortG(const Vector& c, const Vector& d, Number *g_orig);
+ void ResortBnds(const Vector& x_L, Number* x_L_orig,
+ const Vector& x_U, Number* x_U_orig);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TNLPAdapter(const TNLPAdapter&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TNLPAdapter&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Method implementing the detection of linearly dependent
+ equality constraints */
+ bool DetermineDependentConstraints(Index n_x_var,
+ const Index* x_not_fixed_map,
+ const Number* x_l, const Number* x_u,
+ const Number* g_l, const Number* g_u,
+ Index n_c, const Index* c_map,
+ std::list<Index>& c_deps);
+ /** Pointer to the TNLP class (class specific to Number* vectors and
+ * harwell triplet matrices) */
+ SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp_;
+ /** Journalist */
+ SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** Object that can be used to detect linearly dependent rows in
+ * the equality constraint Jacobian */
+ SmartPtr<TDependencyDetector> dependency_detector_;
+ /**@name Algorithmic parameters */
+ //@{
+ /** Value for a lower bound that denotes -infinity */
+ Number nlp_lower_bound_inf_;
+ /** Value for a upper bound that denotes infinity */
+ Number nlp_upper_bound_inf_;
+ /** Flag indicating how fixed variables should be handled */
+ FixedVariableTreatmentEnum fixed_variable_treatment_;
+ /* Determines relaxation of fixing bound for RELAX_BOUNDS. */
+ Number bound_relax_factor_;
+ /* Maximal slack for one-sidedly bounded variables. If a
+ * variable has only one bound, say a lower bound xL, then an
+ * upper bound xL + max_onesided_bound_slack_. If this value is
+ * zero, no upper bound is added. */
+ /* Took this out: Number max_onesided_bound_slack_; */
+ /** Enum indicating whether and which derivative test should be
+ * performed at starting point. */
+ DerivativeTestEnum derivative_test_;
+ /** Size of the perturbation for the derivative test */
+ Number derivative_test_perturbation_;
+ /** Relative threshold for marking deviation from finite
+ * difference test */
+ Number derivative_test_tol_;
+ /** Flag indicating if all test values should be printed, or only
+ * those violating the threshold. */
+ bool derivative_test_print_all_;
+ /** Index of first quantity to be checked. */
+ Index derivative_test_first_index_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the TNLP with identical structure has
+ * already been solved before. */
+ bool warm_start_same_structure_;
+ /** Flag indicating what Hessian information is to be used. */
+ HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation_;
+ /** Number of linear variables. */
+ Index num_linear_variables_;
+ /** Flag indicating how Jacobian is computed. */
+ JacobianApproxEnum jacobian_approximation_;
+ /** Size of the perturbation for the derivative approximation */
+ Number findiff_perturbation_;
+ /** Maximal perturbation of the initial point */
+ Number point_perturbation_radius_;
+ /** Flag indicating if rhs should be considered during dependency
+ * detection */
+ bool dependency_detection_with_rhs_;
+ /** Overall convergence tolerance */
+ Number tol_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Problem Size Data */
+ //@{
+ /** full dimension of x (fixed + non-fixed) */
+ Index n_full_x_;
+ /** full dimension of g (c + d) */
+ Index n_full_g_;
+ /** non-zeros of the jacobian of c */
+ Index nz_jac_c_;
+ /** non-zeros of the jacobian of c without added constraints for
+ * fixed variables. */
+ Index nz_jac_c_no_extra_;
+ /** non-zeros of the jacobian of d */
+ Index nz_jac_d_;
+ /** number of non-zeros in full-size Jacobian of g */
+ Index nz_full_jac_g_;
+ /** number of non-zeros in full-size Hessian */
+ Index nz_full_h_;
+ /** number of non-zeros in the non-fixed-size Hessian */
+ Index nz_h_;
+ /** Number of fixed variables */
+ Index n_x_fixed_;
+ //@}
+ /** Numbering style of variables and constraints */
+ TNLP::IndexStyleEnum index_style_;
+ /** @name Local copy of spaces (for warm start) */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_l_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_u_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> Jac_c_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> Jac_d_space_;
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> Hess_lagrangian_space_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Local Copy of the Data */
+ //@{
+ Number* full_x_; /** copy of the full x vector (fixed & non-fixed) */
+ Number* full_lambda_; /** copy of lambda (yc & yd) */
+ Number* full_g_; /** copy of g (c & d) */
+ Number* jac_g_; /** the values for the full jacobian of g */
+ Number* c_rhs_; /** the rhs values of c */
+ //@}
+ /**@name Tags for deciding when to update internal copies of vectors */
+ //@{
+ TaggedObject::Tag x_tag_for_iterates_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag y_c_tag_for_iterates_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag y_d_tag_for_iterates_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag x_tag_for_g_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag x_tag_for_jac_g_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Methods to update the values in the local copies of vectors */
+ //@{
+ bool update_local_x(const Vector& x);
+ bool update_local_lambda(const Vector& y_c, const Vector& y_d);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Internal routines for evaluating g and jac_g (values stored since
+ * they are used in both c and d routines */
+ //@{
+ bool internal_eval_g(bool new_x);
+ bool internal_eval_jac_g(bool new_x);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Internal methods for dealing with finite difference
+ approxation */
+ //@{
+ /** Initialize sparsity structure for finite difference Jacobian */
+ void initialize_findiff_jac(const Index* iRow, const Index* jCol);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Internal Permutation Spaces and matrices
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Expansion from fixed x (ipopt) to full x */
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrix> P_x_full_x_;
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrixSpace> P_x_full_x_space_;
+ /** Expansion from fixed x_L (ipopt) to full x */
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrix> P_x_x_L_;
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrixSpace> P_x_x_L_space_;
+ /** Expansion from fixed x_U (ipopt) to full x */
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrix> P_x_x_U_;
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrixSpace> P_x_x_U_space_;
+ /** Expansion from c only (ipopt) to full ampl c */
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrixSpace> P_c_g_space_;
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrix> P_c_g_;
+ /** Expansion from d only (ipopt) to full ampl d */
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrixSpace> P_d_g_space_;
+ SmartPtr<ExpansionMatrix> P_d_g_;
+ Index* jac_idx_map_;
+ Index* h_idx_map_;
+ /** Position of fixed variables. This is required for a warm start */
+ Index* x_fixed_map_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Data for finite difference approximations of derivatives */
+ //@{
+ /** Number of unique nonzeros in constraint Jacobian */
+ Index findiff_jac_nnz_;
+ /** Start position for nonzero indices in ja for each column of
+ Jacobian */
+ Index* findiff_jac_ia_;
+ /** Ordered by columns, for each column the row indices in
+ Jacobian */
+ Index* findiff_jac_ja_;
+ /** Position of entry in original triplet matrix */
+ Index* findiff_jac_postriplet_;
+ /** Copy of the lower bounds */
+ Number* findiff_x_l_;
+ /** Copy of the upper bounds */
+ Number* findiff_x_u_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPReducer.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPReducer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bce1478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTNLPReducer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTNLPReducer.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Andreas Waechter IBM 2008-08-10
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** This is a wrapper around a given TNLP class that takes out a
+ * list of constraints that are given to the constructor. It is
+ * provided for convenience, if one wants to experiment with
+ * problems that consist of only a subset of the constraints. But
+ * keep in mind that this is not efficient, since behind the scenes
+ * we are still evaluation all functions and derivatives, and are
+ * making copies of the original data. */
+ class TNLPReducer : public TNLP
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor is given the indices of the constraints that
+ * should be taken out of the problem statement, as well as the
+ * original TNLP. */
+ TNLPReducer(TNLP& tnlp, Index n_g_skip, const Index* index_g_skip,
+ Index n_xL_skip, const Index* index_xL_skip,
+ Index n_xU_skip, const Index* index_xU_skip,
+ Index n_x_fix, const Index* index_f_fix);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~TNLPReducer();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Overloaded methods from TNLP */
+ virtual bool get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g,
+ Index& nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum& index_style);
+ virtual bool get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u,
+ Index m, Number* g_l, Number* g_u);
+ virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Number& obj_scaling,
+ bool& use_x_scaling, Index n,
+ Number* x_scaling,
+ bool& use_g_scaling, Index m,
+ Number* g_scaling);
+ virtual bool get_variables_linearity(Index n, LinearityType* var_types);
+ virtual bool get_constraints_linearity(Index m, LinearityType* const_types);
+ virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,
+ bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,
+ Index m, bool init_lambda,
+ Number* lambda);
+ virtual bool get_warm_start_iterate(IteratesVector& warm_start_iterate);
+ virtual bool eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number& obj_value);
+ virtual bool eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number* grad_f);
+ virtual bool eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Number* g);
+ virtual bool eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow,
+ Index *jCol, Number* values);
+ virtual bool eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,
+ Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number* lambda,
+ bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess,
+ Index* iRow, Index* jCol, Number* values);
+ virtual void finalize_solution(SolverReturn status,
+ Index n, const Number* x, const Number* z_L, const Number* z_U,
+ Index m, const Number* g, const Number* lambda,
+ Number obj_value,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ virtual bool intermediate_callback(AlgorithmMode mode,
+ Index iter, Number obj_value,
+ Number inf_pr, Number inf_du,
+ Number mu, Number d_norm,
+ Number regularization_size,
+ Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr,
+ Index ls_trials,
+ const IpoptData* ip_data,
+ IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq);
+ virtual Index get_number_of_nonlinear_variables();
+ virtual bool get_list_of_nonlinear_variables(Index num_nonlin_vars,
+ Index* pos_nonlin_vars);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ TNLPReducer();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TNLPReducer(const TNLPReducer&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TNLPReducer&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name original TNLP */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp_;
+ Index m_orig_;
+ Index nnz_jac_g_orig_;
+ //@}
+ /** Number of constraints to be skipped */
+ Index n_g_skip_;
+ /** Array of indices of the constraints that are to be skipped.
+ * This is provided at the beginning in the constructor. */
+ Index* index_g_skip_;
+ /** Index style for original problem. Internally, we use C-Style
+ * now. */
+ IndexStyleEnum index_style_orig_;
+ /** Map from original constraints to new constraints. A -1 means
+ * that a constraint is skipped. */
+ Index* g_keep_map_;
+ /** Number of constraints in reduced NLP */
+ Index m_reduced_;
+ /** Number of Jacobian nonzeros in the reduced NLP */
+ Index nnz_jac_g_reduced_;
+ /** Number of Jacobian nonzeros that are skipped */
+ Index nnz_jac_g_skipped_;
+ /** Array of Jacobian elements that are to be skipped. This is in
+ * increasing order. */
+ Index* jac_g_skipped_;
+ /** Number of lower variable bounds to be skipped. */
+ Index n_xL_skip_;
+ /** Array of indices of the lower variable bounds to be skipped. */
+ Index* index_xL_skip_;
+ /** Number of upper variable bounds to be skipped. */
+ Index n_xU_skip_;
+ /** Array of indices of the upper variable bounds to be skipped. */
+ Index* index_xU_skip_;
+ /** Number of variables that are to be fixed to initial value. */
+ Index n_x_fix_;
+ /** Array of indices of the variables that are to be fixed. */
+ Index* index_x_fix_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTaggedObject.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTaggedObject.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e81b065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTaggedObject.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTaggedObject.hpp 2491 2014-05-31 11:17:49Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpDebug.hpp"
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpObserver.hpp"
+#include <limits>
+/* keyword to declare a thread-local variable according to
+ * GCC < 4.5 on MacOS X does not support TLS
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define IPOPT_THREAD_LOCAL __declspec(thread)
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ < 405)
+#define IPOPT_THREAD_LOCAL __thread
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** TaggedObject class.
+ * Often, certain calculations or operations are expensive,
+ * and it can be very inefficient to perform these calculations
+ * again if the input to the calculation has not changed
+ * since the result was last stored.
+ * This base class provides an efficient mechanism to update
+ * a tag, indicating that the object has changed.
+ * Users of a TaggedObject class, need their own Tag data
+ * member to keep track of the state of the TaggedObject, the
+ * last time they performed a calculation. A basic use case for
+ * users of a class inheriting from TaggedObject follows like
+ * this:
+ *
+ * 1. Initialize your own Tag to zero in constructor.
+ *
+ * 2. Before an expensive calculation,
+ * check if the TaggedObject has changed, passing in
+ * your own Tag, indicating the last time you used
+ * the object for the calculation. If it has changed,
+ * perform the calculation again, and store the result.
+ * If it has not changed, simply return the stored result.
+ *
+ * Here is a simple example:
+ \verbatim
+ if (vector.HasChanged(my_vector_tag_)) {
+ my_vector_tag_ = vector.GetTag();
+ result = PerformExpensiveCalculation(vector);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result;
+ }
+ \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Objects derived from TaggedObject must indicate that they have changed to
+ * the base class using the protected member function ObjectChanged(). For
+ * example, a Vector class, inside its own set method, MUST call
+ * ObjectChanged() to update the internally stored tag for comparison.
+ */
+ class TaggedObject : public ReferencedObject, public Subject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Type for the Tag values */
+ typedef unsigned int Tag;
+ /** Constructor. */
+ TaggedObject()
+ :
+ Subject()
+ {
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ /** Destructor. */
+ virtual ~TaggedObject()
+ {}
+ /** Users of TaggedObjects call this to
+ * update their own internal tags every time
+ * they perform the expensive operation.
+ */
+ Tag GetTag() const
+ {
+ return tag_;
+ }
+ /** Users of TaggedObjects call this to
+ * check if the object HasChanged since
+ * they last updated their own internal
+ * tag.
+ */
+ bool HasChanged(const Tag comparison_tag) const
+ {
+ return (comparison_tag == tag_) ? false : true;
+ }
+ protected:
+ /** Objects derived from TaggedObject MUST call this
+ * method every time their internal state changes to
+ * update the internal tag for comparison
+ */
+ void ObjectChanged()
+ {
+ DBG_START_METH("TaggedObject::ObjectChanged()", 0);
+ tag_ = unique_tag_;
+ unique_tag_++;
+ DBG_ASSERT(unique_tag_ < std::numeric_limits<Tag>::max());
+ // The Notify method from the Subject base class notifies all
+ // registered Observers that this subject has changed.
+ Notify(Observer::NT_Changed);
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods (Hidden to avoid
+ * implicit creation/calling). These methods are not implemented
+ * and we do not want the compiler to implement them for us, so we
+ * declare them private and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TaggedObject(const TaggedObject&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TaggedObject&);
+ //@}
+ /** static data member that is incremented every
+ * time ANY TaggedObject changes. This allows us
+ * to obtain a unique Tag when the object changes
+ */
+ static IPOPT_THREAD_LOCAL Tag unique_tag_;
+ /** The tag indicating the current state of the object.
+ * We use this to compare against the comparison_tag
+ * in the HasChanged method. This member is updated
+ * from the unique_tag_ every time the object changes.
+ */
+ Tag tag_;
+ /** The index indicating the cache priority for this
+ * TaggedObject. If a result that depended on this
+ * TaggedObject is cached, it will be cached with this
+ * priority
+ */
+ Index cache_priority_;
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimedTask.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimedTask.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c5bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimedTask.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTimedTask.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-09-19
+#ifndef __IPTIMEDTASK_HPP__
+#define __IPTIMEDTASK_HPP__
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** This class is used to collect timing information for a
+ * particular task. */
+ class TimedTask
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor. */
+ TimedTask()
+ :
+ total_cputime_(0.),
+ total_systime_(0.),
+ total_walltime_(0.),
+ start_called_(false),
+ end_called_(true)
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ ~TimedTask()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for resetting time to zero. */
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ total_cputime_ = 0.;
+ total_systime_ = 0.;
+ total_walltime_ = 0.;
+ start_called_ = false;
+ end_called_ = true;
+ }
+ /** Method that is called before execution of the task. */
+ void Start()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(end_called_);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!start_called_);
+ end_called_ = false;
+ start_called_ = true;
+ start_cputime_ = CpuTime();
+ start_systime_ = SysTime();
+ start_walltime_ = WallclockTime();
+ }
+ /** Method that is called after execution of the task. */
+ void End()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!end_called_);
+ DBG_ASSERT(start_called_);
+ end_called_ = true;
+ start_called_ = false;
+ total_cputime_ += CpuTime() - start_cputime_;
+ total_systime_ += SysTime() - start_systime_;
+ total_walltime_ += WallclockTime() - start_walltime_;
+ }
+ /** Method that is called after execution of the task for which
+ * timing might have been started. This only updates the timing
+ * if the timing has indeed been conducted. This is useful to
+ * stop timing after catching exceptions. */
+ void EndIfStarted()
+ {
+ if (start_called_) {
+ end_called_ = true;
+ start_called_ = false;
+ total_cputime_ += CpuTime() - start_cputime_;
+ total_systime_ += SysTime() - start_systime_;
+ total_walltime_ += WallclockTime() - start_walltime_;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(end_called_);
+ }
+ /** Method returning total CPU time spend for task so far. */
+ Number TotalCpuTime() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(end_called_);
+ return total_cputime_;
+ }
+ /** Method returning total system time spend for task so far. */
+ Number TotalSysTime() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(end_called_);
+ return total_systime_;
+ }
+ /** Method returning total wall clock time spend for task so far. */
+ Number TotalWallclockTime() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(end_called_);
+ return total_walltime_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods (Hidden to avoid
+ * implicit creation/calling). These methods are not
+ * implemented and we do not want the compiler to implement them
+ * for us, so we declare them private and do not define
+ * them. This ensures that they will not be implicitly
+ * created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TimedTask(const TimedTask&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TimedTask&);
+ //@}
+ /** CPU time at beginning of task. */
+ Number start_cputime_;
+ /** Total CPU time for task measured so far. */
+ Number total_cputime_;
+ /** System time at beginning of task. */
+ Number start_systime_;
+ /** Total system time for task measured so far. */
+ Number total_systime_;
+ /** Wall clock time at beginning of task. */
+ Number start_walltime_;
+ /** Total wall clock time for task measured so far. */
+ Number total_walltime_;
+ /** @name fields for debugging */
+ //@{
+ bool start_called_;
+ bool end_called_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimingStatistics.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimingStatistics.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..850ed1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTimingStatistics.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTimingStatistics.hpp 2005 2011-06-06 12:55:16Z stefan $
+// Authors: Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-09-19
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpTimedTask.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** This class collects all timing statistics for Ipopt.
+ */
+ class TimingStatistics : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor. */
+ TimingStatistics()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~TimingStatistics()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for resetting all times. */
+ void ResetTimes();
+ /** Method for printing all timing information */
+ void PrintAllTimingStatistics(Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category) const;
+ /**@name Accessor methods to all timed tasks. */
+ //@{
+ TimedTask& OverallAlgorithm()
+ {
+ return OverallAlgorithm_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& PrintProblemStatistics()
+ {
+ return PrintProblemStatistics_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& InitializeIterates()
+ {
+ return InitializeIterates_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& UpdateHessian()
+ {
+ return UpdateHessian_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& OutputIteration()
+ {
+ return OutputIteration_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& UpdateBarrierParameter()
+ {
+ return UpdateBarrierParameter_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& ComputeSearchDirection()
+ {
+ return ComputeSearchDirection_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& ComputeAcceptableTrialPoint()
+ {
+ return ComputeAcceptableTrialPoint_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& AcceptTrialPoint()
+ {
+ return AcceptTrialPoint_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& CheckConvergence()
+ {
+ return CheckConvergence_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& PDSystemSolverTotal()
+ {
+ return PDSystemSolverTotal_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& PDSystemSolverSolveOnce()
+ {
+ return PDSystemSolverSolveOnce_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& ComputeResiduals()
+ {
+ return ComputeResiduals_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& StdAugSystemSolverMultiSolve()
+ {
+ return StdAugSystemSolverMultiSolve_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemScaling()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemScaling_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemSymbolicFactorization()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemSymbolicFactorization_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemFactorization()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemFactorization_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemBackSolve()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemBackSolve_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemStructureConverter()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemStructureConverter_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& LinearSystemStructureConverterInit()
+ {
+ return LinearSystemStructureConverterInit_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& QualityFunctionSearch()
+ {
+ return QualityFunctionSearch_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& TryCorrector()
+ {
+ return TryCorrector_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task1()
+ {
+ return Task1_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task2()
+ {
+ return Task2_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task3()
+ {
+ return Task3_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task4()
+ {
+ return Task4_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task5()
+ {
+ return Task5_;
+ }
+ TimedTask& Task6()
+ {
+ return Task6_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ TimingStatistics(const TimingStatistics&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const TimingStatistics&);
+ //@}
+ /**@name All timed tasks. */
+ //@{
+ TimedTask OverallAlgorithm_;
+ TimedTask PrintProblemStatistics_;
+ TimedTask InitializeIterates_;
+ TimedTask UpdateHessian_;
+ TimedTask OutputIteration_;
+ TimedTask UpdateBarrierParameter_;
+ TimedTask ComputeSearchDirection_;
+ TimedTask ComputeAcceptableTrialPoint_;
+ TimedTask AcceptTrialPoint_;
+ TimedTask CheckConvergence_;
+ TimedTask PDSystemSolverTotal_;
+ TimedTask PDSystemSolverSolveOnce_;
+ TimedTask ComputeResiduals_;
+ TimedTask StdAugSystemSolverMultiSolve_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemScaling_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemSymbolicFactorization_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemFactorization_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemBackSolve_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemStructureConverter_;
+ TimedTask LinearSystemStructureConverterInit_;
+ TimedTask QualityFunctionSearch_;
+ TimedTask TryCorrector_;
+ TimedTask Task1_;
+ TimedTask Task2_;
+ TimedTask Task3_;
+ TimedTask Task4_;
+ TimedTask Task5_;
+ TimedTask Task6_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTypes.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTypes.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c41b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpTypes.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpTypes.hpp 2005 2011-06-06 12:55:16Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPTYPES_HPP__
+#define __IPTYPES_HPP__
+#include "IpoptConfig.h"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Type of all numbers */
+ typedef double Number;
+ /** Type of all indices of vectors, matrices etc */
+ typedef int Index;
+ /** Type of default integer */
+ typedef int Int;
+} // namespace Ipopt
+/* Type of Fortran integer translated into C */
+typedef FORTRAN_INTEGER_TYPE ipfint;
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpUtils.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpUtils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e5f045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpUtils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpUtils.hpp 2167 2013-03-08 11:15:38Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPUTILS_HPP__
+#define __IPUTILS_HPP__
+// Standard Ip Include Files
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpDebug.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ inline Index Max(Index a, Index b)
+ {
+ return ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b));
+ }
+ inline Index Max(Index a, Index b, Index c)
+ {
+ Index max = Max(a,b);
+ max = Max(max, c);
+ return max;
+ }
+ inline Index Max(Index a, Index b, Index c, Index d)
+ {
+ Index max = Max(a, b, c);
+ max = Max(max, d);
+ return max;
+ }
+ inline Index Min(Index a, Index b)
+ {
+ return ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b));
+ }
+ inline Index Min(Index a, Index b, Index c)
+ {
+ Index min = Min(a,b);
+ min = Min(min, c);
+ return min;
+ }
+ inline Index Min(Index a, Index b, Index c, Index d)
+ {
+ Index min = Min(a, b, c);
+ min = Min(min, d);
+ return min;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline Number Max(Number a, Number b)
+ {
+ return ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b));
+ }
+ inline Number Max(Number a, Number b, Number c)
+ {
+ Number max = Max(a,b);
+ max = Max(max, c);
+ return max;
+ }
+ inline Number Max(Number a, Number b, Number c, Number d)
+ {
+ Number max = Max(a, b, c);
+ max = Max(max, d);
+ return max;
+ }
+ inline Number Min(Number a, Number b)
+ {
+ return ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b));
+ }
+ inline Number Min(Number a, Number b, Number c)
+ {
+ Number min = Min(a,b);
+ min = Min(min, c);
+ return min;
+ }
+ inline Number Min(Number a, Number b, Number c, Number d)
+ {
+ Number min = Min(a, b, c);
+ min = Min(min, d);
+ return min;
+ }
+ /** Function returning true iff the argument is a valid double number
+ * (not NaN or Inf). */
+ bool IsFiniteNumber(Number val);
+ /** Function returning a random number between 0 and 1 */
+ Number IpRandom01();
+ /** Function resetting the random number generator */
+ void IpResetRandom01();
+ /** method determining CPU time */
+ Number CpuTime();
+ /** method determining system time */
+ Number SysTime();
+ /** method determining wallclock time since first call */
+ Number WallclockTime();
+ /** Method for comparing two numbers within machine precision. The
+ * return value is true if lhs is less or equal the rhs, relaxing
+ * this inequality by something a little larger than machine
+ * precision relative to the absolute value of BasVal. */
+ bool Compare_le(Number lhs, Number rhs, Number BasVal);
+ /** Method for printing a formatted output to a string with given size.
+ */
+ int Snprintf(char* str, long size, const char* format, ...);
+} //namespace Ipopt
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpVector.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a903558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpVector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpVector.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPVECTOR_HPP__
+#define __IPVECTOR_HPP__
+#include "IpTypes.hpp"
+#include "IpTaggedObject.hpp"
+#include "IpCachedResults.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpException.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /** Exception that can be used to flag unimplemented linear algebra
+ * methods */
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class VectorSpace;
+ /** Vector Base Class.
+ * This is the base class for all derived vector types. Those vectors
+ * are meant to store entities like iterates, Lagrangian multipliers,
+ * constraint values etc. The implementation of a vector type depends
+ * on the computational environment (e.g. just a double array on a shared
+ * memory machine, or distributed double arrays for a distributed
+ * memory machine.)
+ *
+ * Deriving from Vector: This class inherits from tagged object to
+ * implement an advanced caching scheme. Because of this, the
+ * TaggedObject method ObjectChanged() must be called each time the
+ * Vector changes. If you overload the XXXX_Impl protected methods,
+ * this taken care of (along with caching if possible) for you. If
+ * you have additional methods in your derived class that change the
+ * underlying data (vector values), you MUST remember to call
+ * ObjectChanged() AFTER making the change!
+ */
+ class Vector : public TaggedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructor/Destructor */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor. It has to be given a pointer to the
+ * corresponding VectorSpace.
+ */
+ inline
+ Vector(const VectorSpace* owner_space);
+ /** Destructor */
+ inline
+ virtual ~Vector();
+ //@}
+ /** Create new Vector of the same type with uninitialized data */
+ inline
+ Vector* MakeNew() const;
+ /** Create new Vector of the same type and copy the data over */
+ inline
+ Vector* MakeNewCopy() const;
+ /**@name Standard BLAS-1 Operations
+ * (derived classes do NOT overload these
+ * methods, instead, overload the
+ * protected versions of these methods). */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
+ inline
+ void Copy(const Vector& x);
+ /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
+ void Scal(Number alpha);
+ /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
+ inline
+ void Axpy(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
+ /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
+ inline
+ Number Dot(const Vector &x) const;
+ /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
+ inline
+ Number Nrm2() const;
+ /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
+ inline
+ Number Asum() const;
+ /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
+ inline
+ Number Amax() const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Additional (Non-BLAS) Vector Methods
+ * (derived classes do NOT overload these
+ * methods, instead, overload the
+ * protected versions of these methods). */
+ //@{
+ /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
+ inline
+ void Set(Number alpha);
+ /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$*/
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseDivide(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$ */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseMultiply(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseMax(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseMin(const Vector& x);
+ /** Reciprocates the entries in the vector */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseReciprocal();
+ /** Absolute values of the entries in the vector */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseAbs();
+ /** Element-wise square root of the entries in the vector */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseSqrt();
+ /** Replaces the vector values with their sgn values
+ ( -1 if x_i < 0, 0 if x_i == 0, and 1 if x_i > 0)
+ */
+ inline
+ void ElementWiseSgn();
+ /** Add scalar to every vector component */
+ inline
+ void AddScalar(Number scalar);
+ /** Returns the maximum value in the vector */
+ inline
+ Number Max() const;
+ /** Returns the minimum value in the vector */
+ inline
+ Number Min() const;
+ /** Returns the sum of the vector entries */
+ inline
+ Number Sum() const;
+ /** Returns the sum of the logs of each vector entry */
+ inline
+ Number SumLogs() const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Methods for specialized operations. A prototype
+ * implementation is provided, but for efficient implementation
+ * those should be specially implemented.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Add one vector, y = a * v1 + c * y. This is automatically
+ * reduced to call AddTwoVectors. */
+ inline
+ void AddOneVector(Number a, const Vector& v1, Number c);
+ /** Add two vectors, y = a * v1 + b * v2 + c * y. Here, this
+ * vector is y */
+ inline void AddTwoVectors(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. Computes \f$\alpha =
+ * \max\{\bar\alpha\in(0,1] : x + \bar\alpha \Delta \geq (1-\tau)x\}\f$
+ */
+ inline
+ Number FracToBound(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
+ /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
+ inline
+ void AddVectorQuotient(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
+ Number c);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
+ * no Inf or Nan). */
+ inline
+ bool HasValidNumbers() const;
+ /** @name Accessor methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Dimension of the Vector */
+ inline
+ Index Dim() const;
+ /** Return the owner VectorSpace*/
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> OwnerSpace() const;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Output methods
+ * (derived classes do NOT overload these
+ * methods, instead, overload the
+ * protected versions of these methods). */
+ //@{
+ /** Print the entire vector */
+ void Print(SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent=0,
+ const std::string& prefix="") const;
+ void Print(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent=0,
+ const std::string& prefix="") const;
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /** @name implementation methods (derived classes MUST
+ * overload these pure virtual protected methods.)
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
+ virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
+ /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
+ virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha)=0;
+ /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
+ virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x)=0;
+ /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
+ virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const =0;
+ /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
+ virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const =0;
+ /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
+ virtual Number AsumImpl() const =0;
+ /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
+ virtual Number AmaxImpl() const =0;
+ /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
+ virtual void SetImpl(Number alpha)=0;
+ /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
+ /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$ */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
+ /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
+ /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
+ /** Reciprocates the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl()=0;
+ /** Take elementwise absolute values of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl()=0;
+ /** Take elementwise square-root of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl()=0;
+ /** Replaces entries with sgn of the entry */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl()=0;
+ /** Add scalar to every component of vector */
+ virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar)=0;
+ /** Max value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MaxImpl() const=0;
+ /** Min number in the vector */
+ virtual Number MinImpl() const=0;
+ /** Sum of entries in the vector */
+ virtual Number SumImpl() const=0;
+ /** Sum of logs of entries in the vector */
+ virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const=0;
+ /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
+ vector. */
+ virtual void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
+ /** Fraction to boundary parameter. */
+ virtual Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
+ /** Add the quotient of two vectors */
+ virtual void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z,
+ const Vector& s, Number c);
+ /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
+ * no Inf or Nan). A default implementation using Asum is
+ * provided. */
+ virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl() const;
+ /** Print the entire vector */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const =0;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ Vector();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ Vector(const Vector&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ Vector& operator=(const Vector&);
+ //@}
+ /** Vector Space */
+ const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> owner_space_;
+ /**@name CachedResults data members */
+ //@{
+ /** Cache for dot products */
+ mutable CachedResults<Number> dot_cache_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag nrm2_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_nrm2_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag asum_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_asum_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag amax_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_amax_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag max_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_max_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag min_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_min_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag sum_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_sum_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag sumlogs_cache_tag_;
+ mutable Number cached_sumlogs_;
+ mutable TaggedObject::Tag valid_cache_tag_;
+ mutable bool cached_valid_;
+ // AW: I removed this cache since it gets in the way for the
+ // quality function search
+ // /** Cache for FracToBound */
+ // mutable CachedResults<Number> frac_to_bound_cache_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** VectorSpace base class, corresponding to the Vector base class.
+ * For each Vector implementation, a corresponding VectorSpace has
+ * to be implemented. A VectorSpace is able to create new Vectors
+ * of a specific type. The VectorSpace should also store
+ * information that is common to all Vectors of that type. For
+ * example, the dimension of a Vector is stored in the VectorSpace
+ * base class.
+ */
+ class VectorSpace : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, given the dimension of all vectors generated by
+ * this VectorSpace.
+ */
+ VectorSpace(Index dim);
+ /** Destructor */
+ virtual ~VectorSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Pure virtual method for creating a new Vector of the
+ * corresponding type.
+ */
+ virtual Vector* MakeNew() const=0;
+ /** Accessor function for the dimension of the vectors of this type.*/
+ Index Dim() const
+ {
+ return dim_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** default constructor */
+ VectorSpace();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ VectorSpace(const VectorSpace&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ VectorSpace& operator=(const VectorSpace&);
+ //@}
+ /** Dimension of the vectors in this vector space. */
+ const Index dim_;
+ };
+ /* inline methods */
+ inline
+ Vector::~Vector()
+ {}
+ inline
+ Vector::Vector(const VectorSpace* owner_space)
+ :
+ TaggedObject(),
+ owner_space_(owner_space),
+ dot_cache_(10),
+ nrm2_cache_tag_(0),
+ asum_cache_tag_(0),
+ amax_cache_tag_(0),
+ max_cache_tag_(0),
+ min_cache_tag_(0),
+ sum_cache_tag_(0),
+ sumlogs_cache_tag_(0),
+ cached_valid_(0)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(owner_space_));
+ }
+ inline
+ Vector* Vector::MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->MakeNew();
+ }
+ inline
+ Vector* Vector::MakeNewCopy() const
+ {
+ // ToDo: We can probably copy also the cached values for Norms etc here
+ Vector* copy = MakeNew();
+ copy->Copy(*this);
+ return copy;
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::Copy(const Vector& x)
+ {
+ CopyImpl(x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ // Also copy any cached scalar values from the original vector
+ // ToDo: Check if that is too much overhead
+ TaggedObject::Tag x_tag = x.GetTag();
+ if (x_tag == x.nrm2_cache_tag_) {
+ nrm2_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_nrm2_ = x.cached_nrm2_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.asum_cache_tag_) {
+ asum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_asum_ = x.cached_asum_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.amax_cache_tag_) {
+ amax_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_amax_ = x.cached_amax_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.max_cache_tag_) {
+ max_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_max_ = x.cached_max_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.min_cache_tag_) {
+ min_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_min_ = x.cached_min_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.sum_cache_tag_) {
+ sum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_sum_ = x.cached_sum_;
+ }
+ if (x_tag == x.sumlogs_cache_tag_) {
+ sumlogs_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ cached_sumlogs_ = x.cached_sumlogs_;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::Axpy(Number alpha, const Vector &x)
+ {
+ AxpyImpl(alpha, x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Dot(const Vector &x) const
+ {
+ // The current implementation of the caching doesn't allow to have
+ // a dependency of something with itself. Therefore, we use the
+ // Nrm2 method if the dot product is to be taken with the vector
+ // itself. Might be more efficient anyway.
+ if (this==&x) {
+ Number nrm2 = Nrm2();
+ return nrm2*nrm2;
+ }
+ Number retValue;
+ if (!dot_cache_.GetCachedResult2Dep(retValue, this, &x)) {
+ retValue = DotImpl(x);
+ dot_cache_.AddCachedResult2Dep(retValue, this, &x);
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Nrm2() const
+ {
+ if (nrm2_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_nrm2_ = Nrm2Impl();
+ nrm2_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_nrm2_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Asum() const
+ {
+ if (asum_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_asum_ = AsumImpl();
+ asum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_asum_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Amax() const
+ {
+ if (amax_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_amax_ = AmaxImpl();
+ amax_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_amax_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Sum() const
+ {
+ if (sum_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_sum_ = SumImpl();
+ sum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_sum_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::SumLogs() const
+ {
+ if (sumlogs_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_sumlogs_ = SumLogsImpl();
+ sumlogs_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_sumlogs_;
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseSgn()
+ {
+ ElementWiseSgnImpl();
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::Set(Number alpha)
+ {
+ // Could initialize caches here
+ SetImpl(alpha);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseDivide(const Vector& x)
+ {
+ ElementWiseDivideImpl(x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseMultiply(const Vector& x)
+ {
+ ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseReciprocal()
+ {
+ ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseMax(const Vector& x)
+ {
+ // Could initialize some caches here
+ ElementWiseMaxImpl(x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseMin(const Vector& x)
+ {
+ // Could initialize some caches here
+ ElementWiseMinImpl(x);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseAbs()
+ {
+ // Could initialize some caches here
+ ElementWiseAbsImpl();
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::ElementWiseSqrt()
+ {
+ ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::AddScalar(Number scalar)
+ {
+ // Could initialize some caches here
+ AddScalarImpl(scalar);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Max() const
+ {
+ if (max_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_max_ = MaxImpl();
+ max_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_max_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::Min() const
+ {
+ if (min_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_min_ = MinImpl();
+ min_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_min_;
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::AddOneVector(Number a, const Vector& v1, Number c)
+ {
+ AddTwoVectors(a, v1, 0., v1, c);
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::AddTwoVectors(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c)
+ {
+ AddTwoVectorsImpl(a, v1, b, v2, c);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ Number Vector::FracToBound(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const
+ {
+ /* AW: I avoid the caching here, since it leads to overhead in the
+ quality function search. Caches for this are in
+ CalculatedQuantities.
+ Number retValue;
+ std::vector<const TaggedObject*> tdeps(1);
+ tdeps[0] = &delta;
+ std::vector<Number> sdeps(1);
+ sdeps[0] = tau;
+ if (!frac_to_bound_cache_.GetCachedResult(retValue, tdeps, sdeps)) {
+ retValue = FracToBoundImpl(delta, tau);
+ frac_to_bound_cache_.AddCachedResult(retValue, tdeps, sdeps);
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ */
+ return FracToBoundImpl(delta, tau);
+ }
+ inline
+ void Vector::AddVectorQuotient(Number a, const Vector& z,
+ const Vector& s, Number c)
+ {
+ AddVectorQuotientImpl(a, z, s, c);
+ ObjectChanged();
+ }
+ inline
+ bool Vector::HasValidNumbers() const
+ {
+ if (valid_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
+ cached_valid_ = HasValidNumbersImpl();
+ valid_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
+ }
+ return cached_valid_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Index Vector::Dim() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->Dim();
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> Vector::OwnerSpace() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_;
+ }
+ inline
+ VectorSpace::VectorSpace(Index dim)
+ :
+ dim_(dim)
+ {}
+} // namespace Ipopt
+// Macro definitions for debugging vectors
+# define DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(__verbose_level, __vec_name, __vec)
+# define DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(__verbose_level, __vec_name, __vec) \
+ if (dbg_jrnl.Verbosity() >= (__verbose_level)) { \
+ if (dbg_jrnl.Jnlst()!=NULL) { \
+ (__vec).Print(dbg_jrnl.Jnlst(), \
+ __vec_name, \
+ dbg_jrnl.IndentationLevel()*2, \
+ "# "); \
+ } \
+ }
+#endif //if COIN_IPOPT_VERBOSITY == 0
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpoptConfig.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpoptConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7de361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpoptConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* src/Common/config_ipopt.h. Generated by configure. */
+/* src/Common/ */
+#ifndef __CONFIG_IPOPT_H__
+#define __CONFIG_IPOPT_H__
+/* Version number of project */
+#define IPOPT_VERSION "3.12.4"
+/* Major Version number of project */
+/* Minor Version number of project */
+/* Release Version number of project */
+/* Define to the C type corresponding to Fortran INTEGER */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/PardisoLoader.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/PardisoLoader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0942521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/PardisoLoader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008 GAMS Development and others
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+ $Id: PardisoLoader.h 2204 2013-04-13 13:49:26Z stefan $
+ Author: Stefan Vigerske
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ /** Tries to load a dynamically linked library with Pardiso.
+ * Return a failure if the library cannot be loaded or not all Pardiso symbols are found.
+ * @param libname The name under which the Pardiso lib can be found, or NULL to use a default name (libpardiso.SHAREDLIBEXT).
+ * @param msgbuf A buffer where we can store a failure message. Assumed to be NOT NULL!
+ * @param msglen Length of the message buffer.
+ * @return Zero on success, nonzero on failure.
+ */
+ int LSL_loadPardisoLib(const char* libname, char* msgbuf, int msglen);
+ /** Unloads a loaded Pardiso library.
+ * @return Zero on success, nonzero on failure.
+ */
+ int LSL_unloadPardisoLib();
+ /** Indicates whether a Pardiso library has been successfully loaded.
+ * @return Zero if not loaded, nonzero if handle is loaded
+ */
+ int LSL_isPardisoLoaded();
+ /** Returns name of the shared library that should contain Pardiso */
+ char* LSL_PardisoLibraryName();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/defs.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2209540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * defs.h
+ *
+ * This file contains constant definitions
+ *
+ * Started 8/27/94
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: defs.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:13 karypis Exp $
+ *
+ */
+#define METISTITLE " METIS 4.0.3 Copyright 1998, Regents of the University of Minnesota\n\n"
+#define MAXLINE 1280000
+#define LTERM (void **) 0 /* List terminator for GKfree() */
+#define MAXNCON 16 /* The maximum number of constrains */
+#define MAXNOBJ 16 /* The maximum number of objectives */
+#define PLUS_GAINSPAN 500 /* Parameters for FM buckets */
+#define NEG_GAINSPAN 500
+#define HTLENGTH ((1<<11)-1)
+/* Meaning of various options[] parameters */
+#define OPTION_PTYPE 0
+#define OPTION_CTYPE 1
+#define OPTION_ITYPE 2
+#define OPTION_RTYPE 3
+#define OPTION_DBGLVL 4
+#define OPTION_OFLAGS 5
+#define OPTION_NSEPS 7
+#define OFLAG_COMPRESS 1 /* Try to compress the graph */
+#define OFLAG_CCMP 2 /* Find and order connected components */
+/* Default options for PMETIS */
+#define PMETIS_DBGLVL 0
+/* Default options for KMETIS */
+#define KMETIS_DBGLVL 0
+/* Default options for OEMETIS */
+/* Default options for ONMETIS */
+#define ONMETIS_NSEPS 1
+/* Default options for McPMETIS */
+#define McPMETIS_DBGLVL 0
+/* Default options for McKMETIS */
+#define McKMETIS_DBGLVL 0
+/* Default options for KVMETIS */
+/* Operations supported by stand-alone code */
+#define OP_PMETIS 1
+#define OP_KMETIS 2
+#define OP_OEMETIS 3
+#define OP_ONMETIS 4
+#define OP_ONWMETIS 5
+#define OP_KVMETIS 6
+/* Matching Schemes */
+#define MATCH_RM 1
+#define MATCH_HEM 2
+#define MATCH_SHEM 3
+/* Initial partitioning schemes for PMETIS and ONMETIS */
+#define IPART_GGPKL 1
+#define IPART_RANDOM 2
+/* Refinement schemes for PMETIS */
+#define RTYPE_FM 1
+/* Initial partitioning schemes for KMETIS */
+#define IPART_PMETIS 1
+/* Refinement schemes for KMETIS */
+/* Refinement schemes for ONMETIS */
+#define RTYPE_SEP2SIDED 1
+#define RTYPE_SEP1SIDED 2
+/* Initial Partitioning Schemes for McKMETIS */
+#define IPART_McPMETIS 1 /* Simple McPMETIS */
+#define IPART_McHPMETIS 2 /* horizontally relaxed McPMETIS */
+#define UNMATCHED -1
+#define HTABLE_EMPTY -1
+#define NGR_PASSES 4 /* Number of greedy refinement passes */
+#define NLGR_PASSES 5 /* Number of GR refinement during IPartition */
+#define LARGENIPARTS 8 /* Number of random initial partitions */
+#define SMALLNIPARTS 3 /* Number of random initial partitions */
+#define COARSEN_FRACTION 0.75 /* Node reduction between succesive coarsening levels */
+#define COARSEN_FRACTION2 0.90 /* Node reduction between succesive coarsening levels */
+#define MMDSWITCH 200
+/* Debug Levels */
+#define DBG_TIME 1 /* Perform timing analysis */
+#define DBG_OUTPUT 2
+#define DBG_COARSEN 4 /* Show the coarsening progress */
+#define DBG_REFINE 8 /* Show info on communication during folding */
+#define DBG_IPART 16 /* Show info on initial partition */
+#define DBG_MOVEINFO 32 /* Show info on communication during folding */
+#define DBG_KWAYPINFO 64 /* Show info on communication during folding */
+#define DBG_SEPINFO 128 /* Show info on communication during folding */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/dmumps_c.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/dmumps_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d5c2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/dmumps_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of MUMPS 4.10.0, built on Tue May 10 12:56:32 UTC 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * This version of MUMPS is provided to you free of charge. It is public
+ * domain, based on public domain software developed during the Esprit IV
+ * European project PARASOL (1996-1999). Since this first public domain
+ * version in 1999, research and developments have been supported by the
+ * following institutions: CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INPT(ENSEEIHT)-IRIT,
+ * INRIA, and University of Bordeaux.
+ *
+ * The MUMPS team at the moment of releasing this version includes
+ * Patrick Amestoy, Maurice Bremond, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche,
+ * Guillaume Joslin, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Francois-Henry Rouet, Bora
+ * Ucar and Clement Weisbecker.
+ *
+ * We are also grateful to Emmanuel Agullo, Caroline Bousquet, Indranil
+ * Chowdhury, Philippe Combes, Christophe Daniel, Iain Duff, Vincent Espirat,
+ * Aurelia Fevre, Jacko Koster, Stephane Pralet, Chiara Puglisi, Gregoire
+ * Richard, Tzvetomila Slavova, Miroslav Tuma and Christophe Voemel who
+ * have been contributing to this project.
+ *
+ * Up-to-date copies of the MUMPS package can be obtained
+ * from the Web pages:
+ * or
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * User documentation of any code that uses this software can
+ * include this complete notice. You can acknowledge (using
+ * references [1] and [2]) the contribution of this package
+ * in any scientific publication dependent upon the use of the
+ * package. You shall use reasonable endeavours to notify
+ * the authors of the package of this publication.
+ *
+ * [1] P. R. Amestoy, I. S. Duff, J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent,
+ * A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic
+ * scheduling, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications,
+ * Vol 23, No 1, pp 15-41 (2001).
+ *
+ * [2] P. R. Amestoy and A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent and
+ * S. Pralet, Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear
+ * systems. Parallel Computing Vol 32 (2), pp 136-156 (2006).
+ *
+ */
+/* Mostly written in march 2002 (JYL) */
+#ifndef DMUMPS_C_H
+#define DMUMPS_C_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "mumps_compat.h"
+/* Next line defines MUMPS_INT, DMUMPS_COMPLEX and DMUMPS_REAL */
+#include "mumps_c_types.h"
+/* Protected in case headers of other arithmetics are included */
+#define MUMPS_VERSION "4.10.0"
+ * Definition of the (simplified) MUMPS C structure.
+ * NB: DMUMPS_COMPLEX are REAL types in s and d arithmetics.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ MUMPS_INT sym, par, job;
+ MUMPS_INT comm_fortran; /* Fortran communicator */
+ MUMPS_INT icntl[40];
+ DMUMPS_REAL cntl[15];
+ MUMPS_INT nz_alloc; /* used in matlab interface to decide if we
+ free + malloc when we have large variation */
+ /* Assembled entry */
+ MUMPS_INT *irn;
+ MUMPS_INT *jcn;
+ /* Distributed entry */
+ MUMPS_INT nz_loc;
+ MUMPS_INT *irn_loc;
+ MUMPS_INT *jcn_loc;
+ /* Element entry */
+ MUMPS_INT nelt;
+ MUMPS_INT *eltptr;
+ MUMPS_INT *eltvar;
+ /* Ordering, if given by user */
+ MUMPS_INT *perm_in;
+ /* Orderings returned to user */
+ MUMPS_INT *sym_perm; /* symmetric permutation */
+ MUMPS_INT *uns_perm; /* column permutation */
+ /* Scaling (input only in this version) */
+ DMUMPS_REAL *colsca;
+ DMUMPS_REAL *rowsca;
+ /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */
+ DMUMPS_COMPLEX *rhs, *redrhs, *rhs_sparse, *sol_loc;
+ MUMPS_INT *irhs_sparse, *irhs_ptr, *isol_loc;
+ MUMPS_INT nrhs, lrhs, lredrhs, nz_rhs, lsol_loc;
+ MUMPS_INT schur_mloc, schur_nloc, schur_lld;
+ MUMPS_INT mblock, nblock, nprow, npcol;
+ MUMPS_INT info[40],infog[40];
+ DMUMPS_REAL rinfo[40], rinfog[40];
+ /* Null space */
+ MUMPS_INT deficiency;
+ MUMPS_INT *pivnul_list;
+ MUMPS_INT *mapping;
+ /* Schur */
+ MUMPS_INT size_schur;
+ MUMPS_INT *listvar_schur;
+ /* Internal parameters */
+ MUMPS_INT instance_number;
+ DMUMPS_COMPLEX *wk_user;
+ /* Version number: length=14 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */
+ char version_number[MUMPS_VERSION_MAX_LEN + 1 + 1];
+ /* For out-of-core */
+ char ooc_tmpdir[256];
+ char ooc_prefix[64];
+ /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */
+ char write_problem[256];
+ MUMPS_INT lwk_user;
+dmumps_c( DMUMPS_STRUC_C * dmumps_par );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* DMUMPS_C_H */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/macros.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf0ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * macros.h
+ *
+ * This file contains macros used in multilevel
+ *
+ * Started 9/25/94
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: macros.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:18 karypis Exp $
+ *
+ */
+* The following macro returns a random number in the specified range
+#ifdef __VC__
+#define RandomInRange(u) ((rand()>>3)%(u))
+#define RandomInRangeFast(u) ((rand()>>3)%(u))
+#define RandomInRange(u) ((int)(drand48()*((double)(u))))
+#define RandomInRangeFast(u) ((rand()>>3)%(u))
+#define amax(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define amin(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#define AND(a, b) ((a) < 0 ? ((-(a))&(b)) : ((a)&(b)))
+#define OR(a, b) ((a) < 0 ? -((-(a))|(b)) : ((a)|(b)))
+#define XOR(a, b) ((a) < 0 ? -((-(a))^(b)) : ((a)^(b)))
+#define SWAP(a, b, tmp) \
+ do {(tmp) = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = (tmp);} while(0)
+#define INC_DEC(a, b, val) \
+ do {(a) += (val); (b) -= (val);} while(0)
+#define scopy(n, a, b) (float *)memcpy((void *)(b), (void *)(a), sizeof(float)*(n))
+#define idxcopy(n, a, b) (idxtype *)memcpy((void *)(b), (void *)(a), sizeof(idxtype)*(n))
+#define HASHFCT(key, size) ((key)%(size))
+* Timer macros
+#define cleartimer(tmr) (tmr = 0.0)
+#define starttimer(tmr) (tmr -= seconds())
+#define stoptimer(tmr) (tmr += seconds())
+#define gettimer(tmr) (tmr)
+* This macro is used to handle dbglvl
+#define IFSET(a, flag, cmd) if ((a)&(flag)) (cmd);
+* These macros are used for debuging memory leaks
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+#define imalloc(n, msg) (malloc(sizeof(int)*(n)))
+#define fmalloc(n, msg) (malloc(sizeof(float)*(n)))
+#define idxmalloc(n, msg) (malloc(sizeof(idxtype)*(n)))
+#define ismalloc(n, val, msg) (iset((n), (val), malloc(sizeof(int)*(n))))
+#define idxsmalloc(n, val, msg) (idxset((n), (val), malloc(sizeof(idxtype)*(n))))
+#define GKmalloc(a, b) (malloc((a)))
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+# define MALLOC_CHECK(ptr) \
+ if (malloc_verify((ptr)) == DMALLOC_VERIFY_ERROR) { \
+ printf("***MALLOC_CHECK failed on line %d of file %s: " #ptr "\n", \
+ __LINE__, __FILE__); \
+ abort(); \
+ }
+# define MALLOC_CHECK(ptr) ;
+* This macro converts a length array in a CSR one
+#define MAKECSR(i, n, a) \
+ do { \
+ for (i=1; i<n; i++) a[i] += a[i-1]; \
+ for (i=n; i>0; i--) a[i] = a[i-1]; \
+ a[0] = 0; \
+ } while(0)
+* These macros insert and remove nodes from the boundary list
+#define BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, vtx) \
+ do { \
+ ASSERT(bndptr[vtx] == -1); \
+ bndind[nbnd] = vtx; \
+ bndptr[vtx] = nbnd++;\
+ } while(0)
+#define BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, vtx) \
+ do { \
+ ASSERT(bndptr[vtx] != -1); \
+ bndind[bndptr[vtx]] = bndind[--nbnd]; \
+ bndptr[bndind[nbnd]] = bndptr[vtx]; \
+ bndptr[vtx] = -1; \
+ } while(0)
+* These are debugging macros
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# define ASSERT(expr) \
+ if (!(expr)) { \
+ printf("***ASSERTION failed on line %d of file %s: " #expr "\n", \
+ __LINE__, __FILE__); \
+ abort(); \
+ }
+# define ASSERT(expr) ;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# define ASSERTP(expr, msg) \
+ if (!(expr)) { \
+ printf("***ASSERTION failed on line %d of file %s: " #expr "\n", \
+ __LINE__, __FILE__); \
+ printf msg ; \
+ abort(); \
+ }
+# define ASSERTP(expr, msg) ;
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/metis.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/metis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9512477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/metis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * metis.h
+ *
+ * This file includes all necessary header files
+ *
+ * Started 8/27/94
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: metis.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:21 karypis Exp $
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+#include <defs.h>
+#include <struct.h>
+#include <macros.h>
+#include <rename.h>
+#include <proto.h>
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mpi.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mpi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab0c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mpi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of MUMPS 4.10.0, built on Tue May 10 12:56:32 UTC 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * This version of MUMPS is provided to you free of charge. It is public
+ * domain, based on public domain software developed during the Esprit IV
+ * European project PARASOL (1996-1999). Since this first public domain
+ * version in 1999, research and developments have been supported by the
+ * following institutions: CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INPT(ENSEEIHT)-IRIT,
+ * INRIA, and University of Bordeaux.
+ *
+ * The MUMPS team at the moment of releasing this version includes
+ * Patrick Amestoy, Maurice Bremond, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche,
+ * Guillaume Joslin, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Francois-Henry Rouet, Bora
+ * Ucar and Clement Weisbecker.
+ *
+ * We are also grateful to Emmanuel Agullo, Caroline Bousquet, Indranil
+ * Chowdhury, Philippe Combes, Christophe Daniel, Iain Duff, Vincent Espirat,
+ * Aurelia Fevre, Jacko Koster, Stephane Pralet, Chiara Puglisi, Gregoire
+ * Richard, Tzvetomila Slavova, Miroslav Tuma and Christophe Voemel who
+ * have been contributing to this project.
+ *
+ * Up-to-date copies of the MUMPS package can be obtained
+ * from the Web pages:
+ * or
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * User documentation of any code that uses this software can
+ * include this complete notice. You can acknowledge (using
+ * references [1] and [2]) the contribution of this package
+ * in any scientific publication dependent upon the use of the
+ * package. You shall use reasonable endeavours to notify
+ * the authors of the package of this publication.
+ *
+ * [1] P. R. Amestoy, I. S. Duff, J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent,
+ * A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic
+ * scheduling, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications,
+ * Vol 23, No 1, pp 15-41 (2001).
+ *
+ * [2] P. R. Amestoy and A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent and
+ * S. Pralet, Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear
+ * systems. Parallel Computing Vol 32 (2), pp 136-156 (2006).
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MUMPS_MPI_H
+#define MUMPS_MPI_H
+/* We define all symbols as extern "C" for users who call MUMPS with its
+ libseq from a C++ driver. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* This is the minimum to have the C interface of MUMPS work.
+ * Most of the time, users who need this file have no call to MPI functions in
+ * their own code. Hence it is not worth declaring all MPI functions here.
+ * However if some users come to request some more stub functions of the MPI
+ * standards, we may add them. But it is not worth doing it until then. */
+typedef int MPI_Comm; /* Simple type for MPI communicator */
+static MPI_Comm MPI_COMM_WORLD=(MPI_Comm)0;
+int MPI_Init(int *pargc, char ***pargv);
+int MPI_Comm_rank(int comm, int *rank);
+int MPI_Finalize(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* MUMPS_MPI_H */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_c_types.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_c_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef6212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_c_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of MUMPS 4.10.0, built on Tue May 10 12:56:32 UTC 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * This version of MUMPS is provided to you free of charge. It is public
+ * domain, based on public domain software developed during the Esprit IV
+ * European project PARASOL (1996-1999). Since this first public domain
+ * version in 1999, research and developments have been supported by the
+ * following institutions: CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INPT(ENSEEIHT)-IRIT,
+ * INRIA, and University of Bordeaux.
+ *
+ * The MUMPS team at the moment of releasing this version includes
+ * Patrick Amestoy, Maurice Bremond, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche,
+ * Guillaume Joslin, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Francois-Henry Rouet, Bora
+ * Ucar and Clement Weisbecker.
+ *
+ * We are also grateful to Emmanuel Agullo, Caroline Bousquet, Indranil
+ * Chowdhury, Philippe Combes, Christophe Daniel, Iain Duff, Vincent Espirat,
+ * Aurelia Fevre, Jacko Koster, Stephane Pralet, Chiara Puglisi, Gregoire
+ * Richard, Tzvetomila Slavova, Miroslav Tuma and Christophe Voemel who
+ * have been contributing to this project.
+ *
+ * Up-to-date copies of the MUMPS package can be obtained
+ * from the Web pages:
+ * or
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * User documentation of any code that uses this software can
+ * include this complete notice. You can acknowledge (using
+ * references [1] and [2]) the contribution of this package
+ * in any scientific publication dependent upon the use of the
+ * package. You shall use reasonable endeavours to notify
+ * the authors of the package of this publication.
+ *
+ * [1] P. R. Amestoy, I. S. Duff, J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent,
+ * A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic
+ * scheduling, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications,
+ * Vol 23, No 1, pp 15-41 (2001).
+ *
+ * [2] P. R. Amestoy and A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent and
+ * S. Pralet, Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear
+ * systems. Parallel Computing Vol 32 (2), pp 136-156 (2006).
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MUMPS_C_TYPES_H
+#define MUMPS_C_TYPES_H
+#define MUMPS_INT int
+#define SMUMPS_COMPLEX float
+#define SMUMPS_REAL float
+#define DMUMPS_COMPLEX double
+#define DMUMPS_REAL double
+/* Complex datatypes */
+typedef struct {float r,i;} mumps_complex;
+typedef struct {double r,i;} mumps_double_complex;
+#define CMUMPS_COMPLEX mumps_complex
+#define CMUMPS_REAL float
+#define ZMUMPS_COMPLEX mumps_double_complex
+#define ZMUMPS_REAL double
+#ifndef mumps_ftnlen
+/* When passing a string, what is the type of the extra argument
+ * passed by value ? */
+# define mumps_ftnlen int
+#define MUMPS_ARITH_s 1
+#define MUMPS_ARITH_d 2
+#define MUMPS_ARITH_c 4
+#define MUMPS_ARITH_z 8
+#endif /* MUMPS_C_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_compat.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63120e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/mumps_compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of MUMPS 4.10.0, built on Tue May 10 12:56:32 UTC 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * This version of MUMPS is provided to you free of charge. It is public
+ * domain, based on public domain software developed during the Esprit IV
+ * European project PARASOL (1996-1999). Since this first public domain
+ * version in 1999, research and developments have been supported by the
+ * following institutions: CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INPT(ENSEEIHT)-IRIT,
+ * INRIA, and University of Bordeaux.
+ *
+ * The MUMPS team at the moment of releasing this version includes
+ * Patrick Amestoy, Maurice Bremond, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche,
+ * Guillaume Joslin, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Francois-Henry Rouet, Bora
+ * Ucar and Clement Weisbecker.
+ *
+ * We are also grateful to Emmanuel Agullo, Caroline Bousquet, Indranil
+ * Chowdhury, Philippe Combes, Christophe Daniel, Iain Duff, Vincent Espirat,
+ * Aurelia Fevre, Jacko Koster, Stephane Pralet, Chiara Puglisi, Gregoire
+ * Richard, Tzvetomila Slavova, Miroslav Tuma and Christophe Voemel who
+ * have been contributing to this project.
+ *
+ * Up-to-date copies of the MUMPS package can be obtained
+ * from the Web pages:
+ * or
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * User documentation of any code that uses this software can
+ * include this complete notice. You can acknowledge (using
+ * references [1] and [2]) the contribution of this package
+ * in any scientific publication dependent upon the use of the
+ * package. You shall use reasonable endeavours to notify
+ * the authors of the package of this publication.
+ *
+ * [1] P. R. Amestoy, I. S. Duff, J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent,
+ * A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic
+ * scheduling, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications,
+ * Vol 23, No 1, pp 15-41 (2001).
+ *
+ * [2] P. R. Amestoy and A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent and
+ * S. Pralet, Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear
+ * systems. Parallel Computing Vol 32 (2), pp 136-156 (2006).
+ *
+ */
+/* Compatibility issues between various Windows versions */
+#if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined(__MINGW32__)
+# define MUMPS_WIN32 1
+#ifndef MUMPS_CALL
+# ifdef MUMPS_WIN32
+/* Modify/choose between next 2 lines depending
+ * on your Windows calling conventions */
+/* # define MUMPS_CALL __stdcall */
+# define MUMPS_CALL
+# else
+# define MUMPS_CALL
+# endif
+#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
+# define MUMPS_INLINE static inline
+# define MUMPS_INLINE
+#endif /* MUMPS_COMPAT_H */
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/proto.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/proto.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b65adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/proto.h
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * proto.h
+ *
+ * This file contains header files
+ *
+ * Started 10/19/95
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: proto.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:28 karypis Exp $
+ *
+ */
+/* balance.c */
+void Balance2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void Bnd2WayBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *);
+void General2WayBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *);
+/* bucketsort.c */
+void BucketSortKeysInc(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* ccgraph.c */
+void CreateCoarseGraph(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void CreateCoarseGraphNoMask(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void CreateCoarseGraph_NVW(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+GraphType *SetUpCoarseGraph(GraphType *, int, int);
+void ReAdjustMemory(GraphType *, GraphType *, int);
+/* coarsen.c */
+GraphType *Coarsen2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* compress.c */
+void CompressGraph(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void PruneGraph(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, float);
+/* debug.c */
+int ComputeCut(GraphType *, idxtype *);
+int CheckBnd(GraphType *);
+int CheckBnd2(GraphType *);
+int CheckNodeBnd(GraphType *, int);
+int CheckRInfo(RInfoType *);
+int CheckNodePartitionParams(GraphType *);
+int IsSeparable(GraphType *);
+/* estmem.c */
+void METIS_EstimateMemory(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *);
+void EstimateCFraction(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, float *, float *);
+int ComputeCoarseGraphSize(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* fm.c */
+void FM_2WayEdgeRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, int);
+/* fortran.c */
+void Change2CNumbering(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void Change2FNumbering(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void Change2FNumbering2(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void Change2FNumberingOrder(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void ChangeMesh2CNumbering(int, idxtype *);
+void ChangeMesh2FNumbering(int, idxtype *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void ChangeMesh2FNumbering2(int, idxtype *, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* frename.c */
+void METIS_PARTGRAPHRECURSIVE(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphrecursive(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphrecursive_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphrecursive__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPARTGRAPHRECURSIVE(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphrecursive(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphrecursive_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphrecursive__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_PARTGRAPHKWAY(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphkway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphkway_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphkway__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPARTGRAPHKWAY(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphkway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphkway_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphkway__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_EDGEND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_edgend(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_edgend_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_edgend__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NODEND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodend(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodend_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodend__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NODEWND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodewnd(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodewnd_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_nodewnd__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_PARTMESHNODAL(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshnodal(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshnodal_(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshnodal__(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_PARTMESHDUAL(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshdual(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshdual_(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partmeshdual__(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_MESHTONODAL(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtonodal(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtonodal_(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtonodal__(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_MESHTODUAL(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtodual(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtodual_(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void metis_meshtodual__(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_ESTIMATEMEMORY(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *);
+void metis_estimatememory(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *);
+void metis_estimatememory_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *);
+void metis_estimatememory__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *);
+void METIS_MCPARTGRAPHRECURSIVE(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphrecursive(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphrecursive_(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphrecursive__(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_MCPARTGRAPHKWAY(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphkway(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphkway_(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_mcpartgraphkway__(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_PARTGRAPHVKWAY(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphvkway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphvkway_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_partgraphvkway__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPARTGRAPHVKWAY(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphvkway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphvkway_(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void metis_wpartgraphvkway__(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+/* graph.c */
+void SetUpGraph(GraphType *, int, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int);
+void SetUpGraphKway(GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void SetUpGraph2(GraphType *, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, float *, idxtype *);
+void VolSetUpGraph(GraphType *, int, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int);
+void RandomizeGraph(GraphType *);
+int IsConnectedSubdomain(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, int);
+int IsConnected(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+int IsConnected2(GraphType *, int);
+int FindComponents(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* initpart.c */
+void Init2WayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void InitSeparator(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+void GrowBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void GrowBisectionNode(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+void RandomBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+/* kmetis.c */
+void METIS_PartGraphKway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPartGraphKway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+int MlevelKWayPartitioning(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *, float);
+/* kvmetis.c */
+void METIS_PartGraphVKway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPartGraphVKway(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+int MlevelVolKWayPartitioning(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *, float);
+/* kwayfm.c */
+void Random_KWayEdgeRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int, int);
+void Greedy_KWayEdgeRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int);
+void Greedy_KWayEdgeBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int);
+/* kwayrefine.c */
+void RefineKWay(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float);
+void AllocateKWayPartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeKWayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ProjectKWayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+int IsBalanced(idxtype *, int, float *, float);
+void ComputeKWayBoundary(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeKWayBalanceBoundary(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+/* kwayvolfm.c */
+void Random_KWayVolRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int, int);
+void Random_KWayVolRefineMConn(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int, int);
+void Greedy_KWayVolBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int);
+void Greedy_KWayVolBalanceMConn(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int);
+void KWayVolUpdate(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void ComputeKWayVolume(GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int ComputeVolume(GraphType *, idxtype *);
+void CheckVolKWayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeVolSubDomainGraph(GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void EliminateVolSubDomainEdges(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *);
+void EliminateVolComponents(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float);
+/* kwayvolrefine.c */
+void RefineVolKWay(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float);
+void AllocateVolKWayPartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeVolKWayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeKWayVolGains(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ProjectVolKWayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeVolKWayBoundary(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void ComputeVolKWayBalanceBoundary(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+/* match.c */
+void Match_RM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Match_RM_NVW(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Match_HEM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Match_SHEM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* mbalance.c */
+void MocBalance2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MocGeneral2WayBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+/* mbalance2.c */
+void MocBalance2Way2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+void MocGeneral2WayBalance2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+void SelectQueue3(int, float *, float *, int *, int *, PQueueType [MAXNCON][2], float *);
+/* mcoarsen.c */
+GraphType *MCCoarsen2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* memory.c */
+void AllocateWorkSpace(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void FreeWorkSpace(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+int WspaceAvail(CtrlType *);
+idxtype *idxwspacemalloc(CtrlType *, int);
+void idxwspacefree(CtrlType *, int);
+float *fwspacemalloc(CtrlType *, int);
+void fwspacefree(CtrlType *, int);
+GraphType *CreateGraph(void);
+void InitGraph(GraphType *);
+void FreeGraph(GraphType *);
+/* mesh.c */
+void METIS_MeshToDual(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_MeshToNodal(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void GENDUALMETIS(int, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *adjncy);
+void TRINODALMETIS(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *adjncy);
+void TETNODALMETIS(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *adjncy);
+void HEXNODALMETIS(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *adjncy);
+void QUADNODALMETIS(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *adjncy);
+/* meshpart.c */
+void METIS_PartMeshNodal(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_PartMeshDual(int *, int *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* mfm.c */
+void MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, int);
+void SelectQueue(int, float *, float *, int *, int *, PQueueType [MAXNCON][2]);
+int BetterBalance(int, float *, float *, float *);
+float Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(int, float *, float *);
+void Compute2WayHLoadImbalanceVec(int, float *, float *, float *);
+/* mfm2.c */
+void MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *, int);
+void SelectQueue2(int, float *, float *, int *, int *, PQueueType [MAXNCON][2], float *);
+int IsBetter2wayBalance(int, float *, float *, float *);
+/* mincover.o */
+void MinCover(idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int, idxtype *, int *);
+int MinCover_Augment(idxtype *, idxtype *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int);
+void MinCover_Decompose(idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *);
+void MinCover_ColDFS(idxtype *, idxtype *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int);
+void MinCover_RowDFS(idxtype *, idxtype *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int);
+/* minitpart.c */
+void MocInit2WayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MocGrowBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MocRandomBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MocInit2WayBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *);
+int SelectQueueoneWay(int, float *, float *, int, PQueueType [MAXNCON][2]);
+/* minitpart2.c */
+void MocInit2WayPartition2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+void MocGrowBisection2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+void MocGrowBisectionNew2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+void MocInit2WayBalance2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+int SelectQueueOneWay2(int, float *, PQueueType [MAXNCON][2], float *);
+/* mkmetis.c */
+void METIS_mCPartGraphKway(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+int MCMlevelKWayPartitioning(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *);
+/* mkwayfmh.c */
+void MCRandom_KWayEdgeRefineHorizontal(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, int);
+void MCGreedy_KWayEdgeBalanceHorizontal(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, int);
+int AreAllHVwgtsBelow(int, float, float *, float, float *, float *);
+int AreAllHVwgtsAbove(int, float, float *, float, float *, float *);
+void ComputeHKWayLoadImbalance(int, int, float *, float *);
+int MocIsHBalanced(int, int, float *, float *);
+int IsHBalanceBetterFT(int, int, float *, float *, float *, float *);
+int IsHBalanceBetterTT(int, int, float *, float *, float *, float *);
+/* mkwayrefine.c */
+void MocRefineKWayHorizontal(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, int, float *);
+void MocAllocateKWayPartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void MocComputeKWayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void MocProjectKWayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void MocComputeKWayBalanceBoundary(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+/* mmatch.c */
+void MCMatch_RM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void MCMatch_HEM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void MCMatch_SHEM(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void MCMatch_SHEBM(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void MCMatch_SBHEM(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+float BetterVBalance(int, int, float *, float *, float *);
+int AreAllVwgtsBelowFast(int, float *, float *, float);
+/* mmd.c */
+void genmmd(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int , idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int *);
+void mmdelm(int, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int);
+int mmdint(int, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void mmdnum(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void mmdupd(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int *tag);
+/* mpmetis.c */
+void METIS_mCPartGraphRecursive(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_mCHPartGraphRecursive(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_mCPartGraphRecursiveInternal(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, float *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_mCHPartGraphRecursiveInternal(int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, float *, idxtype *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+int MCMlevelRecursiveBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float, int);
+int MCHMlevelRecursiveBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *, int);
+void MCMlevelEdgeBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MCHMlevelEdgeBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+/* mrefine.c */
+void MocRefine2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, float *, float);
+void MocAllocate2WayPartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void MocCompute2WayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void MocProject2WayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* mrefine2.c */
+void MocRefine2Way2(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, float *, float *);
+/* mutil.c */
+int AreAllVwgtsBelow(int, float, float *, float, float *, float);
+int AreAnyVwgtsBelow(int, float, float *, float, float *, float);
+int AreAllVwgtsAbove(int, float, float *, float, float *, float);
+float ComputeLoadImbalance(int, int, float *, float *);
+int AreAllBelow(int, float *, float *);
+/* myqsort.c */
+void iidxsort(int, idxtype *);
+void iintsort(int, int *);
+void ikeysort(int, KeyValueType *);
+void ikeyvalsort(int, KeyValueType *);
+/* ometis.c */
+void METIS_EdgeND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NodeND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NodeWND(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void MlevelNestedDissection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, float, int);
+void MlevelNestedDissectionCC(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, float, int);
+void MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void MlevelNodeBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void SplitGraphOrder(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, GraphType *);
+void MMDOrder(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, int);
+int SplitGraphOrderCC(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* parmetis.c */
+void METIS_PartGraphKway2(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPartGraphKway2(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NodeNDP(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void MlevelNestedDissectionP(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, int, int, int, idxtype *);
+void METIS_NodeComputeSeparator(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_EdgeComputeSeparator(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+/* pmetis.c */
+void METIS_PartGraphRecursive(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+void METIS_WPartGraphRecursive(int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, float *, int *, int *, idxtype *);
+int MlevelRecursiveBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *, float, int);
+void MlevelEdgeBisection(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int *, float);
+void SplitGraphPart(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, GraphType *);
+void SetUpSplitGraph(GraphType *, GraphType *, int, int);
+/* pqueue.c */
+void PQueueInit(CtrlType *ctrl, PQueueType *, int, int);
+void PQueueReset(PQueueType *);
+void PQueueFree(CtrlType *ctrl, PQueueType *);
+int PQueueGetSize(PQueueType *);
+int PQueueInsert(PQueueType *, int, int);
+int PQueueDelete(PQueueType *, int, int);
+int PQueueUpdate(PQueueType *, int, int, int);
+void PQueueUpdateUp(PQueueType *, int, int, int);
+int PQueueGetMax(PQueueType *);
+int PQueueSeeMax(PQueueType *);
+int PQueueGetKey(PQueueType *);
+int CheckHeap(PQueueType *);
+/* refine.c */
+void Refine2Way(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, int *, float ubfactor);
+void Allocate2WayPartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Compute2WayPartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Project2WayPartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* separator.c */
+void ConstructSeparator(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+void ConstructMinCoverSeparator0(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+void ConstructMinCoverSeparator(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+/* sfm.c */
+void FM_2WayNodeRefine(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float, int);
+void FM_2WayNodeRefineEqWgt(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int);
+void FM_2WayNodeRefine_OneSided(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float, int);
+void FM_2WayNodeBalance(CtrlType *, GraphType *, float);
+int ComputeMaxNodeGain(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* srefine.c */
+void Refine2WayNode(CtrlType *, GraphType *, GraphType *, float);
+void Allocate2WayNodePartitionMemory(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Compute2WayNodePartitionParams(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+void Project2WayNodePartition(CtrlType *, GraphType *);
+/* stat.c */
+void ComputePartitionInfo(GraphType *, int, idxtype *);
+void ComputePartitionInfoBipartite(GraphType *, int, idxtype *);
+void ComputePartitionBalance(GraphType *, int, idxtype *, float *);
+float ComputeElementBalance(int, int, idxtype *);
+/* subdomains.c */
+void Random_KWayEdgeRefineMConn(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int, int);
+void Greedy_KWayEdgeBalanceMConn(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float, int);
+void PrintSubDomainGraph(GraphType *, int, idxtype *);
+void ComputeSubDomainGraph(GraphType *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+void EliminateSubDomainEdges(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *);
+void MoveGroupMConn(CtrlType *, GraphType *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int, int, idxtype *);
+void EliminateComponents(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, float *, float);
+void MoveGroup(CtrlType *, GraphType *, int, int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* timing.c */
+void InitTimers(CtrlType *);
+void PrintTimers(CtrlType *);
+double seconds(void);
+/* util.c */
+void errexit(char *,...);
+#ifndef DMALLOC
+int *imalloc(int, char *);
+idxtype *idxmalloc(int, char *);
+float *fmalloc(int, char *);
+int *ismalloc(int, int, char *);
+idxtype *idxsmalloc(int, idxtype, char *);
+void *GKmalloc(int, char *);
+/*void GKfree(void **,...); */
+int *iset(int n, int val, int *x);
+idxtype *idxset(int n, idxtype val, idxtype *x);
+float *sset(int n, float val, float *x);
+int iamax(int, int *);
+int idxamax(int, idxtype *);
+int idxamax_strd(int, idxtype *, int);
+int samax(int, float *);
+int samax2(int, float *);
+int idxamin(int, idxtype *);
+int samin(int, float *);
+int idxsum(int, idxtype *);
+int idxsum_strd(int, idxtype *, int);
+void idxadd(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int charsum(int, char *);
+int isum(int, int *);
+float ssum(int, float *);
+float ssum_strd(int n, float *x, int);
+void sscale(int n, float, float *x);
+float snorm2(int, float *);
+float sdot(int n, float *, float *);
+void saxpy(int, float, float *, int, float *, int);
+void RandomPermute(int, idxtype *, int);
+double drand48();
+void srand48(long);
+int ispow2(int);
+void InitRandom(int);
+int ilog2(int);
+* Programs Directory
+/* io.c */
+void ReadGraph(GraphType *, char *, int *);
+void WritePartition(char *, idxtype *, int, int);
+void WriteMeshPartition(char *, int, int, idxtype *, int, idxtype *);
+void WritePermutation(char *, idxtype *, int);
+int CheckGraph(GraphType *);
+idxtype *ReadMesh(char *, int *, int *, int *);
+void WriteGraph(char *, int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+/* smbfactor.c */
+void ComputeFillIn(GraphType *, idxtype *);
+idxtype ComputeFillIn2(GraphType *, idxtype *);
+int smbfct(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *);
+* Test Directory
+void Test_PartGraph(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int VerifyPart(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int, idxtype *);
+int VerifyWPart(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, float *, int, idxtype *);
+void Test_PartGraphV(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int VerifyPartV(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, int, idxtype *);
+int VerifyWPartV(int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, float *, int, idxtype *);
+void Test_PartGraphmC(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int VerifyPartmC(int, int, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int, float *, int, idxtype *);
+void Test_ND(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
+int VerifyND(int, idxtype *, idxtype *);
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/rename.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/rename.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d096b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/rename.h
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * rename.h
+ *
+ * This file contains header files
+ *
+ * Started 10/2/97
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: rename.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:29 karypis Exp $
+ *
+ */
+/* balance.c */
+#define Balance2Way __Balance2Way
+#define Bnd2WayBalance __Bnd2WayBalance
+#define General2WayBalance __General2WayBalance
+/* bucketsort.c */
+#define BucketSortKeysInc __BucketSortKeysInc
+/* ccgraph.c */
+#define CreateCoarseGraph __CreateCoarseGraph
+#define CreateCoarseGraphNoMask __CreateCoarseGraphNoMask
+#define CreateCoarseGraph_NVW __CreateCoarseGraph_NVW
+#define SetUpCoarseGraph __SetUpCoarseGraph
+#define ReAdjustMemory __ReAdjustMemory
+/* coarsen.c */
+#define Coarsen2Way __Coarsen2Way
+/* compress.c */
+#define CompressGraph __CompressGraph
+#define PruneGraph __PruneGraph
+/* debug.c */
+#define ComputeCut __ComputeCut
+#define CheckBnd __CheckBnd
+#define CheckBnd2 __CheckBnd2
+#define CheckNodeBnd __CheckNodeBnd
+#define CheckRInfo __CheckRInfo
+#define CheckNodePartitionParams __CheckNodePartitionParams
+#define IsSeparable __IsSeparable
+/* estmem.c */
+#define EstimateCFraction __EstimateCFraction
+#define ComputeCoarseGraphSize __ComputeCoarseGraphSize
+/* fm.c */
+#define FM_2WayEdgeRefine __FM_2WayEdgeRefine
+/* fortran.c */
+#define Change2CNumbering __Change2CNumbering
+#define Change2FNumbering __Change2FNumbering
+#define Change2FNumbering2 __Change2FNumbering2
+#define Change2FNumberingOrder __Change2FNumberingOrder
+#define ChangeMesh2CNumbering __ChangeMesh2CNumbering
+#define ChangeMesh2FNumbering __ChangeMesh2FNumbering
+#define ChangeMesh2FNumbering2 __ChangeMesh2FNumbering2
+/* graph.c */
+#define SetUpGraph __SetUpGraph
+#define SetUpGraphKway __SetUpGraphKway
+#define SetUpGraph2 __SetUpGraph2
+#define VolSetUpGraph __VolSetUpGraph
+#define RandomizeGraph __RandomizeGraph
+#define IsConnectedSubdomain __IsConnectedSubdomain
+#define IsConnected __IsConnected
+#define IsConnected2 __IsConnected2
+#define FindComponents __FindComponents
+/* initpart.c */
+#define Init2WayPartition __Init2WayPartition
+#define InitSeparator __InitSeparator
+#define GrowBisection __GrowBisection
+#define GrowBisectionNode __GrowBisectionNode
+#define RandomBisection __RandomBisection
+/* kmetis.c */
+#define MlevelKWayPartitioning __MlevelKWayPartitioning
+/* kvmetis.c */
+#define MlevelVolKWayPartitioning __MlevelVolKWayPartitioning
+/* kwayfm.c */
+#define Random_KWayEdgeRefine __Random_KWayEdgeRefine
+#define Greedy_KWayEdgeRefine __Greedy_KWayEdgeRefine
+#define Greedy_KWayEdgeBalance __Greedy_KWayEdgeBalance
+/* kwayrefine.c */
+#define RefineKWay __RefineKWay
+#define AllocateKWayPartitionMemory __AllocateKWayPartitionMemory
+#define ComputeKWayPartitionParams __ComputeKWayPartitionParams
+#define ProjectKWayPartition __ProjectKWayPartition
+#define IsBalanced __IsBalanced
+#define ComputeKWayBoundary __ComputeKWayBoundary
+#define ComputeKWayBalanceBoundary __ComputeKWayBalanceBoundary
+/* kwayvolfm.c */
+#define Random_KWayVolRefine __Random_KWayVolRefine
+#define Random_KWayVolRefineMConn __Random_KWayVolRefineMConn
+#define Greedy_KWayVolBalance __Greedy_KWayVolBalance
+#define Greedy_KWayVolBalanceMConn __Greedy_KWayVolBalanceMConn
+#define KWayVolUpdate __KWayVolUpdate
+#define ComputeKWayVolume __ComputeKWayVolume
+#define ComputeVolume __ComputeVolume
+#define CheckVolKWayPartitionParams __CheckVolKWayPartitionParams
+#define ComputeVolSubDomainGraph __ComputeVolSubDomainGraph
+#define EliminateVolSubDomainEdges __EliminateVolSubDomainEdges
+/* kwayvolrefine.c */
+#define RefineVolKWay __RefineVolKWay
+#define AllocateVolKWayPartitionMemory __AllocateVolKWayPartitionMemory
+#define ComputeVolKWayPartitionParams __ComputeVolKWayPartitionParams
+#define ComputeKWayVolGains __ComputeKWayVolGains
+#define ProjectVolKWayPartition __ProjectVolKWayPartition
+#define ComputeVolKWayBoundary __ComputeVolKWayBoundary
+#define ComputeVolKWayBalanceBoundary __ComputeVolKWayBalanceBoundary
+/* match.c */
+#define Match_RM __Match_RM
+#define Match_RM_NVW __Match_RM_NVW
+#define Match_HEM __Match_HEM
+#define Match_SHEM __Match_SHEM
+/* mbalance.c */
+#define MocBalance2Way __MocBalance2Way
+#define MocGeneral2WayBalance __MocGeneral2WayBalance
+/* mbalance2.c */
+#define MocBalance2Way2 __MocBalance2Way2
+#define MocGeneral2WayBalance2 __MocGeneral2WayBalance2
+#define SelectQueue3 __SelectQueue3
+/* mcoarsen.c */
+#define MCCoarsen2Way __MCCoarsen2Way
+/* memory.c */
+#define AllocateWorkSpace __AllocateWorkSpace
+#define FreeWorkSpace __FreeWorkSpace
+#define WspaceAvail __WspaceAvail
+#define idxwspacemalloc __idxwspacemalloc
+#define idxwspacefree __idxwspacefree
+#define fwspacemalloc __fwspacemalloc
+#define CreateGraph __CreateGraph
+#define InitGraph __InitGraph
+#define FreeGraph __FreeGraph
+/* mesh.c */
+/* mfm.c */
+#define MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine __MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine
+#define SelectQueue __SelectQueue
+#define BetterBalance __BetterBalance
+#define Compute2WayHLoadImbalance __Compute2WayHLoadImbalance
+#define Compute2WayHLoadImbalanceVec __Compute2WayHLoadImbalanceVec
+/* mfm2.c */
+#define MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine2 __MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine2
+#define SelectQueue2 __SelectQueue2
+#define IsBetter2wayBalance __IsBetter2wayBalance
+/* mincover.c */
+#define MinCover __MinCover
+#define MinCover_Augment __MinCover_Augment
+#define MinCover_Decompose __MinCover_Decompose
+#define MinCover_ColDFS __MinCover_ColDFS
+#define MinCover_RowDFS __MinCover_RowDFS
+/* minitpart.c */
+#define MocInit2WayPartition __MocInit2WayPartition
+#define MocGrowBisection __MocGrowBisection
+#define MocRandomBisection __MocRandomBisection
+#define MocInit2WayBalance __MocInit2WayBalance
+#define SelectQueueoneWay __SelectQueueoneWay
+/* minitpart2.c */
+#define MocInit2WayPartition2 __MocInit2WayPartition2
+#define MocGrowBisection2 __MocGrowBisection2
+#define MocGrowBisectionNew2 __MocGrowBisectionNew2
+#define MocInit2WayBalance2 __MocInit2WayBalance2
+#define SelectQueueOneWay2 __SelectQueueOneWay2
+/* mkmetis.c */
+#define MCMlevelKWayPartitioning __MCMlevelKWayPartitioning
+/* mkwayfmh.c */
+#define MCRandom_KWayEdgeRefineHorizontal __MCRandom_KWayEdgeRefineHorizontal
+#define MCGreedy_KWayEdgeBalanceHorizontal __MCGreedy_KWayEdgeBalanceHorizontal
+#define AreAllHVwgtsBelow __AreAllHVwgtsBelow
+#define AreAllHVwgtsAbove __AreAllHVwgtsAbove
+#define ComputeHKWayLoadImbalance __ComputeHKWayLoadImbalance
+#define MocIsHBalanced __MocIsHBalanced
+#define IsHBalanceBetterFT __IsHBalanceBetterFT
+#define IsHBalanceBetterTT __IsHBalanceBetterTT
+/* mkwayrefine.c */
+#define MocRefineKWayHorizontal __MocRefineKWayHorizontal
+#define MocAllocateKWayPartitionMemory __MocAllocateKWayPartitionMemory
+#define MocComputeKWayPartitionParams __MocComputeKWayPartitionParams
+#define MocProjectKWayPartition __MocProjectKWayPartition
+#define MocComputeKWayBalanceBoundary __MocComputeKWayBalanceBoundary
+/* mmatch.c */
+#define MCMatch_RM __MCMatch_RM
+#define MCMatch_HEM __MCMatch_HEM
+#define MCMatch_SHEM __MCMatch_SHEM
+#define MCMatch_SHEBM __MCMatch_SHEBM
+#define MCMatch_SBHEM __MCMatch_SBHEM
+#define BetterVBalance __BetterVBalance
+#define AreAllVwgtsBelowFast __AreAllVwgtsBelowFast
+/* mmd.c */
+#define genmmd __genmmd
+#define mmdelm __mmdelm
+#define mmdint __mmdint
+#define mmdnum __mmdnum
+#define mmdupd __mmdupd
+/* mpmetis.c */
+#define MCMlevelRecursiveBisection __MCMlevelRecursiveBisection
+#define MCHMlevelRecursiveBisection __MCHMlevelRecursiveBisection
+#define MCMlevelEdgeBisection __MCMlevelEdgeBisection
+#define MCHMlevelEdgeBisection __MCHMlevelEdgeBisection
+/* mrefine.c */
+#define MocRefine2Way __MocRefine2Way
+#define MocAllocate2WayPartitionMemory __MocAllocate2WayPartitionMemory
+#define MocCompute2WayPartitionParams __MocCompute2WayPartitionParams
+#define MocProject2WayPartition __MocProject2WayPartition
+/* mrefine2.c */
+#define MocRefine2Way2 __MocRefine2Way2
+/* mutil.c */
+#define AreAllVwgtsBelow __AreAllVwgtsBelow
+#define AreAnyVwgtsBelow __AreAnyVwgtsBelow
+#define AreAllVwgtsAbove __AreAllVwgtsAbove
+#define ComputeLoadImbalance __ComputeLoadImbalance
+#define AreAllBelow __AreAllBelow
+/* myqsort.c */
+#define iidxsort __iidxsort
+#define iintsort __iintsort
+#define ikeysort __ikeysort
+#define ikeyvalsort __ikeyvalsort
+/* ometis.c */
+#define MlevelNestedDissection __MlevelNestedDissection
+#define MlevelNestedDissectionCC __MlevelNestedDissectionCC
+#define MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple __MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple
+#define MlevelNodeBisection __MlevelNodeBisection
+#define SplitGraphOrder __SplitGraphOrder
+#define MMDOrder __MMDOrder
+#define SplitGraphOrderCC __SplitGraphOrderCC
+/* parmetis.c */
+#define MlevelNestedDissectionP __MlevelNestedDissectionP
+/* pmetis.c */
+#define MlevelRecursiveBisection __MlevelRecursiveBisection
+#define MlevelEdgeBisection __MlevelEdgeBisection
+#define SplitGraphPart __SplitGraphPart
+#define SetUpSplitGraph __SetUpSplitGraph
+/* pqueue.c */
+#define PQueueInit __PQueueInit
+#define PQueueReset __PQueueReset
+#define PQueueFree __PQueueFree
+#define PQueueInsert __PQueueInsert
+#define PQueueDelete __PQueueDelete
+#define PQueueUpdate __PQueueUpdate
+#define PQueueUpdateUp __PQueueUpdateUp
+#define PQueueGetMax __PQueueGetMax
+#define PQueueSeeMax __PQueueSeeMax
+#define CheckHeap __CheckHeap
+/* refine.c */
+#define Refine2Way __Refine2Way
+#define Allocate2WayPartitionMemory __Allocate2WayPartitionMemory
+#define Compute2WayPartitionParams __Compute2WayPartitionParams
+#define Project2WayPartition __Project2WayPartition
+/* separator.c */
+#define ConstructSeparator __ConstructSeparator
+#define ConstructMinCoverSeparator0 __ConstructMinCoverSeparator0
+#define ConstructMinCoverSeparator __ConstructMinCoverSeparator
+/* sfm.c */
+#define FM_2WayNodeRefine __FM_2WayNodeRefine
+#define FM_2WayNodeRefineEqWgt __FM_2WayNodeRefineEqWgt
+#define FM_2WayNodeRefine_OneSided __FM_2WayNodeRefine_OneSided
+#define FM_2WayNodeBalance __FM_2WayNodeBalance
+#define ComputeMaxNodeGain __ComputeMaxNodeGain
+/* srefine.c */
+#define Refine2WayNode __Refine2WayNode
+#define Allocate2WayNodePartitionMemory __Allocate2WayNodePartitionMemory
+#define Compute2WayNodePartitionParams __Compute2WayNodePartitionParams
+#define Project2WayNodePartition __Project2WayNodePartition
+/* stat.c */
+#define ComputePartitionInfo __ComputePartitionInfo
+#define ComputePartitionBalance __ComputePartitionBalance
+#define ComputeElementBalance __ComputeElementBalance
+/* subdomains.c */
+#define Random_KWayEdgeRefineMConn __Random_KWayEdgeRefineMConn
+#define Greedy_KWayEdgeBalanceMConn __Greedy_KWayEdgeBalanceMConn
+#define PrintSubDomainGraph __PrintSubDomainGraph
+#define ComputeSubDomainGraph __ComputeSubDomainGraph
+#define EliminateSubDomainEdges __EliminateSubDomainEdges
+#define MoveGroupMConn __MoveGroupMConn
+#define EliminateComponents __EliminateComponents
+#define MoveGroup __MoveGroup
+/* timing.c */
+#define InitTimers __InitTimers
+#define PrintTimers __PrintTimers
+#define seconds __seconds
+/* util.c */
+#define errexit __errexit
+#define GKfree __GKfree
+#ifndef DMALLOC
+#define imalloc __imalloc
+#define idxmalloc __idxmalloc
+#define fmalloc __fmalloc
+#define ismalloc __ismalloc
+#define idxsmalloc __idxsmalloc
+#define GKmalloc __GKmalloc
+#define iset __iset
+#define idxset __idxset
+#define sset __sset
+#define iamax __iamax
+#define idxamax __idxamax
+#define idxamax_strd __idxamax_strd
+#define samax __samax
+#define samax2 __samax2
+#define idxamin __idxamin
+#define samin __samin
+#define idxsum __idxsum
+#define idxsum_strd __idxsum_strd
+#define idxadd __idxadd
+#define charsum __charsum
+#define isum __isum
+#define ssum __ssum
+#define ssum_strd __ssum_strd
+#define sscale __sscale
+#define snorm2 __snorm2
+#define sdot __sdot
+#define saxpy __saxpy
+#define RandomPermute __RandomPermute
+#define ispow2 __ispow2
+#define InitRandom __InitRandom
+#define ilog2 __ilog2
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/struct.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/struct.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c7c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/struct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
+ *
+ * struct.h
+ *
+ * This file contains data structures for ILU routines.
+ *
+ * Started 9/26/95
+ * George
+ *
+ * $Id: struct.h,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:31 karypis Exp $
+ */
+/* Undefine the following #define in order to use short int as the idxtype */
+#define IDXTYPE_INT
+/* Indexes are as long as integers for now */
+typedef int idxtype;
+typedef short idxtype;
+#define MAXIDX (1<<8*sizeof(idxtype)-2)
+* The following data structure stores key-value pair
+struct KeyValueType {
+ idxtype key;
+ idxtype val;
+typedef struct KeyValueType KeyValueType;
+* The following data structure will hold a node of a doubly-linked list.
+struct ListNodeType {
+ int id; /* The id value of the node */
+ struct ListNodeType *prev, *next; /* It's a doubly-linked list */
+typedef struct ListNodeType ListNodeType;
+* The following data structure is used to store the buckets for the
+* refinment algorithms
+struct PQueueType {
+ int type; /* The type of the representation used */
+ int nnodes;
+ int maxnodes;
+ int mustfree;
+ /* Linear array version of the data structures */
+ int pgainspan, ngainspan; /* plus and negative gain span */
+ int maxgain;
+ ListNodeType *nodes;
+ ListNodeType **buckets;
+ /* Heap version of the data structure */
+ KeyValueType *heap;
+ idxtype *locator;
+typedef struct PQueueType PQueueType;
+* The following data structure stores an edge
+struct edegreedef {
+ idxtype pid;
+ idxtype ed;
+typedef struct edegreedef EDegreeType;
+* The following data structure stores an edge for vol
+struct vedegreedef {
+ idxtype pid;
+ idxtype ed, ned;
+ idxtype gv;
+typedef struct vedegreedef VEDegreeType;
+* This data structure holds various working space data
+struct workspacedef {
+ idxtype *core; /* Where pairs, indices, and degrees are coming from */
+ int maxcore, ccore;
+ EDegreeType *edegrees;
+ VEDegreeType *vedegrees;
+ int cdegree;
+ idxtype *auxcore; /* This points to the memory of the edegrees */
+ idxtype *pmat; /* An array of k^2 used for eliminating domain
+ connectivity in k-way refinement */
+typedef struct workspacedef WorkSpaceType;
+* The following data structure holds information on degrees for k-way
+* partition
+struct rinfodef {
+ int id, ed; /* ID/ED of nodes */
+ int ndegrees; /* The number of different ext-degrees */
+ EDegreeType *edegrees; /* List of edges */
+typedef struct rinfodef RInfoType;
+* The following data structure holds information on degrees for k-way
+* vol-based partition
+struct vrinfodef {
+ int id, ed, nid; /* ID/ED of nodes */
+ int gv; /* IV/EV of nodes */
+ int ndegrees; /* The number of different ext-degrees */
+ VEDegreeType *edegrees; /* List of edges */
+typedef struct vrinfodef VRInfoType;
+* The following data structure holds information on degrees for k-way
+* partition
+struct nrinfodef {
+ idxtype edegrees[2];
+typedef struct nrinfodef NRInfoType;
+* This data structure holds the input graph
+struct graphdef {
+ idxtype *gdata, *rdata; /* Memory pools for graph and refinement data.
+ This is where memory is allocated and used
+ the rest of the fields in this structure */
+ int nvtxs, nedges; /* The # of vertices and edges in the graph */
+ idxtype *xadj; /* Pointers to the locally stored vertices */
+ idxtype *vwgt; /* Vertex weights */
+ idxtype *vsize; /* Vertex sizes for min-volume formulation */
+ idxtype *adjncy; /* Array that stores the adjacency lists of nvtxs */
+ idxtype *adjwgt; /* Array that stores the weights of the adjacency lists */
+ idxtype *adjwgtsum; /* The sum of the adjacency weight of each vertex */
+ idxtype *label;
+ idxtype *cmap;
+ /* Partition parameters */
+ int mincut, minvol;
+ idxtype *where, *pwgts;
+ int nbnd;
+ idxtype *bndptr, *bndind;
+ /* Bisection refinement parameters */
+ idxtype *id, *ed;
+ /* K-way refinement parameters */
+ RInfoType *rinfo;
+ /* K-way volume refinement parameters */
+ VRInfoType *vrinfo;
+ /* Node refinement information */
+ NRInfoType *nrinfo;
+ /* Additional info needed by the MOC routines */
+ int ncon; /* The # of constrains */
+ float *nvwgt; /* Normalized vertex weights */
+ float *npwgts; /* The normalized partition weights */
+ struct graphdef *coarser, *finer;
+typedef struct graphdef GraphType;
+* The following data type implements a timer
+typedef double timer;
+* The following structure stores information used by Metis
+struct controldef {
+ int CoarsenTo; /* The # of vertices in the coarsest graph */
+ int dbglvl; /* Controls the debuging output of the program */
+ int CType; /* The type of coarsening */
+ int IType; /* The type of initial partitioning */
+ int RType; /* The type of refinement */
+ int maxvwgt; /* The maximum allowed weight for a vertex */
+ float nmaxvwgt; /* The maximum allowed weight for a vertex for each constrain */
+ int optype; /* Type of operation */
+ int pfactor; /* .1*prunning factor */
+ int nseps; /* The number of separators to be found during multiple bisections */
+ int oflags;
+ WorkSpaceType wspace; /* Work Space Informations */
+ /* Various Timers */
+ timer TotalTmr, InitPartTmr, MatchTmr, ContractTmr, CoarsenTmr, UncoarsenTmr,
+ SepTmr, RefTmr, ProjectTmr, SplitTmr, AuxTmr1, AuxTmr2, AuxTmr3, AuxTmr4, AuxTmr5, AuxTmr6;
+typedef struct controldef CtrlType;
+* The following data structure stores max-partition weight info for
+* Vertical MOC k-way refinement
+struct vpwgtdef {
+ float max[2][MAXNCON];
+ int imax[2][MAXNCON];
+typedef struct vpwgtdef VPInfoType;
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6b6688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information for libcoinblas.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ddd18ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ddd18ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93ce388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84d48ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+dependency_libs=' /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../.. -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath'
+# Version information for libcoinlapack.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..68af160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..68af160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92261d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b7155f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+dependency_libs=' -lm'
+# Version information for libcoinmetis.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..10ed913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..10ed913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e56d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..febeb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fc02e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+dependency_libs=' /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../.. -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath'
+# Version information for libcoinmumps.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..c2d14a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..c2d14a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5246ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..947ab30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62bbb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+dependency_libs=' /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ /home/harpreet/symphony_work/Ipopt-3.12.4/symbuild/lib/ -lgfortran -lquadmath -ldl'
+# Version information for libipopt.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5cfe046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5cfe046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5418bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df96a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x64/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b799473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information for libcoinmetis.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6fc93b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6fc93b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98c694a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22e37ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information for libcoinmumps.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1a9edbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1a9edbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6bba5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d38333a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# - a libtool library file
+# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information for libipopt.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eec8a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eec8a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53846ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/lib/x86/
Binary files differ