path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp
diff options
authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64447e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglLandP.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Pierre Bonami and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// Author: Pierre Bonami
+// Tepper School of Business
+// Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
+// Date: 07/21/05
+// $Id: CglLandP.hpp 1122 2013-04-06 20:39:53Z stefan $
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CglLandP_H
+#define CglLandP_H
+#include "CglLandPValidator.hpp"
+#include "CglCutGenerator.hpp"
+#include "CglParam.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+class CoinWarmStartBasis;
+/** Performs one round of Lift & Project using CglLandPSimplex
+ to build cuts
+namespace LAP
+enum LapMessagesTypes
+/** Output messages for Cgl */
+class LapMessages : public CoinMessages
+ /** Constructor */
+ LapMessages( );
+ /** destructor.*/
+ virtual ~LapMessages() {}
+class CglLandPSimplex;
+class CglLandP : public CglCutGenerator
+ friend void CglLandPUnitTest(OsiSolverInterface *si, const std::string & mpsDir);
+ friend class LAP::CglLandPSimplex;
+ friend class CftCglp;
+ enum SelectionRules
+ {
+ mostNegativeRc /** select most negative reduced cost */,
+ bestPivot /** select best possible pivot.*/,
+ initialReducedCosts/** Select only those rows which had initialy a 0 reduced cost.*/
+ };
+ enum ExtraCutsMode
+ {
+ none/** Generate no extra cuts.*/,
+ AtOptimalBasis /** Generate cuts from the optimal basis.*/,
+ WhenEnteringBasis /** Generate cuts as soon as a structural enters the basis.*/,
+ AllViolatedMigs/** Generate all violated Mixed integer Gomory cuts in the course of the optimization.*/
+ };
+ /** Space where cuts are optimized.*/
+ enum SeparationSpaces
+ {
+ Fractional=0 /** True fractional space.*/,
+ Fractional_rc/** Use fractional space only for computing reduced costs.*/,
+ Full /** Work in full space.*/
+ };
+ /** Normalization */
+ enum Normalization
+ {
+ Unweighted = 0,
+ WeightRHS,
+ WeightLHS,
+ WeightBoth
+ };
+ enum LHSnorm
+ {
+ L1 = 0,
+ L2,
+ SupportSize,
+ Infinity,
+ Average,
+ Uniform
+ };
+ /** RHS weight in normalization.*/
+ enum RhsWeightType
+ {
+ Fixed = 0 /** 2*initial number of constraints. */,
+ Dynamic /** 2 * current number of constraints. */
+ };
+ /** Class storing parameters.
+ \remark I take all parameters from Ionut's code */
+ class Parameters : public CglParam
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Default constructor (with default values)*/
+ Parameters();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ Parameters(const Parameters &other);
+ /** Assignment opertator */
+ Parameters & operator=(const Parameters &other);
+ /// @name integer parameters
+ ///@{
+ /** Max number of pivots before we generate the cut
+ \default 20 */
+ int pivotLimit;
+ /** Max number of pivots at regular nodes. Put a value if you want it lower than the global pivot limit.
+ \default 100.*/
+ int pivotLimitInTree;
+ /** Maximum number of cuts generated at a given round*/
+ int maxCutPerRound;
+ /** Maximum number of failed pivots before aborting */
+ int failedPivotLimit;
+ /** maximum number of consecutive degenerate pivots
+ \default 0 */
+ int degeneratePivotLimit;
+ /** Maximum number of extra rows to generate per round.*/
+ int extraCutsLimit;
+ ///@}
+ /// @name double parameters
+ ///@{
+ /** Tolerance for small pivots values (should be the same as the solver */
+ double pivotTol;
+ /** A variable have to be at least away from integrity to be generated */
+ double away;
+ /** Total time limit for cut generation.*/
+ double timeLimit;
+ /** Time limit for generating a single cut.*/
+ double singleCutTimeLimit;
+ /** Weight to put in RHS of normalization if static.*/
+ double rhsWeight;
+ ///@}
+ /// @name Flags
+ ///@{
+ /** Do we use tableau row or the disjunction (I don't really get that there should be a way to always use the tableau)*/
+ bool useTableauRow;
+ /** Do we apply Egon Balas's Heuristic for modularized cuts */
+ bool modularize;
+ /** Do we strengthen the final cut (always do if modularize is 1) */
+ bool strengthen;
+ /** Wether to limit or not the number of mistaken RC (when perturbation is applied).*/
+ bool countMistakenRc;
+ /** Work in the reduced space (only non-structurals enter the basis) */
+ SeparationSpaces sepSpace;
+ /** Apply perturbation procedure. */
+ bool perturb;
+ /** How to weight normalization.*/
+ Normalization normalization;
+ /** How to weight RHS of normalization.*/
+ RhsWeightType rhsWeightType;
+ /** How to weight LHS of normalization.*/
+ LHSnorm lhs_norm;
+ /** Generate extra constraints from optimal lift-and-project basis.*/
+ ExtraCutsMode generateExtraCuts;
+ /** Which rule to apply for choosing entering and leaving variables.*/
+ SelectionRules pivotSelection;
+ ///@}
+ };
+ /** Constructor for the class*/
+ CglLandP(const CglLandP::Parameters &params = CglLandP::Parameters(),
+ const LAP::Validator &validator = LAP::Validator());
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~CglLandP();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ CglLandP(const CglLandP &source);
+ /** Assignment operator */
+ CglLandP& operator=(const CglLandP &rhs);
+ /** Clone function */
+ CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
+ /**@name Generate Cuts */
+ //@{
+ virtual void generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface & si, OsiCuts & cs,
+ const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
+ //@}
+ virtual bool needsOptimalBasis() const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ LAP::Validator & validator()
+ {
+ return validator_;
+ }
+ /** set level of log for cut generation procedure :
+ <ol start=0 >
+ <li> for none </li>
+ <li> for log at begin and end of procedure + at some time interval </li>
+ <li> for log at every cut generated </li>
+ </ol>
+ */
+ void setLogLevel(int level)
+ {
+ handler_->setLogLevel(level);
+ }
+ class NoBasisError : public CoinError
+ {
+ public:
+ NoBasisError(): CoinError("No basis available","LandP","") {}
+ };
+ class SimplexInterfaceError : public CoinError
+ {
+ public:
+ SimplexInterfaceError(): CoinError("Invalid conversion to simplex interface", "CglLandP","CglLandP") {}
+ };
+ Parameters & parameter()
+ {
+ return params_;
+ }
+ void scanExtraCuts(OsiCuts& cs, const double * colsol) const;
+ Parameters params_;
+ /** Some informations that will be changed by the pivots and that we want to keep*/
+ struct CachedData
+ {
+ CachedData(int nBasics = 0 , int nNonBasics = 0);
+ CachedData(const CachedData & source);
+ CachedData& operator=(const CachedData &source);
+ /** Get the data from a problem */
+ void getData(const OsiSolverInterface &si);
+ void clean();
+ ~CachedData();
+ /** Indices of basic variables in starting basis (ordered if variable basics_[i] s basic in row i)*/
+ int * basics_;
+ /** Indices of non-basic variables */
+ int *nonBasics_;
+ /** number of basics variables */
+ int nBasics_;
+ /** number of non-basics */
+ int nNonBasics_;
+ /** Optimal basis */
+ CoinWarmStartBasis * basis_;
+ /** Stores the value of the solution to cut */
+ double * colsol_;
+ /** Stores the values of the slacks */
+ double * slacks_;
+ /** Stores wheter slacks are integer constrained */
+ bool * integers_;
+ /** Solver before pivots */
+ OsiSolverInterface * solver_;
+ };
+ /** Retrieve sorted integer variables which are fractional in the solution.
+ Return the number of variables.*/
+ int getSortedFractionals(CoinPackedVector &xFrac,
+ const CachedData & data,
+ const CglLandP::Parameters& params) const;
+ /** Retrieve sorted integer variables which are fractional in the solution.
+ Return the number of variables.*/
+ void getSortedFractionalIndices(std::vector<int>& indices,
+ const CachedData &data,
+ const CglLandP::Parameters & params) const;
+ /** Cached informations about problem.*/
+ CachedData cached_;
+ /** message handler */
+ CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
+ /** messages */
+ CoinMessages messages_;
+ /** cut validator */
+ LAP::Validator validator_;
+ /** number of rows in the original problems. */
+ int numrows_;
+ /** number of columns in the original problems. */
+ int numcols_;
+ /** Original lower bounds for the problem (for lifting cuts).*/
+ double * originalColLower_;
+ /** Original upper bounds for the problem (for lifting cuts).*/
+ double * originalColUpper_;
+ /** Flag to say if cuts can be lifted.*/
+ bool canLift_;
+ /** Store some extra cut which could be cheaply generated but do not cut current incumbent.*/
+ OsiCuts extraCuts_;
+void CglLandPUnitTest(OsiSolverInterface *si, const std::string & mpsDir);