path: root/saving_plots
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-05-13Minor changes to scripts and slides of the 1st two modules.Jovina
2011-05-10Minor changes to the script 'Saving plots'.Jovina
2011-05-10Minor changes to the script 'Saving plots'.Jovina
2011-05-10Merge branch 'master' of
2011-05-10Minor change in file for 'Saving plots'.Jovina
2011-05-09Incorporated few changes in the script 'Saving plots' suggested by Pritham.Jovina
2011-05-04Modified files in module1.Jovina
2011-04-27Modified the script "saving plots"of module 1.Jovina
-added objectives -modified the summary -added the self assessment questions and it's solutions -rephrased few sentences.
2010-12-01Renamed all LOs to match with their names in Chaganti