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diff --git a/plotting-files.txt b/plotting-files.txt
index 14b6609..17454e8 100644
--- a/plotting-files.txt
+++ b/plotting-files.txt
@@ -5,13 +5,10 @@ Here we will teach you how to plot experimental data, with two
variables. Please make sure you have pendulum.txt file, we will
be using it for introduction of concepts(requirements page!).
-In general, we don't plot (analytical) functions. We often have
-experimental data points, that we wish to plot. We shall look at
-inputting this data and plotting it.
+We shall look at inputting experimental data and plotting it.
-The data could be input (or entered) in two formats. For smaller data
-sets we could use lists to input the data and use plain text files for
-(somewhat?) larger ones. (Binary files?)
+The data could be input either as lists or read from plain text/
+binary files
# Before starting with this video, you should be comfortable with
# - Lists
@@ -26,7 +23,7 @@ sets we could use lists to input the data and use plain text files for
Let's begin with inputting the data as lists and plotting it.
x = [0, 1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.2, 5.2]
-here x is a list. I python list is a container that holds number of
+here x is a list. In python list is a container that holds number of
objects. Various functions related to lists will be covered in more
detail later.
@@ -45,8 +42,7 @@ from the file and massage it into lists again. Then we can easily
plot it, as we already did.
As an example we will use the data collected from a simple pendulum
-experiment. We have the data of, the length of pendulum vs. the time
-period of the pendulum in the file pendulum.txt
In []: cat pendulum.txt (windows?)
@@ -60,42 +56,60 @@ We begin with initializing three empty lists for length, time-period
and square of the time-period.
l = []
-#len? (confusion over 1 and l(damm they are really same looking:P))
t = []
tsq = []
Now we open the file and read it line by line.
for line in open('pendulum.txt'):
+':' in end of for statement marks the start of block.
open returns a iterable object which we traverse using for loop. In
-python iterates over items of any sequence.
+python for iterates over items of any sequence.
#we will cover more of 'for' loop in later sections
line is a string variable storing one line at a time as for loop
iterates through file.
-We split each line at the space
+We split each line at the space using
point = line.split()
-mind the indentation here.
+split function will return list. In this case it will have two
+elements, first is length and second being time.
+mind the indentation here. Everything inside 'for' loop has to be
+indented by 4 spaces.
Then we append the length and time values to the corresponding
lists. Note that they are converted from strings to floats, before
appending to the lists
- l.append(float(point[0])
- t.append(float(point[1])
-We also calculate the squares of the time-period and append to the end
-of the tsq list.
- tsq.append(t[-1]*t[-1])
-For any given list to access last element python provides '-1' index,
-so we use t[-1].
+ l.append(float(point[0]))
+append is function to append one element to the list.
+ t.append(float(point[1]))
+By this time we have time and length values in two lists. Now to get
+square of time values we will write one more for loop which this time
+iterate through list 't'
+for time in t:
+ tsq.append(time*time)
+# We also calculate the squares of the time-period and append to the
+# end of the tsq list.
+# tsq.append(t[-1]*t[-1])
+# For any given list to access last element python provides '-1'
+# index, so we use t[-1].
-Now the lists l, t have the required data. We can simply plot them, as
-we did already.
+Now lists l(en) and tsq have the required data. We can simply plot
+them, as we did already.
-plot(l, t, 'o')
+plot(l, tsq, 'o')
+Enjoy(Thank you)!
+For alternate ways of loading data from files go through tutorial on
-We should have two tutorials here, one should be basic, using for loops
-and lists
+We should have two tutorials here, one should be basic, using for
+loops and lists
Second one using loadtxt.