% Created 2011-05-18 Wed 16:31
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\textcolor{blue}{\huge Embellishing a Plot}
\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\ 
\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
\scriptsize  MHRD,Govt. of India\\

  At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to, 

\item Modify the attributes of the plot -- color, line style,linewidth.
\item Add a title to the plot with embedded \LaTeX{}.
\item Label x and y axes.
\item Add annotations to the plot.
\item Set and Get the limits of axes.

\item Spoken tutorial on ``Using plot interactively''
\frametitle{Question 1}

  Plot sin(x) in blue colour alongwith linewidth as 3
\frametitle{Question 2}

  Plot the sine curve with green filled circles.
\frametitle{Question 3}

  Plot the curve of x vs tan(x) in red dashed line and linewidth 3
\frametitle{Question 4}

  Change the title of the figure such that the whole title is
  formatted in LaTex style
\frametitle{Question 5}

  Set the x and y labels as ``x'' and ``f(x)'' in LaTex style.
\frametitle{Question 6}

  Make an annotation called ``root'' at the point (-4, 0). What happens
  to the first annotation?
\frametitle{Question 7}

  Set the limits of axes such that the area of interest is the
  rectangle (-1, -15) and (3, 0)

  In this tutorial,we have learnt to-

\item Modify the attributes of plot by passing additional arguments.
\item Add title to a plot using `title' command.
\item Incorporate \LaTeX{} style formatting by adding a \$ sign before and after the part of the string.
\item Label x and y axes using `xlabel()' and `ylabel()' commands.
\item Add annotations to a plot using annotate() command.
\item Set the limits of axes using `xlim()' and `ylim()' commands.

\item Draw a plot of cosine graph between -2pi to 2pi with line thickness 4.
\item Read thorugh the documentation and find out is there a way to modify the
     alignment of text in the command ``ylabel``.
\item Yes
\item No
\item How do you set the title as x$^2$-5x+6 in LaTex style formatting.

\item x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi)
     plot(x, cos(x), linewidth=4)
\item No
\item title(``$x^2-5x+6$")

  \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!} 
    For more Information, visit our website\\
