*Script *Hello and welcome to this tutorial on Basic Python using Python. This tutorial formally introduces Python as a language . Through this tutorial we will be able to understand Basic Data types like number , Boolean and strings .Some basic operators , simple input/output and basic conditional flow . In numbers Python supports three kinds of data types , floats,integers and complex numbers An integer can be defined as follows : a=13 This make a an integer variable with value 13 . You can also type 9 around 20 times a=99999999999999999999999 . as you can see Python does not have a limit on how long an integer has to be . Isn't that great . Now will try a float. let's type p=3.141592 if you type out p now you will notice that it is not absolutely equal to p you typed in . The reason for that is how a computer saves decimal values . Apart from integer and float, Python has an in-built support for complex numbers. Now we try to assign a complex value to a variable . Type: c = 3+4j As you can see ,the notation for complex numbers is similar to the one used in electric engineering. We will now try some operations on complex numbers . First we will try to get the absolute value of the complex number . For this we will use the abs built in function . For this do : abs in parenthesis c . Do get the imaginary part of c you can do : c.imag and similarly for real part do : c.real Python also has Boolean as a built-in type . Try it out just type .. t=True , note that T in true is capitalized .