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\textcolor{blue}{\huge Getting started with \texttt{functions}}
\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\ 
\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
\scriptsize  MHRD,Govt. of India\\

* Objectives
  At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to, 

 - Define a function.
 - Define functions with arguments.
 - Learn about docstrings.
 - Learn about function return value.
 - Read and understand code.

* Pre-requisite
Spoken tutorial on -
- Conditionals.
- Loops.
* Function
  - Eliminate code redundancy
  - Help in code reuse
  - Subroutine
    - relatively independent of remaining code

* Define ~f(x)~ in Python
  #+begin_src python
    def f(x):
        return x*x

  - ~def~ - keyword
  - ~f~ - function name
  - ~x~ - parameter / argument to function ~f~

* Exercise 1

 - Write a python function named ~cube~ which computes the cube of a given
  number ~n~.

* Exercise 2

 - Write a python function named ~avg~ which computes the average of
  ~a~ and ~b~.
* Docstring

  - Documenting/commenting code is a good practice
   #+begin_src python
     def avg(a,b):
         """ avg takes two numbers as input 
	 (a & b), and returns the average 
	 of a and b"""
	 return (a+b)/2
  - Docstring
    - written in the line after the ~def~ line.
    - Inside triple quote.
  - Documentation
    : avg?
* Exercise 3
 - Add docstring to the function f.

* Solution 3
#+begin_src Python
def f(x):
    """Accepts a number x as argument and,
    returns the square of the number x."""
    return x*x
* Exercise 4
 - Write a python function named ~circle~ which returns the area and
  perimeter of a circle given radius ~r~.

* ~what~
#+begin_src python

 def what( n ):
     if n < 0: n = -n
     while n > 0:
         if n % 2 == 1:
             return False
         n /= 10
     return True

* ~even\_digits~
#+begin_src python
 def even_digits( n ):
    """returns True if all the digits of number 
    n is even returns False if all the digits 
    of number n is not even"""
     if n < 0: n = -n
     while n > 0:
         if n % 2 == 1:
             return False
         n /= 10
     return True

* ~what~
#+begin_src python
 def what( n ):
     i = 1
     while i * i < n:
         i += 1
     return i * i == n, i

* ~is\_perfect\_square~
#+begin_src python
 def is_perfect_square( n ):
     """returns True and square root of n, 
     if n is a perfect square, otherwise 
     returns False and the square root 
     of the next perfect square"""
     i = 1
     while i * i < n:
         i += 1
     return i * i == n, i

* Summary
 In this tutorial, we have learnt to,

  - Define functions in Python by using the keyword ``def''.
  - Call the function by specifying the function name.
  - Assign a docstring to a function by putting it as a triple quoted string.
  - Pass parameters to a function.
  - Return values from a function.

* Evaluation
1. What will the function do?
#+begin_src Python
def what(x)
    return x*x

   - Returns the square of x
   - Returns x
   - Function doesn't have docstring
   - Error	   

2. How many arguments can be passed to a python function?

   - None
   - One
   - Two
   - Any

3. Write a function which calculates the area of a rectangle.
* Solutions
1. Error

2. Any

#+begin_src Python
def area(l,b):
    return l * b
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